, � , , � �,�
b'��TTiTG Ob' ''i'IIE CIT'`l COL1B�iISSI0S1 OF, .CITY QF CL�AR4;kmER �'LOI�TllA.
The City C�rrun.i�sion of thP CitJ or Cle�.x�ia�er F].oxida m�t in Snecial Session
�'uly 2, X91�1, at 5 0� ciocx P. �T. in the City fIa1.1 wit� the� #'ol�.owin� nembers gresent:
Geor�e R. ueavy, b�ayor Camza3.ssioner,
' Sumner R. Lowe, Cor,imissioner
�"Tm. Piatson Grlark tr
J'esse G. Smith n
Herbert Grice rr
:4bsent: None. � .
The meeting was duly cal.led to order b9 �tayor-Cor.�missioner, Geo. R. Se�vy.
City Manager F, L. Hendrix read to the Board a proposed asreer.;�3nt betv�reen Leedy, Vlheeler
& Company of Orlando Florida, and t�e Citf oi' Clea�vater, v�thereb, Leecly, �'Iheeler and
Company proposea to refund the �2b�1,U00.00 of Sevrer Revenue Certificates no�v outstanding�
Moved bp 1ir. Lovae , seconcled by NIr�, Smith and unanimously carried thAt the proposed
agreement be accepted. Below is set out in fulT the accepted agreement:
This �,�reemen.t made and entered into this 7th day of July 1941, by and betv�een �eedy,
V�lueeler & Co., a Floxida Gorpora�ion, party oP the Pirs� part hereina�ter referred to as
t}Leedy�T, and the Citv of Cl'earvaater Flarida, a Munici�al Corporatian, party of tb.e senond
part. , hereinaiter rei'erred •Eo as the t�Cit y+�
(See back af this sheet *****��
The City will en:deavor t� purchase from the Reconstrt�etian Finance Corporation certairi
Sewer R�venue Certificates of the Ci,ty oP Clearv�ater in the amount of �261,000.00, v�hich
Certi�icates are dated Oct 1,°3.93�, and bear interest at the rata of l.�o per annum.
�2_ .
In the 2vent that the Clty is able to purchase said Sewer Revenue Certificates a� a pri:ce
not exceeding par an@ accrued interest , I�eedy shall thereup�n immediately gurcnase said
CertiPicates from tb.e Citp, pay�ng therePor the same amount paid by the City to �he
Reconstruction Finance Co�.uoration for said Certificates, V�hen the City has comp].eted
airangements to"pnrchase sai'd CertiPicates Pros the Reconstructian �'inance Corporation,
writi:en notice to that ef�ect shall be gfven to Leedys and Leedy shall Puraiish thE rieceessary
funds ior the purpose of' said CertiYicates witha.rg ten (10) days after said notice:has
been �iven.
I.�►ediately after the purchase of�said Sevrer Revenua Certi�icates Prom the Reconatruetion
Finance Corporation has been accomp�ished, the Citq shall by proper actions cause
� Refunding Revenue CertiPica�ss to be suthorized and validated by the Circuit Court, or
the Suprene Court of Florida in the event an appeal is carried to sweh Court, in an amount
suf,ficient to provide Punds to pay all outstanding Sewer Revanue CertiPicates of th� c:ity
as above dascri'oed, usi�g such procedure a�id forms there±'or as shall be Purnished by attorneys
designated by Y;c3dy and approved by a nationally xecognized firm of Bond attorne�s
ficceptable to Leedy; that the City sha11 i�ediately do or ceuse to be done all thin�s
incident to �Ghe immadiate authorization and issuance of said Re�unding Certificat�s and that
said CertiPicates shall be executed in a manner required by law.
When ths Refunding Rerenue Certificates have been authorized, issued, and the proeedure
approved by nai;ionally known bond attosneys, then Leedy shall iffinediately deliver to the
City the present Sewer Revenue Certificates now outstanding , receiving in eacchan�e therefor
refunding certificates oP the same aznottnt.
Said Reiunding Revenue �ertificates s�::ll bear interest at the r�te of 3� per cent
per annum, p�yable semi-annually; shall be issued in the denomination oP �1000.00 each , shall
mature approgimatel� as do the prasent outstanding CertiPicates, and shall be secured by a
�irst and exelusiv� lien on the present revanues of the sewer system oP the iity oP
Slearwater combined with a second lien on the revenuea o� the gas plant , which lien is to
pe opea-ended after a coverage of l.%5� oi the annual service eharges has been provided, and
which shrzll contain such other details as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties bereto.
Leedy shall uefray all oxpenses in. connection with the refunding herein provided �ar,
including the priliting oP the Refunding Certificates , the obtaining of the approving opinion
of nationally known t�ond attorneys, and any trave].ling expenses that may ba ineurred by any
employees of the C3ty in connection with this rePunding. It is the intention of this
s�reement that Leedp shall enable the City to replace its pre3ent 4f Sewer CertiPicates with
Refunding Certificates bearing 3�� interest, and that this shall be accomplished without
any ezpense whatever to the City.
(See over Por Continuationj •
_ _
. m_ f�
_ _ _ �,
: ',���'� �`�"��"�'�'� WITNESSETH, That in aonsideration oi the sum o1' One Dolle�r(�1.00) paid by eaah o:P the
parties hereto to the other , reoeipt whereof is hereby mutue.11y anknowled�e�i , and
in �urther oonsideration of the terms aovenants and mutual romis h i t i
, p ea exe n con a ned
it is mutually'u�derstood and agreed as rollows:(Seoi'�i�st page)
- 7 _
In the avent th�t the Gity dec,ide� to have additional Refundi,n� C9rt3PfaQtes printed
and validated in exoass of the amount necessary to eXaha'nge fox tha present
autstanding Certiiioates , then, and in that event the Gity shall pay any expenses
that ma� be incurred on account of the issue af said additio�al Certifiaates , the amount
to be paid in such event to be a�reed upon by the parti.es hereto. '
In 1�iitness Whe�eoP the party a� the first part has caused thi� agreement to
be executed in triplioate by its Pres3dent , and the party of �he second pgrt J '�°�
has caused said agxeement to be exeauted ia duplicate by its City Mana�er , and -
City Au�iitor & G1erk, countersigned by its Mayor-Commissioner, and the•�seal of said
City to be duly affigeci hereto the day �nd gear Pirst above written
> By _^'_._� L Q Le:adY .
� Pres� dent .
By F. L. Heri�r��.
city anager
Frank Coole
' C ty Aud tor & Clerk
Coun"ter'sig�:ed; City SeaL. ,
Geoa K. Sea
ayor-Co ss oner. Plitnesses:
H. G. ' V��in�o
Witnessess _ _ ,
' H. Smith , . _ E. G. Ho�e:n Jr.
M. Elms as to the Gitg of Clearwater.
as to �eedy, 4'�heeler & Company .
There being no Purther business ta come°23efore the Board,the meetin� was adj'oux°ned.
, ���'.�� .
_ ` Mayor-Comtni ssioner .
•City 6uditor & Clerk."
_ _ �, : .�...�:,�< .R, , •
. ,
_ ,_..:. _�-�:.._.. _.. � . ,,
. . . I�, 3 tr! . i
y� r
, _ CITY COMMISSION, Jtt�y 7� 19l,4,�
rog'u1a� seseion'in the auditorium of tha Citg Ha3ls tzt 7�3� P•m. Ju7-y 7s 19�1,
`` witlz the follovring members present : :
Georga R. Seavy - Mayor-Commissioner ''
Wm. Watson Clark - Co�.osianer
Jesse G. 5mith - Commissioner
Absent: Sumner R, Lowe ' -
• Herbert Griee ,
A commit�ee from ths•Son3or Chamber of Commerce appeared before
the board relative to a government negro sZum clear�rice projec't for Clear��ater.
Mr,. Frank Tack ar�d altr.. H, M. Turnburke spoke hriefly in outlining such a pro -
,` ect. . A written repor� was alao 3
presented by the committee and the seme was read
' 'to the �ommis�ion b� the City Manager, Mayor Seavy appoir�ted Commissioners
° C1ark and Smj:th and City Manager- F, r,. Hancirix, as a'committee tb g et first hand
information .on negro aluin clearance project and report the3r flndings back ta
the board.
A:co�nittee from the- Clearcvatsr Beac3i Progressive �ssoeiation
appeared be;iore the board and presented a �opy of a resalution-pas�ed by that
asoociation J�ne Z5, l�i;:l. Belovr i� se+ out in full such reso�lution:
June 26, 19 �i
• �'he� CZe��s��er Eeac:h. Pro�ressive �lssociat3on ina �pEcial called
calle'ti. meet�ng ozr �l�IeanEsday evenii�g, June 25, i9f;�. and held in the i3each
Recreati.on Center, Cleai�rrater BaAch, � 1a,, un2r_iir.c�;e1y a.depted the i'o17 ova-
ir_� res3lution and dac>arsd ti�at a cop� of sucl�. r•esolvtion. should be pre-
sented to the Clears�at�r Chamber af Co�erce, a:nd the r�cnorable n.esrsberu of
tYre 9learwater., Florida Gity Commiasion;-
1;nereas, an intolerable condition has •be�n created;,ori Glear�ia'ter
Beach du� to its being dominated by a mo;st undesirable eleme'nt�, the members
oi the G].earwater Baach Porgressive �ssociation have the'refore drawn up the j
fol�ow3n� which they will ask '�e adopted by the l�tiv enforcing offi�era oF
Clearwater, s,s a measure to connteract Aresen� condi.tions on tha ieach:-
1. P1ace a fei2ce around the present City 1'arls locatec� at Cause-
cvay Elv�d. and hiandalag Road and cause ta be erected signs
which �vauld prohibit the dumping of tr2sh in this park, ;
2. A more comprehensiva police patrol of the beach which No1,;,1d
emY�ody the follo�rring : - �
a. Additional police deputys o�i holidags and week end5. �
8uoh deputies to be paid out of fines collected for la�v
b/ l�ore str3ngent enforcing of �arking regulations, partieularly
�ehere 3t applies to trucks.
c/ 2�io�e�a"rrests for ehangin of clothes on beach an.d in automo-
bile�. P�1ore arrests i'or scattering of debris on the beach.
d. Heavier fi�es for tYiose prosecuted btr the police.
3. Pdore close enfcrcemen� oi' the �peeding ordin.ance on the beach
and caus e�vay.
�.. Passage by �;he Citg Commission oi a liealth Qrdinance as it �
relates to -�vercro�ding of cottages and apartments.
It is further reaolved that all members of the Cleartivater �eaoh �
Association wi11 coogerate to the fullest extent in the ezzforeament of the
above rnentioned prov�sions. -
� � � � �
Respectfully submitted by the Clearwater Beach Progressine Association,
th3s twenty-sixth day oi J'una, T947.,
� ��
' Magor Seavy rec�u.ested Chief of Police Joe Russell i:o canfer vrith
! the Gity D2anager ta s'ee`if there was any new law enforcement ardinance needea �
. for Clearwa�ter B��c17:, in 1`ir;a , w�,th, making �. more comp,xehensive poTice patrol .
:' ' : Mayor ,S�avy �lso re�q�,ested th@� Cit,y� Atto:rneg to �conf.er w�;t1� :the� -HoaJ.�h Officer
to see if there was anythin� that coul�d b,e, do�e;, �bout ovqr'G,xov�d�;ng of': sleepiz�$
quariers on G'�.arWate'r�,BeacY�.- .� . - ' ,
_ -... � .� � » .
City At�Gorney Ralph Ricllard read to the Board Ordinanco L�.73, being
an ordi;nance repealin� Ordin�nce No. L}.7�2-,' levyiug tax on sale of Gas, �JVater, etc.
` ,- N;ov9d by �Ir.- Smith,: �ec;onded-�iy Tdr. C1ark;, and,�c�xr�:ed that Ord3nance ��.73 be passed
' .
` ,. , on 3ts ;seeond re.adi��.; . � ,, ,- ,�„ . , , . �:,.
„- . r ;:,; City �Attorneg Ralph R3.chaxc�s suggested,to the B:oard that they meet
�' ; -in. session, k'rxdag, noon July+l�lth,l�1}.1. �'� �he- City< ;fiall, 't'o hear ,of amy omissions
j , or-,�corxsc�ions,to the:list-o�' quali�ied; votera in the. slection to .be.11e1d Jul�
, .
' �� F �5, i 9.�+1. Su�Ch suggestion� was &ppr,o�r�d by , general eonserit and Ma'yor., Seavy in�
structed the City Attorney to draw�-a_nd� ha`re published :a �prope:r .notic:e: of such
meeting� K . _
• - There being no further b.usi.n,ess tv' c.ome, before the board, the
� mae�ing was, adjpurned. _
• , , ,� • . .
, . ayor-Commissione ..
..; _ , . . _ .
--� ' "
, AT• $"' � : %� y _ ,
ty Auditor and .C:erk. _
_ �t j..
_ : ., - .. . _ - . ;.
y , •. : r
` , _
i ' ,
.71 g �
J[JT�Y 11, 191.t.7- '
in special seasion July 11, 191�1 at 12 o�clock noon at the City Hall, to hear
of any omissione or corxections to a cer�tified list of qualified vaters in
an election to beheld July 15, 19�1a The following membsrs were preaent;
Geoe R, Seavg, W.ayor-Commiss2oner
Jesse Ge Smith, Co�ni.seioner
• Wm, Wateon Clark, Corr��lissioner
ABS�NT: Herbert Grice - Sumner Lcwe
City C1erk Frank Cooley presented to the Board a certified listi
of quali�'ied voters entitled to vote in a special city election to be held Ji�1:y
15� 19�1•
Moved by 2Jiro Clark, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried that the list
oi' voters as certified bg the City Clerk be appraved.
There baing no i`urther bus5ness to come be_ore the board, the
meeting was ad joixrned.
� ` .. ����
,��. _ a _ � �
` Mager-Commissioner
AT s � .
i y A4tdii:or and ler�s