01/05/1942� . , 'i � Y `' , :i t' ' f � � � TFL MINUTES OF TI� CITY GOr1Il�iIISSIOId OF rPiIE C ITY OF CLEARYTATER, FLORIDA. •" The C3,ty Commissi,on oP the, �ity,of Glearwater, Flo.�ida met,sri�� � regular session at 7:30 F. M.s Januar.y 5th; 194:2 with �he ��llo�ving � � 1 mer�bers presen�. : . Geo,. R. Seavy, IlZayor-Commissioner J'es;se G, 5mith, Comnissioner > ... ' Sumirier R. Lowe, Comcnissioner . � . Danl Stoutanixe,, Conmi�sioner FIarb:ert Grice, Cora�nissioner Ab sent : Idone i The neeting was dt�:l.:y ca]:led to order by �syor Geo. R. Seavy and the ninutes af �7ecenber 15th, .and Decembe:r l?th;�vere read and a;�proved �s read.. . . City t�I�n�iger �'.: L. Henr•lrix now spsd to the Board a,let�ter to tne Bo�rd from Gurt�.s Green Poat IVo.. 11.; CaZa�ed GlearWater Ameri.c.an Legion. The awardin� oY the Silas Gween Occupational Lieense to the-• Post,, vahich was asked �or• i.n the letter, tvas deYE�sred_ unti,l later. BeTow is set out letter abc�ve referxed ta: , _ ° Clearwater, �'lorida Decenber 16, 1943; To the Gity T,4an.a�er and Conraissioners , Dear Sir,� � '" �T�Fe -unders�and"ebcsut the fifty dollars thats already up there for the iimas Charity. �'Te have contacted Mss. ,Dan ..and we were ini'ormed that she is si�ort on h�r� P�tnd this �ear, Sa tiaeraPore tliat increse our list, and vre are as�ing will you kind'ly turn to us the Hundred:dollars t�at will be paid in this year from the Silas Green Shota, So that we ma� be �ble to `rt ' `•-�ake-c�cre aut-•needy zor Christnas. Yours �rulv, Curtis Green Post No; 11%" � ' � Conunucate: Zaman P�Tack " City At:torne,v Ralph Richards read to the Boaxd a�proposed Ordinance �o lie kmowu as Ordinance N�. �.83 relative to the establish- ment c�' a building Iine fifty feet on each .,ide of the center lina oi' �levela�td Street. T2oved by PQr. Grice, seconded by ffir. Zowe that the �rdiriance be passed on its first readin�. �otion carr�ed. �ioved � by Mr. 'Zov�e, seconded by uir. Gr�ce �ndtcarried tha� the �rdinance be passed on its secand re�diri�. &ioved by �ir. Smith, seconded by rdr. Lowe and carried that the (3rdinance be passed on its thir� and i`inal readin�. Below is set out such Ordinanee> "� ,_ - > . ORDIi'Jk�TCE NO. 4g3 _ ' AtJ ORDZNl-.fiiCE EST�iBLISHIP1Cr A BUIZDING ,LIT3E FII'TY F�ET ON , El�CiI :ST3�E OF' THE. CEIVTER I,IJU� OF Ci�,VELAl�b STREET :i1S �C�ENpED �3Y GULF-TO�e � � �Y BOULL+'3j`ARU, F1?OI�T GF{EEN�700D , AVEN'u.�, OI�T S� 1dEST TU TAA�A Bf1X �I1 THE EAST. .. : VJH�R�E1S "��leveland Street as �e�tended by Gulf-t.o �ay Boulevaxd has for many years beeri planried.as a one-hundred-foot tharou�hfare: ex- a � � tending east to'the waters oP Tauipa Bay; and -V�EREAS the Gity owns a one-hundred foot right-of-way throughout a large po�tian of the length of said tho�zoughfare, but` there are some points at which the City'"does not own a orie-hundred foot right-of-way at this time; and' ' WHEREAS it is the desire of the City to regulr�te future constructian along sa� d tho�zou�hfare in such a manner that �no build- ings will prevent the use of said''th�rou�hfare fur it� fu�l width of one-hundred feet; � NOtR, TFiEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN�D BY 1HC CITY COE+Il�4ISSI�r1 OF THE CIT'v OF CLEAR�9ATE�, FLORIDA: . ' 1. That hereafter no building Si1all be exected closer tha+� fii'ty feet-to the canter line of Claveland -Street as axtended '�y Guli'- to=Bay Boulevara from-Greenwood•�venue an the west to Tenpa Bay on the esst. _ _ , . ... 2, Atl Eirdinances or parts oP ordinances in conflict here� with are hereby repealed. ` - ` ,3. This ordinanee �hall take effect immediately upon its passage and aaaption by the Cit,y Conn.ission of the City of Clearwater, Florida� Passed on first reading JanuaM,y 5th, 1942 Passed on se�ond reading JanuarV 5th. 1'942 Passed on third= readi`ng � Januar.v' Sth, 19/�2 . , Geo. R. Seavy . " : I�Iayor-Commissioner Attest: FrFink Coole.V City Auditor i4c Clerk^ I�ir. Richards explained �Go the Board `that Dr. P.; PhiLlips was willing to givE the �ity a(�uit Clain �eed to all.of De1 Oxo Groves Subd, except lats 2� tq 84 both inclusive iP the City would give him a a Fee Simple Deed to lots �O to g�. both inclusive, said.lots running 'from Monterey Avenue on the West,to Bay Shore Boule�rard on the Eest � and bounded on the South by �an Jose Stireet, with the understandin� ' � _ that San J'ose would never be closecl as a street. MaJor SeaVy request- �d the City;P_ttorney to prepare the proper papers coverin� such '; transaction. ` '1 City P,Ianager Hendrix told the Board that his .Annu�l �2eport would, be ready Yor delivery to them sonetimE durin� tfi� month. ' . ;� Mayor �eavy brought i�p the uaatter oP the need of a Guard `�, " '� e-c�st would be � aenro�cimatel t�2000s001or, twx�.xendrix 3aid th � `* PP _ Y vG material deliverecl or� the ground pli.is labor ' j� Yor puttin� it up�, �tnd tha� the f ence would include all ,��roperty at _�the . . _ . � _.._ , M� � 0 �a3 Plant excapt �he,big tank acros3 the railroad, and be approx3- mately 187b ft, lon�. i�ix. Hendrix read §ev�rgl"bi'ds on the naterisl.` Moved by �iir. Smith, aeconded by 2vIr, b�Qutanire and carried that the CitY TvIanagex be au�horized to purehase said-fencin� fxou one oi' those suUmit';,ing bids, bEin� guidecl as to �vhat;fie c�nsidered the best deal ior the C3ty. Below is set out speci�icatians.and bids: _ , ,►SpeoificationsT� , , ,,.�9.; �'�ire-2.+' Me�h 6 � high 45 degrees Arm & 3 strsus barbecl wire�, 7� overall 1-�4 ftr. double gate , 1-12 Pt. singie gate 1-lIH ft. single or cioub3�e R. R. gate !f" gate Posts - �°} Corner Posts S�ze�l wire�in 'place af T�p rail "Bids" ' � . _ Matt G. Neeves �C Comnany 4�.6 Ta.rnpa Street . _ _.: . " Tampa, i lorida �p1,05 per lineal Foot. ' C�meron & Barkley Compang Tamua, Florida � � e97 cents per lineal foot Anchox Pos�t Fence ��mpany Baltimore, ItIaryland �. R. I.aHayne, Fhone m�183 Tar.�a, Florida �1.11 per lineal foot Ste�vart Iron lrorks Cinainnati, �7hio �1.01� ner lineal Poot. � There being no fizrther business to cone t3efore the Baard, the meeting was adjourned, Inmediatelv Folln�ing the adjournment 114ayor Seavy called to � order the Netiv Commission. The fQllowin� me�bers were presents Geo. R. Seavy,.lYtayor-Goraniissioner J'esse G. Smith, Commissioner Sumner R, I,oz,ve, Comruissioner ilan Stoutamir�, Co�ssioner D. C. Smith, Comriissi�ner Absent: None City Attorney Ra].ph Riahards nqw adr,iinistered the oath of office to Sumner i2. Lowe, Uan L. Stoutanire, and D. C. 5mith. �onmission.,er Jease G. Smith stated that he wished to state publicly his appreciation of the intelli�ent, unselfish and efficient max�nex in which HerUert Grice the retiring CoinnLissioner had served the interest of the �ity of Clesrvrater, ' It4oved by A�.x, J'esse Ga umith, seeonded by 14Ir. I,ovae and carried that a Resolution of app�eci+��ion fcr 1lir. Grice's services on the Commission lae dra�,vn by the Cit� �ttorney. Mayor Seavy requestec� the Chiea, of Palice to see that the North y^lard School Cop be rsore on the alert for trAffic violations in the vicinit.v oi' ths school. ' r �, �� '>�. ■ � � _ ;` . �� �� � , 11�Iove:d by Je:sse G: �Smii.i�, socondecl by l:ir. T,owo and carried that ° the following Cit;,* Ufficials be �e-appofin�ed•�or aaaether - � 1 year • . , . .�, F, L. ,:�iend�ax, Cit�* a�Ianager. ; ' ,, Ralph Rich,ards, City Atto�ney ° ' ' r;. Frsnk Ooo�e�?,: City Atiditoi� & CZerii , and that Geo. 4J. Smith be sg�pointed Cit1�''J'ud�a for a two year te�rm. There being no further business to ccime'befors-the Board the meeting was adjaurnad. . . , �. �� Mayor-C himissione�T — I �ity Auditor Fc Glerk _„ � , J � _.. � _ , . �, , r, ._ ,. � . �,. �. . e