Tbe Ci�y Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floricla met
in special session, September 1�., 19i�2 at 8;00 p,M. in the auditorium
oi' the City Ha.11, with the iollcswing members preaent�
Geo. R. Sea�y, rdayor-Commissionfr
' Jesse G. Smith, Commissioner
Dan. �. gtoutarnire, Commissioner
D. C. Smith, Commissioner
Absent: S�unner R. 'Lo�e
This iaeeting wag held pursuant to a speci??, call, proper
ser�vice oP notice being �iven to all comtaissioners.
The meeting wa.s ciu�;y called to ordsr by I�dayor Geo. R. Seavy
and the minutas oi'the previous meeting were approved.
City Man:ager, F. L,. Hendrix now read a letter Prom five hard
liquor merchants of �i�ar�vater requesti�� that �ueh es�ablishrite�ts be
closed ta all sales of any hature on Sunday as some members oi the
public mi�ht get the impression tha� liquor was being sold on Sunday
in viol�tion of the law. Below is set nut such letter:
` Gleaiwater, glorida
September 11, 1942
N�'. F• L. Hendrix,
Ci�y Iiianager,
�learwater, Flarida.
Dear sir-
Some time ago the City Commission asked the �iquor
dealers to cooperate with the military authqrities by volunt-
arily placing ce�:�ain restxietions on the sale and conswuption
ot liquor. One of these restrictions was t�at no liquor was
��� sliou].d be sold on Sun�ay9.
The liquo� dealers of Clearwater have voluntarily
observed the reatrictions requested by the militsry authoritie,s,
and are still doing ao. However, some o� our citizens ssem to
have the iffipression that the restriction regard�:ng,_sale of
liquor on Sundays is being v�alated. 19e balieve they have �his :
impression because of the Pc�ct that same glaces stay open on �
Sundays �or the sale of food, beer, snd so�t drinksr and it is
�ard to convinee the publir that these places d4 not also sell
Zye want to obserQe the law aud we want the public to
kn�w that we are observing the law. 4Ye �elieve this can best'
be accomplished Uy requiring all places that hold a'1i4uor
license to stay closed on Sundays, and not permitted to open
for the sale of food or anything el3e. This is �he only '
satisfactory way to convinoe the public that li�Quor cannot
be beu�ht on Sunday under any circumstancses. .
yye, the undersignod �.iqi:or dealers of Clearwater,
request that you brin� this letter to the a�stenti.on of the
Ci.ty Commission at your earliest opportunity.
Respectfully submittedy
provided this includes Sparks & Riason- J.C.It�ason Ec D.E.Sparks
,beer Ec wine.- }Tark Inn- John :Hatz
A. H. _Collins
J'ohn:M. Tsacrios
' _ W.bi. J'ahnson
Commissioner Jesse G• Smith remarked tha:� the continued -
:ale of beer and �n2 ne on Sunday � beginnin� 12 0� clook noon was re-
quested by �olonel Lingley at his meeting with the Comcaission tvhen
the presen�t rules nrere established and that in hi� opinion no changes
should be made until further word was received from Colonel Lindley.
Commissioners Stoutami're.and D. G. Smith concurrecl in th3s opinion.
Zn response �rr�.to questions from Major Seavy, Chief of
police Russell stated that he had heard reports that one �i` ttnta
pla�es had violated the rules by selling some hard liquor on St?��:�j�,
Rnd that one or two beer and wine places had sold soine beer and wine
after 12 o+clock.�idni�ht, but that generall;� the rules w�re being
compl.iad with very few ezceptions as Par as he kusw. Pdayor S�avy
said he had inquired of �ommandin�, �fiicerti at the Bellsview Hctel
and tlaat they had inPormed him that the Milita�y Police had made
no reports to them of any viol�tions of the liquor, beer and wi ne
ru�es. The Mayor �uggested that the rales stand as they are nos� and
that the liquor dealers themselves tivork out a �olution for any minor
infractions but that the Gity Commissioners would tahe steps if
necessary to see that the rules were f'ollvmed out. n2ovea by �esse G.
Smitii, second"ed by Dan. L. Stoutaniire and carried that the letter be
�iled as information, and that no action �e taken at this time.
City Manager �endrix read a letter from Col. F. M. P,4addox,
�hairman Clearwater Area Pinellas County Defense Council, suggesting
the establishiag oP two e�nergancy Casualty Stations in Clearwater at
cost of e3aou� �500.A0 each� also establishing proper air raid alarm
syst.ems etc. The Commission suggested that Co1. Y�addox talfe the
matter up with the Gity tvfanager to see if the City had any iunds a��il-
abie for such worl�. c. E. ��a�e said he would donat9 to the Defense
Coun.cil the use of the ground Ploor of'tbis apartment btiildin� on
South Garden Avenue.
It sppParing that the OPfice of DePense Tra�sportation had
issued an order free�ing nzamber oi' ta�is in.operation as of September
l, 1942� '�he City Commission decided not to issue any more taxi
licenses this license ;�ear, until further information from the
Government. Mayor.seavy reques°ted tYie Qity Attorney to gather what
information he c�uld on the §ubject. City Attorney Ralph &icha�.:ds
reported that he had written ssveral Cities and secured some oi'.
their rules governing �he operation of taxis such as comp�lsary
insurance, peridd3cal,i�spection, locavion of ta6i stands, restrictions
on ��uising, Certificates of Convenience and l�ecessity and et'c.
�r. Hen`drix stated tk�.at i�e•beleived that an ���emnity bond should ba
required oY'all taxi operators.. The question��o� the taxi operators
' .5
,_ �
charging various and changeable rates was also discussed.
City 14Ianagor Iiendrix now read a letter from C. Raymond
Lee, tendering his re�ignation as Chairman oY_the Civil Service
goarcl. Copy oi' �aid letter is set out below.
September 10, 191+2
tChe Cit,y Conmission of Clearwater
Cle arwater, Florida
' Attention; tdayor George R. Sea�y
Please accept 1ny resignation irom the Civil
Service Commission of Glearwater. I am 3.eav-
ing on October lst Yor active duty with the
United S�tes Naval Reserve,
It has been a grea� pleasure for tue to
serve as a member of i;his commissi�n and I
shall greatly mi.ss all those with whoin I've
been associated in carrying on the work�of
the Board.
Sincerely yours,
C. Raymond I,ee
The Commission decided to hold over until next meeting
eny, aetion on the resignation.
. Cit y Attorney read a�esolution givin� the A. C._ L.
Railroa.d permission to move its sidetrack on Grand Centxal �venue
-cwenty one Peet west��ard. B�Ioved by P�dr. Dan ,I,. Stoutamire, ,ieconded
oy IDir: Jesse G, ,Smi�h Ps�.d carried that the resolution be adopted.
(Below is set out such resolution,)
• R E S 0 L U T I O N
WF�REAS the Atlantic Coast Zine t�ailroad Company by
A�reement with Clear�vater Gro�vers Associati on and others in operat�ng
a sidetrac� oP its railroad across Grand Gentral Avenue in the City
oP Clearwatex, Pinellas �ounty, Florida, the sidetrack being the only
sidetrack c�oasing said avenue west of tY�e main line oi the said
Railroad, an:d
4YHEREAS Ciearwater ��owers Association has requested that
�he s��id aidetTack be moved a clistance of twentg-one (21) i'eet tivest-;
ward from its present location in ordor tha� the said Association may
bu31d an addition or shed to its planu yvhich is east of said sidetrack:
and servod by it, and a request has been made to ti�e City Camniissioners �
of the City of Clearwatar for their requisits permission to ehange tile
location of the said side�rack as it crossed Grand Central Avenua';
NO�Y TH H+ORE BE ZT RESOZVED by the City 8ommissioners eif
the �i�ty of Cleaxwator at a legally held mee�:ing o� said Commissioners
that the �tlanti c Coast I,ine Railroad Compahy be an d it is hereby �ranted
permission to nwve the sidetrack nerainabove described so that its
center li!ne sha11 be twenty-one (,21) f�Qt west of :::na paraLel to the
preseat location of the said �idetrack across Grand Central Avenua in
the City of C1earLvater, Flo,rida, conditioned u;�on said Railroad Company
repairing thi.s street and pavi�g th e sama so tho.t it shall be in the
sarne condition as at ti�e rT�S8llj3 time.
BE Il F'UFtTHER RESOI�V�D That the City Commissioners rvill pass
suah ordinance, if any, as may be legally necessary for the granti n� of
am aasement for said sidetrack across Grand !lentral Avenue in t�t-� City
of �learwater, Fiorida,
The questio;n of re-surfacing eight shuffleboard cou�ts cominp;
up the whald commission was in agreeffient tha t tl�e City was not in a
position ta financs such work at this time and it was considerea doubtful
ig such type oi work would be approved by the government,
City Attorney R3chards read a petition Praru John V7. 1Velsh,
owner o�' the Gray Moss Inn, s:sking that the City grant him permission to
use prope�ty in Harbor Oaks as a hotal- auch place not to serve meals�
A Resolution g�antin6 this ri�ht was also read by the pity Att;orney.
On sugges-tion of Jesse G. Smith the Resal,ution was chenged to read �hat
the per!nission was to John �W. yleleh personally and shou:ld not extend i:o
anyone e1se; �oved by Jesse G. Smith, seconded by Dan L.•Stoutan►ire
and unanimously cerried that the Resol�tio� be adoptede
Below is set out above mentioned Petitzon and Resolution.
4�REAS und�r Sec�i�on 17 0£ Ordinance No 455, commonly known
as tb:e 2oning Ordinance, the City Comm3;ssion oP the City of Clearwater,
ir� auth�rized to funation as s Board of' Adjustmsnt and Appeal with porver
to vary the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance whenevar nacossary to pre-
vent unnecessary hardship and protect the general vaelfare; and
YJEiEREAS John W. Vtelsh has` presented a petiti on re�ueatin�; the
Comm3ssion, acting as a Board of Adjustment and Ar�peal, to vary the pro-
�isions oi said ordinance in order to permit him to use as a guest-house
a certai_n dwellin� lo�ated on the following described pro;perty; -
West tenE10} feet oY .Lot Eighty (80),
all of Lots �ighty-two (82), Eighty-four
, {St�} and Ei�hty-six t�6), �a �rest �ort�
(L�0') Peet oi Lot One Hundred Fiftoen (115),
and all of Lots One Hundred Seventeen (117),
One Hundred Nineteen. (119j., One Hundred
Twenty�one .A, (121A) and �ne I�un:dred Twenty-
one B(1218), all in Harbor �aks Subdivi�i.o�}!
which use is not permittecl under the terms and provis3ona of said Zoni.ng
Ordinance; and
VJHEREAS the Board finds said request to be aeasonab�;� in �riew qf
the fact that adequate hotel accommodations are not available
because of the use by the Arm,y of tvto oP the largest hotels in
this aity, and in the opinion of the noard it is necessary and
advanta�eoua to provide p��per aceommodations for winter �esidents
of Clear�rvater.
l. That John 1�T. Welch be and he is hereby granted
permissian and authority to gpei:��e a guest-house in the dtvelling
I,ocated on the Yo1loEving described property:
j'Vest ten (10 ) feet of I,ot Ei$hty ( 30 ), a7.1 of
Lots Eighty-two (82), Eighty-4our ($4) and
Eighty-six (86), the West forty {40) Peet of
L�t One Hund�ed Fifteen (115), and all oP Lots
One hundred Seventeen (117), One Hundre�i
Ninateen (119), dne Hundred Twenty-�ne A{121A} and
'One Hundred Twenty one B(121B), a11 in Harbor
Oaks Subdi4ision.
2. That this resalution. shall yot be construed as
authorizing tha serving oi meals in said dvaelling; but shall only
be eor�strued i.o authorize the rentin� oi' rooms.
3• That in the operation of said guest-hnuse John L'Tv
�yelch sha11 comply with all la�vful ordinances of the City oP
Cle arwater and laws oY the State of Florida.
4• Th�t if at the terLiination-oP �he present emergency
and the .^,essation of use uf Clsarwater hotels by the Army thare
shall be anp objections Uy adjacent property owners ar any other
citizens to the continued use of the said property as a�uest-
house, the Board reserves the right to enter�ain said objections
and malce any appropriate ruling thereon. .
5• The Board resex°ves t he sight to cancel the permission
heraby granted if at any time �he said guest-house shall be operatsd .
in any manner that causes it to become a nuisance to the community.
6. The per,niission hereby granted is personal to John t��. '
�eToh.for the use of the property hereinabove described, and such
periaiasion shall not e�ctend to the 5e of said property by anyone
otner that J'oh.� ti",f, Welch. ,
TO �� HONOR�.fiLE B0lL'PD OF' �
CITY OF CT� + R1VA'iT�i, �
Your patitioner JOHN 1V, VVELCH, a aitizen, a resident and
a tazpayer of the City, Qf Clearwater, resp6eti`ully shotivs:
That your petitioner is nov� the ot�ner of a aertazn hztel
� -
located �,�ithin the City of Clearwater known as the Gray Moss Inn.;
that he has owned said hotal for several years prior �o tY�is date
and has himselP operated and managed said hotel; that wi�hin the
past sixty days the-said hotel has been leased to the United States
of America for the purpose oi housin� soldiers vrho are in i;he ari�ed
Pnrces of the Un3ted Statas; that said lease rvill continue so long
as said propexty is necessary for the purpose for v�iu ch i� is now
bein� used.
Your petitioner wnuld show that for severa7. ye���s prior
to th is date, and during every winter season, that he has owned and
operated same, that he has accommodated many of the tourists who visit
the �i:ty of C1e arv�ater; �hat he has' haused said tourists and generally
� the facilities oP the hotel a�ailable to them; that he has
enjoyed a good reputation as the owner and operator of said hotel, bus-
iness and through his eff ar�s he has establ�.shed e valuable elientele;
that a large numbsr d� the �uests who enjoyed. the faciliti.es-of his
hotel during the past•v�inter season have written ta him anci have snadP
reauests and have asl�ed him to make the hotel accommodations available
t� �hem for the comin� winter season, and by reason of the Pact that his
property has been leesed �o th� United States of Aznerica, it is now ,.
impossible for hin to accommoda�e these'tourists wY�o expect to be in•�-�'
�learwater and who will be in Clearwater if he can provide adeguate
housing aecommodati ons �or them; that your petitioner is desirous
of preserving as far as possible his follo�ving and clientsle in the
hotel business; He is desirou� of bringing as many tourists as possible
to the City of CTearv�a�er; that he is des�ir�us of providin� f'or tliem
� adequate �ousing fac3.tlites.
Your petitioner would further shotiv that other hotels in the
Cit y of Clearwater and immediately adjac�nt to Clearvaater have also been
leased by the Un,ited States Government; that at this time �Chere ia no
sufficient hotel facitlties and accommodations to accommodate the tourists
who vaould like to return to Clearwater for the winter season, and if the
said tourists do return to Clearwater`�for the comin�; w�-�'ter season it.
�yi11 be neeessary to provide some addi�tional accommodations for theru..
Your peti�i�ner would show that he hes entered.. into an
agreement to purck�ase certain real propert� located in Harbor Oaks
Subdivision of C1�arwater, Florida described as Pollows:
The �west 10 Y2�t o� Lot 80, L�ts $2, 81�, &6,
the lVeat !�0 f�et of Lot 115, Lots 117, 119,
121A and 121 B.
that lacated upon said propert,y and in ti�e prope�ty described a�
Zots �1� and 86 is a large �wo story d�elling liouse,• that said
dwellin� houae is adequr�te to accommodate �hd house several fatnilies
during the rvinter season, an d your petitioner intettd� to purchase said
property for the purpose af occupying asma by himselP and wiPe'
as their home, and to elso eccommodtite wi�ter vi sitors and tourists
a� paying �uests in �aid house; that he intends to operate said •
property in a h3gh olass manner, and if granted the rsquest here-
inafter made, he will not operate sai'�,prope'rty so that it �ill become
a nuisance, but will at all times me3intain it in a high clas� manner
so that the same will be an asset to the Subdzvi4ion in which it is
located, as wel]. as to the City of Clearv�ater,• that he will comply
with all of the ordinances, rules and regulations of'the City of
Cle arwater with reTeralice to the operatian. oY a roomin� house and
will otherwise maintain ��d ogeratec. same in a proper raanner; that
your potitioner attechea hereto a sket•.h of Harbor Oaks Subdivision
snd has indicated in red pencil the locsation oP the property above
Your petitioner would further show that under tY�e zoniug
orc�inance of the City of Clear�vater, which is now in �orce and
operation, the abova described propert� is zoned as R- l; that by
reason of said zoning ordinance said property can only be u�ed to house
one �ani.'.y; �;hat i� he operated said property as above m.entioned,
he will of necessity have to house several Pamilies 4r several people
whorare not oi' the same family, and your petitioner wh�ld show that said
restricition creates a p�actical diff�culty and an unnecessary hard-
ship in the way of carr3�in� out the strict letters of the provisions
oi said zoning ordinance. Your petitioner would show that the �
Aonora3le Board, by reason of Section 17 of said ordinance, has the.
power ta vary th e provisions oi' said zoning ordinance sa that substantial
justice in any case mi�ht be done,
V'VHEREFOR� your petitioner respeatfully requests this Honorable
Board to consider this petition and after a c�reful consideration_:thereoP
permi.t him ta opex:a�Q the property above described as a guest house i'or the
purpose o� housin� ann entertaining paya.ng guests, under sueh terins, rules
and regulations as to this Honarab7_� Board ��a11 seemr�easonable and proper,
and in �eepittg with the provisions of the zoning ordinance hereinabQve
referred to.
Al1 of which is raspectfully submitted,
John jy. ZVelch
Zetter from Col. F. iJi. Maddox �nentionecl in these minuted. ,
Hon. George R. Seavy,
MayBr Cle arwater,
�. dear D�Ir. Seavyp .
I have been �i?�ing cons3.derable thou�hht to the defense set-
u� �ar the �learwater Area and knowing,that you have 1ieen doing
the same, I imagine that gou have arrived at sone what the same
conclusion that I have, that is, as far as hs<;+ng a direct said
on C].earwater, that�s about as ramote as Ghristmas Palling in
J'uly. Owing to the fact that even tl�ough the town were wiped
out the results wou7.d not warrent the expenditure of 50�, of the
gasoline required, but as you well know that Tan.pa is considered
by the Army as a very important militar.y objective with all the
Air Fields, ship yards, ,etc., and since they nioved the troops into
St, Petersbu�g and Clearwat�r this will then be a nice piece of, pie
to bite off.
Y,I%th Tampa as the objective, with your mili,�ary experience
you can rgadsly sae that a�reat de�l of the fi�htin�; in thQ s�ies ;.
would take place arounfl this area, snd it stancis to aeason 1�hat soma
ships would be lost on both sides and just wh��� they would fall of
course is not l.nown, and'that is what we �vill have to enticipa#ae,
also the fact of enemy ships tryin� ta get away snd duiapin� their
loads an the first target thay see.
It resolves itself into the fact th at we are going to
be criticized if nothing ever happens for having spent an� money
at all and trying to scare the people, also regardless �f wha� we .
do if something,does happen we are going ta be criticized sevarely
for not having done mnre, 'there�ose I feel it is my duty to advise
you of wh�t I cnnsid�r the minium requiroment for additional
iacilities and maintainance as I see it now so that this k�.11. be a
matter of record h�ih for you and myself. '
Mr. Hendrix has co�perated to the fullest extent in compl.y-
ir�g with our requests so far, but not kno�ving the e:.act set-up i.n
your charter for making expenditures, I thou�ht possit�le that thi�s
mi�ht be a case that you titiould want to take uP �ith �h�zr Cit,Y
Camm�ss s ��i.
Yours very truly,
F. P2, Maddog, �
CoZ. U. S. ArmY, Retired '
ChairrnaA C� �.�:rw�ter Area
Pinellas C��,�_i�y Defense Council
Requiremen-Gs Por CTearvaater Deiense Council
Z feel that tY�ere should be �it least two (2)
F;mergenc� Casualty S�ations set up, and they cost about
�500.00 each, one at �he beach and one on the mein land.
It is also �ecessary that we $ave proper air
raid alarm systems as soon as Qossible, especially
as there will be a two county black out in October.
Just what thia �vill amount to I can rot say, It might
bs well to purehase o�e'and test that before makin� any
ather purchase but provisian shou�� be, made Por purchasing
oY additional signals should they be required.
For the operation, of Council Headquarters for
incidentals such as s�ati.onery, carbon, st�mps, and
other small items, woulc'� probabl.y run �10�00 per r�onth
for the a�uration..
F. M. Maddox
There being no further business to come bePore the Board
the meeting was adjourned.
• pQayor-Commis s oner