03/03/1941' . � e ` .
. . , . �. ,,i �
The City Comm�ssioners of the City oP Clearwater, Florirla
met in regular session in the r�uditorium of the City Ha11 at
7:30 P M on March 3,1941 with the following members pressnt:
Geo R. Seavy, Mayor Cominissioner
['Um �"latson Clark Gommissioner
' Sumner R.Zowe ��
.: . . ` ..,.. u "
fierbert 'Grice ��
Absent: Sesse G.Smith �ouLmissioner
Th�>, meet�ng was duly called to order bf 1�,4ayor Commissioner
Geo R. Seavy.
City pdanager F. L. Hendria presented and read to the Board
a].etter of date Ii4ar�h 3,19�1 from ZvI.F.Hall asking that the�'Citg
piirchase for him the 1941 licenae �'or the beach bus. �dr. Hendrix
inforned the Commisaion that the license cost was �1�0.00 plus
collections fee of twenty iive centss h�iov�d by Mr Grice, sec-
onded by r4�r. Lowe that the City purchase the 19�1 beach bus
license. Motion carried. '
City Attorney Ralph l�ichards read to`the Board a proposed
resolution whereby the City of Clearwater would release the
Fidelity and CasualLy Company oi New York o� any liability in
regard to Bond of former City PQanager A.C,Nichols. Moved by
Mr. Clark, seconded by Ivlr. Grice that the above mentioned
resolution be passed. Il4otion carried.
Below and immediately following is set out in detail
the Nichols resolution:
4VFiERFAS A. C. Nichols wasQformerly employed as
City h?anager of the City of Clearwater and lef�t the enploy '
of the City in 1939; and '
WI�RFAS during his �Priod of service as City
lVlanager said A. G. Nichols furnished a fidelity bond executed
by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Ne�v York to guarantee
proper accou�.ting fo� all funds that came into his hands as
City Manager; and
5'I�iERFAS said A. C. Nichols and the Fidelity and
Casualty Company of New York have requested the City of Clear-
water to relieve them of aZl further bbligations on said bond;
V,'HEREAS e"11 funds handled by said A. C. I3ic�ols
as City Manager have �een properly aceounted for and there are
no shortages or irre�ial�rities of'any �ind;
02' � CITY OF CLEARZ�iATER, FLOhIDA, That the City oP Clearwater
shall and hereby does release A, C. Nichols from a 11 further
� ,�
liability nn the certain bond dated Saptember 15th, 19t54,
and posted by him as City Manager of the City of Clearwater,
and also shall and does hereby release The Fidelity ftnd
Casualty Campany'of Ne�v York from all further liability on
sa.id oond.
This Resolution passed. and adopted by the City
Conimission of the City of Clerrwater, Florida, this 3rd day
o� March, A. D. 1941
Geo R. SeavY
14Sayor-C ommi s s ioner
Frank Coole.Y
City Auditor anci Clerk
Upon inquiry of Mayor Seavy, Police Chie� Joe Russell
reported that thirty or Porty driver� had been given tickets
por improper lights or lack of lights on their autom�biles and
that �he dr.ive against one--eyed automobiles was still on. Also
in r�sponse to a question of the Iigayor, Mr. Russell stated
1�hat the closing o� the alley east of the Coaehman �uilding
had helped in t1�e handling oi the trafYic and that he had heard
of no ob�ections to the closing of the �.11ey f'rom the general
In answer to inquiry of Com�-nissioner Ciark relative to
present condition of Brooklyn Field, City b4ana�er F. L. Hendrix
reported that the field was in good condition and b�i� properly
There being no further business to coine UePore the Board
the meeting yvas adjourned,
�. (// ; . ' �
� i��� �
Auditor and
2�Rinutes of the tdeetin� o� the City Commission.
The City Gommission,ers of the Ci�ty of Glearwa�er �'lorida mpt in regular
session in the auciitoriun� oP tne City H�11 at 7;30 P PI! on March 17, 194i,
with the iol].owing members presents , '
George R Seavy, IViayor Commissione,r,
PTm. Z"latson C1erk, Commissioner, °
Sumner R I�owe „ �ommissioner,
Jesse G Smith, �;ommissioner,
Herbert Grice, Commissioreer,
Absent: Nonee The 1'deeting was ctuly called to order bg Mayor-Commissio�er
Geor�e R, Seavy.
r A letter was read to the Commissian from i�irs, Clsiland �'Villiman asking
that the Clearwater Sehool of hQusic be not cnarged any Occupational I,icense.tJlrr.
C L Ja,y.nes also appeared before the `Board reqi:esting that the School not be taxed.
The Board deferred action o� th� ma�ter to some £uture time.
P�Iiss Helen F V�leber , on behalf of a client offered �1200.00 £or the south
block �a Del Oro Groves, bein� lots Nos 503 to 511 both inclusive, and'lots Nos
572 to '584 both' inclusive. It was moved by �1lr Clark seconded by ttlr Lovae tlrat the
offer be accepted, with the understanding liowever that any paving east of the
County highv�ra� in or around the property remain the property of the City,
subject to removal of t�e sarne b� the Gity iP so desired-- also that the sale
would include an abstr�.ct, and that Miss ti'�eber �aould be gaid �a 5 a commission<
�Yalte� Prior appeared befare the Board relative to a renewal of Iease
on property south of Causcway Boul.evard. I�t�s Richards explained �that the vro-
posed lease weuld eover 2QO ft on the wat8rfront and 100 ft on Gauseway �oule-
vard, and that the lease would exgire Jan l, 1950, and �e �15,IIO per monti�.
By gener'al consent the comnission ap�r�ved the proposed lease. �
A Le�ter from the She11 0i1 Gompany w�s read to the Board stating that they
would be interested in a ten year lease on a portion of,land lyin� on Lhe South
si3e of Clearivater Beach Cause�ay, wsst of the small bridge but east of the
Imperial Dock. The portion to have a l00 ft frontage on 'che road , and extend
South to the water. Rental to be one-half cent per gallo�.for all gasolineasold.
with a monthly minimum of .��,25000. Shell Oil Compan� to erect �5000000
Building , same to becone the property of the City upon the �ermination of the
lease A Gasoline storage , dispensing & other service station equipment to
xemain the property of the Shell Oil Company. Ivlr Lee Reid appeared befcrE the-
Board in regard to the proposed lease. Action was deferred on this matter
until next/meeting.
Cit;� �,4anager F L Hendrix ogenPd �nd read to the Board �3ds on a 1941
on� half ton panel delivery truck. Th� following submitted bids: Larry Dimmitt
In�., T,aBoon & Daniels, Orauge State il�iotor Company, Crown i:2otor Gompany,
Thayer idotor Company, Otis E Pruitt, Ken;�ody & Strickland. The following bid of
Thayer �Iotox Company at �669.80 was up0n motion of i,�s Smith seconded by Mr.
Zowe accepted . Below is set ou�t ver batim the accepted bidc
To Board of Commissioners,
City of Clearw�ter.
Attentionc F L Hendri�c, City Pdan ager.
Dear Sirs : iVe beg to submit the following bid for a nev� 1943. Dodge W, C.
one-half ton panel truck equipped as foll.ows: 5- 600x1� Goodyear Airwheel
Tirds including spare, 4 double actin� hydraulic shock absorbers „ Oil bath
Air Cleaner,0il Filter, HydrauZie Brakes, Al1 Steel Cab and Body,Front and
re�r Bumper, Side Parking lights.
Delivered in Clearwatar(Federal E�cise Tax Deducted) �669.80e
Very truJ y Yours,
Thayer Motor C'ompany Inc,
M 'B Thayer, Presiden,t.
� �t-�' ,
A 1e�ter Pro� the Civi1 Sarvice Board was re�d to the Board , stating that A D P'inch
was suceessful in pass3ng civil service examination, and was now e�.igible to appoint-
men� to Grade A Policeman, contin�ent�on the City Commiss3on rais3ng Mr. Finohts �
saZary to the scale paid Grade A Men. Action on this matter deferred umtil ne�t xe�ular
mee�ting. �
A petition containin� 86 names was received�from the Clearwater �hu�fleboard Club
asking that the members of the ShuPfleboard Clui� be allowed to park their cars on the
north side of Pierce Street and 4Vest of Osceola Avenue. On recommendation of Mayor
SeaFy the matter was referred to the ChieP oi Poliee and to the City Pdanager.
�Ioved by Pl1r Grice , seoonded by 14Ir Lo�ve �t znd caxr�.ed that transfers o� ;�SOOO,GO
and �5000.00 irom the Gas & L"Tater Fund to the �eneral Fund he angroved .
Movecl by Mr Lowe , seconded bg Pl1r Griee and carried tha� Morrday J`une 2, Z941 'oe
3esigna�ed as tb:e time for h`aving the deZinquent Tax Sa1e,
City Attorny Ralph Richards read to the ffoard the Iegal. notice that he intended
to have published i.n the newspaper relative to amending the c,harte� of the Ci�ty of
Clearwater. By general consent the c�ntents of the notice was approved ana rnr. Richards
was asked to pr4ceed �vith the adver�ising.
Ma Moved by Mt Grice and seco�ded_by r.4r Smith an.d carxied that the City aceept
the off er oP the Gulf'Oi1 C'orporation to.furnish the Ci'ty with lo�v Sulphur Fuel 0,�1, �
for the period April 1, 1941 through March 3I, 1942.
The followa.ng parties appeaxed before tl�e Board reZative to co-ardinat3ng nr
possibi.3T ec+rbining the Ci�y's heal.th.and sanitation work, with that aP the program and
work o� the State Board of Health: L., Z. Parks Nio D., Dire�Etor oP the Bsre�u of
County Healih �Vork with the State Board of Hea�.th Jacksonville Florida, UTm. D. Monroe,
W. I��. Goza, an d W F Rehbaum 3rd. The commfssion requested Mr. Monroe and Mr. Parks
�o conYer with the C�ty Ma��ger , an@ work out in reasonable de�ail ju5t what the
Stata Service woul.d include..
There being no further business to .ome bePore the Board 'the rdeeting was
adjourned. • '
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NTayor�Ccammissioner. ,
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City Auditor & Cierk. • •
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