12/17/1941. �
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7 '�'''
TIiE I�,.INUTLS U� TFi�, CTi"i' CUtI�:42�STUr� �F �'IiG C:I�TX UF CT;�ATt.FlATL+'R, FLORIDA,
� The �3.�ty GorL.�.ission of the �if,y of Cl�arraatei ,�'loricia met
in Speeial Session, DeceTnbsr 17th at ].2 0' clocl: noon in the aity Hall
. _ . . . r. _.
for the putrpose oS c4nv��sin� �he retuxiis of the .^�ity electian held
�ecersbsr 16th, 19G.1,
`l'he fpllo�vin� r�enbers were nresent:
Ceor�e �., Seavy, I;Tayor-(%or.�mi.ssioner � _
- 3��n �tou�amire, Cam_r�iissionex
. J'e�se, G. Sm�th, Cormnissioner
. IIerbext Cxri.c�, ��r,��lissioner
Absentc Sumner �;oive. ` �
�.� tlie di�rection af the �it� �o�ission the City (%lerY
opened the eleciiori bo:� and �resezited to the Cor±mission �he certified •
results o� the election. I-� appearsd tha� the resizlts of the electi�n
Yor 1:Y!e �itv Cominissa:on �vere as folloLvs:
Herbert Grice 360, _ .
- :�umnPr ia�ve ��0
:3. C.: S�ith ' �(,�
. �an s�outa�.xe ' 393
�� t�va tally �heets ti�aere i3ow verified by 'bhe Cnr.ur�ission and
_ faund to a�ree �aitY� tY�e count cis s}�oa�i,.- lt bein� brauGLt out tr�at the
� el,ection oi'zicia�s anly counted tli� ballo�ts one time, tYie Gommissio��
were in a�;reement that a second cou�t v�auld be proper in fls rauch �s the
• results �tiere very close: L?oved bv �ir. S�itY�, seconded b�r r.'sr, Stout�ire
and unanimous�.y carried that official �p�roval ar the election results
be poat-poned, tP�at the election offi�zals be asl�ed �o re-convene at
1:3t3 a'clocll, Decei�hPr 17r ].9�.1 or as s�on thereai'ter as pas�i'ale and
make a complete recowit o�' tl�e �ialloss cast in tha City el.ec �i on held
Deeember 16, 19�:1, that the (33:t� ��iari�;ssion be recessed :to rae��. Tl�urs-
day noon Decez�ber 1Ff, 191�1 at tY�e "ityi Ii�t11 f�r �.urth�r revietivin� the
election results,
m12e �pecial i�otiCe csallin�; th3s electi�n is set �ut below:
, ".^chere vai.11 be s!Gpea3al meetin� of' ihe �ity Corzunission at
12s00 o'clock n:�on, lleceraber 17, Y9t�], at �ue City Ha11 for tbe purpose
o�' cr�nvassinb the returns and z esults �f �Ghe �,eneral elc:cti on held
on PecQ�ber 16, 1941," F. L, Iiendrix, �ity �ana�;er (si�;ned)
This no�ice �vas delivzred to the follo�vin�;:
P;Tajor Cteo. R, Seavy 9:>0 A, 2.�. '
' Hexbert ('xri �e 9:1�5
PZr. Dt�n Stoutaz,2ire 9: �2
�Zr. �, R. Lot�ve 9:55
. �, - {.T�:r, Jessa �� �r.iith 10's�7
,i u + , , ry�
1 :�,2x. Ralpll Richaxds 1�tOQ
- i3espect�ul��* suhtaitted,
J. J'. Tdeat
The Git3T Commi�sian was called to �rder �'huz•s3ay nooll,
December 18th in the �ity Hall �vitu the foll�win� me�bers nresent:
Geor�e R. Seavy, i+�ayor-Co�rxissi�ner
Jes~se G. 'Sr�i.th, �onunissior.er
T�an Stoutaxnire, �omr,iiss3oner
Herberi. Grice, Commisaioner
� Absent; Sunner R. Lowe .
I��aupe�rad tllat ths eZecfiion of?icia],s Tiad me't u�stai:x�s at �he
City hall at 1:30 F. 2,?, D�c�ber 1"7,191�J; anc� had made a cannlete recount
of the ball�ts cast, iri tiie �� ty �lec�i on o;, lleceiati�er 16th, 191�1. DSayor
Seavy infar�ed the �%oremission that the s,econd caunt ciiscl�sed no errors
and proceeded to read tYie official reaulLs of the election whzch ive�e
as ;�allows.
Iierbert Grice received 36Q.vates
51:r�ner Lorae „ _ 390 voteS
D. C, S�ith " 361�:.votes
Dau �toutami.te. :t �9?_ votes
Total numUer 'of ball:ots cas�G b05-
�otal number of ballo�s mutilated 15 _,
T�oved i�y iv;r. Grice, sec�nded by i.ir. Smi:th end una;�im�iisly
car'ried that the of�-icial election rer,��t be apProved and that
Sumner R= I,owe and Dan Stouta�aire be deolared elected Paeh.to a t�vo
yeMr term on the City Com�ission, and that D. C. Smith be cle�lared
elected to a one vear term on the �itir �%oc�tissi�n.
Inse��ed �vith and rzade a t�art of these. rsinlztes is the
original report o� the ela,cti�r� oifacials ancl the � oat}i of the
electian offici�ls dulv sizhscribec� to b;r theril,, ,
:: _ ,
_� ,�� _
� , . _ . __. _w. .., _ _ , •
�. � . � � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . .. � �. .. � � . � � . � �� j � ..-'[� ;
,;,f We, the un:�ersigned Inspectors and C7_erk o� the
. �
C'xenera]. I!unicrpal �le��ior_, City of cle�-rv�ater, �l�rida,
held on the 1Bth daV of December, 1�4T, c3o hereby certifg
�Yiat �r�e have cor�citzcted 3a�d ele�tion according to law,
and. upon covnting the ballots, find the result of said
election to be as follows:
. Total number oP ballots cast �, o�
Tot�:l number oi ballots mutilated /�
k'or Gommissioners, two to serve for term of tvao (2} years
and ona to serve fos� t�e term of one (1) yzArv
/V�i'PBEiQz r�R��cE Received 3(o Q rotes
,��MN�,? _f.�. a WE Received ,� 90 votes
•�, C , JM/7f¢ Received ��� votes
JT°�TAi'1i Re
1/ftA� �-��f,�€ P.eceived � %1 votes
Criven under our hand.^, this 16th day of Dece er, 941.
� ar ..
_'��`���` � � ��
Insp ec t
i�'�-�� ��z..�� '�
n �ector
St,vorn to and subscribed before me at Clear�^tater, Fl;arida,
this 16th day oz Decemi�-er, 1�. D. 1941.
� � � � , � '�� ����;.
7 ..
PTotary Public, State
Flarid� at l�rge. �
PTy commission expires ;'?ay 16, 19�3.
�, �. _ _ ;
�� �
'J'de, the un�ersi�ned, Cl�rk and Inspect�rs of the
�"'a�s Genera7� Eleci�ion of the City of � Clearwater to Ue held on
`��. �ece�ber 16t2i, 1941, at which e7.ecbion three Commissioners
will be elected, do hereby solemnly st��ear that �ve wil.l woll
_ � and faitr,fully perfoatm the duties of Cleric and Insp�ctors
at said �lection.
� � �
. . � . Z�1.:,-e,...� 0. �� -�.-
% , , �'_1 �.; ,,.��; �� ;
Insp�ctor �
. �w �.�����:%�`Pi'.2 .
Inspec or
Sworn to and subscribed bePore me tY�is the 16th day oi
December, 19�1.
� � � � �� � �ir
� � � � � � ��r�� � � �
Notary 'ublic, State oi
Florida at lar�e. G�
�"y commission expires ':ay 16S 1943e
There b.eiug no iurther business to come be�ore
the baarcl the meeti;i� was adjourned.
_-t�= . � � i
, i;Ieyor Cornmissioner
i-t;� .Kuditor & lerk
�. , ,
: • i
, t
- �:i
: -1