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The City Commission of the City oP Cleaxvratex, Florida
�et in regular session Monday MaJ 19th, 7.30 P. M. at �he �
, City Hall with the.foll.owing members presen�;
Geo R. Seavy, Tllayor�Commissioner
Sumner R. Lowe, Co�nissi��ner
Jesse G. Sm.ith, �ommissioner '
Absent; Herbert Grice and Wm. 1Flatson Clark
The meeting was regularly called to order by 1;4ayor- i'"
Co�issioner Geo. R. Seevy. APter th� reading and ap�roval
of' the minutes of the previous meeting Mayor Seavy adjourned
the meeting to the �Vlzinicipal Auditorium as had been preniously
determined and notice thereoP been gi.ven.
Mayor-Commissioner G90 R. Seavy re-convened the Gity Com-
missioners at the Municipal Auditorium �day 19th, 8;00 P. M.
with the follov�ring members present:
Geo R. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner
Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner
, Wm, tiVatson Glark, Com�nissioner
Jesse G. Smith, Commissioner
Absent; Aerb,ert Grice r
In calling: the meeting to order 3�aynr Seavy explained to
those present that the meeting v�as being held in t�e It2unicinal
Auditorium because the Commissioner was anzcious ti�at there be
no shortage of room, also �hat the City Go�ission would be
glad 1io hear from anyone �resent regarding the 1941-1942
Budget and the 5� Sales Tax only recently enacted.
After full discussi�n of the tax measure both fron the
floor and Commission and there bein.g no one iurther v�rishing to
diseuss the sub�ect l�:r�yor Seavy invited the following to meet
with the Commissi.on Tuesday evening, May 20th at the Ciby Hall
to help in anyway possiTrle the s'olution of the tax problem:
Those invited; Frank Tack, President of the ChambEr of Commerce,
George Crillispie, President �� Rotary C1ub, Herbert ('rrice, Pre-
sident of Kiwanis Club, Jack Fitzwater, President of Lions Club,
Tack Law, Commander of American Legion Post, Victor Lowe, Com-
mander of "!Iteterar. of Foreign tNa�s, W. H. Tarvin;, President of
the (ilearw�ter Beach Progressiue Assoeiation, �"1. M. Goza,
President of Clearwater Merchants Assn, A. F. Friedman, Pres-
ident of Clearw�ter Independent Retail Groaers� NTayor Seavy
then adjourned the mee�ing to re-convene isiay 2Oth at 7:30
6'clock at City Hall ,
The City Commi�sion w�s cal.led to order at 7:30 Pl. R'I.
May 2Oth at the City Hall with the following members present;
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Geo R. Seavy, Mayor Commissioner
Jesse G. Smith, Co�nissio�er
. ,
� . Sumne.r R. Lowe, Cammissioner
K�m. Th'etson Glark, Commissianer
He`rUert, Grice, Commissioner
,, _. . :
Absent I3one
, Mayor Seavy eaplained th�t this meeting was the �e-�
aanveniirg -of-�an• ad�ournad mee�:ing held at the 1!4unicipal
Aud3torium the previous evening, and that the purgose oP
the meeting was to give ang one pressnt a cha�ce io mah� .
suggestions or ofYer+ any plan in regard to the 1941-1942
Budget and the recently adapte� 5o Salns '�ax. All presen�
• were give� a ehar.ce to speak.
� ��toved by bir. Smith, �econded by NIr. Grice that the
mee�ing be adjouaned and that the various ideas and plans
advanced be'taken under advisement bp the City Commission.
I�Iotion darried,
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. Ivia;�or-C ommi s sioner
� Ci y Auditor and C1
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�he City Commiseion o� the City ��' Clearwater, Florida �
met in regular sessioi� i�n the auditorium o£ the City Hal1 f
i '
7�30 P. M. June 2, 1q41 with the i'ollowing mem'o�rs present:
. i
Geo. R. Seavy, IJlayor-Commission��
Jesse G. Smithf �ommissi�ser
Sumner R. Lov�e, Commissioner ,'
ti"Tm. G�7atson Clark, Coinmissioner
Herbert Grice, Coramissi�ner
The meeting was duly called to order by Mayor-Commissioner
. Geo. H. Seavy. Minutes of the previ�us meetin� were appro�ved
as rea�i.
a2oved by NIx� Lowo, seconded by �r Smith and carried that
Le C. Poo1e be lea5ed a part oi' Lot 12 City Park Subdivisi�n
for period beginni.n� J'une 1,19L�1 and ending on the lst day o�
January 195Q �or rental of �1;.00 per month, �irst rental pay-
• �ent to be made on J'une l,lql�l.
City Manager F. L. Hendrix read to the board a letter from -
C. Raymond I,ee, Chairr�an oP the Civil Serv�ce Boarfl reconmend:ing
- that George MeClamua be anpain�ed to the position,oi Relief
Sergeant, The Police Department, idoved by bIr Grices saconded by
Mr Smith and carriad that A�r 2�IcClauan� b� appointed �o said pos-
ition �vitll the understanding that I there vaould be no change in
salary until aiter July 1,19l�10
City Manager Hendrix reari to the Board a letter from Helen �
F. lVeber gresenting an oPPer of her client B. H. Urschel to
purcl�ase tract in Del Oro Groves for p�00.00 �vith underatanding
that City would abandon stree� just north of th�e property. The
propertp in queati3n is that t�act lying Sauth of p�operty sold
to B. H. Urschel on I�,�ar�h 31, 1941. Movsd by Mr. Glark, seconded
by tJlr. Gr-ice and carried that the ofie� be rejecte�, becau�e of
the requirement in regard to abandcning the streat.
A lettar was read to the board f,on the real estate firm of
Smith �c MeClanahan of Sprin�field, Tennessee asking that the City
psy Snuth �c ivlcClanahan �or water lines put do�vn in Cleardun Sub-
division several years ago. On auggestion of �ayor Seavy the
matt�r was t�xrned ov�er to the City Att,or�ey for st�Cdy, '
Moved b�* Mr�. Smith, seconded by Mr. Grice and carried �hat �
r` �` , transfera af funds eacl� in Wthe amount oP �5000.00 on":.the 1� �h
. ,
& 26th of b2ay respectively from tha Gas &�latsr Fund to the 'i
• - GenPral Fund be appro�ed,
Mayor Seavy no�v cslled for cons�.derati.on of the 5� Utility �
Tax. Tt was moved by Mr. Gricey, seconde� by Mr, Zowe that th� II'�
Gity Attorney be instructecl to draw an ordinance repealin� or�i-
inanoe No 1�.72 which said ordinance fia:ed a tax on sales of Gas �
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Waiex,rEleatricity, Fuel Oil and Telsphone service, and thc�t the
written statement of the Comznission in re�ard to auch aotion be
handad the newspapers for publ:ication in full. Motion oarried;
with all the commission.ers inoluding tha Mayor-Commissianer vo�ing
in the affirmative.
There 6eing no further businsss to cozue before the Board the
meeting vras adjaurned.
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The City Comiuission o.f the City of Glearwater, Florida
met in regular session ir_ the,auditorium oP the 8ity Hall
at 7:30 P. LI. J'une 16, 19.41 with the follc:.:wing members pre��nt,.
' George R. Seavy, Mayor Commissioner
V`1m Watson Clark, Commissioner
' Sumner R. Lowe, Commis�ioner
J'esse G. Smith, Gommissioner
�ierbert Grice, Coffinissioner
The meeting was duly called to order b� tdayor-Coznmissioner
Geo R. SQavye The minutes of the previous meetin� were approv-
Gity Manager F. L. Hendrix presented applir,ation for 'bui1-
, " ding permit oY R. �4. Thompson acting £or Shell'Oil Company to'
� erect a�4000.00 gasoline service stati�n at southwest corner�'
of. Lo�us Path and South Fo.rt HaPrison Ave. L+2oved bp Mr. S��ith
� seconded by Mr, Grice and csrried that the permit 1�e granted
subject to usual regulations of Building In�peetor.
-City �ianager F.' Z.' Henc�rix presented the request oi' E. H.
� • HurleT�aus ior a lease to Hangar Site A at the Municipal Air-
port at Marytnont for a pricP oP'�1o00 per year` for a period
` of �iiQe� years, Moved by Mr. Clark, secondPcl by Mr. Zowe and
cariied that the lease be gra�ted.
A letter wae read to_the Baard by Mr. $endrix irom C.
Raymond Lee, Chairman oP the Civi�: S.ervice Board certiPying
that Jam.e:s Mason and Cleo Pitts were eligihle �or appoint-
ment as proHationary fireman cr Class "B" a.n the Clearwater
Fire Departmen�G. h2oved by l�dr. Lovae, seconded by Pdr, S�nith
and carri�d that Mr. Mason and �r. Pitts be appointed as
probatioaary firemen.or C]:ass '�B"'subject to no change in
salary until J'uly 1,1941.
City Attorney Ra1ph Richards now read to the Board an
ordinance to be kiTown. as Ordinance No.473 being a Ordinance
repealing ordinanca. �70 472 entitled "An Ordinance levying a
tax on Sales of Gas, V7ater, Electricity, Fuel Oil, and
Telephone �ervice, Providing iar collection of such tax �nd
prescxiYring penalities for its violation.
Moved b5� Mr. Grice, seeonded by Mr, S�nith and carried that
. that ordinanee he passed on its Pirst reading.
• I�r Richards now read to the Boarcl a Resolution of condal-
$nce regarding the dea�h of Oscar IaL. tiliilliams, employee of
tL�e City of Clearw�ter recently 3eceased. Mo4ed by NIr. Smith
seconded by Mr. Lowe and unanimously oarried that the resal-
uti�n be aprroved. Balow and immediately �ollowing is a ver-
batim copy of said resolutions '
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iNF�RE.9B Oscar n2. �^lillia�s was fo� man,y ye�rs
a valued and trusted enployee of the City of Clearwater, and
�, ; .
" rendered highly satisfaetory and efficient serv�ices 'to our
- citizens; a�d _ _ .
' V�E,�RS he was a f'riend' of all his fellow
eraployees and lxelo�ed by aIl of them; �nd "
�Vf�R�'4S �lie people of Glea�water have suif-
ered a ser�rere lAss by his untimel� passii�ga
CO?��4ISSIO�T..O�' THE CITY OF CL�AR4V;ATER, FLORIDA, that, the raembers
of the City Commission•and al1 officials and employees af the
Ci.ty of Clear�vater do hereby oxpress their high appxeciation oP
the services rendered to the City of Clearwater and its ci�izens
Ery Oscar M. WilTiams during his.lifeti:ne:, �.nd do hereby extend
to his wi.do,w, Carrie N. Willi�ns, their sincere and hea�i�zfe,lt
. Geo. Tt. 5eav,v
� ' Mayor-Comm.issioner
. F. Z. Handriac
. _ City I+dangger — -.
F'ra�k Coolev � '
City Aud tor and Clerk
�' There being no further business to come bePore the
Board the meeting was�adjourned.
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Mayor-Coffiaissione�r^ e� ,
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G y Auditor and Clerl �'
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