' ' ���'/,
The �ity Comraission <7i° ths City o� Cle�ry�ater .FlQxiaa met in �
re�ular sess3on F,ebruary �6, lyl�2 at the City fiall with th� fol3owin�
s present: y
member. _ _. __ _ _ . _
George I�. Sea�,y, T�4ayor Comni�sioner ,. -
Jesse G. Srnith, Commissioner , , ,
p. C. Smitli, Commissioner
Abs.ent: Suem:er R. LorvP and Dan L, Stout,amire,'
City r�Ianager Hendrix recoIIuuended that �42000.00 of,Bo�.d Ir.�erest
Fund be Investecl in Defett�e Bonds Series G.-this t�lould bring total invest-
ment t� l00 000,:Q0, Moved by Sesse G. Smith, seconded b�* D. C. Snith
'� 9
and carried that �1�2,000.OQ of Bc,nd In`erest Fund �noney be invested in
De�ense Bonds Series G. V��ing-for.,th e,mo�ion wez�,e-Geo,�R. S2r�vg, Jesse
G, Srri.th snd D; C,, ,Smith.
14?r. Eendrix brought up the natter,s of appointment of �ity Boards,
also Shuzfleboarcl a.ease, but it was decided to po5tpone thesB matters ta
a later date., �
rJlayor Gea. R. SeavSr presentect to the Conn�issian a petition re-
questin� amnndment oi License Ordinance ido. 1;79. No action was ta�en on
the petition� -,Below is set out such petiition,
-- . ._ _. . __..
. _..__ . . __ b .
_... . . _ . . s �
ViE, the undersi�necl proffessional men practicing our res�ective professions
in the Gity .of C,learv�at�er,;:rsspeetfullv, petitior� tihis Honorable Board
ihat Ordixiance (�79, finallg passed by-tY�e City, Conmission o�� tY�e 23rd
:. day of;September,,1941;�be�Porthwith amended so as to make the annual
license fee far said professions the sum of Fifteen (,�15.00) Dollars
as it existed hbretofore and prior t,o the pass.e�e-of this Ordinance.
This petition is made for t}�e re�son th�t "ousiness.eonditions of all
af saad prof essions are sueh that the present rate is practically
prohibiti��;,;and`°the ,payment of hi�her license £ees becomes an arduous
burden.'• This burden is'intensified by ebistin� w€�r conditicns.
V�e believe, wi�hout being able to c�oubt, that ,your own ,intell-i�e�,ce,
inte�rity and good will rnust convince you of the rea�on and sound�
�udge�ent that have caused this Petition to be uiade, and that in
candor anclsuaral justice, tlie prayer of the Yetition ou�ht to be
RaY E. Ulmer � Larwer .
Thorua's Hamilton �iaw3Ter
Sheldon A. Lindqey • ra,�,��
' John C. Polhill � T,ayvyer
. .Lee L, Baker ' �' . ,. vawyer
J'as. l�Y. Nichols Lawyer ' : � ,
Alfred P. Marshall �• ' T�aw.Yer
Geo. L. Brawn Lati��,yer
J. �. Satterfield . . •Za��� er
H. i,. • Thompson � - � � La�vYer
• S. E'. Siffnions _ , , La�v.ver
° Gvril E.; po�u� ' _ .... Lawver . _. . , ,
M. �. D�icniuJ:len _ , , , La�►ver
r.4. H. J'� e's : ,ILew.Yer
L. 'B. -Dickerson '_ . Doc"tor `
J. D. Ha�ood . Doe�nr•
Vd:' H. Groares Doc�br •
` C. E. Ylare � - Lawvel . _
'RusseTl TvlcZean Dentist - '"
4'7: E'. Ste�han. D. C. • Chixop'ractor
R: F. '4avat� _ , , . . - Dent'i st ,
P. H. Guinand ,:: '., ' Do�tor �: ` '
nq'. �. Black Do�t'tor
V. L. Hagen Doctor
M. A. Nic��e , M. D. '..
� D. �. 4iiilcGx D. D. S,
' Czty Attorney Ral�h-Richards reported 'thst the 0�urt-valic�ated
the Nev� Sewer� Bonds February 9th, but it wou3d. be� 1'S `days `ait�er �his ';daice
before �Y�e decree could be made fi�nal,"�his interval-of t3me'Ueing'allowed
for�apnea��. .� : , •
There bein� no Yurther. business to'come �e�'ore �he Aoard-the
meeting was adjotirned. `
V.Lce �(,
. . �r�r- orun' ssioner
City Auditor & C1erk
,i... _
The City Cor�nission of 'thFi City oF Cl:eax�water,: F�ori;da m�tr in
re�ular scssion in the City Hall P:qrch 2, 191y2 v�ai�h the fo.11owing menbers
George R., SeavV,; rdayor-Commissioner
° Jesse G. Smith, Comr.�issioner �
Sumner R. Lov�e, �omr�is�sioner .
Dan Lo Stoutarai.re, Commi3sioner
D, C. Smith, Comraissioner . .
Absent. None
The Meetin� was duly c�lled to order by I�iyor Seavy and the
minutes of the previous �eeting were aPprAved as rer�d.
City rJfana�rer Hendrix read to� the Board the �ollowin� letter Proin
�,Zr. �lired P. 2�Zarshall: �
February 26
1 9 4 2
honora.ble City.Commissioner§ .
City of Clearwater
Cleartivaier, Florida - . =
Gentlemen: �t
On November 11�; 1'934, �.• S, Riddle and �s�teTla I2iddle, his
• wiPe, conveyed to the City �f �learwater, I'lorida, a rsunici-
pa�. cor�ora�Gion, the hereinafter described premises ior the
hareinafter set �orth purposes, t�-�vit:
"Lhe East ons Iialf (E�) o� the Southeast �luarter (S�4)
and the•9outhwest Quarter (S�+T�) oi' the Southeast
Quarter (SE4) and the tiJest IIalf (l"l�) of the North-
� west (�u�trter (I�TWw) o� the Southeast t�uar�er (S�w),
Sec�ion Ttveni;y-two { 22j , Township Tiventy-nine (29)
South, Range Fifteen (15) Last, containin� one hun-
dred foz�ty (14.0), acres, more ar less, except.lots
155, 156, S, 1 j 2,'- 6, 7, 23; 24, 143; 14.4.; 145, 5>
25� 27� 2�, 46: 4?, 4�, 4-9� 50, �1, 1�8� 72� 73�
74, 120, i34,. 2�7� s�5, 4i2, 691, �9z, go�, g�4, sna
SSb of Eldora�o Subdivision as the same appe�rs oi
record in Plat Book Fourteen.(11�),;_Bage Si�ty-si�
(66) of the Public Re�erds of �?inell:as County,.
Florida, said lands bein� conveyed �'or airpor�
'�his deed of conveyarice �vas nade subject t� all au�standing
taxes and assessrnents a�ainst said property and was �iled, �or
record an3 recorded on November 20, 193y:, in t�eed Boalt ']0�,
page 4b7, of;the- Public Records of Pinel��s �aunty, llorida.
Since the City of Glearwater has eeased to use the premises
as an �irport anc� has therefore abancloned the purpoae for ZvhicYi
they w�re conveyed, the �rant�rs in said deed,'thr�u�h me, do
now request the City �o reconve3: the premises to them.
Tru�ting that such a deed of conveyance �vil1 be delivere3 v�ith-
out further actiion no my �art, I as
� Respectfully yours,
- Al�red P. n�farshall.
, APr:7: r� ,
J�he �om�§sionr�.being of �he opinion tl�at the lana. in question
had not been �abandor.ed ss an ai:rpox� site, Tdayor Scavy, instructed City�
�� \
1�4anager I�endri� to: tivrite: Iur. �'iQr'shall expxessi7�€S tiiis v�e�t of the natter�
:. ,. Mr., xendri,x, read to the, Board ,� lettsr fxom Leedy,: SYkie�ilax ��
Cotnpany relative to the tnanner of exchan�in� the �ye�v ,Sewar Hefu�.di.n�
Bonds for the �ewer 13on'ds naw outstandin�,,, .�i�y, 1�ttorne� �2al�h Richards
informed the B��rd that,such a met�iad:o� e�chan�e �vould be proper.
Below is sat aut such letter:, .
. . .- February 2g, 1942
i�ir. F. T�. �enr�rix _ .
City i,�ana�er
Glearwater, Florida �
D.ear �+ir.. Iiendrias Re:��259:,0�?� Claarwat�r
Refundin� 1Zevenue Certifica�es
� Pursuant�to our telephone convers�tion, 1 ers glad to
�dvise th�t we ar� pr�ieta:cally ready to make the exchange on the
8e�ver Revenue CertiPicates. �
To da this will rec�uiro the e�:ecution of �'erti�icetes
of exchange, and in this case lt �vzll exnedite matters �f the
bonds are split into tnvo blocks, one to �� to Bost�n, and the'
other to come here.
Pleasa forward �12�,000 of t1z:� new Ref'unding Revenue
Certificates, being numbers 2 to,1�9, inclusive., �o the �econcl
Natianal Banl�, Boston, Nlassachusetts, to be exchangecl Par �129,000
of the now autstanding 4.o Revenue�Certificate.�l,'which has been
sent to Caldwell Fc Raymond, and �ve �°aill inst�uci, them to forward
this one certi=icate to the Second �lation��. Bank, 'at Boston, to
be put with the �;12$,000 certi�icates which you a:rs sending, thus
maYting a tot�l gf �129,OQ0.t The exch�n�e on this,.bloc� of bonds
..' . is covexed t�y th� ennlosed cer�`,ifica�e, whi,ch y�e' have numbered #�., .
in pencil.: lhis oertiiieate should be complet�ly fi1].ed out
exce�t as to�date, and shoi2ld acc�mpany the certi�icatesr:�h�n sent
to the bank iri Bos�Can. You will note that this eer�Gi�ic�te con-
- t�ins a signature�ide�tifi:c�tion at the end,,to be e:�ecuted by
the'�ashier of one.of �our 1oca1 banYs.
: In sending thes@ cer�i�icates., to�etlier witli the :Treas�
urer's exci�an�e certii'icate, you ,shcu�d advise the Second Nat-
i�nal Pank. tY�at t�ey N�ill receiye excuted ,t7ertificate �1 fro�
Caldwell & Raymond in �eva Yo,rk, �t7hich i�s to be put rvith the .
_ cerui�icates you: are f orward�ng.. You should send the Second
, Nati:onal Bank� a, letter of , instr�ctions �ovei ing tY�e trr�n5ac �ion
,,to the e�Pect that .they ar'� to�Yiold the new .xefundin� revenue
certificates iri 2scroW, to'be e�e�an�ed with;Robert Hawkins �c
" Gompany, o� Bos.ton, ��tr a like ar�ount oi th,e now outstsnding sewar
revenue certificates, al,l:as iridicated in �he;exchange certificate.
"Che bank should �urther be instRuctecl to date the ex_c}zan�e
ce.rtiiicate as of the date aY e:�c}�an�e., and ;you sitiould further
• advise them to return to you the 4 o sevaer ,revenue certificates
" - �da�GEd October I,.193$, uncance:led. _ ._
sinc� there is a:diiPerence in in�erest,rates between
. the t�b sei�vex revenue certific&tes and th� �w o new xefunding
revenue certiYicates, tnere tivil'l be an adjustment oi interest from
Qctober 1, .191�1,: the las.t int�erest p.aftrien�t date, to NIarcti 1, 191�2.
(The exehange wi11 pxob�bly not be made -�,ii ;�11at date, but since .
'•- t�:e' d�f�er'eritial is very small the ad�usti��sat wili .be made as of
. thQt date..') �Ne k�ave figured thisi �di�fere�ce-•�.n interest on the
�129,000 certi£icates being exchan�ed in Boston, to be ��.03.1.2,
• : so �leage send the City's, c}iec�C for t�i� amount� a'�on� �aitli the
certiiicates, wit� i,ns.truetions �hat' the ch,nek� be turued over
to Robert �awkins & Company up�n oxcl�ange by them of the certi-
ficates'as above outlined,
T,� se.�ne procedure sh�uld be iallovued witiz rPfer�nce to
' th.e remaining �130,000 refund3n� xovenue cer�if.icates, bein�
ntuabers 130 to 25y, inelv.si�xe, ccnd maturin� fro�n 1959 �a, 196g,
except th�t we recr,uest these these be sent i;o tk�e First l�ational
]3anY: in Orlando, Orlando, Florida, tivith a�propriate inst�uctiona tQ
that bank to exchan�e Qox a liYe amount oi''the now outstan�in�, l�o
. sewer revenue � certi�icates; all a� deser�,becl i7�� 1��?:� excha�a��
certiYicat� which we have num.bered in penoil, �2. The difierenee
:•^' :Ln� interest fr:om Oetob�r ]., 19t�1:, to �,Tareh.l, 1942, n=1 t:r�ese
�p130,000 0� certificat�s, amounts to �t�0E�.25• and We r�c�uesi� that
check ba saiit to the Eirst �lational Bank hers, p�yable to �.eedy,
VJhe,eler i� Company in this �raount; to be ts�rned over to us When,
� ;
the cortificatas have been properly exchanged. The in�stru:etions
ta the banY here should be the sarle as those to the Second
IJational Banic in Bostan, except as:�to eertificate numbers, atc.
IP any of the f oregoin� is not clear, please do not
hesitate to ca11 us on the telephone.
Very truly yours,
Howarcl S. 1'�heeler
g. S. ��heeler
Lfayor Seavy np�v brought t.� the �tatter of appointm�uts to
the vari�us Ci�3* Boarcis. i+Ioved by Jesse G, Smith, se�onded by Sumnex
R. i,owe and unanimously carried that the follr�sving apnointrnents be mades
Boy Scout Trustees: Charlie ShatN, Theodore.Skinner, 1homas L. Botelez;
each for two years beginnin� FeUruary lst, 1942. ,
Barbers Exr,�nining Board: Ralph Shaw:; for twa year term be�innin� February
lst, 1942:
Buildin� Contractors .�xamining Board: Henry Lockett and Po B. Cardell,
each for a two year term beginning February lst, 19�.2. ,
ETectrioal Contractors Exanin�ig Board: G. L'l. T7ash appo�ntsd for a two
�ear term beginning February lst,, 1942•
Library Boar�i: Traver Bayly, Dr. A. T. C�rnvaell Esch for a period,nf
tti�ro years beginnzng, February Tst, 19�.2.
Plumbers �xanining Board: Alexander Adams for a period of two years
beginning February lst, 19y.2.
Recreati�n Board: G. C. ,Iifoare, Sr. , and Harold �claras each far a period of
two years beginning February lst, 1 91�2.
Zoning Board: L";Tm. L. Alley, �ti�al �er Blair, L"tebU Honkins each f ar a period
of two years be��nning February lst, 191�20
City Attorney Ralph Ric�i�rds now read to the Board a Resolution
zn whiclz the Cit3r accepted aedieation of Streets & Parhvays in I�Zandalay
Subdivision. I,�oved by desse G. Smitr, seconded by P�ir. Stoutamire that the
Resolution be adopted. Ivlotion�Carriad. Balolv is set out such rasolution:
R E S 0 I, U T I 0 N
Wfi�RFAS on Januar3T 13th, 192b, a plat o� �Iandalay
"�he Isle of a Thousand P�aTms", was �'iled �hith the Clerk of the Gircuit
Court of•Pinellas Countv, Florida, and recorded in Plat I3ook It� pa�es
32 to 25 inclusive, of. the Public Recards of Pinellas County, Floxida,
said plat being filed by tlie L. B. S�inner Company, which was then the
owner of the property covered by said plat; and
`'n3ERE.AS said plat sho�vs car�ain areas set aside f_or use as
Streets and ParkWays and dedicated t+� the public use, and
FdF.��;R�AS tYre ,property covr�xed b;� sfiid ple� is now t,k�j,thin
the� limits o� the Cit3.�: oi. Cl�arwater, and the City t��ts acc��ited tha
`" �
dedic�:tion of th8 Streets Find Parl�-tivays as shown on said plat by cons$ant
, use of said Streets and care; improvetnnent, t�nd beautification of the
Parkways as fa� ss the financial situation of tlie city would permis;
WHr�tEAS it is the intention of the Ci'L3* Conmission of the
Cit,y of Clearwater, Flerida, in adopting this Resolution to con�irm
and ratify the fact tUet the City has heretofore accepted the dedication
af said 3tres;�s �znd Park-ways, and to make a iortnal ���-:cord of the fact
that the dedication of said utreets and Farkways have been in the past
and now are hereby accepted by the City of Clearwa�er.
1. That the ded�cation of all Streets & Parkw�ys as shn�vn
on the plat �f IsIa�dalay Subdi.vision recorded in Plat Book 14, pages
32 ta 35 znclusive, of the public rec�rcls of Pinellas Oounty,''�larida,
be and the same is hereb� accepted by the (:ity oi' Clearrvater.
2, Thatr a11 erEas ind�cated as Strests and Parkways on seid
plat shall be kept available�for pubTic use and enjoyment as Streets
and Parkvrays, �nd for no other pnrpose.
This Resolution passed and adopt�:d b,y t�e Cit3* Commission of the
Ci�y �f Clear�vater, Florida, at ii�,� meEting on tne 2nd day of 114arch,
A. D. 194?. _
. ``• ,
� Georg� R'. Seav,y
C 1 • ____
City 'uditor & C1erY> �
Bslo:�v is s�t out a Resolution handed the City ialanager by the
Cleart,vater Merchants Association and is made a part of these minutes in
as much as it rvas discussed so�.e �ew Lie�tin�s. pest.
R�_.S__Q L U T I 0 N
VdFi�REEsS it has been brought to t.'�e attention of the Clearwater
Merchants Assoaiation that the�e is a great need �os extending Hendrix Street
in the �ity oi' Clearrrater across the Ri�ht�of-Vlay of the Atlantic Coast Lir�e
bisec+ing said Street, and
V1HER,EAS said Street is no�v paved on both the east and the �ves-t
sides oY said Ri�Y�t-qf-�^1ay, and
WAER�.`�AS it is the opinion of �his bady that it is to tlie best
in�eresis of tha�"`residents �nd visitors oP the City of Clearwater, in tlie
i.nterest oi` releavin.g congestion of traPfic on Gle��;land Stxeet and other-
wio6, �to extend the p�vement of said S�reet across said r$ilroed I3i.(,Y��f-Way.
„ �
� ` �
NOVt, TEiEREFO �, BE IT RESOIVED by the Cl�afiwat9r
Mercl�nts �lasociation at a meeiin� regularly cc�lled anci �ie�d
this fl�xy� that the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida be petitioned by this body to request the proper rail-
road officials to pave said Right�of-tjJay as speedily as possible.
BE IT FITRTHER RESOLVED that a coPy oz this Resolution
be furnisned said �ity Commissioners, the Atlant'ic Coast Line
Railro�:d, �he press, and any other interested parties.
PASSrD AND ADOPTsD this �;th daST of January, A. D. 191�2.
By F , l'J, kendry
A. E. Purviance
The re bein�; na fux°ther business to come before the
Boa�.d the meetine tivas edjourned.
r,y Auditor & Glerk
�. VC� �_