:w • . . � � . � � . . . . . . . �
�'; y��
� The Pity Coinmission of �he �ity o�.dlearv�ater held a
Special Z1ee�in�, pursuant to noi;ice duly served oxi sach Gomr�.issiuner,
at tl�e City Iia11 at 7:30 P, r:�. , yecer�ber 12, .19'r�., wi�h the followin�
members present:.
G, R. Seavy, P,iayor Commissioner '
Fferbert Grice, Cor,�mis�ioner �
_ Sumner Zo�ve, Co�issioner
.Jesse Smi�h, Comm3.ssioner
Dan 'Stoutemire, Commissioner
r,�o�ea by �'Ir. Grice, seconded oy T=r. Lov�e and unanimously
carried tYiat Charles G. Cro�vley be appointed to serve as Acting
City nuditor and �:Zerk �urin� t'rJ: absence of rs. Cooley, wha is
on vacation,
• Petitiana bearin�; the n�:nes �f ��erbert Grice, Sumner Lowe
, and Dan Stoutaraire as canrlida�es for 4it3* Car�r�is§ioner in the Citp
�lection to be held Decerr�ber 16, 191�1 and v+hich sai�l getitians
were si�ned vy more than five percentun of the qu�ili�ied voters and
duly checlzed by the �fiice oi the �ity �iudit�r and C1erY., were
receivec� arid approved. �ini.lar p�titions bearin� t.he ur�me a�'
D. (:, Sr. �th r�aere also reeeived and a�;ar�ved, i.iove�d b; :�r. Sn.ith �
seconded be �.:r. Stoutar:�ire �nd unaninausly carried tha� the names
of ��erbert Grice, Sunner Lowe, llan Stoutanire and D. C. Smitb. be
placed on the ballot for the c�minb eleetiion.
r,Toved by ItIr. Smitli, second.ed by �r. Stout�aire and u�anir,i�us-
l,y carried tYiat the f�llovaing persons bE appointed to serve on the
Election r�oard far the City Elsction to be held Deceiaber 16th, 194.1s
. B, F. Perry, Inspec�or
��'. �,, Daur�herty, Clerk
trinnie I�il�are, Clerk
T,�ra. d, F, Peacock, Clerk
The nouice sent out to Comriissioners aiiouncing this
special meetin� is set aut bela��
Decenber 8ti�, 194i
"Tr,ere wi11 l�e a speci��l meetin�; �f the City Commission
taxii�ht �t 7.-OJ at -the City Hall for t2ie purpose qi receivin�
petitions for aanciid�t�s fvr the �ity i:onuaission �o b� decided at
�he alection December lbth, 1941."
This noitce �vas delivered to tY:� inllow3.ng:
P,7ajor Geoxge Ft. Seavy 1:3� Pa rl.
11�r. Aerber� Grice 12a37 Po I;�.
I�;r. 5:::.R.. La*,ve 12;42 P. hi. _'
. . - � � +> . . . . . . . . . . ,
/ i
.... _. .. _ _,..__..,.. ..: . . , .. � . . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. -� � . .. .
. t. �� . - . . . '.. . . . . . . _ .. . .. �, � � � � � � . I � . � �
ti� . . . .. ... . . � . .. . . . , . ... . . �.. .. . . . . . . .
ir7r. Ra].ph Richnrds ,".; <1:25 F,. i,�.
� I�ir. Dan Stoutamire , I,; 20 P,; :Ni. -_ ,
i,ir. Jesse G. , Smith .. 1:10 P. PrI.
P.esr�eetfutlu� subnittc�d;
_,; - �. J'::I�ea1
Ther:e bea�ng no fur�lier, business to come bei�re
the Board the ;meetin� 1�aas adjourned,
. ;�, i�
o-� v�...
�Mayor- omciissioner ,
V ���� � ,
�lct �- City Auditor� C]�rT�"� �
� _. ,
.a - n
t _.. _
\ � . � " . � . . � . �
j� `
�� .
' 1
7 � '
The City Cor�midsion oi' the City of Clearwater, FTorida,
held a Special l4eeting in the City Hall at 12:00 o'clock noon
on Deoembex 13tn., �T941, for the purpase ot' reat<iring nanies
erroneously stricken from the list of aualiPied voters.
The foli.owin.g members were presents
Eierbert.��ice, Commissioner
Sumner I,owe, Co�nissioner
J'. A. Smith, Commiss�oner
• Dan Stoutamiz�e,Gormnissioner
�bsent: G. R. Seavy, Z�ayor Cor�missioner
D.�oved by 21lr. Smith, seconded by ?Lr. Lowe and
unanimously carried that P,�r. Grice be appointed to
-•_,presicl� aG�4eting 3�dayor in the absence of I':ayor Seavy. �
1'::oved by I:4r< Lowe, ser,onded bf 2�r. S�outarsire
and tznanimouslsr carried that I�.Srs. Vlilma Green he
anpointed to serve on the �Ilectio�l Board in vlace oi
tl:iss PJinnie. Kilg�re who cannot serve.
There being no applicants for re�toration of
name to the 3ist of auali.fied voters aud no other
business to come before the Commission, the meeting i
was adjourned.
9cting 2:�ayor Comtai�sioner
Acl;ing City Auditor and C1erk
T� r..z�rm�;� o� m�r� cz�z^r cor��aTsszor; or �r.� cz�r� �F �c���rxm:��
TYie: City r'�ommission �of' the �ity a� �learwate�, r'lorida'met
in re�;ular session Deeember l�tY:, 191�1 'in the auditoriuui of the �ity
xazi at 7:30 �. ��.
The fo�l.owir�b-nembers aaererpresent:
Geo��e ii. Seavy, �iayor �omniissioner
�timner R, Zative, (;omr�issioner
J'esse fi�. 5�i.th, Co�nrnissioi�er
Dan Stoutamire, Gomnissioner
Absent; jierbert Grice
The rQeet�n� ��1tts du13- calleci to ordPr bzr 2a7rzyor 5eavy. �'he
ma<nutes of tlie three nrevious neeuings iaere approved a� raad,
Cztv �Zana�er Iiena�ix�handed to �he 13oard a Pe�ition si�ned
bv s��er;�l. ��r�t�erty ovanzrs in r=.;�;�rd to ;�ropaserl �ulz Goast Fii���•ta�T
through Iiighland xvenue, Clear�vater, Ylorida. Ba}�ot� z� set o��t
such Peti�i�n:
' T-r.� FU3�I,Ul7ITi� IS � CUZ'Y'. Or .� ��;11iI4iT
'''0 Ti�:: S^`.^'' TCi v
.in_;� ?�.i..r_����t�i t'i��: i'�il�.�iSiU1: � ^iiL�w�+-
- iauS�::., F�UFtZ�A, 2T•T Fi�G�T�'J T�1,i��' i':iUr�S��
RVU�`�'� t1F TF� GUI��' ���:u�' riIGT�L��rY `i��iOLGfi
E��GH�EiI� t1�I�,�idj}" l'y; q'"� C:L`r'Y 11F Ci��:�Rk7tiTt�R.
mi=;S I,I�3'� 0�.'+ ZTz��`�+S CUrJY.nll' ul� l�J `1'Fii+.', LliSR'
, I'iiC.: GI` iF3I�3 FLTIII�JI�3 �IiH� .`�iGI�^�`t� ^�:
URTGIia�, P���i'I"i' � Urd �'0 TtP� ST�T� HIGHtiin?'
��TI � li�il .
T0: .S�'A^�' IiIGIiI`.sY CUP�i:1IS5TuI?, Tallahassee, I"i'lorida,
R:; I'R03'QS�D I'T'tJ �ULF CG��^ ?ilGEtd�iY i'OLt�'v Ti3�'�Ci�t3GFi t;�y�rit'r1�T�t�, F��l.
ti��'fi�'R�,i�S it has coLie ta the atte�ui�n af the t�ndersi�;ned
that•tne Highv�ay Corilniission �f the �tata �f �lorid,a p��p�ses ta
cans�rurt a?tr�asi;ertt or "throu�h" nighwa�= alon� the 4dest Coast �i'
Florida, s�ia �roposed hi�;rwa,r 1�ein�; �;enerallv referxad ta as the
CIILF C(J�1S'" HIGf??'d�v'; alxd .
� l'y'�iE�E�S tfle undersigned have b2en ad�iseci t�,at the said
Coranission plans, in tne everit such l�i�;h�ieav zy con4truc�eci, to
x��ute said hi�;i:wa� tnrou�;h HT�.�i��?�J hV"�I�iUL in the UYty �f i:lear�vater,
and , , ,
� 6�IiEI���S the unc�ersi f;n�cl are al�. o�uners of . propert3r ou said
Highlailfl Avenuc�, ar im:.lediately adjacent thereto, ai�.�1
4'JI-:LTt',�IiS said sectioi� �f vlear�vntez� is caite of. the rt�st
desixable a.n� m�st ra�idly brov�in� residen-Gi�.1 seGtiqns o� s�id
C3�y, and ,
1IE�I�ie�.� �he o�vners of �11 residence�_ an I3i�;hlaud r�veriue
have lieautifi�d and maintair_�c3 the �arkways or prol�e�ty between
s�id ownei�s propert3* and said AJenue, includin�, extensive nlantin�
of �al.ms an.d 6tner taeeg and shrubberv, and
• 4`1Fi�RE�a, said Hi�;h].and .ts.vanue bein� n��,v onlv �hirty feet
in width, i� ���ear5 th�t if' the s�3:d proposed C:UI�' CQA�T HI�fi;TAY
is r�utad al�n� said stxeet i'G �vi11. necessi�a�o the rer�oval of said
'. p41ms, trees and sY�rnUberv, �lius greatZ�* detr�ctin� iz�aca th.e appear-
ance and value o#' sai'd pr�pei�Gy, ancl . . `
1'�fi�,'R :1'i6, if saici pro�ased ha,�hti•May .is xouted �1�n� �azd
iii�hland A.venus, the �r�at alaouut o#',trai�'ir, tvhiah �ai�.l n�cass�r2ly
flaw al�n� said h�.�;hway, with attQnd�nt noises and hazaxds, v�ill
render said property undesa,rable as a,re3idential section aiid also
greatly lower pz�opert�T valuss �lon� and adja4ent to sazcl �3i��l,and
A:venue .
�41��iz,FO�, the und�rsi�;ned, f�x the reasons herein3�eforc:
set iartn, do res�ect2ully request that tlie said Hi�;hv�ay �omnissioi�
Da I30T canstruct said Gulf Coast Hi�hWay ohrou�h the saa:d Highland
Avenue but selecu a route t?1xou�h s�r�e other portion a� the City or
Cauntv which has not �een extensivel;r deuela�ecz �� a resic��ntial
Robert S< �ixon 303 Hi�l.and Ave,
2�iss,rl. L. Rand 3�9 fLi�hland, Ave.
. GPorge La�v �17 Hi�land Ave.
Jack P:i. Gribb3.e 51?.Nighland Hve,.
Edith �v. ''onner . 306 IIi�hlancl Xve.
�diih �'i. �onner r• �„
_ 3U8 Hi�-;hl�nd v.,
Loretta R. Tencr _' ' 1�15 Iii�hland �ue. :
Louis Chiagetta 21l� Hi�hland Hve.
Edmund��. 4dhitson HigYil�.nd Ave. and Mari4a St.
j'r'. P. tYilkinson ; t�U5 Hi�hland �ve. �
James R. Lee 300 Glenw�od �vs.
C. C. T,�a.^,i��ahan 5�1� G],antivood i�4e, .
Jacli nussell . 616 �1en��ooc1 nve.
", yr. Yirb� 3�5 Glenwooa xve.
��ul Eckert 4l1 Glenu�ood �ve:
?R?. �'�ayne 1V•ci'�ullen . 509 Glenwood Ave.
P�lildred R, Turner 11>Gl�enwood xve.
irirs. Phi� ip F:rieger lOQ Gle�.v���od ave.
B, i.�anly 10 Glenwo�d i�v�,
Laura T�i. r.�orrell 101 Glenrvood t�ve.
ii, �3, Yierc� �re�tl�tYe Su:b. pe�reloner
E1?zabeth I{. SeeshUltz 1501 i. Clev�l�nci St.
RobPrt �,. I"ish�r 1500 E. CleFel�nd �t.
�, F, Gasev 15�-0 �. �l.ev�land :�t.
Eana Iv". Gribb�e 51.0,Iii�hlc;nd hve,
�ou�,la: �ra*�an 1l41�2 i�aAriva F�rl.
siaud.e k. �,rthux llr�?_. Svl�riv� Rd.
Duryc�ard Cale M�xiva Rd.
J'ohn L.
I..clvex i.iarivt� iid.
R. E�. Snydex� ' 11��? Cre3tview St.
R. L, �urner,,Jr. Crl�nwood �ve,
City PtIanager Hendrix notiv ogened anc� read ta the Soard
bx3s caverin�, Tnsurance.on; City Cars and Trucks. �he f�llowing
suk�mitted bids: General =�ccident, Fi:re and iife 1�ssu�ance Cor-
poration, Ltd. by L. G, t-bbett. 5r614•5� andw610,52. Gontinental
Gasualt?� Cor.ipany by �i. _r�iarion I.�onrUse 4�6�.?.43. Great Arierican
Indemna.ty �om�any i1�tia_York b�r C>eor�e �;, Jahnso� �656.6%. Lee
Tnsurance Agenev by C. Raymand Zee ;�61�,18.
iaoved by TYir. Lowe, secondecl Uy i.Tr, �toutamire and carried
that the low bidder, General hcoident, �ire and LiS'e hssurar_ce
Col^pp_ration Ltd. represented by �. U, �bbett ba ar��ardzd the Insur�nce,
. . . _ _.
Beloea is set �ut the ac�ented bid:
"acer�ber t5th, �-94�1.
City �onmissi�n, •
Llearwater, Fla. _
- - Bid Insur�nce City Fleet.
C er_tl eraen:
ks ner y�ur recer_t re2uest I be� to qu�te a price fo.r
insurzn� tYie ileet of cars anu trucY.s for the �it3r of Gl�ar��:ater,
against the hazards o� L;ability and Rrbperty llaraa�;e ,�50�0-Y10004-
�5�0o Lim.i:ts. .
�,uotati�ns for the �leet as at �resent consti�ute�i zvith
Palice Nlatorcycles oquipped with radia5 and used to ansvaer e�er-
benev calls Prire ,"j� 611�,50
Q�zotati�ns for �leet as a� present coi�stituted bu� v�ith
radi�s r�raaved frors PoTice i�iptorcgc].es
. Pr?ce � b1Q.52
Zruetin� tna� i.nay be iavo�rec� ��vith �his Uu��ness and
t.hankin�, you zor the �pnortunit�r of fi�;urin�; on this business,
I aru
..... v_.. . � -.-- _ �. .. SincerelJ,
I�. G, nbbett
City Attoxney Ralpl� Rzciiards nov� read to the -Board a `
letter si�ned b;r fiarrv Y� Haden, Fia� iie L. Fiurlebaus arid Jeck
Russell askin� t�iat the, Ci��= vac� �e �the allPy in Blacl: �.lA
P,Zandalav Subdivision. Bel��v � s set out suCh 1P��er:s
� . , llece�itaer 6, 19�.1 '
�it3r Co�issioners Uffice
�le artivater, �lor3.da
Genti.emen r •
� ��
_ _ ��� 4Je�tYY�e���.�Yclers�,�;ri nre owz�ers o� �lock la.��.-�A .L�ts 1, ?_, � �
3, an� l� I�,:�nd�lay� Subcliv3.si�n, Ulearwt�ter I�eaoli ar� int+uirin�
i� you would c1.�sp thP fiit�eti xc�ot (15zto) alley nividin�
� „�