05/18/1942� � '�THE MLNU`!'L�S OF TE� CITY COMI9IISSION OF THE CITX OF CLEAR4'7ATER, FLURIDA: The Cit� Commission of the �ity oP Clearwater, Florida met in reguTar session �ap 18, 191�2 at 7:3� P. I�. in the auditor3.um of the City Hall with the following members present� Geo, R. Seavy, �'�ayor=Gommissioner . Jesse G, Smith, �ommissioner � � Sunner R, Ln�,ye, Commissioner D. C, Smith, Commissioner Absent: D� L. Stoubaraire , The minutea of tns previous meeting were apAroved as �ead. City l"�anager Hendrix now ree� to the �oard a letter from �r. C. K, Brackett re�ative to the adoption oP the �ity Budget for the fiecal year beginning Ju1y,l, 1942. `ll�e ge�eral tone oP the letter being to cut expenses a� low as po.ssible. This letter is on Pil.e wi�h tho �ity �ler�>. Moved b� Jesae G. Smi.tn, seco�ded by Sumner R. Lorve and carxied that the .letter be Yiled as inPormation. NIr. John S. Nlells told the �ommission avery ePfort sh�uld be made to cut expenses. , �r. xendrix also read a letter Yrom the Executive Conmittee of the Cl�earv�ater �hamber o� Gonmerce, relative to the bus spatem, and, bei:ig in the na�ure of a Pinal repost of their warlc tow�rd se- curing a bus syste� for Clearrvater. Commissioner Jesse G, Smith said the Committee ha� worked hard, especially �r. Turnburk�, and that in his oninion we wou�.d not have buses today had it not been Pox their continnous effor't. Mayor Seavy asked City At�torney Ralph Richards to prepare a Fesolution commending the worl� of the Conmittee. Beloiv is set out the above mentioned le�ter, also letter to �r. H. I�. Tuxnburlte from Tampa Transit Zines,_and a letter to �r. Fred J. Lee from T�ewisburg Bus Zi.nes, Tnc., Nashville, Tenn. May 18 1942 ��. r. L. Hendrix, City �anager � For the Attent3on of the City Co�,;j, s�on Clasrwater, Florida Uentlemen: _ On March 28, 19l�2 the �xecutive Committee of the �hamber of Gommerce sub- mitted a report to you which transnitted all the infox�mation compiled to that date by the Comm�ttee regarding the establishment of a local b�zs system. That report oztlined the possibilities of obtaining buses from various sources, and aavised you that the Committee had succeeded in inter- esting �. �'. Hall of this city in the operation of a bus s�stem in tkiis area and that he was ready to confer,with city officials on the subject. The committee �lso stated in its report the.t it wouid continue its efforts in th3s matter with a view �� brin�ing about the establishment of a local bus sy3tem to meet the needs oP the peopae of this eommunity as a result of the tire shorta�e and t he rationing aP gasoline. This report now submittad i� a supplementary report to the-one of "�arch 28, and, as far as this committee i� no�v aware, rrings its work on this project to a close, as through its ef'i'orts' �r,, tia11 has obtained buses which were placed into service today and the bus system thus started. S�d .. � ��� . . � � . On �arch 30, 1942, ths Cammittee assisted �r. Fial1 in draPting hia general propo�al.of that date to the Board of �ity Comm3,ssioners, ou�- lining �the general terms an�. aonditions under which he would be willing to operat.e a bus system, Your Board later granted ""r. Hall a iranchise based on this proposal, . . � , On �pril 9, 1942, �r. �a21 announced��that he was unable to �ecure the busses to which he had rePerred in his proposal �f March 309 and on April , 21, 1942, he announced the purchase o� two now trucks whioh he proposed to convert inta buses. The worl� on the first of. i;hese trucks is no�r in progress. Thi� conmittee P�elt that further ePforts�shou�,d be made to secure the buses which �r. Hall orginallp thou�ht he.could obtain, and a me�ber of this commi.ttPe, together with Fred . Zee, our secratary conl'erred several times with �yu�an.P,. Smith, Predident of,the Tam�a Transit Lines, with a vie*x to sscurin� buses from that company for the 4learwF�:�= system. i'�r. Smith's absence from `�ampa for e considerable length,af tizue unavoidabiy delayea the cloeing oP these negotiations, but on �a3r 11, 191�2, he addres�ed a letter to H. I�7. Turnburke, P,resident oP tho C�.earwater Chamber oP Comm:erce, a c'opy of which ]�etter is attached hereto, in which 2re agreed to sell three or four buses for the use oi �he Clesrwater bus s;�stem,� The committee then-notfied �r. �all immediately that he c�uld obtain'the buses, and aceompied by �"ir. Lee, went to Tae�pa and puxchased two buses from the Tampa Transit Lines. The fol:i.,owin� day the commit�Gse.obtained inYormation for �r. Ha31 regarding the requireuents �ox his gbtaining tires',�i�d conferred with the local tire rationin� bo�rd and also telephoned officials in Tallahassee and Jacksoneille� Mr. Aal1 wae Pinally given permissi.on to purchase new tires f or the buses, and these.ha•ve been delive�recl and inst�lled•thereon. For,the further information to your Board, and for possible future Psference, there•is also attached hereto copy of l.etter dated �ay 2, 1942, from the iewisburg Bus Lines, Inc., Nashville, T�nnessee, in which it is statad that this coneern will sell a 21-p�ss�nger bus in �ood mechanical# condition Por �1,000.00, a picture of the bus being attached. The cammittee obtained this informa��on by mriting to e number of bus corapanies in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, gentucky, and Tennessee, and makin� inquiry,as t4.buses available for sale. The committee s��o has obtained information that new Ford buses may b,e obtained at thi� time for approximately �6,200.00 each. IP tne ci�y officials desire the iurther sssistance of chis �ommittee in conneetion with anp pi�ases of the bus systen, the Co�mittee �vill bz'glad to devote it•s best effnrts ta the matter. , Y�ur.s verg tr-uly The Execu�ive Committee of the �lear�vater �h$mber of �ommerce By. . ' g H. D3. Turnburke .„ . . , � Chairnan '_'Frank Tack Jesse G. Smith • AI:Fred P. 2Jlarshall H. Ii. Constantine . . TAPdPA TRANSIT LINES Tr�npa, Florida : M�y 11► 194� Mr. H. M. Turnburke, P,resident • , �].e arwater Chamber �of Commer:ce " Clearwater, Florida Dear Sir� �onPirming our canversation of this date, this is to.advise that we have Por sale three or iour buses that we will sell �or approx- imatEly �1,U00.00 each. These buses are in good m�chanical condition, having,just, been 'taken` , ofi' otzr regular rtins. , � We will be glad to sell these buses Por the nae, of the Cle arwater system, but we will havs tb have action.on them wlthin the next,Pew day� as we have en �pportunity to dispose o� them else�vh�re. , Yours very trulY, . (signed) N. P. Smith . Prc�sident L�VdZSI3iiR� BT7.4 LiN�7�,, INCORPOR9TED 137 7th Avenue North Tlashvilla, TennessEe �y 2, 1942 �r. Fred J'. Lee, Secretary Clearwater Chamber of �ommerce - Clearwater, Florida Dear 1�r� Lee: . _. . In replp to your latter oP Apri1 29th, we are enclosing' snap shots of one of our. twentyone-passanger Beck Air ° 8tream Chevrolet Powered Buses, ' - This bus has a late nodel motor and is in good mechanica7 � condition throughout. The price is �1000.00 and the bus ' may be seen at out Nashville Garage. ' � Yours very truly `LEti'dISBIIRG BIIS LINES, inc. (Signed) t�ari�n �Yilliams, President Mr, Hendrix asked the Co�.ssion•s approval oa the � � recent sale of Lot 26 Bloc1� B Greenwood Park Sub'd. for �500e00 and the sale of Lot 1 and the N� of Lot 2 ElocY 2 North Shore � Park for �50Q.o0 (�475.00 after paying brokers commission) to Helen Louise Smith. b�ovea bg �uwner R. Zo�ve, seconded by �. Ce Smith and carried ti�at the sales be approved. ' �oved by Jesse G. S�th, seconded by �. C. Smith and carried-that a�7,OOOA.�O-transP.er of �unds Prom GQs & Water Fund to General Fund on �ay 6ti�, 191�:2 be approved. Nir. �endrix no}v read a�etter from Clarence �iil making oomplaint of the keeping of ahickens by �'1..C, Tucker in the down town area. �ayor Seavy requested the C3.ty Attorney to look into the matter and if a nuisance was being caused to take steps^to abste same. �elow is set out the above mentioned letter e,lso a letter i'ram Building Inspector,: Thomas L,.Boteler. _ I�ay 14, 194z , The Mayor of the Cit;y of Clearwater � Clearwater, Florida.. Dear- S3.r: � I am enclosin� letter fron your City Building Tnspector, which makes me wonder about ttce offici�.l� of tne beautiful c;ity of` Cleaawvater, sl:lowing a nuisanae x�:�ht in their down �own districit. I have visited Cleaxwatsr many times and suppose'd it to i . �. . � . . . . �-',.'.4 �. t' t . . . . .�� ��°� . be one of the fixst class�cities, but is seems � am mistsken and I am sorry I have property there. We, in +h'e Idorth, would not allow a city� to have a nuisance at out bac.c door, especielly in our down town district. I cannot understand why'ClearvJater does not have an ordinance for taking care of th�:se matters. I suppose if T should live on this property and keap cows and pigs, it would ba all ths same to �aur 13uilding inspector. Sometime I am going to write an art�cle f or one o£ our papers, telling them what Clearwater does sor its proport,y owners. Veryptruly yours, �signed) �larence Hill CITY OF CLEAR�iVAT.F.R, F.T.,ORIDA Nlay 11, 1942 Mr. Clarence Hill ' C�Q Port Vaashin�;ton StE.te Bauk Por't Was�ington, Wisconsin ` � Dear �r. Hill: ' In answer to your letter aP "�ay 8, I will say that the chickens you rePErred to have been ahecked from time to time, and I�ave been unablo to find any sensible rea'son ioT these Chickens ta be removed. I understar�d the situa'cion and have been governed by my knowledge of same. However, if the cottglai nants wi.11 file e charge, find appear in court against t�e owner of said chickens, and can prove �hat it,is a nuisance, is �the on�.v wa� that this can be i�andled, ' . ' %urs very truly, (signed) Thos. L. Boteler ' CITY BUILDIP7G TTd�PECTOR, HEALTH OFFIQER Cit;y kttorney Ra1ph Richards now read a resoluti on off ering the use oi the Qlearv�ater Munioipa� Airport to the Hnited States Government, and that a copy of this resolution be f �rwarded to Comm�nding officers of Drew Fi;eld, �acDill Fi�ld and the:�iaird xir Force all at Tampa, Florida. Moved b�r J'esse G. Smith, seeonded by Sumner R. Lowe and c�rri,ed that the resolution be adopted. Belotiv is set out such �esolution. - ,� , . . t ' R E S O Z U T I O N 1YHEREAS the �ity oY Clearvlater has, entirely at its own expense, developed a�lying Pield kaiown as the Clesr�rrater-biunicipal �irport covering 210 acres and containing three sod run-v:ays each 3000 feet long; and � . d , . Wfi�T�FAS i•t is the desire of thg City oP Clearwater to aid the national dei'erise effort in every possible way, and �articuTarly to aid. in trai?�ing the vast numbex of airplane pi'lot,s who are so essential to our victory; , NO�, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONIll4ISSI0N OF THE CITi' OF CZEARV4ATER, FLORIDA: - 1. That the City aP Clea�rrater is w�;lling and angious to negotiate for use of the Clearwater �unicipal Airport in any way �n whieh it can be used �o advantage by any of our mil'itary Porces. j 2. That a copy oi this resolution be Porwarded to tfie ■ � � �� � � c �l � +i( . . . . .. . .. . � < 1 . ,� �"�� ;� ; oommandin� oificers of Drew Field, Mac Dill Field, and the Third Air Force, all at Tampa, �'Iorida. This resol.ution passad and adopted b�r the City Commission of the �ity of Clearwater at its rdgular meeting on Map 18th, 191�2. Geeo R. Se�a_vY ��___�_ 14l�* or- Commiss3 on er Attes�G';, Frank Coole C� Aii t�1er rk: The City kttorney inPoraned the �ommission that it was legal to add �p1.00 to Police Caurt Fines, the �1.00 ta go into a retirement fund for policeiaen:� . Ma�ur Seavy appointed the Gity �ager, Ciii�y Attorney end �hief of Police as a Committee to work out a tentative ordinance co9erin� such a retirement plan and present to the Commission. Mayor Seavy said the difrerent departments of the City had done a good job staying within the present budget; and thet although the Corr,missi,on had adopte3 a�18�,000.00 aperating budget, not �1.00 tvas to be spent unless nece3sary. There being no Purther busi��sss to come bePore the Board the meeting was adjourned. �� • � �� -Comm� ss otte/r/�' _ '1 THE MINUTES OF TfiE CITY COMMISSTON OF THE Cl2'Y 9F CZEARWtiTER, FZORIDk: 7.'he City Commission oi' the Gity of' Glearwater, F1orida met in regular session June 1, 1942 in the auciitorium oY the City HQll at ']:30 � • P. �1. with the Yollowing members'presentt Geo, R. Seavy, Meybr-Comnissianer Sumner R. Lowe, Commissi�ner J'esse G. Smith, �ommissioner ' Dan I,. St�utamire, Commissioner D. C, Smith, Commissioner _ � Absent: � None, IVIr. Hendrix reported that B, H, Urschel had acoepted the City's terms for purchase of same property in Del Ora Gr�ves. Moved by Jes�e G, Smith, seconded by Sumner R, Zovae end aarriad that the Yollowing property in Del �re Gr�ves be sold to B. H, Urschel �or �655.00: That certain area in Del Ora GroQes Subd, boixnded Qs follows; On the iVorth by San Pedro Street; on the East by Old Tampa Bay; on the Soutb by San Bernandino�Street;- and on the VVest by Bay Shore Boulevard, together with any and all ropaxian rights- being lots 365 to 370 both inc. and lots 435 to 440 taoth inclusive-- the proper.ty being 1,31 acres at a selling:price qf �500.00 per acre. ' City Manager �endrix read to the Board a letter from DTo."J. Sudler ' Hood on behalf of the StafP of Morton nlant Aospital suggesting the Chlorination of the City water. Balova is set out the ab�ve menti�ned letter. Dr. J'. Sudler Hoad _ S00 5. Ft. Harrison Ave. Clearwa�ter, F'lorida �ay 29:'1942 Commissi�n, �ity of �learwater Clearw�ter, - Florida. Dear Sgrs: At the last meeting of the Staff of the Morton Plan� Hospit�l the-recent eases oi' typhoid were disonsseci. This led to tLe appointment of a special committee consisting of Dr. Center, Dr. Black and Ilr, Bovlen to meet with the city commissi�n to rec�uest that the city water, supply be cnlorimated, This step they felt would prevant any contamination of the water by disease or . sabotage_. 61so frequent analysis and culture of the water is reconmended as higuly essential. ' � Sincerely yours, J'. Sudler Hood, M. D. i Seeretary of Staff J'SH/c s . b �r. Center was pxesent and urged Chlorinati�n'aP the City , wster as s magimum oi' defense against disease due to sabo�ege, ,City Manager Hendrix said that egforts were already being made to get a cost price on ' Ch�brinatian units to be placed. at e�ch w�ll and that no daubt he vr�nld t^ �'' � � �� � e � _. _, , -. �f�� ,� . � be able to have some figures for �he �ommissi�n in a short time. Dr. Center reported that in #she recent r�uzi of Typhoid.there hafl been thirteen cases i� the C�.earwater aree, sev�n in Clearwater propei,° and that all thirteen with the p�ssible.ex�e�tion �f tw�,were tracaeble to the esting of oysters fr�m tbe Crystsl,River,�ree. Dr. Centar elso suggested en examinati an �f the Ci:ty water supply once � week. Cit,y Attorney Richards read a rosolution,co�mending the �xecutive Committee oP tha Senior Chamber of �ommerce for its g�od work towarci the esteblishment of a bu.s line in Clearwater� Moved by Sumner a. T�ov�e, seconded by D.,Q. Smith and carrie3 that the �es�lution bQ adopted.. Be3ov� is set aut such Resaluti.an: RES O::.LUT I AN _ WHEr�r�,vS the• rationing of iires and gas�line has made , the transportAtion problem �¢ery difiicult for practically sll oP our citizens; and ' WH�REAS the Egecutive Comm_,'�:s� of the Clear�vater �liamber of Cammerce,hss worked diligen�ly:and sucaessiully to secure for ��ear�vafser.a bus system that is: of �reat essistance in solvittg the tr�nsportation problem; N041, T�r�tEE'ORr , BE IT RESOLVED �Y TH�, CITY COMIyIISSION OF' THE CITY OF CLEARWATEft, FLORID��, that the Clearvaater Chamber oF .C�mmerce, and particularly its Executive�Comcnit_tee, is hereby thanked and comm�3aded for its effor�ts in securing the setablishment oP t he bus lines naw being operated in Clearwat�r. Th�s Resolution passed aad adopted by the �ity CommiSsion of the �ity o% Clearwater at its regulAr meeting on �une ls�, A, D. 1942. Geo. R. Seav.v �Zayor- immo ssianer Frank C�oleY ,, City �uditor & Clerk ' City Attorney Richards reportea that he had investigated the - kee�ing of chickens in the down to�Nn-area by W, C. Tucker and that in his �pi�i�n the few.cnickens ke�t�on the. premises did not constitu#�e a ' puaiic nuisa3nce, there not being a su�ficient mumber oP people objectinp,'. He poiatsc� out that there v�as r.i� special ordinence against the k'eepin� oP chickens, and that the keepi.n� or not keeping oY chickens was govern- ed by �he Gity•s Nuisance Ordinsnce. : . Mayor Seevy reported that he had made a recent trip to Washiu�ton �n behalf oY the Pinellss Lisaociates Industrial Pool and tha� , ; � r there he end the �i ty Attorney had worked on the matter together visiting the offioes of Congressmen Peters�n, Lex �reen and Senator Pepper, also the Ruarter Master's department and other de- partments of the army. . The Mayor said that they were well received everqwhere and that he believed the work he and the City Attorney did in Washington would bear fruit in the rear P�.ture. There bein� n� further busiress to c�me before the Board the meeting �as adjourned. ayor- ommi, s s io ner � - �._,.�. : i � _ , . . - - � . - . . . . ,� 1 � n � � . �! • , ', .;�„ ■ CITY OF CLEA.RyYATER CLEaRIUATER, �'LORIDA �'une 8, 1942 To wxora TT �aa� cazsc��r: �his is to certiPy tliat in acco�edance with the ordPr oi' the City Commission of the� City of Glsarwater, Florida, wP have this day destroyed by burning �he following Sanitary Sewer • Revenue Certif.icates: Ctf. No. Date Due Coupans attached 272 �ct l, 19b� N�s 2 thru 60 both inc Goupon No 2�ue ^ Oct l, 1939; No b0 due Oct l, 1�68 �.�1 Oct l, i96g Nos 2 thru 60 both inc.Goupon No 2 due Oct 1, 1939; No 60 due Oct 1= lgb8 256 Oct i, 1967 IvTos 2 thZnz 5$ bz]th il1Gy Coup�n No,2 due oct 1, 1939; I�o 58 due oct 1, 1967 255 Oct l,, 1967 Nos 2 thru 58 both ine; Coupon No 2 due O�t 1, 1939; :io 58 due oct 1, 1967 118 Oet l, 1957 Nos � thru 38 both inc; Coupon No 2 due Q�� l: Z939; i�o 38 due oct 1, 1957 36 Oct 1, 19�r7 Nas 2 t%rn lg both inc; No 2 due Qct 1, 1939; No 18 due oct 1, 191�� 3� �ct 1, 1946 Nos 2 thru 16 both inc; No 2 due �et 1, 1939; No 16 due Oct 1, 19t�6 24 Qct l, 1945 Nos 2 thru lk both ins; No 2 due Uct 1, 1939; Ncr 1,4 due oct 1, 1945 lg Oat l, 1944 Nos 2 thru 12 both inc; No �2 due �et 1, I939; Tdo 12 due Qet 1, 1944 1 Oat 1, 191�0 Nos 2 trru 1� both inc; No 2 due �et l, 1939; No i� due Oet 1, 1940 2 �ct 1, 1940 l�os 2 thru 1� both inc; AIo 2 due � Oct 1, 1939; No 1� due oct 1. 19l�0 Eeah of above Certificates being in the azaount. of �1000.00 ar�d each of the coupons being in the amount o� �20.00. F� Raference see Commissioner°s rdinutes cf April 6, 1 Minute Book 11 page 501.: ' � , City Auditoi & Cle i ' STATZ OF FLOFiIDA ) COUNTY OF PTNELLAS � � Subsexibed and sworn to before me, this the 8th day of June. A. D. �9�;�2. , � Dtotary ubl��.'"' ltify Corum. Exp. 4 -15�5.