01/01/1945� � s CITY COMPI:ISSION NINUT�'S OF THE ✓ CITY OF CLEezFtV�TATk�2, FLQttIDt� v� Jt�N 1,1.9�r5 '�he City Conunission met in regular sessian the evening �� J�, 1,19�,5 at 8 o'clock, P. I�C, in the City Hall with the Pullotrring m-enbers preaent: Geo. P. S,eavy Dan Z. Stoutamise Sumn.er k. ZaNe Herhert Gric e J'esse G. Smith �bssnt• Nane The meeting v�as called to �r�er and the minutes of the pravi��s nieetings were ,read and ap�,roved, I:� rvas moved by 2,2r, Lowe, seconded by Mr Sa�th and csrrzed thet a trensfer of � 25,0OO.00 on Dec, ']th by ihe Gas & 1,'Tater Fund ta the Ganeral Fund be a pp rov ed, City �4ana�er �endrix read a letter fr�m i'aul itandolph statin� thst the City Ylannin� B�ard recommended t�st �n epplic atian be inbde for a Negro H�usirg Proje�t. This lPtter is sat �ut bel�v, Th; Commission a�proved tn.e request and directed the City r_ttornay t� Pile the necessary papers, City nl�nager Hendrix reparted that Taver Bayly nsd reguested tha City Qommissian to c�nsider tne abolishing �f net Pishing :in the bey and other inlarr3 waters withi� the Gity I.imits, an3 thE Bbard had betore it en.;: ordinance and e state �act g�rzrning such matters in the City oP St. Peter-- sburg, These papers are set �ut below. The Coa,missi�n referred the questi�� t� the Gity r_tt�rney f�r further study. The City Me,nager �Has instrueted to write the B�ard �f C�u:�ty C�nmissi�ners concerning thz safety hszdrd of permitting fishin� fr"om the brid,ges on Daugs Ga us ev� ay . The FFi'ty Ivianager msde the f�llov.ing report on the progress �f the n�w bond rePux�ling progralu: - Bonded Debt Dec 2$,1944- � 4,425,77g Less Old Bonds 2,000 � 4,4z3,778 Bonds �efunded(Reported thru Nov 30,1944) -� 2.476,000 Bonds to be .rafunded � 1,94`7 ,778 P�rcen�sge �efunded .55° The �cmmissi� withou� formel vote a��roved a drawing submitted by F�rorida'-:2ower Corp., sh�vaing a proposed �ubmsrine cal�le acr�ss ClearwE.ter �ey from Semin�le 5treet to Glearyvater Straet. There being n� fuz•ther �usiness to came bef�^e the Board the meeting was ea��urnea. � /�, ��. � 19(1► I�i�y�r -C ommi s sion er f ' C(YI • _, D _""�� nfc�,L- L�j�.7M�. Ci' y �luditor & Cierk � � � �V Y City Con�nussioners Minutes New �eeting, J'en 1,1945 Imr,iediately after adjournment the new Comnissio:� convened with the following membzrs presant : Ge�. �2. Seavy Sumner T.�w e Dan T�. Stoutemiz e Jesse G, Smith FIerbert Gric e hbsent• None By unani�ous cansent tha Board approve 3 the �lan: �f ellowing each member of the P�lice DepErtme�:t o�e dsy oi'f a week, such p�an provid ing f�r the hiri� oF �n additional �an a� �100 .00 pe7• mon1�h for tr�ific c�ntr�l st tiiz �outh RTard Scha�l; tha empl�y�nt to be concurrznt w>ith the scha�l te�. It was tha opin,i�n of the City Co�mission that the Plannin; Board xss doing a ve�y i'ine j�b and deservad whetever cooperation the City night be able t� give. ^lnere bei�g no further b�;siness tn cover bef:�ce the Board t11e meeting w�s edj�urned. �Gayar-Co mmissione /L�ts�t�L C ity xud it or �1 erk December 11,1994 The City �P Cle�rw&ter• , Clear�ater, Florila Sirs. . Your Planning B�ard he,� �;�e int��the matter �f a Negro ii�using �roject and wnile it �� not preparad a* the present time t� mske a recommendstion a,s t� its location, it strongly recoffmends th:t such a pr�jeet be cansidered by them �n� that an apg�liaation ta the Gaver�ns�gt be mrade at the earlie:,t p�ssible moment. Very t ruly yqurs ,, Paul F. Randol ph pfr;m 1 T1�e City �f St, i etzrsburg, Florida � ;dove�ber 28,19L}!a. "jx Tayor Bayly , Uic e. �'resideni; The First Nat*1 �ank Clearv�a'ter, Flarida Dear Sir . Y�ur �'etter of Noveiuber 24,lqy:l�, adressed to itiir: G. F, S$��� �� City TvIanager, has been referrad to tnis office i'�r reply. xs requested, v�e are enclosing copy �Y Ordinance IJ�. 957-A pr�hibiting the use �f nets in certain waters withir� thz City limits. Vde.are rzlso enclosing copy af a Special Aci; passed by the Legislat ure at the 191}1 sessioat which euthorizas St. Petersburg to rr�,ke this re�zlatlon. Yo� s verq truly , Jannie Ca�k, Clerk �f t�he City C�unciT QRDIN�NCi N0. 957-� CiId OiiDIi�i�Ci; .PROi3IBITII�G 7Hy UB:�, JF I��!'S Qn SEIPTE�.'S, EXC,.� T C OPr�ti.JN ^v ri�T I3.LT S a i Z'IHIN r,iQ Y OF TH�+', Bn��U S, INLETS, .�,TVEccS, L�K�S 0�{ 57.�:;;.-.I4.S ZY�dG ;,'I'ki:CN Rti� CITY LII�iITS, i.'•F ZEi.c+, CI1T �r' ST. rLT�.ctU$t"ittG, �%C�,i'P- t'1�PYS Bt:YJU:, PrtOVIDIid^s '�x!T THIS OBJ�IN'kiQCt�+, SIifsLl, IdOT R�P�Z r'.�JY OF Ti-L� P�tOVISyJ'r:S 0�' 0�2UI�3t':DTCE 1Q0. 90rj-A BUI' :�Ii�L7� iir�z'�riL rl,i OTniii J:.DI13e=�'QCES �R :cr�TS JF' l�itDINrsI�TG �+t,�^ Iid C�i�ELICT -�it'�lt�illTH; PitOVIDI�TG PL+'N�I,- TT�+ S i �it T� VIOLE:`T ION OF 'IHIS ORDIt�TCE; PROVI�ING - II�' hrTY r�'rs.RT �Js TFlIS ORDIi�NCi SH�.LL• 'By D�G'�I.t-sZ� -- INVfiLIT� IT SHt�L' L IdJT 1�I'F:�T TF� i��,Ii�TI3� VtiTII'i POR TIONS . Tha Gity oP St.tetersburg does Ordain. Secti,oia. one. Fr�m �d a fter the pa sssga � i this ordinence, it shall be unlawful f�r sny person to sYsh or cause t� be ='ishad, to use : or esus e to be u sad r�r the purp�se � f taking Pish any z�t or seine of any kind �r eharactar �n�ithin any �f tr.e bsy�us, inlEts, rivers, lsses �r streams lying with in th e City .Limits �f the City �f St. Petersburg as established by Ch�pter 15,505, Special .zcts of the l'egislsture of Fl�rida, 1931; Frovided, howevar, that th�s�Secti�n shall n�t a�ply to hsnd c�st nets v��hen s�id ccst nets can be csst �d spread entirely by m�n ua l e ifart q,vi�th�ut th e us e af c or ks . Section �vo . The pla c ing af �;;ny net �r seina �f any kind or char�acter except common n�nd net..s shall be �ri� facie evidence �f the fishing or the usi:ng �r the causin.g to be fished �r used f'�r the pur- pose �f tt�i�.ng f�,sh. Section Three. The pr�visi�ns :af thi's Ordinance shall n�t apply to thet certain body of we�ar comnonly known as �'apys Bayou. Secti�n Four, iV�thing contsine d in this �rdinance shall be construed to chenge, smend af repeal any of th� provisi�ns �f Qrdinance Na. 9�7-A. Secti.n Five. All �rdinances or parts of ardinances in c�n- flict herewith be �nd the sarlie are hereb,y repseled. Sectiun Six. If any person ar p�.ssons violste smy of the i�e.rms �r provisi�;ns af this �rdinance, they shall up�n c�nvlction in ��7 � ■ � the ffiuttici�el, C�urt be fined in� sum not tio exoeed �20U.OQ or im- prisonment in the City Jail f�r a term not to exceea sixty (E� � days �r both such fine sad imprisonment in the disaretion a� the blunicipal Jud�e. � Secti�n Saven, �f sny sect'�.on, sub-section ar p�rt �f this �rdinance be declared invalid by a�y C�urt �f 8ompetent juriss'iction, it shall in no wise effec•t the remaining valid parti�ns. Passed �n i�s �a:rst raadiz� the 1,.th day of N�vemb2r, x. D. iq1�1. Passed on its sec�nd readi� the 18th day �f id�vemb:x, �.. D. 1941 . Passed on its third �nd fi nal reading the 18th day �f N��ember, X. D. 191�1 , A.PYROV�D: ('Si�ned)R._ J.__MeCutchean,Jr. Nayor -C �unc ilman Cha;rman af the City Council Se�al) nttest: (Si ned) T, L. Cr�sslan�i Clerk of the Gity �uncil Ti�le Published: Times 1-t 11-6-l�1 �ynopsis Puolish�d: In�. 1-t T1-21-l�1. � S�,'�'D7�:T � BILL NO . 115 kN t=i;;T r,"(T1HO"rtIZlfdG TH:,� CI'1'Y OF ST. PETF,RS3UFiG, FI,O�tID�, 'IO BY �DI.II�IVC� .4�'�'ULkT�, Ri,S2'RICT i7R PROHIi3IT TH�+' IISi J� I\TLTS FUP. TH;i, PUI�t'OS ^L� l�F C1�TCHI=IG FISIi j°7ITHInT Z'"ti:� nHY�U�, I_dL�+TTS, 't�N�t3S, LhK� �Fi STH�iiI:�i� ';�TTriIN Tri ; CIiY i,Iit�:ITS �7T TH� CI'I'i' JI' ST. t�T.�:icSBUitG f>S D+��H'II�137 :�Y G`Fir�PT�,'t7. 15 95��: SP�IhI� r�CTti UF FLO�'iDx, 1931 , SP.ECI- I�'IC�,LLY .1�+-'X45�i TING, F'i�YI�VF.�it, T'rIy�P CEIiT�LZ��T BJDY dF �TxT_�',it K[di7�^7�V rsS r���YS BiiYOTI tsN� bUTii0iiI2II� THF1 PR��SCRIPTI.``,r1 �� P�I�:I,T�S FOF: TFii+, �I'ORC�t�i?,l�t`I' TH�?EJF ; R.:�E«LIi1U nLL LnZVS.iJR P�iTS OI' Lk4V5 2N �OlSS'Z,ICT Hr.�{�,�41I7H r.i1I1 PR0�7I�Ii�' TFi�iT THr; SkII� ACT SH�,LL NQT B�C�.au P'1,+'F�^GTN� Ul'�TIL kPNTd�F"� BY 'r_ R'�'.b�V'F�,�FDUPtT �+3,$CTI�N y i-iDTD ilI'H�t� rfin!I"T� c'tS IN CORiI3�CT:C�N T1L'i2r:i,'IT?i . B� I2 �iACTED BY T_�, I�GISLl�TUtZ� OF T'si�, STi�TE �F FLO `s't1DA : SECTIQV ONE, That the City of St. �'etersburg, Florida , shall be and is hereby grant�d full pov�er ��d authority by ord- in�nce t„ ragul.ste, restrict �r pr�hioit the use �f asts �f any kind �r character f�r tJ� nurpose �f c�tching fish w:Lthin tha bay�s, inlets, rivers, Lekes, or strsa.ms lyir� within the 0ity limits �f the City �f St. Petersburg, �larida, as estabZished by Chaater 15,505,, Speci�l L&ws �f �i�iae, i931, speciFically ex- cepting, how�vpr, th�t certbin body ��water kn�wn as Papys �sy�u and t� prescribe and enf�rce penalties for �he vialation oi said : ordinsnce :,r ardinane es. � � Section Tvan, A]l, laws �r partg q£ laws in conflict herewi th be and the sarn� ure hereb� repz�led, Secti�n Three, If any part, paragraph � section �f thia lsr� shall be held invalid by any caar�t of conpetent juris�i�- tion it sha1Z in no way affect the rem�ining valid p�rtions here- of . Section �'�ur . This E�ct sha]1 not bec�ne effective uiztil the same is z•atifisd by a mr�j,�rity �f the qualified electors of the City �r St, Petersburg participating in an electi�n to be cslled b3* the City of St. 1'et�rsburg ibr tfle purp�se �f ratifyir.� or r. e;Je eting th e sa� , j���irtQ l�erein containe d in this clause shall pravent the suUmissi on �f this l;et at an ele ction i n whi ch other special acts are submitted for the purpose �f ratificati�n or rejecti�n by the elect�rate oi' the City �f St. �'etersburg, In the event �f th� said ratificati�n �f this .�ct thz same shaJ,l �e- c�ne ei�ective upon thv oificisl determinatian �f said ratiiication.. Section Five. Subjeet �� the limitati�ns and conditions as t� the eifective date oi th,is xct as c�ntained zr� Section F�ur, t'�is :kct shs11 bzc�.E a 1av� immediately upon its �assag� and a�p� roval by the �o�ernor or upon its beco�ing a lav� �a�ithout such a pp rov al . - � �y �So �� �( czz� corr�zsszorr a�rrUTEs o� TxE ✓ Cl'TY OF CZ?E'�R1N,�T�'l�t, FLORIDk. J_AN �.�> �-945 Tho Cit;t Com�issi�n met ir. �egula� se�sion the evenittg af J'an.15,1945 at 8 0' cloc $, P. Ni, in the City Heu wi th t he Po1T �wing members present s Geo. R. Seavy Jesse G. Smith � Surnr�r Low e Herbert Grice Absent; Dan Stoutaraire The maeting rv�s called t� order and the minutes �P the previ�us meeting were read and appr�red. �t w�s m�ved b� t�ir GricE, seca:ded by Mr. Smitn and carried. that a � 25,0OO:OJ transfer from th� Gas &?ti'ater Fi�nd to the Gzneral Fund he appr�v ed � City Nianager Hendr9x read a letter fro�a the Boarc� ai' Gounty Com�issi�ners relative t� the f.ixing �i vrl•ae� on property recently acyuired by the County in a forRclosur e suit . r Ivir Sink sppeared befare ths Board relative to the purchese i�y him of tie Cit,y's ri;�'nts i.n thz �arine Ways naw operete� by J', R. Brumbv . The Ca�ission s�ggestcd that Nir. �ink meet wn,thtthe Citp Manager snd the Gity kttorney c�ricerning definite offer, title & eta. Tha Com�issi�n unanim�u sly v� ted s donati�n n�t to exceen � 200.Ofl ta the Veteran's ridvisory Cora�itt�e af Cle€+r�n�atar. �r G. L, I�enned;,� :,�as �resent on behai.f' aP tl� Ca�ittee. There was bef�re t�e Board a patiti�n 3igned by a��r�;,imately 120 nejroe� eskin� that blbert 4Vright, r�egr�, be granted permissio:� t� practice the plumb- ing trade in the col�red section, hlbert Z"tright in;a:le�te�'.�lso.tequested such rermission, The Copmission were all in eccord that special permi.ts shoul� n�t be granted, but t�at the matter should be h'sndled by the usual and legal procedure of exsmination. It wes �.n�vsd by i'�r. Grice, secoz�ded by Mr. I,owe and carried tnat the fo�ul.o�ving pro4��rty between the library �nd Cleceland Street be p�rchssed fr�ri. E. H. Coachnan at a rica of �j P � 40, 000 , 00 . Sai d pr�� erty fronting �n Osceole �venue 2OOft and running wast %25ft(di.mansi�ns include street); I,ot 1 ta 5 incl . Bl�C A; Lg� 1 to 6 inel , Blk B; Lat 1 t� � incl , Blk C; Lot 2 to 7 incl . Blk D Lot 2 to � incl. Blk E; Lot 2 to b inc1. 31k F. CAUSE;`��sY I3USIN`�LSS DI STFtIC T: PZ:�T 20 � I'h1L '7 City �.tiorn�y Ric�hards rep�rted thstsh�uld the City desire to regutate net f:ishing in the bay, thst en enabling act �f tha Stste Zzgislature granting the City this authority w�uld ba necessary. I S I :' �'Y The �o�nnissian went on recard as flisf�v�ring �he issuance �f �ity License f�r sale �f beer, wine, ar liqtaor at the locatian common- ly kn�wn as the Hob-Nab. • `�here being no further bus�nesS bef�re the Board tlle meetin� was adj�urned. . ;_, .' hl8yor- ounii si�i�e� �LtLY✓%2 Gi . � Auditar & Clerk `