04/21/1941„..Fr -:- . .. � .
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r°�:�rxr,::� c� :r�.�;�.i�i��c o� cT� r,�..�;z:����:,:,;
� Th� �ity Coru�is�r�i�.n o�' the City of C].earlvat�r, �lorid� mst
i,n re�ul�r s�ssic�n r�t 7 P.,”. in th�, auditcariuri :,�' the City Ha11
April ?1,1941, vJ.'tk� the f'ollowin� zner�bers preserst:
reo R.�ea�r;�, �,.aynr-Coruiissi �ner
� � � . ilL'ii�L��T' �.T,OVc@ y CD7p.m:k��1;717��� �
J'es�e C'r. ;i�ith, C�:�ri�sinner
�bsent; �7ni ^;;ntsonYClarY anc�'E�erbert rrice
`�he raeeti;��; �,�ra.� c�uly called to or���r b;� ::agor-�oz�,iss; ,�r_er
Geo. r�. ,',e:-:sl��
City T;i�nae�er openerl and read to the 3oard Uids cov��inr a
faur �oor sedan tp be used by i,he City :�ana�er. mhe iollov!in�,;
sizl�Mitt.ed b�.ds: I,�xxy Dir�itt Inc, ,�enr_edy 2: atric?cland,
Thayer ;..otor Ca. , Oro:��n i.,c�tor Co�paii;�, Da� ia Olds�cbil e Inc. ,
Z�: I3oon F�; �an�,els, Otia �,Pruit�. ;.:oved b�r ���r.L�,ve, seconded
. . by i4r. a��,i�th and car�iec', �het the bid of �liAyer h'lotar Go, i;o
S��it: �ne 1�341 Docl�e �ustor�_ 4 door Sed;an-'�l�ud �rive :�E-9�,OQ
trith er.tra tire, sraun r"_, �c ,e�eor;r, 2;�.:indsYiield T';ipexs, _and
2 n�.s9rs, be accented,
City P,iana�;er �`.Z.Fiendxi: reported that he l��d received twn
laids ooverin� a carl.oad of Liau_d ��lorine to be �sed bS �"an-
itary Sevaer Departr�ent, The �arties submit�ir� l�ids �^.Fre i"_at�
G.Reeve� a�d Company* o� Ts.�na, �lorida and La�l�ieson �l'�a1i
.:'c�x::s, ?tevr York, ��,Y. The bids bein� identic3l the Gity LIan-
a�er reco:ar�ended ::Tatt G,Re�ves &, Co. w�.ose bid �,�a:: as fol�o�as: .
Carl�ad of Liquid Clllarine in 1�0 lb Cylinclers at 7 cents per
- pound 3elivere� Cleart��a'ter, l;' cash TJiscaunt 1Oth Pro:�. i:'oved �
by i�r. Ssith, seconded b? r::r, Zov?e aild carriecl that the Bid of
Z.2a�t G.Reeves & Comp�ny be accepted.
_ City �ana�rer F.L.F=endrix notv r�ad tn the �oard the follorr-
ing oi'fer oi ':7.I3.Armstan Cor�pany Inc. , to clear, grub and
gra�e runwa,s at the City 4irport in :Sar�nont:
. ' �
�'T.I3.9�iSi0i�; CGi:?Pr`iI�'Y, I�3C. �
Creneral Contractox
' Dunedin, Flori�.� ° �
, April 12,1a41
TZr,Iiu��. Hendrih
' City IIanager
�ear Sir; �
Coniir�in�; our ccntTerst�tion Q�' reaent date ti•ae hereby
' ��;ree to furni�h alI labor �nd equip�nent re�uired for the
clearin�, �rubbin� and xrading of the run�va�s at the City
xirport in r,�aryrriont.
�ach oi' the �hree runv�ays conterlplatecl �re to be ���- j
roxl.mately 3,OQt7 �'t. lon� and 5a0 i't. v�Tide, tiiis area is to ��
be cl.eared �nd �rubbecl an.d the c�sstor strip 150 ft. �+�ide by
the to,�tal len�;th is tb be �raded �nd �iven � 9-in cro�:n, and
this grea let't reac�y i'Q� �rassing.
3 a3 �j �,�
mhexe �s appro�3lnately 86 �cres in the tatal runway
ar.e�t and at a price of �90.OQ per acre, �otals ?7,740..00.
._ • L"le will also clear and grub a�pxoximately 7� acres of
h�av$r �rowth at the w�est end of the field for �l�Q. per
ac?: e. , .
t','e will secure the dirt ir�m any advan�Gageous parts of
the #'ield, and use same For the filling cf any lnw places
that rni;ht 1?.e necessary to fill for a price of 0,20,c� per cu.
�a. ,
City`to furnish necassary zxr�ineerin� services, and set
us stakes �or line and �rade. '
3n-connectian wiih the above we also a�;ree to accept as
paym�nt 50;� oi the 'amount in• c�ish and the remain�;ng 5Qj' Nre '
wi11 use as a credit �ox Cras Tar.
Respeoti'ully Submitte�
V,.Fi.Ar�cton GonPa_nY�Inc.
_ By 1';.iT.�rms:r;or�
' . P�2oved b� 2,�r. 5mith, seconded by h2r,Lowe �nd carried that
the, oi'fer be accepted.
?,4ove3 b;r P.Sr. Low�e y seconded b J PSr. Smith and carraed tha t
the folJ�olvi�zg transfer of funds zrom Gas & 1'later Fumd to Gen--
y exal Fund be approved: .�5,D00. on April 9,1941, `��}7,000. on
A.pril ].9,1941. .
�,?oved by I�Ir.'Lowe, seconded Uy :�Ir. Smith and carried that �
a lease o�' following proper�cy to Z.H,Reid to erect filling
station on be aPnroved.
That part of Lot� Ten {10) and Eleven (11} of City
Park Suk�division, according to the plat thereof rec-
orded in•the Book 23 on page 37, oi the pflT�lic rec-
ords of Pinellas County, Florida, more particularly
� descr�hed as Pollows;
Beginning at the Northwest corner of �aid Lot Ten
� (10), and running thence East along its North Bound- �
' 1 ary, Ninety-five (95) feet; thence South paxallel to
the V'Jest boundary of said Lot ten(10), to zntersect-
i ion with the fi�igh�vatsr mark o� i,lear1v�ter T3ay: thence
t7esterly along said high water r�arlc, to the point of
� . intersection vrith a line dr�wn p�rallel to, and Fif-
teen �15+�, feet Vdest of, the East Uoundary of s�id
Lot Eleven (11); thence Nbrth along this line to
: the North Uoundary af said Lot �leven; and thence
. East alor_� the iJorth boundary of s�id Lot Eleuen, r'
Fi.iteen (15) feat, to the point oi beginnin�;. L�SS
AND E_.YC 1 T that portion of said Lot Eleven .(11}
Heretofore leased to B. A. Lo�ve, J'.C.Henderson and
� .o Lela Henderson. .
" The Lease to extend for 10 years t�eginning on the date oi
� completion of Service S�ation. Rental to be �25e00 per month
, plus an additian sum of one hal� cent for each�gallor� oi
� g�soline sold in excess of 5000 �allons.
� There being no �'ur�hur business to come before the board
the meeting �vas adjourned.
oC_..�P� �� ���
� � ' n4ayor-Commissione`��
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'• G y 9uditor mnd Cl.erk "
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