. . . � � . . �. � / C/ .
The City Rotnmis "s.ion oi' t�e City of Cle aT�ir�atex., ,�.''lsrida Taet in
reguTar session in tYie Gity Hal1, January 19„ 1`942 at 7:30"Y. r+�. ti�i�h
the follrnving members gresent;
Geo.. 1t. Seavy, Meyor (:ommiss�.oner
Jesse �. Smith, �ommissioner
� .:. Sumnex R; I�owe, Go�aissioner ,
. ' Dan L. Stoutamixe, Gommissiorier
. . D. C. Smith, Commissianer
. Ab s ent : Idone ,
The meeting was duly called.to o�der b,v T�iayor Seavy aud the
minutes�oi-the previous me.eting':�r.ere approved as read.,
�"7. J. Lester oP Pinellas S�reet appeared bePare �he Baar�, and
subrsitted varitte� of£er of w150,00 to clear un al1 the taxes and liens
against Lots 3, 1�a� 6, J'. B. Roberts Subd. recentl� purchased by him
fror� the I. l. Board. �n suggestion of J'esse.G, Smith the oifer vias
� turned ov�r to the City l+�inager to znvestigate,
I�r. J'. L. Rutledge re�resentin� Cleartivater r'uaerican Legion
Post appea.red bei'ora tha Iloard and asked that the City donate t1�e City
pi:a�erty at the 2dortli��aest Corner of �almatto and Penn:sylvania Avenue
to be used for 23e�;ro Heereation Park7the �r�perty in question Uein�
350 ft. on lv. side of Palrletl�a,�Vest o� :i'enns. n.venue and 21�9ft Nar,�h
& South. T�ayor Seavy told 1ur. Rutle�ibe that the Czty Comrnission'�and
.,, _ _ .
the City iiana�er vuould have to lo�k over the property and 'the� �;ive him.
�a d.ecisiAn on the matter.
Nir. F. L, FiEndri;,», z�e�orted the �low bid on the Gas Plant
fencin� was .97 cents per lineal foot, 'submitted by C�eron �:. Barkley �
C�mpany of Tampa. � .
Mr, Hendrix now suhr�.itted to the Board the Annual I2eport o� �
the City's a�eration far the caien�::r year 19�.1. l�hs Conmissicn see�ed
w��ll pleas�d v��th tlie iReport.
� ,__ �,. ,, t "':s ��.?, �
5, * T1ie r.�at'�er a� �ecupational Licenses coming un, �he Boax'd svr�s �f
the opi.nian tliat � ebruarv lst being the dead line ,i'or pagment of l�cense,
n �
aitc�r this date siar.�nians would have to be issueii;��'or those�tieliucluen�y: .
�ity A�ctarney Ralph Ftichard�°'now ��read a Reso�.utior� of apprec� ation
`�� by the Gity for the services of n7r. HerU�ert Grice, as C�muissi�ner.
P;Ioved by, Mr. Jesse G. Smitu, seconcled b�r Suraner Lo�ae and uziani:�auslv
csrried �hat the Resolutiori Ue adopted. �elova is set out such Reaolutian.
� L',1F�I��A� Ii�RBEFiT GRICE ser�ed ��n tY�e City Gommission of the
; GitS� af Clearwater duxin� 193g, 1935> �y4� an.d I.91�.1; ana .
, ��RFAS he gave generouslg_nf his'�time ttnd energy� to
the.service;of �he �ity at grea� persanal'sacrifice and without „
' an�C remuneration what�ver; and -
1'r`�LRi+,AS his untiring efforts in behalf o, the City liave
gr�ined him the sinGere 'res�ect sud lastin�` g�fftituc�e of our citizen;s;
CI�i' �F CLEARj'J1�TER, EI;ORIDA, the.t.�lie .citizens of C1ear�vatPn,r�c�'tir.�
by �nd throu�,h their'duly elected re�reseiita�ives, da herebST take this
opportunity and this means t� r`ec��-nize the.valuabie and ezficien�t
services rendered by Ii�i2B�BT GRICE ta this Gity, and to exnrzss .
their sincere thanks theref�r. . . _.
Dated at Gleartivatex°, Flo.rifla,: this-�tli day of' iFank�<xy�
A. D, 1942.
. . , Geo. R. Seavy
I�Iay�r-Gommi ssioner '
Attest: „ ' _ - ,, •-,_ ,
- ,
Frank C�olev _
Citp kuditor � Cierk
' _ : �• � .
Mr. �ichards inforraed the Board that suit was filed Jan,. 19,
1942 to validate the i�eva Se�ver �xertiPicates and th�t hearirsg on the
matter vfould be February �th, 191�2 in Circuit Cnurt of Pinellas County.
_ _ ;::.,. ,
Iviayor-Seavy called Police Chiei �tussell's attention to th�
Eldrid�e Street Stop li�t. 3t appearin� tnat sometimes the ii�ht
was used when not necessarv. , i+ir. nussel� saia thc li�lit tivas supposed
, ta �e aut after 7:30 P. I�:I. ': : . , ,
TLere bPing no i'urthar 5usiness to carae before th� Bo&�d
. the neetin� was adj'ourned. ^ . �
_ i� .
� I�a3*or-C � ner
. . Ar��/��
. ._
Gity" xud�to ' & clerk •
. .. � . . . . . . ' � . A . '.
. � . . , .. . � . , . , . , ' . . . .. . . . � , ... � � . .. � J �
.... , . .... . e �
q-' `rhe City Comr�issi,on o;. the �i�y �f Clearwater, a''lori.da met in
regular session I'ebruary 2, 1942, 7�3� �'. ZL�. in tx>-� ��.ditoriutn aP the
City Hall. `l'he follovrin� members were present:
� George R. Soavy, %'iayor-Comiaissioner
J'esse G. Smith, �omriissioner
�umner R, Lowe, Commissioner
Dan L, Stoutamire, commi.ssioner
D. `'. �'mith, �o�aissi,qner
, Absent:- None
� • y1, �J. Goza aPpeared befoxe-;the Board on behalP af the Clearwater
' I�ierehants Association relative to the op�nin� of xer_drix Street from
Garden �venue east across the railroads. lir, Goza sas told that the
Comraisai,on would tal:e the raatter under consideration.
V1. r'. Schoech, pastor �z the Lutherzn �hurch in Clearwater,
was told by the l3oard that 2onin� Re�ulations �vould not restrict the
buildin� o� a �huxch on South Garden kvenue in the Block east of the
Palasonic Buildin�, being in Caurt Square �.tbdivisian.
� °., y:3uic� Kut� Dealor, apueared beforE the Ba�rd
� �- � P� .
with the renuest that the City �o�rnission reduce the xuto Deal.ers
, Occupational I,icense irotn ;�50.00 to �25.00, ivls�rOZ' Seavy explained ta
� T�ir. Pruitt that if any clian�es tiaere made in the �icense Ordinance,
the nuto Dealors r��ould �et ��ouez car��iaer��ion�
:�7. ?I. Jone:s, At�orneg, nreser_ted a written petition �ta vacate
pla�s o� �hares Acres Inc „ and Shore �?eres Inc., Addition No. 2 also
� a Resoluti�n vacatiing Subdivision Plats, streets, etc,, ir_ such
Subdiuisi�ns, I=ioved bv Jesse G, Smith, secondeci by Sumnex ��. Zowe
and carried tllat the Resolution be gna�lte�i subject ta the approval �f
rthe City xtt�rtiev, �'he above �'etition ana Re3olution beiilg tivrong as
to description; the sane are not being set �ut in full in these minu�es.
hloved bv T+Ir. Lo�ve, s conded b3� Jesse G. Sni.th and carried that
` e�. g.s.,.. �.�-�
�7030,00' transfernFroxa Gas ��later �uncl-t� Genera]. �'und be appr�ved�
�ity t�ttornz� �alph F3icharcls, nad9 read to the Bo�1rd an
�rdznance ta be �.nown as �rd�.nance �1�56 and relatin� to Blackouts
in vrar time.
, PuToved by �dr. Lov��e, seconded by Jessa G, Smi.th and c�rri.e.d
---~' that the Ordinair3e No. 1�86 ve passed� or_ its first readin�. S�oved
by Jesse G. S�nith, seconded vy Isir. S�outar•nire and cE�rried that
, 0rdinance No. 4:86 be passecl o�i its seaon.d reading. R'foved bv I�!Ir,
Stoutamire and carried that 8�dinance No. l�.�� be nassed �n its third
and final reading. Below is set out Ordinance T�Ta, �.86,
� _,
r .,� ,a...
, -
��, .,
, __ .:_ _ .
� _ _. . . ,
,� ,,
__ ,
, , ORDINA.NCE N0. 486'
.. . ,_
WHEREAS the United �tates of America is now engaged
in war with foreign powors, an<i tha deYeuse of our nation is in the
hands o£ our military and x�aval forces; and,,k J
: WHEREAS in modern warfare, no city, howe�er distant
from the enemy, is free #'ran danger of' attack; and
1'�REAS lights at night time are a dei'inite aid to.
�he enemy in reaching m�,].itary or other objaetiVes; and
- WI�REAS.,black-outs, x�her� ardered,by the proper.author-
.i�y, are essential,to the pre�ervation of.13P8 and property in the Cit9
of Clearwater, and it is imperative tYiat this city aid the armed forces
by a11 possible,eooperation and assistanca;
. . _
Secti.on 1. -In.erder t� proiec,t. lives and.pr.operty in
the City: of �learwater fran enemy act�on, the RSayor-Coannissioner is here-
� `' p laim rules a.nd regulations, 3n addition
b authorized and di�_ected to roc
ta� those here3,nafter contained,,. whivh shall have �che force, and e£fect of
laws for.the cond.uct of.citizer,s during black-out,s, air raids, or other
emergenc3.ea 3.n this c:tty, ,at such times and: for sucl�. periods as ;are
necessary or as ordered by the military or naval forces oi'.the IInited_
5�tates of America. 2'he Mayor-Cammissioner is authorized and directad
to prescribe such orders rul.e� and regulatians in advanee of such
� _ ..
emorgenc3es, to be in effac� when such emergencies eatst, in order to ,
protect l.iP� and. �roperty during such peri�o.ds_.
� $ection 2. The I�;�yor-�ommi3sioner mag appoint, ��r a
spee3fied term or for specified emergene,ies, as.many spec3a-Z police,
wiihout,pa;y, from among. the res3dents cf' the Qity of CZearivater or from
, defense organizationq,.as may be deemed advisable for serv3ce in con-
nection with an� black-out, a3.r raid or,o�her war emergancg. During the
term,of servic� of.such special police,, they shall possess all,the power
and pr3;vilege:�, and pertox� a].l ,the duties of. patrolmen of tl�e standing
,pol.ice force .of' �he City o.i' Clearwater. Such special, golice: must; wear sueh
identifying emblem.:as ma� be prescr:ibed by. the-Mayor-C�issioner, and i�
small be tzY�lawf`u1 for ar,y special policeman to attempt to caxr� out any
ord�r, rulas or regulstior� �roinulgated under the•authoritg canferrod
herebq when he i� not wearing such ideiz�ifying emblem.
,. . ; ;
+.. � . .. _ �, _ _, _
Sac�ion 3.� Whei� dee'in'e'd necessarg 3n order to protect
life or property,durl:ng b].ack-(nzts, tha �alics.,or the; apecial police
aut�orized herein e�e authorized and dir`ec�ed to ent'er upon any premises
wiithin tiis City of. �learwate.r and ex'tinguish ligiit� ;or take ��her
necessary,action to make eff�ctive any order;' rule"or regizlation pro-
mulgated under the authorit� hereof. lluring any such emergencies, the
police or special police herein designated shall have po�ver to regulate
r�nd'prohibit the movement of vehicular traffic on highways an� s���ts
,. -; . : , ., k;'
on such�vehicles.
Section 4. It� sha11 be' unlaw#�zl willfully to refla:se' -
or neglect to obey any such rizles and regulatl`ons as procla3med by the
Mayor-Gomm3ssioner in connection '�herswith, or� any call'uiade`upon any
citizen for aid in enforci•ng the se:me. "'` '
5e�tion 5.' Wheiie'ver'any"' official s3gnal `si�all� be gi'ven
� warning oi any enem� a�tack r:fr�n "the a3r or othe�vrise� ax�d until a sub-
sequent signal shall be given indicating the passirig of danger i'rom�•such
; . . , •,;. . -
a'ttAC�i: . : � ., • _ , , - .
(a) It sha11 be 'the duty of� e'very�' person who is in '
c}�arge of ari automobile or other motor v'ehicZe iinmediately to pu�.1 over�
�o the curb or road side and stop 3ait1'vehicle an3 tiirn off a1T light's�
upon said vehicles' and" also to cut 'oi'f the' motor leaving the key in said
� vehiale. In�'eomplying with the aBove provision, it shall`be the �daty��
of every person in cY�arge of said vehicle not to park the `same iri front
of a fire axit, fire plug, or at a s�treet interseation, or'to attempt to
drive said veh3cle while the lights "are 6ut. �Frooidsd, howa�very that± �
the provisions' of this` sec'tion sha7.1 not applq' to emergencg n�hicles'
�xhich shaTl be daeignat'ed �`s suclz"by proper author3.ty'. ' `'
' fb) 1`.t sha11 be the civ:�ty �P' every 'person in a dwel'Tine
y ..
of an' kind imiiiediately to turn out a11 external lights used in'conne�tion
therewith and `to 'obscure ali �rri�adov�i's with dark materisl of 'same` kind so
that no light fr�m. said b�iilc�ing will be visib'1e f'rom- outside'•, arid,� if
this eRnnot be d'orie', then i�' shall be the 'duty �oi' every such person t�
._. , .
turh off a�� '�.ights; but no't' to use �hs; mai�s sv�3.tch' Par this' purposea'
Th.e managers of hotel.s and apartment hou:9ss stiall be held rasponsible
for �f'izllcompliai�ce �itlri� this sectioia with ref6�ence to exterior Zi�hting.
' (c) It sha11 be the dutg 'o'f` e'verq person i:n cha-rge°'af
any atore, IriQI1L1fftC�I".Lll'i;�g, industrial plant or advertising display ta �
have some one ciz dititq d�.u-tng the bla:.k-out a�d to" extinguish �11 ex-
�r:., , , ,.
ternal li�hts,' inc:.�din'g sigiis oi allkind's, and to prevsnt a1� internal
1�gh�Cs fron� being 'visible from:' otzt�ide or� ta er.tinguish th� saine.` ��
. . ,. �
.. ' � . _ . . . . .:. .. .,. . . ..�: � . . 1 . . . . . _. " . .
(d) A1I persons s�11 pramiptly comply with orders
�iven by per�ons duly authorized to give such orders and rvho shall wear
a distinguishing uniPorm, badge, or other ins�gnia indicatine of such
(6) All persona, except duly authorized persons, s1�a11
"leave aIl streets, park s„ and open spaces and s,na7.1 proceed to the nearest
�i') all persor�s, except dulg authorized persons', sha11
refrain fr� uttering, publishing, or otherwise simulating ax�r oPficial
signal or warning of an enemy attack i'rom the air� or otherPriee.
Section 6, This enactment ahall constitute an exer-
cise by the Cit�r �� C��rv�ater oi its govornmental f�znctions f�r the pro-
tecticrn of public peace, health and safety; and neither the �ity of
C1eArwater nor any individual responding to the regulations herein con-
tained or lawfully pxoclaimed and pramulgated by the Mayer-Co�nissioner
shall be 13able,for damages susta3ned by persons or property in eonnection
therewith, or as a resul� oP an authorized black-out or emergency.
section 7. Th3s ordinance 3s hereby deelared to be
an emergency measure and shall take effect izmned3ate14 upon its passage.
Section 8. IP any provisioa ot this ordinance or the
applicat3on thereof to any person or circv.mst�.nce,is held invalid, the
remainder of the ordinance and the application af such provision to
persons or circumstances other than those as to whieh it is held invalid
shall not be affacted thereb�.
5ection 9. All ordin�nces or parts of orciinances in
conflici; h�r9with be and the same are hereb� repealed.
5ection 10. Any person, firm or eornoration who sl�all
refuea or nzglect to compYy rvith any of the provisions of this ordinance,
or who sha 11 v3olate or fail to con:plg with any rules and regulations
procla3med by the Mayor-Commisaioner in conneation therewith, s1�aTl be
pur.ished �y a fine not exceeding �500.00 or by imprisonment in the Citg
Jail nct exceeding 90 days, or bg both such fine and iinprisormient ix� the
discretion of tho Munieipal Judgee
_'Phis ordinanae passed and adopted by the City
�omm3.ssion of the City of �learwster, Florida:
Passe3 on first reading
Passed on soeo�d reading
Passed on third reading
Citg Auditor snd Clerk
Mayor- oa¢niss3oner•�
The �uestion of enforcenler_t of the 191�1-19�2 Occu�ational
License Za4+r, eatencling time etc., beang br�ugh� up it tvas tlie �eneraJ�
opinion a#' the ''aru7ission that licenses ha�azng been due and payaUle
since last October �st, shoulc� now he collecte� othexwise the revenues
that the Cit3T operates on would be seriously clehleted.
Gitv �ttorne� Ralph Ric�iards re�arted that the l'J. P. r�. had
com7leted s prelir�iinary dra�'t of Lhe wark of codifyin� the c:i�:3T Ordinancea.
`1'here aeing no �urther business to cone before the Board the
meeting was adjourned.
�,, � ��%
fi�ayor-�ommiss ones�