12/16/1940E R � . ' . . . . . . . � � %� � I.?INUTES OF TI�+ P;TEETING OF `�'FL GI'�Y GOi�:iISSIONERS 1 The Ci�y Commission oz the City of Clear��:ater met in regu�.ar sEssion in the City Hall at 7:30 o�clock on the evenin� of DeceFaber ].6, 1y40, with the follortiing r.�embers pr.esent: F. B. Casler, J'r. , i.4a,yor Co�nissioner R. A. De�.rsey R. B. P�orton Absent: IIert�ert Grice ' I�Sinutes oi previous mePtin� were read and approve3. � P�llr. Zevris Homer representin� the Junior Ch�tnber o� Comraerce, st�ted to the Comnission that they �vere very � much in need ef addition:�l housing accommodations and asked iz the �it�r va�uld contiey the title to I,ot 3, City P�:rk Subdivision, under the same terms anci conditions that they had previously seci;,rc-d Lo� 4 sarte subdivision, � � to build aclditional housin� on, as uer pl:ns and specifications presented. Z.2oved by T<Ir. IvTorton, secorlded by i:?r. �empsey and unani�ously earried, the Gity P>.anager and Gity Attorney be aut�.orized to execute proper papers for the trar_saction. Dr. Chappell, '!m. �lonroe and �ohn Chestnut representing the County Health Unit, appeared before the Go�nissiori and stated th�t P:irs '". ;�.'. Gibson ha� agreed to Deed to the Ci�y of Clearra�ater all of Lots one (1) to ei�;ht (8) , inclusive. Also Zot thirteen (13), Clearw�ter Iiei�hts Subdi,*ision, and an eleven (11) ioot strip of�' the �'as°t side of' I�ots 23-2a-31 � 3� an@ 3�J oP this same subaiyisioz�; this strip to be use�l for the purpose of t��idenin� r?issouri �?venue zor �lze cancellation oF all Taxes an•� Improvement Liens against Lots one '{1) to e'ight (8), inclusive; thirteen (13) to �vaenty-seven (27), in- elusive; thirt;� (30) to thirty--three (33), inelusive, 38-39 �:�cl �ast 100 feet of Lots 29-34-37 thr�u�h tlie year 1940. .The Gounty HeaZth Unit agrees to Deed to t'�e Cit;� of Clearv�ater Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, T."agnolia Park. The Gity o�' Clearwater i;hen agrees to ;�eed to •the County Health Unit I,ots 5, to S, in- elusive, Clet�rwatar Heights �Subciivision ior the purpose oi buildirg a health center unit or�. P�iovecl by L'Ir. Dempsey, seconded ny I�Zr. Norton and unanimously carried, proposition be accepted. ■ Gity i�iana�;ex presented �ealed bids on Vehicle Liability Iusurance as follov�:s; L. G. Ai�Uott-representin� - General Accident Ins. Cc. �709060 Geo. J'o2u�son " Gxeat American Ins.Co. 674.92 , I�iary �ltunb " Clearuater Ins.Agsncy 674.92 Ruth Taylor " American T.�.�ployee� Ins,Co. 6�2.03 Zee Ins. Agency '� The LRetro�olitan oi' I3.Y. 707.4t; F.J`.Booth &: Co. " Nationc�l Casualty Co, 68i.57 The bids of Geo. Johnson and Clearwa�er Insurance A�enc,y bein� lo�u bids, l'?oved by r.2r. Dempsey, seconded by I�r. Nort�n and unanimously carried, the policies be ti�ritten by n1r. J'ohnson and co�nission be ec7ually divi�ed betv�een the two agencies. Gity r�anager presente3 an offer from Flojrd H. Guf of �80.00 for the nurchase of Lot 68 Blo�lc G, Sunset Point Secor�d Addition. Also an offer of •;�80.00 for Zot 69, Block G. Suriset Point Second �ddition by Ruth Shephard; an �ffer of �100.00 for Lot ?F Blocl� E Sunset Foint Second _4ddition by Jo}sr1 fI. J'effries, r�oved by• T,'r. Nort�n, seconded by N:r. Derapsey and unanimously carried, the ofzers be accepted. • There being no rurther business the � eting w�3s adjourned. l AQa.yor mmissio er �-lttest: G9.ty Eiudztor a.nd Cle�k �■