05/05/1942- ; � ; THE MTNTP.PES OF THE CITY COb1MIS a2ON OF TFIE GITY OF CLF.,�RVJATER, FLORIDI£Y �V The City Commission of the City oP Clearwater, Florida met in regular aession May y., 1942 at 7:30 P, t�i, in the City Ha1.l with the Pollowing members preseuts Geo. R. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner' Jesse G, Smith, Commissioner � Dan L. Sto�;tamire, Commissi.oner D. C. Smith, Commissioner Absent: Sumner R. Lowe �he meeting was duly called to order Uy Mayor Seavy and �he minutes of the previous meeting were xead and approved. , City Manager Her�drix now read a letter f'rom Iielan Fo Weber relative to purchase by B. H. IIrsr,hel of Block in Del Oro Groves adjoining on the North the tract heretofore purchased by �rir. Urschel� The City Commission were agreeablo t� the ofier with egception the City would not furnish an abstract of t�e prop�rty. Belov� is set out the above mentioned letter:• Mr. F, Z. Iiendrix City Manager_ Clearwater, Florida. De�.r Mr. Hendrix Confirming telephone conversatian, I now hand you herewith check from Ivlr. B. H. Urschel for '�`65•50, being 10 0 oi' the purchase pric� of 1.31 acres, Del Oro Grove property, adjoining, on the North, the tract heretofore purchased by ?vlr. IIrschel. Purchaser �o be supplied with an abstrect of title and, in event title proves defective, and can not be correc:ted, deposit is to be'returned. Mr. Pogue, Attorney, will make exaniination. ' Yours very truly, �:+,alen F, 1Veber. Mr, Hendrix naw read a letter from n4ary S. Iviorrow relative to the aba�ement of City tsxas on her property at Southeast�Corner of intersection o�' Bay Avenue and Magnolia Drive now bein� nsed by the Red Cross. It appeared that City �,�xes amounted to �p627.00 and County taxes t� �p522,�.6 �st�"a total tax oi �1i149,46. The Commission decided to forego�any action Por the time being. Below is set out the abave mentioned letter: Cle�rw�ter, Florida April S, 1942 , Mr. Frank Cooley, � City Auditor & Clerk, � i- Clearwater, F],orida. Dear Mr, Cooley: I have turned over my property, rent free, le�ally described as: Zots g2 and YJ10 fee.t of lot $0; lo�s 81�, 86, W 30 feet lot 11']; lot 119, lots 121-A,, 121-B, in Harbor Uaks Subdivision and knotan as No. 1�03 D�agnolia Diive, Clearwater, FZorida, to thQ Upper Pinellas Ch�pter of the American Red Cross for their use and occu�ancy for the duration of the �`Va�. I am re�uestin� that for '�his period I be reli��ed of taxes on this pro�ion of my property. ; �„ , ..__ .r... : ; ,'� . -�..- . _,_. _ , _ _ _ . . � � The only stipulation T have .m�ade is that shouZd the propertp, which is �or sale, 'be sold during . this period o� occupancy by the Upper Pinellas Chaptar of the American Red Cross, they would vr�cate in thirty days. Of course, i� this n�ppens, the taxes will ag�in staxt on the property. I would a�preciate your consideration. Very tsuly,yours, Mary S. hiorrow. D. C. Smith brought up the matter of addl.ng an ex�ra $�1.00 to each Police Court fine; the mon�y thus co3.lected to go into tre Police- man's Pension Fund. Mayor Seavy reaaested City Attorney Rr31ph Richards to gather any information and data he c3uld on such an action and present it to the Commission in the near future. Cit y Attorney Ralph Richards now read to the Board a Resolution settin� forth �the proposed opera�ing,Budget for the iiscal year beginning July 1, 1942 and ending June '30, 194.3• Gommissioner J`esse G. Smith said it a�peared that the City I�anager had cut the Budget whereuer at the present time it seemed advisable and that the City Manager was cutting exnenses at every ognortunity. Mr. Smith Yurther stateci that the Commission was greatly handicapped in adopting a budget di�e to such abnormal tines and that future circumstances might make it necessary to further cut t.he proposed budget by cambining departments, and eleminating alI unnecessary services. Mr. Smith said he hoped the �eneral public would realize thet the �1500Q.A0 emergency Item set up in the Budget would only be used in tho�s cases oP unusual damage or loss due to hurricanes, sabatage, ete, and that he did not think it desirable to increase water ratea or raise any additional fievenue at the present time. UIr. D. C. Sraith said he �as also opposed to any tax raise. � rQayor Seavy called attention to the i'act that if. gas manuPacturing material continued to increase in cost then sooner or later tiie City would be compelled to raise rates on utility servicea or rai3e tar.es. It was brought out tha1: fuel oil used in �as manufacture was purchased a].ittle over a yeas a�o at "�1.00 per barrell; and that now the price was �2.11 per barrell. Mr. Seavy said he doubted that any denartment of the City wouTd get the fu11 amount set out in the proposed budget if times contin- � ued as they are now or got worso; that at the end of this-month the City would have a 10 per cent'less number of enpioyees than a year a�o but caution shou�d be taYen in making drestia cuts too suddenly as no doubt �he draft'would �ake a nuruber of employees in the near future. The Mayor said the general public could be asaured that th2 s@ommiss3on . .. � ,, ; .�._ ;::. : � `� m 9 ^r 1, � would enconomize wherover possible, �. D. C. Smith brought up the question of uutt�.ng the v Building Insgector's Budget and efPecting savings in the.Appliance Sales:�epa�-tment. It was brought.aut by other members aY tYie Commission th�.t the Building Inspector rvas re-assessing a11 the . buildings in the Gity at the present,and that such work was very much needed... Mr. Seavy told �r.,Smith that'the City �anage'r had already"made some new�pl�ns for the Anpliance departuent,which he ,. beleived,would be s��isfactory. , . Moved by Jesse G. Smith, seconded b3r Dari �, Stoutamire . . _ , . that the R�:solution settin� forth`the,proposFd budget be adopted. . Votin� y�s on_the motionrrver.e; Jesse G. Smith, Dan Lv Stoutamire and Geo. R. Seavy. Voting �o: D. C. Smith. Motion carried. Belovr is set out such Resolutions µi ' i�SOLUTION OF THE C11^Y COr�v:ISSION �OE . .. THE CIri'i', OF CL�ARi�1kTER A�OPTIIJG A. BUDGEI^ AND FIXING TF� RATF OF TAXATION. � YdFEi REAS,the City ��?anager of the Gity of" C7.earwater; ET9rida, has submitted an estimat� c£ the amount of mone3T necessary.to carry on the CitST Government Por the fiscal yea� beginning July�lsts-19,1�2,;i and euding June 30th, 191�3; and , , WHEP,EAS, the City,Commission has,:in meeting du3y assembled, examined careiul].y, considered,.and approved the sasne; and. .V'�REl�S, the tax assessment roll'has been submitted to the City Commissi�n by the Equalization Board in correct:forra; . , NO!"F, TI�REFpRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COF�MISSION OF THE CITY OF, CI�F.��}NATER, FI.,ORIDA, iri regular meetzng assernblsd, First: That th� Pollowing schedule be and i�+ i.s hereby . adopted.as the ,operating budget for the City oi C1eax°water for tne fisGal year beginning July lst, 19t�2, and enaing June�30th, 194.3: ._ GIlVERI�L ADR2INISTRATION APPROPRTATION "` 1.I, P�tanager's Department. _ . . This itern includes Manager:�s salary; car.e�apenses such as gaa, oil, tires, and repairs, a�portionment of printing, . stationery, post�ge, telephone, and ': , ,. tele�raph, and ali otYier office sup-. plies and othex small unclassified necessarv expen�es, �.,2Q0=,00 12, Engineerin� Department. ; ,, . This 3tem includes.�alaries of engin- . oer, drriftsman, s�enographer.; attd - aimilar expenses as classified in Manager�s Department. _:3,,000,00 . � ,. , t . . _ . 13. �anitor-Gity H�11 Suppliese ' Includes fuel, cleanin� supplies, . li�ht bulbs, etc. , 1,500.00 �s'�✓c ■ � DEPARTMENT OF FIN'ANC� . , . E1. AsIncludes selaries, po: ^> f,. , � stage � s�tat- ` ionery, o�fice gupplie.s,' tel"aphone �, ` • ' , , . ; • ' , and telegraph, repair and mainten- snce:.of iurniture arid fixt�res, e:ti:c:' . l�,000.00 22. Collectin�.. _::__ .' , � ' - Similar classification as � 21. 4,700.00 , , _ . _ •. _ 23. Bookeeping and Disbursing Similar classificatz�n as #`21.:':- . .. • 2,�.00.00 - a 21�. Auditing � ._ . _ ,. , . , i s r�v ,ti •..;:.-. ... . . , Amount charged toward Gen eral �� , Fund for continuc�us sudit. �:'; �� ;- ;:; 1;�OQ.'.>�°.;= ' DEPARTb�LNT Ok' GIVIL S�RVICE: . a , . ' ` ' , , .'t. 14. IncZudes salary of Personnel�.Director,-' ' =. and general office �ecessities similar to:thosa classified unders"City 14Tanager'x�, � : '1;400.00. ' � � LEGAT, AND JIIDIGIAI, c , - , , . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 31. Attorney. � _ ,,:• . ., , : . _: .�, Includes salary, st�tianery, traveling ` expenses, etc, �,200.00 i: 32. �unicipal.�'udge. ` �. Salary, and misce3laneous-expenses. ''' 9�50.00 133. Legal } . �� Includes cost of J.egel advertisin� of ,s. �:o'"rdinanc.es, r.ecording iee`s, 3e�a1:.•- � , �" prittting, and ather miscelianeous legal expenser. � , . a . �20:O.Q; � PUBI.IG; SAF�TY ' ,., ,: ;.._ 4 . .., ` z� .:. _. . _ , ' 410 Palice Denartment � • .� � � Zncludes salaries, car and mo�orcycles, �� . � . . .. . gas and oil �nd rep�ir, radio. t�ansmit�ers .,�:� . and receivers, supplies and groceries for jail, uniforms, gas, water and �lights, •i � e ,. telephone and telegraph, and office� ., . e�.uiument: . , . . � _ � . 26:,:500.00 � k2Q Fir:e Department : � � : ; �• . .. ., �:, � " ;..,. ' Ineludes salaxies, trucs anfl car expenses, gas, ioi1;, and repairs` to ec�uipment, Pire `x' hose, uniPorrns, gas water, light�, and telephone , . -, . . Z"?'�QOO.,QO � , . 43. Traf�ic Indicato�s,. �: • , .- � . . .:: � , ' .';': Includes traffic Zights, street markers, ' .Paint�, ete°.r: _.: ;.`; , _ � �,:: 2;000,:•OQ; , ., �. {, 45. Bridge Teuder " � . . � ..: ? ;.:,: , � �alaries and supplies. 2,200.00 3a INSPECTION SERVICES: s� - , . � � . � . _ . .. ,r _ :'... �_ ....,._�'e......� ::...�A.�. . .. , _.. � 51. Building, Pluinbing, and Electrica� �alaries, �ar �epairs, gas and oil, � � � Offi�e S�:p�lies and equipment; . teie- ,� � ,y • phone and telegra�h. '. , ,.. . 2•,5�4.00 52'. sazLi.ta�ion, • , ' ` �. . :, l Similar to Code #5�. , , .y :�1�,000,00 ` PUBLIC SERVTCES.� 4�' » . • bl. Garbage Collection and Disposal !�' � Wa�es, repairs, gas� bil, t�re�; etc., ,� •,' incinex�ator Q�erations.and Gity Dump. . 1�1,5Q0.00 xy 62. Street.�Cl��aning � Wa�es, repairs, gas, oil, tixes, ete.- 74�OOO.DO Y� 63� Harbor Expensss. ,. , 9 ;. ,., �,..�. . ,�:' Inc111�es, supervi.sion and inapection of � , r channel markers, batteries for lights, ,�; vtc, 600.00 �� � � , „< �,,.. „ _, ., ,., -- . . _ .. ,M �, �,�4 �., ,, � � , ;: 0 64. Cemetery, Caretaker's wagea, telephone, fertilizer and,tools. b5. Library Sal�ries, telephone, and tele�raph, gas w3ter, r�ewspagers, and magazines, re- placer�ent, binding, office aquipraent, etc. 66. �;lectricity. Lighting costs, all vrhiteway, overhead, lights, parks, bridges, and builciings (exce t City Hall, Gas Plant and Disposal P1'ant� salaries, replacements oP globes and £ixtures and some enatensions. 67. U�elfare. � Food and medical expei_ses for a�proved cases� Salvation Army,,Plant Hospital, rents and other assistance to ViTpA Can- ning Projects and County Health Head- quarters. PUBLICITY• 71, Senior Cham.ber of Commerce. General Operatin�, expenses, upkeep oi' equipment, tourzst infor�nation, adver� tiszng folders, and other publicity disbursed by Directors of Chacn,ber of Commerce� 72. J'unior Chamber oP Cor�unerce. Disbursed by directors in entertain- ment of Youn� �^)intex Visitors and to liquidate indebtednesg oP builaing. BEACI? NTAINTENAIV'CE t 6g. Beach Cleaning ` PARKS AND RECREATION: ' ' � �. 81, Parks. .._., . Salaries, repairs to truc�s and mo�v�rs, tools, fertilizers, se�d, plants, pots, etc. 82. Recreation Parks and Program. Salaries, repair, and maintenance, mobile `equipnent, ofzice expenses and supplies, maintenance oi playgrounds and equipment. g3. Auditorium. Includes janitor wages, cleaning supplies, telephone end equipment. _ P,4AINT�NANCE : 9i. Repair and �ainter_�nce City Buildings All rapaira to a11 city buil�in�s such as,painting, etc. 92. Repairs and Maintenance C1t3r Streets. 4Vages o� Maintenance Crerv, equipment, and repair materialsa _� ; 9�. xenair anc� Maintenar�ceDocics ancl Bridges. � Includes siMilar items as #92. � �y3. Repair and Maintenance Storm Se�ver.s. Includes similar items as # 92. 95. Insurance All Dep��r.tments. �Fire Insurance•�on buildings and stock, Surety Bonds on einployees, Public Liability on mobile equipment and other miscallaneous insurance 1.tems. MISCELLANEOIIS• Includes all items not cliargeable to ��� various other departments and wi�ich '�r ara �ene�al in nature. 1�7 P A PROJ'ECTS• 3,000.00 7,�00,00 12,500.00 4,500.OD 10,500.00 1,500,00 2,000,00 lt�, 000. 00 %,000.00 , 1,5Q0.00 3,000.00 6,o00.0U 2,000,00 1,500.00 5,300.00 7 � 3,000.00 All projects spons�red by City and • assistsa by Gpvarntnent � ___ _ . �; . . . . . .... � .. � � i ,� t � � ,JJ �� ,� � J �� ;i. � u,�., _ . _ _ ,'' r� �f . i , ��� NEV'1 EQUIPMENT : . ' ' �'�� ' Replacemer.t cf Truck, Park Department ' 1,000.00 t.., Replaeement Trucl;, Street and Sanitary ' �}:' ' De,partment. ' " 2,OOOe00 - , CONTII3GENCTES. . . L� . � . . � . . . Einergency Fund: To be used only bp 'f' special action of the Czty Commission, _ �when, as, and if the money is anailable, ' beyond regular appropriation, 15rQ00:00 G>2AATD TOTAL �200,000,00 � },:, Second; That it is hereby determined that a tax�of five mills upon all property wi�hin the City, not eaempt from taxation by law, shall be necessary to raise the said sums appropriated for opera�ing purposes, and the said rate of,millage is hereby assessed on a17. real and peraonal property.upon si�i3 tax assessment ro11 not exempted b� law Prom taxatii.on, Third; That i� is hereby cletermined tliat the Pollowing rates of millage shall be necessary to raise the necessary sums for dFbt service on the city's autstand�,ng boiided indebtedness, and said retes of millage are hereby asaessed against the property included in said tax assessment roTl, as i'ollows: Old Territory... ..�.. .17 mills F�rst Extension... ...0....16 mills - Second Extension........a.o15 mills. _---�-- BE IT'rURTHER RESOLUED that the foregoing schedules and tax . . .:,. rates be published in the Clearwater Sun ana that the Citq Commission sharl meet in the Ci�y Hall, City of �learwa:ter, at 7;30'P.o M. on the "18t1i day oP, Nlay, T9t�2, for the purpoae op holding a puiilic hearing upon said intended tax le�y, and th� Cifi,3* Aud1$oI' and Clerk is lieretiy required to publish a notiea bf sucli public hearing,. sattin�, forth the time and place aforesaicl for holding such meeti�g, together with the pro�osed budget and tax levy as hersin set forth,' and"un�.ess sufficient objections shall be made at'the time and place stated in st�id notice, said'budget and tax levy shall stand ior the' Piscal year �eginning July ls�, 191�2� and'ending June 36th, 1943. PASSED AND ADQPTED I3Y TAE CITY COMMTSS2013 of the City of "' Clearwater, tnis 1�th day of biay, A. D. 1y1�2., , ' Geo �--R..: Saavy — �iayor-Commi ssioner + Attest: at,r Frank Coole � _ C t y Audi�or & Cleric There ts�eing no Purther busir�ess to come beiore:the Board the Meeting was adjourned, , . . ,. � , May�r-Commi,ssioner � �> iu or- er � � s �"�,. �, ...,, �1 ': 1 � � � �� � �