04/18/1942��o G TFiE IvIINUT�a OI'+' THE CIZ`Y COP�.tISSIOPt OF iI� CITY OI�' G`r.��+ARE`IAT�R, �'TJORI�k; The City Conmission of' the City of Glearvrater, Florida mat in spEcial session at 7•30 P, bT. , lip.ril gth, 191�2 in tLe audi�orium of tk�e City Ha11 with the following r�embers present: C,eor�e R. Seav�r, Pliayor—Co�issioner Jesse G. :Smith, Comraissioner �?ar, �. Sto uta�ixe , Cor.un3. ss io ner �. �. Smi�h, Co�issioner Absent: Sunuiex Ro Lowe ' TY1�yor Seavy exul�ined that tlre rneetin� was cslled to discuss a pronosed bus systerr� to serve Clearwater, Ih�.nedin and Lar�o and called on M, F. Ha1L to report what trouble there woulcl be,i£ any, in securin� busses. �r. Hall reported that tha Lusses that �vere available in Tampa could not be secured no�v and �hat he' had �vired lt�iarni to try to locate some there but none could be Pound there. It �vas brou�ht out that the franchise v�as still open and any one interested could, submit bids. r.iayor Se�tr,v su�.;ested that the Iviayor of Dunedin and Zs,r�o and an� other interested parties work witti his and the �ommission in helpin� ta find busses. I�, F, Ha11 said he would continue his search for busses. �ity Attornev Ralph hiehards now reacl a Resolution closi�� an alley just south of Southllard School and riirining fr�m Fort Harrison Nvenue on the �ast to Pa1ru 11venue on the ti7est. i,Toved by Jesse G. Smit}�, seconded b�r Dan L. Stoutamire and Sarried that such resolution be ad�pted. Belotiv is set out suc;h Resolutian: R� S 0 L U T I O N ['d'H�;�S tiie afficial maps of the �ity of Clearvrater shorv an allay lyinG directly south ot the tract occupied by tY:e South GTard School, and runnin� from Fort liarri son Avanue {'ot4 the east af Palm 4 �.. Avenue on the 1']est; and � CTI�R�AS said alley has never been opened to traffic a�d has ! never been used bv the general public of Clearwater in any v�a,y; and , 1ii�REAS the Boarcl of I'ublic Instruction of Pinellas County ; desire� ta enlarge the schaol grounds adjacent to the South laard School and l-ias re�tiested tre City of Clear�vater tYiat said alley never be opened to �rai'fic beaause any tra�fic in tY��:t loc�tion wouTd encl�r��er. tve liiTes of scho�l children; ana �HEi2EAS it i5 tlie desir� of tlie City o� Cleai�vater full.y 'to 000perate with tY:e scliool autl?or.iti�s in protectin�; tYie lives of our children. ' ' � �_, , : � �— �a� NOtid, TIiEPwFORE', B� IT�T2ESOT,�D 'BY THE CITX COTJltrITSSIOId • QF T�iE CITY' OF CLEisR4JATER That tY=_e all ey liereinabove described to �zrcl the same is hereby vacatsd end closed� all(� 1t �9 llereby declared to be the intention of-the �ity oz Cleai��ater that said alley shall never be opendd ta traffic as lon� as the adjacent propertv con- tinues to Ue used for school purposes. � This resolution passed aiid adopted b�r the City CommieSion of the �it� of Clear�vetar, 'I`lorid�, at its rseetin� on� the $th da� of April, �.'�: 194ti• � Geor�e R. Seav,y = l�ayor-i%om `issioner Attest: Frank Coole,y City xuditor ' �lerk! - There being no further business to cr�me before the Board ' the meetin� was acljourned. .�ayo�ssioner , � �ity �uditor � Clerk �