11/25/1940competent jur.isdic�ion to recover on said bond.
Sec. 3. The applicant sha11 pay to the Tsx Colle,etor
as a license for the privilege of sellin� suoh property at
gublic auation the sume oi One Thousand Doli.ars (�1,000.00),
for the duration of said sale, which sh�l1 not exoeed fifteen
(15) days, and protiided fw�ther, that na fractional part o�
said license t� ehall be p�sid for a sale o£ shorter duration.
Sec. 4. Upon the fiTing of su.ch application, affidavit,
inventory and bond, and upon the payment of the said sum of
�1,000.00 as required in �ection 5 hereof, the Tttx Collector
of the City of Cleartvater, Florido,, shall 'before issuing a
license to the applicant, either gersonally or by two or more
duly licensed jewelers, examine the said propert3� specified in
sai� inventory, which property is pr�posed to be sold durin.g
said auction sale, s�id inspection being for the purpose of�
determining ��rhether the saiel inventory clearly sets fnxth and
describes the property propesed to be sold, and whether the
allegations of the auplication and ai'�idavit relating to said
property are true, and shoulcl it appear izpon Such inspecti�n
and examination that such proposed sale of said property at
public auction will probably result in fraud, deceit or other
imposition upon the public, or �ould it otherwise appear to
the Tax Collector that the application, affidavit or inventory
is untrue tne sai d Tax Collector is authorized and directed to
_File��nith the Gity Clerk '�,he said apnlication, affidavit, bond,
inventory and his report and recor.snendations thereon, and the
Gity Clerk shall thereafter sutimit the same to the C�ty of .
Clearv�ater, �'lorida, and said City Commission of the City of
Clearv��ater shall thereupon either set a date for a hearing
upon said application. at a regular Cormnission meeting, or
refer the matter to an approPriate cos�ittee oi' Commission
members for a hearing upon said application. Provided, however,
that befare a hearing shall be held by either the Commission a�t
a regular meeting, or an appropriate committee thereoi, two
week's notice of the time and place of such hearing shall t�e
given by a publication of notice thereof in so�ae neti>>spaper o�
general circulation in the City of Clearrvater, Florzda, s�zid
not�ce to be published one time at leas�C two weeks prior to
the date of said hearing. Upon such hearing being held and
reported to the Commission at a�egular meeting the said
Commission shall �roaeed to a determination of whether nr not
the lieense for which application is made shoulcl be granted,
and the said City Commissiun is hereby authorizzd and empowers,
to refuse to grant said application if in the opinion of th�
members of said Cormnission such action is necessary to prevent
fraud and rleception being practiced upon the pu'�lic. I�, ho�v-
ever, the City Cammiesion, or a majority of a quorum thereofs
fincls that said sale will in their opinion bs so cor�duc�.ed as
to protect the public from fraud, deception and imposition,
and �,P satisfied as to thE truth•ef said application, a�fidavit
and inventory, and taith the sufficiency of said bond, and as ta
the go�d moral character of the applicant, they may direct the
Tax Collector to issue a license to said apnlicant for the pur-
pose of conducting such auction sale oi said proper�y. IP, how-
ever, said Tax Collector, upon,�is inspection o� the s�id pro-
perty, or upon the inspection thereof in his behalf by two or
more licensed jewelers, is satisfi2d that the application and
affidavit are true, and that the b��nd is sufficient, and that
the ap�nlicant is of good lnoral ch�r�cter, he may immediately
upon �aynent of the sum of �1,000.00 issue a license to said �
applicant, without filing the said application, a��'idavit and
inventor.y with the City ^�lerk, or carr�ing out tiie proeedure
outlined abo;re,
Sec. 5. No license shall be issued to conduct a sale
at public auction for a longer period than fifteen days, Sundays,
and legal holidays excepted� and a period of at least six (6)
months must have elapsed after the conclusion of any auction
sale cor_ducted after the enactment of this Ordinance beforo
another license sl�.all be issued to the same applicar�t, or to
any othe�• person, firm or corporation ir_ pr�vity v�rith said
See. 6. No license shall b3 issued and �t shall be un-
lawful for any person, firm or corpora.tion to con�uct a sale at
public auction of diamonds or any other precious or semi-precious
stones, or imitations thereof, watches, clocks, jewelry, gold,
silver or plated ware, chin�, glassware, or leather goods, in
the City of Clearwater betv�een the hours of 6 p 0:0 P,I��. , and 8: 00
A. M.
Sec. 7. It shall be unlat�vi'ul for any person, firm or
corporation to sell, dispose of or offer to se11 or dispose of
�.ny diamonds or 2.n�r other precious or semi-precious stanes, or
imitati�ns thereof, e,�atches, clocks, jewelry, gold, silver or
platea ware, cliina, glassware, or leather goods, et a sale at
publie auetion tivhich have not been included and described in
tha inventory filed with thQ application for a licen.se to hold.
such sale.
Sec. 9, It shall be unlawful for any person, fii�m or
c�rporation? to make a px•inted or oral statement concerning
the said property, wYiich is the suUject of such sale at public
auction, if such statement is false in an.y particulax, or has
a tendenby to miSlead any person presont or to misxepresent
the qualitf, quantity, character, condition, value or cost of
�ny such goods, wares, merchandise or other personal property
w�hich is subject of such sale at publie auctian.
Sec, 9. It shall be unla�vful for any person, firm or
corporation, to act or tq cause any other person to act as a
by-bidder, or i°�hat is cor�only known as a"capper" or "booster"
at any such s.�le at public auction or any place where any such
sale shall take place or to offer or ma��e any false bid or to
pretend to bid for or buy any article sold or offered f�r sale
at any such auction; or for a�y or.,e directly or indirectly in
the em�loy o`_' the person, rirm or corporation to whom a license
has been issued under the Ordinance to bid for or buy any such
' Sea. 1G. if any section of this Ordinance, or any part
thereof, shall be adaudged b;� any Court of competent jurisdiction
to be invalid, such judgment srall not affect, impair or in-
validate the remainder or any other section �r p�rt hereof, P.nd
it is zurther expressly declared that itis the intention of the
said City Commission of i;he City of Clear�vater to enact such
remainin� portions or se�tion hereof without includin� herein
sueh invalid or unconstitutional sections or portions.
Sece llo An;� person, iira� or corporation who shall
violate any of the provisions c"sf this Ordina�ce shall b� liable
to punisnment by a fine of' not exceeding Three Hundred and no/100
(�3Q0.00} Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding sixty
(80) days, or k,y both, such fine and imprisonment in the dis-
cretion o� the n�unicipal Judge, and each !ia� that said person,
firm or corporation sha11. fail to pay the license tax herein
required shall cons�itute a separate and distinct offense
and shall be punishable as such, and like�vise any �erson, firm
or corporation shall be deemed to have violated this Ordinance
by conductin� auction sales of said property at more than one
location without obtaining a separate license for each locaticn,
and shall be punishable as for a separate and distinct offense
for each and every location not separal;el� licensed under the
terms of this Ordinance.
�ec. 12. A�1 Ordinances, o;c parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Sec. 13. This Ordina�ce shall become effective
innnediately upon its pa3sage and adoption b� the City
Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floricia.
Sec. 14, This Ordinanee shall be published as re�
quired by law one (1) day in some newspa�er pub�ished in
the City of Clearwater, Florid�, within five (5) days �ftex
its passage �r.d approval by the IVlagor-Commissioner, and by
posting a copy thereof for ten (10) days on the 3ulletin
Boar�i located at the City Ha11, Cle,arwater, Fl rida.
Passed on iirst reacling � � /�p
Passed on seeond readin� l��j�'��f�
Passed on third reading // ' -�O
� 4�i
��ayor - o�nissioner
��:� � �l/�'�r"
�,Yty Auditor and Clerk
^' �' Published Dnily � �
Clenrn�ater, Pu�ellas Comity, Floridn.
GOWi TT Ol� PI�i*ELL�Sr �
Eefore tLe u„aerst6n�ea auYhorit�� personull�� npp�u�od Victor lI..�\iore:�n, �vho
on oath snys thnt he is the PuUlislier of the Cleyr�eater Sa..1, a. 3ui1�•� �no�vsluiper
gub]ished. at Clcar�yntec in Pinellas �Cam�ty, Florida;; tl�at tt�e nttncl�eti copy� of
adccrtlsement, beuie a ri . .QZ'.4.7.]a.AI1:C�. . �'i O. e . .�.$rI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .
...... .....................................,..............,........ in tLe mutfor uk
.. .. . . . . .s al � s. . at. .paa.hlic. . attc �.i ^n. . o:f. .d.i �unnnda . ar. . any. . . . .
........ othe.r..praciQus..ox.sem.i-pr.sai.�us..s.tane.s.........,..
in the .. ....................... ...................,..... Court, �vas published iu.
said nervs�iupec ilr tiUe issues of ...I`�pvsnibe�.�..2�3,..19.4Q .................
•Affiaut further sa�ys tt�at th@ stid �C:�arwater Sun is a�netvspaper� publisl�ed at
�Clearwa�4er, in said Pu�eIias. Cou:.ltg, Fiori�, an�l that the said nec;�spuper hf19
hei�etofore .been �cont'vniously pubIished in said� P3neltns Com�ty, I'loridn, each dny
:�nd 'nas been �entere3 us cecond elass nkzil ;rustter at tiie post office ui. Gle:utvater,
in said Pinellas Gomity, P'lorida, for �a �'aric�. of one ��ear nes� precedi.ng tlie Sirst'
�puLlication of the attached copy-� of a�lvei�tisement; :uacl affia:nt fnrther say�s thyt
he I�as neitHer paid nor i�rcmi�ed a�q• S�e:;son, flrm or corporntion :viy diseonnt,
rebate, conunission or refund for the pu� �ose �.of securLig tlus tulc�ertisentent for
nnblica.tion in tl�e sai�l ne�vspapen �--�-
�/'� �/� w
.... �.. ............
. . .... �'I"wr "'-'
�Sworn to� and suLscribed Uefore �
me tlii/s . � . day of .OV2 ,�l'f�„8I'..� A. D. 1�J4'.�.
// ��� %�. . .�. ......
�S�f..l.�S� �
_ ....1.4 . .. . _.�_�f� . .
�'•.. �) NotaiyPublic . . - - .. . .
��� ��,�
��� �
•. aicni��nriC ro aov
AN UI�.UIN\�c`1'; i2I I\C]\li Tn
5 �[ 1sF AT FPI31.tp 1l'G7lOY (1;l" �
11IANC7Ni)4 QR AAl OTll19[2 � �. �
PRI:�'1Q�S (?h Fliilil Fi?Tlt`lpFti ��
C'p (� N 1'.5, OR 311A-1'l'IONS .
TIlI P.1:OP. �\^ITCiIl S S`LUOG�, ..
JP\\ i'IiRI". �:(]l.11�.. 543.\'1:[t, OR
F 1 ��=T T„ ]� \\'AitC CIIlN.1., �
6LAESSCAItfI. llIt L7u\'CIdI4l{. �
., .,.,,., �,.t...�. �n i,tet.�SL . .
i anetton� �
les ¢ E uUl c
-I�R� tS • u t P
�z a
� aectoun
of dinmpnda or any othet 1
or sen �Fprecio�is xtanes, � or im(ta-
.t±ans there0f, \vatchex �clocl:s, jesv-�
etry, 60��+ gjl5�er or plated �Yare, .
bh[nn, glnssNare, or ]zu[her gwds, ��
alford pecUiiar OnpbP[nnity to. tli0se
:euanged Iu nnch su1Cs ro i,mnoae uPom, 1 I
nC tlle
�ublic Uecuuse. �
u s�d chc 1
defrn d
4tlte pulilic,. gevel'a113', 1s miskillCd rn
the urt oP detefmhiing Bie puidty,�
�� qUallty nl' valuC :Rl. met'c1taN�3iSe oC� �� !
.lils� chacuater, anQ �
� 'S�*I3i7RLAS tlie rnpld ea,le oP� sncl�� � a
�.'articlea nt pnbllc auction, w11e¢ pur
�� cl�nsers � nmst Uuy at u 61anCe a�� �
�Iargelg upon tLe stdtemencs and. ieP+ , ��
�resenlaUons nL the nucUoneer, an � � �
also '.mder tlie stimlilVs uAd-e,srite�� .
nxRnt b1' conl�ei!!iVa b�ddinq� .exUo_rs1
many�ber&ona to �ecaAflm� und un* -
� sCrupulLus prletiees, �
TIiERPI�ORI�, ln. tlie exci'eige. oE� �
n CeSs It•y ]•CgulaLOfy PO���B POR'Cl'.
and al.o In the excrclac of Uie Laoc-1 �
� mg Power viceteA In thc Cily oL
Clear�vater In and � bY Ils Charler.
S�a. 1. �Ttils Orp!
lo nli, nnlex nt publ
monda on nnY ptlxah
h�'cclnua. ntonoN,. nv
of, wntches, ciocicn.
vnr or pluterl wnro,
ac lenther Soods,�
(71ty of Claqtwntcr
exccutnrs nt• ndm�#�tatrntora,
etito Uy tha liol�er pf pereou
Ity undCr a conkruct nllowli
anla Cn detault oC ASSYmen�,
Sec, ^ Before any Pereon
coPl�prnt(on ehnll �aell or he
�� in��Utc buxinoas of eelling �
- ul• Any otllBl' proClo9A 01' befn
atonex. or :imltntiona tborea
ex, clocics,. jetvcltq^, .golQ,
plated wure, cl�[nn, glnsn�
'leaih9r�6oade, nk Puj�llC auci
pflraon, tirm or� cornoraUon
an. :aoPl�catton wltk Ihe
Collector for tha CItY ot CI
. . F�o,•Idn.. tor�a llcense. whlch
`, the
�, o[ ala- ��ir,c. A. T7{>an the tlitng ot auch �np-
op eem1- ,, paion�ton, :atYldp.vlt,. InvenWrF nnd
a there- �� 6ond, nnd upon thg payment os the
;old, eR�- � puld eum ot $1,006.00 a.s required ln
nnnwnre, � ���� Sectlau � 3 hereot, thc Tux Collector
1n the � of Lhe City �of �Cleurtivuter, k'lorldn,
bY '��IY shall hCLore laeu[nS a IlOense. to ��lho
.nn� tt . unP11c4nt, elthor pornoniQly or hy two
whethar pr mqro duty ltcenaed jewclera, exam-
Cred� Por !ne tho aul�i n�•operty apecifieQ ln entd
o[ thone in�mitm�y, � which nrnperty Js prp- �
hllc aaa � posoQ to be aold during eald uuctbn
hcrs tor snle, suid InsPeetlon' Leing for tba�
�s ago��C, purpnse of determining Whethnr the
Jng can- a xuld invpntory clearly eete [orth an4
ill .n�n1Y '� descrlbed the P�'onerty propoaed to
by any ba nold, ¢nd Nhether thp ullegatl�na
ppr tha � ot t,hc aPn��caGon nnd aEfldavtt re-
nl eecur- lndng Eo said ni'operty are true, nnd
�g Pu611c ��. . sliould lE apPear upon ench lnepectlon
ot dedt. " and exnminntion thnt evcrt. prnnosed
❑rtn oC� �" ��aufe of nttid ProPeCty Rt publlC aue-
eqga6ed l kimi wJtt probablY reaulE !p fr¢ud,
Ilamond� t dqceit or other 1mPosition upon tlie
.rreciounl �; PuU1fc, nr ahould lt othorwlae� apDeai
, wAtcli- � Cp the Tar. 'C011ector� that the appl(-
eilver or Y�cRtion uYfldnvtt or tnventory �Ss un-
vare, or ;��true �.he n¢Id Tax� Colteetor le au-
��lou, auch �'� ��thoria,e�l uncl dlrected � to flle ���wlth
nhall tlle , tFie C[ty �Cledi the sutd aPPllcntlon,
:ity �Tax ueflduylt, bond, invento�y ��ancl his re- �
earwaC�r, nort and recommendationa thereon,
aPPllep- r� F�.nQ tlio City� Clerk ahall thereelter
accompanted by an u[- . auhmit the same to the City Com-
• all the� factn, relattng miasian o[ the City ot Ciearwaer,
iy 1oC nnd cUaracter oL � i'�orlQn, �anil sald Clty Cnmmiaston
id Including the etate- � oC�tiie Ctty oE plearwu;ter shall chere-
names o[ the Dernone �Pon ei{her�set a date for� s hearins �
Che nald yroperty pcp- �POn .s�icl apP��caUon at a regular;
soid S�+ae oEtalned, �the ' � Commigslon� meeting, or refer �tho
:ry Co the PCC9o�� Llrnl matter to �.n appCOpi3ate Committee
i apP�1'1nq :for aUch 11- 'oL Comm7&siun mempers.3or� a heur-
3� p16Ce from whlch �eal� +ing �unon suta annllcatlon. � ProviSed,
]net taken. or bouglit, � °����o�vecur, that befoze tt hr.nring nl�all
le neceeaqry� to ezactly be�held hy elther the Commiaeion aL
ully ldentl_y dhe� n¢fd a regutar meetinq,� Or an approPria[e
ahsll. turther atate tt�at � -'. committee thereoP, iwo week�a � notlee
.fe ��o[ good moral chur- " ot the time and D1ace .o[ euch hear-
ehall 6e � attucried ��to ing eUall. be � given by a nublication
n a writfea awom 1n- � ol nottce iUereaC Sn 6ume neWapaDer
Ing.in 3etall the. qusl- '��,oL genexUL clrcuIution. in t6e City ot
kind or srado oi the � Cleur�ruter, Plorlda, said notice to
yroRoeed 'to be eold, �. Le .puhllshe�7 one time at leust tWo
hat no itema or artic�es ��weeks pripu to tiie date ot eaid hear-
any other Derdon tfian �- iug. �Un�n uuch liearing being held
are lncluded 1a ant� , an� �reported�tu the �Commisslan at
he ¢pnllcation ruhall he '', a reCular meeting . tiie� a¢id Cun7mla-
by s bond paya:ile tu r ston nhall nroceeQ to �a determ(na-
oE t.he Stato ut Florlda "tfon oL �tivhether or not the� llcxnae
�aum bf Tx•o 'Phouenr.<i � for zvlilqH anulicatfon Is made ahould
Io:00), conAitfoned thnt ��. be grtWLCd, and the said Clty Com-
elinll r�v.��� �oasea�snd ��� uiission Is hereby authorized and em-
`dnma6es which ',
clni e 1
m d u a nat th�
�eount of any mt
� tact or tielieE or �
Pi•essing oL Pac.s z
�cnnt or ea�sed to
flnPlie¢nt In the ec
.cpncerning t6o sai
�fully be� lio�veCs. to refusa ta grant actd ap-
lication fP 1n the o iuion oP he
it on ac-
A P t
tat�on o1 �11CIUbC1•� oE satd Commtssian avcl�
rial.sup- °� seUan ts nececearS� to pcevent frnud
the aDn1t- '. :md deception being Prncticed unon
e bY the the publia lf, however, ttie C(ty
salcl sate > �ommisston,. or a majority o[ a Ruor-
:y oftered � vm thereot, ilnds tliat suld sale will
at aucli s¢le, ar any losses or dam- �1u tUeir opinfon be� so�� conducted as
a c to r ect t� e
s which m¢� r n• o� ot h utilic From fraud de-
6 6 �t oC a VIo- P D
latlon ot any provtatons o[ law � re- `,ceP�iw1 and tmposition, ssnd if satis-
1rsting to such �sale fiy such npP�irdnt. ��'fied as to thc truth oY anid� APPRca-
Such Uond to be e�ecuted aa aurety �. Gon, aPEiquv(t and inventory, and�
hY a bonQing or lvsurance compflny '«'ItH the sufttclency of said �6onA,.
�, l:censed to� du hustness In the State �`av� �s to tbe good moral charncter'��
oP Ftorldn, Such bond ahall be tor oC tLe anPllcnnt, they may �direck
the benefit ot any person tisho mny � tha Tns Collector to issue a ltcen�e
sustuin nny lose ot dumage, and a¢- to said appllcanc for� tt„ pnrpose �1P
qiartzln� any such pereoR austaluing� con:tucting sucii auct3un sats of saSd
such loss or.damage,�to bring suit or � ProPertg. It, l�o�Veeer, said Tax�CGt-
actlon In. any Court o[ competent '. lactor, upnn. his insn�ctlon��of the�
jurisdlafion �o tecpver on satd bbnd. satd property, or upon tl�e insp¢.cEtqn
Sec. 3. The npplicant sliall rny :- thereoP�ln his behal[ Uy t�w or wnre� �
to tho Tnx Collector na n l(cenae� tor 1:censed je��•elers� 1s snt3sPied tpat
tlie. P+'Mtinge ot selling such. property �the nppllca#lon and aP[tdarlt are
at. piihlic. nuction the eum �o[ One true, and thlt tl�e. don�l is sutftcient,
Tlidusflnd Dollars ($1,060.00), [or the r ni�d tt�at ttie appUcant Ie. oC �good
duratlon ot salA snle, n•hlch ah¢Il. not moral clinracter,� lic muy lmmadla[ely
escee�l flPteen (15)� dayd,. ¢nd .pro- upon pup�nent oE the sum ot $1,OQ0,00
vtded further, that no fractlonnl part ���issue a license to suid uppl:cant �
oL euld llcense tar. nh&II �be� paid Sor ;���'lt}�out Ylll»g tlie snid apPllcafioL,
3 sale �o[ shorter du$atfon, ' aelldavlt aad im•entory wlth the� City
�� � - ' Clerl:,. oR cartytng ou[ the� procedure
(��. ouGineit. uUoee, � � � �
' Sec. G.\o license shall be.tssued
to condnct a sale� at public avetfon
-� ��, Yor a ipnger perlod tl�an flPteen days, I
`" Sw�dq}�s anS ]esal hnlldnys escepted,,
- and a 1'�eriod n[ nt Ieast slz tU) ��
�, months must haye elapsed ¢fter tAe
�, cauluaian o( atU• nnction sale con-
. '�� Su�ted atfer tl�e enactmevt of Wis
� O^dlnanCe 6efbre another license shall
17e iSSUeil ttl Ch0 SAme' ¢pplic0.11t, vr
� tu ¢ny pthe3' pe1'SOn, ilrm Or COTporu-
tioa. in,pri�•tty�n�lth� satd npplicunL
Sec. G. No license sl�ntl -tie IssueQ
.� und it sl�nll be vula�vPill � tor� aai3'
•� pePsoll, finn or coCpnrntiort to Coh-
duct . n. sale � at � pubqc avetion oC
. sllumaids ar auy � othcr preeious ��oT
� semi-precious .stones, �oP imitntions
' thereot, }vatcl�es, tlocks, Jewetry, qotd,
� s11�rr nr .niuted n-urc, .c61na, gtas=-
,�vure, nr lcnq�ec guods, in tha City
�; of Clrazwater Uet�ceen ffie hours ot
Q:Oo P�. 11I., and &:W <1, .11..
Eee T. Ik ahall �ba uulawful for
! I anv person. flrm '�or corporatlon to �
` aell,. dispose ot pr.� plfer 2o eall. pr, �
dispose af any dtamonds or ady
. ; a t h e r preclous � or seni[-precious
� stonea, or imitations thereoE, wetch-
es, clocke, �jewelry, gold, ailver or
pinted ware, �, chin¢, gtayg��.��
� leather� gooda� ot a. _� pla at pubilc �
auetlon n•htch hnve not been Included
. and qescr16e�1 in the inventory fl]ed
�Yfth the apqllcntion Soe a licenae
..to Lold�� euch s¢le. . .
' Sec, 8, It �ahalt be� � uvinwful tor
nny person, .fli7n oc.corporatlon,� to
� . muke a printed. br oral statement.
��. concarniug .the antd yroNerty,.. ry1�(� ��
ta the aubJect ai sucl� snle nt �ubtic
nuction. It sucl� sGatement is faisel
in�.nny p�.rttculnr, or has n tendency
. � to mislead� nny pereov nresent qr tn
� misrepresent tl�e qunlity, qnnntlty,
� nharacter, candltlon, .vnlue or cost oP �
� any _such sooUs,. warea;. �merchnndtsti
or � other pezsona] proptrty �vhich Is
eaUlect o"_.aucl� si�le ut puUltc ¢uctlpn,
Sen..9. It si�ati 6e unlnyvfu4 for�any
. � ��ner.=un, tlrm or cornc'rxdon to act
' or to cause nny oti�er� ➢ersou to� act
�, ne a tiY'btdt7er, or NhnD �!e common-
ki er� kat} nY suc4 ,aale ¢t °r � tiooat-
P tlon or AnY placo Nherepubllc auc-
sale shall �tske. �plgce or �toao feT o�r
� '�n¢ka rtny Yaise bid . or � to pretond to
� , bld foT or buy any . urticle eold �� or
.� otfored Yor� enie nt nny auch auctlont
� � or �fo� ¢ny eue directly .or� lad(rectly
lu tha enlpioy oL tha porson, iirm'or
� 6orporation to q•hom x licensa .Las�.
i, been� Igsuod under U.a Ordinnnce to �
bld tor or� buy svy AUch�. nPilcle. ;
10. II nny eac[lon oi xh18�
�.nce, �or any yart tNerept,. ahall.
ludged by any Cpurt of co�npe,
urladletlon to he fnvaIId, such
ent Ahail not atfcet, Lnpa(r or
tate the remaindep oi• any oth-
tlon or Dnrt hereo[, �hnd IC la
r expreasly �dEcl¢red thut It le
rtentlon uP the aald -0lty Com,
m ot the. �Ity o[ CiearWatep to
auch remNning portfone or sec-
lieroo[ wlthout lncluding hareln
1nvnlid or uncoaetituttonal eec-
OC poitloaa.
11,� Any peraoa, flrm or cor�
sald yereon, Ilrm.or cor➢oratfon ahail
tati to DaY the� Hceaee tas hereln
required ahall conatitute a eeparate
nnd dleUnet oLfenaE and ahall be� pun-
Isliahlo sa auch, and Ukewiea any
Derson, tlrm or corporstion ahall be �
deemed to hqve violated � thla Ordi-
nanca� by conductin6 aectlon esles�
o[ eA1d pi'opeity at more �than one
.locatlon wlthout oUtaining a seDarate
', Itcenac tor ench loCatfon, and ahall
� he �pnnishable as tor a� separate and
� distlncti otfenae tor eacfi and. �every
lOc0.tion noC eepaTAtely�-licensed�. un-
dcr the terms ot thls Ordinance.
� Sec. 12. All Ordliiancea,. or parta
ot Ord[nances in confllct LereNith
�are hereby repeated. �
" Sea 13. Thie Orfl(nanee ahail be-
come o[tective immediately upon � Ita
paseage and adoptton by the C�ty
��i Comm(ssfon� ot the City ot Ctearwa-.
��ter, F1oHda. �
� Sec. 14. �Tfile Ordivance �6ha11 te
'. publiahed as reqvired by law one SY)�
�I day Sn. some aewspaper publtehed ln
'-.�� the CUy ot ClearwaEer F7��rlda, wfth-
�. fn llve (5) d¢ys after�Sta Pessase and
�appioval by the 4layor-Commiselon-
h er, and by poating n�. copy thereoL Po[
'� ten (l0) dzYs oa the Bulletla Board
'. focated. a0 the Cify S3all, Clear�sater,
� Flo[Ida.
passed on Itnt readtng 12/18140,
Passed on�. seconQ rearling Jl/2o740.
Passed on tfilyd reading 11/2;/i0..
E. B. C�1 SLER JR.
. ttest: � � �
� S. Frank Hamrick
1 City Auditor and Clerk .
; p,a� o.
° . ' : ' ' .
The City �ommissioners of the City oz C1ear�vater held a
Spee�al Meeting in the City Hall at 7s30 o�clock P. M.
Monday, November the 25th, 1940. Notice �vas served on all
members of the Commission. The following members present.
E. B. Casler, J'r. Mayor-Commissioner
R..A. Dem�sey
Herbert Grice
R, B. Norton
G. R. Seavy •
Absent none
I�2inutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Moved by Anr. Demgsey, seconded by n4r. Seavy and un- �
animously carried the ru:�.e be waived �.nd Ordinance 467 be
passed on at second reading by title only. i'hoved by I�ir.
Grice and seconded bp r2r. Dempsey and �nanimously carried
Ordinance No. 467 be passed on its tliird and final reading.
;t�ioved by P.fir. Grice and seconded by Mr. Dempsey and un-
animously carried the follotiving Resolution be adopted.
There being no further business the meetin� was adjourned.
City _�uditor-Clerk
.r ,�
�E. 0, CASLEfl, JH. .
� HERBERT 6RICE' 9s - �
CITY OF CLEARW�TER °°�M' '� p° ". e. "°"T°" i�
�TY M�NA fi
� � J, FflCNK HAMftICK � �
CLEARWATER, FLORID�i �TY"�o�`��" ��Ea��
. . ITY ATTORN6Y I. �.
Navember 25, 1940
°i Th�re will be a. specisl meeting of the City ��
Co�nission taxtight at seven thirty at the y
City He.l.l ior tY3e gurpose of determin3:ng the �
procedure of the coming elertion" �i,
4'his notice was deliv�red to the follovcing
� � � T3.me ai De13Qerg ��
2v�ayor E. B. Casler, Jr� ���
f ,
Mr. Rz A. Dempsey -{�`�'' i 1
D �
�ajor George R. Seavy � "� ��
p�� l�,
N,r. Herbert Grice � �V'� '
� ��������
i�"r. R. B. Norton
Respe tfully submitte� h
� �1
,, � (
� f
• ��
� � � �,,
� �.
; �
WI�EA.S at the regular municipal election to be held
on December 17th, 1840, three members of the City Corsnnission
v��ill be elected, two oi' whom V�ill serve regular two-�ear terms
and �ne of v�thom will serve one year to complete the term made
vacant by the resignation o� Comm:issionar C'eorge R. Seavy; and
�;'LREAS the Citg Charter does not speci�ically pres-
cribe the method of electing Commissieners in a case of this
kind where two Com�nissione�s are to be elected for two-year
terms and one Commissioner is to be elected for a one-year
term; and
V�REAS under Section 181 0� the C�arter tLe City
Coimnission h:�s �:uthority to prescribe the nethod and mar�ner
of holding all elections in thi.s City, and now finds it
necessary to pass this resolution to cover the situation
hereinabovP described;
1�. That candidates for the office of Ci:ty Commissioner
at the regular election to be held on December 17, 1940, shall
not be required to indicate whether they are candidates for a
two-year term or for a one-year term,
• 2. That the two candidates for the �iiice of City
Commissioner who shall receive the highest nnmber of votes
� .
et the general mu.nicipal elec�Gio� to be held on December I7th,
1940, shall be declared elected to tv�o-ye,ar terms on the Gom-
mission, said terms to begin on the first I�;ionday i�. J'anuary,
1941, and end on the first P:fonday in January, 1943, and the
csndid�te receiving the next largest number o� votes shall
be declared elected to a one-year 'term �n the Coimnissir�n,
said term to be�in on the �irst Nfonday zn J'anuary, 19•41,
and end on the first nrionday in J'anuary, 1942.
This k?esolution passed anP� adopted by the Gity Cnm-
mission of the City of Clear�^�ater, Florida, on the 25th day
of I�Sovember, 1940.
Mayor--Co 'ssi er
. �/ ��^.-��
'tr �,uditor and C].erk
ORDINA'�N'CE N0. 467
OFt �;SY' OTu�.� PR'�'CI(JUS OR S,��I-�-'Py�IOUS �STO?�'�S, OR 1�,iITATl'ONS
i1�R�0�', l'�IAT:C�S, CLOCIsS, J�'d�LRY, rOLD, SILVT��R OFt PL�TF.p
'ida'1RE � IJHIN? � GL.'�S^-u�'ii�RF, � OR LF'1�Tl��2 G00,�8 TO PRFU?�fi1'P F�2s�UD �
DEC�TION .t3I��D CI�4TItdG AT SIIC.T'.. i„�L'''S= TO LI�T'�t� 'TH05E
F+yNGAG�D I1�T �3UC�i Sr1ZiS, �ll FIX T�L'�: x��:4UNT OE TH.!: LI9�7SE
B��'OR'� i� C�TY CO.,'�:.ISSION OI' � CITY U�.i eL��-�R,''I�TM�L; T0 FIX
Tfi� aITR�'F'ION OF �IIC�i S?�..:�,�5 �LT�t;1 TIi:+: HOUi�S Q= ^1F+ � D�Y DUF2ING
FOR `i'fT� VIf�LATIQN Tf�s+,'REOF.
�titiEREc�S sales at puUlic auction of diar.�onct
or any other precious or semi-precious stones, ar imitations.
thereof, watches, clacks, jetivelry, gold, silver or plated
ware, china, �lassware, or lea'ther goods, afford peculiar
opportunity to those engaged in such sale�s to impose u�on,
defr<<ud 2:nd cheat tlie public because the public, genErally,
is unskilled in the art of detexznining the �urity, c�uality
of value of inerch�ndise of this character, and
:'.I-�REAS the rapid sale of such articles
at public auction, when purchasers must buy at a glance
and largely upon the statements and representations of the
auctioneer, an.d also under the stimulus and excitement oi
competitivz bidding, e�goses many persons to deception and
unscrupulous practices,
TN�R�FORE, in the exercise of necessary
regulatory police po�ver, and also in the exercise of the
taxing gower vested in the City of Clearvcater in and by
its Charter,
N+?T�, �LORID�:
Sec. l. This Ordinance shall apply to
all sales at public auction of diamonds or any other pre-
cious or semi-preczous stones, or imitations thereof,
watches, cloeks, jetivelry, gold, silver or plated ware,
china, glassware, or leather �,00ds, conducted in the City
of Clearvrater, Florida, by any person, iirm o� c�rpor7tion,
ancl it sha11. apply, regartiless of v��hether the 'goods an:d
war�;s so ofiered for sale are in fact the property oi tliose
offerin� them �or sale at public auction, or the nroperty
oP others for ti°:hora the auetioneer acts as �gent. Provided,
hov�ever,, tha� nothing c ontained in thi s Ordinance shall apply
to ,juclicial 3al.es, or sales by any executors or administrators,
nor �the sale by the holder of personal security under a con-
tract alloti�rin� public sale in default oP payment of debt.
SEc. 2. Be£ore any'person,, firm. or cornoration sha11
se11 or be angaged in the business af sell:ing diamonds, or any
otYier precious o� semi-precious stones, or imitations thereof,
w�tches, clocks, jewelr5r, golri, silver or plated ware, china,
glassware; or leather goods, a� public auction, such perso�f
Pirm or corporati�n shall file an application ���ith the City
Tax Collector of the Cit,y of Cleard�ater, Florida, for a license,
v�rhich applicatior_ sha11 be accorapanied by an a£fidavit stating
all the �acts, relating all the reasor_s for and character of
such sale, and including the st�tEmenfi, of the nanes �f the
persons from v�hom the said pz•operty proposed to be sold was
obtair_ed, the date of delivery to the person, firm or corp-
oration aPplying for such license, and the place Eram wlzich
said property was last t�keri or bought, and al� details
necessary to exactly- locate and fully �.denti?y the said
property, and shalZ further state that the applicant is oi
goo� ?noral character. There shall be attached to the
application a written s�vorn inventory shotvirg in detail the
quality, q_uantity, kind or grade di the said property pro-
posed to be solds and stating that no items or articles be-
longing to any other person than the ap�licant are included
in said inventory. The application shall be accompanied by
a bond payable to the Governor of the State of Flori�a in the
_ penal s�n of Twa TY�ousard Dollars (�2,00�,00), conditioned
tha•t the a.pplicant shall pay all losses and dama.ges which
may lawfully be claimed against the applicant, on account of
�ny rsisrepreseni�ation of fact or belief or any material
suppressing of facts made by the avplicant or caused to be
�ade by �he applicant in the conduct of said sale concerning
tYie saicl property offered at such sale, or any losses or
damages which may gr�w out of a violation of any provisions
o� law relating to such sale by such applicant. �uah bond
to be executed as surety by a bonding or insuranc;e company
licensed to do business zn the �tate of Florida. Such bond
shall be for the benEfit of any person who may sustain any
loss or dr�mage, and,authorizing any such person sustaining
such loss qr damage, to.brin,� suit or action in any Cour� of