�,, ,.�,
, ;�he City Commis:�3on o�'. the: �ity ,:of Clearwa�er,. F1'ori�da `met in
,.' �pec�.al Seas�Qn at 5:3� P, :M. Friday, J'�nuaxY 9, 1942 at �iie �i�y Hall,
with; the. i`o1�,oWin� me�bers pre,"�Sent;:
<" J.. George R. �'eavy, Ria3ror Comclissione� ;
. Dan St�utamire; �omr,tissione� •
' '. Sumner R. Lowe,. Commisszoner, < ,
. Jess,e. G. Smith, Commias�,o;ner ,
' D.' C. Sra3.th, Coram3ssioner
� Absent:, None ,
_ The meetin� was dulx called to order b3r Mayor ,Sea�ry.
" a . z,
�City�Attoxney�Ralph'Rich�rds no�v reafl to the Board an Qrdinance
to be Y>not�n .as. Ordi�ance fiJo,' .t�.84 and. covering the deta:Ils, o;i the praposed
Refunding of the San�tary Se�ver Reveriue Gertificates by Leedy 1,'�eeler Co.
of Orlando, F].orida_,, Moveu by Jesse G.:Stnitii,�,seeonded by r,tIr. Iowe, and
carried that Ordi�ance.l`7o_. 1��4 be passed;on its first reading. I�ioved
bv It7r. Lotivei��seconded. by D. C. 8mith and carried_ that the Ordinance be
passed on its second reading. �.Zoved by 1:ir. Lgwe, seconded by iur, �touta-
mire and carried thsL Orciinence IJo. 484 be passed on its third and final
reading. in all the v�tin�; ou this ordinance there were no ne�ative votes
cast. Below is set out Ordinance I�Ta. L�g4 `
ORDL�dANCE NO. t�81� .
� ORDII3�tCE :�'UTHORTZIidG Th�E ISSU�NCE 0� �259,000
. ANll CER^1ki1J �� S D�RIVED Fr�0Iv1 TI-i� G�PER�TIONS j
' . At10LT1m �?�' �p259,00Q:'
' '-- , Seetion.l. It is hereby determine.�'and deelared that;
- _(a� Tl�e City oi' -Cle:arwa-Ge�,, Fi.or.ida,. na.w otivns,, operates
� ,.and maintairis a .Sa�itaryrSeyrer iystem, (herein. ca7led "Server
Sys�eni".); :the constructiQ.n and acquis�-�ion of t�hich was-�originallv financed
by t:ha : i sa�zanc:e of general obligation :borids.. ciF the Ci.ty, �o x the. :payment
of' wvhich bonds the ,City �,vas requi�ed by law ta le,�ry and coilect an
� ad valorem tax upon all tlie tr��able. pxogext�y loeateci within,tne.;;territorial
limits o�' the �ity, and tY�e reveuues oi' said Se�ver System,were in no way
. pledged-to the paymant af such bonds:
('b) 'Cert�in imprqvement.s and a�ditions,have be,en m�de to
said Sewer System, which im�rnvements.and additians tivere financed by
Sewer Revenue; 0er�ificates which �Yere payabl�, princi�al and interest
solely frors the n�t,seveuues of the Se�ver Syst,em. Said Sewer Rav'enue
,� •
� ��
Certificat,es,;.i�l'ie:,os�3:�:cxind�����ness payaUle f'ron the net
,' : revenues a� the Sewer Systen:now outstanding; are in �cha amoitnt
oi �259,000, bein� part of an 'arig3:nal issue o� �261,,000, b�ar-'.
ing interest-at t�o par annum, dated D�etober l, 1938. �a�d
certificates are payable on �ctr�i��r l, of each yoar, ,�1�,000 in
1942 an� 1943; �5,000 in 194w to 19/�.'7., inclusive; �p7,00din 19J�8
to 1951, inelusige; �S,O.Ob in?195-2:to 19�4, inclusive; �'9,000
in 1955; ��0,000 in 1956 and:]�957, ,�i`1.2,000 in 1g58 and 1959;
��13,OOO.in 1:960 and 1961; �1�:,000 in 1962 to.'1964s inclusive; �
�15,000 in 1965 and 1966, and �14,oU0 :Ln 1967 and 1968.
There �vas in the sinki°n� fund. estabiish�d for the payment of
said 'Sewex �2ev:enue Certificates as of. S,epten�er 30, 19W1, the
, . :sum oi' �7, 660 . 0(7. _ . �
(e),.Ihe net r.evenues of the,Server System ior the
fiseal'years oi its operq�tion are as fAl:lo�vs:
Ris�al.Year . . Net �tevenues :
, 19!�0. - �6,3�0:.69
. 194� 6,220.�5
. _ ,
(d} The City oi Clearwater, Florida, ayso norv owns,
operates and maintains a Gas Plant and Distribution System (herein
called "Gas Systen") the construction and ac�}s�.is�ti�on of wh�.ch was
originally financed by the issuanc;e of general i�oligation bonds
of the City, for the gayt�ent o£ which bonds the Cj.ty tvas required
by law'to levy and aollect an ad ualorem tax upon all the ta�able
property located ivithin the territorial Iimits_of.the City, and
the revenues oY said Gas-Systein tivere in no way pledged to the
�ir.,� �r� 70 ,...�:�
pay�}ent of such bonds. ' + � ��� ,,,���,�,� -
:(e) Certain improver�ents anfl additionshrvere Pinanc�
bp Gas Revenue Cer�tificates which we�e payable, principal and
interest, solely fz�o:� the net:revenues o� the �,as Syster�. Said
� Gas Revenue Cer�ificates, the;only indebted�iess'payable irom the
net revenues o� the'Gas Bystem now outstandin�,:-are-in the amouni,
" of ��3,000, bein� part of an autliorized :is�sue;:of �'79,000, bearing
intarest 'at 4f per .annum, da�ted December l, 1,935., Said certifi,.c;ates
are payable on Deeer�ber.1, oi" each yeax, �2,000 in 1942 arid 194.�;y
�3,000 in 1944 and 1945; �4,00.o in:1946 and T,947; �a5;�00 in 1�4g
:- to 1952, inclusive; �6.,:ODO in 1953f�o 1956, inclusive; and �(a,009
, in 1957. _
(P) The net r.evenue3 of the Gas ,Systee� after -
allowance 'for deprectation £or the I.Ast three.Piscal 3*ears has
' amounted to the followin� .sumst �
,• - - Fi:scal Years PTet Revenues
Enc�ing�April 3�, 193g � �43,709.07 _
f, „ t* 1939 4�,o56.b1
�, f� �� 1940 4g,59�.23
,� Jutie 30, 1941 50 ,131�. �2
': (g+)- `Ehe Sewer Sys�en ancl the Gas SYstem are both.
I administered by the srune,departme�.t oP said Cit� and th.e net
estimated revEnu�es of, ;the; Sewer System, t,ogethe� vlith the -
, revenues of the ('Tss System� hereinaPter p�.ecige�,c in each ��saal
year, are in excess bf the amount to become due in each such fiscal
year for principal and ir.tere.�t on the Gas; Pland and Sewer� System
. R��undin:� Revenue Gerti�'icatas hefieinaPter provided for, after making
provi�ion fas the paynent o� the pY�ineipal �nd interest of the out-
standiu� Gas Revenue CertiPic�,tes pagable tro�'the revenues of the
Gas Systemo
`{1'); It is n.ec�ssary and desixable in order:;to reduce annual
debt servi;.ce require�ents and to orovide i'or the orderly liquidation
of the outs�andin�-indebtedness of the City's Sewer System,to authorize
and i,ssue G�s Plant ar_d Se�ver System Refunding'Gertific�i�es ( herein-
_.after referred to as �sRePundin� Ravenue Certificates��,. in an a�gregate
princi�al amount suPfi�ient �;a re#�und said Seive� Re.venue Certiiicates
presently outstandin� in the aggre�ate prineipal amount oY �259:000.
(i) The Citv o� Clearwat�r has authority under th� Canstitutio�
and Statutes of the �tate of Florida, includin� the Gharter of said Gity,
to establish.ancl ra�intain a, muni;cigal sswer system �x ''
��i and a�uni.ci�el gas systen �nd is l:e�ally:authorized in its
pro�rietary c�pacity t'o-anticipate t�e collection of the reveisues to
. be derived �rom tlie operation of such s;�stem� in order to pro�aide Punds
for the �eyment oP the indebtedness incurred in the construetion of such
system,;.or either of them, or in providizg essential addit,ians and
Paeilities �herefor,,..the exercise of such povaer being an ordina�y
and usual funetion o� fiscal management incident to the City�s authority
to own and operat,e sai3 svstems and is authorized b,y the Revenue Bond
Refinancin� Act of 1937 to issue and sell its refunding revenue Qertif.icates
for the gurpose oP refunding its o�tstanding Se�ver Revenue Certificates.
(j) T.eedy, ti�heeler & Cotapany have agreed in writing ta excha�ge,
par for par, the outstanding Sewer Re�renue Certifioates'df saifl City,
bearing interest at 7�, o per anntua, for the xsfunding revenue certificates
to be suthorized hereby and to bear interest at the r�te of 3,�-,o per annum.
Section 2, In order to refznance the uutstanding Sewer Revenue
CertiPic�tes describec� in Section 1 hereof, there �h`sll be is•ued
negotiable �eYundin� Revenue:Certificates in the aggregate principal `
amount oF �259,000, which certificatss shall be dated October 1, 19�.1,
be in the denomination of �p1,000 each, nunbered f'rom 1 to z59, inclusive,
in order �f m�turity;-�and shal.l bear interest at the rate oP three and
, , . _ ,;
one-quarter per centum (3;0) per annum, paya'ble semi-annually on April
first and Jctober Pirst, the iirst interas't pay�nent to be made April l,
19�.2, �nd both principal anfl interest shall be payabl'e at the office of
. _ .,
City Treasurer, Clearwater, Florida, or at the option of the fiolder at
the Chemical Bank & Trust Co�pany, Pde�v York City, Ne�v York. Said certi�i-
cates shall mature �.n nt�mes�ical orclor (rvithout o�tion of prior redemption)
.<on O:c.tober l, of eP.�h year as' �iaTlows':' �1�,00D iri ]."9i�? and 19�3;
�S,OaQ in 191��. to 1967;' inoTusiv'e; '�7,`000 in 1';�l�g to 1951,
inclusive;:�S=OOO in 1952_to i95�., inclusive;'�9,000 in 19�5;
, , . �io,.000 in i95b ana .1957; ,�1-2,0�0 -in i95� ana 195�; �1�3►'000
' in 1y60 an3 19b1;-,�p14,000 in 19b2 to 19�4, inclusiue; �p15,00G
a.Fn 1g�5 and` 1y66, and-�11�,000 in 1967 and 1'968. Sai;d .certi-
�_ Picates shall be issuerl'in coupon frarm «rith the privile�e
of regi3tr.ation as �o principal oni.y. 5aicl�eertifica�es
shall bs executed on t;ehalf of the City of Clearwat�r by`the
Citp Auditox arid C].er}: and Cit�r Manager grid countersigned
by its hZa�or-Comr,iissioner and sh�ll have the-norpora�Ge seal
of the City affixed thereto. The iritarest coupons a#��ached
_ to said'certii'icates sha11 be eYecuted by the fa�,simi�e sign-
e:tures of the Ci:ty Auditor and Clerk, Cit1r �ianaeer and r;iayor-
i Commissianei . : . _ '
• Sectior 3.- It is here�y determined �}�at the perio.d
af usefuln:ess of the Semer Sys�em is not �.ess thrit t?lirty
< i30) years' frora Oc�obex i91�1;. - - . . .' _ . ,
" .: : Section 4. i'he ReHunding �eveiiue Certiiicate� and
` interest couporis attached-tliereto and the provissions to `be
endorsed on the baek therof shall �be in substantislIy the =
' �ollotviiig forta: '. . :
No ._ ' U11IT%D STATES" OF+" AP:IERIGA :��, a 0rJ0 ,
The City of Clearwater, in the County of Pinellas,
� <_ a�: municipal corporation �of the �Sta�te oP�.Fl�ori''�da,' Por� value receiv�d,
Florida,/ hereby promises to pay to the besrc�r;'or,if this '
6er�aYicate be registered as hereinafter provided, to the
registered holder thereo�, solely Pram the special fund
provi.ded therPfor as hereinai`t;er set farth, the princip�l
stim �i .
(�1,000) on 0etober l, 19_, and to pay �rom said special
. st on ssid principal sum eemi-annually at the
fund intere
rate of three and one-quarter per centum (3�`�) per anntuu
on l�pril l, and �ctober l, of each yec�r until ��turity of
the principal sum hereof, upon the presenta�ion and surren-
^ der of the annexecl interest coupo�s as �h�y severally becorae
. .� ` , .
due. Bo:h principel and inte�est of this 6erti�icatb are
payable at the office oP the City Trsasurer, Clearwater,
' Flori�la, or, at the option of the holder, st t
' he Chettical
� + BanY � Trust Companp, in the Citv and State ot N�v�'York,
in laWiul money oi' �he. ?Jni+�ed States. o�'- America.
This CertiPicate i.s one o� -an.au�thari.�od issue limited tor�
an aggxeg�te pri,ncipal, smount of �5259,000, ��urnbered 1 to .259, inclusive,
all of like date and tenor excePt as to date of maturity, i,ssued by:daid
Gity under the authority o�' and in Pu.3.l comnliance v�rith the constxtution
and statutes of the State of;PlQric;ia,,particu��rly the charter of saicl
Gity, the Revenue Bond Re�inan�in� Act of 1937,-bi,�ng Chapter 17751
Genaral Ac�s af Florida,_1g37,;agd an ordinanee duly passed by the
City Comrai.ssion of said gity. The issue oP Certificates_ of which
this Gertificate is one hes been authorized and issuad for• the purpo;�e
of refi:nancin� certr�in v,alid outstanciin� sewer revenue certif.icates oi'
�lie City. payabl�e solely _3'roru;the rev�nues oP the sesver system of saiq
City..,Said orclinance provides ,that the City shall fix and maintain rates
and collect charges �or the �acilities and servlces aP�orded by the sewer-
system.and the gas _system of said City whi,ch will prov:icle revenues
;sufi'icient at all times to;pa� the cost,of op�xation;:maintenance ana
repairs of said syst�ms�, :an�3'��o�-,pey��:ntor::�he �ei,fcifi.cates'Sinkin�;' -
Fund created and disignated by.sazd Oxdinance as 'tRefunding R�ventae :
�ertificates,Sinkin� run�i", a,sufficient araount oi revenues ovex and
above such cost cf�operation,maintenance and repairs to pav the in-:
tereSt,Qn and �rincipal o� said Gertificates as the saae shall .respect-
ively become due, and-°to nay-fron the revenues of the gas syste�n the
principal of and interest on �73,0OO.OQ;�,Gas Revenue Certif9,.cates,
dated Decetuber l, 1935, nozy,outstandin� and constitut�ng a prior
char�e �n the;�revenues of said �as system. ;
BotY� principal of and interest on this Gertificate are
payabl.e solely f.rom said Certificates Sinl�ing Funai and ,neither this
"Certifa:cate noz any:af Lhe�intere�t coupons hereto attached shall in:
any event constitu�e an i�pdebtedness of said City �yiilin_ the meaniug
of any cons�itu�ional. or .statutory Simitation tl�ereon; -nox is the Cit3r
of Clearvtater:urider oblig�tionito pay the same�except iiom:the revenue.s
derived from the aperation of said sewei�. sys�Gem arid �a� system as in ,the
aiorementione3 ardinance provided.
�s additionaL security there has been �ranted ta the holder,.
of this 0erti�icate ar�a to the holdersof all 6ther Certificates of the
issue of which thi� Certi�ica�e is•,one,;`all the,xightS, po�qar.s and remedies
to which �hey would be entitled if th;�y would Ue entitled if.they,were.
the owl�er or own�rs and $ad.possession of the Sewer Revenue CertifiQai;es
oF ths City for the refinancing of rvhich the Certiiicates of this issue
have been autharizei�', and"'issued, all �n accord�nce �vith the provis:.ons
of the Revenue B�nd Rafiziancing Act of 1937.
This Cextificate and the interest coupons hereun•to apper-
tain�.n� are issued upon the �ollowin� terms and cona:itions, �o all of
whicli eaoh ��kei ancl' mwhe�' 1Tereo£ couesuts ans agrees:
,a�}° Title to-this Gertii'icate, unless re�iat�red as harein
provided, and to t�e �nnehedinterest coupon"s, may be'transferred by
deli^very in the same manner as the negotiable instrument payable to
bearer; &nd _ _
(bj Anv person in po'ssession of this Certificate, unless-
registered as herein provided, er•oY -�he 'interest coupons hereun�Lo
apoertaining, regardless of the mAnner iri which he shall have a�quired
possession, is hereby authorized to represent himself as the absolute
owner thereof, and'is �iereby granted'powe3.tia`transfer absolute 'tutle
thereto by deli'�rery thereof to a b�na fi�ie purchaser, tha`t`is,' �o ariy
one who shall purshase the saiue for value(pr�sent or anteeeden:�� witkrout
notice-of prior defenses-or equities or-claims �f o�vnership �niArceable
against liis transferror; eve`ry �ri�or taker or-o�vner of' this Ceri;ificate,
unless re�istered as hes�ein provided, and"oY th� annexed intarest coupons,
�vaives and renounc'e.s a7.1 of hi s eqilities a�d ri�ghts therein. in #'avor of �
every such bona fi de purehaser, and every such boria'fid� purcha"seT shsll
acqu�re at;solute title'_tLereto and to all right�s repx�sented tkaereby:;�and
(c) The �ity of Glearwater,:.Florida, may.'treat the bearer '
oi this �ertif?cate, unl�ss registered as herein provided, or of �lie
interest cou�ons hereunto apDertaining, as the absolute ovoner�thereof
Por a13: purposes withaut bein� a�f ected by ariy notzce � the contrary.
'�his Certii�icate may be regis�ered as to principal onlv.
•in aceoxt�ancE tivith`the provisions endorsed hereori. �
conditions and things required by the aons�itution and statutes oP-the
St�te of FTorida and by t�e ordin�nces-of �GPie Gitg-'of Glaarwater, Florida,
to exist,'happen and b� �3erformed'precederil: uo-and in �he issuance oi
this Certificate, have existed, have happened�and.asve been��isr�.ormed in
due time, Porm and'mariner as required bv law.` : ��
- IN'VIITNESS Y7F3ERGOF the City af Clearwater; iri-'tli� (;ounty of:
Pinellas, Florid�; has caused tYiis Certific�te`to°be si�ned in.:the �gme
af s�id City and by its City Auditor &�Clerk erid Citg P6aria�exs aud,
c�untersigned �y its 17ayor-Corilmissioner and its carpor�.te segl to be
Y�ereunto affixed and tne interest eciunons aririexed hereto to be exeauted
by the faesi�iile signatures of said Gity Atidi�or and Clerk, �itp Mana�er
- and Mayor-Coinmissioner, and this Certific�te ta be' dated ttie fixs� day
of October,1941. ; ;
By _
_ . , ty Auditor . & C 'erk
Counter-�igned: ,
Mayor-Comm ssioner , :
By � .
� Ci'iy aTanager
;.,. ,,., _ . (Yalidation endoraement)
.�: Validated and confirme� by deerce of the Circuit Court oP
the Six�h J'u�li,'c�al -Gircu�.t of Florida, in and for Pinell;as County,
rendered on the ,day of 194_
�l`J 4iiITNESS �"THEREOF' I have hereunto set •
my .hand and afi`ixed
tha seal o�, said C.ourt tnis tlay oP 194. '
Clerk, Circuit Court in and for
;. : _ ,Pineilas County, Florids.
(Seal) � ; _,
� �. (Certi.ficate of Registration) �
:This �ertificate may be registered a's to principal"only -�`
an the bo.oks of the' City of Clearw�ter,�Florid'a�,, by th� City Treasit�er=
oi';:said City, 'as Regi:strar, or-by suc� .other '�egistrar as ms.y be' app�i;nted
by,the �overning bo-riy.oP said �ity,.and such �registration shall be° noted.
hereon by said Re�,i,strar, aiter wkiich no trans�'er of �his' Certi�'ic�te .
shaZT be valid unless made on said bool�s by the re�istered ovJner in perserl
or by his.duly authorized attorney an� such'-trausfer endoroed hereon by
sasd 8egistrar. �hfs Cert;ificate rtiay be clischar�ed from re�istration by
registered tran�fer to bearer and therenpon-transYerability by'delivery
shail be �estcre�, but this �ertificate me� a�;�zin from time to time be-
registered t�r txansferred to bearsr-as bePore: Re�istration oF this
CertiPicate shall'�not affect the negotiabiiity of the coupons hereunto�
attached and �aid coupons shall continue to be transferable by delivery
ans shall remain payable ta bearer.' ` �
. (�orm 'Qf �otrpo.nj • '
No..:, ,_ . : , , . , , ; � _, . .. .
.. . �16.25
On the first day o�' , 19 , the �i�� of Cl•e8rw�ter,
�'�:o�ida, .will pay to the bear`er here'of at the ofiic� oP the `City Treasursr,
Clearwater, Floridat, .or, at the optiori of tlie holder,� at the Cite�iioal Bank
& Trugt Conpanyr in the �ity end St�;te oP New York, ou� of the C.ertigicates
Sinkin� Func� desexibed in the attached Certificate si$teen and 2�j��00
(5�16.25) vol]:ars in lawful nioney of the United States o� America, �e�n�
six months in'tsrest ` then� (iue on its Gas Plan� 'and� Server Sy5tem Refundin� Revenue i
Certificate� dated Qctober 1, 191�1, and numbered ,-s ��
, m, ' . . . _ : ��� Auditor &: Clerk
. City blanager
" Mayor-Comeii"ss oner.
Section 5. Said certificates;.sha11 Ue re�istereble as
to princigal in aevordance wi.th the provissons �oi: regist���ion here-
inbefore provided to be endorsed upon said certificates, aud the City
Treasure� is hereby app�inted and designated Registrar for the purpose
of regi,stering said certiiicates. No charga shall be made to any
holder of any certificate for the privilege of re�istratioii herein.:
Section 6. �he,Refunding Revenu� Certifi.cates, as to both
prittcipal and interest, shall be payabl,� solely frbn and sc�cured by a
first lien upan and an i�revo.cable pledge of :the revenues.d9Tzved from
, the operation o� the Se�+er �System, rsnaining aPter; payment. onl.y �f=the�
reasanaole and pr�per exgense of operation and maintenanc.e:.thAreoP and'
Uy a plsdge of and i:ien upon such portion of the revenues deril*ed��Prom
t�.e qneration oP the G� ,�,�ste� as hei°einafter �rovidad.. Such certifi-
Gate:s sha11 be equallp and ratablv se�ured withou� o�ic�rity by�Teason.
oY number, date oi' certificates, issuanca,`execution or delivery:.: The
Cit� sha11 be under_no obligation to pa� the Arincipal of or interest
on.said Certificates or�any part thei�eof, exeept from.the;.re?ienues of
the Sewer 5ystem and Gas System as in this ordir�ance.provided, and
__ -,.?
the issuance of the certi�icF�t�s�shall, not cre�te a�. indebtedness r�f�,
the Ci,ty withzn,the,meanin� t�Y any constitutional or�statutory limit-
ations thereon. As addition��l security for. the certificates-authorized
hereunder, therP is hereby ccznferred upon: the �o�.ders of s�id cert,if.icates
and ePch of thers, all the ri,�ts, powers and remPdies which s�id hold-
ers�would be entitled t� if they were the o�vners and k�a� possession of
th� outstanding Sewer P.eventie Certificates for i:�e refinancing of �hich
thP dertificates issued hereuncler have been aut,horized.
' Section %, Eaeh of the RsPundin� Revenue Certificutes shall
, contain a�ecital that i� iis 3;ssued pursuant to the Revenue Bond Re-,
financing Act of 1�37, Chapter 17751, General Acts og the State of
Florida �. 143.7. ,
,., Section S. The 3ewPr System of,the City, shall 'contin�e to _
,^� be ro,�erated on a ii;scal year basis, ;commencing� on the fi�st d,ay of. ,
, Octobex of each year,, and �nding on tho thirti:eth day of, Septe!r�ber ;_
Yol.'Lowin�. . .. , ,
�o ].ong as any principal oP �nd/ or interest an_,any o�'th,a
� Re�uxiaing Revenue CertiPicates herein a�zthorize�i to- be isaue.d aha11
remain autstandi n� and unpaid,, all oP, �he revenuss .derived, i�om_ the
operation.of said Server System shalZ be deposited as rec8ived into
an account desig�atec� T+Sewex Revenue Fund++ and the moneys in said
Sewer Revenue �'und shal� s�nly be aet aeide into seper�te aad s�pecial
funds, as Pollows:
(a) Operation;"and 2�iaYntenance Acc�unt. "
The,�e is hereby c�e�ted and established a fund desi�ated
"Sev�er .Qperat.ion and Maintenarice.. Accountt' (hereinaPte� calied the :"..
^Oper.atipn,:Aa��untt�) .into v,iris<h ;there sha11 b.e pe,id ;ou� oP :the Sewex `
Revenue,Fund a sufficient amount during each'manth to.pravide Yor the
reasonable currerlt expenses uf operation,'maintenance and;repar�;s to
.the Sewer System..Ntonies in said'Op;eration Ac.caunt sha11 be used_
solely for -the purpose of pay�ng the reasonable expenses of op�rating
and maint�in�.ng the Sewer Syste�n. If in anp month the City shall ;_
fai7. to pa� the abovz reqiiire� anount into said Operation'Accaunt,
then an atnount equal to any deficiency in t�ie amount paid into said :
Oporation Ac.count in such month shall be added �o the amount other-
wise .required to oe pa�d into th.e Operation kccount.in the next
succeedin� month. , .
._(b). Re�unding Revenue'Certificates Sinking Fund:
Thera is hereby created and establ�shed a-"Refun�ing $evenue
Certificates Sinking.Fund" (hereinaP�.er_called the TMCertii'icates
Sinking Fund") into wi�ich 5ha11 be paid in a�aproximately equal.
monthly instaTiments during eac�:fiscal year a�i;er making the above
requ3red payments'into tlie �peratian �ecount , an amount egual to one.
hundred per centum(100�) of the:'amQunt requixed to pay;:. -
"v_,(l.) The next: mat.uring i:nstallment'<of principal o� any. of _
said RePundin� 8evenue Ce,rtificates.
• (2) -Thz interest: p.3yments tio fsll flue on all outstanding
Refundirig Revenue Cortificates up to`and i�aluding the date of the
ne�t �a�uring installment of principa.l oP any oi said certiPicates,
and : . �;
{ 3), An amqunt at lsast equal to t�venty per centuia ( 20 0) _
of the sum of the amount required b3z (1) and the amount required
by:(2j in order ta provide a reserva in the Certificates Si:nking
Fund.: The pay�Qents required by. (3). sha7.l be continued untiZ there :
is in said Certificate� Sinking Fund an:amount sufzicient wo meet
the next t�vo maturing ins�allments o� principal o.P any o� sai,� -
Re�undin� Revenue CertiPic�tes and the a.nter.es,t- p�tyments•,to Pall,;,due -
dzx'ring tne n:ebt t��o fiscal years therea�ti;er. P�o: paynient need.be; made,
into the "Certificate:s'.Sinking Fund,ii, and wk►en, the am,ount, in such
Cert3,Eicates Sinkin.g �''und is at_].east; equal; �to. the aggre�ats pr��cipal.
amoun� of �eiu.nding Revenue Certiiica.te•� then outstanding:plus the
amount of interest then due �or �hereaftex to becone du�• on sd3;d
eertifi�ates:- If''in; any mon�h.fo� any reason there•�ha11 3rot be;paid
inta said Certificates :Si.nkin� Funci ;the aiuount,s required by this , �
Seot:ton, .'then an ac«ount e�usl, to, such deiiciency in the amount re-
quired to be paid in�to said Gerti�icates S3nking F'und in sunh
month Rhall be added to the amount o�herwise requirad to-be paid. -
into said Certificates.Sinkin� �'und during the naxt succeeding
month: The'moneys in said CertiYiaatas Sinking Fun:d shal]: bo used
solely for the puxpo�e'-oi paying. the. �srizicipal af and the interest on
the Refunding,Rev.enue Certificates �ne3 fo'r no other purposa, t�ll"moneys
in.said Cer'tificates Sinking Fund shall. be depos3ted iu a bank, or� '
barilis,. which are ffiembers of tiae Federal Reserve System and sha11 be
continuously secnred .either btr the Federal I�apos°,t Insurr��ce Corporation
or by direct obli�ations of the United Statss o� Ame'rica; which obl�ga-
tions shall �t all times at leas+ equal in market value the amount oP
moneys in ,said Certificates Sinking r�.uid. There sha].1 also'be deposited
in the Sewer Revenus �''und and paid into the.gunds created ancl establish-
ed bp this Section.such portion of-�he revenues of �he Gas;'System 'of the
City not requirad �or the payment o� $he reasonable'current expenses'of
operation, maintenance and repairs of' said Gas System�or �reviously �.
pledged by ardinance.`oY this Ci�y Commissiori ad�pted January �, 1936,
to �he payment qf or.-to prouide security �or the outs�anding Gas Revenue
CertiPicates described in Section,l hereof authorized tYiereby, a's wi11.
be required together with the'reQenues oY the .Ser•�er System; to pr•ovid's
funds su�Picient to: pay all am:ounts:r.equired to be deposited in�the
i7peration', Account under.subsection (a). of this Section:8 and in the �.
Gertificates Sinking �''und und�r subsection (b) o�' thi:s Section g, .and
eac�:and e�ery provision oP.this Section shall, ther�ea�t.er apply to such
�ortion of the revenues of tihe Gas.Systom so-cleposi�ed. _.
Seetion 9. The Citv'hereby covenants and agrees �uith the hold-
ers oi the R�funding Rever,ue CertiPicates that tvTiile any o'f. sa3d cert-
ifzcates or coupons issued hereunder'are outstanding ancl unpaids
(�) The City w311 maintain the Sewer System and Gas System
in good condition,�and operate tiie same in an effieient-:manner ancl at
a reasoneble cost., _ , . � ,
(b) The dity v�i1T Pix and m�intain rates snd collect char�es
for the faeiliti:es and services.affard.ed'by the Sewer Spstem and the_
Gas System PN�ich }vi11 provi.de renenue <suffici-ent at -all times.'to; pay .'
the costs of operatian, maintenance aricl repairs'oP, said systems, to:(.
maintaain�the.`Cer�ificates'S:inkin� Fund as hexeinbefore proviaed'by .
Sec�ion 8(B) hereof, and to pay-from the r;evenue� o� the �as 'Sys�em
all sums constituting claims-on such revenues pti;or and:superior to
the Refwid�.n� :f2evenuer.Cexti�zcates issued hereunder.: - `
(�) The City will not issue any additional: ok�li�t�tions
' payable Yrorn �Che reveriues oP the Se�ver System and vri11 not: iss:ue any
addi�Ciartal obligations payable froirt th,e revenues oF 'the. Gas Syste�
unlass"the revenues of the Sewer ��st'em and revenues oi' '�he���Gas .Sys�Gem
ava�,labla �or depasit in the :Sewer' R"�veriue Fund provided for �n 'Sec�ion
.., �
8 he�eof for._a, per�.od oF ,t elv �
�' � I-12,1 con�ecu�ive nonths: preceedi!n� ,the
issuance of such :adc�itiqnal obligati9na gh�.11. .eausl. at least one, �ncl; - ;
three-quar-�er,s �imes the, Funounts required �to be depositea ;in fihe ,�,•,:;
Oreratj.on Account.yundex Section• 8.(a) ancl in, the Certificates Sinkzng
Fund s�nder SectiUn ;8 (b). hereof and unle$s it shal,l be exgressl;g
provided th,at; such..additional o:bl�g�tions;shall be payable �xo� the;
revenu�s of the Gas ;System only to the extent tkia.t� such revenues are
not required to provide, to�;ather wi,th al� ,reveu;ues of the Se�,ver �-
Sy,stem,•Punds,:in a� ar�ount equal to one and•three-quar.ters.�imes
the amo:ur�ts :re.quirecl �o °be de�o�i-ted in t2ie. Ope<ra_tion Pccount unaer
Saction .g (a.) and ,in,a;the CextiPiea'tes SinY.ing .F�nd u.nder Section . �
8{b) hereof, or,,reauired Por the payment oS all prior and,-superior ,
char�es,therepn: , ,„ �
( d) :Th� City wil], not . se11, mos�gage, lease or •othei�wise
dispose of r�r encunbex�, o� , permit �;ne sa1e; z�o;rtgage',: lease,ar ot�ier
disposition or enGur�br.ance of the Sevaer Systsn:or the Gas �ystem o�,
•-any pr:opest,y.,esser�tial, �to' the:proP,er :oper.at.i.on oP said, systems.
�= ••(e:) T,?�e City wil;�. irzH3;nt�ii� insurance ;ou the; Se�v�r uystem
and Ga�s.'. Syste,u �_f the kind and in an amount whieh usually wot�ld be --
maintain�d by pri�ate ;^.crporations owning and opera-�in� sirn,ilar undex-
takings. �Phe ;proceeds ���' an3r such in. surance re,�ei�ved t�;� the City shall
be hept .apart fronr other funds to be used �to r�place the�� part or parts
of the Systems:destroyed or, if not so used within a reasonaUl.e �time
aft�r the recei,pt thereof, shal-1 be deposited in the Certificates
Sink:tng; Fuhd.
•_(E) The Cit3r will l;eep praper books dF �ecord and accouut,..,.
separ.ate; .�rorr� all :other re,cords a:�d account�s, in wl�i.ch complete and
corlect entriee shall,:be made in accor�3ance:with s��ndard principles
oi accounting, -of: al], �ransact'ions xelatin�; t� :the S@y�er S�stem and
Gas �ysterl. The Gity shr�ll Pu�nish to any hol'der of any of the Re-� -. ,
funding Rever.ue Cext3,fiGates' .a� -the time autstanding, at -the wri'�ten � ,
re�tzest of such holder,. no� more �ti,an.thir�ty .days at'ter tiie close nP
each iiscal period, eompletei:apera°�itt�: and -�ncou�e; statenents. o� the
Sewer. �ys�.en: :and Gas :System in xea.sonab,l,e ;detail coverin� su�h geri�od,
and not.,more thansixty da�s,•after the close.�f each fisGal ye�ir complete
� financial st`a�t:enents o� said ��tens: 3;n rsQ,sonable detai�, covering :such
fiscal year and certified by independent auditors:''iP so requested.
,(g)' �n3T holder, o� any,c�rtii'iaa�e issued here�nc3er shall
have the ri�ht, �t al'l reasonaU3.� ti�es to 3.n�spect the Sev��ex� System. �
' and Gas Syste� �,and, sll records �nd acc•oun-�,s thereo�.. •
(h) The' �ity v�.1.1 not° renaer with the Sewer Systen or Cas
,System fr:ee service of. auy natur��•nor wi11, an}r pr,e�erential rat.es
b� establ3;shad �or users of tl.e same cl�ss, ant� in the,,e-�rent; the City of
Clearw�tar or ;any depa.rtmen�C, a�ency.;. in.s,tr,uTuentalit�, �officer or ,employee
ther�of shall aqail its�li o,f th.e..,fa;�ilitie5 or s�rv.ice,s provided by said
systems the same 'ra�es spplicab3�e to otller 'austomers receivin� Zike' ''
service under similar pircums�ances shall'be chargec7 to the {lity and'.'
anysuch departmerit, agency.,-instrument�l'ity,'oPficer or employee:
Such cYiar�es shall be paid as thag accrcie,'and the'City shall'tranaPbr
from its general funds ��uff"ioient stuus to pag such chargos. The revenuea
so roceived sha1.1 be 'deemed'to ba revenue derived fr�m the oPeration'
oi` the systeins and"shall be :deposited -aiid accotinted f�r in the sane
manner a.� .other "revenues der'ivad t2ier�fram. �
(i) Lhe City�'a�rees that it wiZ1, ana its `�roper 'officer��'
agents and employees �re hereby direated,: and it' shall be na�datory''
upon them at all-times; to �eri`orm tl�e duties pxovided in:Section�'
12 of `the Revsnue Bond Reffinaneing; .�.ct a£ 1y37; `th"s per'formali�e of -
which dutios is hereby declared to be of the essence of the� ccintraCt'�.'
batween the Ca.t�y and' the holder. ox holder-s, o�'-:the Refnndinb Revenues
Cer.tiPicates and the coupons appertaini'n�- theret,o.'aiid tta be of the °
same force end effect as if' set fax:th iir full her-ein, -
."Noa�a of 'the ioregozn� covenants shall' be 'construed :as requir-
ing th� City' to exgend any iunds -ot2ier� t}z�n t�:a revenues' derived frora
the operation o� the Sewer Systeru �nd �as System except as:herein -:
expressly' provided,� • - .: _ � . -,
Se�tion 10.' ��u the'e�en't that the City de�aul�3s in the pa3�-
nent of the principal oP'�r 3ntsrest on'anv of the Refunding�Revehue
Cer+�ificates issued h�reunde� and such dePault shall continue'Por e, -
peried oY thirth (30) da�Ts, ��or in the event tYiat the Citg, it� $overri-
in� body or its o�ficers, a�ents �r emplopees, sha11 Yail�or•refuae to
cor:Lply with the provisions� of the Revenue Bond Re�iiiancin� Ac:t oP ig37
ox any provision cont�ined in`this ordinance, any holder or ho]:der.'s o�
anv oP the Refunding Revenue Certificates then outstandin�' shall: have
the right, iri acc"or,�ance with ��� provisi•ons;=oP 'the -iore�oin°g &et �to "..
appl•y-in an appxopriate judicial prace'eding to gn5*; cou�t"'of ,competetnt
jurisdi:ction fo`r- the appointment oi a'. reeeiver Por the Sewer Systeia �.
to perPorm su�h acts• and� in the t�arrner ss provid,ed 'by the fore�oin�
Act; providQd, -howe"ver, 'that no receiuer sha'll. have �any. pov��er to sell;
assign, mortgage or otheTvaise disgose of any-assets. of'v�hatever kinii
or character belonging to the-City �nd u:eful to the Sewer Systen, the
authority of any such receiver bein� ]_imY'ted to the opera�ion and .
maint•�nance of the 8ewer Systera.
I� is hereby 'l;s,rther coven.anted arid a�reed that in ,:addition
to the' o'ther remedies hexein con�e'rrod b� ttiis ordinance, any 2rolder
of said RePunding Revenue Certif'icates'or triistee there�B�-, shall havE
' the right and p�v�er �isr the gqual benef�t and- p`rotection' of all hold-
ers oi' said certiPicstes similarly si�uat'ed, by mandamu� or o�her suit',
action' or pro�ceeding at- lava or in equity �o'enYar.ce his ri�hts�.a�ainst
the Ci'ty and its City Gommission..and any oP its of�icers, agents.and..'
` employee�- a�id to• t.equir� and compe], such CitS� or- auch' City .Comm3:ssion.: -
or any such o�Pipers;,agents,or employ�es-to perYarm and carry:out 3�.s
and theix dut3es and obLigations undes the Statu�te�.'of Florida:and its
and tiieir cov.enantss:arid agreements tivith the holders of said certiP�.actes;
by action or suit in equity to requixe the Gi�y and �he City Commission
thereof,�to.thp extent re�uixad_by the foregoin� Act, to �ccount as iP
they v��e the�trustee oi an express trust; by action or suit in ..e.q�!ity
to enjoin any acts,or tY�ings which:may be-unlaW�ul�or in vio�.atio� o�
the rights o� �he hoZder:� of ��.�d certificai;es and to bring suit u}�on
said certificates. , - •
Seetion 11. No re�nedy con�erred by ttis ordinance upon any �
holder or holde�s oi Reiundin� Revsnue CertiPia�tes is intended to
be exclusive of any other remedy9 but aaeh such remedy'is cumulative
and in:addition to every other-remedy �nd may be exercised without
exhausting �nd without regaxd to any other remedy conferred:by this
- ordinance or the RRvenue Bond RePins.ncin�-Act of 1937; or:by any ather
la�v. No waiver of :any deYault �r'breach of duty or contxact by any
holder of sa�d.certi�'icates.�;sha11 extend to �nxshall afPect any su�-
.sequent dePault or breach oP duty or contract or shall impaix any rights or
remedies th�reon. No delay or omi:s�ion of any holder of said certifica�es
to egercise any r.i�ht ,or pr,�,ver acc.ruing upon an�* def.ault shall impair any
�uch right o� pow�r or-shall be.eonstr.ued t.o be a waiver of; �ny such
default or acquies,cenlis t.here.in. Every substan.tive right a�cl every
r,emedy conferred upon t;he,holders oi' said certiPicates:may be enforce_d
and exercised frcri time t� tine arid as often as may, oe deemed., e:spedient.
In case any suit, ac•tian qr proceeding �o enfarce,any si`ght,or sgercise
and retaedy shall be brqught' or tghen and theri di:scontinued or'sbando�ed,
or shall be determiued adversely to 'the Y�older or helders oP said eertifi-
cates, then and in every such cas� the �ity gnd such holder or holders sh�ll �
be res�ored to their Pormer positions and rights and �esnedies as if no
such auit, eetion or procseedin�s had been brought or taken.
Section,l2. No taxes shall ever be levied and no noneys
shall a.er be taken or diverted fron any tunds o� the City for the
payment c�f the principal of or inte.rest on the Refunding Revenue:^
Certificates iasued hereunder, except as hereinbefore expr�s.slq provided.
Section 13, The City hereby coQenants that it rvi�.l refr�cin
from elaiming or taking the benefit or advantage in any manner tiv�iatever
oP any sta3r or extension lava whenever enacted or at any time herea�ter in
force v�hich may aPfect in any we:y the duties of the City in relation to
the Refunding Revenue CertiPicates or the lien thereof or the performanee
of the covenarlts of this ordinance. � .
Sectian ll�. The Re#'undin� Revenue Certificates herein
authorizad are hereby awarded to Leedy, 1"rheeler & Company and the City
Treasurer, after said certificetes have 'been ualidated by the Circuit
Cou�t, ie heroby euthorize;d and directed to deliver sais� certiPicates to
Leedy; Wheeler '& Company in.exchange, par for par, for �he outstanding
Sewer �?evsnne Certificates o:f tlia: City de'scsribed in Section 1•, hereoP,
� _ Upon the exchan�e of t3ie outatanditt� Se��er Revenue -
Certificates, tney shQll,:as required by Section g.of tha Revenne Bond
Refinancin� Act of 1937 ba stemped with an an�ropriate legend in �ub-
stance to the ePiect.that such certi�icates have bebn refunded puxsuant
to t�ie'i�regoing Act, and therediter such outstandin� Sewer Rev�nue
CertiPic�tes so stamped shall�not be oancel:.ed ar destroyed, but shall
be kept intact vntil all of the Refunding Revenue Certifiaa�ss and
interest t'heron shall have been fully gaid. ' •'
Upon the consummatiori of the afores�i:d exchange, ang and -
all moneys remainin� in'the Sewer.Revenue Fund, Server Operation and
Maintenance Account and Sewer Siu.king I�'und �reated and mai;ntained
pursuant to-�the provisions=oP tha ordinance authoriziri� the issuance of
the outstandin� Sewei: Revenue Certif3:cates'discrib"ed in:5ection 1,:'hereof,
shall be-transPerred.to.atid be deFosited in the re`�peetive funds or -.
accounts of sinilar character created �ereunddr, Hrid.the.proper o�ficers
of �the City are hereby suthorized an@ direeted to c�Pfect 'sueh transfer.
Section.l5. Tha �itv Attorney is hereby;:au�h�orized and directed
to take appr,opriste proeeedings iri the Ci�cuit Ceurt'of the S'ixth.Judicial
Cir•cui:t of Fl.orida, in and for � Pirtel:las County Por the val�.dati�n of
said Reiundin� Kevenue:C'ertificates and the.propar-officers oP ti:e City
are horeby'authorized'arid flirected to sign a'ny plead;ings deemed necessary
in such procesdin�s. -.. '
Section 16. h11 ordinences and re'�ol?itions �ar' part`s thexeoY
= in conflict with the provisions-of this ordinance:are to-the extent'of
' , such confliet hereby repealed,; .. ' , , `
� � Section 1�. This ordinance shall take e'ffec-t immediately
upon its passa�e. "_ . :_. . � _;- . .
. ;Geor�e'R, Seavy,,
h4avor-L�'onmi ssi o ner
; Attest: _ . _ _
Frank Coole�
. City -Kud"itor & Clerk - ` ,
' : _ .
� r : : i , '
. . , . . . _ ' '':
� �
COUNTY O]! P�IELLAS�� , . . „ .
� �� , . ,
I, the undersi�ned Clerk,of the �ity of, Clearwater,
Pinellsg Count Florid.a _ •. .. ,. .
y, , do hereby certiiy that the foregoing
constitutes a true and correc��eopy of excerpts,Pron the minutes
- _- • .
oi the Speci�l meoting of the Board of Commissionera of tfle Cit�
of Glearwater, held on the 9 day of J'anuar;�, k. D. 191�2, including
the ordinance'passed at said meeting, ,
I,.hereby certiPy �that due and proper notice �P said • ''
Special meeting tivas given to a11 raembers of said Boarn, .�inc�.izding .;;�.
those absent from said meeting,
IN �72TNESS t'VFiF,RE�F i have hereunto set my hand and o�'ficial
seal or saia 6ity, this 10 day of J'anuary, A, v, 1942.
, Frank. Cooley
T Clerk, City of C1.aarwater, Pirllas
. County, FYor�da �
(SEAL) , , _ -
T�fr. Richards now read to the F3oard an Ordinance to be Y.�av�n
, _
as Ordinance PZo. J�$5 and ralating to t�e theft �� automobile ti�e•s.
Moved b� Mr..Stoutamire, seconded by* D, C. �nith and carried that
Ordinance No. !� 5 be passed on its zirst reading. R4uv�d by D. C.
SeLith, seconded by RZr. Lowe and carried that the Ordinance be
passed on its �s�cond readin�. bioved by Mr, Lovre,,: seconded by n�Ir.
J'esse G. Smith and carried that �rdinance No, y.85 be passed on its
third and final reading.
. . :::. i
_ _. ,. __ ,. ..
`'�` Section� 1� Tt shall be �znla�azPua for any person to-steal
any automobile tira, or any rubber tire of any kind ivhether a.esigned �
for use on automobiles or other vehielPs. ;
Seation 2. ;It shall 'ue unla�vful for any person to in jure
in,�sn,t.�a�a].ly any,aiito�nol��l�. tire or other rubber tixe bel�nging to
another. . ^ . �.
Section 3. Any person violc�ting this oxdinarice shallr.upnn 4
conviction 3�n�reof in �che �Tunicipal Court of the City oiN Clearwa�er, � '
be punished by a fine not e�ceeding Five Huridred Doliars (�500.00)
or by imprisonment in t,he City J'ail not e�cceedin� six (6) r�antY�s, or
by botf� suc, fine and imurisonment, in the discret3on of . the City Jud�e.
secti.on 1�,. This ordinance shall take effect izem�dia�ely upon
�?j -
its passage rand adoption bt� the �i�y Conmiast�n oi' the �ity of, Clearwater
P�issed on Pir,st readin� ��.J'en. 9. 194%' '
. ;
, L
Passad on second reading Jan. 9. i942 �
.Passed on third reaoing Jan. 9, 1942
' , ` . , .
, ,.
. . .. .Y,_. Geo, R, Seav
,. ��,ayor-,C.onm ss�;oner
Attest: . .; , , _
Frank 4onley :. : � ..
ity Auditor & CTerk
This Commissioner''s meeting was called in pursuanee of a Special
. ,
Notice, a copy of whicr is set out be�ow: °""" � ,
� __ , ' � . .. _ _ .�, .., J'anuary $ , 191+2
"�iiere �vill be a special meeting oP the �ity Commission �omorrow
afternaon at 5;30 o'cloek at the r)ity Hall for the purpose of passing on
an ordinance Por re�unding our Se�ver Revenue Certificates.
It is �rery necessary that a11 the menbers of tha �omm3.ssion �e
presant in order to pass �he ord3.an�:e on all t3iree readings at one meat-
ing, ansi if fo� any reason you can not a�tend please 1et me know"
: � �sig, .,. . .
' . .� , . . � , ,
ned) F. L. Hendrix, C�.ty M&nager.
Thls notice was delivered to the following: � �
, , ; , ., .
: _ ,_ . , . _ . _ . TIfJlE _ .. .
, . , _ . , ,.
q. . r�Iayor George R. PSeavy , _ '�:16 ,
h Mr. Jesse G. B�ith .. , . r�..3� ,. ,
I�ir. S. R. Lowe . . - �65g; , _,.
Mr. D, C, Smith 4=5�
Mr. D3: L. Stoutamir'e " � 4:30
` . . . '
, .
c � , ; a
� . RespectPu].lv submitted,
t A.�D. Finch
E� . . � .._.. ._ .. . . . . . .,. . . . . . ..,. -
i� r
� Tl�ere being na, Yurther business •to .;come bePore -the Board the
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meeting was, adjourned., . a . . � , � �
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