02/17/1941� MINUTES OF THE Ii4EET.T.NG OE' THE CITY C�JtJl�IIIS�ION The City Commission of the Citg of Clearwater, Florida , met in rEgular session in the auditorium o� the City Hal1 on Feb 17,1941 at 7c30 o'clock, with the Pollocving members pres- ent: Geo R,Seavy, Nfayor Co�issioner Suraner R.Lowe, Commissioner Jesse G.�nith, Commissioner Wm ��atson Clark, Coramissioner Herbert Grice, Cormnissioner Absent. None At the instance oi'Mayor Seavy the City I+Jlanager ouened the oi]. and grease bids, covering requiremen�ts for twelve months beginning A4ar 1,1941 of the followi.ng biddars: Gu1P • Oil Com�any, Standard Oi1 Company, Texas OiI Company, Shell Oil Company, Orange State Oil Company, Sinclair Oil Company, Seaboard dil Company. It was discovered aiter comparison of the bids that the most Pa4ora:ole bid, considerzng the requir- ements as a whole was tiie Gu1f Oil Companp and upon motion of Mr Smith, seconded by Pdr Lo�ve the Oil ar_d Grease Bid of Gulf Oil C�mpany tivas accepted by una�imous vote. The accep- ted Bid is set out in detail as �ollows: INDUSTRIAL LiTBRICATING OIL AND GR�ASE • CONTRACT This Contraci of Sale made and entered into betv�een Gulf Oil corpor�ti�n, hereittarter called "Seller" and Gity of Clearv��ater hereinaiter called "Purchaser: Wi:Gnesseth- That for t��•� considerations herein seT, forth and upon th,e terms and conditions herein specified, Seller sells �nd agrees to deliver to Purchaser and Purchaser purchases and agrees to recei�e from Seller, Purchaser'� requirements of; Article- Guli Petroleum Products hereinafter specified with- in 10� more or less oP the quantities sho�vn below and for use in Purchaser's Plant or plants at Qlearwater,Florida. ,�uantity Quantity Product Price : Product U.S.Gallons . Cents per Price-- 6r Pounds U.S.Cal or Lb. 400 Gulf Senate Cylinder Oil A 36 1n 55 gal NRSD �OQ Gulf Security,Oil B 24 50 Gulf Harnonp Oi1 B 35 in 55 gal NRSD 600 Gulflube rdotor Oil SAE 40 � 20 thru 60 25 GulfTube Notor OiY Si�E 51 in 1-qt � 20 thru 60 ' Cans Cont'd . .� s _ _ � � � r � � 25 Gulflube Motor Oil SAE 20 tLru 6Q 4� in 5 qt cans 200 Gu1f r�ctreme Pressure Lubricant SAE 90-1�0 300 Gulf Ohassis I,ubricant S or V'J 100 `" .' Gul�ex 4V�ee1 Bearing Grease 50 Gulf Supreme Cup Grease �3 50 Gul� H�poid Ge�r Lubricant �90 84 in 13-�a1 NRSD 9�pr lb.in 10�J� NRSD l0�pr.lb in 25;� cans Spr. lb.in 25� cans 13?�pr.lb. in25�� cans The above prices are �'.o.b. ior truck delivery from C1ear�vater,Florida TIl�IIE---Between TMiarch lst 1941 and Februar.v 28th,1942 unless this contract is sooner terminated as herain pro- vided. Shipment-�-Five Daysm. written notice ia be given representati4e of Seller at before eaeh Shi�ment is required. P.�r F.L.Fen3rix, Cityrdanager reed to the Commission the res- ignation of Alfred PiMarshall, I,ucius S.Ruder, �Ym L.Alley and 4"T.G.nlair as me�bers of the City Zoning & Planning Board. Re�- ignations to be effective as of Feb 5, �.941, the date oP �he resignatio� paper. &Ioved by Mr C1ark, seconded b3r �r Lowe that Ordinance No.469 rel�tive to disposition oi' g�rbages trash and materials be passed on its third and,final re�ding, motion carried. Eelow and immediately following is a•verbatium copy of Ordinance No. 469: ORDINAAiCE N[7r,SEER 469 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIiE DI5P�7SITION • Qz+` GARBAGE, 'IrRr".SH, AND V;ASTE MATERI!?LS, PRESCRIB7,�G THE COIdTAINERS IN WHICH CrARBAGE, TRASH Ai7D VIASTE IvIATERIALS S'HALL BE Y�EFT, AND Pt�OVIllIN� PENALTIES FOR 'Pf� VIO7�ATION THF'�REO�'. BE IT ORDAINED BY TF� CITY COh'1MISSIOAT OF Th'F' CI�i'Y IIF CL�AR4VATER, FLC�RIDA: Section l. DEFINITIONS: The iollo�ving words, terms and phrases when used in this•ordinance shall be cons�rue3 to have the same meaning as hereinafter deiined: (a) t�oiet Garbage: The term r�oist garbage shall be construed to mean any and all animal, Pru�t �nd �cegetable rsfuse matter whether caoked or ra�v, or any can, container, or other material from which any animal, Pruit or �egetable matter has been removed which might t�ecome sour, spoiled, rotten or putrid and from vrhich obnoxiaus odors r�re liable to be emitted or to which .�lies or other inse�ts are liable to be attractedo (b) Dry Gart�age: The term dry �ar�age shall be con- w �.1 � � strued to �ean any and al1 papers, bags sacks, cartons, con- tainers and boxes which have not come into contact with animal fruit and vegetaUle matter or Prom which obnoxious odors can- not be emitted and to which flies and other in:�ects will not be attracted. { c) 'Prash: The •word trasn. is �:ereby deYined ta mean and in�lude- yard elippings, grass cuttin�s, 1.eaves and such c�ther small rubbish (otner than that as defined in the terms "moist garbage" and "dry garbage") as ordinarily acc- tuhulates about a residential premises. (d} Waste MaLerials. The term tvaste materials is hereby a�fined to mean and include sand, wood, stone, brick, cement, concrete, roofing and ather rePuse building materials usu�lly left over Prom a construction or re-modeling project. A1so, trees, tree limbs, tree trunks and tree sttunps, (e� Garbage Can: "'h.e term,garbage can shall be construed to mean only an impervious, cylindric, me�allie can, constructed of not less than �� e gauge material which has a permanent metallic botton constructed �s a part thereof, and which t�as a removable metallic lid so designed as to act as close fi�ting hood and �vhich fur-Gher has two handles placed on opposite sides near top to faciliate the li�'ting and hand- ling thereoP. No can shall be oY more than thirty-tvao (32j gallon ca�acity, nor shall it be used for other than a moist or dry garbage container, (f) Garbage Box.s Any vaooden or meLallie bos con- structed su that the canten�s will be kept dry and intact therein�and in which dr.y garba�e only shall bz deposited. The size, design and loca�ion of all garbage bozes shall be app- raved by the City Plfanacer of the City of Clea�vater or his authorized agent, �ection 2. It is hereby declared unlawful and a violatian o�' this ordinance for any person, firm or conpor- ation �o do or permit to be done any of the follo�ving acts ar practzces: (a) '�o deposit; on or bu�.ry in, Qr cause to be de- ----- - posited on or buried in, any l.and, publie square, street, alley, vacant lot or unoccupied lot, the waters of Clearwater Bay, Stevenson Creek, or any otY�er creek, water course or ditch with- in the City I,imits of the City of Clearivater, any garba�e or other noxious, malodorqus or offensive matter. (b) To deposit or place in or cause to be deposited or placed in a garbage can any materials other than those de- fined ir :this ordinance as moist garbag:e o� dry garbage. (c) To deposi� or place in or cause to be deposited or placed in a garbage box any materials other than those de- fined in �'�is ordinance as dry garbage. � � (c) To faii or neglec� to %eep or cau�e to be kept clean �nd sanita�y one tigaitly covered ancl in goc,d state of reprzir all garbage cans and gar�age boxes. (e) To fail ox neglect to use or supla].y garbege cans and garb�ge boxes other than those defined and provided i'c�r in this ord�nance. (f) To place or allow to t�e placed upon the stree�s, alleys, curbi:ags or side walks of the City o� C1er�rwater any rubbish, sweepings, debris, trash or vraste materials of any kind tvhich might Ue a menace to traffic both vehicul�r and ped- estrian �r which might �nda�lger the proper aperation of the Gity's sewer or d�ainage system. (g} To co112ct or perr�it to be coller,ted by an� one the �ar�a�e from any garbage can or garbage bcx other than by persons regularly employed by the City of Clearwater for that pur�ose or by persons working under contract �vitli`sthe City of C]�ear�vater or by special written pernit Prom the City ri4anager of the City of Cle,arv�ater or his author.ized agant. (�) To violate any of the provi�ions nr sectiors of t�iis ordinanee or any .reasonable intergretatian of the same. Section 3. IP any section; provision, or claus�: of this ordinance shall 6•e decla.r.ed invalid of unconstitu�tional, or if t�is ordinance as Applied to any circumstances shall be declared invalid or unconstitutional , such inva.lidity shall not be construed �co af�ect the portions of this ordinance not so held to be invalid, or the application of this ordinance to other circumstances not so held to be invalid. Section 4. Any �rerson violating any of the prov- isions of this ordinance shall, upon conviation in 1t2unicipal Court, be fined ina sum not exceeding �200.QD, or be sentenced to the City Jail for � term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or me,y be punished by both �ine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Gourt. This ordinance passe� and adoPted bg the City Go�nissa� ion of �he City oi Clearwater, Florida: �'assed on first reading �� � , /��� Passed on second'readin�.� �,Ur �, /��/ Passed on third reading__ �,�,� / 7� / 9�� Attests F�ank Cooley City Atd tor and Clerk Geo R. Set�vy Mayor-Comciissioner 0 � 0 h4r Ralph Richards, �ity Attornef presented a draf't oP a proposed ordinance to be known as Ordinance No. 470 relative to City BoardSand Tenure oP OPf'ice oP Board mem'�ers. Moved by Mr Lodve, seconded by Mr C].ark that the ordinance be paesed on its first reading. Motion carr3:�d. Moved by Mr Zowe, seconded by NIIr Smith tha� the ordinance be passed on its se�und reading. b`�o�;ion carried. Moved by Mr T,o;ve, seconded by �1r Smith thflt the ordinance be passed on its third and Pi.nal reading. Motiion carried. Belaw and immediately Pollowing is a ve.rbatium copy of said Ordinance No 470: ORDIATAPTCE N0. 470 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ALL BOARDS OF TF� CI3'Y G�� CLEAEtWATEft, AND mHE T�..�I�' ItTRE OF 0�'FICE OF B'OAP.D MFIVIBERS. BE IT ORDAIP?ED B�! TF� CITY COIvII:iISSION OF TrE CITY OF CI,�hR;"IA'I'EtZ, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the tenure oP Office of atl Board membe.rs heretof�re appointed by the City Commission be and the same is hereby terminated. Section 2. That hereafter the term cf ofPice oi all � Board members appointed i�y the City Co�ission shall expire on February first. Section 3, That the Pollowing Board �er�bers are hereby appointed ior the various Boards oP the City of Clearwater and �'or the terms indicated: RECREATTODT BOARD: G. C. Mo�re, Sr. - term to expire February lst,l9�2 Robert Padgett - term to exnire Februar� 1st,I�42 L. A. R�inj�hard - tErm to expire February lst, 1943 �"l. H. Tarvin - term to expire Februar;r lst, 1943 R. M. Thompson - term to expire February lst, 1943 Hereafter all appointment4 to this Board, except to fill an unexpired term, shall be for a period o� ttvo years. ZIBR4RY BOARD Taver Bayly - term to expire February 1st,I94S Dr. �i. T. Cornw�ell - term to expire February lst,1942 Herbert Pa�tqn - term to expire February ls�; �:3943:. .,' Mrs E. L. Pearce - term to eapire February lst,1�43. H. $'. Riddle - term to e�pire February lst,l9�3. HereaftE;r all appointmerzts to this Board, except to iill an unexpired term, shaJ�l be for a period o.f two yeax�s. ELECTRICAL EXAN;IN�NG BOARD: G. W. Nash -•�erm to�: expire I+'ebruary lst, 1942, Ross B.Ncrton - term to expire Febraary lst,194�. G. O. Parker - tc�rm to expire Februaxy lst,l9�3. k��reaf ter all appointments to this Boasd,, except � . to fill an unexpired texm, shsll be for a Period of two yeara. CQNTRACTOR'S EKA114IN2NG HOARD: T. P. CI,arkson < term to e�pire Feti�uary 2st,1942. P, B. �l2eCardel - term to expixe Febru�r� lst,1942. R. M. THompson - ter.m to expire Februar,y 1st,1.943. Roy N'akeling - term to e��ire February lst,1943. Hereafter all appointments to this Board, except �o fill an unexpired term, shall be for a period of two years. BAPBERtS EX�IvIINING BOARD: Ralph Sharv - term to exp3rP �'��ruary lst,1942. Ben Sutton -�erm to expire February 1st,J.943. Dennis Yettaw - term to expire Fabruary lsty1943. iiereafter all appointments to this Board, except to fi�l an �ai�expired term, shall be f'or a perzod of two ;�ears. ZONING BOARD: THe Building Insp4ctor oP the City of Cl.earwate� shall be an ex officio member of the Zoning Board and shall attend al,l meetings. Other members of the Board shall be as follows: Wi.Zliam �.. A7.1.ey - term to expire I'e'bruary lst,1942e 4Yalter 31air - term to expire February lst,1942. Vdebh Hopkins - texm to expire February lst,1942. Alfred Marshall - term to expire Fehruary lst,1943. Lucius Rudex - texm to expire Fet�ruary lst,1943. Theodore 8kinner - term to erpire �'ebrnery lst,1943. $ereafter all appointments to this Board, exce�t to fill an unexpired term, shall ba for a period of two years. CIVI�, SERUICE B0��2D: Reade F.Tilley - term to expire February lst,1942. Raymond Lee - term to expire February lst, 1943. Burnice HamiZton - term to expire �'ebruary 1st,I.9�5. �ereafter all appoin�ments to this Board, except to fill an unexpired term, shall be,for a period. of four years. F'IREM�d' S PENSION BOARD: The Adayor-Commissioner sha7�l be Ghairman of the Board. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be Seeretary of the Boarcl. The City Auditor and Clerk shall be Treasurer of'the Board. �•. � � � PLUDIIBFR'S E1CAY,ZZNING BOARD: The Plumbing Inspector oi t,he City o�' Clearwater shall be a mem,ber o� the Plumber's Examining Board. Other members oY the Board shall be as follows. Alexander Adams,- term.to expire February 1st,1942. Donal@ Cochran - tern to expire February lst,1943. Hereafter all appointments tca this 3oard, except to fiZl an une�pired term, sha11 be �'or a period of two years. Section 4, All ordix�ances and parts of ord- inance9 in con�lict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance sha'l1 beco�e eYi- ec�ive immediately upon its passa�e and adoption bT t he Qity Co�aission of the Ci,ty oY Clearwater, Flori:da. Passed on first reading FebruarY 1^.th.1941. Passed on second reading_ February 17th.1541. Passed oi� third reading Febru�rp 17t�.1941. Geos R.Seavy %gapor-Commissioner Frank CooleV City Aud�tor and Cle��k Mr Clark brought un the question oi the advisability of closing �Ghe north and sou�h:.alley intersectin� Cleveland street just east of the Coaehman }3uilding. Police Ci�ief J"oe Russell appeared bef,ore the Board and explain:ed that t�he use o� the alley by vehicles was a definite hazard to public sai'ety. Mo�ved by Mr Clark, seconded by Pdr Sm3th that that part of above mentioned alley extending from Clegeland street South to the intersection of the iirst alley rl�nnin� East anc3 West be closed to vehicular traffic,temporarily. n4otion carried by unanimous vots. May�r Geo Seavy explained that the lack of improper lights on autqmobiles was presenting a dangerous situation in Clearwater and recommended that the Poli,ce Department be in structed to �hxoceed at once to enforce all requirements regu- lating lights an automobiles. APter full discussion the � � r' i' Police Chief was so instructed. There being no rurther lausiness to come berore the board, the meetin� was declared c].osed. ��� � f Gi y Aud tor and Cle —� �� � M�yor-Comm ssioner , �