05/05/19410 � r. � , �� t ; � �� t � �� � � , � . � iw.F...'{4'+ti7V Q� �.�YiiV�' Ql. W�yi:C VQi..�JivI��VF'i. . . . � . . . � '�3�e Gity �o�ais�ian af 'tlie �a,ty af G1;eax�rater, �1or3;d�a, �+e� i� re�;uZ�r �e�sio� �� �:30 Fh� P.:ay 5, l�J�l: w3.�h tha �o11Q�ving r�^i�ers bx$sent c �eo. R, Seat=y, P.ayor-Cqz�mi.ssion�r �ursner R. LQLve, Caanr,iis;�i.onax Cr�z. ��r`Elt',SOTl G�.LixiC? flo��,ssi,��ar �ess$ G. �m3�h, G��aiasioner Ab�ant: iinrtaert G�iGe, Comuiisaiorier �he rase�in� �v�s �uly n�11ed �o order bY r�It�yor-Cominis�ioner �eor�e I�. �eavg. ;.uved by ;:.'r. I,osve, so�ontlad b�* Y;:x . 5mi.tYi and a�rried that ��'= 5, QOQ. �0 trt�nsfer o� furids on April 29, J.A47. �rom the Gas �nc1 CTatex I'und to t.�e Ggnox�l Z'und be appxa�4d. C�,ty� P.:an��er F`. L. iIt�ncixix sul�mittoc? a�roposed oper�ting tau��et for' tY.e �ity o� Cl��rwatar fbx the f isca]. Year Ue��.nn3�.ng J'u1y l, ],��41 and endin� J'une 30, 194u. r,qoved by r,Tr. Smith� seeanded t�y� i+:r. Lowe anl e�rried th�t th� propased bucl�et be p��sed and aaovt�a, �i�re�vitll �nd a.ruuec�i�te7,y �'allo�vin� is se� � ou� 3,^ verbatim the� adopted bud�bt: :���OLZTTZOP7 OF TII� Cz�.`Y COt.'��IISaTOiJ 0�.�' "�'Ti� GITY` OI' CL^L,E'+�tG"r',r1`�'ER ADQP'P_1VG A �3UDGI;�i' �NA �'IYING `i�i�. RA`L'� 0� 2'A�TYOi7. S"��EAS, thd C'iCy t.�tna�ar o� the City �f Glearw�ter, F�,orid�z h�s subr.ai.t�ed r�n e�ti:nnta a� the atnoun't oE mor�ey necesst�ry i�o b�r�y on ti�e Ci�y Gcrvsxz�xen� �ox thQ �isc�l. yoax bo�;inni�a� ,7t�1y 7:st, 19��., �n1 encling J'una 3Qth, 1.�42; �nd ;'l��:E�'.5, tka� C�ty Gorut►issios� has, �.� Meetin� dul.y asser�hled, examinecl carofu3.ly, cons�.dorod, �.n�l appresvecl the �r�rrt�; and ;'��iT'Ft:�`i5, the tar a�sa�ar�ent rb1]. ha� b�+en gubmi��ed tp the G��;� Co��xa.osian by the �nu�Zizatian '�aard in carxeat �orm; I�O�';, '�.'I:.�E3LIt'Ok'cZ3, i3� zl ��aLVEA BY �.'F� Cl2'X� COt�:I5aI0N (;� `�;�; �T�"?' Gr ^I.::F,�;,���'E3, �..'T,O�ID�i, in xe�ular meeting aspe�b].ed: First: mh�t t�e ta�.lowin�; �c�edulo be anr� it �s hereby� ado�t�d ac� ��e o�exa�in� ksud�et �'ar tha Cit� oP G�lear�r�atsr �or ��ze ��.��al �qar i�e�i,annin� �'u1y� ls•�, 1941, anr'1 onclin� �une 30th� �.���: � . . . ���: ��Z �Dy�Z����rt�i'�aii Ai�PFtOPE�TAT24N : � 11. 2;enager's ��ep�xt�ent. ':�is �,t�r� incxu�es 2�an��,�x's s�.larY s r,ar ��penses such �xa �as, oi.l, �ires, an� reg�c�ixs, a�p�sr�°� cs�,.*nen� of prin�- i�$, scatianer;/� postege, te�.ephana ar+J. �ele�r�nY��, an�i a].�, oih�r. U�i'ias aur,,x>�,�,es an�. ���� sm�ll uncl��sitied �xecess�ry e�c�sense� � 4,40A, Q0 ,;� �.2. ����.�:�e�in� �e�ax%e�it '�%�.s �.�� inc�.ud�s sal��°3��s a�' Qn ineer d��i ts�en, stgnoarapher and si�ci.���17e t. 3;, 5Q0. QQ e:�.7se�s�� a� �laas�.�ied �.n L.�na�er s P �.���` _ ;; ; ,' , � f i. � GEF�RAL AI}T�ZI1+iISTRATION (oon�inu�d) APPROPRIATION � 13. J'anitor - City Ha11 Supplies Includes fue7., cleaning yupplies, light bulbs, etc. � 1.,500.00 DEP�T�.SEt��,' OF FIATANCE �€ 21. Assessing , 2ncludes salaries, postage, statianery, office supplies, teleplione and tele�raph, repair and maintenance of furniture and �ixtures, etc. 4,200.00 J� 22. Collecting _ Simil:�r classiPicr�;tions as item r 21 6,500.00 � 2�. Bookkeeping and �isbursing Similar classifications as ite� � 21 2,700.00 �� 2a. Auditing Ar�ount charged toward General Fund Por cantinu,ous audit ].,800.00 T:�LrGAI, .AND JUI'iICTAL �� 3�.. Attornley Includes salary and miscellaneous expenses3,200.00 �� 32. hSuriic3.pal Judge Inelucles salary snd miscellaneou5 expenses 580000 � 33. �,e�,a1. Ineludes eqst oi' legal advertising og Ordin�:tces, xecording fees, legal pxinting anci ather miscellaneous lega.l. ex�enses 1,325.00 �Uf3LIC SAT'ETY �� 41. �olice Department. Includea salaries, cax and matorcycle�, �c�s, oil, and repair, radio tran�xxi'���z�s and receivers, supplies and �rocexie� for jai1, uniforms, �as, wates and 3.i�;h�s, tele�hone and tele��aph, Fand o�'i3�ce a��tzi�- ment �9, 5i1�, �� �� �,�. � Ia'3ra i)opartmen1� � Tnc_ludes salaries, �xuc4z and car ��anse�; �as, oiZ and repairs to equipment, xi�� k�ose, uiiiform.s, �as, wAter, 1i�hts �nci �elophone kt7,Q��.2D ��� �:3. Txaf�i,o Tndicators Iixcludes traff'ic li�,hts, atreet �aa�:�e�s, paint, etc. 2,C�Cd�+.-�C� ;� �5, Bx�,d�o Tender Inc].ucles smlaries �an.�i aul�p].ies 2,wt7�?.QO �NSP^CT70N SERVIGES �� 51. B.ld�;. , Plbg. and Elec. Inciu�as salaries', car repairs, gas and o�.�., office supp�.ies and equipmen�, tel.ephone and telegraph 29'700.�0 f� 52. Sanitr�tion Inolud�s item similar to m 51. 4,400.00 P'tF}3LIC SI�VICES , �� G1. Garbage Collection and Disposal Includes wa�es, truck xepairs, gas, oil, tires, atc., incinerator operations and city flump 11,500.00 � 62� S�reet Clzaning Includes Z��a�es, retaairs, gas, oil, t3.res, etc. 7,000.00 � � : � < ,� � . � �UBLIC SERVICES (cont:Lnued) APPROFR2ATTON � E3. Harbor Expenses. Includes supervision and inspection oP channel markers, batteries for li�l�t, eta. � 600.00 '� 6�. Cemetery Includes caretaker's wages, telephone, �'ertilizer and tools 2,400.00 {� 65. Library Includes salariss, telephone, and telegraph, gas, water, newspapars and magazi:nes, replacen;.ent, bind- ing, of�'ice equipment, etc. 7,500.00 � 66. Electricitg Includes lighting ��sts, all whiteway, ozrerhead lights, partcs, bridges, and buildings (except City Hall, Gas Plant, and Disposal Plant) „salartes, replace- me�ts of globes and fixtures and s�me eactensions ].3, 50Q. 00 m 67. Charity Food and medical expenses for approved cases, Salvation Army, Plant Hospital, rents, and other assis�ance to NI.P.A. Canning Projects and County Health neadquarters 4,500.00 PUBLICITY # 71. Senior Chamber of Commerce Includes general operatin� expenses, upkeep �f equipment, tourist inform- ation, advertising f olders, and other publicity, dy�soursed by Directnrs of Chamber of Cammerce , 13,000.00 # 72. J'unior Chamber of Comm�rce. Disbursed by Directors in entertainment o� young winter visitors and to liquid- ate indebtsdness on building 1,OOOs00 i� 73. Christmas Zigliting To assis�t Civia Committee in street decorations �50.a0 PARIfS AND R�CI��ATIONS �� 81. Parks Includes salaries, repairs to trucks and mowers, tools, fertilizars, seeds, plants, pats, e�„c, 10,500,00 ,� 8Z. Recreation Parks and Program Includes salaries, repair and maintenance af nobile equipment, office eapenses and supplies, maintenance of play grounds and equipment 7,000.00 � 83. Auditorium Includes janitor v��ages, cleaning supplies, telephone ancl equipment 1,a00.00 MAIIJTENANCE � � 91. Repair and Pdaintenr�nee City Buildings Includes all repairs to all city buildings such as painting etc. 3,000.00 j� 92. Repairs and 2diaintenance City Streets Includes wages oi' PY4aintenance C�ew, e�uipment and repair materiaLs 10,500.00 y� 93. Repair and r;�aintenance Storm Sewea�s � Includes similar items as # 92 1,500.00 � 94. Repair and i�Zaintenance 'Docks and Brid�es Includes simil�r items as ��2 2,000.00 � � a I�4AINTENANCE (continued) APPROPI�IATTON � '95. Insurance all Departments. 3ncludes fire :Lnsurance on buildings and stocls, surety bonds on employees, public liabilit;y on mobile equi�ment find other miscellaneous insura�ce items � 6,000.00 � � 96. Beach Iv2aintenance Anticipated cleaning seaweed ancl malodorous debr�.s �rom public beach 2,000.�0 hiISC�LLANEOUS Includes all items not char�eable to various departments and which are general in nature 3,000.00 V1. P. 4, PRO TEC TS Al� project� sponsored bg Gity and assisted b;;� Government 6,OOOv00 AIZZp0i3T Clearin�, developing, and grading runways 10,000.00 CONTRACTIIAL P�YbSIlVTS Chamber oi Co�merce mortgage principal, . balance and inl;erest I,545.00 Sub Total � 216y700.00 ' NEW �Q.UiPi4�IlVT New car Police Depar�ment 5.,000.00 , Dump truck Park Department 1,Q50.00 Tank Truck Fire Department 3,600.00 4`later tank Psrk Department 15c�.00 Grand Total � 2�2,�OO.�JO Second; That it is herpby determined that a tax of five mi11s upon all property �vith,in the Ci'ty, noi exemp't from taxation by law, shall be necessar3• to raise tlie said sums appropriated,for operating purposes, and the said rate of millage is hereby assessed on ail real and perso nal property upon said tax assess�nent roll not e�empted Uf l�w from taxation. Third: That it is hereby deterrained that th� follotvin� rates of anillage shall be necessary to raise the necessarp sums for debt �ervice on the Cit;�'s outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said rates of millage are hereby assessed against the property included in said tax assessment roll, as iollows: Old Terr.itory .................].7 mills First Extension .... ..........16 m311s Second Extension.... .15 mills B� Ti FURTIi� R�SOI,VF'�D that the foregoin� schedules and tax rates be published in the Clearwater Sun and tliat the �ity� Coramission shall meet in the City Hall, City of Clearwater, at 7:34 P> fi:i. on the 19th dag of �.Sa�r, 1941, ior the purpose of holding a public hearing upon said intended tax levy, and the CitS Auditor and Clerk is hereby re�uired to publish a n,otice of su,ch public hearing, settin� forth the time and place a�oresaid Por holding such meeting, together vaith the propoaed � �� � `r`� � . , ,j �{ , �: _ ,J ; � i , �� ;; , i i budg�t and tax levy �,s herein set forth, and unless sui`Yi.cierit j objections �hall be made at �he time arrl nlace stated in said notice, said bud�et and tax levy shall stand for the fiscal i year beginning July 1s�G, 1941, and endin� Tune 30th, 1942. PASSrD �.2�D ADOPT� BX THE CITY COL�.TIS�IO2d oi' the City ; of Clearwater, this 5th d�y o� I:;ay, A� D. 199.�.. (si�ned} GEfl. R. SEAVY T:?ayo r-C or�m,iss ioner AtteQtc (si�necl� FRADTIi COdLEY Gity Auditor <<nd Clcrxk City Attorney Ra1ph 13ichards nocl read to the Eoard an . drdinance to be known as Ordina.nce P3o. 472, being a pr�posed Ordinance levying a tax on salea of gas, �e.ter, electricity, fuel oil and telephone servic�. P:Ioved Yay tur. Clark, seconded b� L•:r. Zo�°�e and carried tlzat i;he Drdinance be passed on its ii rst, secor_d and third readings. �3elova and irmyediatel�j follovring is a vexbatirs copf o� said Qrdinance Ido. 472. OIiLIi�Ai7C� PIO. 472. A27 OrDI.InT7Cr; L�'T7Yii1G f� T%i�'� OT3 Bi=,I�ES 0_ ��5, j'df1'1'I;R, �L +�'.,`I'.E�IGI'�'iT, rTTEL OTL �";i7D `PL+'L.'� Hvi1.� S�RVIC�, FRO�,'IDI�3G FOR TZ� CQT�:�CTIC:3 GF SIICi? T1.X, �7D P�LSCRI��'�tG P�rTriT�TI�a �'�R T_�` VIQI�TIt7i? OF i'�?IS ORDI'T�"."7CL. Br� IT ORDl,Ii'i�D EY TE� CI`�'� CO,�i.:1;iSI0iI QF Ti^ CI'IY QF CLE.4R;7�'iTER, FLORIDA; Section 1, There is hereby levied b,y the Git�r of C1e�rwater, �n each and every sa,1e in said Cit�� of %ianufactured gas, a t�Y e�ual to �ive ner cent (5°�) of the eharge nade by the seller of such gas, ti^rz�zcl� tax shall in every case be Aaid by the nurchaser �or the use oz tY:e Cit�l of Clearclater to t:�e sel7.er of 3uch �as, a� t:?e ii�e of' payin� t�..�e ch:�r�e r�ade by �he sellar therefox. This provision shaTl incl.ude �As de Lvers3 in liauid forr�, sucli as butane r��.n similar products. Snction �. T11ere is hexeU� letried b;T the Cit;,T of G� earwater, on each ^_nd. eyery s�le in said Git;� of `��ater, a ta�c equul �o five per cent {5;�) of the chsrge :�ade b;� the seller of such water, •;.hich tax she11 in every c3se be gaid Uy the purch�ser far �tie use of the Cxty of Cleartv�ter to t:�e sellex oi such �vater, at the ti�e r�f p�;,Tin�; �G21e etz�r�;e raade l�y the sel,ler thPrezor, 8�etion 3. � There is hereby levied bv �he �it;t Ql C1.Eeslvr�ter, on e�cli nn�3 every sale iri sr�id Cit� of e�.ectricit�, a ta,, equn], to f ive �er cent ( 5"' f nf th e c��r�e r��.d� b;r the ■ i ,I �, ,� .. ._.;,. , _ ,1 {;. � ■ - seller a� 5ucli elc�c�Gra.oi};�, ��hich tax �hr�ll �.n evc�r�T case lae �sid b� the purchaser far the us� of the Git,v �af Cler�r�^::�tox �o fi�1e seller of such �leGtxicity, at the tar�e o�' nay3.n�; �h.e ch:�x�^e raafle U;� the sellex t��er�fa�. 5eation 4. `"here is 2�ereb�* �.� vie,� b;r tlii� �%it�* o�' C� o4r�.-utcr �Yi eaoh anci ovexy sh�.e in �nicl G;it;✓ o� i'uel oil., a ta.�: ec�ual ta i'izTe z?er cent (5;uj of �ixe cskzar�;a i�i,�c3s by tlie , seller oz aueri iuel �il.r ti•,ia�c� ta;� shall a:n c=ver;r eri�c be ��ici �;� tl:e �urcT.'aser for tiie use of tile C�,t;� o� Cloe.r�r�,�ex to tli� se? ler af sucti �'u�l ail, �t tr.e tir,io of p�a�Tir�� tri�; cs�r,�e >_a�de byr �tie sel�.er tl7ei.efor. Tlie t�rs:: "1'ue1 oiJ.,' shal]. include �11 pe�Gre3,eura pro�.uets clelivexecl in bu7.1� fGr li�:atin� �urposes, exc�nt th�t i� shall, nnt incltt,3e �r�:�olzne, reg�raless of t"�e iorrn o� delivery. aecti�� 5. �t is here�� 1evi,ec3 b�r tY�e Cit;,r of �le..rti.�fltex, �n eac� snrl e�er� �ale ir� s�id Ci�y o� telenh�ne �ervice, a tax e�ur�3 to fifie �er ceiit ( 5�) oi' th� ch.=x�e r�a�e by the seller of saeh t��lepl:�ne service, v�hicti t�x sha11 in ever;� ca�P be �?aicl b� the nurchaser ior the use of t"e City o� Clear�,vater tp the seller of sncY t�;lenhone service, at the tir�e oi' pay'in� the char�e �:�ade b;;* the seller therefor. Tlie terrl "telephone serviee" slr�.7.' � nclude a? 7, char�;es made for loiir;. dist�nce. calls as �°��ell as all locai cYiarUes, re�arcless o�' tivhe�her sazd cherges are rsade on a flat raontkily ba�is ar otherwi�e. Sectio:� 6. I�: shall be the dut;� of ever;,r se3.].e� of ��.s, ���ater, eie�$srici4y, fuel oil and teleph�ne service in the Cit;T of Clearurater to co7�lec � frcmi th� �urchaser i or the use af �he CitJ tne taa hereby levied at the tirle of collecting tho se11�n� grice chaxge in each transaction. zt sha11 be unl�.t°�ful for any s:�ller +o collect the price oi r�ny sale of gas, v�rater, electxicity, iuel oil and telephane �ervice in s�id Pity without at t�e sarie time co?lecting th,e iax hereby levied zn respect ta such sales, unl.ess such seller ah�:1.1 elect ta assune mnd pay suc}� iax vtithout co.l�.ectin� the same frorn the �urchaser. An� sel.ler failin� ta collect such t�x �t the time oi, co1l��ctin� the przce of an�,� s�le, vJhere �he sell�r has not elected to assur:ze and p�:f sucn tax, shall be liable to t,he City for �he araou�t oi suen. tax in ].ilte raanner as i�` the same hacl ac�uall� been p�id :a the sellar. Tf anf �urch.aser shaJ.1 �ail, negl.ect, or reiuse to pay to -the se7,�er �Llle sellsr's char�� ancl the tax h�reb;� ir�.�osed and a� hereby required on account of �rhe 1 � � � sa�,e fox� vrhietr said �ehax��e is made, the selier shall ha�e mn.d is hereby ilivested ti��i�Gh the ri�ht to immedia�ely di�scontinue Purther service to such puxchaser until the tax �nd the sellerts bill has been pai,d in ful1, Section 7. Each nnd every sel.lex of gas, �rrater, electricity, fuel oil and telEphone servzee shall keep , cr�z�plete reeoxda showi.n� a1.1 sales :nad.e in said Citf, vthi.ch xecords shall qho�cr the price charged uvon each sale, the date t�ereo#', �nd the date of paymen � thereof; ar�7. such records shall at a] 1 reasonable t�.ra.es be open to ing�ection b� the dulg authorized agents of the City, who shall have au�Gh�ri�y to raaka suah transeripts thereof as they may desire. The iaxes on all sales �ade during an;� cal�ndar rr�onth shall be re�itted to the City on or before tYle 20th day of the follotAring manth. Section 8. Far the purpose of tnis orclinanc�, a sale sha1Z be deemed to bz raade in the Gity o� C3:e arwater iri every instancs ti�ihere gaS, water, elsetrici�y, .iueZ oi? �nd tele�hone service is delivered to a purchasex residing �•uithin the limits of' the City of Clearwater, regaTdless of vzh�ther the residznce or buainess o�fice or headquarters of the sell�rs be located ��vithin the li�its of �he City of Clearwater or ei setvhere. Section 9. The taxes iznposed by this ord�nance shall not a.ppl3r to an� sa.le made to the Federal Gozrernmant or any of its braneli�s, nor to the 5tate of �'lorida, nor �o �e County o� Pinellas, nor to the �zty of C1ear�vater. Seet::on 10. If any sectior?, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall for any reason be held ta be uuconstitutional, it shall not �n any manner affect any other section, suh-section, uaragrapu, s�ntence, . or provision rf this ordinr�n:Qe. Section 11. Any person, firm or corpQration violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in the P:Tunicipal Court of the Ci�y of �learwater, Ue nunished by a fine not exceecling � 250,00 or by imprisonment not eviceedin� thirty days, or by both such fine and impxisonraent. Section 1�. This ordinance shall beco�e e�feetive at 12:O1 A, T,�, on July lst, 1941. This a?^dinance passed and adop�ted by the City Commission of the City oi' Clear4�rater, Florida: Fasaed on �irst reading rlay 5th, 1941. Passed on second reading r�,��y 5th, 3941. Passed �n third readin�; I�1ay 5th, 1941> A�tes�: • (signed) GEU. R. SEAVY Tdayor-Gomaris�ioner ( sipn�d ) FRATIK COOI,EX �ity �ud tor and C1.erk � .� �",,, , ,,1 ... . . . . . . . ,.� ;' _ �3�� There :;�ing na �urther business �o come before the Baard., the meeting Ev�s adjoux�.ed. � �. �-�.-���..._. -.- 1�02'�CO1Tll111SS10Tlq� Attestt ..._---... r��.-�� C3ty Audi�`cor and C�er , __ _ ,....m.,��. �„^� �, �, � ;`. � � � � �� �.� _ _ _ _. _ . s,- _ . . �