06/23/1941r - 3�� THE MID�i7T�S OF Tli� MEETING OF THE GITY CO��;2ISSIQN The City Commissio� of the qity oP Clearwater; Florida met in special session �,{,p.%/23,1941, S o� clock P,, T�. in the audi- torium oP tha City Hall with the Pollowing members present: Geo R. Seavy, P!layor-Commissioner �:... ._ , , Wm Watson Cl:ark, Commissioner Sumner R. Lowe, Co�.issioner �ier�Zert Grice, Commissioner ------------------------------- Absent: .Jease Go 8mith Personal service was had on each membex oP the commission on June 20,1941. Be1ow and immediately following is a copy o� sueh notice set out nerbat�mc , , "There will be a snecial meeting of' the City Gommissioa �P3onday night„ June 23rd, at eight o'clock at the Citp Hall Por the purpose of oper,ing sealed bids on a pick-up truck, a police eruiser, and one thousand �'eet oP Yire hose, to� gether with any othFr businEss that may properly be brought before t�he meetin,." �This le'�ter was �elivered to the Polloviing Comnissioners � Time of Delitierv Ivir.lYilliam Watson Glark R'm tNatson Clark Signa�ture " Time o£ Delivery 9s55A, M. IvSr.J`esse G. Smith Jesse �. S�nith Signature �ime of Delivery 11:37A. Il'I. . I4Ir. Herbert Grice Herhert Crriee Si�;na�turey ' 'rime of Delivery 9;45 A. M.. � � TRr S. R. I,owe S. R. Lov�e Sigx�ature Time of Delivery 10:10 A. Pi. Major George �Z. Seavy Gea. R. Seavv ` Signature • Time of �7eTivery 10: 00 A. M. , RespeatPully submitted J'oe Z. Russell . T�.e meetiizg was duly called to order by 14ayor-Co�nmissioner G�o. R. Seavy and the minutes of the previous meeting were app- W rove� as read. , , City I�Sanager F. L. Hendrix opened and read to �the Board . bids on 1941 one hali` ton picic-up truck. 'ihose� sub�aitting bida _ ,,. _ _ , were OranFe State "�Iotor Company,, Thayer �lfotor Company,In�. , ' Crown Motor Company, yarry Dimmitt Inc., and Ke�nedy and Str- ' ickland. �he bid of the Thayer hiotor Company at �525.00 svas the low bid. nioved by It2r. Clark, seconded by �r. Grice and carried ( , > that the b�id of Thayer Motor Company, Ine., be accepte3. BeZow � and set out verbatim is the accepted bid of Thayer l�otor Co: �� � E TobBoard of Gom*nissioners '� City of Clearwater j � Attention: F. L. Hendrig, City Man:ager ` Dear Sirss We beg to submit the followii�g bid for a new 1941 Dodge stodel 4Y. C. one hatf ton pick-up truck equipped as f ol1 oyvs ; �, : ■ 5-600x16 Goodyea� Airwheel tires 3ncluding spare 4 Houble acting hvdraulic shookabsorbers Oil bath air cleaner . Oil fiTter ` Hy�drau3.ic �'rakes A�.1 stee], csb ana, Boa� Front humpe'r Side parkin; lights Deli�ered in C1e�xwater (Federal Excise tax deducted �780.00 Less allowance i'or 1939 Dodge Piclt-up (417recked ) 2� Net price delivered in Clearwater 525.00 Very truly yours ' . . Thayer Motor Co.T_nc� M. B. Thayer President �2r. Hendrix now opened and read to tl�e Board bids on 1941 model four door sedan to bE used by the Police Department. The , fol�owing submitted bids; Kennedy; & Striokl.an�, Crown ivlotor Company, Davis Oldsmobile Inea;� Otis E. Pruitt, Thayer n2otor Company'Inc. The`3id of Kennedy & Strickla�d at �625e00 was the low bicl. Moved by Mr Grice, seconded hy Mr. Zowe and car- ried that the T�id of ICennedy & Stric'.�cland be acceptsd. The follo�ving is a verbatim copy of the accepted Kennedy & Stri- ekland bid: � . . � .... .. _. .. .... . - .. __ . . �i'� � I�r. F. Z. Hendrix, City A-ianager City _Qf Clear��vater, _ _ . Clearwater, Florida.o . Dear Sir:- . As requested in your letter of June 17th we have toda� inspected your I939 Plymouth Police Cruise.r your car No. 12 a�d;make you the Pollowing propo3al • to replaco it wi�th a new 1941 Ford; . One Necr 1941 Ford De�uxe 90 FiP 4 Door Sedan comnlete with front �nd re�r bumpers and vertical bumper guards, front and rear, 5 B;OO x 16 tires and tubes, Fram Oil Fil�er, oi1 Bath Air Cleaner,�'iaio�SVin�lshield �':ipers, -_ Two Inside Sun Visors, Dual Horns and Dual tail an.d stop lamps, 1?utomatic Voltage Reg- ulator and Heavy Duty 12O ampere noux batt- ery, �925.00 Trade in �redit Por nsed 1939 Plymouth 4Do�r:Sedan,.as.is 300.00 . Net Exchange 625.00 i , Th�s q�otatiorn is made subject to delivery , withi.n ten days and 'frozn available stock in our possessi•�n. �uture fleliveries or items ordered . from 'F�rd Pac�Eory vvill be 'sub jec't to :pric:e a�anges beyond our cont�ol. Yours very truly, � � I�T7NEDY AND S�RICKLAND By G. Z. Yennedy - �, ,' � � r Bids were now opened on 1000 feet of 22 Pir� hose. The Pollowing submitted bids: H. G. Smith Hardware Co., Stoutamire iiardward Company, Ho�ney Brothers and Florida Fyr-Fy�er Servyce. The Uid :o.f� H.. G. Sn�ith Hardware Co. . .:_ was the 1ow bid at 62Q cent:s per £oot, discoun� 2� lA days. Moved by N'ir. Lowe, seconded,by Mro Grice and carr- ied that the b:id of H. G, Smith Hardware Company be acc- epted----the accepted b�id cov,ered 1000 Pt 2� i�ch Brigade "Underwriters" D. J'. (with roc�cer lug couplings ) at 62 cents per Poot, terms 2°fa ten days. Attorney Edmund S. Whits�n appeared before the Board and read a letter on behalf oP Mrs Ellsworth G. Zancester _ _ __ . _ relative to redemption of Impro�rement Liens on Lot 9 Block C, Hillerest Subd. No 2 which the City had assigned to .. . . _ _.. F. E. Fenderson. Mr Fenderson having declined to present the certific�tes Yor redemption by �drs Lancaster, the question Was what help the City could oPfer in the matter. 4t the suggestion o� ��ayor Seavy, the matter was referred to Citg Attorney Ralph Richards, to r�port bac�s his �indings at the next meeti�g of the Commission. Bids now were read by �Ir. Hendxix co4ering mowing mach- ine for the Parks Depa.rtment. The Yollowing submitted bidsc V�n Diver Ivfot,or Company,� HartMidachinery Company of Ta��a, and Orange State D4�tor Company. The bid of Van Diver Motor Company at �1125.Q0 was the low bia. idoved by "4r. Grice and . seconded by Mr. Lc+we and aarried that the bid of Van Di�er Motor Gompany be acce�ted. B`elow is?set out the accepted bid: �r �'. Z. Hendrix, City Manager, Clearwater, Flori�a. Dear RZr. Hendrix: , . FYe hereby agree to deliger freight paid to the Cit,v of Clearwater, I, Centaui Highway Mowin�; Unit„ 1llod��l K.D2. fully equipped �vith �ive Yoot blade three eYtra blades, and' all tools and equipmezt for the sum of �1125.00 Ele4en H�dred and Twenty �ive Dollars. LVe have the assurance �rom the faet- � ory that thsy will take oare of this order i�ned- iately on the bastis of your being an old and va1- ued customer. , Uery tru7.3* yolzrs, UanDiver P�Iotor Co. By Her'�ert Van Diver A letter was read by Mr Hendrib from the Board of C'ounty.Commissioners of Pinellas'County requesting the City Commis�ion to pass a resolution requesting the S+ate ��'� Depa� tment to.�;make g sur�ey :of the Gulf Coast Hightivay from state road � 210 south through Pasco and Fisellas Coun'�ies, � � . . � . . �. � � � � . � .. . � � �. . . .. .,,r,� � . ■ �� � � . �� � A propased resQl,utio� was read to t he Board. TaSoved by n4x. Grice, secsonded by h4r. Lowe and �a�.ried that the xesolution be adopted. Belo�v is set nut the resolution adopteds RESOLUTTGN FROPd Cit Com�ission- � 0�' Giea;�svater �lor da REQUESTING STATE ' R09D. DEPAR�N!AI� � SURVEY OF TF� ROUTE �F GUL�' COAST f�GHWA'Y IROn4 STATE ROAD # 21U SOUTIi T�20UGH PASCO COUPdTY Al�TD CONTIPItT'�SNG�`rSOUTH THf20UGH PINELLAS CO�ATTY" TO ITS SOUTf�RN` EXTREM+ Iq"l. , , WI�R�AS, Governor Hollanci and the State Road Depart-� � �. . � � . , =i'.. :I �:�. s�, .n . '� .�� �ii �,p:.. � , ,_. . . .�. � � ,,, •. � - .. � . -. ;. . ment have ginen assurance ofithe completioa in the near fu�ure of�the paving o:P the Gu1P Coast High� way from C�a.efland to Sta•te �210 in Pasoo County, for which the Cit��Co�is�sion oP Glearwater, Fla. extends to them the deep appreciation of the citizens of Clearwster � and i�3EA�, th.e Citv 4o�ission 5 � h�s been ad- �vised that the �utf Coast Highway hss n,ot h�een defin- �itely located in Pasco and Pinellas Cou�ties south from State Road � 210 in Pasco County, and�'!. ti�iQS, re,alizing t�at it will take consid�erable time tc secure the necessary rzght- af-�vay, 2HEREFORE, B� IT FtESOLVID BY the Citv Commi.ssion � of the City of Clearwater. Florida Section 1. Thai; the State Road Department be, an� it is hereby, respe,etfully requested by this organiz- ' ation to immedietely have surveyed and established a route for the Gu1f Coast Highway Prom the intersection • of same with State Road '�210 through Pasco County and • continui��, through Pinellas County {:o the southern ex- tremity tr�ereoP so that steps .can be taken �or procu- rement of the right-of-�nray. � Section 2. That a certified copy oP this rosoluti- � on be forwarded to Goveunor Holland, the State Road Department and the.�Co.unty �ommissioners of Finellas an� Pasc� Counties.� i _ . I hereby eertify that the above is a true and correct co�y of a resoluti�n gassed and adoptzd by the Gity Commission oP the City oY Clearwater, Florida � , �un.e 23,1941. Fre.nk Cooleq City Auditor and C1Prk , City Seal , , i , .�.�..:_. .�. .. , j, � �� R s Mr, iiendrix reportsd that IVirs Vd. E. Gx�own was inter- ested in �etting the pexZnission of the City Commission Por the soldiers of 1�IcDi11 Field 'to use the City Park, adjourned to the Pire'station on Clearwater �3each Por recreation purposes. 1V[oved �y Mr. Clark, seconded by ivIr. Grice and carried that the request be granted and that a speci:al invitation be egtended i;o the ser�cice men to make Pull use o,P the park ¢ur recreation purposes. �' • .�t'i. �� .i.w:,�';��. PIlr'Hend�i�c�read to the Board an Ordinance to be known as Ordina�ce No 474 providing far �ubmission to the reg- ister�d vaters at a special election to be held �'ulv 15, 1541, the que.�tic;z oP Civil Servica �'or City employee.s. City Glerk Frank Cooley reported to the Board that City Coramiss3oner �jesse G. Smit}z had requested him to express �o the Board that $e was in favor oP proposed oxdina�ce 1�Io 474. . Moved by Mr. Lov�e, seconded, by L�!Ir. Clark that tF,e ordinance be adDnted or_ its firs�G reading, Isiotion carr- ied. t?oved by N1r. Lotve, seco�ded by �uir. r;�4rk that the o�dinance be passed on its second reading. R?otion earr- ied. Moved by %Ir. •Lowe, seconded •by PSr. Clark that the erdinance be passed on its third:and Pinal reading. hzotion carried. The c�rdinance was passed on al]. its readings by a unan�mous vote oP-the City Cemmission- ' � all niembers including Mayor-Commissioner Geo. R. Seavy voting. , Belo�+� and immediatelv`following is a va.rbatim cogg of Ordinance No 474: ' , � ORDINA?JCF NO 474 AN ORDINr�NCE PROVIDINCT FOR SU3�,4ISSION � TO THE R�GISTER� VOTERS OF THE CITY OF CLEARW4TER AT � SPrJ+CIAI,' ��'i. ,ECTION T0 BE I�LD IN SAI� CITY ON JULY 15th,194I, THE QiJESTION AS �0 tNI�TIiE; OR V02' SE3�J�= ATE BILI, N0. 583 ENAC�'ED BY TL� FLQRIDA LEGISLATtJRE AT ITS REGITLAR 1941 �SESSION 'N?i3ICfi BTLL CR�'ATES �ND PRO�DES CIVIL SERVICE FOR CERTAIN GL�SSIFIED ET.4PLOYEES �F Tf� CITY OF GLEARIh'A�, SFiALI� G0 IiVT� EFFECT;APPOINTING INSPECTORS �TD CLERK TG �iOLD SAID ELE�TION; PROZTIDIPiG I'OR • NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION; PRESCRI�ING 'PHE FOfti�4 OF B'ALLOT �'0 BE VOTED AT SA�D ELE- CTION AND PROUII5II�G �'OR OPENI�fG OF TE� � REGISTRATION BOOKS OF THE CI7.'�'. � 4VFIEREAS, Senate Bill ;No. 583 yaas enacted by the Florida Legisl:ature a� its regular 1941 session, which bill is entit;ted "An Act Creating andiP�oviding Civil Ser- ' vice for Cert�in Classified� Fmployees of the City` of= � Clea�water, rlorida, and Creating a Civil ,Seryice Comm- ' ission i'or s�id City, governing the Appointment, Elnploy- ment anc� Discharge of sAid E�nptoyees; Definin� �:�:i;� Re�uleting �_ ..:�.Y:.a..�.. ,. , � the Membership, Powers anci Dutiesc�df sa'id Civil Service Camm- issions Design�ting the Employees of said City of Cle�rwater That Come Under the Provisions o�' this Act: Authorizin� and EYnpowering said Commission.,to Promulgat�, Adopt and Establish Ru1as and Regulations and Other �atters Relating to the Esta- blishment of Civil Sergice in said City; and Providing for a Referen�um on said slet and when said Act Sha11 Take Effect as�d Other Matters in Regard Thereto", and Ei�HEREA� said bi:Il contains a provision that it shall become efieetive if and when it i�as been approP,ed by a ma;jo�ity vote of the registered voters residin� within,the.C�ty of Clearwater and voting at an el.ection that shall be held at such time as shall be determined by the City,of Cleart�ater, Florida; _ N04Y, TFPR�FORE, BE IT OFiDAINED BY '1� CITY �O��ISSIC3N OF THE CI'1'�,' ,OF CLE_AR4.ATER, .FiORIDA: Sec�ion l. That a'special muuicipal election shall be held i� theaCity oP ClearwQter on,�the 15th day,of �'uly, 1941. Section 2. That at th� sp�cial munici�aaT elec- tinn �erEin provided for, there shall be submitted to the re�is- tered voters residin� withia thE C�ty or Cle�rwater the q_uestion of whether or'not said Senate Bill No, 583,passed by the Florida Legislature a•t �ts regul'ar I941 session shal'l go into effect. Section 3. That Floyd V�al,i�.ce, 'Ninili,e Kilgore and A. 1N. Errickso� be and they are hereby appointed Inspec�Fors, and J. B. Cromartie be and he is hereby apnointed Clerk of ,said election. Section 4. That the f�llowing notice of election shall be published in 1;he Clearwater Sun in the issues of said newspaper published on Jurxe.24th,July lst and July 8th,1941, and in. the C1ear�nTater News in the issues of said netvspapeF publish- e@ on J'ttne 27th,July 4th and July Zlth, Z9.4Z, to-witr N.OTI:CE AF ELEC'T'ION The City Gommission of the City of Ca.,,arwatEr, Florida has called a sperial �unicipal electi�n to be held in � sai,d City on the 15th day of J'uly, 1941, at the place whera such elections are usi�aZly he1d, and has provided that there shall b� sc?bmitte:d to the registerec� voters rEaiding within tY�e limits of the Gity of Clearwater the questi,ri as to whe�her or not Senate Bil,l No. 583 =enacted by the Florida �egislature at its regula� ' 1941�session, whiGh Act creates and provj.des,civil se�vice �ar certain classii'ied employees oP the City oi' Cleaxvaater, shall go irtto e�feet. ' _ .-y : , . k � .� � � ,� , � The polling place �or said olection will be apQn oA the day of the election �rom seven o'clock A. M. Eastern Stand- az�d Time to aix-th�rty o'eZock l'. M. Eastern S�andard �ime, of the'same day, and is designa�ed.and looated �s .Pollows's GiTY �IRE ST��TIOIJ GARDEN AVENUE FZoyd V7aZlace, Winnie Kilgore and A. W. Errickson have heen appainted Insp�etors and J'. B. Cromartie has bee� appointed Clerk of said election. � cz� .co�2zssz4V o� � ez�x^r OF CLEARI":r�T�t, FLORIDA _ By ueo. R. Seav biayor- omm ssioner Attes�: , . t. . , , - Frank Coole� City Auditor and Cler?� ' Sec'tion 5, The�Ballot to be used in said election shal.l be in subst@ntially the follot�.ng forn;: OFFICIAL BAT�I,OT SPECIAL biUI�IICIR.� ELECIION � CITY OF CI,EARl":STER, FLORIDA Su1p 15,1941. THE D-,UESTION IN � ELECTTO�� IS: V�HETf�' OR'NOT SIIVATE BI�L NUP.2BER 583 ENAC�'ED 3Y '� FL�RID4 LEGISLATURE �T TmS REGLZ4R 1941 SESSIUN� NIHICH BILL CREATES AND PROVIDE$ C.itTIL SERV2CE FOR CERTAIN CLASS2FTED E'�'i�'ZOYEES OF TE� GI7.Y OF CLEARY�ATER, SHFiLL G0 INTO EFFE�T. �F_ake a Cross Mark {xj befqre the proposition oi'your choice. ' ' FOR TF� �32LT, ( I am in Pavor of Sena �e Bill No. ` ' S83 which provi�es civil service for employees of the City of Clearwater) , , ' ' AGAINST Tf� BILL (I am opposed to Senate Bill. No. 583' which provides civil se�'viee' for empl�yees of tY�e City of Clearvra�Ger. ) Seetion 6: The City Auditor and Cle;rk of the City oi Clearwater is hereby authorized and directed to have printed a sufficient number of �hE aforesaid ballots, to be printed on �vhite p�per, and to furnish a sufPicient number of such ballots to the Inspectors and Clerk of the election on or be�ore the date and time for openin� the polls for such election. Sec;tian 7. The City Auditor and Clerk of the Gity as Re�istration Officex o�' the City i's authorized and directed to open t��e re�istration books of thz City'for registration of' voters, as provided by I.aw, and to alloyv the books �o rew main �pen until J'uly 5th,1941. The City A?zditor and Clerk, as registratian ofxicer, is also autharized and directed to : ��v� - ��� � �. f� d f• �; . . , �`� �� , � make up and cer�ify a list of`the names of all registered, vo�ers appearin� on the �eg�,stration books of the City who are qualified to vote in the 'election. Suoh l.ist sliall b� made up after the olose of the regis�_i�`vaon period,'and a cartified copy of such list shall bE furnished to #;he Inspecto'rs and the`CYerk oi` the e7.eation at the place°:where the 'vo±es are to be cast, and a certified copy oi such lis1; shall be filed and preserved among the recorfls of th.e City. Section 8. This Ordinance sh�ll become effective immed- ia�ely upon its passage and adoption by the Gity Gommission oP the City oP Cleari�vater, Floridae PASSID AI�iD 5DOP7'ED BY . THE CITY COAGMISSTON C'�<' TAE r?TY . � _. � � , OF CLEARS"-AT�'R, FLORIDA: Passed on first reading J'une 23rd,194L Passed on second reading June 23rd,194�. • Passed on third reading sune 23rd,1941. • Geo. R. Seav� Mayor-Gomntis'sioner Attest: Frank CooleY k Gity �uditor and Clerk ' City Seal There.being no Yurther business to come.before the board the meeting was adjourned. . ^ �_ _ ,�. =� Mayox-Commissioner y (�- ` City Aud3tor an� Clerk t`; 0 '