07/28/1941�� � NITNIT�'ES OF THE PJIEETING OF THE CITY GOMMISSION . July 2$, 194� THE CITY CONQVtISSION OF THE GITY �F CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, met ir� spac3al session at the City Hall, J'uly Za, 19L�.1, at 8:00 p.m., with the follo�ving members present; Geo. R. Seavy, Ma�or-Cormnisaioner Jesse G�. umith, Commissioner Sumn.er R. Lowe, Commis�ioner ABSENTs Wm. �1Vatson Clark Herbert Grice , The meeting was duly called to orde�r by Mayor Geo, R, Seavy, a:fter which he fslsed Gity Attorney Ra�ph Richards to read a proposed resolu- tian authori•z3ng�,the purahase of �50,0OO.Ofl Def�'s��' Bond's, by Citg of Clear- �vater, from Bond Interest Fun�is. Below is set out the resolution in fu11: RESOLIITION; �Nhereas, the modi£ied contract entered into b� the Cit� of QTear- water �ith its general bond holders on July lst, 1936, which contract covered the refunding of the cit�'s general bonded indebtedness,;requires the City to main- ta3n a�eserve at al1 time� �mounting to six months' interest on its`outstanding bon.ds ; and �fHEREASy six monthsT intere�t on the bonds at presen.t out- . standing amounts to apgroxima�tely �58;15Q; and • GitH�REAB the Citg has, since sanue:ry lsts 1�39, strictly follotced �he terms of the bond refunding contract, and intends t� continue to conply with the provieiUiis of s�id contract; and V��iiEREAS it is the des3 re of the City Commission to receine soma interest on the reserve fund above referred to, if.-such interest can be obtained wi�out violating the bond refundin� contract or jeopardizing the reserve fund in any manner; and � PifiEREAS the �ity Commission has been advised by its accour�tsnt, H. M, Turnburke, and by its Gity Attorney, Ralph Richards, that tihe said reserve fund can legal].y be investecl in United States Savings Bonds, Defense Series "C°, yielding interest at t;he rate of two and one-half per cen.t per an�,um; and NtI3EREAS 9ts is the belief of the City Commis3ion that investmont in said bonds will net only benefit �he City by secur�ng some interes� on the resarve fund but vtill also aid the IInited States Government in its e�forts bo provide security 2or our nation and for the dsmocratic way of life. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOZVED BY T.HE CITY GOI+fi��dISSION OF T$E CITY OF GLEAt�WATER, FLORIDA; l. That �p50,000.00 of the C�.ty's interest reserve fund immediately be invested in Un3ted States Savings Bonds, Defenae Seriea "G°. 2. That in January, 191.�, an additional , yp8, OOO, OQ of the City's 3nteres� reserve fund be .invested in IInited Stat�s Savin�s Bonds, Defense Series ii Gii � 3. That the C3tg Manager and City Auditor and Clerk be and �c�.ey are hereby authorized and directad to d raw checi�s on the (�ityT s funds to the order of the IInited States Government for the purchase of defense bonds as hereinaboue set forth. � 1{:. That all bonds purchased by the City undes authority of this Resolution sha7.l be registered in tY}e name oi the City of Clearwater, that such bonds shall be properly kept an� ear-marked as a part of the interest reserve fta.nd of tY�.e �ity under t�e bond refunding contract, and shall be ussd fox no other purpose. „ This ReAollz:tion passed and adopted by the �i:ty Oorrani.ssion of , the City of Clearwater, Florida, this 28t3i dey :o£ ,7uly; A. i�, igl�i, Signed: Gao. R. Seav� „ MRyor-Commiss3oner _ . Signed: Frank .Cooley_----=- --- � City Au�it�r and Clsrk �_ � , , � :; ,. .. ,: ; a�-;, Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr,, Lowe, and carried that the � resolution be ado�ted. A31 members present voted affirmatively on the motion. CommSsaioner Grice ea.pressed hi_s approval o� such resolution to the Citq Clark over the telephone. . There oeing no �'urther business_.to�-come before the Board, the _ meeting was adjourned:• �• �o.� i Niayor-C omm9.s sioner ATTESTe , . , l���a.c.�-� — �ity Auditor and Cl - � , � � . .. .. � . . . ... � . b � � � r . . ' , . . .. ., � .. . � . � . � . � • � ' / . - ■ � i PliIP1IITES OF THE CITY C�MMISSIOR� t�ZEETZDTG _ AUGUw T �, 19�F1 TH� CITX CCRV:I�ISSZ02� OF !LHE Ci2Y" Or CLEAF�ls'ATEFt, FT�ORZDA, �uet in regul.ar session Au�zst 4th, 19�.1, $:oo p.m., in the auditoriuru oi the Cit� Hall, with the fol].owing men,bers present; Geprge Ar Seavy, TRa�ror-Corcm3.ssioner Uucnner F,. Zovre, Commiasioner , Sesse G, Sm3_th, Qommissioner Herbert Grice, Commissioner Absents 15 n, 'r�;atsan G?.ark The meeting was duly called to orcler by R:ayor-Comr;,=ssion�r Geor•�;e R. Seavy. The minutes of the previous meetir_gs ezere approved as read. l��r. R, F?: F. TaTeE`neany appeared beiore the i:o2rd to complaa.n about the noise durin� th� e�r1� ;�crn'�.r�a hr�urs r:ude b� the ne�ra bo�s of tre St, Peters�ur� Tlnie� neti=rspaper• near his ap;�rtment builclirzb on �ark �trreL. 2.ir, �eavy in"oz^raGcl j'Y , 2;:cEne�ny thz.� the proper procadure for hi� to follow would be matter thnough the municip�l aourt. Mr. McEn�any also eomplained about the plumbin� and grease trsp�at the Palm Cafeti�ria sayin� that the same iva� � very unsanitax�y,e�ae�. IJir. 5eavy told Pdr, illcEneany that the matter would be gone into fully, and if the City was obligated to 3o an.ything it would do so. Mr. �endrix then rCad a letter from H. P. Aiken, tendering a check in the a:na�^nt of ��20E�'e90, ir� full se+tlament of all taxes and assess- ments now due Cit; of Cle�:r�ater - taxes thro�h 19�:0, on lots 7,8,9, Block B, P1aza Park Subdivision. Tne amount necessary to settle under present settlement plan e�ezng, $��.13.79, Noved by r�qr._ Smith, seconded by Mr. Lov��e and carried ti�at the o:"fer be re jected and th�.t a reg�%iar settlement plan be used. A4r. Henclrix read to the board a petition from A. 8� Vd. Bu1b Company, In�:, m�kin� far,nal application to vacate Glifton Heights Subdivsion. 2�r. Richarda presented to the BOc'l1"CZ A P.esolution �vacatin� Clifton Aeights Suodivision. Moved b, I�r. Lowe, secondeu� by Mr. Grice and car'r•ied that the regol�.�tion be aclopted. Below 3.s s�t out such petition and Resolution; PETiTIOId TO ITAG`ATE F�AT OF CI,IFTUN HE�vkITS PT,AT BOOK 12, PACE 25, PINEL�AS GOIINTY, . F�ORIDA' T0; �'iiL� CITY COP,ITJIYSSION Glearwater, Florida . - � Your� petitioner, A. &. W. BULB CONZPAIdY, tNC, a Florida corporation, by Donald Alvard, its presiden.t, re�aresents that �etitioner is the fee simple owner of C1lfton Heights, as recorded in Plat �o<.k 12, Pa�e 25, Puhlic Records of P3nellas C�unty, Florida, a gubdivision othervzise described as ThP South Half of the Sou�theast �'uarter of Lhe • Nor-Gh,east Quarter of S�cti�an 1�, Tovn•_ship 29 South., Rango 15 East. and that there are na outstanding equities o1rned b,y an,yone �rri�.oinsoeve� �ffecting any 1ot or lots in said subdivision. � Petitioner further reprosents that the closa.ng of sa3d streets now in said subdivi.s3on will not cause any injur� to any suxxounding ' property or property ou��ners. Pet3.tionar turther represents that all taxes, both stai;e, county and city, up to and`iricludin�'�the �ear 191.�_0, hava been paid. 1';A��,F�FOPiE, PETITTOId�R PRAXS that tris Honoxable Board pass a rasolution vacating_�he plat of said Clifton Heights Subdivision, as above described, together tv3,th the`str.ee�s and alleys embraced tnerein. Fespectfully submitted, A AND l'V BDT�B C OMPANY, INC . 0 By; Si�iled; Doz�ald Alvnrd ` President R�. $ O L�i T I O N RESOLUTIODI VACATTNG �LAT OF CLIFTON fi'EIGHTS SUBDIVISSON, AS RECORDE�J IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAG� Z5, PiNELI�AS GOUNTY, FLORTDA. `+'�IEirtEA5, the A and t�l BLLB COP�IPAI;Y, - IN� ., A Flor,ida corporatian, the ovmer os C7.Lfton Heights �ubdivis�ion; Clearwater, F•lo�ida, ..<n�. ,_ �s , has petititoned the City Commi�sion �'ox an order vo.ca�iz�g sa-id pla;t ancl it ap�earing tha�t there are no autsl;andino equities oy�ned bg anyon,e elae .affactin� an� 1ot ar �ot� in said sub�ivision, and it appearing that all outstanding y taxes havE been paid, up to. ar_d including the year 19�.�.0; TH�FtEFORE, BE IT REuC�LVED t�iat the plat oi' said Clifton �i.ai�ts, otherwise described as , . The South Half of the So.utheast Quart.er of the Northeast Quart'er of 8ection 1!}, Towns'hip 29 South, "Rarige 15 East, Pinellas Connty, FZorida, �together with the streets and al7eys embraced therein, be and the same is, hereby vacated insofar ae tY,.is Go�nission has authority so,to do, and that from and after this date the same shall be assesaed as described prior to the £iling of the above plat. BE IT FiTRTHER RESOT,VEU that this resolution be made a part of' the minutes o£ this meeting. • Commissioner (5ignecl) Sumner Lowe offered the foregoing resolution and moved its adoption, which vras seccnded by Commissioner (Signed) Herbert Grice , and upon ro11 ca11 the vote wasa Ayess Four Nays:' None ` . Absent and not votingt one, The Commission ]'�ad before 3t at th.i� tims a lstter from Springtime iodge �?592 (hTegro Elka) petitl'oning the Commisaion to appro�rQ and foster the building of a negro houain� p�oject f or CZee;rwater. City Attorney Richards read to the Boaxd an Ordinance to be known as Ord9:nance No, 1,�.75. ( Below ). ORDINANGE N0. 1�.7 . AN 013DINANCE AMENDZNG ORDINANQE N0. �{:51.{. 'ENTITLED °AN ORDTNANCE P;qOVIDTNG FOR AND F'IXING TI#E AMOUNT OF' CERTAIN OQCUPATTONAL, BIISINESS, AND PROF�SSTONAL , �ICENSES P'QR TFIE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING A PENALZ`Y FOR FAII,URE TO CpMPI,Y 2HERE�NITH.!' BE �T ORDAINED BY TFiE GITY COA�IIISSZON OF TFi� CTTY QF CLEARPdATER, ELORIDA p � That Ordinance No, �.5�: of the Cit� of Clearwater, entitled °An Ordinanco Providing for and Fixing the Amount of Certain Occupati,onal, Business, and�Proiessiunal I�icenses for the City of Clearwater, Flarida, and Pro- viding a Penalty for £ailure to Comply Therewith�' be and the s amA is hereb� amended by adding thereto the following section, to-wits � Section 6. No occupational licen.se sha11 be issued to any person to engage in any professior_, 'business,�or occupation unless all personal perogerty taxes theretafore levied and assessed by the City of Clearr�ater ag�inet ali pereonal property perta3ning to or used in connection �*tith said profession, business, or occupation have been paid in fuIl. This ordinance sha11 becomeeffective immediately upon its passage and adoption bg the Citp Coramis�ion ofl the Citg of Clearc�azer, Florirla. -s$5d°i:—:ESE=.f?'r',' :: iv;oved by �4:r, Grice, seconded b� tiir. Lovre, and carxied th�:t the ordinance be passed on its first readin�;. � City Attc,rney Ra1ph Richr�rds read a_Tesolution concerning occupational. licenses rvhich among other things fixecl Februsr,y lst as the dead- line for the payment oi Occupational Licenses. , Yoved py D�r, Smith, seconded b� Mr. Grice, and carried that the resol:ution be adopted. Belo�v,is set out such resolution: � ' RES OLi?TI ON ;"+Ti�BF�AS in the past the City of Clearwater has employed a special occupational license tax �ollector and for that rea::on man� citi�ons have �otte27, into the habit of not psying occupational license ta�r.es until re- questecl to do so; and �'VH�REAS the present City Administratian is of tha apinion t�at `the emplo;qment of a spec3al oecupational license tax coilector is an un- necessary expense and has therefore dispensed vrith the services of such collec- i: or ; and y WliEREAS oceti:pational license �axes beeome due and payable on the first day of October of each ,vear, but the Co�nission takes official no�ice of the fact that many of ou;c citizens are not-in a financial position to buy their occup�tional licer..:ses until lster on in the yuinter season; and WH�REAS i� 3s the des3ra of the City Co�nmission to a11ow citizens a reasonable tim•i within. which to purchase,their occupational licenses, but at the 'same tims tr, raake certmin that one �undred per aent collection of occupation l3cense taxes,be effected as far as poss:ible. � �� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM:CSSION OF THE GITY Or� CLEARI�IATER, k'ZORIDA: 1. Thet� occupational•license ta.�es shall continue to be payable on October first�o�' each yeQr, but that such taxes eha11 not be i considered deli-rsquent �until Februar;�- firat of the follo�ring year, which dates shall be�considered as the dead-line for payment of occupational Zicense taxes. 2._ That im�ediately follotving said dead-line date eaeh year, the Tax Gollector �hall make up a list of all persons, firms, and cor- porations who �re doing business in the City of Clear�vater, and w�o have:not secured occupational licenses; the Tax ColToctor shall certify this 13.st to the City Att�rney, and the City Attorney shall immediatel�t institute proceedings in Nunicipel Court against each of said gersons, firms and corporations for doin� _ „*. business without a license.� TflIS RESOLIITION passed and adopted by the City Commission of the ,City of ^learrrater, Florida, this �.�.th dag of August, A. D. 19�}l. 0 • . Payor-Gommissioner Si�ned: Frank Coole,y ity Auditor and C� erii � � � 9:',.°9i;F?FiE;F?F;.°;:i::'r;F � .. � � . . � . -- G ity Attorn.ey Ralph Ricliards read to Ghe Board a' ��esol"-ution tv3aich smong other thinga reQuired the filing of e swarn personal tax return �vhen app].ying for h�rcestead exeinption; iTo�red bs irir: �mith, sPconclec� by 1�7r, T,ovja, �nd carri.ed tl�t the ��esolution be adopted. � Pelaw is se� out such resnlutioric � E � C L U T T O N N3HEREP.S the City :of G7.eartvater finds it necessary to adopt " the procedure hereinafter set'Sorth in order to iacilitate i:he coZ3sction of personal property taxes �nd enforce a one hundred per cent colle ction of said tarep as far�as possible; ' I� OVd T3i�,PEF'ORE BE IT RE50T VED EY TIi� CTTY C OrJiMISST 0I� OF THE CZTY OF CZEARPIATER,' I'LORSDA t 1. That hereafter• any ci�izen applying for homosteed ex- emption, sha11, at the time of aiaking aur,h a�plicata.on9 be requested to i'i1e �r•jth the T� Aase�eor a sv�aorn persorial groperty tar return covering a11 person�l ;�roperty ov,ned bg sa:icl citiz�na 2nc3 that said return aha1l be acCep`ted and pre-• '�izmecl to be c•orreet vnless +�he ma3c A'sso��a� has reas�n to be3.i.ove tiia-� the ret�rn. is �r�.udulent, . .. `'' ` ' 2.' Tnat if any citiz�n r�eiuses to �ake a personal p�operty ` tar_ 'rPtizrn as hereinabove provided, then the Ta�c Asse��or sha11 :i_�r,inec�ia�ely proceed {;o a3sesa t�ie �ersonal prapert�' riot thus returned, 'basing t.lie' asaessed � a � value on the best information ava3la'�1e to him. 3. As eoon as X�osaible aftEr trhe personAl pro�erty taxes for the prececling �ear become delinc�uent, the Ta�c Collector shall make up a list of such delinqueni: taxas, showing 3n each cAse the name oi the tar, pa�er an.d tho amount of the delinquent tax; and said list shall thereupon be re�oraed a.mong the public records of P3.ne11as Coun:ty, Florida, in order that the claim of the City for said personal propert� taxes sha11 i�e raa�.e a. matter o� pu'�13c recoxd. '; f�c.+E�c-.7E�:?Fob c . � . , There being no further business to come before the Bo2rd, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: �� � �f.+,�.G�. CTTY AUDITOR AND CLERK � � � � MAYOR-C Oni11TISSION�R r - e � �. . - i� " � . . ., . . r A �Da THE M2NUTES OF THE ME�TING OI' THE CITY COMI�ISSION �'he City Commission of the Ci�y of C1ear�N�,ter, Florida. met i�a s�eair�l session at 8 P. IvI., Tuasday, Au,� 12,19y.1 in the auditoriuzn o� the City Hall with the folloviing members present: Geo. R. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner J'esse G. Smith, Commissianer Sum�aer R, Lo�ve, Commissioner ' � Wm, Wetsan CZark, Commissioner Hsrbert �riee, Commissionex Tlze meeting was duly called to order by �1lsyar Seavy. N�.r. Tavex• 13ayly a,ppe�red beYore the Board requesting on behall' o�' the C,learwater Yacht CZub that the �itv conve� to the Yacht C7,ub its intex�es� in the praPertv whe�e thE Yacht Club bu3lding is now located in or�er t1�at the GZearwater 'iach� Club might place a mort�age on the property and ihen re-convey the same bapk �o the City. Moved by �r, cl�rk, seconded by �r. Grice and uII�niiao.usl:y carried thet the City of C1esr+Nater con�rey to the C7.ear�vater Yacht Club t�e larri t�pon which is I�ca�ed the xacht Club Buildint� together �vit� the uiTding thereon :vith the distinet understanding -that the Glearcv�ter Xa,cht Club is to place a mortgage not to exceed �SOQ0.00 on the proper�y and thea to xe-convey the pronerty to the C�t� o� �lear�- water said mortgage above referred to be due in approxima�ely 12 to l� years, Ci�y Attornep Ra1ph Richards no,v read to the Baard an ordinanee to be �novrn as Qrdi�ance No.1+76 being an ordinance a�e�ding Ordinanee rr351. Th.is amendment pro�ri�es that examinations f�r Buildzng Con�ree�ors shaZl be held the �irst Momday in each mont;� �.�' necessary,, Moypd by , Ivir. Grice, seconded by hir. I,owa and carried that the ordinance be passed on its first reading. �oveci by it'1r. Smith, seconcied by �x+� Zovte and carri- ed that the ordinar�ce b2 passed on i�ts second raading. The Cit�* Attarney Nas r�:quested to drsw � resoZut36n protesting any curtailment of gasoline sales unless it appeared to be necessar� for National Deferse, T;1exe bein� no furtizex busi�ess to come be�'ore the Boerd the meeting was adjournad, � i° .�I.�r.�r�J',�,,,�� l�aiyar-Comm ssaaner � '_.� ��'�/%^ - ty Au itor an G er n . , , � •� • . � .