The City Corrunias3on oP the 0ity of Clearwater, Florida met in
regular sessi�n Au�ust l�, 1942 at 8;00 P. Pd. in the City Hall zvith the
following members present;
Geo. R, Seavy, ��Iays�r-Comrniasioner
J`esse G. Smith, Co�.�missioner
Dan L. Stoutamire, Goramissi�ner
. P. C. Smith, Corrsni.ssioner
Abseni;: Sumner R. Zowe
The meeting was duly caJ_�.ed to order by N.rayor Sea�y'and the
minutes oF the previous meeting were �ead and approved.
M�yor Seavy explained that one of the main purposes oY the
meeting was to work out ruled and re�ulations relative to the �ale of
liquor, beer, and wine in Clearwater, that would be satisPactory to the
armed forces. Qolonel Lin31e �`0�""�"'aw,�,N 6d6'���
Y� of Air Forces in the Clearwater
Area wa� present and gave a short talk on �vhat rules he thought would be
best. County Shera.f� Todd Tucker �tated that he would co-operate with the
army as much as possible in those areas autside the City Limits.
City Manager Hendrix read a telegram from John Hatz, operator
of the Park Inn, asking that the City farbid the sale oP liquor, be�r and
wine on Sunday.
N?aJor Seavy said that in his opinion the �est,way to handle the
situation was for tYze liquor, beer, and wine dealers to establish rules
themselves suitable to Colonel LindlPv,
The dealers at this time retired Por a discussion on the matter
and soon after reported throu�h Oscar I,oeffler that the f'olTawing rules
would be sat; ;sfactor5* to theLn:
This place of business is owned ancl operated by patriatic Americans
who are willin�; anc� anxicu3 to do their bit to help win the war, Ta that end
we pledge ourselved to coo�erate Vsith mili:�ary authorities by stric�lg observing
the followzn� rules and re�ulations covering the sale end consumption of liguor,
be�;r,and v�ine: ,
1. No liquor will be sold to anyone betvaeen midni�ht an�i 8 A, Ni. ,
and no liquor will be sold to a�ryone o� Sunday, Nor v�ill the consuumption of
liquor be permitted on these prPmises betvaeen midni�h� and 8�, M,, or on
2e No packa�e liquor�will be sold to men in tuilitary uniform,
eitrer directly or indxrectly, 'ai'ter 8 P. r;i. on S��urdays.
3• No beer or w3,ne wil,l be sold to anyone bet�veen mianight and
g A• M., and no beer ar wine will be'em�asuned on thes� premises between
;_ _ ,
.�`�'`�' �
midnight and 8 A. N+.
4• No liquor, beer,or wine wil,l be sold to any mar in
military uniform ba�fore 5 P. P,S. on. any day except Saturdays or ��`�'
holi�iays, except to men who have passes 'ahowing that they are not �
on duty, and exce,�t beer and wine may be sold on Sunday beginning
12 o�clock noon.
5. No liquor, beer �r wzne will tae sold at any time tn
any person who is intoxicated, an3 no intoxicatec� person wi11 be per-
. mitted to remain on these pre�ises.
Slgnatu�e of Dea er �`
Colonel I,iridley said he thought the rulss as set out �vould be
satisfactory and egpr�ssed his appreciati or of the interest and consi;der-
ation the Gity Comnu.ssion had taken in th.e matter.
Nlayor Seavy complimented the dealers in establishing the rules,
anci asked then to put the rules into eff ect as soon as possioelm
In ansv�er to questions fron �'esse G. Smi:th, CoTonel Lindley said
that the drive against prostitutes in this area was proceecling in good
order but that he would•like to urge all dzinking pl:aces to i'ree themselves
as mueh as possible of tliese people. .
There being no Yurther business to come before the Board the meet-
ing v�as adjouxned.
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�Jlayor-Commi s sion er���J ��
Fra Cooley
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