03/31/1941� e ■ � �i � �■ , . ,� ��` TtiL PJi1�t`.]UTE:� OF TfIE P.IEETITIG OF � CIT'f �OI�u.ISSIuN Tne City Co�urtisaiott of the City o£ Clear�•aater, �'lora.d� 2net ,in Special Se:s�iqn ';.arch 31i 1941 with the Fol.lrn+�i.n� members pro:ent: Geo R.Se�vy, P?afor Co:nmissi�r_er � es;�e G.3�itri, Co�u�issionsr 1'Tm. !�datson Glark, Corir�iaszvn.ex Sumner R.Lo�+re, Co*�issioner �Ierbert Grice, Cor�mis�i�nex tLbsent; I;one T�e meetin� v�as duly called to order by i,tayor Cor,unis3ioner Geo R.Seavy. t�oved by NL Gr�ce, seconded by I��r Sni�h and carried that a transfer of �5,40Q,00 f?�om Gas Fc ;`later Fund to General Fund be approved. ' - City Tt�iana�er F.L.FIendrix read � letter fro�. Citv J'udge (:aE.;7r�re reco*nnenciin� tha:t �er_r� !"Tilkes be refunded w13.50 baing one half of a fine assessed and collec;ted �'ron hi�. in a City Court case. �iIovecl bn i�r Lotve, seconded bv iur SIaitr_ and c�rried that the recomnendat; on of iy�r 1'lare be carz� ie d eut and that the �13 , 50 l�e refknded. City Attornev Ral.ph Richar�s read to thP Boexd an ordir.ance to be known as Ordint�nce T'o !{.�1, hein�, az� ordin�r:ce re�;ulating and limitin� the s�:1e cf intpx_icating liquors, a�erbati� co.py of the ordinance b�in� here���ith and inunediately follo�rin�, set out:— QRDIIIT�iT�C� I�;� It%�. AN OFiDII�TA;C� E�GU�'�i�'�":G IIID L1�..iTT�`�G 'P�� ' . S_9LE UF INTOXICI�TII?G LIcZt�O.tS II1�; �rE GI`� , �F Q.,.El�;7r'�TEi'� I�TTD PRUSTI�Il�IG tl P.�I1`�`1'ir FOI: TT.�E VIOI'�1TI02? OF' �1f� T�.,RI.IS T?i"i�R:;C??+', IiL IT ORD!�T_1Q?'� I3Y' TF�' CIi`l COP:II:iISaIUi'T 0'�' TF�' CITY OF' CL ;AR?7AT���a '�'L013IDA• Section 1. The proTrisic�ns of this ordi.nance shall be con- �trued in canformitg wi+h the provisions of Chapter 1677L�, �aws af Florida 1935 and �enete '?ill r�o, q51 adopted bv the Le�islature of the Ste:te of r lor5.d a and annroved bv the Gov ernor on June 5th ,1937 . ae�tion 2. F'or the nua•pase oi" this ordinance, a Ve�dor shell be defin�d as a_p�rsoa�, firm or corporation anerr�tin� a placa of business where alcohalic hevera�es �re solci �nlv in sealed containers , i'or consumption off the grer�ises where sold. � Seetion 3, yverv person, firm or corporati�n flesix3,n� a license as Vendor uncler this or�linance s�aJ;l first ot�tain from the City •Gomm.isszon ,of �hs C_ty oi Cle�rtiv�ter a Uendor�s perruit. Before i a Uendor's perinit sh�ll be �,ran�;ed, such person, firr� or corporation shall first present to the Cit3r Gonunission an �pplic�tion for a sTendoz�'s permi.t, settin� forth the loaE;tion by street and numbe:r of tYie plaoe �t ���hich it is pr�pased ta do business� The Gity Comnissior� ,. ! � '� �' b shall have the sight to decline tc� is,�ue a Vendar�s ,permit for a licpnse for sa3;d busi.ness to be carrie d on �t sFic3 lac�ti,on, if in thc? obtnion of the Cornma.asi,on the �eneraJ. welfare of tY,� Citv of �l.c�ar��»ter re2uireu a refiz��l ai the issuance of slich Pendor's nermit . Tl�e CitY C�mrtias3.on e � `�' % shall not �rant a Vendor's �ermit h�reunder to any aPplicant �herefor in exr.ess oi' �ne perriit to e�ch 2,500 pErsons in tha City oi Cleo.rw�ter accordin�; to the l�st Federal censtzs; orovided, hov�ever, that ths lo- cation �f a11 nlaces of such business �r�d permits granted on or priox to the date this ordin�nca becozies ef�er,tiv�, shall in na way be affected by thi,s ordinance. �11 license� heretnrore issued bv the Cit3 �f Clear- water and now outstandin€ f or the sale o�' intoxicatine l,iquors on the rremises may be r�nevred hv tl�e hol.ders thereof from ;*e�r t9 year upon papment o1' the 1'ee required b�- 1av�, out such licenses shall no be transfsrable . �ection 1i.. �his ordimm�ce sra11 ap�l,v onlv to the s��e of intoxic�t`.n�; liq�zo?^s, �;nri shali not apnlv tp the sale of wines an�l heers. SecLion 5. 9n�T person violatin� �ny o�: the provisions of th�s ordir_�nce shall, �znon convi�tian in b:�ir.icipal C�urt, be Yined zn a su?e not e4ceedin� �500,00, or be sentenced ta the Citv J'ail for a tErm nat exceeding �ixty (60) clays, or mav be punished by both Fine ard inprison- r.ter_t, in the discretion o� the Court. Seetion 6. This ordinanee shall become effEctive immEdiazely upon its �as:sa�e arid adontian bv the Git,y Commissio� of the Cit;r of Cle�rvrater s �'lorida. Passed on first readin� �:Iax 31, 19t�1 ?assed on seeon.d readin� i,ar 31, 1941 Passed �n third readix!� �ar 31, 1941 Geo. R. �eaQy I�Layor-Co�issioner �ttest: Frank Cool��,y City Atrditor and Clerk 2qr F3endrix read to the Board a letter srorn tY�e follov°;ir��; r�.nisters of Clear�s�ater; �1.Peter Carxoll,, Ansley C.n?oore, and O.�lton Inurphy, tivhich letter stron�lv recor�iended to the City Comriission the necassity of curbin� the nu�ber of lic,luor stares in Clearw�ter. bL C.r,T'?are and C,yril Po�;iie, attorneys representing undisclosed clients, requested the Board to fore�o passin� an ordinan ce curbin� t.iE nutnber of liquo•r stores. It vlas Lnoved ry P��r Grice, seconded b�� P.ir 3,owe th�t the ordinanee k�a pasaed on zts first readin�, motlon carr5,ed. P4otred by Tr;r S*�.th, sec�n+3ed l��F Pir C1srY, and carried th�t the ordinance t�e paseed on its second z�eadin�;, 'Ploved bv i�1r 3iaith sPcanded by t,7r rrice and carried that the ordinance be �assed on it�# third �and ;�,na;. readin�> City Attorney RalZ1h ].�ichards e:cplained to the Board �t Canvaunication he had received f,;on Flarida atate Plannin� Board relative to a G'7 P A � � . . _, . .. , ,, .. � •, . , ., • • . - ,'. , , . , � , - - . , , . - . . 3�� Project to CadiPy Ci.ty Ordinances. TTo Action �rrGs taker_ on �he mati;ex. ThPre bei,ng no i'urther btisiness to come be.fore the Boar�1 thp � taeetin� w�;s a.djourned. � C�'� ���t,.�- Cit�T Auditox and�Clr Ck _a �G(� • %' � 1.Iayor �omrnzssioner 0 , f Y. � . . � . 5�-`'� : � � . 'I`fi,'� P.4TNTT�ES OF THE I�7��TING OF T.HE CITY GO��iiISSION `!'he City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida met in regular session in the auditoxium oP the City Hall at 7c30 Pe 2:4. April 7,19�t1 v��ith the fo1lo�Nin� membexs present: Geo R. aeavy, Iday�r Commissioner S"Tm ti')atson Clark, Coranissioner Suxiner R, La�ve, Commissioner Jesse G, Smith, Co:n�issioner ?bsent; Fierbert Urics The mee�ing was duly c�l].ed to order by rQayor Gomrsissioner Gec R. Seavy. Helen F. ti"Ieber,appeared before the Board in regard to gur- chase of the cente� and rlort_h Blocks of the irra�er front in Del Oro �sroves Subdivision. rdiss C�a_ber on,behalf of clients oPfer- ed �500.00 per aere xor the above mentioned propertf nore par- ticularly d�scribed as i'ollows: Lots 179 to 187 both inclus- ive, 272 to 2ti0 bot� inclusive being the block bounded on the P7orth b�r San Jose Stree�, South by San Fedro Street, ?"lest by Baf ab.oxe Boulev�rd, anci on �lze �ast by T��a Bay; also Lots 365 to 370 both inclusive, 435 to 440 both inclusive, being the block bot3nded on the Nor�h by San Pedro Street, South by San �ernadino Street, ?''est by Ba;� BhorE Boulevard �nd on Easi; by Ta;aPa Bag, bein�. p�soperty irz Del Oro Groves Bubdiv�.- sion. Iv'Ioved by I.Sr Clark, seconded by P�Tr �ot�re tha � the of{'er of ��OU.Ou per acxe be accepted tivith tk�e fallotsring understanding that the purt�haser or purchasers nag on each blocti� to the Cit� �100.00 as payment nn abstra�t and �h�� the r��teriel composin� the streets, sidewalks and curbs in or around the said prop_ exty �vith the erception of the ?"'es� side remazn the pronerty o� the Ci�ty subject to removal by ttZe City �t anytirse. �_�t.�.on carried. T'_'r�v ed by P.ir Sma.th, seeonded by iY:r G� �rk �nd c�rried th�t la�ts 9 and 10 Block 23 Y:agnolia Pari: Subclirisi�� be sold to �;', 0. Goft'igen for 4�'T�O, Ou. C3.ty r;a�.a�er Fr �. Henclri;x re�d a lette� P�s�m c.2ar;� 2.. Penn reque�ting that hor school license ve reduced. By �eneral consent the cor.imiasinn au�ho�ized tli�t the license be issued f or ',y7. �0 instead of "1� . Ou. P;Ioved by r,�Ir. Clark, seconded b� i�ir �o�•re and carried that the License i'or the Clearw^ter Schocal oi'2iusic remain at nI3.0u as per license scnedule. The matter of combinyn� ttze he�lth �nc3 :��nit�tian `vorlt � n R . . ` - . . � Q .. . ' . - I I �' . of the City �:�ith tl�e �'loridt� �t�te �a�rcl oi' S3enith be�.n�; brou�ht up, upon su��;estion of 2.iayar Se�vy the s�r�e 'Uy �enexal consent �vQs t�bled. i:ir Nenarix read a latter -from Civil 7exvioe S�o.�rcl re- questing that A. D. �inch, be proMot�d to Gxt�de "1�" poljce- nan. 2Toved %�� Y.4r Sriith, seconded b;r P:Ir Glnrlc and c�rried thr�� �, D. �'inch i�e pror.ioted to �uch �,xnde �'kitll thQ un��r- st�.ndin� that r_o pay increase shall be rut into et'rect dur- ing the �resent fiscal ye�r, en�ir.? Tuae 3�`,�9��1.. mhe eor,triission �:lso hn� bei'ore the� t�vn lett�rs Fx'o:�, the Cizril �er�ice �3onrd reruestin�; t11^t Ronert T'u11e be pro- mnted to nxacie "R" Po;Lice.^ian �nd th�t �'��:; �.yl 'tuasell be nro- I'lOtO� tQ �T�d� nnn :'OZ1Ce;�1%1T1. P�OVOd �.iuT 2iY' .�3?'lltll� SeCpTld�d tltr .:ir L�v.�e ��nd car:^ied �Ghat ";r Fu11e ancl T:r ??ussell he nromoted ti�ir,n tine under�t�nciin�* That thp pror:otion c�rl�i�s ��a pay incrense �lurinr the f'iscsl y��r. Citv ^�tt�arn�;F �alph ?{icn�rds ti^,,,�5 �ut3io� i.^_ed to is�ue .�a7.e5 Co±�trfr,� �a �r �;1�::: :.h�ha� on Lat 10 F.tlocl� £3 i;arth 31�are i.�arl�, the tiale oi t�e land to Dr. Shmhan lYavin� heen �re•riousl;,° autho�i�ed. The City ��ttorne;;r ti�a43s Also auti�o.ri: ed to issue 3 vales Gontx��ct to r. 0. �;ood on Lat �.6 F31ock 2?�ouses 3ubdivision, i.he �r�ount o:� `:iP s�l,e bein� :,4"��.00o There bei�Zc° no fu_„tLer bus�.ness to com� hei'ore the '�o�rcl the r.�eeting �rt�s adjattr�Ecl. ,�, �� ----� l:a;; or-Cor�issic�r_er � Ci �y �ud�.tor and Cle. r ..--- 0 r