07/16/1941" ,� � ti./'' ' , MINUTES OF TH� DIIEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSTON �'''[TLY 16, 19�.1 TTiE CTTY �OiJ1MISSION Ok' TIiE CTTY OF' CLEAR�AJATER, FZ�ORIDA, met 3.n spec3al session at the City Hall, Ju�.s i6, 19L�.1, 12 otelock noon to �anvass the returns o.f the Civil S�rvice Special Elec'�i.:cn held Julg 15, 191{.l. The follorving memUe�s were present: Geo. R. Seav�� Mayor-Corarn3ssioner Herbert Gri�°e, Commissioner Je�se G. Sm�th, Commissiouar Wm. 'Natson Clark, Comm�gsioner Sumner 13. I;owe, Commisaioner The meeting was duly calleci to order by tYze Mayor-�ommissioner Goo. R. Seavy. 7?he City Clerk handed tl�.e Cottmiission the officail report of the election off3cials. Mc,vad by Mr. C1ark, seconded by Pdr. Lowe, and carried that the results of the speciel election as reported by the election officials be approved, MotiAn was carried. There being no further business to comc; up bei'ora tYie board, the meetin� was ad jou.rned. . � ATTE,�Tt ,/ � �- p Citg Auditor and I.' �_ : � �----- �- rtiayor-t, ommi s s i one � *- _ __ f�, �, �� r` i � 53'A�'E OF FLORTDA ) GOUNTY OF PIIJ�LLA� ) We tla� underaigned, having been named to serve as Clerk and Inagectors of ths Speaia?.P,�unicipal Eleation of the City of Clearwater, �lorida, to be held on the 15th day oP July, 1941, do hereby severally swear that �e will fa3thfully perform the dutiee o�' Inspectors and Clark of' sai3 eleetion according to l.aw, a� .�ill en- deavor to preeent all fraud, de�eit, or abuse in oon- ducting the same. � �e� C1erk � �� �� _ ��— Gr���.��e_ Inapeetar _�%� ���y� ��� nspea�or Subecribed and sworn , to befo�e me this /S � dap of Jaly, A, D.�941. � Notary Pub11c S ate of Flor � at Large. My Commission Expires; i��?��?i��� �y/ d � STATE OF FLORIDA � COUNTY QF PINELLA3 v�y (`} ry d ,. hr° . � ��r� xP , lp- � -' . ✓' � � `' ( (� � � � `'�.. ,.�� �t , CITY 'OF CI,EARWATER _ _ _ Y�e, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk oP the gpecial IULunicipal Elect,lon oY �Ixe City of Clearwater, Florida, held on the 15th day of July, 1941, for the pur��se of aubmitting to the eleciors of the v^ity oP Clear�vater t�e queetion oY whether or nat �ena'�e Bill No. 583 enaeted b� the Florida legislature at it� regular 1941 �eesion, which Bi11 createa and pronidee Civil 8ervice for eertain classified�emplo�ees oP the Gity of Clearwater, ehall go into efYeet, �ind the re- , ault of said election to be �e Pollowa: Tota1 number of ballots cast � 2'��- Total number of baZlots mutilated � FOR SENATE B ILL N0. 583 { l,x� Pavor of Civil Servioe ) �.i� — —r-- AGATNBT SENATE BILL N0. 58� (opposing Civi1 Service) � � Given under our handa t�is 15th day of July, 1941. � Cler � ������� napector ` �G-!i.!�� —YT IA��OL' ���� �..�iOa�_ .�9'i.�.�n �nspector N i ; � � MINIIT�3 OF THE 'PdEEfiTI�IG OF THE CITY CCr�ldISS?ON ` ' NLX 21 } 191}1 , . . . ' THE GZ�Y CCEliMI6S20N OF �HE CZ2'Y .OF CZEAFiWATER, FLt1RI'�A' met 9.n regular sees3on ,�u1g 21,: 7..9l.�.1,' '7`:;30 p.m. in t�e Auditorium of the City Hall. The i'ollowin� mercbers were presen� : Geo. R� Seavy - Mago�-Cpmmissi�onex� M . , , ' Joss'e G." Sm��h - Commissioner , . Wm. 'Natson Clark �- Commi�sioner . . � _ . Si'erb'art Gri�ce, Commissionex s " ABSENT; Suinrs.e�. Ro `I�owo . . . , , : _ , , . • The meeting rvas duly called to orcter by �lay-or-Commissioner . Geo. R, $eavy and the m3nutes of the previoua meetinga c�ere approv�d ati read, A lady represanting the Florida Nat�onal Exhibits appeared before the: Board re'la'tive ; o a`�ash' donation and resolution 'approving the ��:ibits Work, The Commission agreed that a resolution &pproving the work a�d �eneral -• ' r ' prograrn of the Florl da Natione'1 �xhibits vrould be �proved,- but that no casb. , c.pntribution could be made this qear, - 2'he Bcard had' before it a petition from some pr�perty otvner� an :. Cambris 5treet, asking the Board to• cause to be removed a seawaT"1� �hich in tl�eir es.timatir�n was obstructing C:ambria Street. �elo�v`is set 'out sueh petition. TO TF� HONORAB%E MAYOR 1�rTD COD`�,iTSS:LOAIERS OF TAE - CITY OF CLEAR11rATER: • lNe, the undersigned owners of propert�es located on Cambria Street, Cl:earc�rat�r: Beac1, c10 here'�y petit2on �*�u to cause to be re�oved a Sea- , �vall !r�hich is obstr�u.ct3n� Cambria Street, a public thoroughfare. Respectfully submitLed, . � : ` • � SIC-NED: ' _ : • , ` . Pau1 t�J. �eker�, (�vaner Lot 13 � ,+ti', H. Valentine, Owner Zot 6 , V-incent G. Ha11, O�vner of Lots 8 and 9� - Virginla �ieck; Orxi er oi Lot l�. e. Lhas. Fveringn�m, Owner of Lot 5 Mre. R. E. Martin, Owner of Lot 7 Mildred S, Manson, Owner of Lots 10, 1Z, 12 •� Seve�:a3 property owners of Cam�ria Street appeared before the Board, relative to such petition. Mayor Seavy vxplained to•thoso present that when and _ if a,,seaWall�was eatand,ed acros9 Cambria Streetr suf'ficient ingress and egress to the waterfram said stre�ts. woul�:be provided by=steps, and trat Commiss3.oner Smi,th and 'the,�ity.Manager Hendri'x wouid confer with the eitizens and work out the plans, _ � ��� � � � Appllcr�tion was receivo.d from the 8pur Distributing Company foT a Buildin� Permit to canstruct,',.8 'g111�ng station at the southeast corner of Rogers Street and 8. Ft. $arrison Avenue, Mov�d b� Nr. Grice, seconded by Mi. ��lsrk, anc� una�i3mously carried �hat suca�. bu3lding pPrm3.t be approv�d sub ject � ; to the re�ul.ar rules of thq Z.nspec,tiRn Dep�r�ment.. �: . ' Mr, Frederiek P. James of 731 Eldorado Avenue appeared befn�e th e Board as�sing that the ;Board, xev,oke:� a building �perrr!it suthorizing the construct- ion of a seawall on Eldorad'o �ver�ue,� alm'ost directly across from his �ome. Mr. James' ob jection vras thai; the seawall ,was bea:n� bui.lt too ciose to the water. M&yor Seaoy told Mr. James that the Corrttnissic�ii wou].r� ^antact the parties having the wall put up and sea if they woul.d not agree to put the wall further back . . . . , _ , , ,:, from the watar . __. _ - The Commission rac�ived s pe�ition;�xom cit3:zens in the Belmon� _ section of town stati�g.that;the busine,ss as carried on at tha:sotcalled "Pink , . Filling S�ation�'_ at the corner r;�, Wooal�wn and I�lyrtle.::Avenue was. a' 'd`e:i'inite nui- sance. The Petition requested th,e Co�unissio�. t�o s'�e,te said i�uisane:e:.;- Mayor Seavy� instrueted �Oo7�ice. Ghie� Joe Russel�: to mske:;;an �investigation in regard � _: :.to the �bove matter and rep,ort back,, The petition:hat;�•approxima�ely 123 names of signatures and below;is set out yuch;.petitiqn: . `,.'' TO THE HONORaBLE iVIAY�R AND� rdL[�3ERS OF THE CITY GOUNCIZ , OF C�Ep RWA�PER, FLORIDA : . .., _ '.• � �: ., R Tn re: - Tho manner in which business is be3ng conducted at the so-called °Pink Fi113ng Statian" located a t. the cqrner of Yitqodlawn and P.yrtle Avenue . ' --� complaint and A Petition-- � VJe,i.citrizens o£ Clearwater and residents livin� in the vicini�ty of said "P3.nk Filling Station" hereby inform you that the mar�ner in which busin- ess is being conducted �t-�his location,reridexs it a def3nito nuisance to us as citizens who must live in this vicin3ty. The peace of the comelunity is disturbed ni�Y.t1y by loud and boisterous talking, -shoui;ing. a.�:d proir�ne Zariguage viThich is decidedl� offensive. VVe �Ne recite that tYa.ere are ch3lc�i�en 13v3ng. in:these quarters who are com- pc:Jled to t��itness �he conduct and listen to the lan�uage. Th3.s all can can bo heard a� considerable $istance from tki.e building. , Such conduct i`s not only of:f.�n�iv� and a detriment to the commvnitg but �.lso c13.sturbs our peace o� mint� and our rest at night. 'Ne, therefnro petiti�n your Honorable 3ody �o �ake such ateps As you .: deem right a�c�.proper to abate:,this nuisance even 3.f this proceedure re- quires the revocation o£ any business licenses ox drink se3ling permit at this locat�on. . dommissio�er : Jssse� G.. Smitl?. repor�ed: that.he .and City Manager _ F. L., Hendrix.?�aad•vis3:ted St. Petersburg and�-�akelsrid ta'investigate'the ne$ro housing pro jects tha� 11ad bee;n built �.n,, those to,wns. ,:Mr. 5mith- said he: wished � to report as � momber of �he committee that he •thought it tivas a desirabls pro- ject in n�ang ways. It appeared from full discusaion however, that there were no govarr�rnent funds available for such project at thzs time. � � _ M.:.., ._.r Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by Nir. Smith, and carried that all procedings in xegard tn negro housin� projeat ba tabled. Mr. Guss 'Nilder appeared be�ore Board in oppositon to Negro Housing Project, Moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by'�Ir. Smith, and carxied th�t Shell Oil Company be issued permit to build f311ing atation at North�roat cornor of Georgia Street and N. Ft. Harrison Avenue. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded b� Mr. Grice, and carried that Shell Oil Company be issuod a permit to bui2d filling station on East Cleveland Street, Sarah MeMullen's Subdivision. 01d Fort Harrison Post No. 21{.73, Veterans of F'oretgn �lard had before the Board; a proposed resolntion by the Citg Conunissicm endorsing the formation of• a Bicycle Sai'ety Club in Glearwater, the same to be sponsored bg the V. F. W. Noved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Pfir. Clark, and carried that the resoTution be r�.dopted. RESOLUTION NlHEREAS, it i9 the desire af the City Commission at all t3mes to prom�te the safety far a11 who may use our streets and highv�ays; Anr3 VJHEREE!Ss the City 6.f Clearwater has an ordinanee goverr_ing the use of bicgcles within i�s jurisdict3on; And VVFIEPEAS, it soems to the City Commi.ssion that the bicycle Safety Club program being sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the IInzted States as part of its National Youth Pro�ram is valuable aid in reducing the hazard.s incident to bicycle riding, and in making our youthfu.l bicycle rideis who will soon becoma our automobiZe drivers, mindful of traffic safetg; NOW T731�tEFORE, be it resolved �hat we endor�e and express our approval of the formation ofl the bicycle Safety Elub in Clearvrater, �rgan- ized in conformity to the V. F. VJ. Bicscle Safety C1ub Program as set out and exglained in the literature distributed by National Headquartars o� tha Ve�erans of Foreign Wars of the United States, at Kansas Cit�, Mi�souri. AND be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be furn3shed to the Director of Jui�ior Activities, Department of F].orida, Veterans of F'oreign Wars of the United States, and to the loc�l press. Moved b� Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Grice and carried that the transfer of ��10,000.00 from �as and :iater Dund to Gener�l Fund on July 9, 191�.1, be approved. Mr. Hendrix reacl to the Board a lettor from H. M. Turnburke, City Auditor, suggesting th�t y�50,000.00 of surplus money in Bond Interest F'und be invested in II. S. Government Defense Bonds. Thia matter was put off until next meeting. _ Moved by Mr. Grice, seeonded by Mr, CZark, and carried tY� t C. Ra�mond Lee and Reade F. Tillsy be appointed to the Civi1 Service Board,, ��r. �ee for the three year term and Mr, Tilley for the twc year term. All members pre- sent voted affirmatively for this �.otion. There being no further buainess to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST• ��� ,ity Auditor and Clerl �z-t�0. .i�ayor-Commissioner �a� �