09/15/1941. 9~ a- � � m� razNUT�s oF Tx� ��, rnrc� oF � czTY cor�azssiori , , T�e Ci:t�* Gommissio?�, o� the City o� C3:earwater, F7.orida met in - . , regul�r session September 15, i9�.i,.�� g�,.M:. in t�ae auditor,ium o�, , the City Ha�1 'with,,the Pollo�viz�g mer�bers,prQs�;nt: fierbert Grice, �leting P,4ayor-Commissioner , _ Jesse, G.. Smi�lZ; Cowa�3,ssioner , ; ° , :. : ,Sumner R. Lowe, Comsaissioner • Absent: George �. Seavy and Wm, 1'Jatson C�la�k The meeting was duly called to order by Acting Mayor Heri�ert Grice and the minutes oi the previous meetin� were approved as read. �....--� . IvTx'• J'• �• Satteri'ie'ld. appeaxed before the Board on behalf of his client, hr1r, t�iyron Smi,th. I�1r. Satterfield explained that �1ir. Smith ��s. originally tiae owner pro.perty �n Gul� to ]3a�r Bou3evard where the radia tcwers and buildin�s are situated and that �vher� he deeded this pro- perty �,here was a provi�ion in t}�e daed that the property Br�teld be.: used for Parl,. Purposes o.nly. 1�Ir. SmS.th claiius that thi.s Park Furnase - requirement was and is at the present bein� violated. fit appeared that i�r, Smith is the o�vner of the PolloWing proper�y on Gulf to Bay Bo�:levard: Lots l to l� 9.nclusi.ve Block A, 2ots 1 to 4 inclusj_ve Block fi, iots 1 to 1� inclusiYe Blocl; C, lots 1 to 4 inclusive Iilock D, lots 1 and 2 B1ock E, all �.n Treasure'Shores Sub'd. iind lots 1 and 2 Bloc�: 4 I+ZcI�Qul],ens Bayvie�v Sub'd. ^ihere �iein� � l�56.76 City Tmprovenent Char�es a�ainst this propertp, Mr, Srriith'thru �Ir. Satterfiei d offered to relinquish any claim or right �;rowin� out oP tYie alleged vi�lation of the Park Purpose provision mentioned ab�ve, in so �ar as the radio establishment is concerned if the City wauld cancel the claim oP � 45b.76 �or imProvem�n�s. __ TvIoved by .u2r•. Smith, seconded by 1�Lr. Zovae and carried tnat the ofi'er be accepted subject to possible further arrangements`with Ii+ir. . Smith�relative to releasing all restrictions'on tre property. Ci�y rYSanager Hen�rix notv raad �o'the Board an acknowledgement by the U. S. Depa�tment of Intarior of the receipt from tY�e City of Claarwater the resolution protestin� restr�ctions on the sale oP gas,�line in Floxida, . . �Mr. Hericlrix now suggested t�e name of Clearwater hiunicipal Airport;,.as the official name of the airport located at`$iary�ont: P�Ioved b�� Mr. Lowe, secanded by P.�Ir. Smith and carried �hat the ai.r� nort locateci at I�qarym�nt be officially nemed " Clearwater I�lunici?�al Air�ort,;" . The Board had �efore i.t a check in-the am�unt oT;.,�`p 50,-00 as an of_fer for.. the�settlement, of all City Taxes and; iraprovement�liens dov�i to and includin� 19L�1 Taxes on the follntvin� propertys Lots 12, 13 less part us�d ior street, 15 less part used Por street, � � � � 16, 17: lgi' �-`�: 2�, and'21� oak I3aven �ub'd. Sectinn 21-�9-1,5 . Puir. Grice appointed"Gominissioner Lo�ve�'and� Frank Gooley to look �he prope�ty over and make recommeMda'tioiis; The amoun'� to set�le�!under�'regulsr s:e�tle- ment plan was � 210.73. ` • ,-, ` + Gity Attorney Richarc�s''now xead Orainance �({.76, this being its third readingj T�oved Uy Il�Tro Smi�h, 'seconded by �112r. Lowe ar��i carrie�l that Ordinance ��:76 be passed on its �hird and final re4ding. aelow is set out Ordinance No. 476. ;. • ORDIPT.i1NGE TdO. Li.76 ^ ki� �RDINANCF' IiP:IENDING ORDINANCE NO .` 351 ' OF ` ' ° Tf� �ITY OF ' CL1s21RYT��'ER', PROVIDI'1G Tf�AT THE " COP;TRA,CTORS L'X�?�LiI�IPI� BOAl� SFiAi,L GIVE 'EXisD�Y_ ." `:;� °�NATIUNS 'ON TI� FTRST i�fOIdD�Y 1�I�T EACi'. MONTH, , , AD?t� P80VIDITJG TIit1'�' s$U2T�I3Ii`3G P�NNIITS P:�i�C BI�' ' < ISST7�D TO ��GISmEIi�i.S;a � ��FiI��C�S.' _ , ' r.>` , B�' IT QRDF_iATED i3X 1HE �TTY•' Co�iISS;�Id OF' • 1HE GITY bF CI;�R6'�ATER, FT,OR2DA: � That Ors�inance No, 351 of the City of C1ear4aa�er be and the ss�o iseher�bv a.mended as ,follo�ys; , ,. • , S`ECTIOST 1E, (a) The Board �i ExaminPxs provided for by this ordinance shall meet on the first :PZonday ,in each rianthi�for the purpose nY giving examinations and tran.sacting such other business as may properly come before it. Any kerson desirin� to take the examination given by such noard sh.all r.iake �vrittzn apUlic�tion to such Baaxc3 not less that,fiYteen days griox to the d�te on which such examina�;ion is to be given. Speciul r�eetings a�f the Bo$rd aRay be called. by the Build- ing Inspector at any tir2e, vaith the approval o� tYxe Gity 1'�ana�er. , S�'CTIO�ti Il.. (b) Permits for worY, exceeclYn�; y71500 shall be,is���pd b� the,Buildi�� Inspector to no one except a duly ,licens- ed contractor, or rebistered architect, or avaner or lessee, under the . �: , , , � .�.�.�. . . �.: a ... . .. .�� .�_ :. - .. . -�..� :..:���� . . ..— . provisi�ns of this �rdinance ( ar his duly autY�orized agent.) TFiIB UHDITTAt�iCr, sha11 bec�me eifecti�e -zmnedia�,ely upon its passage 'and a3optian b� the City �nmmi:ssion of'the Cit;* of ' . _ Clearviater, �`lora:da. . : ' , Ordinance No. 1�75 �vas now read Pox the third and final"��me. =- �oved by P?r. Lowe, seconded bv T:ir. Smith'and c�rried that` Ordinance �To. 1�75 be psssed on it:; third and final readinb. Be:loW is' set ou� ordin- ��� ance P,�.475. OFillII'T,�:C� � �TO . �7� Li1:1 U??DIr7Ai1G;� �Y;:EPdDTTdG G�S�TTykT.C�� NU: t�,�i� , � 'L'fl'�T�PT,ED �"�sl`� G12I3II'ZAT��O� ,PRUUTD�n7C���(iR F�t1D � � . � FI'�IIJG TI� 1�i1UUI1�' UF C.�RT�I2� C€;CLTI'kTIOTJ�:L, • T3USIT�I:SS, t.1.3ii :r'IiUI'�SS:Ct�I3�si LI�:EI35ES FC1R Tf3'rs' CxTY UF GL�L�EiGIf�'.�71�:E'Ca FL1732IDn� kIu�7 f�ROVI,llII:G A PEJ`T�ri..TY FQ�t Ft�ILB.23; T.0 CivT_L'i,Y TE.7,'Et�6;I�'f.. �� B� Z�' OI{Di1TI1T+1D BY �.'F� CI?'Y CnP���SIUIti U� lf:I� GITY vF. CLEAIit'1Fr.TEi2, .FL0�2D4t Tha�t Ordinance I`.o. 1+5% a� tY�e City of Clesrvvater entz �led "An Ordiilance l�rovid�n� for and fixin� the Ariount of Gertazn Occupati�n- a;�, ?3usiness, and Professional L'icensea ior tke City o� �lear�^�ater, �'lorzda., and ProvidinE. a:�enaltv for FaS.l�tre to C�rsplv Trerec�rith", be and the sr�.e is herek�v a.TlendeB b;r flddin� thereta'the io31��;rin� secti�n, to-v�rit : �ection 6, r�� occupat; or_a7. licer_sa sliall be issued to �nv �erson to ent;a�,e in anp prafess�.an., Lizsiness or occu�ation unlesw all nersc��l �rupeT•ty taxes levied and assessed b�� the Citg oi i;iearcr�uei� ��ainst all personal �r�pert�� pertainin�, to o� use8 in connecti�n wit� sai�ci ' praiesNi�ri, business, or ocau�ati�n for ttie vear in �;laicl. sucY. accup�ti�ai- al licenGe bEcorles due �nd navable sY:all have b�er� z�aid ir� i'ull. Tri: �rdinai�ce shall beco�e effeci:ive inme�iately upon it;s pass- ��� �nd acio�*tioii b? t?�s Cit�r Uomri�sion of the C� ty nP Clearwate2 , _ _ Florida. . _ PSr. r�ichards no�v read to the Board an ar. ciin�nee to be k-notim. �.s Ordinanca Ido, IE77, an arc3in�iiee re�;ulatin� the business of Con�rollin� Termite:• a�xd other inser.ts. ?.'avecl b�� i'x. ��i�Gl,, seeonded t;y �y;r. io��je an�l e�rried that Qrdinance T.s'a. t�.7? be pass�d on its fixst rent3in�. T��vec1 hg I,�Ir, S�n3tl�, ser,on�lPc� by ?.Tr, I,o�+re and carr��d that �rd5:nance � r�a• 477 be pas.�ec7 on its �;econd rP�din�;. :�ave3 b3T �ur. Sn:�.tli, seconded by I�;r. Zo�ve and carriecl tha� Or�inanc� Nq, t�77 he naGsed �r 9.ts third and final raadin�,. Belc�t�r is �.pt cLtt Urciinance T3o. �77, qRDIPd�:3C� P�O. 77 e�.id (7I3DZIri1��G`�: �':,GLTL1iTII1�G �'Fi� I3U�IIu�SS 0I' .,ui'i'�'_�t2:� sTLT�G G�? COIiT�?OLLIT:G TrF2tyIZTES �r1D :. o�r�.��� Tr?��;e�s, x�1T.� nx�vz'�n;� tx ���t�� ��'o�. F11II.tFFF ��'�7 CJi.LE'LY �F�RLI,I�Ei: 13E I^ t7R')1�IP9�D 13Y 7.'ii�!; CI`t'Y yUT.If,TSSIqTd Q4� 1�iL GI^Y UF CLi,�IRt'.:4T�^+,�R, Fl:d.t��Ar � � � ,:� _�,� �� . 1. Tliat i'ran and after the ���sau�;e of �hia oscii'n�r_oa, no 7:iaer.se shAll be isstted t� �iriy ��e.rson, i`ixi� or cor,pnr�a�,9,on �o en�a�;e in tY�e l��zs9.nes� of extermiiivt3,r�€; �err�ites, pest� �r insects iri G:��arvrater �kithou� fii�st oUtaixiin�; tt�� written tt��;�rUval af the �uildin� znspector. Before �;r�intin�; stich ap�,xoval, thq Buildin� Ins��ector Rhall have tne ri�;ht tn request the r�pplicAn'� ;bn suuma.t ta a reasonabla examinatioil, either writ�en oz orr�l nr bo�Gh, ior the pu�pose of dstexraini.n�; vthetY�er ar not the mpplio�znt has the pra��er knntvled�;e an�i train�n�; ancl til�e bz�o�er ec�uipment to enba�,e in said busin�ss. :'he Buildin& Inspector sh��.l also hM�°��, i:he ri�;ht to inqliire into t}�e recoxd of tY.e apr;].icartt t�t �et�rmine vtllether oa not �che applicant has in the past perpetrated �n.y i'rauds or en�a�,ed in any dishone�t prac�ice in cann�ction tivitli said business. The Buildin� Znspec��r shall have the �i�;ht to refuse the aporoval of tbe application i� he finds that the applicF:nt da�es not have the proper 1;n.�cvZedge, treinin� or e��siPment to en���e in the business of e�erminatir� ternites, pests and insects, or iP he i'inds that thE applicant nerpetrated fraucls o_ has been �t�iltv of dishonest practises in confiection witli said business. 2� hny annlicant for a license t�lhose �pplir,�.tian h�s been. �isapprovecl by tY:e Builclin�; Inspector may appea7, to the City Cotaniss� ion and the decisi�n of t2ie �it5r Connission shall be final. 3. This is here:oy declared to i�e an emergency or8inar_ce �nd the purpose of the ordinance is to protect the citizens of Clearv�ater irom frauds and oishonest pracais�s that have heretafore b?en perpet- rated by certain inseat e::tArminators, particularly those viho main- tain headquarters in other cities but occasionaliy do business i,n Clearv�ater. � L.. This ordinanee sha.11"become effecti�e inmiediately upon i�s passage and adont;ion by t�e Git�� Commission of the City oi Clearwatert Flarida. Nlr. �ichards novJ read to t�e Board a Resolution declaring the need for a Housin� Authoritv in Clearvaater. }3elow is set out such resalutionc _. , _.. f , ' FfESUI,UTIOIa 1d0. A RE"b"LUTIO�T DECI��RTI3G TH� T1^ED I'OIi �s. HUUSIT3G AIITF?QRITY I?� TfLti' CI`I.'Y OF CL�AR�I�iTEF�, �',LORIDA By IT RESOI,VI+7D Bsl'�'THi; CITi' CUT��IlISSIOTJ OF TIiE �ITY OF GI,�ARt'JAT�P,, S'LOl?TAP : THAT the "ity Cor�ission oP the City �t° Clearvaater., F].orida. hereby determiries, fixxds and declares irt nursuance o� the ��Housin� 1 s� i liuthorities Law" ot the S��te of. �l,orida; that; l. Znsanit��y an uns#��e �i,rihtlp�ted; dvrelling aceoramodations exiat �.n th� City o� Gle�rwat,ex, F1:orida; �nd 2. There i� q- shortag� of ; saf�. anc�� sanitary dkJs;l7,in� accommodati�ns in f.hs Citv of..Glearv�ater, Floricla, available to f�mi,l:i,es o� lov� i�come ai� rental� th�y G�� a�fprd;; and `3.. TY��xe is n��d z4z a hou57,n� autha.r��y in t.he Gity �i' C1e�trv�ater, :I'l�rida. ' „- . . Sy �T I�'URTHER RESOLy},'3� tYiat the �;i�yor o�' ;tY�e City of Clearvvater, be pro�n��G3.y notiPi Qd oP tYte acloptio�i of �his re- solution. `�E IT EURTFIE�2 RESdLVED that this resolution ..<�hall k�e eifect- 3�e imrnedia�Gely; Moved by I��Ir. Sn�t�, seconed ty NIr. Zo�ve,�n3 carried that the.resolixtion.be adopted'and �hat the Mayor be ittstruc�ed to pro- ceed to appoint the Housir_g Authori�y; " ,.�..r-.—..-_ NIx. Richards nocs read to the Board an r�rdinance to be lrnov�n as Ordinanca No, 1��8. Below is set out Ordinance No.i�78, ORD.I��TAIvC�s i`dQ> 47g . e . �, , !�1`a OR�Ifd1�T:G� RELfiTIi�iG �'0� TPTS'I'�LAZr2n27 OF G�SUI,IPTE ?'r�3�;g i,;ND IN.�P�CTIO�J OF GAS(7LTAiL YIII�lIPS :IIv THr, CITY 0�' CLEAR1lATER, �ST�BLISHIA?G CEI3TAIi: FEES, t1rT� PROVI�ING i� PF�dA�TY POR iHE VIQLt�TI0I3 iH�lLOF`: BE IT ORDAT�TED BY `_�E CITY COP:�,7ISSIOrd �F THE CITY OF GL�iRti3A'I'�R, FLORIDA: 7�. That hereafter ne gascline stor��e tank shall be inetalJ.ed in the City of Cleart�eter unless a permit Y`or the ins�allation theretiP llas been secured �rom the Building Ins�ector and untii the fallorving fees 2�ave been paid: (a) For tanks having a capa�it,y of 600 gallons or less ............... ............ ... ,�2,.50 ' (b) Fo� �anks having a G�pacit� of more than 600 gallons and less than 1000 gallons.,..>.. �5.00 ( c) For tanl�>s having a caPa,city �f 1000 gallons or over.. .. q ....... .........t ....... �7•5� . 2. That eacli gasoline pump installed in the Gity of �le�rwater shall. be irspectecl �vhPnaver nacessary, and in any event at least once each year, bv the Buiidir_�• Ins�ector or other proger in- spector desi�neted by YYini; t2iat the operator of each �asoline pump installed in the City of Clearwater shall pay to the City an annua]� inspection fee of y'�2,00, 3. �y person uiolatin�; the terms of ti�is ordinance shall be punished by a fine riot to exceed One Iiurdred Doll�rs (�]:00.00) ���' '� or ten {10).dafs in jail, - 1�. '�his ordinance sha11 beconte efi`active ' . . ;. ` iznmedis�ely u��on its passa�e ancl adoption by tha Gity Com- mission of tYie Gi�y of C1eRrvaater-, F1.ori�la.. Moved by l��ir. Smi'�h, sacandecl Uy h4r. T�owe and carri;ed that Qrdinance No. 47� be �asssd on� its first'readin�. - P��iaved by I:2r. SLnith, seconded bv �PlLr. LowQ and carriea that �rdin�nce No'. 47g be` gassecl 'on its sec�nd reading.' ?i'toved by. P�r. -5mit1?, .secanded ' � by-2�ir. Lowe ana carried that Orc�inan�e No. 478 be pas�c�d on i.ts third and final re�ding. � - .After short disc�assion of the Occupational I�icense schedule T�Zr. Gri:.e suggestPd that tiie Comtai�sion.mee� Tuesday evening, 5eptember 23�d, in order ta mare thorou�h�y consider the subject. , . ». . • Thus b�ing no Purther business t� come before the �oard the meeting was adjourned. _ ' - . ���i� � •� MayorrConuiiss ner. d � ----, , � , , . � �� �'�� , , Aud tor anci Cler ' - ', � � � � � ; � . . . . � � � " . . . . . . . ..��% � . 2'HE PdINUT1�S OF THE P1'iEE'Z'ZI�7GS OF T-L�E CITY COIt-1L+iISSTON ' The City Comrai.ssion ci the Gity o� Clearwatert Florida met in ,5�1 ��� 19�P . S�Secial �egsi�n 8 P, 1�Zy, in the auditorium of the Czty �a.11. The �ollowing raembers vaer� present c � � George R. Seavy, Illayor Commissioner Jesse G. Smitlx, Comnissioner 'Herbert Grico, �ommis�ioner Sumner R. Zowe, Commissioner Abse�t: tiVm. 4latson Clark : � - The meeting was duly called to brder�b;*IvIayor-Commissioner George R. Seavy and the minu�Es oP the previaus neeting wers ap- proved as read. ` Mrs: P4ajean B. Carr appeared bei'ore the Baard relative to occupational license ciiAr�e for apartment�houses. The Conmission eaplained t�' �:rs. Cerr that �L�p troould attertpt to rake' the license charges as equitaul:e as possible. The Commission hacl befare them a communica�Lion from the ' CityrIvianagers �ssociation i'nviting them to attend the annual conPexence af City- H�Ianagers to be held at the Holly�vood Beacu Ho�el zn FTollytvood, Florida on'Nogember 23 to 27tfi iaclusivea The Gom- mission expressed the�.5elves in favor of City �ianager Fiendri�c at�end- ing the conference. - PJ�ayor Seavy said that in' carspl�ance �vith a resolutio� recent- ly passed by the Corunissior� he vaould appoint a'Iioilsing Authori�y probably this week: City I.�Iana�er �'. L. Hendrix had in hand from the Cham�er �f Corimerce,and �ead 'to the Board, a'Resolution relative to air-meil seruice for Clearwater. Below is set out such �esoluti�n. _ 1�St�3.U'PTUN" PVF3£RE�S, the present"regulations of the Post �tifice �7epart- ment require tliat air rusil fi:om Clearwa"ter �nd its vicinity be de- posited in the Post Office "bJ 2:1i:5 o'clack each afternoon, and i�'1fTER�AS, sucli time is �:rireasnnal�le and tends to prevent the business firms, professional. men and citizens of this vicinity Pram fully availing thpmse.lves a� the use oP saicl air raail servive, and 4tiT3ERrAS, t}1�i:e 3s situate in this vicinity a cert�in corpora- ti�.n, en�aged in tkie manufactuxe of tanks under Gov�rnment con�cact 1'or deiense worR �vho is desiro'us of' usin� air �nai1 s�arviae ex- , ;clusivelv, and L�BT'}AS, theie are many bixsiness nen fro.m the North who spend their, �vintexs in this seci;ion who have a�ked f`a_ better air nail service in order for Ghem to keep in contact ��tith their home offioes, � 0 r �, � ' ' , �'�e-`�,�' � and . , There bein� no Purther 'bu,�i:ness to come be�ore ihe t��_R�AS, Pinel:las Co.untgr standing �'ourth, in pop- �oard the ,p,eetin� was acljourned, y ulation in;the Sta�� a.f Floric�a�-has the�paorest air mail ' connection in the State, and , .� , • � .' ���.�,, VJh�F,EAS,, Clearwater �as just eompleted a siuniciPally Mayor-Co?n�nissionex owned air�ort two(2) miles east oi the cit�,and not more than twent3* (20) miles.Y��m the Peter'c� Itni�ht.Field xn : Tampa where connections, could be made by shuttle service CitJ Audztro Fc Clerk�— _ ._ a fr.•am the Clearwater Fie1d with.the Eastern Ai,r2.ines and PTational Airlines, and , 1VHE_R�AS, with such service Clearwater and Upper Pinellas Co�snty wi11 not be comp�lled t� post air. mail un�fi aYte� the cl�.se ot the day''s busineSs, and � �"JfiEI�AS, s.uch i�provement of,aix mail servic.e will greatly benefit this community, resulting �,n a g�'eater use • oP said service and increased revenu,e to the Post Office Degar�.�ent, N04'1,`:'�REFOI2u,. BL I�' �tESOLVi+D B'Y Ti� CITY COr�YISSIONERS OF � CIlY OF' CI�AR1�lA`��?, FZORI�A . . That we earnestl;� ryquest,, ur�e; and so].icit the Post � , 6ffice- DePartmeirt to make proper arrangements for shztttle serviee betzveen Clearwater rind Tampa �lirport, AI�tD BE 2T I'URTFIER RESULVED that we ask �or, your ' _ immediat� consi.deration: of' :El�i.s�.�equ��t. Passed ana adopted, this the 23 day of_Septembex, :t9y.1. � Moved by �4r. Lowe,, seconded by Mr. u'�nith and carried that the resoluti�n be adopted, Tlaat a copy of tnis resolu- tion be �ransnitted �o Senators ClaudePepper arb$ C. 0. �lndrews, a�d Representatives J, Hard� Peterson, and a eopy to Iviiss � Sue Barco. City Attornev Ralph Richards aov� read to the Board an ordinance to be knovan as .Urdinance.No. 1�79,, being fllV ORDINAI4CE PROVIDING FOR� Al'.D FIX�NC TI� AItiOUNT . OF C�RTAIPI OCCUPkTiOIJAI,, BUSIII�SS AIdD PROF�SSIOPdA� I,IC�,'IJS�S �OR THE - : GITY OT' CI�'AR�'lAm�.�,R, FLORIAA, A21D PROVIllZZJG A PEIJALTY TOR I'�ILIIFtE T0 COI.g.'LY 'TFi��'REti'r`ITFI. _ Moved 3�y ��1x. Smith, seconded by &Ir, �Grice and carri'ed that Ordinance No. t�'79 be passed �n its first reading. . . . . . . . . � . � . . . � � . The ordinance was nov� read �r3r the sv>cond time. P�Zoved by P�4r, Smith, srsconded by illr. Lowe and carried that Ord3.riance ldo. 1�.79 be pagsed on �t� �econd reading. The Ordinsnee w,as now read f�r the third and final time. P�Ioved by I�4r. Gxiee, seconded by i�ir. Lo'we o.n�l caxried that Ordinance No. 1�79 be passed on its third arid final readin�. ' Be].ow is set ou�' _ _ Ordinance No. 479. , � 0 � � � � � ! . � �I