11/12/1941� 3' �<: S• l ; • � . � . . � . . . � . . . . . 1."'� �, �. . .. � . � . � � . � � � �. .;�.�.,i. d ..� y � THE RqINTJTES OF TfiE CZTY COMRIISSION OF CLEAR47ATER, FI,ORIDA The City Comm3:ssion of �:he Gity of Clearwater, Florida met in Special Session at 5s3� P. �52. 1Vovember 12, 191�.1 with the follot��in� r.�embers Present� George R. Seavy., T�ayox Co�issioner Jesse G, Smith, Commissioner Sumner R. Lowe, Co�nissioner Herbert Grice, Comtni.ssioner Dan Stoutatnire, Co�issic�ner This meetin� was held i.n respo�se to a special notice set out in verb�tim elsev�here in these ni.nutes. T2�e meetin� v�as duly called to arder by Isayor Seav-,�. IVlr. Seavy e�plained to a srae]�lc�;ro�z��wof inen present that the matter of the Red Cross using the Cammunity building in the City Park would not be gone into a� this meeting anci that nothing w�uld be done nntii oPficial aetiou was taken bq the Board at a reguZar meeting. The City �'lanager F. L. Hendrix now read to the Board the resi�nati on of C. E. CTare as Ci�y Judge. Be1ow is set out in ver- batim NTr. �'r'are>°;s letter. Ho;�orable City �ammi.ssion �ity of Clearwater Gentlemen; I am infor�ed that on the evening of Idovember llth, 194.1 the Honorable Spessard L. Holl.and, Governor of Fl.orida, announced at Tallahassee, tlirough .associated Pxess, tha� he had appointed ne t� the office of Ju.venila.� ,Tudge of Pinellas County. I have no�, however, received �nv o�'ficial conununication to this affect frou the Go:�ernar, nor have -� recei�re�i my aomnissian. lhis is to advise the CitSr Commissian that, subject to o�ficial noi:if'l��-ation of niy appointment, I herewith submit m;r resi�;nation as i�Iunicipal Judge of the C'ity oz Clearwater, said resignatian to take e�feat Saturday, November 15tho I should like to take this �ccasior� to thank �he City Co�ission and individually each menber tY�ereof, the • City h�ana;�er and the Chief oi ioli�e for the splendid co- operation I have re�eived from '-�,hem during my term a� 1Municipal J'udge. tijitk� best wishes and again thanks to each of you, I am Verv respe�tfully yours, G. L. �7are NIovsd i�y I�'Ir. Grice, seeonded by ��Ir. Lawe and :ar.ried that the resignation be aacepted as te:dered. P.�r. Henckr3.x now read to the Boara a letter of applicatiou �rom J'. .�. Satterfield. Bc�lova is set out such letter. ' ■ Novenber 12th, 1941 ' ' Hon. CitSr Comnissionexs, City of C�.earwater, F1.orida Gentl'emen: �. I underst�nd you are meetin� at 5:30 this afternoon �o appoint a Iv�u.nicipal Jud�e, t� fill the vacancy caused by J'ud�e T�JareTs resi�;nation. I shall appreeiai;e it if �ou will consider me as a candidate for the appaintment. Sincere].y, J. �. Satterfield< Moved by Idr. Stoutamire, seconded by fi�ir. Smi.th that George ti'�. Sm.ith be appointed City J'udge t�o fill �ut the unexpired term of C, .u, '4�are. h4otion carried. Con�missianers Smith, Stoutamire and Seacy voting for the matian. Upon motiran of Mr. Grice, seconded by NIr. I,owe the vote was made unanimousa The Special not��e sent to Comraissioners rznnouncing this meeting is set out below; November 12, 191�1 "There will Ue a special meeting o�' the City Conunission t�is afternoon at iive-thirty at the Gity Ha11 for the purpose of appointing a Cuty Judge and such other business that may properly come beiore the meeting." This notice vras delivered to the i'ollorvin�;: T1I!iE Pnajor George R. Seavy 10:21 A. I;4. T�s, Herbert Grice 1U.20 �1. It2, h�r. S. R. Lov�e 10:59 A. Pn. IvIr:� Dan Stoutamire lU•Z7 ke 2�1. • i�Ir. Ralph E2ichards 1U:22 A. i�1. Mr. �e.gsa G. Smith 10•00 A. M, RespectYully submitted, Joe Russell There being na further business to come before the Loard the meeting �as �cljourned. _ � � '� '��_ 2vlayor-Comm ssioner , � � „���iy� ` � G• ty _4uditor & Clerk , ;` �� � � ,, � OATF3 OF OFFICE' OF PdUNICIP�I, JIIUGE " :C do salemnly swear that I�vi11 suppor'�n, proteet and defend the Constitution and �otrernment af the United States and of the 5tat� of Florida agairest all enemies domestic or Poreign, and �hat I wil]. bear true lei�h, loyalty and allsgiance to the same; that I am. eatitled to hol@ oPfice un:der the Constitution; that I will fai:thfully perYorm all the duties of the oPPic'e of Munieipal Judge of t�.e City oY Clearwater, whieh T� am about to en�er. So help me ^�od. ' ' �� --^.�� Sworn to and subscribed bePare me at Clear`vater, Floricia, this 14th day of Novenber, Ao D� 19410 -- `� -� � � , �, � � � � �� � TIiE v'�IINUTES Or THE CITX COL'�4ISSION OF TiiF CITY OF CL�ii+�IATER � � The �ity Commi.esion of �he �it3� oP �leaxwa�ter, : I`lorida mei a.tt •reoular -session in the Auditorium 3� tbe City �all, rdovembe;� 17, 19t�1 at 8'o'clo',;�k` P. P:4. The follo�ving xie�bers wsre p�esents Geor�e 1'�. Seavy, P;�ayor-Gomni, ssionPr Jesse G, Smith, Commissionez . _Sumner li. I,o�ve, .Coinmissioner Dan Stoutamire, Comriissioner ' Abseizt: Herbert Grice The maetin� vaas duly c�iled to order by i�ayor Seavy, a�ter w�ich the rainutes o� the tvro previous meetings•vuere approved as read. L'ir. J. �. Satterfie�.d, l�.ttorney for J. Willia� Ir�on appeared before the Board in regard to securin� for �x. Irion a license to operr�te 'a Jooic �rgan in his p�:ace o�' business on Cleveland �'treet. ?,2r. Satter- fiEld contended that the license charge of �200.00 set bJ Ordinanee �t�ES was unreasonable and unfair, and submitted to the Board a dra£t o� a ne�v ordinance t�, take �he plaee of �rdinance #1�.65. The City Commission being in a�reeneni; that the presen� ardina2�ce should be chan�ed request"ed Citf �ittorney Ftal�h Riciiards to dxaw an amenclment: �a Ordi�ance �465 said amen�:iaent allo�ving a person ivho operates his own businsss to secure a city lzcense to ooerate a jook ar�an on the prenises for ���`p'2�>00 provided said �erson is the pona fide owner oz the Jock Jr�an, Several persons aptseared befare tlie Board to protEst any act?on the Commission mi�ht take in turnin� over the use o� the Coinmunit3r $ouse in the City Parl� tio the Rod Cra�s. Nir. Te J. Comerford, af�icer o� �he Red Gross orgunization reported that the local or�anization was in dire neect of a nz�v place o� opexations and that the p14ce would have ta meet certain xequirements . of the national,or�anization, as to sanitation eta. It appeared Lhat the maiv. pro�rars of the Red Cross at present is the makin� af Sur�i.cal _ Banda�es., ancl that Cleartvater Chapter could not partici�ate in �uch a orogram due to lack aF proper meeting facilities. Tt appeared that hir. Com�zPord had �sked the Citv,I.ianager, Director of Recreation, and the Char�ber oi �os�merce to help the Rec1 Cro�s s$cure a Proper location. �ayor Seavv,explained �o those � nt that if azter canvas no . . . _ .rese �the�; suiteble place coul3 be i�un�i he �•�ould recomend to �he City Commiss- io� that the Community Builcling be turned �ver to the Red Crass. I�Ir. RichaF:ds no�v read to the Board Ordiance ta be knotvn as Ordin- ance i]o. �.g0-the same,bein�, a fire prevention ord�nance. Being auestion- ed by,the Board the Gity httorney and the I'ire Cha,¢f Luke l:�artin stated that they saw Rothin� ob�ectionable in the Ordinance< Tti�Ioved by iVir. Sulith seconded by R7r. Lowe and carried that O�dinance �4g0 Ue passed on its _ - � - first reading. I�foved,�by �r: T,vwe, seconded by I�r. Smith and ,, carried.�ha� the Ordinance be pa'ssed on its .�ecqnd reading. P�Ioved tay i�lr. Zotve, seconded by �Sr. Snith, an�l ca�ri.ed that ' the Ordinance be-passed on i�s,third:and final reading. , • ORllINANCE N0. 480 �J ORD�TANCE �STI�BLISFiII1G A BUREiiII OF FIRE PREVFNTI ON II�T THE � CITX OF CL uAFt;=' 47ATr,R, DLFINING TF� PDi°1EH5 AIVD �JUTI�S .. OF THE CI3TEF .l��v'Ia II�iSFEGTO?tS OF: !�kIE BUREAU Ok' FII2� PREVENTIUTd, �S'ii�BLISHIIIG CERTr':.IIJ �LCxU�,,AT2UN k'O�t TI� PtZ�+VENTION .- OF FII2�, �iNll PR�VTDING PsNALTI�B h�?? THF VIO?�1T20I� Z'FPREOF. , . BE Iz ORD4IZ�D BY THE OITY GO�;��LTSSIOIZ OF �FIE CITY OF CL�R- 4T�TER, FLORIDA: YSection 1. x�ureau of Fire Prevention�in the Fire Department of the Gitg of �learwatar is hereby establislied which sha11 be nnerated under the sugervision oi the Chief of the Fire Department. The C].L.e� of the F'.xe vepaz�tment sliall' designate an oPiicer (or me�ber) of the Fire Departmen� ss Chief ot the l3ureau of Fire Prevention, wlio shall hold this o.ffice at �he pleasure of the Chie� oi the Fire De�artment. Tl�e Chief o� the Fire Department map detail such other members of the fire departmenc as inspectQrs as shall from tirle to time be necessary. � Section 2. It shall be the dut'y. of the of#'icers of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to er_force al'l laws and ordinances co�erin�; the �'o].loEvin�,: • l. The greventiou.oi fires; ` 2. The stora�e and use of explo'sives antl £lamtnables; 3. ^1he install�tion and maintenance of aut:omati:e and other private f5.re alarm s��tems, and�fire extinguish- . in� equipraent, �. The maintenance and re�ulation of iire `escapes; 5. The means and adec�uaay of e�it in case df fire, from factdries, schools, hotels, lbd�in� houses, asyluras, hosnitals, churches, ha11s, theaiers, amphithea�ers, and all other nlaces in which numbexs oP persons work, live or congrega�e, fron time to time Po'r an� purpose; . . 6. The investi�ation of the caiise,`or�in� and circum- R . stances of Yiies. They sh�ll �ve 'such otl�er powers \: , , an,d perf��rm. such o:�her dut3,es as are aet forth in other sections oP �his ordinenc�, and as may be canfexred n.,n:d �imposed frpr� time to tir�e, ,by law, aection 3. The ChieP oP the�r�ire Dep�rtment, Chief of the Bureau oi Fire Prevention o� any Inspector may, at a11 reason- ab.le hours, enter any buildin� ar premises w��h�n hia jurisdic�ion for the,purpos� of makin� any inspection, or i�vestigatior_ whic�, under the:pxovisions oP this ordinance, he ox• they may_ deem necessary to be made. ,. Saction 4. The Ghiei o� the Fire �epartment, Chie� o� the F3ttreau of Fire Arevention or any Ins;pectar specially desi�mate�i theret� s�all inspect, as o��en as may t�e necesszry, but no� lass than four times � year, al1 spec;iall�r hazarclous manufactuxing processes, storage ox installations oP �ases, chemicals, oi:1s, sxplosives an4 flammab�e.materials, all in.teria� fire alarm a.nd autornatic sprinkler systenis, and such otY�er hazards �r appliances as the Chief of.th� Fire Department shall desi�nate, anci shall viake such orders as nay be necessary,:for the enforcem.ent .of the la*ras and �rdinances g�verning the same anci ior safeguardin�; of life and pro�erty fror:� fire. Section 5. It shall t�e the ciuty of the Chief of the E'ire Departmen�t to ins�ect, or cause to be inspected 'ay t�e i3ureau of Fire Prevention, �r by the Fire Department ofi'icers end niembers, as often es may be nacessary, but nat less than tvlica a year in outlyin� c3istricts and four times a.�year in the elosely bkilt portions of the cit� sll -buildin�s:.;end nxenises except. the interiors a� �arivate dwellings, f'or the ourpoSe af ascerLain�n�; �,nd caus�.n� to be corrected any corditions lialale to ca�se #'ire, or any via],atzons of the pro- visions or intent of �ny ordinance oi' the City affectj_ng the i'ire liaz�rdo k'Thene�er �ny Insneatar, as defined aUove, shall i'ind in any buildin€ or upc�n any premises, cnabus�ible or e�pl�sive �attez• or . dan�erous aCcuuulations oz ruhbish or unnecessary Accur�ulations of waste paper, boxes, shavin�s, or, �.nv lii�hl� �lanuuab]:e materials, and tq�hzch is so situated as �a endan�er progerty; or shall find abstructions to or on fire:esct��es? stairs., passa�,eways, door or tivi�dow, liable to inter�ere witl�, the operatiorLs ,af tYie Fire �e�artmei�t or e�,ress af , occupants in ca3e oi' Tire, ha sha11 order same to be removed or s�madied. Section 6. _ �he Ghief -o� the j�ire Departinent, .(;hief of the Bui:esu of F:ire Frevantion or an�, In.sp�cto� upon tre coraplc.int.of any per5on or,wrenever ho or they shall deem it necessary, shall in�poot any bui].dings and premises within their iurisdiction. 4'iherlever �ny o� said o�ficers shall find any building or othe� strunture v�hich, for ■ � � ► :� � � want-o% repairs, 1.ack of sufi'icient fire escapes', nutom�tic or other fire a=lsrm ap}aai�a�us-ar fire c�x�in�;uishiri�, equi�men't or by reason of a�a or d'i]:api:dated concli�ioiis, �r franl any other cause, is e�pecially liaUle to i'ire, s°nd ��vhi'�h is so situated as ta endan�ex oth8r property ox the occunants -�kiereof, aiid whenever such officaer'shail find in eny Uuildin� cor�bustiUle � or eb_�l�sive matter or i'la�?raable conditi�ns dan�erous �� �2i'e safety of such ruilding or the oecupants thereo£ he or i;hey sha11 arder such dau�erous canditions or rsaterials �'�,� oe re- rsoved or �emedied. ' . ' Section 7. Tlie service of such orders as mentioned in 5ection �., 5 and 6 may'be made upan tiie occupant of the premises to whom a.t is direet'ed,' either l�� delivering a copy bf same t� such occupant personall;v or bv deiivering �h�fisa�e�'to:. � �nd�leav3:ngL.v�i�Gb.'an3r.�e�san i-n e�Zarge of the premises, �r iri case no such person �s found'upon the prenises, by �ffixin�; a' copS thereof in a conspicuous �lace•on the door t� the entranae of said pre�lises. F°hen.�� :r it may be necessary ta serve such an order upon the o�vners, oi preni.ses such arder may be 'serve�l - e?ther by deliverin� to and leaving y�ii:th the saiil persor� a c�py of the said orcler, or, ii' such ovaner is absent irom tli� jurisdiction of the ofi'icer makin� the order, by raailin� such copy to the o�vr�er4'.s last kno�,vn �ost office address': ' �1ny such order sh��l fortLwith be complied �tiith by the owner or occupant of ,such prenises`or buildinga If such � ' ar:d.efi is mgde by tr.e Chiei' of the �ureau oi the F`ire Prevention or one of the lnspectors, such o5°rner`or occupant may within-twenty- four hoars appeal to the Ch3:ef oi the �'�ire Depar�ment who shall, w.'��hin five days, revieV� such arder and Pile his d@cision thereon, and unless by his autrority the'�rder is revoFte'd or modified it shall renain in £ull foree and be co��lied with within the time fixed in said ord�r or'decision af the Chief of the Tzre Depart- men�. . �" P:rovided, however, that any such �vrrier ar occupann�t may, within five days aftar the m�cing �r a�firmin� af any sizch ' order by the Chief og the ��ire Department, file hi� petition ' with the Pilunic'ipal Gourt, prayin�; a ravie�v of stich order and'it shall be the du�y of su�h cai:rt to heatr the san.e with�:n not � ess than i ive ` days nor 'inore than ten ' aays fro� t;ho tima t2ie petiti:sn is filed, and to make such or.der in the px*er�ii'sos as ri�h� and justice may require and sucl� decisian shall be PinaJ;, �uch parties � so appealin� to th� PJfu�icipa� Court sha7,1 fil� v�ith said court within tvro days a bond �n an amo.u�t to be f,ixed by the Court,_;to be al�pro�red b� the Court, aal�ditioned to pay all;the oosts oi such appea� in case such anpelJ_ant fails ta sustain his anneal � or the sarse be dismissed ��r any cause.. Section 8. The Bureau a� "ire Pr_eveni�on sha11 in- , �vestigate the cause, or��n and cireum.stances �i every fixe accur= �ing in the ,City by c�hich property has been destrayed �r darnaged ancl , sa far as possib7:�; shall determine whether the fire is the result. oP c�relessness or .desi:6n. Such;;investigations shall be bsgun imrnediate- ly upon t�ae accurance of such a fire by the Inspector in whose distriet the fire oecurs, and iP it appeara to the officer nabin� such an invest'lgation, that s�ich fire is of su�picious origin, the CY�ief of 8e: tl�e Fi,re Department shall�im�ediatel,u notified of t11e facts; he shall take char�e iianediately o£ the physical e�idence, snall not��f.y the pro�er autliorities aesigna�ecl by la�v to purs�e the investigatian of such matt2rs, and shsll furthe� cooperate with t2ie authorities in the collectiion of evidence and in the-prasecution_of the:case. �very fira shall be reportecl in vrritin� to tha Bureau oi Fire Prevention within ttiva days ��'tc�r the �i��arance �f the sarne, by the officer in tivhose jurisdiction s�ch fire has occurred. Such renort shall be in sueh f.orril: as �ha11 Ue prescr�becl by the Chief of .the rire �7epartment, and shall contain a�tatement �� all facts relating to the cause, orgin and circumst�n�es �f such fire, ancl extent �f the dama�;e there- of, and the insurancerupon such property, and such other informr�tion as may be required. � Sectian 9. The �%ity xttorney,�upon the request oP the Bureau of the Fire Prevention, shall assi,st the Inspeetors in tne investigati on of any fire tiuliich, in their opinion, is of suspicious ora,gin. , Section 10. It slisll be the duty of the �i�ief of the Fire Department' to require teaehers of puUlic, private �nd paraehial s�Y�oo1s. snd educ�ti�nal_instituti.ons ta have niie fire drii:l each nonth and to keep a11 doors and.exi��. unlocYed during school hours. Section 11. `i'he Cniei' ai the Fj.��, Depaxtment shall keep, in the off3ce oi'�che Bureau of Iire Prevention, a record of s,ll fires and of th�e facts aoncarnin� sarse, includin� statistics as to the extent of - such fis!es and ,the dr�age caus'ed th.erebv„, 'and whether such losses tivere covered by insurance; a:r_d i� So, in wh�t amount, �uch zec�rd• shalT Ue ma.de daily �rom the re,ports made bv the InspectRr.s under the provision bf tnis ordinance, All such rec.ords shall l�e public. � � � �� Section 12. 'x'he arinual repor� o�' the Bureau �f Fire Preventivn shall be made on ar before the 3ls't da� �f'D�cember and transmi�ted -to' the 1�Iayor (ar �Baard`ax• Conmissi.onexs}; it shall contain a11 proceedin�s under this ordinanca; evith such statistics as the Chief �f the rir�e Departm,ent may �vish ta i.nclu�le theroin; the Ghie3' �f the �'ire Department shall also re�commend an,y'. tuaend- ^ ments t� �he ordi�anee �vhich,'in his judgment,�sha11 be dssireble. - Section 13; A11 ra�ulations issued by 'the'State �'ire I4tarshall under authority of Chap�er 20,67T, I�a�vs o� Florida.� -}apProvcd J'une �.th, 1941 and entitled ��An Aot Relatin� to the S�a'Ge Treasurer; to Provide for Hdditional Po�vers and Luties �f the State Tressurer as ex-0fficio Tnsurance Comi;�issioner in Connection vvi�h Fires; to �'Tovide for Paynient o� 3�xpenses o� Ai�ainistration; to .Provide for Appointment of an xdvisory Lomraiti;ee; and to Repeal All Laws in �oni'lict Herewith't, shall be eni'orceable Uy the proper authorities oT thi� �unicinalitv; and the �hief �of the rira bepartment, ur �the :Iu�ayor, are' hereby aut2iori�ed to per�orm vlithzn the aorporate- liniits of this inunicipality r�niit duties that �av be inposeci upon them by sai� la�v,' or in accordance therevrith, and to 2iave- such assiatance as they �ay find necessary�ironi �ther o�ficials of this municipalit3r in the discharge of such duties<. Secti on ll�:, Any and a11 ner-sons who shall viol�te any of the �rovisians o£ thi�� ordinance or° Lail to coxnPl�T therewith, or who shell viol�,te or fail to ieomply vaith any order or regulation made thereunder, or wh� shall build in violation of any detsi7.ed statement of specifie�tians or plans subiaitated and apprcved there- '- under, or ary certificate or nermit i�saued thereunder, shall sever- a11y for eaeh and ever?* such violation fn�l noncom�Lia'nce ,res:pcetive- ly, forfeit and pay a penalty no�.to e�ceed the sum of ttven'ty-five dollars. `l'he inpasztion of one penalt�r for any violation of_: this ordinance shall not excuse the vialai;ion�, br pesmit it t:o contiuue; and all such persUns ghal.l be requirad to corz°ect or remedy such violations or defects v�ithin. a reasonab]..e" tirls; and w}�;en not other- tivise spedifie�, each ten' daj�s that prohibited canditioiis arE main- tained s}�all cons�ftu�e a segarat,e offense. '- � Yhe applicr��ion of'the ab��e penalty shall nat be held to prevent the eni'oreed remevsl of: prohibitecl conditi�ns. Section l5-. A11 o�dinances:and p�xts of o�din�nces in- �ansist�rit �erv�ith and'hexeby repeale:d, Section 16. This ordinance sT�al], become e�i'er,tius. immediately upon its passa�e anct adop�tion by the City Commtssion � ■ e ���� ' of the City of �learwater, FloridA. • Passeci on first reading__ Nov. 17 � 191�1 Passed on aecond reading Nov. 17. 191�1 Passed �n third reading Nov. �7. 19�+1 Gea . it. Seavy l;�ayor-Cai*�ai ssioner Attest: Frank Goole�r City Audit�r w 'lerk Ntr. Richards was instructed bv the Commission ta ftraw an election ordinance providin�; that the term of offiae oP Comniss- i�n�rs elect�d in next City Election bo be as Pollows: the term of those tva� recei4irig first an.d second highest �unber oi' vo�es, two year terms; the candid�te receiving third highest'number of votes, a one pear tei�n. There being no further business to come before the Boa�i�} the raeetin� wes adjourned, � . (/� i�Iayor�Commi s si oner �