10/06/1941� � � � � � � < ��i�-
�� i:�zrT�tm �� ar �rr�, r�rT�T� o� �:� cz� r;ar.�..zsszozr,
The City Cvrirniss3.on af the Gity a�' Cls�rwater, �1r�ri�,a rzet in �
r��u�.ar 'seasion a� the Cztv �al�. !�u :Itarii�i, GctobPr 6, 191E1, F3 o t c1�ch
E', 2.T, ihe follo�vzn� rlembers ti�aere �re�,ent:
Geor�e i,. ;eavy, I:Tayor Comr,iissi�ner
J���o �. Sraith, c:�r�;tissianer
Sur�tner �3, Loi�1e, Lo�issioner
l�bsent: �j�, i�atson C1ar�c ,
f:erber� Grico
The raeetin�; w�s �iulv eaI].ec3 to ordex Y��r :.:�v�r Seatry and t12e min�wes
o� �he nreviou� rneetin�; w�re annroved as read.
�it,r T;a.nsfier I*enc�rix not� rPari to the B�ar�l a le�ter From ;',�, j;�;,�o;�
ClsrY, o� date Oe�oher ?., 191�1, tenderir_� his r�;s;�nat��n �rar1 the Loard
oP Cit;r Cor�rv.s�ion�;rs, �elo��> ;s set o�it in v�r-hs��in ,::r, �.1arY+s le�tPr:
rr,aha, i�xas
Gc�. 2, I941
i:r. t:aa�l; i�eixd.�ix,
Clear.�v�iter•, i{ 1a ,
ile&r IiL�;� :
I am �;oin�; iri btts�,iiess in �'exas, �nd it vrill
necessitate r,�y resi�,;l.in� tYie Board ai' City
l am t�Y.in�; �his og�ortunit*- ta tel.l, �ou Hoti;
sorry I�m th�t 1�vill h�veV to resi�;n., but I
i'eel sure �vith you as Cii�y isiana�;er, and t�e
t�alance of the Ct�nr�.ssi,or_ers, e�er�thiri�, vJill
�o aZong Liaybe bettar t7,aai ti•rhen .i was on, 3
��vill see you in �i a�u�le of �t�eeks, anci tal�.
to you m�re about it.
You may eonsider 1;P�is letter as rsy resi�;nation.
Sincerely gaur �riend,
t"T_�TSO�.� CLhItI:
_ Iv:r: . S�ith Qi'ter exgr4ssin� iiis regreta �Y:At I;r. Clark i ound i�t
necessary to leave tre Boarc� rsoved that tlie resi�n� tior be acceptec�.
P.iotion s�c�nded bv ��Ir. Lo���e, i:oti�n carried, 2.�essra. Seavv., SmitY�,
and La��e al1 uo�;in� zor tt�e inotion.
T:_c�ved by i,�r. T�o�'ae, secoLded b;r iar. Sr�.itl. �rid carrie� th�:t Dan
L. Stotrtcui?ire be appo�.�zted `to fill 1;1ie v�ctency caused b�r �re res�.�n-
atiou of I;Ir. �larb.. i.oti�zi c�rried. ilessrs. �e�zvy, Smi�r and Lorve
r�ll vatin�; ior tlle mot:i�n.
��.r. �t�ut�n,iire �vas norv adLiil�is�ered ti�e o�t�. of office b3- City
r�t•Garsiey Ralph i2ich�rd� e:ft�;r r�iki,ch he inir�.edieztely assur.iect his positian
on the Doa�id, �
Gity ld�n��er rlendrix no�a opened and read to tli� �soard bids fcr
di�;�;in� and. pun�irib r�acl�iriery on t��ao ten incY� ��ater v��ell. The fallo�a-
�: _
. •
ing sulanittea b3ds: '
A. 0. Dur�l.�;it, Dunediai, Floiida
�'�::.__ b i�ch colur:in ;N l�51a:�.60
7 inch coluriri :,� 46&1�.�.0
�'r�anb, �L. i1ay: 2r 1 r 32Yic� Streei;, Tam�a, �'lorid�t
� 5o1z.o0
Layne xtlantic Gompauy, Uy J'. L. Cousi�is, J'r.
Soutiier� �tepresentative, �r].ando, �lorida.
;;� 4070 . oo ana � 4�46 . o0
Iv�ayar Seavy ex�lained to �hose subraii;ting bicls �a�t it wottlrl Ue
necessary for the City Y�ana�er and (;ity En�;ixieer to checl; asid compare
the bida- and that the City Conrlission vaould• meet Tuesc2ay afteinoon
at 5:30 o:T'cloc� to cor_sieler further the awardin� of the contr�ct.
There being no futii�r busiuess to come before the Roard tihe
meeting was adjourned. '
. ,k[.PA (J� �
2;:ayor-Camz2i s s ioner �_-=��
Gity ssuditor & Ci erk
.� � �. . . . . . � .. . �� . .. ' . � . . . .. . � . � . .. .. . . . . .. . . .
r- �
_. _
�; .
� �� :� I
. �
The 8ity Co�rmmission of t,he �itp c+f Clearwater, Florida me� in
spncial session in the Audi�oriu� of the Gity �,11 at 5:30 o'cZ�c�
P.I�J�. Oc�tober �th, _19Ia.1 with the fol�.owing members present:
George R. Seavy, �tayor-Commiss3onsr
J'esse•+G�. Smith, Co�nissionex
Sumner R, Lowe, Commissioner
_ Dan L, Stoutamire, Coiumissioner
Absent:Herbert Grice
The meeting was duly called to order by Irlayor Seavyp
City 1�.Zanager F.'�I„ Hendrix stated that a�'ter going into the
the wate"r well bid"s "thorou�;hly;i�ritL the City ;�ngineer arid Supt. oi
the 1Jater Department that in his opinion it would be.;to the b�st
interes� of �he City to throw out all the bids r3nd call for bids
for drillin�; the wells and setting the punns; and to buy tre•
PPeerlesa Pumps'T fram Cameron & Barkley Goupany �f Ta�pa,Florida.
The type of "Peerless Ptunp" under cons�!deration �vas a six (6) inch
dischar�e vrith 30 FI, P, at a prii;e delivered in Clearwater at
;v1o59. oo„
r,:oved by I�''r. Srsith, secanded by 2�'s. Lowe and carrierl that
all bids bE tYlrown out; that ne,^r bids be called for, coverin�
rve11 drillin� includin� se�tin� oi pumps; that"��eerless F'ur�.ps"
oi' required spec�ficAtians be purehased from Ca�eroiz &�ar�ley
Com�any of Tampa, Florida at a price not to exceed :�105�,00 delzver-
ed in Cl.earvaater, FloridA.
`1'he Comt;iission set l�onday, Octo�er 13th, 191�1,at 5;30 o°cloek •
P. 2d. as t�e time far tne r,eat meetin� at whi_ch time the new bids
yvauld lae considered. �
Gopy of notice sent out to Co�ua.i.ssianers set ou� belovr:
. . . .,i � . . .
. . . . . .. . . .
"i'here wil.l �e a special raaetin�; of the City Cannission
tY1iJ aiternoon at 5:30 �t the City x�all #'or the nuruase of con-
sider3ng bids �or drillin�, and �quipging Ltivo �vater tivells and
•such other business as rsaf propexly� come bei'ors the P,4eeting. �!
This notice �vas delivered to the followin�:
P,Iajor Geor�e R, Seavy 9:07 r"L.Z2.
t;r. �erbex•t Grice 9:15 A.r;I,
�.r. S. R, Lowe 9:09 11.I,1.
P�r, 3'es�e ('r. Smitli 9:25 A.2�'f...
I�i� . Dar� St�utamire 9 t 12..A;2,2,
' i
--- _ . _�
;_ �... _
�� �
t.Sr: Ra1pL Ricitards ' ; . 9:1$ _
, Resnectfully subiuitted, .
, _ • �. ��la Rot��eT's „_
Thexe bein� no furtizer bizszness• to eoine be�'Ure �he Board ti�e
yneetin� was adjourned. - ��
, ; _ __ �
. - . , ;� . Gc�. �.��`�
• yoF�ia' r=Z'"orunzssioner .
�,, �' , _ _ '
� l2�e��!%G'LC.� . . .'
City huditor C7,erk �, �
,� _
, ,
; ,, • , , . .
., - . ,,, ,
T� bIIlaVzi!�S OF TF:;� P.�rTTIvGS OF iF� CI'i'Y COPtIf,2ISSIUTI
Tlie City Co�n!issior� of the Cit�r �f Glearva�ter, Florida met in
9},�ecial Sessio� i:�ondag A�teznoan, Uctober 13th, 19t�1, dt 5:30 p. �.'�,
o'eJ.ocl� in the audii:oritui of tl�e City hall. lhis m4etin� �aas in
answer to a special notice, elsswhere set out in tYle �i.nutea. The
fo1l,o�vin� niez�Uex•s we�e nresent:
Gear�e. dt. ���iq,V-r•°ayon-Coz�issioner `
J'esse G, �:mith-C;oriTM�is�iorier .
:�ivaner Tov�e-�7o�ua�ssi�ner
Dan ..toutamire-CoLu;iissiarer
�ibsezlt: fierhert Grice
ltie �eetin�; l�r4s dlzlv ca�.lecl t� o:rder bv T`ay�r-C.7�issi�ner
Geor�e T3, Seavs; aiter 1�,hic1� Cit;� T;anaa�er �Eeiidr_x o�er_ed ar_d read
t;� trie i�oarcl bids on the rlrillin�; of t�ra 10 incli vaater vaells.
The follo��ain�; subr2i,tted Ui�ls: �
(3. n� i�orr.ian F� Son, itoute C. Ft, i::ye?°s, �l�rida. .;r320U.00,
:_. �{. Vau�;l�r_, b018 Urati�P �3losso?� nvenue, i�;�a, Flarici�:. :�2Cr3b,00.
A. �7. �t�n].ap, Durieflin, Fl�rid�:. ;21�D0,00,
It �vas ri�vec3 b;T I:ir. I,o�Je, secondec� ��� i:;r. �ith ann carr? ed that
tlle bid of A. (a. Dun1a?r be accel�teci. �3elov� is set au� in ver Uatir�i
�u�Y� accPnted b?d;
S,''���FTCti'.�'T'r�y,cg ynp:� �=J�� ��t?T_LL_�:C'r (,+T' T''U
l0_ITrr,R? y��i��S LOC=�^^-• �"T^F-iT ;"F'^ GT1�
. � T �l`:�T{P^.7 C•�' 1�'_'.' � (�I�Y � C^ .r'.,1,.�`�'..;r AF.j ��* �;� � . . . .
�.�''i,�2 I��'�: � . .
Bi3s *^aill be xece�vad b�r the Eit;r a_ Cleari�r�.ter
rlori�ia, �n �ct�ber G,i�, 191HJ., �'ar urillin�; t�v� 2..7-inef, :�ell�. at
(�T'@Si: L&Yi@ t'&T}i� .L(�Ct11;101'lS i.0 })k: (�@"�,�TL'L1T1E:C� �73r t.!?B 2'�i)i"'�52T1i.&i.1V8S
qi the Cit��, � _
1. ;+ell t� b� dr�lleu anu cesed :^:itk: tf� �ound �er
i o�t steel casin� of nee� r;iateri.al .
2. � rice t� � ncll{cie lU-inci� dra7 f�r�ed steel cir'_v-
int shQe ir� place.
�. �fter d�illin�, �aell is t� he tested ti•aith ci�v-
�urcl�ased puri�, p?aced ii1 po�i_tion, aiici slia�an �a deliver 55� Eallor�s
per r�inute (r:iiziir�iun:} isi ;ne l�resence �i tlze Supeiini,endszit of �l?e
Via�er ,�epa�tmeti�, an�i the City iu�ineRr. � �
!�. '��ell clrillPr to cair� ou1�l.ic liability ancl nro�er�y
��a�i�.,e insuran�o in �1�� �ount oi, ;,,50Q0.00.
5. �ancxete purzi� Uase to be o� 1,?..�., ��u'creLe,
Base to b� lU-incY�es above the puria l�ou�e flo�r.
6. Sttetiori 2?i�e �o Ue eniiin�ed ��i�n �alvanized strainer.
7, mrat the f�llo�•rin�; test be a�plied: ihis pipe is
to be £ree �f all dents or an�i ahsl;ruc �i on;: ti�ahat���v�r and s..�ly be
txue i.n line vert;ic�ll;� c�� in less than �:/2" varratio�� :'rarl ton t�
hcttar.i. The seime test is to 1» riade and a�;reed to �s f�uYici bF tr�e citt*
renresentr�tivas, v
g, The �it=* tr� paii� cancr�,te l:l:oor for plunp �.�use ar�
exect l:au:e �s so�n �a rJel1 is tested.
9. r.7.1 conditions not r.�vered la;r t}.ese speciz i.cGti�ns
siiall Ue �ettlec� k,y ttze t7itzt ����naE_�:a•, �tTtd };i_� r�eci>� or sh�11 ba �inal.
1Q. The success�ul bic�cier will t$ke ca�•P �f �1.1 &tate,
County, an<i Ci�r Licenses, oz other taxes, nay �i11 S�cial. �3ecurity
�f necessrzry, before Lhe ��n�:l t�a3naent is z�i�€de bv ttie Ci�y.
11. A11 huildiri�:. �nd electrical t�axk zn connection
ti^�ith the }aurlpin� stati�n e^rz].1 be furiiished bv the City o�` (;learv�ater.
12. A1]. corditi�ns ti•ahich sLa11 frorl tirle i;o tirrie
nresent theriselve� and n�t cr�vererl by the sneciY'icrztians, sh�.11 be
Getti e�1 bv the G� +.t� ?`�na�er, �r i;he C�.tuT ��n�ineer, and tltzi� clecision
s1��11 be f inal . ,
13. "'he suceessiul bicider z�i11 fuxnzsl. f�z� tY�e Qra1�-
ii1� of ti1:;.s y��e11 rs�:chii�er5r �.nt1 entzinrtent ti;�;icl, shal]. UF in fir•st clr�ss�
concliti�7z, �ar.�d that tlie �ittT i.�an�i�er; or i;2ra i;ii;�r �;n�irieer, s1�a11 huve
the riE;iit t� ror.cic;n.n tr:e anuinrienl: ti•:hieYf iu ��ot ix� tli�ir n��ini�ii safe
fal ol7eratian.
14. `'�'. e��r_�crae.�c�r is to i'ur?ii�ti the e,it�r ���it21 a e��-
nlete anci acGlar�te �oL �� �2za t•�h,i1s.
15. ="�ll ��.ork ta be corzpleteci in a ���rlaa�znlike Li3rier ar�d
cieliverzc, ta the c;it�r z�_�hin thirt;� davs ir:ira the ««axdiai�; of �he co�-
tr�ct to tY�e suecess�'ul bi��iar.
1�i, TY�e silec,es5ftzl bicici�r �aill �et pur.�ps anu riotors ae
�urct.u�eu � t�e c�t�r a:� �art �z eon��set.
Bids raust be ii� tIxe oific� af 1:he C;ity luana�er ari or
before: ..aiaday afi;arnoon, 5:30 p.�. �et�ber 13, ].9µ1.
��.li�li::�ILI.� : ,
io tlie Gi�;r o�' Cleartiawtey�^, r'l�rid�:
The under.i�nec, �s B� dde� '_�PrEbv declarFu tha� i��e Y:as ex�:..mir�ed' the
s� te o�' �he t:�r}: :.nd inPo=mEd hirisel�' fu11� in re�;ard to a11 con..-
diti�ns nertaznin�. t� tl.e placa cahere the tirork is ta be dane.
The �3idder nr�_lases -..nd ��;ree� if this nronosal. i.s aceented i:o con-
trEct :°tith the :it� o.� Cleari��a�er, 'to ftirnish a11 nPcessarv riaterials,
�^tl�?�T`tEY1':� T4`ir::C�'111'!SI';r� 'ta7�S� `<i�J`73r3";US, r1P.811S o-' transnortt:"t1�71� �,:7'i(�
l�bar necessar�? to c:iTlplete �,Y:e. c;a�struct? �n �i z
m«o ten-incl. `•.ells as s;�;r��i�d Ior tY�e lar.m sur�1 hid �_ �?�:00,�0.
:>; U. Dttnla7 L.S.
The ot��ners oP t}:e follor�in� d�sclibeca nronerty �ppeared b�-
fore tYe Board "�3��ir. �.U£� ft, i;. of 5-� corner af S'.il/L� o� 3�� 1/l� az
T_,;F� 1/L,. run .x 1?> i't. ,:. 2i�.3.g ft. s.. 179ft., I;.21�-3,5 tv �. o. b.
3e�:�i�n 15-2J-15. , T�le s4id ati:r�ers �?��?�osed t� deed �o t]ie Ci{;y �i
Cl�arr�ater vahat Zr�nc3 r�eec��°�' �n ;.l�F: iiortY. �:rici �s�s� ;�i.de �f L}�i4 pr�-
nerty #'or str�et nurpo3e:- ai��1 al�o to tear dovtn c+.ncl r:iavs ��:��a tivii:r�-
in t�5 da�r� the huild�rz�,s not�r st�zndinE 7n �7�+is �7r�naiTty in can,sid�r-
�t�or ttlat tr,e Cit*� abate .�Y:�t �";itt* i;f�.:e> and ;r�ror�rer:e?�t liens �re
�11f3 �r c^;i7'��1: +]"15 �rOT)�;7',;ti 1TiC1Ltt]i7?, ].�i�.0 ��TICi nriar �rE3LI�S.
:.:o�re�7 bTr LIr. Ur�..itY�., Geconc�erl b;• r;r. Lac�e firir3 c:�.rr�.�;l tl�at
szzc�: nr�?7os�1. �t:r."i r�fY �;r be arr,���ted. ,
`i'f�.e s�Pca.al natioe serLt o�:t f,� �oruii�-, i�n�r� 4.ntz��zrci.li�
this raeetzn�; i; �.set �ut bPl�e1:
Jc�obpr 13, 1>�.1.
�,�here v�ill br> � s�ecial iaee�in�,;; o.' tlie <;i��r �o.*�yssian
tl�.is afternocsr� �� 5;3U ��; 'tl:e (;itv iiall for ;.he purposc: o�' can-
�iderii��; bidn f�r clrillir�� z,G.li9 ar�iz sttcl, �ttier I�usi.�c,;; that
zii�v p�o��c;rly c;azae byf�re �cY.� ri�etin�."
"ihi s x�ati. ce l�as c1�;liverecx t� tiie ��ll.a ;�i�t�:
�y, W,
.i�.:fijrO�I`"C��2''��£; ?;. �PuiT':r U,. 3 .
� �.�
2.:r. �:erit��rt ('�,.or; , :1;.�
-�I'. S. .i. 1,O?'�e �:SC;
i,x. ��:y�^� �i.. JZ'{.���I_ . � (].'y(�. .
1�Y'. �^r. .'f;'Jlits��'!.1P? . C • ^�
.;r. _,�.1;ah _3icI.2,•;.� c;�{�y
iCP.;`l)BC��'lA'.].';` 51.t7':1LLf;''
�.r ;�. r"Z;,r,,_
�3�P.I'r� Y337.Yi� Y�O �.'Ur',::1¢;1' :7USi31P,uS �� C.:_::3 }J�?'.^,,'� 'tj,,�
Board tk;e r�i�etir.� •r�s a�;j�ur�.��:,
, Oi,��
� C��;r «�,z�iit�r� �. ��� er�.
�. - �