04/06/1942, 0 � � ��� � E �.. � fifiE P�III�IUT�S OF TH.� CITY COPJR,'ITSSIUT7 OF TIiE CI'I'� OF CI,EARy"JxTER, FLO�2IDA The Dity Commiss3an of the City of Clearvaater, Florida met in regular session in tn:e auaitorium oi the City Hall, April 6th at 7t30 p, t�, �PhE following meru.bers wexe preseutt Geo. R. Seavy, Iliayor-r�mmissioner . Jesse G. 5mith, Commissioner Sumner R. Zowe, Comcnission�x �an L. Stoutarnire, Commi.ssioner *-,,,,L-.' I�; C,�.Sinith, Commissioner Absent: None The neeting was dulJ ca11ec1 to ordar by I�dayor Seavy and tihe minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. h7ayor SeavsT explained that th.e Commiasi�n would be pleased to rAceive £rom anyone prssent any ideas or suggestions relative to :�he establishment of a bus route to serve the Clearcvater, Du�edin and Zargo areas. P.�ayor Titus, �"J, H. Arr,lston, Presi�dent oi I�unedin Cham:ber oi Gommerce aud others fram Dunedin e�pressed �hemselves in full svmpath� with such a plan, but said that a proposed ,15 cent rate �io� c%learwater to Dunedin in their. estivat�:on wou�.d Ue too higli. It was br�ught out tnat l:I. F. �iall was the only party wh� nad subnitted an;� definite oificial offer for a bus sei:vice-such ofier callin� for a 5-10-Ec 15 Gent rate. Co�issianer Jesse G. Snith said he hac7 furnislied the representatives of �,ir. Lou Gardner vvit:n any iniorn�tion he had in regard-�to the proposed bus systeia. City Attox�ney Ralph Richards no�v read a te�tative �rdinance covering a proposed bus system aiid also explained t2iat the City could ' not le�ally grant an exclusive iranchise. of Dunedin 8c Largo, Mayor Seav�r invi ted the City officiais/and other interested perties to m:eet mith the Clearwater City Comnission t's'ednesdag night at 7:30 o'clock, April 8th to further cor�si�er tYie Bus System. NIr. Hendrix read a proposed leass �o the City af Glearwater fron Charles Vater covering the g.round floor oi 410-414 Cleveland St, I�ioved by Jesse G. Snith, secondea b�= Su.cnner R. Lo�ve, and carried tnat the lease be approved. Be1ow is set out such lease: L � A S E THIS AGR�`�iE�JT nit�de and entered into �his 31st day of i�Tarcli A. D, 191�2, by aiic� betrveeri CFiA�2I�E� VI�T�R AND irTYRTL� K. Ue�T�R, husband and �ife, hereinaf�ter called the Lessors, and (;ITY UF' CLEi��-J1iTER, .a municiroal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereiizafter called tlie Lessee, �vicnosseth; TYiat the Lessors, for the consideration her�inafter �rovided an;3 upon the terms aiia conditions ana �'or the purnoses herein s�t i'orth does hexeUy lea5e and let to the Zessae the followin� d�scribed propes•ty v ;, � �' �� r J located in Pinellas U;.unty, Florida, t5-�vit: . : The store rooia on the �r�und i'loor of that praperte� described as Lot Thre e( 3) o�' EAR�,I, 3c T��'L' S SUBDIVISIOIQ �s recorded in Ylat Baok 1 pa�e 20 of �i,he public rec�rds of Hillsboroiz�;h CoL?ntzr, rlorida, said sture roou b�iti� l�ovvn as TTo. '1�10-l�14 Clevelt�nd St. in the City of Cle�rGvater, �''lorida. The Terms snd conditions oi t2�is lease and tlio mutual covenan�Ls and oUli�ations ni the parties hereta shall be as follows; _ lr . . This lease shall rarnain in ei'fect until cancelled. Lither party shall have the right to eancel �he lease at an5r tine by �ivin� the ot�er paxty fif tieen (15) days no�ice in �vritin� of intention to cancel, _ 2 _ It is understood that the Lessee intends to make tIie leased property available as a serY,zc.e club for men in t2ie �.ilitarv foroas of the Unite�i Stai:es. The property ,sha11 net be used for any other purpose �vithouL the written consent of the Lessors. ' - 3 - As rental for the use of the leased property, the Lessee, Citp of Clearwater, �erzby agrees to grant the Lessors a reduction or discaunt of sixty-six and two-thirds per cant (66 2/3 0) on a11 municil�al taxes levied and assessad against i;he proper't,y an ivhich the store room covered by th�s leasz is 1�catPd, said property bei�� described as Zot �hree ( 3) of �arll €c Tate' s Subdivision, T'ltxt Book 1, page 20 of the public records of hillsboraugh Courty, Florida. Sai d discount or re- duction in taxes suall be allov�eci onl3T for that portion of 191�2 or �ny , subsequent gear during tihich this lease reraains �,n efiect,. � � - . T2�e Lessee siaall not be obligeted to carry any fire irrsurance on tne leased property, nar sha11 the Lessee be resp�nsible for any repairs �o or maintainance of the leassd property, f _5_ The Lessee shall not assi�;n this lease nor sub-let any part of the leased premises �vithout the varitten consent of the Lessors. IN 1`1ITI�7�SS E7fi�f?EOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first aUove v�ritten. CHARL'.�S TTAmER ( SLF.� ) t'ditnesses a�. to Lessors: I.iYRTL� F�. V�'iTER (SE�;L) H. i��}3IOiv'�r:�ONROSE Lessors , H. G. , ��;II�T('>J CIiY UT CT,�kRti`TATL33 BY F . L HLrldD�?IX Countersi�_ed: Sit3> ti�an�:ger ' . FR1i5K COOL�i' G�,O. R. SEAVY L'ity xud:itor � C'lerk Mayor-Commissioner ti`.ritnesses as to Lessee• ' �Jiloxa Norton �l�proved as to forrn and correctness: C. E, �aslor Rc�LPii RTCHARDS City Attorney ST�ITy OI' FI�ORIDA ) ' GOUNTY QF PIP1E7 LAS ) ` I HEI3E�Y CERIIFX, That on this day bef.ore me, an officer duly autkiorized tb adrninis{;er oaths and taLe ac�norvled�m�nts; personally ap�eared CHARL�S 3/IiTER i��D i?TYi3TL� Y;, V�iTLR, to me �ye11 knov�n to be the individuals de�criUed in and va�o executed the ioregoing lease, and purpases therin expressed. Tid C�1ITI�SS 1.'�,.T�i_+,I�pF, I have hereunto set m�r hand and asf�;xed �ny offici,al seal at Glearwater„ saicl Cc�unty ana State, this 31st dap of i4iarch, 1�, D, 191�2. H. �Iarion ,.7onrose Ilotary Fublie Stats of Fl�rida at Large. T;Iy CaLcni.ssion �xpires J'une 1st, 19/�2. T.Zoved by %�r. Lotive,..seconded by �r:r. Stoutarsire and car•ried tliat the followin� kgreenent �vith tlie Cleveland Baseball Club be entered iiitor .. AGRLr"��;'�TJT THI� �GREL+T1�'IIT is entered into this 27th aay of P�iarch, t1, D, 194?, by and Uetween tYie CIT`I 0� (�LEARId�T�p, FZORI��s, hereinafter referred to as the City, and tlle CLEV�;L.ST;� BA�EB� CO2��'I�TY, Iie;reiLafter referr�c� to as the Company, qs folla�vs: - 1 - The i;arspauy agrees that the �leveland �erican League Baseball C1uU tivi11 do its spriub trainin� for 1943 in the City of Glearwater, • and to plag its hoiae spring edhi�.iiti�n garaes in said Ci �y, _ � _ The City a�;rees to provide tYie Cornpany witll free use of the baseball park locatefl in said Citf, and players'.dressin� roo�s. The City particularly a�rees to havs tl�e playirib field �n first class s��pe at the time �f tYie openin�; oi the sprin� trair.in� sr•�sou, and to raair�taiti t1ie,Tield duriiig the trainin� seasou. - 3.- All gate receipts tal.en iri'durin�; �he �rainiiig season•:s�iall go to the Comp�ny. - � - The �ity A�rees to 1>eep the �randstanc� and TalEaciiers in a proper state of re���i�, and tlle Corspany sl_all not b�; held responsiUle for any accidents th��t raay occur or injuries that rsay be recaived on account o� tlze City' :, negTi�;euce in failin�; to �ee� the, �r�ndstand & bleacliers in a.sa�e and �roper candit�,on for use by spectat�r�. ' -5- The City l�rees t� pay th� �ompany the sur2 of �'ive IiundrE4 Dollars (��Q0.00) to Ue nsed towerds defx°ayi.ng expenses o#' the sprin�; Lr��nin� trip. ��_ The Compan� shall have the ri�ht to cancel this agreement if war conditions m�ke it necessary for the Companlr ta abandon its sprin� trainin� in 191�3. ITS '['TITNE�L �',II�R�O�+' tb:e barties hereto llave set thie� hands and seals the day and year first al�ave written.. CITY DF CLEA�2�'J�1mER, �`LORIDA . � ._ By F. L . F�JDT3IY Countersigned: �ity TZan��;er FRA�TF� COOLEY Geo. R, SeavV Gity Auditor Ec Clerk . bqayor-Commissioner o V`ditnesses �s to Gity: Udilora Norton CL�y �LAN�J BASEBALL COIt�FANY . C. F. Te�ylor . _ . BY ROGER I?ECi�ZI7FALrG�=` V. Pres. �^litnesses as to Con�iny: Attest: _ �tifilIS T idIT13AN Secret�ry A�proved as to forn and correctne4s: RAZI'H R:C CHk�I?S , City Attarney: � �ir. Hendrix now read tia tlie Board a Res�lution of the Clearwater Bsach Progressive Association xequestin� that tr.e City see to �he re��oval of all Commercia.l si�ns nova existent ori City Property. Below is set out such resolution: ' • RESOLU'i'IbY� The Executive Committee oP the Clearwater Beach Pr�g�essive Association. me�tin�•I�Iarch lb, 19tH2, passed unanimously the followin�, resolu�ion., for th� presentation to the �roper city �overnin� authorityc- : Resolvedt That this Executiue Commii;tee in F�eepin� mith t�.e Citys desire to i�aprove the Phvsic�l Appearence nf Cleartvat�r Beach, therefore requests tY1at the Gity order, r�nd eee to the reraoval of all con;aerc�al si�ns now -existent on City property. Clear�nater Beach Progressive Associati,on By:- Vinaient ,r:. FIalZ Se.rretary rJtarch 16, 194z: , 1 �� I4Ir� FIendris was instruc�ed to take the neceasary ste�s to cause ramoval of all si�ns that �Tiolated the �.ava or u,=,xeements with the C3�ty. r`�r• H�dris notiv read to �he Board a petition si�ned by propexty owners and endorsed by Clearv�ater �'rogressive As�n. asking that the City erect a sea� tivall on the G"/est side of Gulf View Boulevard in front of Cit�r Property. .Belo�v is set out the Petition and the endorser,ient . Clearwater, Floiida • l:farch 20th, 194Z, �r. I+. L. Hendrix, City bI�ager � ' ' Clearwater, �'lorida Dear Sir:- ?:Te, the undersi�ned, own property at Clearwr�ter Beach imc�ediatelit east of and frantin� on Gulf View ?3oulevard. The • pxoperty immediately west of n.s and frantin� on the gul� is owned by the City. . - 4re respectfull;� request that the City erect a sea-v�rall on the west �ide of Gulf View Boulevard in orQer to protect the ' street in frosit oi ,our properties. 1Te do +�ot expe�t -the City to erect an expensive 4J8Ily as vve l�now the City's rinances are . limited. 11Te have been advised thst a cypress sea-wall that will serve the-purpose ean ioe �rected at a cost o� about �2,00 .per . front foot. , Untess a wall of tr�is t�ind is exected, anotrer st�r�t like the recent oile will very probably under.nine the.street and cause dama�e that will'f�r exc�ed the cost of a g�c�tective �vall. Therefore we feel that any raoney the City may spend in erectin6 a wall wi11 be money tivell sgent �s it may prevent a much lsr�er e$penditure in the future. The City has heretiofore attempted to protect the street by placin� broken rocY on its west side. 1;iLi1� t�is may afford sane protection, it.alsa seriousl� interferes with the use of the beach since bat�ers and otn�rs use the beach and n,��,urally do not like to walli over broken rocrs. t;Te feel that a sea-v:all as above suggested vaould �e a much better solution of the probleni. 1'de will appreci�te it i� 3Tou tvill give this matter your serious consideration and bri�g this letter to attention c:y .he Citg Commission at your first opportunity. Respect.fully subr�itted, , Roy j`1. 11aYelin� �o�s- 55-5b-57 w;.iii� v. Pitts �� 53-54 B. J, Randsll « 52 Chas. S. I,ow�� " 48-4-9-50-51 Ton C. lVrxrren ,, 44-45'-4b-��7 4�. �. J'ones, Coronado iiotel " 90 to 9J� , . . lviarch 25'�h, 1942. REcOLVED: That t}�e petition sut�mitte$ Uv the property ownsrs relative;,to a sea �vall run�zng.along t�ie �•lest side of Gulf View Boulevard to tha southerl�r line oi' the �ity's property, be.refarred to t�ie City Com�ission �vzth the request that sane be given proni�t attention with view of correctin�; tYre condition refe�red to. , Clearwater Beach Pxogxessive 1s�sociation Execut:ive Cnrwnittee:- Z�. �. Tarvin-Pre,>;?.dent 4�fm. F, Oeft�er- Viee Yre��dent . . C. iY. Tr��bly- Secrebary Vinaent G, ��11- Treasurer � � ; � P1r. P�endrix said he t�ould �l;ike to see a sea-vrall erscted�, but at the present time the City 'l�ad no funds available for such a projact. The �ommissi�,�ners �vere sympathitic to the proposal but �eferred ac�ion to:a late� meeting:. •- . It2r, Hendrix now read a let�er from the Atlantic Coast T,ine Railroad Compan,y relative �o �the �eric�rix Street Cro ssing. 3e1aw is set out such Co�ur�unication. . : Ocala, Florida, April 3rd, 1942 Fi1e 13-135 CF.cI:; Street, Clearwater, Florida- Hendrix Street. P+=r. �. Z. Hendrzx, City Manager, , . Cit y of Clearwater, ` Glearwater, Florida. . Dear 1'ur. �endrix: _, Our Local rlgent at G1ear�Yater, i�r. L: ih. Donaldson, forw�rd- ed to me through the proper channels your l�tter o7 February 4th, �ttached to which was tha resolution passed by tl�e Clearwa�er tJierchan�s Associa- tion and signed by the P�esident and Secret�ry, ''"essrs. �ana2ry ancl Pusviancs. ks you know, we have all been very busy in. connection wzth thQ activity that has�reauired ne�rTy all of our attention and this partially axpl.ains tvh�r I have nat been ai�le to answer your letter 'sooner. 1'Je v�anted to give �he request our best though� and attention. 1t is our gurpose, of course, to conply v�ith any reasonable wish.and request oi the (3itizens of Clearr�ater :vnich, of• caurse, tivou�d iriclude the Clearwr�ter IvIeschants Association. The people of ��leartvater have at al1 times been reasona�le and our aGsociat�:ans witL them has been pleasant, Z'Je obtain froni Clear- water a large amount of traific, freight and passenger, and the revenue invol�ed is most attractive to the l�tlantic Coast Line Railroad. I'or the reason:s just mentioned, any 'request raan�; on us �y the people of ' Clearwater will rec�ive very caxeful consideration, amd the re�uest re- ferred to'`zn the papers received with �our letter o� February �. was ;given careful cousider�t�ion. �"1e have just corlpleted tr?e imnrovemen�s ozi our passenger station gr�unds et the Ciearwater �tation which'were brought sbout at considerable expense. Hendrix Street �vould intersect the passenger st�tion grounds and intersect several of our'yard tracks which wrould• ma �erially hamper aur traiti �,�eration at Clearvaat�r. The opening: of the street would also.create an additional hazard, and, after careful con- sideration, it is necessary that_I advise you that tae c�nnot agree to o�enin6 oi' Hendrix Street over our propertg, _' lde are always glad tio receive corar,lunications �or any �u�gestions from our patrons, and yve �jill always �i:v� careful consideratzon ta these thin�s,'biit, as in this case, we cannot �.tlwaya cou�ply with the'seque,s'G that has been made upon us. Yours very truly, F �1 HAUSP.Rll Superintendent. T�ioved-�by "`rr: l.otive,"seconded by-�I�'r. Stoutamire and carried that a�10,000.00 transiex of Punds �rom the Gas Fc 1'tai�er to Gener�l Fund an IJfarch 30th, 1942 be approved. u1r. xendrix notiPied tYse B�ard that there :v�as now a vacancy on the Elaetrica]. Board due to ('r. 'r'i. Isash leavin� tovm. � In answex to questions asked by �esse G. Sinitfi it was brou�;ht out that th� City �tad not been nut to any -expenso r�rhatever in "connect- ion with the Sewer Refunding t'rogram recently com�le�ed with Leerly, 1"theeler & Comnany oP Orlando, Florida. � .I�ir, Ricliards nov� r�ad c�-reso.liit,:Lan commerlclir�g Zeedy, 1�VhEeler ard Corilgany on the fine and �traight i'orward mnnner they rad carried aut the kefundin� agreement with�the Git;�d r,4oved by Jesse G. Smith, � r ! seconcled by Sumne� R. Lorve and c�rxied thet the �tesolution be adopted. Below is set out �ucY� �es�lution. RESOLUTI�TJ G1HER,;AS Leedy, 4Jheeler w Cotnpany, invest;nent bankers oi �rlando, Florida, heretofore made the Gi.ty of Cle�rwater a proposal to refinance certain setix�er revenue certifi.cates in the amount of �259,000 at a substantial saviiig of interest; ar�d 1^II�I��AS it lat�r,developed that said sewer revenue certiPi- cates could not be se�eured from the Reconstxuction Finance Conpoxation except by paynent of a nremiura in the apbroxivate arlount of �5,000; and �'1�RLFiS Leedy, l'7heeler & Company voluntaril� affered to pay said premium in order to secure �ossession �f the certificat�s, although tihey were under no legal or inoral obiigation to p4y: said preniium; and FII�RE�S Zeedy, �lheeier & c:orspany havs carried out all of their obligatio�s to the letter in conneetion �vith said reiinancing and have paid all costs and ex�enses in connectiar�here�r�ith, iti addition to pa�ing the }�remit� ta the Recanstruetion Finance Corpor- ation, so tinat the cer��ificates have no�v been entirely refunded to the d.eiinite a$vanta�e of the City and �,vithout any ex�ense whateaer to, the Gity; ar,d 1�'JFiEREr1S the eaid refundin� �vas carried out in the face af v�ar con�itions that made it ver�r difficult,if not itnpossible, for Leecly, �Vheeler & Company to derive any prafit from the transaetion to combensate therl fo.r the larg� amount ol time ancl efi'ort involved. NOl'1 `T'fi'+,R�FORE BE 7T EZESOI,V'.�I3 H�.r THI� CIi`1 CO:.�rIISSIOI'� OF TFiE CITX OF CT.�ARj1AmER, FZORIDIl, iha� the City of Clearsvate� does hereby nublicly e�;press its complete sati�f�cti�n rvith the ra.a_nn.er in-�vhich tne reiundir�� of seiver revenue certii'icates �+�as carried out b�• Leedy, �'Jheeler � i%omuany, and its sincere appreciation of the uanner in which Leedy, ti711eeler �4c Company carried out the refttnding agreement .in evc:r� detail in the face �f dii'ficult coriditicns arid possible financial lo.ss. This Resolution passed aild aclortecl bs the City �oriimission of the �%ity oi Clea�4vater, Floxicla, at its regular meetin� an tlpril 6th, 194?. At�est: Frai� Coolev Uity t�uditor �c �lerk Geo. R, Seavy �ia oy r-Commiasioner . ■ r,:. . .. . . . . � i ��'p l . Moved by ��r. Stnuta�ai.re,w secondeci by r:Ir: L'owe anfl carrie�l �hat a Resoluticn providing for the destru�tion of olci un-isstted Se��er Revenue Certificates be approved, Below is set �ut such Resolution: R.�'S'0 L U T I U N 1�JHr���AS the City of.. Clearwater issited certain getver �evenue certifica�es in the principsl stim nf 'Yp1,000 eacii d�ted O�tober lst; 1938; �:a.�d •� - l°v'I�R�A.S certi�'icates nur�bers 1, 2, lg', 24, 3�, 30, llg, 2 a5: �56, 271, and 272 of said series were never ti.ssued b�zt have remained at all times ir_ the possessiori of the �ity of Clearw�tez ; and T1�REAu all of the se�vei revenue �ertificates issued under date�of �etober lst, I93� have now Ueen called in and replaced by neva refunding certificates. ` N01'7,^THEREFORE, Br IT RESOLVED B`t TI� Cl2'}' COPiIl'ZISSTOTJ' OF' TF� C2TY OF CZEt1RTrT�1TE.�'r, `FI:�RIDA, that sewer revenue certifa:cates numbers,l, 23 �1�� 21+-� 3�� j(� 11�� 2J�Jr� 2Jr6� 2)1 &I1C1 ?_72� &71.� 1Y]: ' the sum ai <1,,,,n1,000 each and dated �ctober 1st, 1938, shall ba desti�oy- ed hy burning; and that the '�it3T �anaUer and Git3r liuditor and Qlerk are hereby directed t� burn said certi�icates and t� e�:ecute ana file among the pert�anent records of tlie CitSr a �tatement under oath certifyin� that all said cert�ficates have been cotnpletely destroyed. This Resolution passed'and ado�ted b3T the City Cotnmission of the City of �learvattter at� its meetin� an the bth day of� ikAriT , 19�r2. . ' Geo. ,�. Seav.V T�ayor-Cor.mii a s ioner Attests Frank Cooley City Huditor Fc Clerk ' IZoved by P�2r. Lov�e, secoadeci by Jesse G, S�•th and car.ried that the Platg of �learwater 5horz� Inc. and Clearwater Shores Pdo 2 be vacated. Below is`set out the Petition and:the Resolution vacating. PETITION TO Ut10ELTy PLAT OF CLEI�Ii.I'7A`J.'ER SHORES, TNC. , AI�tD CLE�RL1tATr.R SHOR�a , IP7C ., �iDD'�'TIt�N NO T4J0 ( 2). T'0 TIi� �IOi30Rt�.BT� BO.A�D C�r' CITI CULII�.TISSZOPdEFtS: � CLEI�R19�1T�R, FLORTbl� _ Gentlem;�nc . Yaur Petitioner, Gleaxwater Shores, Inc., A Cor�oxatiart organized-and e.xistin� under the laws of the St�te of �lorida respectrully represents that it is the Fc�e Simpl,e Owner of Cleaxwa�er Shores, �nc. , a subdivision of �he City of Clearwater, ,. �� . 0 ,,� "o �", the Plat thero�' Ueiri� recorcied�in Plat Book Sixteen (lh) 1'age Forty-two (y.2) ot the Public records of Pinellas Count,y, �lorida. Said property bein� clescribed as folla�vs: B$�;inni�g at the S, ti'T. Gorner a#' the S. �'l. 4�uarter (l//�) o� the N. E. 1/l� of Sectior. 17, Totvnship 29, Range 16, run thenr.e v��esterly 9�2.7� r�i: alon�; the center line of the GulY- to-Bs.y-Boulevard, thence deflectin� to left Ei�hty-eight degrees (88), twenty-sis minutes , and runnin� in a southerly direction 180 �t, thence defleating tn �eft ninety-Une (91) de�r�es thirty-four minutes and runnin� in aiid easter].y" ciireet� on, paralel to the centsr line of the �u�i'-Lo-Bay Boulevarcl 1829.3 it, thence de£lecting to the le£t ei�;hty-nine (�q) degrees, eighteen riinutes and runnins in a northerly :�lirectioii 1�0 ft t�. the center line of t11e Guli-to-Ba3T Boulevard, thence clefleet- in� to the left I3inaty (90) de�;rees, rorty-t�10 m9.nutes ancl runnin�; in a vresterly direction g6L�.21 £t -t� point of be�innin�, less a strip Fi�ty (50) ft. wide on the Soutli siae oi t}�e center line of the Gulf-to-Bay 33oulevard, lvhich is one-half of the right of way of said I3oule- vard. � �'hat your Petitioner is also the Fee Simple awuer of �learrvater Shores, Inc. , addit�on T�o. Two (2) , th� Plat thereof being xecorded in Flat Book Sixteen (16), Page Forth-three (43�, of the Pulalic Records of Pinellas County, Florid�. "Ph.e land emb�aced ther�in �eing located in the �it,y o�' Clearwater and described as follows; 13e�innin� at the S, �'!. Corner or the S. �'T. 1/l�. of the I�. �, 1/!� of Section 17, Township ?_9, Range 16, run Easterly al�ng center line oi Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard 13�6,']0 Pt to the �as�t line of said 1/l�, lfl� Sectian thence deflect- in� to left .�it;ht,y-eight degrees, Fifty-five �inutes' and runnin�; in a Northerly direction One Hun- drefl and eighty {1F30) ft along East said line, t�nce deflecting to left Ninety-one degrees, Five minutes, and runnin�; in a �desterly direction 1380,02 ft, to the 1'sest line of said 1/4, 1/t� ,Section, thence deflectxn� to leit Nine (9) degrees, thi.rty see�nds, and . runnin� Sautherly along said V7es� line 1�0 fti, to i�he point o�' be�innin�, less a strip - Fifty� ft. �ide on the l�orth of the center line oi` Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, vahich is � one-hal�' of t he ,right of way for said Boulevard. � Your Petitioner represents and shows that there are no outstanding �quities owned by anyone whomso�ever; eifeeting 1 any lot or lots in said subdivision. Yaur Petitioner furtiher sho�vs that none of the streets and alleys sliarvn upon said Plats have ever, been opened or laid out for.actual use, but that the only evidence of the existence of .6aid streets and ,alleys is confined soiely to the recorded Plats ad above set �csrtl�. _ �'our Petitioner sho�vs t�at the closin� ai' the streets and alleys in said subdivi,sian will not c��'asc injury ar imcumbrence ��h any surro�nciing propertf oGvners, or to the puUlic. , . Your Feti�;ioner sLc��vs that all taxea that are notv papable f�r State, �ount3r and Gity have been paid before the iil�,n� of �his applica�Li�n. . <'1 � `� � -+�r G'7liEREFORE your Pati:tioner �xays tl�t this r'ionorable Board pass a rasolution, vacati;ng the Piats of Cta�rr� water Shores, Inc. , and �31e arwater Shaxes, Tna. , additior_�To Two (2), as above described to�ether �vith the streats ancl all�ys embraced�therein. � � �espeatful:ly submitted: Clearwater 5liores, I�c. Byc J': D. Baskin President RESO<:LUTI021 A RESOLIITIOis JACATIPZG StiBDIV'ISIOPT PI:LAT�, STI?EETS AND EiLLEYS OF CLi�+,ARL';1t1TFR �'HORES, II1C. , A17ll CI�E�'�RP�t1^1iR SHOREB INC. ,�iDD2TI�Id NU Tl�JO ( 2) R�CQ2�pE� IN PI�AT BUOk SIXTEEN (16 ) Ol`7 t�f1GE FOR'T�''-T�'4't0 ADtD FQRTIr-TAI3r,L i2ESPECTTV�LY OF TH.F; PUBLIC R��OR�S OI' PINEi�S COgN'PY, FT,ORIDA. � U7hereag a petition has been �ilefl b;� Clearwater Shores, Ina., a Gorporation, requesting tinis B�ard to vacate the Plats, in- cluding �'L1 streets and alleys sn:iGlearwaterJShores, Inc. and Clear- water Shores, Inc., addition No, Twc� �'2), an� whereas it has rnade to . appear to this Board that i;he Cleari�ater�hores, 2nc,, a Gorpox°ation is tl�e o�vner in fee siniple a�:i said subdi�ision, and that none of the streets a��pearzng upon the P1ats of said subdivision have ever been �,a.id out, or usecl by the publi�;, and that the 'Taxes have been paid u�pn all prope�ty, and that no damage or injury will be sustained by the o�vners of adjo3nin� �ro�ertv; . PSOl'T TIi�'REFOR� be it resolved by the Board of �ity Commissioners of the, Ci�f of Clearwater, Florida, that tTle Pla� of Clearcaater 8hor�s, Inc., as re��rded ixi Plat 73a�Y Ivo. Si�teen (16), 1'a�e Eorty- tw� (�.2), and the Plat ai' �7.earwater �hores, Inc;., additian Na. i�,vo (2), as the sar,ie 1s recorded in P1at BaoY. �ixteen (lbl, Page.Forty- ttvo (42) of th� public records oP Pinellas �oun�y, Florida, to�ether with a11 streets and allevs sliown thereon,.be and the same are here- by vacated, and that henceforth t�e properties embracza in said. Plats sha7.1 be assessed as Acreage, the 1ega1 description of wliir.h land �s as io11ov1s; respect�vely; Beginnin� at the S, t'T. Corner of the �. V1. auarter (1/i�) di the i�arth-east �,uarter - (N.E.1/t�) of Section 17, To�vnship 29, Ran�e 16 E run thence �'Jesterly-92&.`7O f•t alr,n� the center line of the Gul�.-to-Bay BouYe�*ard, thence deflecting �o yeft - �iglzty-ei�ht (g$) clegrees, twenty-six . minutes and runnin�, in a soutlierly.di- • x , rection 1�0 �t, thence deflecting to left ninetq-one (gl� degree� thirty-four mi;~iu+es and runnin�; in an easter7, di- raction par�l].el to the c�,ii��r 1.%'i�,e �f '•::, the Guli'-to-Eay Bouleverd 1�29 3:,�,�%. , :, „ .":. ' thence deflectin� to the ie�t ei�ity-: ^'�'`. �; � A�.� nin�, in���es, ei�;hteen r��inu#�es'�nd rian- nine de e a northerly clir�etian 1�0 it. to the eenter line.�£ tiie Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, theizce dePlee�i�� to� leP�L IJine�y (90}' ^ :' �< de�rees, I'ori;�-Lv��o Liinutes and run nin�; in a 1`lestezly direction 86L�,21 ft, to point of be�;innin�;, less a stri,p • �'i.f`ty St, vride on ttie South sicle of the Oentex line of �he Gulf-to-Bay Boulevara w$�ich is one-hal� af the ri�ht of tivaf of saicl Boulevard. Be�inniir� at tlie S. Gd, Corner o� the S. L'd. l/�. of the T7. �: 3./l�. of Sectiaii 17, Tinvnshi� 5-29 Range 16i,run Essterly aloi2g cen�er line of the Uulf-to-Bay Boulevarcl 1376.'j0 ft to the East line ' of said 1/4, 1/L� Section, thence de- flecting to le�t Ei�ll�ty-eight de�ree�, ss Fm�ty-iive minutes, and runnin� in a SSortlle�ly directi�n One hundred and ei�hty (180) ft. al�n�; sa�d Ea�e line, theneP deflectin� to lePt r3inety-one (91) degrees, P'ive t�.i.r_utes, and run- nin� in a 5lesterl�r direction 138U.02 ft to the L�lest line oi' said 1/l�, 1//� Section, thence de�lectin� to th e left �inty degrees, �'hirty seconds, and run- nin� Southerly aloi�& said j7est line 1�0 tt. ta the point of beginnin�, less a strip Fifty i'1;. �ide on the ITarth side of the Center line of Gulf-to-Eay Boule- vard, r�hich is one-half oP the ri�ht of waJ for said Boul.evard, Passed and adopted tnis 6 day of �e ,194?. Geo . �2. Seav,y I.ia�o r-Ca ani ss i ane r k�test: Frarlk Cooley City Auciitar w c:lerk The Pinellas I:Iusic (:o�:pany had before the Comn�issian a Propose3 Ordirance seti;ing a License on pin ba11 and ot�.er amuse- ment machines except jul>e ar.€ans at �2�0.00 per yeara At the suggestian of Jesse (�. Smitii the matter was deP�rred until tlie Gomcmission had more time to oonszder it. I� appeared tha� Dou�las Baily holder of lea�e on Gity Property an Clearvr�ter 3each desired to sell a part oi his lease applyin� to place now knolvn as Pi�-Trai]_ Inn and that the nev� lessee would desire a direct lease frors tlie Citp for a�period oz ei�ht years. It was moved by Jesse. G, Smi�Ii, seconded b,r P�r. Stoutamire that the City P.Yana�er be authorized to dra��� u� such a lease ror a period of ei�ht years. There Uain� no iurther business to come Uaiore the Board the meetin�; �ti=as adjournecl. � City Auditor � lex:t � , � U( /��5���� P.Iayo r� Cammi s s ioner ��� F..�''` � `'x { '� � r � �� � ''iI _ _ __ _ . �