11/25/1940competent jur.isdic�ion to recover on said bond. Sec. 3. The applicant sha11 pay to the Tsx Colle,etor as a license for the privilege of sellin� suoh property at gublic auation the sume oi One Thousand Doli.ars (�1,000.00), for the duration of said sale, which sh�l1 not exoeed fifteen (15) days, and protiided fw�ther, that na fractional part o� said license t� ehall be p�sid for a sale o£ shorter duration. Sec. 4. Upon the fiTing of su.ch application, affidavit, inventory and bond, and upon the payment of the said sum of �1,000.00 as required in �ection 5 hereof, the Tttx Collector of the City of Cleartvater, Florido,, shall 'before issuing a license to the applicant, either gersonally or by two or more duly licensed jewelers, examine the said propert3� specified in sai� inventory, which property is pr�posed to be sold durin.g said auction sale, s�id inspection being for the purpose of� determining ��rhether the saiel inventory clearly sets fnxth and describes the property propesed to be sold, and whether the allegations of the auplication and ai'�idavit relating to said property are true, and shoulcl it appear izpon Such inspecti�n and examination that such proposed sale of said property at public auction will probably result in fraud, deceit or other imposition upon the public, or �ould it otherwise appear to the Tax Collector that the application, affidavit or inventory is untrue tne sai d Tax Collector is authorized and directed to _File��nith the Gity Clerk '�,he said apnlication, affidavit, bond, inventory and his report and recor.snendations thereon, and the Gity Clerk shall thereafter sutimit the same to the C�ty of . Clearv�ater, �'lorida, and said City Commission of the City of Clearv��ater shall thereupon either set a date for a hearing upon said application. at a regular Cormnission meeting, or refer the matter to an approPriate cos�ittee oi' Commission members for a hearing upon said application. Provided, however, that befare a hearing shall be held by either the Commission a�t a regular meeting, or an appropriate committee thereoi, two week's notice of the time and place of such hearing shall t�e given by a publication of notice thereof in so�ae neti>>spaper o� general circulation in the City of Clearrvater, Florzda, s�zid not�ce to be published one time at leas�C two weeks prior to the date of said hearing. Upon such hearing being held and reported to the Commission at a�egular meeting the said Commission shall �roaeed to a determination of whether nr not the lieense for which application is made shoulcl be granted, � and the said City Commissiun is hereby authorizzd and empowers, to refuse to grant said application if in the opinion of th� members of said Cormnission such action is necessary to prevent fraud and rleception being practiced upon the pu'�lic. I�, ho�v- ever, the City Cammiesion, or a majority of a quorum thereofs fincls that said sale will in their opinion bs so cor�duc�.ed as to protect the public from fraud, deception and imposition, and �,P satisfied as to thE truth•ef said application, a�fidavit and inventory, and taith the sufficiency of said bond, and as ta the go�d moral character of the applicant, they may direct the Tax Collector to issue a license to said apnlicant for the pur- pose of conducting such auction sale oi said proper�y. IP, how- ever, said Tax Collector, upon,�is inspection o� the s�id pro- perty, or upon the inspection thereof in his behalf by two or more licensed jewelers, is satisfi2d that the application and affidavit are true, and that the b��nd is sufficient, and that the ap�nlicant is of good lnoral ch�r�cter, he may immediately upon �aynent of the sum of �1,000.00 issue a license to said � applicant, without filing the said application, a��'idavit and inventor.y with the City ^�lerk, or carr�ing out tiie proeedure outlined abo;re, Sec. 5. No license shall be issued to conduct a sale at public auction for a longer period than fifteen days, Sundays, and legal holidays excepted� and a period of at least six (6) months must have elapsed after the conclusion of any auction sale cor_ducted after the enactment of this Ordinance beforo another license sl�.all be issued to the same applicar�t, or to any othe�• person, firm or corporation ir_ pr�vity v�rith said applicant. See. 6. No license shall b3 issued and �t shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corpora.tion to con�uct a sale at public auction of diamonds or any other precious or semi-precious stones, or imitations thereof, watches, clocks, jewelry, gold, silver or plated ware, chin�, glassware, or leather goods, in the City of Clearwater betv�een the hours of 6 p 0:0 P,I��. , and 8: 00 A. M. Sec. 7. It shall be unlat�vi'ul for any person, firm or corporation to sell, dispose of or offer to se11 or dispose of �.ny diamonds or 2.n�r other precious or semi-precious stanes, or imitati�ns thereof, e,�atches, clocks, jewelry, gold, silver or platea ware, cliina, glassware, or leather goods, et a sale at publie auetion tivhich have not been included and described in tha inventory filed with thQ application for a licen.se to hold. ■ !, � � � � — such sale. Sec. 9, It shall be unlawful for any person, fii�m or c�rporation? to make a px•inted or oral statement concerning the said property, wYiich is the suUject of such sale at public auction, if such statement is false in an.y particulax, or has a tendenby to miSlead any person presont or to misxepresent the qualitf, quantity, character, condition, value or cost of �ny such goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property w�hich is subject of such sale at publie auctian. Sec, 9. It shall be unla�vful for any person, firm or corporation, to act or tq cause any other person to act as a by-bidder, or i°�hat is cor�only known as a"capper" or "booster" at any such s.�le at public auction or any place where any such sale shall take place or to offer or ma��e any false bid or to pretend to bid for or buy any article sold or offered f�r sale at any such auction; or for a�y or.,e directly or indirectly in the em�loy o`_' the person, rirm or corporation to whom a license has been issued under the Ordinance to bid for or buy any such article. ' Sea. 1G. if any section of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, shall be adaudged b;� any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment srall not affect, impair or in- validate the remainder or any other section �r p�rt hereof, P.nd it is zurther expressly declared that itis the intention of the said City Commission of i;he City of Clear�vater to enact such remainin� portions or se�tion hereof without includin� herein sueh invalid or unconstitutional sections or portions. Sece llo An;� person, iira� or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions c"sf this Ordina�ce shall b� liable to punisnment by a fine of' not exceeding Three Hundred and no/100 (�3Q0.00} Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding sixty (80) days, or k,y both, such fine and imprisonment in the dis- cretion o� the n�unicipal Judge, and each !ia� that said person, firm or corporation sha11. fail to pay the license tax herein required shall cons�itute a separate and distinct offense and shall be punishable as such, and like�vise any �erson, firm or corporation shall be deemed to have violated this Ordinance by conductin� auction sales of said property at more than one location without obtaining a separate license for each locaticn, and shall be punishable as for a separate and distinct offense for each and every location not separal;el� licensed under the terms of this Ordinance. � y�3 � 9 �ec. 12. A�1 Ordinances, o;c parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. This Ordina�ce shall become effective innnediately upon its pa3sage and adoption b� the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floricia. Sec. 14, This Ordinanee shall be published as re� quired by law one (1) day in some newspa�er pub�ished in the City of Clearwater, Florid�, within five (5) days �ftex its passage �r.d approval by the IVlagor-Commissioner, and by posting a copy thereof for ten (10) days on the 3ulletin Boar�i located at the City Ha11, Cle,arwater, Fl rida. Passed on iirst reacling � � /�p Passed on seeond readin� l��j�'��f� /`-7---'— Passed on third reading // ' -�O � 4�i ��ayor - o�nissioner Attest: ��:� � �l/�'�r" �,Yty Auditor and Clerk 3�� ,' � � THE CLEaR�VATER SUN ^' �' Published Dnily � � Clenrn�ater, Pu�ellas Comity, Floridn. ST�1TE OF FLOItIDA GOWi TT Ol� PI�i*ELL�Sr � Eefore tLe u„aerst6n�ea auYhorit�� personull�� npp�u�od Victor lI..�\iore:�n, �vho on oath snys thnt he is the PuUlislier of the Cleyr�eater Sa..1, a. 3ui1�•� �no�vsluiper gub]ished. at Clcar�yntec in Pinellas �Cam�ty, Florida;; tl�at tt�e nttncl�eti copy� of adccrtlsement, beuie a ri . .QZ'.4.7.]a.AI1:C�. . �'i O. e . .�.$rI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ...... .....................................,..............,........ in tLe mutfor uk .. .. . . . . .s al � s. . at. .paa.hlic. . attc �.i ^n. . o:f. .d.i �unnnda . ar. . any. . . . . ........ othe.r..praciQus..ox.sem.i-pr.sai.�us..s.tane.s.........,.. in the .. ....................... ...................,..... Court, �vas published iu. said nervs�iupec ilr tiUe issues of ...I`�pvsnibe�.�..2�3,..19.4Q ................. •Affiaut further sa�ys tt�at th@ stid �C:�arwater Sun is a�netvspaper� publisl�ed at �Clearwa�4er, in said Pu�eIias. Cou:.ltg, Fiori�, an�l that the said nec;�spuper hf19 hei�etofore .been �cont'vniously pubIished in said� P3neltns Com�ty, I'loridn, each dny :�nd 'nas been �entere3 us cecond elass nkzil ;rustter at tiie post office ui. Gle:utvater, in said Pinellas Gomity, P'lorida, for �a �'aric�. of one ��ear nes� precedi.ng tlie Sirst' �puLlication of the attached copy-� of a�lvei�tisement; :uacl affia:nt fnrther say�s thyt he I�as neitHer paid nor i�rcmi�ed a�q• S�e:;son, flrm or corporntion :viy diseonnt, rebate, conunission or refund for the pu� �ose �.of securLig tlus tulc�ertisentent for nnblica.tion in tl�e sai�l ne�vspapen �--�- �/'� �/� w .... �.. ............ . . .... �'I"wr "'-' �Sworn to� and suLscribed Uefore � me tlii/s . � . day of .OV2 ,�l'f�„8I'..� A. D. 1�J4'.�. // ��� %�. . .�. ...... �S�f..l.�S� � _ ....1.4 . .. . _.�_�f� . . �'•.. �) NotaiyPublic . . - - .. . . ��� ��,� ��� � •. aicni��nriC ro aov AN UI�.UIN\�c`1'; i2I I\C]\li Tn 5 �[ 1sF AT FPI31.tp 1l'G7lOY (1;l" � 11IANC7Ni)4 QR AAl OTll19[2 � �. � PRI:�'1Q�S (?h Fliilil Fi?Tlt`lpFti �� C'p (� N 1'.5, OR 311A-1'l'IONS . TIlI P.1:OP. �\^ITCiIl S S`LUOG�, .. JP\\ i'IiRI". �:(]l.11�.. 543.\'1:[t, OR F 1 ��=T T„ ]� \\'AitC CIIlN.1., � 6LAESSCAItfI. llIt L7u\'CIdI4l{. � GUQpS TP PItP.�'C\T I'I:API), � DI:CiCi'TIOY ANU (.I1L4TING ., .,.,,., �,.t...�. �n i,tet.�SL . . TY :P12UPQSPD TJ TO PRJFIllL•' .P.QH THP�. T6 i anetton� � les ¢ E uUl c -I�R� tS • u t P �z a v � � aectoun of dinmpnda or any othet 1 or sen �Fprecio�is xtanes, � or im(ta- .t±ans there0f, \vatchex �clocl:s, jesv-� etry, 60��+ gjl5�er or plated �Yare, . bh[nn, glnssNare, or ]zu[her gwds, �� alford pecUiiar OnpbP[nnity to. tli0se :euanged Iu nnch su1Cs ro i,mnoae uPom, 1 I nC tlle �ublic Uecuuse. � u s�d chc 1 defrn d 4tlte pulilic,. gevel'a113', 1s miskillCd rn the urt oP detefmhiing Bie puidty,� �� qUallty nl' valuC :Rl. met'c1taN�3iSe oC� �� ! .lils� chacuater, anQ � � 'S�*I3i7RLAS tlie rnpld ea,le oP� sncl�� � a �.'articlea nt pnbllc auction, w11e¢ pur �� cl�nsers � nmst Uuy at u 61anCe a�� � �Iargelg upon tLe stdtemencs and. ieP+ , �� �resenlaUons nL the nucUoneer, an � � � also '.mder tlie stimlilVs uAd-e,srite�� . nxRnt b1' conl�ei!!iVa b�ddinq� .exUo_rs1 many�ber&ona to �ecaAflm� und un* - � sCrupulLus prletiees, � TIiERPI�ORI�, ln. tlie exci'eige. oE� � n CeSs It•y ]•CgulaLOfy PO���B POR'Cl'. and al.o In the excrclac of Uie Laoc-1 � � mg Power viceteA In thc Cily oL Clear�vater In and � bY Ils Charler. � BE IT: QRDAINED 8Y TiiD. C1TY � CO�1LlfISSION.� OF._SCHE _Cl2T pF� CLIuAIiWATPIi, 717 S�a. 1. �Ttils Orp! lo nli, nnlex nt publ monda on nnY ptlxah h�'cclnua. ntonoN,. nv of, wntches, ciocicn. vnr or pluterl wnro, ac lenther Soods,� (71ty of Claqtwntcr exccutnrs nt• ndm�#�tatrntora, etito Uy tha liol�er pf pereou Ity undCr a conkruct nllowli anla Cn detault oC ASSYmen�, Sec, ^ Before any Pereon coPl�prnt(on ehnll �aell or he �� in��Utc buxinoas of eelling � - ul• Any otllBl' proClo9A 01' befn atonex. or :imltntiona tborea ex, clocics,. jetvcltq^, .golQ, plated wure, cl�[nn, glnsn� 'leaih9r�6oade, nk Puj�llC auci pflraon, tirm or� cornoraUon an. :aoPl�catton wltk Ihe Collector for tha CItY ot CI . . F�o,•Idn.. tor�a llcense. whlch P�'o `, the acfi the �, o[ ala- ��ir,c. A. T7{>an the tlitng ot auch �np- op eem1- ,, paion�ton, :atYldp.vlt,. InvenWrF nnd a there- �� 6ond, nnd upon thg payment os the ;old, eR�- � puld eum ot $1,006.00 a.s required ln nnnwnre, � ���� Sectlau � 3 hereot, thc Tux Collector 1n the � of Lhe City �of �Cleurtivuter, k'lorldn, bY '��IY shall hCLore laeu[nS a IlOense. to ��lho .nn� tt . unP11c4nt, elthor pornoniQly or hy two whethar pr mqro duty ltcenaed jewclera, exam- Cred� Por !ne tho aul�i n�•operty apecifieQ ln entd o[ thone in�mitm�y, � which nrnperty Js prp- � hllc aaa � posoQ to be aold during eald uuctbn hcrs tor snle, suid InsPeetlon' Leing for tba� �s ago��C, purpnse of determining Whethnr the Jng can- a xuld invpntory clearly eete [orth an4 ill .n�n1Y '� descrlbed the P�'onerty propoaed to by any ba nold, ¢nd Nhether thp ullegatl�na ppr tha � ot t,hc aPn��caGon nnd aEfldavtt re- nl eecur- lndng Eo said ni'operty are true, nnd �g Pu611c ��. . sliould lE apPear upon ench lnepectlon ot dedt. " and exnminntion thnt evcrt. prnnosed ❑rtn oC� �" ��aufe of nttid ProPeCty Rt publlC aue- eqga6ed l kimi wJtt probablY reaulE !p fr¢ud, Ilamond� t dqceit or other 1mPosition upon tlie .rreciounl �; PuU1fc, nr ahould lt othorwlae� apDeai , wAtcli- � Cp the Tar. 'C011ector� that the appl(- eilver or Y�cRtion uYfldnvtt or tnventory �Ss un- vare, or ;��true �.he n¢Id Tax� Colteetor le au- ��lou, auch �'� ��thoria,e�l uncl dlrected � to flle ���wlth nhall tlle , tFie C[ty �Cledi the sutd aPPllcntlon, :ity �Tax ueflduylt, bond, invento�y ��ancl his re- � earwaC�r, nort and recommendationa thereon, aPPllep- r� F�.nQ tlio City� Clerk ahall thereelter accompanted by an u[- . auhmit the same to the City Com- • all the� factn, relattng miasian o[ the City ot Ciearwaer, iy 1oC nnd cUaracter oL � i'�orlQn, �anil sald Clty Cnmmiaston id Including the etate- � oC�tiie Ctty oE plearwu;ter shall chere- names o[ the Dernone �Pon ei{her�set a date for� s hearins � Che nald yroperty pcp- �POn .s�icl apP��caUon at a regular; soid S�+ae oEtalned, �the ' � Commigslon� meeting, or refer �tho :ry Co the PCC9o�� Llrnl matter to �.n appCOpi3ate Committee i apP�1'1nq :for aUch 11- 'oL Comm7&siun mempers.3or� a heur- 3� p16Ce from whlch �eal� +ing �unon suta annllcatlon. � ProviSed, ]net taken. or bouglit, � °����o�vecur, that befoze tt hr.nring nl�all le neceeaqry� to ezactly be�held hy elther the Commiaeion aL ully ldentl_y dhe� n¢fd a regutar meetinq,� Or an approPria[e ahsll. turther atate tt�at � -'. committee thereoP, iwo week�a � notlee .fe ��o[ good moral chur- " ot the time and D1ace .o[ euch hear- ehall 6e � attucried ��to ing eUall. be � given by a nublication n a writfea awom 1n- � ol nottce iUereaC Sn 6ume neWapaDer Ing.in 3etall the. qusl- '��,oL genexUL clrcuIution. in t6e City ot kind or srado oi the � Cleur�ruter, Plorlda, said notice to yroRoeed 'to be eold, �. Le .puhllshe�7 one time at leust tWo hat no itema or artic�es ��weeks pripu to tiie date ot eaid hear- any other Derdon tfian �- iug. �Un�n uuch liearing being held are lncluded 1a ant� , an� �reported�tu the �Commisslan at he ¢pnllcation ruhall he '', a reCular meeting . tiie� a¢id Cun7mla- by s bond paya:ile tu r ston nhall nroceeQ to �a determ(na- oE t.he Stato ut Florlda "tfon oL �tivhether or not the� llcxnae �aum bf Tx•o 'Phouenr.<i � for zvlilqH anulicatfon Is made ahould Io:00), conAitfoned thnt ��. be grtWLCd, and the said Clty Com- elinll r�v.��� �oasea�snd ��� uiission Is hereby authorized and em- `dnma6es which ', clni e 1 m d u a nat th� e �eount of any mt � tact or tielieE or � Pi•essing oL Pac.s z �cnnt or ea�sed to flnPlie¢nt In the ec .cpncerning t6o sai �fully be� lio�veCs. to refusa ta grant actd ap- lication fP 1n the o iuion oP he it on ac- A P t tat�on o1 �11CIUbC1•� oE satd Commtssian avcl� rial.sup- °� seUan ts nececearS� to pcevent frnud the aDn1t- '. :md deception being Prncticed unon e bY the the publia lf, however, ttie C(ty salcl sate > �ommisston,. or a majority o[ a Ruor- :y oftered � vm thereot, ilnds tliat suld sale will at aucli s¢le, ar any losses or dam- �1u tUeir opinfon be� so�� conducted as a c to r ect t� e s which m¢� r n• o� ot h utilic From fraud de- 6 6 �t oC a VIo- P D latlon ot any provtatons o[ law � re- `,ceP�iw1 and tmposition, ssnd if satis- 1rsting to such �sale fiy such npP�irdnt. ��'fied as to thc truth oY anid� APPRca- Such Uond to be e�ecuted aa aurety �. Gon, aPEiquv(t and inventory, and� hY a bonQing or lvsurance compflny '«'ItH the sufttclency of said �6onA,. �, l:censed to� du hustness In the State �`av� �s to tbe good moral charncter'�� oP Ftorldn, Such bond ahall be tor oC tLe anPllcnnt, they may �direck the benefit ot any person tisho mny � tha Tns Collector to issue a ltcen�e sustuin nny lose ot dumage, and a¢- to said appllcanc for� tt„ pnrpose �1P qiartzln� any such pereoR austaluing� con:tucting sucii auct3un sats of saSd such loss or.damage,�to bring suit or � ProPertg. It, l�o�Veeer, said Tax�CGt- actlon In. any Court o[ competent '. lactor, upnn. his insn�ctlon��of the� jurisdlafion �o tecpver on satd bbnd. satd property, or upon tl�e insp¢.cEtqn Sec. 3. The npplicant sliall rny :- thereoP�ln his behal[ Uy t�w or wnre� � to tho Tnx Collector na n l(cenae� tor 1:censed je��•elers� 1s snt3sPied tpat tlie. P+'Mtinge ot selling such. property �the nppllca#lon and aP[tdarlt are at. piihlic. nuction the eum �o[ One true, and thlt tl�e. don�l is sutftcient, Tlidusflnd Dollars ($1,060.00), [or the r ni�d tt�at ttie appUcant Ie. oC �good duratlon ot salA snle, n•hlch ah¢Il. not moral clinracter,� lic muy lmmadla[ely escee�l flPteen (15)� dayd,. ¢nd .pro- upon pup�nent oE the sum ot $1,OQ0,00 vtded further, that no fractlonnl part ���issue a license to suid uppl:cant � oL euld llcense tar. nh&II �be� paid Sor ;���'lt}�out Ylll»g tlie snid apPllcafioL, 3 sale �o[ shorter du$atfon, ' aelldavlt aad im•entory wlth the� City �� � - ' Clerl:,. oR cartytng ou[ the� procedure (��. ouGineit. uUoee, � � � � ' Sec. G.\o license shall be.tssued to condnct a sale� at public avetfon -� ��, Yor a ipnger perlod tl�an flPteen days, I `" Sw�dq}�s anS ]esal hnlldnys escepted,, - and a 1'�eriod n[ nt Ieast slz tU) �� �, months must haye elapsed ¢fter tAe �, cauluaian o( atU• nnction sale con- . '�� Su�ted atfer tl�e enactmevt of Wis � O^dlnanCe 6efbre another license shall 17e iSSUeil ttl Ch0 SAme' ¢pplic0.11t, vr � tu ¢ny pthe3' pe1'SOn, ilrm Or COTporu- tioa. in,pri�•tty�n�lth� satd npplicunL Sec. G. No license sl�ntl -tie IssueQ .� und it sl�nll be vula�vPill � tor� aai3' •� pePsoll, finn or coCpnrntiort to Coh- duct . n. sale � at � pubqc avetion oC . sllumaids ar auy � othcr preeious ��oT � semi-precious .stones, �oP imitntions ' thereot, }vatcl�es, tlocks, Jewetry, qotd, � s11�rr nr .niuted n-urc, .c61na, gtas=- ,�vure, nr lcnq�ec guods, in tha City �; of Clrazwater Uet�ceen ffie hours ot Q:Oo P�. 11I., and &:W <1, .11.. Eee T. Ik ahall �ba uulawful for ! I anv person. flrm '�or corporatlon to � ` aell,. dispose ot pr.� plfer 2o eall. pr, � dispose af any dtamonds or ady . ; a t h e r preclous � or seni[-precious � stonea, or imitations thereoE, wetch- es, clocke, �jewelry, gold, ailver or pinted ware, �, chin¢, gtayg��.�� � leather� gooda� ot a. _� pla at pubilc � auetlon n•htch hnve not been Included . and qescr16e�1 in the inventory fl]ed �Yfth the apqllcntion Soe a licenae ..to Lold�� euch s¢le. . . ' Sec, 8, It �ahalt be� � uvinwful tor nny person, .fli7n oc.corporatlon,� to � . muke a printed. br oral statement. ��. concarniug .the antd yroNerty,.. ry1�(� �� ta the aubJect ai sucl� snle nt �ubtic nuction. It sucl� sGatement is faisel in�.nny p�.rttculnr, or has n tendency . � to mislead� nny pereov nresent qr tn � misrepresent tl�e qunlity, qnnntlty, � nharacter, candltlon, .vnlue or cost oP � � any _such sooUs,. warea;. �merchnndtsti or � other pezsona] proptrty �vhich Is eaUlect o"_.aucl� si�le ut puUltc ¢uctlpn, Sen..9. It si�ati 6e unlnyvfu4 for�any . � ��ner.=un, tlrm or cornc'rxdon to act ' or to cause nny oti�er� ➢ersou to� act �, ne a tiY'btdt7er, or NhnD �!e common- ki er� kat} nY suc4 ,aale ¢t °r � tiooat- P tlon or AnY placo Nherepubllc auc- sale shall �tske. �plgce or �toao feT o�r � '�n¢ka rtny Yaise bid . or � to pretond to � , bld foT or buy any . urticle eold �� or .� otfored Yor� enie nt nny auch auctlont � � or �fo� ¢ny eue directly .or� lad(rectly lu tha enlpioy oL tha porson, iirm'or � 6orporation to q•hom x licensa .Las�. i, been� Igsuod under U.a Ordinnnce to � bld tor or� buy svy AUch�. nPilcle. ; 10. II nny eac[lon oi xh18� �.nce, �or any yart tNerept,. ahall. ludged by any Cpurt of co�npe, urladletlon to he fnvaIId, such ent Ahail not atfcet, Lnpa(r or tate the remaindep oi• any oth- tlon or Dnrt hereo[, �hnd IC la r expreasly �dEcl¢red thut It le rtentlon uP the aald -0lty Com, m ot the. �Ity o[ CiearWatep to auch remNning portfone or sec- lieroo[ wlthout lncluding hareln 1nvnlid or uncoaetituttonal eec- OC poitloaa. 11,� Any peraoa, flrm or cor� sald yereon, Ilrm.or cor➢oratfon ahail tati to DaY the� Hceaee tas hereln required ahall conatitute a eeparate nnd dleUnet oLfenaE and ahall be� pun- Isliahlo sa auch, and Ukewiea any Derson, tlrm or corporstion ahall be � deemed to hqve violated � thla Ordi- nanca� by conductin6 aectlon esles� o[ eA1d pi'opeity at more �than one .locatlon wlthout oUtaining a seDarate ', Itcenac tor ench loCatfon, and ahall � he �pnnishable as tor a� separate and � distlncti otfenae tor eacfi and. �every lOc0.tion noC eepaTAtely�-licensed�. un- dcr the terms ot thls Ordinance. � Sec. 12. All Ordliiancea,. or parta ot Ord[nances in confllct LereNith �are hereby repeated. � " Sea 13. Thie Orfl(nanee ahail be- come o[tective immediately upon � Ita paseage and adoptton by the C�ty ��i Comm(ssfon� ot the City ot Ctearwa-. ��ter, F1oHda. � � Sec. 14. �Tfile Ordivance �6ha11 te '. publiahed as reqvired by law one SY)� �I day Sn. some aewspaper publtehed ln '-.�� the CUy ot ClearwaEer F7��rlda, wfth- �. fn llve (5) d¢ys after�Sta Pessase and �appioval by the 4layor-Commiselon- h er, and by poating n�. copy thereoL Po[ '� ten (l0) dzYs oa the Bulletla Board '. focated. a0 the Cify S3all, Clear�sater, � Flo[Ida. passed on Itnt readtng 12/18140, Passed on�. seconQ rearling Jl/2o740. Passed on tfilyd reading 11/2;/i0.. E. B. C�1 SLER JR. �fayor-Commisstaaer . ttest: � � � A � S. Frank Hamrick 1 City Auditor and Clerk . � ; p,a� o. ° . ' : ' ' . m 0 R�iINUTES OF 'IZ3E M�TING OF T� CITY COP.�,�ISSIONERS The City �ommissioners of the City oz C1ear�vater held a Spee�al Meeting in the City Hall at 7s30 o�clock P. M. Monday, November the 25th, 1940. Notice �vas served on all members of the Commission. The following members present. E. B. Casler, J'r. Mayor-Commissioner R..A. Dem�sey Herbert Grice R, B. Norton G. R. Seavy • Absent none I�2inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Anr. Demgsey, seconded by n4r. Seavy and un- � animously carried the ru:�.e be waived �.nd Ordinance 467 be passed on at second reading by title only. i'hoved by I�ir. Grice and seconded bp r2r. Dempsey and �nanimously carried Ordinance No. 467 be passed on its tliird and final reading. ;t�ioved by P.fir. Grice and seconded by Mr. Dempsey and un- animously carried the follotiving Resolution be adopted. There being no further business the meetin� was adjourned. Mayor-Commissioner Attestt City _�uditor-Clerk .r ,� � r � y �E. 0, CASLEfl, JH. . MAYOp �COMMIBBIONiN . . � R A. OEMPBEY GEOPOE P. fiEAVY � � HERBERT 6RICE' 9s - � CITY OF CLEARW�TER °°�M' '� p° ". e. "°"T°" i� F L. N�ENORIX �TY M�NA fi � � J, FflCNK HAMftICK � � CLEARWATER, FLORID�i �TY"�o�`��" ��Ea�� TP Aal�REH AN OLL6CTOfl �f � � � RALP C HICHAROS � . . ITY ATTORN6Y I. �. Navember 25, 1940 �, a °i Th�re will be a. specisl meeting of the City �� Co�nission taxtight at seven thirty at the y City He.l.l ior tY3e gurpose of determin3:ng the � procedure of the coming elertion" �i, 4'his notice was deliv�red to the follovcing Co�n.3ss�oners: � � � T3.me ai De13Qerg �� 2v�ayor E. B. Casler, Jr� ��� f , Mr. Rz A. Dempsey -{�`�'' i 1 D � �ajor George R. Seavy � "� �� p�� l�, N,r. Herbert Grice � �V'� ' � �������� i�"r. R. B. Norton `r Respe tfully submitte� h � �1 ,, � ( 4 � f • �� � I�� � � � �,, � �. �" ; � � RESOLUT'TON WI�EA.S at the regular municipal election to be held on December 17th, 1840, three members of the City Corsnnission v��ill be elected, two oi' whom V�ill serve regular two-�ear terms and �ne of v�thom will serve one year to complete the term made vacant by the resignation o� Comm:issionar C'eorge R. Seavy; and �;'LREAS the Citg Charter does not speci�ically pres- cribe the method of electing Commissieners in a case of this kind where two Com�nissione�s are to be elected for two-year mY terms and one Commissioner is to be elected for a one-year term; and V�REAS under Section 181 0� the C�arter tLe City Coimnission h:�s �:uthority to prescribe the nethod and mar�ner of holding all elections in thi.s City, and now finds it necessary to pass this resolution to cover the situation hereinabovP described; NO!� Tffi�E�'OR� BE IT RESOZ�TID 3Y � CIR'Y COl�i.�ISSI0A1 OF T_HE CITY OF CLEARWkTIl3, FLORI�A: 1�. That candidates for the office of Ci:ty Commissioner at the regular election to be held on December 17, 1940, shall not be required to indicate whether they are candidates for a two-year term or for a one-year term, • 2. That the two candidates for the �iiice of City Commissioner who shall receive the highest nnmber of votes � . et the general mu.nicipal elec�Gio� to be held on December I7th, 1940, shall be declared elected to tv�o-ye,ar terms on the Gom- mission, said terms to begin on the first I�;ionday i�. J'anuary, 1941, and end on the first P:fonday in January, 1943, and the csndid�te receiving the next largest number o� votes shall be declared elected to a one-year 'term �n the Coimnissir�n, said term to be�in on the �irst Nfonday zn J'anuary, 19•41, and end on the first nrionday in J'anuary, 1942. This k?esolution passed anP� adopted by the Gity Cnm- mission of the City of Clear�^�ater, Florida, on the 25th day of I�Sovember, 1940. Mayor--Co 'ssi er Attest• . �/ ��^.-�� 'tr �,uditor and C].erk � ORDINA'�N'CE N0. 467 :.N ORDTN�TdG�, REL �TING TO SAL�S �T PUt3LIC AUCTIt�N OF DIa^�ONDS OFt �;SY' OTu�.� PR'�'CI(JUS OR S,��I-�-'Py�IOUS �STO?�'�S, OR 1�,iITATl'ONS i1�R�0�', l'�IAT:C�S, CLOCIsS, J�'d�LRY, rOLD, SILVT��R OFt PL�TF.p 'ida'1RE � IJHIN? � GL.'�S^-u�'ii�RF, � OR LF'1�Tl��2 G00,�8 TO PRFU?�fi1'P F�2s�UD � DEC�TION .t3I��D CI�4TItdG AT SIIC.T'.. i„�L'''S= TO LI�T'�t� 'TH05E F+yNGAG�D I1�T �3UC�i Sr1ZiS, �ll FIX T�L'�: x��:4UNT OE TH.!: LI9�7SE TA� TO �E PyID FOR TF3E 1'k�IVTLEGE 'JI' CONDUCTTN�'x SUC�? S�I�'F'S; TO R��UIR� THOS.��' �NGAG�+'�,il" IN SUCE SnLrS TO � ILE aIv' taPPyICATIQN FOR LICIl�?SE ?'.TTH �FFID�VIT, B(�ND =�?D IIdVE?1TORY FO Th'� PRO- P�tTY PROPOSED 2'0 BE SOLD; .TO PROVIDy FOR �1V .��::I1�I?1TI01V t1F 'I'f� PRQP�2TY INViNTORI�D .;�� PROPOu�D TO I3� SOI�D; TO PP.Ol7IDE THy FROC�DUR� I�'OEi '+ IIdGS L+POPd �PP�IC�TION.`'� FOR SUC� LIC +�'ST' B��'OR'� i� C�TY CO.,'�:.ISSION OI' � CITY U�.i eL��-�R,''I�TM�L; T0 FIX Tfi� aITR�'F'ION OF �IIC�i S?�..:�,�5 �LT�t;1 TIi:+: HOUi�S Q= ^1F+ � D�Y DUF2ING jrI=IOH SUC�`i SF1L:�S 1��1Y B� COIVDUCTr�.D, AT`TD ZI+I,POSITSG 1: I'�I�TALTY FOR `i'fT� VIf�LATIQN Tf�s+,'REOF. �titiEREc�S sales at puUlic auction of diar.�onct or any other precious or semi-precious stones, ar imitations. thereof, watches, clacks, jetivelry, gold, silver or plated ware, china, �lassware, or lea'ther goods, afford peculiar opportunity to those engaged in such sale�s to impose u�on, defr<<ud 2:nd cheat tlie public because the public, genErally, is unskilled in the art of detexznining the �urity, c�uality of value of inerch�ndise of this character, and :'.I-�REAS the rapid sale of such articles at public auction, when purchasers must buy at a glance and largely upon the statements and representations of the auctioneer, an.d also under the stimulus and excitement oi competitivz bidding, e�goses many persons to deception and unscrupulous practices, TN�R�FORE, in the exercise of necessary regulatory police po�ver, and also in the exercise of the taxing gower vested in the City of Clearvcater in and by its Charter, 3E IT ORDpI1�F'D BY TH.� CT'1�`�i' COTtSt.TISSION OF Z� CITX OF CLE'.�R- N+?T�, �LORID�: Sec. l. This Ordinance shall apply to all sales at public auction of diamonds or any other pre- cious or semi-preczous stones, or imitations thereof, watches, cloeks, jetivelry, gold, silver or plated ware, china, glassware, or leather �,00ds, conducted in the City of Clearvrater, Florida, by any person, iirm o� c�rpor7tion, ancl it sha11. apply, regartiless of v��hether the 'goods an:d war�;s so ofiered for sale are in fact the property oi tliose offerin� them �or sale at public auction, or the nroperty oP others for ti°:hora the auetioneer acts as �gent. Provided, � 0 hov�ever,, tha� nothing c ontained in thi s Ordinance shall apply to ,juclicial 3al.es, or sales by any executors or administrators, nor �the sale by the holder of personal security under a con- tract alloti�rin� public sale in default oP payment of debt. SEc. 2. Be£ore any'person,, firm. or cornoration sha11 se11 or be angaged in the business af sell:ing diamonds, or any otYier precious o� semi-precious stones, or imitations thereof, w�tches, clocks, jewelr5r, golri, silver or plated ware, china, glassware; or leather goods, a� public auction, such perso�f Pirm or corporati�n shall file an application ���ith the City Tax Collector of the Cit,y of Cleard�ater, Florida, for a license, v�rhich applicatior_ sha11 be accorapanied by an a£fidavit stating all the �acts, relating all the reasor_s for and character of such sale, and including the st�tEmenfi, of the nanes �f the persons from v�hom the said pz•operty proposed to be sold was obtair_ed, the date of delivery to the person, firm or corp- oration aPplying for such license, and the place Eram wlzich said property was last t�keri or bought, and al� details necessary to exactly- locate and fully �.denti?y the said property, and shalZ further state that the applicant is oi goo� ?noral character. There shall be attached to the application a written s�vorn inventory shotvirg in detail the quality, q_uantity, kind or grade di the said property pro- posed to be solds and stating that no items or articles be- longing to any other person than the ap�licant are included in said inventory. The application shall be accompanied by a bond payable to the Governor of the State of Flori�a in the _ penal s�n of Twa TY�ousard Dollars (�2,00�,00), conditioned tha•t the a.pplicant shall pay all losses and dama.ges which may lawfully be claimed against the applicant, on account of �ny rsisrepreseni�ation of fact or belief or any material suppressing of facts made by the avplicant or caused to be �ade by �he applicant in the conduct of said sale concerning tYie saicl property offered at such sale, or any losses or damages which may gr�w out of a violation of any provisions o� law relating to such sale by such applicant. �uah bond to be executed as surety by a bonding or insuranc;e company licensed to do business zn the �tate of Florida. Such bond shall be for the benEfit of any person who may sustain any loss or dr�mage, and,authorizing any such person sustaining such loss qr damage, to.brin,� suit or action in any Cour� of