01/20/1941. . . . ' P . .. .
'. ' q i ��� . .
Tk�e City Commission of the City of Clearwater,�lorida
met in regular session at the Q'ity Hall on �'an.2�, 1941 at
S P M o�cloek. The fol].owing members were present:
Geo. 1�.Seavy, Mayor Commissioner
� Tesse G. Smith
Herbert Grice
$umner R. Lowe
Ab�ent: V1m.'�Vatson Clark
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
approved. t�r. C. J', Iiartman as spokesman o�' a small deleoatiaPt:
inauired iY any steps had been taken toward paving of Pinellas
�treet, covered by a petition presen'�ed to the Corpmission at
the meeting immediately preceding. At the instance o£ Mayor
Seavy the City Fdanager reported that a IYPA P�oject was bei�g
prepared �overing Pinellas street and in due course would be
Mr. C. A. Smith appearsci bePore the Board and reQuested
_ tl�at the City Pill up;a ditch that runs north Yrom Bello�ir
street, in Belmont 150 ft tovrard Howard Avenue along South
I�4yrtle Auenue. The matter �vas reYerred to the City Ii2anager.
ThP written resignation of Sumner R. Lov�re �rom the City
Electrical Board was heard. b4oved by 147ra Grice, seconded by
Mr. Smith that the resignation be acc�pted, motion carried.
luayo� Seavy suggested that other members of the �lectrical
Board be contactzd before filling the vacanc�.
Letter read from Mr. Ray{nond Zee stating th�t the term
on the Civil Service Board of Burnice Hamilton expired Jan.
18th. IJloved l�y t/fr. SSnith,seconded by Mr. Lo�t�e and carried
that Mr. Hamilton be re-appoin�ed ta the Givil Service Boarci.
Gity Alanager F. L Hendrix presente� the ofier of Paul
Johnson to bz settled for �p400.00 the Ci�y Tagas exclusi�e
of individually owned certificates for the follovui�g years,
1926, 1929_to 1933 both inclusive, 1936, 1937 and 1938 on
the follnwing pieces,of property:
, VJ86o5 Pt of N 125 ft of Bloek 5 and the 4{:50 ft of
the E 100 ft of N 125 £t of Block 5--Sar�h Mc-
b'lullens Subdivision.
Mr, Johnson's check for 400.00 was before the Commissinn as
a tender. Upon the:motion of Mr. Grice seconded by l�dr.
Smith the offer was aecepted.
; .
Mr. Hendrix at this time presented the annual r�port
of the Citys functio�s ending Dec 31,1940. The same was
aocepted �vith compliments to Mr. Hendrix and his staff.
The question of Title Inaurance on City owned lots
that had been aequire hy foreclasure was Brought up by
City Attorney Ralph Richards. I�r. Richards explained that
the Tit3e Trust Company of �Tacksonville would issue title
insurance un most of the lots but ther� were prot�avly 100
to 150 parcel,s that they would no insure due to best type
of foreclosure suits not being us�d. Mr. Richards ex�lained
that probab7,y the simplest tr�ing to do would be to re-foreclose
on these lots, which would probably take about 90 days and cost
from �10U.•00 to �150.00. By general consent the Gommiss�:on
�.uthorized �r. Richards to proceed wi�h the foreclosure.
It was brou�ht ou the the terms of' office of all members
of the Recreation Board had espired as of Jan 1,1941, and
dxscussion �vas had as to staggering the tArms of office of the
members when appointed. Also the idea fixing the expiration
of term of offi�e of the members to be around rebuary l.st
instead of Jan lst was advanced by Mr. Smith, Matter reierred
to Ivir. Richar.ds und appointments deferred until next meeting.
The Personal Property tax and its collection was dis-
cussed but no action taken.
t�iayor Seavy, brought out that the method used in the past
of disposing of city lots for sale, was by listec� price, any
variation thereirom to be approved by the City Corumission. By
genera]. consent this plan was approvedo
7vlaycr Seavy expiained that a new registration of the
citizens of Clearwater was badly needed, as the present list
of qualifzed vaters v�ras very inaccw-.•ate due to �eathe, removals
and changes of the Gity limits. After full discussion City
Attorney Ralph Richards was asked to confer vrith Mr. Reid the
County Registration;ofiice to see if some plan could be worked
out whereby a list of �learviater �loters could be �aken from
his records.
There being no further �usiness to co�e before the
board the mee�ing was adjourned.
' ' y Auditor and Cler�
There was a special meeting held by �the City Commissioners
oP the City of Clearwater, Florida at the pity Hall on Jan 22,
1541 at 8 PM.
Personal ser�rice of tihe notice oP the meeting was had
on Mayor-Commissi�oner Geoo R. Seavy and Cou�n�ssioners Herbert
Grice, J'esse G. Smith, and Summer R. L�we. Go�nissioner V7m.
Watson Clark bein.g out o�' the state proper, notice was given
at his residenee to Mrs. 1'�. S. Nelson. The following members
tvere pre4ent•
Geo R. Seavy, A2ayor-Co�aissioner
Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner
Jesse G, Smith, Gommissioner
Mayor Seavy e�plained that the purpose oP the mEeting
was to discuss the Peasibilty of refunding the ,�"261,000.00.
Sewer Revenue Certificates and �71,000.00 ��Tater Revanue
Cer�iiicates now outstanding. Mayo� Seavy also stated that
the tt�ro absent eommissioners had been consulted by phone and
to1:d the nature o£ the re�unding plan and both had e�cpressed
themselves in Pavor of such a plan generally.
�has. r. Hoye representing John Nuveen & C'onparny o�
Chicago, Illinois presented to the Commission the following
That John Nuveen & Coripany would secure pessession oP
the Revenue Certificates her�etofore mentioned, that new cer-
tiiieates or Bonds would be issued bearing 32 ?� interest, said
certificates or Bon�s to be secured by the revenues derived
from the Y�Iater Department anc� the Sani�ary Sewer Fund, that
all expenses in conr�ection with the RePunding be borne by
John Nuvoen & Company, that time limit on Refunding and
Maturity dates of Bonds to be issued would be made sui�table
to the Commissioners. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr.
Lo�ve that such an agreement be entered into with Jo�n Nuvean
& Company, Motion carried.
Herewith and imme3iately following is the contract
enter�d into with John Iduveen Fc Company, being a verbatim copy
oi said contract:
V'7IiE�REAS tY�e City of Cle�rwater, Florida, now has out-
standing approximately �71;000 in four per cent t�Tater Reverue
Certificr�tes secured by revenues oi' the City water system,
which certificates are norv owned l�y the North�vestern P�iutual
I,ife insuranae Company; and
a.._. ,
`.. .. . . . . . . .�. . .
`WHEI�EAS the City of Clearwater has outst�ndin�Z
approximately �261,000 in four per cent Sewer Revenue
Certificatas secured bT revenues from the City sewer
system, which Certificates are owned by the I�econatruction
Finance Corporation: and
V�REAS John Nuveen & Company of Chica�o has
represented to the City that it will be possible to combine
all the certi�i.cates above mentioned in one issue to bear
interast at the rate oz three and a half per cent, th� pro-
ceeds from the nevr certificates to be used to retii�e thQ
present outstanding oertii'icatesa
NO�N, THEREFQRE, this agreement is entered into by
and b,3trveen CITY Ok' CLEARZNATEi3, F'LOP.IDA, pa�ty oP the first
part hereinafter rei'erred to as the City, and ,TOHN NW�EN Ec
COt.4PANY OF Chicago, party of the second par� hexeinafter
rePerred to as the C'ompany, as folZows:
The Companp agrees that it tviil immediately eon�Lact
the R.F.C. and wi11 ofYer to pur.chase from said corporation
at:a price not greater than par and accrued interest a11
se��ver cer�ificates of the City of Clearwater r�ow held by
said �orporat_�on. In the event that the Company makes th�s
ofPer and the ofPer is refused by th� R.F,G., theNthe C�mpany
shall promp�ly notify the Cit� in writing to that effect and
ther8upon this agreement shaZl terminate.
The Companp agrees that just as soon as it has
succeeded inr:purchasing or arranging to purch�se the sewer
certificates Pron the R.F.C., it will contact the Northwestern.
AZutual Life Insurance Company and purehase or arrang� to pur-
chase from said Company all water certif3,cates of the City
oP Clearwater.
The City agrees to issue approximately 332,Q00
in water and sewer revenue certificates of the City oP'
Cleartivater, Pinellas County, Florida, dated at the approx-
imate tirse of issue, denomination �llOOO, bearir� an interest
rate of three and one-haTf per cent per ann•�:m., payable semi-
annually, both principal and interest payable at a bank to be
designated by th� Company in Chicago, Illincis9 and maturing
not later than 1968 in sucli snnual amounts as to make total
annuc�l interest and principal payments appro�ci!nately equr�l,
or in the same way that the comUined 3ssue oP the preaentl�
ou�standir_g water revenus a_n.d sewer reven,ue certificates
i� "B
� �Z' i
mature. The Compan;� agrees to purizhase all oP said
certificates from the City at a priCe o£ par pZus accrued
interest to date of delivery. The proceeds 3arived from the
sale of these new certiPicates will be used to retire all
presently outstanding water certiPicates and sewer certificates.
The resolution to be p�ssed by tl�e City providing
far the issuance of the new certii'icates shall provi,de that
the City can issue adaitional certificates as long as the
total net income oP the combined water and sewer systems
applicable to debt service exceeds b y one and three-fourths
times average annual debt service requirements on all out-
standi.ng certificates, plus on.e and three-Fourths times
average annual debt service requirements on al1 n.ew cert-
iPieates to be issued.
The Company a�reea to pay all expenses in connection
with this transaction. This inc3udes the cost o f the va�:ida-
tion proceedings, printing oP the new certif,icates, a legal
op�nion from Chapman & Cutler or some athPr reputable and
disinterested bond attorney, tha cost oP sending,a rep:resent-
ative o� the City to Chica�o to deliver the bonds, and a Pee
For the attorney who handles the validation proceedings; pro-
�rided, however, that the amount of the fees ��st mentioned
shall bs subject to the approval of the Company.
IP the City purchases any or all of the presently
outstanding water or sewer certificates the price paid shall
be mutually agreed upon.
Tk�E Company represent� that �the net profit that it
expects to make on this transaction shall not exceed the sum
of �5,000. In the F;vent that the Company does make a profit
oP n�ore than �5,000 on this transaction, thenWany�exeess over
and above �5,000 s}�all be returned to the City. In making this
representation, however, the Company assumes that its pro�'its
will come fr��m an immediate resale of the aertificates at a
premium, said resale to be made whil.e t�e bond market is in
approximately the same ce�dition as at the time of the signing
of this agreement. In the event that the Company �hall derivo
� � �`��
, �_
� ' ,
a profit of more �han �500a on this transaction and said
profit is realized because of an advance of the bond market
as shoti4n by the bond buyers twenty-year bonci avera�e price i
3ndex, then and in that event the Company shall be obl.igated
to return any par�s of its prc�fits to the City. The intent of
this provision is to limit the Company to a net profit of
�5,000 in the event that the new certifica�es are prom�titly
resold, but�+not to deprive the Gbmpany from any profits that
it may realize by taking the risk of holding the certificates
for a substantial period of time in kanr4 of realizing a
l.arger price beca.use of a gzneral rise in the bond market.
In the event that any dispute arises between the City and the
Company over the pz�esisions of this paragraph, such dispute
Jhall bo submitted to arbitration.
The City agrees to furnish the Campany promptly, and
prior to delivery of said new certificates, a full cer�tified
transcript of all proceedings requisite to the issuance and
delivery of said certiPicates, evidencing thetr legality and
the rever��e provisions relating thereto.
The resolution;to be passed by the City Commission
pruviding for the issuancs of the new certi�icates shall ob-
ligate the City to allocate from the water and sewer revenues
each ye�r an amount sufPicient to pay the full principal �nd.
interest requirements for that year. The City does not, 'by
entering into this coritract, obligate itself to use any of .:
the se�n�er or w�ter revenues for the purpose of crea�ting or
maintaining a sinking fund. If tlle Company considers the
es;,ublishment of a sinking i'und ta Ue necessary or desirabl,e,
then the �ompany and the City shall enter into negotiations
regarding the establishment and maintenance of such a sinicing
fund; but any provisions re�ardin� the establislunent df a sinking
shall not be hinding on the City unl�::::� and until such provis-
ions �re duly approved and agreed to by the Cit,y And incorp-
ated in the resolution to be passsd by the C;ity authorizing
the issuan.ce of the new certif"icates.
This contract is to be effective fox a period of' one
hundred ("100 ) dafs from its date unles:� extended by mutual
It is mutually agreed and understood that the aceep-
tance of this contract on the part o£ the;City by action on
the part of the City Commission, by rsotion or by resol-
ution, shall constitu,te a contract far the purchase and
sale oi' the certificates herein described.
IN �"JITNESS �� �i EOF, the City of Clearlvater has
caused its name ;�o be hereunto subscribed �y the City
P,4anager of said Citf, confirmed by the T�ayor-Commissioner
and four City Commissioriers oB'_'said Gity, attzsted bg the
Qity �uditor and Clerk, and its corporate seal tro be here-
unto attached; and John P7uveen & Company has caused �h�s
�greeiaent to be executed by its representive, this 2;�
day of January, A. D. 1941.
By F. ]'.;'.. Hendrix
City r;Iana�er
Ceo. R. Seav
Fran'� CooleY tdayor-Comm$ssiorer
City Auditor and Clerk
Jesse A. Smith
Sihned, sealed and de- �• R. Lowe
live�eci in presence of:
Herbert Grice
Ralph Richards
1',Zarianne Volnar JOHST NW�,'�d Sc COPiPAI�TY
By C�arles E. Hoy
Approved as to i'orm and correctness:
Ral�h Richards �
City Attorney
rIoved b� I44r. Lo�hre, seconded by is2r. Smitn ancl carried
th�t the City nZanagcr be au�horized '�o purchase irom Stoutarsire
Nardware Company ?2150.Q0 ovorth of 3/af* pipe, the price treing
aN5.72 per huncired plus 5�; co�unission for the hardware Co�pany.
There being no further business to cor�e �efore the
board the meeting was adjourned.
' y Auditor and le
��� . /�.
The City Commission oi' the City of Clearwater,Florida
met in regular session at the Qity Hall on Feb.3,1941 at
8 PM o' clock. The fol'lo�ving membes�s were present.
. Ceo.R.Seavy,Ii7ayor-Commissioner
L"Jm.L'Tatson C1ark,Gommis�ioner
Tesse G.Smith,Comr�issioner
Sumner R.Lowe,Commissioner
$erbert Grice,Commissioner
Absent; None
It was no�ued by r�ir. C1ark, seconded by 2,Zr. Lowe and
carried that a�12000.00 transfer of ,�unds from the Gas
anci ��rater Department to General Fund on Jan.31,1941 be
�.Qoved by Pdr. Lowe, seconded by Zir. Grice that sale oi`
Lot 29 Block F Sunset Point First Addn to Richard P. and
Gladys C.Aunt for �100.00 be approved. Ii'lotion carried.
P.2oved 'oy �'Ir. Glariz, seconded by Mr. LctRe and carried
that the :"s150.00 oife� of Asa Reece in settlement of all
Ci�uy taXes and liens on Lot 1C B1ock B 1';estover bs accepted.
A 7,stter from Geor�e Z"J.I�amer was read presenting a
reso]:ution of the Ciearwater District Committee nf the Boy
Scouts of America which resolution requested that the Cit,y
Commission appoint Charles Sha�v, Colonel Theodore Skins�er
end Thomas L.Boteler Trustees to have charge and care oi the
Boy Scout Hut on Highland Avenue. Pdoved by P.�r. Smith , sec-
onded by iyir. Clark and carried that Chas. 6h�w, Colonel
Theodore Skinner and Thomas L. E3oteler be appointed as
trustees o�' the Boy Scout Hut pronerLy on Highland Avenue.
n�Ioved by ��Ir. Clark}seconded by h4r. Smith and carried
that ;�70.00 Ue paid the Flarida League of 1'dunicipr�lities.
9t the instance of City �lfanager F.L.HendriY, City
Attorney Ralph Richards introduced and read an ordinance
to be l;nox�n as Ordinance �469. An Ordinance proTriding �or
the disposition oi garbage, trash and tivaste materials, pre-
scribing in which garbage, trash and waste ma�erials sh�ll
be kept, and pro�cid�ng penalties for the violation thereof'.
Pdoved by 117r. S�nith, sedonded by Ivlr. Lowe that the
ordinance Ue passed on its first reading, moti�n carried.
bioved by n3r, Grice, seconded by ivir. Lowe that the ordinance
be passea on its second reading, motion carried.
' .
• ' �
Mr. Richaxds was instructed to draw a resal:ution cover-
ing the various boards and committees thet are �ppointed vy
the City Commission setting the expiration clate of appoint-
ments as of the �irst day of February.
ll4r. Richards reported tht�t he had cont�eted Mr. Reid,
County Superyisor of Registration relative to some plan to
furnish the City of Clearwater 1a�ith a list of registereci
voters residing «�ithin the City Limits of Clear�v��ter, and
that Mr. Reid seemed very co-operative, also th�,t PJIr. Reid's
charges for such services would be �ery reasonable. Mr.
Richards tivas requested to continu�. his negoti�tions in re-
�ard to the registration and ta draw up any changes to the
City Charter neeessary to make such method of re�is�ration
Ivir. Richards was also requested to look ixi to the matter
of malsing changes in the City Charter to eleminate advertise-
ing of names of qualified voters, delinquent tax list, pub-
lisls?,ng of ordinances, notices and etc.
Thei:e being no fus^ther business to come before the boaxd
the meeting was adjourned.
Ci y Auditor and C1
crG�G4. !i! ; �-!/*/�
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