11/24/1941. � . � � . . � .. � . ' � . � . .i . � . !� �^ � . . � . � . . . . . �.�:-.�� . ' M1�� . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . �1 . . . . . . . . THE IriTNUT,�+�S OF T�IE CITY COP�IISSICII�T OF TIiI!; CTTY OF CLEARVJ�'iT�,R . The _City Commission of t}�e Cit,y ,oi' Cleari•aater, Flarida met in Special Session, Nover�bzr 2y.th, 191+.1 e.t- 7:30 'P: P:I. in the ' City Iiall with �he follotwiiz� membeTs present; . . George R. Seavy, Mayor-Cor,�issionex _ Sur�ner R. Zov�e, Corsm3.ssion�r : Herbert Gri.ce,.Con�issianer , Dan Stoutami.xe, Cor�missior�er � Absent: J'ease G, SraitYi This meeting v1as. ca].led .i;n pursuance o#' a special 1egaZ notic,e �et o.ut .el'se�^rhEre i� these minutes. _ The meeting was' duly ca'lled to order by t7ayar Seavy. A1�red �'. Marshall appeared befcre the Board on behalf of a.cl3ent oi l�is that �wnes propertv an unpave�i Pleasant Stxeet being describ- ed �s lats l to 4 inclusive, Bl'ock 6 and lot �, BToel�: y., IJarth Shore 'Park Subd. P.2r. T�4arshall said `ch�t t�e �bove menti�ned strest t�as in a very bad condition due tn the Citu oi �oneone else h�ulin�; dirt oiit of tYie street leaving very :lar�e I�oles an� s�eep er,ib�nkner.ts, and incauired af'the Commission if the �ity t�buld be able to do.some- thin� about the situation� T.he Cor,�nission t�ld ��_r. nriar'shall that the matter wou�.d be referred t�, t:l�e City iiana�er on his return to the Gity within the next fsw days. - �ity Attorney F{alf .l�ichards ziow read '�a the 13oard an �greenent "relative t� tre rentr�l:of the �Sunici�al �irport ta Utta Hatailta:n an�. others. 13el.ov`t is set ou.t iri verUatin sucn abreenent. . AGR?�'I�:.�i�,N t • 4'7SER���, OTTO HAt.�IL`!'UTt, oi' �ichnond„ Vir�inis, and �� � certain af his associates in the operati,cn.of Richnand�xirport ' ane 9nles-carporation of that Gity h�i�e beer� �e'quested by the Uni�ted Stete's h.i�my �a subnlit a nrap�s�l fox th� �peration of an Arny i�rimarv Trainin�; Prograri, �rid , � 1�Jfi��AS, the City oi Gl.e�riv�ter, Florid�,.: hereinaiter ref�rred to as the �ity, iias aQ�ilabe an airport ��re�l-stiited to t2ie needs o� a base Yield for an Army Prir�at� Trainin� Pro�ram, r�s showh by the plat of sai;d ai:rport �ztt�ched ta the 1e.ase herein- � 1 at'ter referred' to ancl uiacl� a part �f this ti�reement, and � . �rJIiER�7r1S, the saifl Har�ilton :and his associates deaire g , to use tiie City''s airpart, in the event �tl�at t�ey are able to � � obt&in A contrac�G with the 11rny �ior �he oper&,tion af an Ar�.ty Primary Y 4 TrainS.n� Pro�ram at such lacation and a loan f�ora the Reconstru�tion � � � ` '; , : _ � F. . _ __ . t�r�( Fivaiiae Corpar�ti on (;��llich will - be hereinaf ter ref erre�3 ' t� ), and the Czty is rvil].ing to contract far the use of sai� airport undor the terms and conclitions hereinaf�er set f�rth.i - _ (1) . . The sai.d Hamiltan a�rees thst imraedi�tsly followin� upon the executian of these nresents, he will pxert every efi'ort to secure assurance irom-the Ariuy tYiat a c�n�rt�ct for the opera�ion, of an Arrzy Frimary Trainin� �rr�gram `on �he City''s �ir�orfi, �,;, i 7 be alv�rded, and furthe� assuran,ce fr.ors the i?Econstructi on F'inaucs Corporation that a. loan cau, be obtained fror,s it to cover ;Ghe con- struct,ion af f�cilities esse�ltiial t� such rlrmST P�imar�r Tr�inin� �ra�ran. {2) _. The said Hariiltor� a�rees that,, co�tin�ent upon securin� the assuran,ce of the contraci; ai:�c2 loan above memtioned, he �il]_ cause s!corparati�n to be ior�ed with a paid-i� capi��a1 oi not less .than �25,000, to enter into the said contrac't and to make t�e afores�id barro�cYn�*-and-to enter into the agreement of lease with the City, which is hereinaS�er seferred to. ' ' ' (3) The �it5 agrees tl� t when the said carporation.has b'aen , or�anizei3, the cantract awar�:ed by the �1rmy, a�.d the Recniiatructiqn Finance Corpa�^atiaa�'s `co�itr,ient obtainerl, it v�i�l thereupan convey. to• the corporation clear title to the Ci�y'.s air}�or�;:` this conveyance iaill be �ade f or the purpose of enablin� the corporate grantee to give a Pirst martgage on the said property ( and upon tYie i.niproveznents to be constructed thereon) in connectiion with the procurement of a loan oz nat mo�e than �2QO,.00C1 from the.F�econstruction k'inaiice Cosporation. ImmediateTy Yo�lb.y�in� the execui;ian and r.eco��l�.ng of the rnortg'age to the Reconstructibn Finance Cor�oration to`secure �he lo�n.hereinabove re£erred �o, the-corporation shall re-convev •the said airport pro;perty to the City, subject only to the �ibovenentioned martgage tc� the Reconstruction Finsnce Cor.paration. ;. � 4? I�mn.ediaiely upon �the re-conve�ance to; the City of the a;:rport propPrty as hereinaUoue provided, t,he City sh�ill e�ecute and deliver to th e eorporation a lease coQering the said property, copy of the •lease to b�.,;so exectr�Ced and delivered, being hereto attached and by rePerence inade a part o�' this A�reement; and � tih�reupon the Gity and the Corpora'�ion shall each proceed tc�compl,y r � , ��`� with the tex^ms, conclitions and obZi�;ations imposed on them by said ].ee3e. . ,�. �� � �5)� It ia unders�oad anci agreed that any corporatian that 7nay bs formeci by said Har2ilton for the purpose �f caz•ring this • Agreemer�t into effect sha11 succeeci to all oi the benefits, ri�hts, and obliggtions tYiat may accrue to or are imposed �n said Hamilton by the �e�ns of tYiis 1�.�reeroent. (b) Should the said Hamilton fail to secure lor the Gorpora- tian to be organized by him t�e aforesaid Army coiitract and the Reco�struction Finance Corporation's losn on or bePore February l, 1942, this Agreement sha11 automatically �erminate ana each partv hereto be relieved of a11 further oblizatian thereunder. ��*��:���=�����:�* Moved by T!Ir, Zowe, seconded by P�ir. S�outamire and carr.ied that the agreernent be appr�ced and executed. The Special Noti�e sent to Co�n.issioners announcin� this meetin� is set out below. _ > - •- .. �. _ _ . :� .� / ; - N�vember 24, 141�1 "T3�ere will be a spEcial meetiin� oi the Citgr Commissi�n tonight at 7;3o at the City xall." lhis natice was delivered to the �ol:lo�aing: TIIi�i Ma�or Geor�e R. Seavy 10;55 h4r. Herbert Grice 1t�:59 Il4r. S. R. Lowe 11:07 I�ir. Dan Stoutamire 11:00 I�Zr. Jesse C. Smi�h Out of City-Holl�:=.00d Fla. Res�ectfully submitted, rllex D. Finch There bein� no further business to come before the Board thz meetin� rvas;adjourned. 3"/-tm .�J� , �-�%��I/ nIa�or-4ommission r � �, � , � � y� {� e� , TfiE 3vIIPJGJTES Or �i� r,ITY COr,�A�IISSION OF THE CTTX OF CLEAR?NATER The City Comm.ission o� the City oP Clearwater, Flor�da met in regular se,ssion Deceraber l, i94.1, in ths auditorium oi the City Iiall at 7:30 o►cioc� n. M. wi�h the following rnembers pr-Gsen.t: Ge�rge R. Seavy, Aiayor-Gomnissioner• ' J'esse G. Smithy Co�nmissioner � Dan Stoutanlire, Co�issioner - Sumner Lovae, CommissionerC. kbsent: Herbert Grice The minutes oP the tw� previous meetin�s were approved as re�d. City iJ'ianager Fiendri,x read to the Boar�, a letter �ram NIr. F. J'. Comerford, Chapter Chairman of the Red Cross reQuestin� that a�iy action relative to the Red Cross us�n� the Community Buil�.ing in the City Park ho held in abeyance for the time beir_g. Be1o:�v is set out hSr. Gomer�ordas letter. T7ovesber 2�, 1941 ivir. g... Z. Hendrix, City I�ianager, . C1eg��vater, Florida. My� dear �1r, Hendrix: As rEquested h�' tY�e ��'iayor at -the last C:it+,� Commission NIeetin�, the subjec�G oP zindin� suiiab=e quarters for the operations oi'.the Glearv�ater Districti .o� the �ed Crass has bean. investi�ated. T�e �piscopal-and Presbyteriax� Churehes have of�ered space, but in neither case vaere tiie conditions essential ior operation found �co �e suitabl�. It m�y be �ossible -�ta transf�r the Surgical Dressin�s Unit to the Presbyterian Church later, after certain alte.rations have been-nade.- • No s�ace suitable for the Fiome IQunsin� Pro�ram has been fo und, as t�is v��ork requires the installati on of a minimun 3i t�vo beds, and complete sicl� roo� accessaries, together �aith class room space. The Productian Program has not been considered, ai=- thaugh the unsatis�sctary condition u�der v�hich the iaith- ful and loval volunte�r workers carry on in the Sewing , Room is very bad. Due to �Ghe objectiori of a group led b,r Georger L. DeP�ierritte, 1tTiss Pilaxy Southarcl, 1Irs S. ilikolofi, IvIr. �Tacobs, f�Ir. Erneu�t IvicEneany, ancl t�ir. Robert Ifinibrou�h, to the G�:ty loaning a Uuildin� in the Gity tar� to the Red Gross, the Up�er Pinellas Cha��er requests that na further aetion be taAen tn t�is matter, whi�:� such abjections re�ain, The local �ecl Cross will not be able ta earry out to the best aclvanta�;e the obligations impaseci aii it by the Defense Pr��rarn, unless adequate spaee for aperation is available: Iio�vever, i�a �b'taininb this space the Red Oross does not desir� te impose any hardship on �ny individu�l. It is re�uested that this decision be brought to the a�tent5.br� 7��r.the P+3ayar and the :Gity Cunuiis�ion, w�:tb, an expr�ssion oi' tlianks from the Chapter for your kindness ' and cooperation in hel.pi'n� the k?ed Cross, Sincer�ly yours, , _ , �'., T. (;omer��rd � FJCsS Ghapter Chairman. The Ci�y'Conmissio'n �ook no action in the matter, - 1�2oued by Mr. Smi.th, se�ondad by� 3tfr. Lawe a�d caxriad . .L, ...'y . . . . th�t �35a� .00 trans�arred fxo�i Gas & i'la ver Fund to Gen,era]. Funti on No'vember 29tf:, 19�.? be apk�roved. Gity Attorney�.Ralph Richerds novr read to the Hoa�z►d an Ordinance to be lcnown as Ordinazice No. 1�81, b�;ing an aiaend- ment ta �rdinance Tdo. 1�65, �am�only knov�n as the J"uke Organ Ordi�ance. . 1+3oved by I�r. I.o�ve, secandeci by P,'Ir. Srsi.th and oarried tllat Oz•dinance S1o. �:Sl be passed on its first readin�, t�loved by IY�r. Lovre, seconded b�r hZ . Stoutami.xe and carrieci that OrdinBnce �Ia. 1�81 be passed on its seconri readiug. I�ioved Uy �ir. I.owe, secon�ed by Mr. 53routa�,i.re and carried tl�at Ordin- ance �+icz.: 1�81 be passed on =ts third and zinal reading. Belovt is set out in verbr�tim Ordinance I1�. y.gl� ORD2CSAI�TCF N0. l��2 . ,�N �ORbl%fAPIGE �r�SdDING SE�TI�N Tl�JO OF �RD�ANCE SdO. 465, ET�`PITL�D: "AN ORDINAIdCE PROVIDIIdG FOR . T� LIC�,�I'VSIIVG, REGIS�RA�1'IODT AND R�GTJLI�TIODT 0� As,L PEIiSOr7S, FIRI�.*S, �ND COF2PORATIONS EPIGAGED ��. .�. �_ .:.2I+TY'CE3R'�IN,BUSIIILSS�'.�'�,�,:;OC�'LTPFiTTDiT•S�OR.;P�QFE,SS= IONS �T 'P�E CITX OF CI�ARI`lIiTER; FIXINC'= �HE LTCEPtSE T_�� FOR �IiCH �USIPIESSES;OCCUPATIqNS, OR PROF�,�SIU�vS; FROVS�IAtG TERIt�S UNDEP 1��3IQIi uI7GH LICF�TS�S h24Y BE dBTA27�'D; R��rTJI��IP1G 'i'fiE CA�'i'� , ING OT�T QF St7CI3 BTTSII7�SSES, �'R0�'�SSI4IdS OI3 GCCUt'ly=?' �iZ�r:S ITNDER SUCFi T�ICEPIS�S, A�ID Ii21LNDIS�G SUC�I OTHER OR➢7"NrsNCE IT5 COI�1r'�2CT Ii��2E1;TITH; PROVT17ITdG FOR • PEtZt�1�TTS �tND PROYI�ING FOIZ TERI�4S UIdD�R t�IICH SUCH PERL'2215 AND LICEi�?SES h1�Y BE OBTI�INED; ;FLGUI,ATING :. 'I'I�sE r1�RXLtiG OFT OF SUGFi BU,SIN�S$�S, PRQ���SSY�PIS OR OCCUP�s.TIUNS UNDLR SUC33 LIC 1fi�S.�S 911v k�E�TS, .ANA �ROVIDIT7G A PET7ALTY FOR TFIi; Vi07�ATI0N 0� �-IIS ORDIII.ANCEn , BY PROVIIIII'3G � SP.IAI�LER y� CE�iiS� UIlDLR :,`: SYEG�r'IED CIRCU!`;iST_4IvC,P�,S. BE zT dRDA:LI��i B� Tf�E CIi'ir OOr'R:i+SSI0i3 OF TF� CI.`i'Y OF CZFA134VA:TEH, FI�4,RI�A: , ; - aection l. Ta�,t �ectian ^sv�o (2) of Urdinance i�o. �65 of the Cit�y of Cleartuater be and the �ame is hereby aiuencied to read as follows: „Sec'tion 2, It shalZ be unlawiul fc�� an.g o}�exator to operate, otvn,'mana�e, lease or control, i7n the City �oi Cleax- water, any autamatic plzo;�ograplz, piano, �rgan, vict�ola, or any mus�cax in:strument.or music pl,ayin� machine oi any ktnd,and character aperated by the use of a ca;�n slot, and i"or any operatar to furnish music throu�h the use of any m�ehanical device to the public for a`aonsideraticn, until a].?cen�e has been pro- cured i'ron the Ci�y and also until tha:�_said ope�atdr has paid to the City of Clearwater an occu�ational license tax of �20b.00 per year. Psa'vi�3.ed, howevor, thAt �vbien an aperatAr by�np �ot more than one such rilac'siin�, and such r�achine is uSed exClusivel.y a� one looa�iozi owned or l.eased by �ueh o�exator, tbe occu�ation- a]. license �tax sr�il:]. 8e �25.R0 per yet�:r". �eetion 2. �his ardinanee sb.a:Z3. take a�fect immea3.ate].y upon its passage and a:dopt;Lon by the �i,ty �9mniissio� o�': the City ` ...� ���;r of Cle�rwater, �loxida: � This ordinarice passed and adop�ed b3r the City: Comnu.ssion oi' t�e Ci�ty of ClearWater, Florida ' �'assed o� 'rirs't 'reading _ _ Dec, 1, 1941 � Pasee'$ on secondt re'ading_ �ec. 1", 1941 . Passeci on th�.�d readin�_ Dee: 1. 19k1 . _ Geo , R. Seavtv r.4aqor-Co�nis sioner Attest: , ._ ,, Frank Coole� � . _ Czty Auditor & Clerk i , Tne C�.ty Attorne,t nodu read to the Board an Drdinance to be kno�vn a s Ordinance Ido. �.82, being an Ordinance cone�rning _..... _ . _ .. . the nex� general �lection> �'�oved. by i�Ir., Staut�i.re,:: seeanded by r7r. Z�we and carried that Ordina.nae TSo, 1�82 b2 passed on its first reading. &�oved by IrTr. Stou�acnire, seconded by� PYir. Zowe. _. , . _ . , .�. , and carried that (Jrdinahce I7o. y.82 be passed on its second re�@ing. Nioved by I�;�ir, Stoutamire, seconded iay Mr, �owe� that • Ordinan„e Na. �.82 be passed �n its Lhird a_nd €'znal rearZing, Motion carried. Below is set out Ordi.nanee No 482. , OP,bI2TA1�CE NO:, 1��2 . ` . .. ,��_ . . , �' .. I�J .O�DIPTANG� PRESCRTBING THE L�1E�£HOD AND ._, P,�TF'R 01� AOI�DTI�C `�`HE N�1 G+ �,RAL EL�GT= - � IOP1 C7F THE CI`i'Y d'F GLEkI�VTtiTER. ` • , : 6",tf�ER�AS �t the regular munici�al electzon to be he2�i on Decembex 1.6th, 1943, thre� �embera o� the Cit�-Commissian 1�iZl be eleeted; tuvn o� -whom tivi11 serve regular t�vo-yeer te�ras an@ ane ' oi whora will serve ane year t4 cflmplete the term �ade vscant by the resi�nation of'1'Tilliacn �1Tatson Clark; and . l�a'fi�REAS tiie City Giiartar does not specifica�.ly. preseTibe the me�hod of electin� Got�missioners in a case oi �this kind whexe two Commissioners are to be elected Yar twa=year terins �nd ane Coi�missionex is to be �3;�eted for a one-year term; and '�Tfi�Rr�S u,*ider 5eetion 16� a�' tYie Gharter �he City Com�: mi.asion has au'thorit;� to prescribe the method and manner of ho1d- i.ng alJ. eleotions in tkiis City, an�l notiv finds it necessary to pass tkiis ordinance to coger the situa'ti;on nereina�ove described; µ- •r •� NOLV� �AER��ORE, B� ZT ORbATN3�7D BY 1+ CIfiY COnR�tISSTON �F TH�' GI�'Y OF CLEARI'IxTER, FS,OR:CDAs y � 1. That candidate� for the of�ice of �'it�y.:Go�is$i�ner at the re�riilar ele�tion to be held on Do�ember lbth, 19�.1; shall • . . . . � y.. . � not be required to indi.ca�e �vhether ,�hey are� can�?i:dates i'ar�;�, ttvo- ysar texm or for a one-yeRr terrR� � ■ f��� - 2. That the two can�idates for the a#`�ice o� CiGy Go�n.i.s,sj:oner wl�o slaall receive �he highest ;nwn��r_ of vo�es at the �e�?.ral municipal election i:o be he1.d or� Deoeinber 16�h, 19�.1, shall be declared electsd,.�o two-y�ar terms ou„the . . _ � ..<, : ... ..,..... _ Co�issibn, said terms. �Go be�in on the first h4anc�ay in Janu�ry, 1942 , and end or_ the �'3rst Monday in - Sanuar� , 1.91�1�,; and tb e ,' canaidate receiving the next largest uuueiber af voLes �ah�7:�. be declared elected to a one=year-texrn on the Comnission, said term�ta beg:in on the first h4onday in Janu�ry, 1942, �i� end on the first Monday in January, Z9t;.�. T11is Ordinance passed and ado�ted by'.�.the City Gommission of the Cit�* of C1e�rwater, Flo�ida:� Passed on first reading� December lst, l94•1 Pa�sed on second reading +� De�er�ber 1st, 1941 . Passed on third readiil� �� ' Decenber lst, 1941 ,. _ . 'Geo. R. Seavy ... _ _ ,I�fayor-t;ommi�sioner,: ;, ,. . At�est: ,- � :. . , ._ . . _.-. , _.. . . . irank �oole City Audi_tor , C]:erh . .. , . Commiss�.oner Smith at Lhis time �ade a shart report on the International,City TvTanagers Convention which he attended lf�l�vUoo� ��� _ . in F'r� D��TM ��� hs �the convention endin� Thursday noon, TJoJe�- ber 27th. i�ro Smiih togethe'r with City •riariage� `Heudrix reportad that the meetzng vras very helpful and �vorthwfln:l�:: , ` . y q , olice �oe Russell ta ii�a or .�eavv_ re uested- Chief of P check Por impxopex, parkzng on Ngrth Fort �arrison- in: ti�e_ v;i:cinity o� 1lells Drug �tore and the X. �rT. C., k: .,St aPpear�d �that a num;, ber of cars had been noticed parked .an the wron�,_side o.f .the street. _. , T;he xnatter of Guss Glildex • having :�., garabe lo,catod in. a_platted.City street on Clearvaater Beac� rvas, d�scussecl but no action ;vas taken on.athe same: .,: � . Ti�ere being no; fuxthex busin.�e� to; cozne, �e�ore the Doard �� . the meetin� wa,s adjourned,> , � , ; _ ''e�D� . -�' . Mayar�peraiaiss:t rier C�� �� � . � itr Auditor & Ol�rk � ' , . , ,, . . ., � .. � �=• CITY O�' CLEARWATER ' CLEARWATER, FLORIDA DeaBmber S, 1941 "There will be a special meeting of tlie Ci:ty Commissien tonight at 7e00 at the City �all for the purpose o£ieceiving petitions for candi- dates £or t�e City Commission to be decided at the eleeti.on D�cember 16th, 1941. " TYiis notice was delivered to the following: �,,, af TIME Ma�or Gem ge R. 5eavy �!� `�'�i� ` ""`�� �_ 3 T� ^ '. �. : � � Mr. Aerbert Grice --^ ��r �:�^ - ���" �- � `s _. T�s^ . S. R. Lowe ' � �,�r"+ �= �� ``? �, 3�"r� �.1j � . %r. Ralph. •Riche.�ds C2��t � ��""`� ' - / • ` ' �,�:��� • � � 3+�rs Dan Stoutemire ��~�'"����� , Ntr. Jesse G. Smit2a �.�"�r'��•�"'� { � �s Respe0tfu11y subzgitted, � ,� � .�-:�.�°`� µF , ���