11/05/1940� � ti s NINUTES OF THE �;I ^'ETING OF TSE �'ITY COI1�,4IS�IONr�?S The City Conunzssioners of the City of Clearwater held a 5pecial Ii?eetin� in the City iiall at 7:45' 4:Iu:: .on.idozeriber the 5th, 1940, with Lhe followin� rnembers present. E.B.Casler, Jr. ?dlayor-Gormnissioner R.A.Dempsey Herbert Grice R,B.Norto� G.R.Seav� Absent none , The purpose o� the r,iEeting was to discuss the possibility of Securing R/l�l and opening up I�Iissouri ave through the. City limits of Clearrvater� and financing same. After considerable discussion it was decided by the Corn�Tuissioners to meet with the County Co�issioners, Tht:rsday norning November 7t�, at 10:00 Otclock to discuss the plans �vitli them: arid,..see_.if': s�r�2�, de��ivate plans could be worked 'out betw�e� the tv�o for iinancing this, pr.oject. There bein� no fur-ther business the meeting w�s,adjourned. / A�ayor�C 'ssione�' Attest % ���.� � r and C1erY. „�c� � �,� � ' �� . . _ :��. , , . , r� _ .,_,�,�,- , . , -� .,.,._ �,,;� ,�;.. ��, � �a � ,n . ��� . +�� � , E. 6. CASLER. Jx. . . . MAYOP CONMIs01�N6H� R,..�. OEMP6EY 6EORaE R. SEAVY � . CIT'X OF CLEARWFiTER HEROERT ORICE �E� j COpiMIec�ON6fle «..��d. NORTON s'� . F. L HENORI% .. 1 Y MAHA J. FRANK HAMRICK C:LEARWATER, FL�RIDA "` "°°, ""° "`"n TflEA P6 AN �. OLL[CToq . �f q�L� . RALPH RICHARp6 � � V„ � CITY�ATTOPNEY . � � d+� �; � � `J �t November 5� 1940 k" ���y' �' �'�'' �� �' �� �� ��_ "�here will be a special meeting of the City Commission � : tonigYit s.t `7: 45 � " �� � The notice of a special City Commission moeting was del3vere+d to the follo�ing Commiss3oners: If '; , ,j' ! :, ; � y m3.me of Deliver,y N:ajor �eorge R> �eavy ��o� N:r. Herbert Grice ��`� 1'Tr. 8. A. Dernpsey �/�� �� Mr. Re B. Norton j f; ,�j • � Respegtfully submittede � �� � �� , ; ; �t I I i I "� ' � � � w 0 � MINUTES 0�' THE I�,i_ y'TI�G OF 2Hr, CI`�Y COA��nTSS � �IdERS �'he City Commissionexs of the City of Glearwater held a Special rfieeting in the City Hall at 3;00 Otclock p.M Thursd�y P7ovember the 14th, 1940, Notice oP �he meeting had been '.'faived by the tl�ayor. and all Commissioners. ��tie following members present. E,BaC�sler, Jr. P�iayor-Commissioner R.A.Derilpsey Herbert �rice R.B.AToY'to11 r+. R. Seavy �bsent none The purpose of the meeting was to appoint an acting t:�ayor in the absence of r."ay�r Casler. �,Zoved by I��r. Seavg, sec�nded by tx. Dempsey, an,d. unanimouslg carried that ��tr, R.B,,Norton, act as T"ayor in the absence of �'layor Casler. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. F:�ayor-Gommissioner r�ttest �m.il.�i !/�,"'���'-�'7 x � ��s+���fi'�— f . ,.. , ..,� a �� �� I t �ic'� � � o • . � � T-SINtTTES OF TI� `'fEETING OF � CITX COA.'IIdISSION The City Commrssioners of the City of Glearwater met in regular session in the City Hall at 5:00 o'cloci� on the � evening of �lovember 18th, 1940, v��ith the followin� members present. E. B. Casler, Jr., P`ayor-Commissioner R. B. I�Torton G. R. �eavy xbsent R. �. Demnsey Herbert Grice �::inutes of the previous meetings tivere read znd apprcved, Gity it2anager reported that he had received qui� elsim deed from the property owners on west side of Osceola �7orth, from the north side of porperty now owned by� the Guli dil �orporation on the corner of Cleveland St.aad Osceola t1ve. to the south side of' E. I�. Coachman's property, known as Bay '3all, to a fifteen foot strip of land for the �urpose of tvidenin�; Osceola flvenue. Citp nttornev prese�ted �rdinance "o. 4fi7, an OR�It�9YTCE R'�LATING 'I'0 �ALFS AT PUBI,IC A7�CTION Qr DIAI+.iOi�TDS OR AI�TY OTF�R PPECIOUS OR ��kI-PR�'CIOUS STO�i?�'S, OR 1%:�IT�TIQTaS lI�REOF, 4'1f1TC�S, CLOCKS, J�3ELRY, C.OLD, uILV�R, OR PZ4T� ??J�Ry, CHINA= GLASSt-;ARE, c�R L�ATI�n GOC➢S TO '°R�s �...� T FRA.UD, DE- rEPTIOi'� A;`JL' GHEATNt G AT SUCF� SA1,E; TO L:LQ�TS� "PHOS� �`TGAG�D IN STJCH SALES AND FLK T:� 9:�IOT7P�T OT' TIi�,+` ZIC +'Tv'Sy TAX TO B�' , PATD �'OR TiiE PRIVI��'GF �F CONDUCTIivG SUCu SAI��'; TO RF�i�iRE Tfi05F E:7GAG�D IT� SUC� S�I,�S TO � IL �� A.'�T AP�?ZICATIOTv �'OtZ- I,IC�iSF l"v'ITH j�FFI17�.VTT, ��� A':vTD ITJV�ijTORY OF TI'.F PROP�..RT� I'RdPOSID � TO B� SOI,D; �.�0 PROVI�� 'i'i� rROCyJURF I'OR Ii�ARING T�FON 4PPLICATION FOR S'UCH LICII�TS�S BEFOR� TF� CITY COI�.2ISSIO�TEftS OF 7� CITY OF CLPAI2�^:AT�; TO FIX TFi� DURATIOL3 OF SUCH SAL� AND TF� HOIIRS OF TIi� DAY DIIRIATG ?'tFiICH SIICH S.4LES fiTAY BE COi3DIICT�, ;c�ND IT+I- ' POSSNG A PWNAL'I'V' �'OR TF� VIOLATIOIV THEt��OF. i.�oved b,v �,:r. I�orton, seconded by �4r. �eavy and esrried ` � d Ordinance No. 467 be passsd on its filst reading. , � .� - •, _ ' a• , � . , . . t:oved by I;�r. �eavy, seconded by t,i� .�Torton, and c;arriecl that �the transfer of p5,000.00 each on the 11/7/40 and 11%14/40 from the Ctas & Vr'ater �und �o the beneral fund be approved. There being no furtlier business the meetin� adjuurned. �� l�'/ "'� � � �ayor—Co issione.r Atte�t: City �uditor-Clerk