The City Commission of the City of Clearwatsr held
a Regular Is".eetin� in the City Ha11-at 8:00 o'clock on
the evening of August 19th, 1940, with the f'ollowing
laembers present:
R, A. De��sey
F�erbert Grice
R. B, Noi�on
G. R. Seavy
l�baent: E. B. Caslex, Jr. , r.Tayor-Co�nissioner
�oved Uy��r::.Dempsey, seconded by 2:r. 5eavy and
unanimously carried that �r, Griee act as A,a;�or in the
absence of t,Tayor Casler.
The Ci�y t,�torney administered the Oath of Offiee
to the new Coramissioner, 2.Tr. R, B, i?orton.
TJ:inutes of previous T�eetings vaere read and approved.
i,1r. Dick 'Zimn�erman appeared beiore the Cormnissioners
witk� reference to a lease oi' the airport. The Cit� Attorney
read the lease between the City of Clearwater anci tRr.
Zimmerman. isiQved by L:r, Seavy, seconded by Zur. Demnsey
and unanimously earried that the lease be executed=_
The�A torn�y presented Ordinance ,lumber 463,
rs�ulating�circulars;� pamnhlets et cetera in tlze City
of Cleartvater. t.Toved by P..r. Seavy, seconded by r:r. Demtisey
and unanir.�ousl� carried that the Ordinttnce be passed on its
first reading. Y::oved by Tir. �e�psey, seconded hy Tdr. Norton
and unanimously carried that the rules be waived and the
Ardinance be passed on its sec�nd readin�. r:oved by Iur.
Dempssy, seconded by ��r. �eavy and unanirnouslv carried th�t
the rules be further waived and the Orciinance be passed on
its third and final reading�
P�r. Chester Chalfant, represen:ting the Junior Chamber �
oi Co;unerce, askecl the Commissioner5 to adopt a reso�ution
tivith re�'erence to all business and �rofessional men wearing
sport shirts and sl.acks tlarough the su^uner months. L�oved
by T:ir. Seavy, seconded by �Tr. Plorton anil unanimousl� earried
that the Re�oiu�3;anbe adopted.
;�oved by �'r, Dempsey, secondeci by i�r. Seavy and
unanimously carried that 2�r. L'. C, ruandsville�s oTfer of
:� 20.00 in full settler�ent aS al1 City ta�es on Lots 27 �
t}�rou�h 31 inclusiye in Property af' r1. J. T:Zoo�e Subdivision j
and a; 70.00 on Lot 7 of Hillcrest �13dition be re�used:.
The City Attornev presantad Ordin�nee Pdumber 4�4,
OF CZ�:3R':�r1TII3. D:oved by �:Sr. Seavy, seconded by P.:r. DempSey
and unanimously carried that the Ordinanco be passed nii._
its first reading. �.Toved 'by T,.r. Seavy, �econded by �.Zr.
Dempsey and unanimously carrisd that the rules be wa3ved
and the Ordinance be passed on its second reaclin�. l,loved
bf r;:r. Dempsey, seconded by D;r. Seavy and unanimously
carried that the xules be further waived and the Ordinance
be passed on its third and final reading.
`?'klexe being _na furt�er bu: i�?ess, tlie r.iee•�in� tiras
(��-q. �.ayor-Corim � s�;inner
G ���:�2G1%�
L � _�uditor � nd (,lerk
i * �
� ;.
OF2DTi1At.C�,' i�N.."F3�R 4fi4
AI1 C�RDIT3�'sI?C� Ry �F�Lu1G ORDIT�1�asd��
�vTiT:�3� 462 OI' Ti:�; �ITY 0 r CL'.�"�.Rt'Jl�T.LIi..
By IT OFtDl�;I2T�D B`Z Tf� CI3'Y C0:7t;2�3I�t? OF '^I� Cl2'Y OF
CT��.�E'I�T'�R, �LOr�TDA:
That Ordinance ;Tum�er 462 0� the City of. Clearwater,
Plorida„ er_titled "A_n Oxdinance Amendin� Ordinance 2•To. 454
oi the City of Glearv�ater, Florida, Entitled �Axz 0rdinance
Pro�*idin� For �.nc1 �'ixin�; Th.e �aount of Cextain �ccupational,
�usiness and Professional Zicenses For the City o� Cleaxwate�,
F.lorida, and �"roviding a Penalty for Failure to Conply There-
w�tht ", be and the same is hereby repealed.
This Ordinance nassed and ado�ted by the City Co�ission
of the Cit� of Clearv�ater, �'lorida, on the 19th day of &uP;ust,
A, D, 1940.
:,;ayor-C orsmi ss i aner .
.ci�l� U �v..5 l/ . . .
�� �Gyrr//�/���rrn�
�ty �udi�or and Clerk
o�vzr� �Tcy r�.:��� �ss
OF Px.�F3�T�, CTRCUL,vRS; 1��V"� �TT>I.L�R
FFtIZdTa� �;�iTT�:� L5 `t'?:� CIT`.I UF FL���Tt;'iAT�R,
tli�'D FR?�� SCRIBI:`3G 1� FT:.I71"iLTY k'!)R T� VIQL�i"1'IOId
:'oT�F.AS, a lar�e nortion of' tho ���orld is en�a�ad in Vrar
at this time, �.nd it is necessary for the IInited Str�tes to do
everythin�; pasaible to protect itself in the even�t that it also
becor�es involved in �var; and
'�'�'�IE;R'^A5 recent events in Eurone have sl�or�vn th�t most �
sarious dama�z has beer_ sufi'ered Uy some nations,on account
of �aubversive element;� and so-called �'i�t� Column activities;
�.T�R��S paz�phlets, circulars, an�l o�her nrinted :�atter
i.s bein� distributed amon� tlie citia�x�s of �leartiv��tex by
certair_ �rgani��tions whos� loyalty to t11e IInited atates is
auestionable, particularl� thase 4�hose merabexs refuse to
salut� t�� fla�e ot' the U�itec?. States; anc�
r'y'�RE��� it �;s the earnest 3esixe o" the City of Clear-
water to cooperAte ti°�i�h the Fectersl Governme:at in anprehending
a_n;r and all sub�iersive elezaents K�ho seek to overthrow or
injure thp �overn�.ent of th3 United ,�tates of Alnerica;
I�TO'�,� �IL+R.�FOR�, �� I'�' QEL��It�.^'..'J FiY' `i'1' i�:' �:I^Y CO;.'�iISaIOS; QF
� nT�, 0^ ^,LEr.R; ,'�T:�, '_'+�,OFI��: .
1. T,hat frora and :after the passa�;e oi' this oxdinance
it shall be un1.a*^;fu1 for any person to distribute pannhlets,
cireulars, or otl�,er sirailar nrin�ed or ty?�e�^�rritten r,matter
ar3onf�; citizens of tlie Citf of �lear�vater without first securin�
a permit fror� the �hiei �P E'oliGe.
2. �e�'are issuin� any �ernsit under triis ordinance, the
Chief o�' rolice shall have the ri�ht to �a�e a fu11 and coinplete
investi�ation of tY,:e person or persons anplf�n� for a�aermi�.
m�e Ciiief ai ;E'olice si?�;:11 hc�.ve the ri�ht to finUer-?�rint such
a�rizcants ar..d to requixe ther� to �ub?7it a sti•rorn stateraerit
sha,�•in�, t�eir nlaces oi reuidence an� accupations �urin�; i,he
preceP�in;; �ten �e�r4; an� he shall Iiave tl�e ri�ut +o m� ke �.
full in.resti�ation of all such facts s�t�ted in ��zr,h s�aorn
statez;ient t�efore issuin^ �he perm:i:t.
3. :�n� nrrson vrro vi�lates un;� pf t.ie �ro�+ri �in�s o�
this or�ir!anee, �h�ll, upcn convictio+z there,of in tlxe .
''�nicin;�:l. Gc�urt ai the Cit�T of` Clear:r*�,t�r, be ;nz�?xuheci b*�
a fine not excee�.inr� ii�r� hundred dol]. ;rs (<'� �'r��. �jQ) , a� by
ir�nri�on.r±pnt *�ot e.�ceed;.n� Wi:� :�onths, or. r�f r�•th such fine
�nd ir:�prisoru.,cnt.
Pa�sed on. firs� xe�:,din� �/1�/4:0
�assed �n seconci rear�inG �; 1��'�'r0
�assed on ti�i.rcl xer��li� �/].�.�/4p
ii'�'�eS'�: ;i
; f uai or a� ��rz �.:;��o�w��,:��• saioner
,' ;
T:4I�IUT�"S 0�' i'L�E �,�'ETING QT' � CT�Z'Y COi;kZISSI0�1
T12e Cit,� Con�ission oi' the City o£ C1.e�trcva�er h�ld
� ipeciaZ i;,ee�i�� in the CitsT Iiall �t 12: 00 o T clocl� noon
on Au�ust 26, 19.4.0 in corlPliance t^rith the iollovrin�; nptice
vahich had. been :�erved on each �e:�ber of the Co;.�ission:
ku,�;ust 23, 1940
This is to certify that t�e notic� of a s�eciAl
Co;�ni,ssion �eetin� at 12:OQ noon at the City
x'a�l on I.onday, �su�ust ?6 will be held for the
�urpose of receivin� �Gender on aur bonds.
� . L; �-�1`ID�2TX
TYze follov�in� rse�bers VaPre pres�nt:
�. B. Ca:s7,er, �r., '_+:ayor-Commissioner
R. :i. Dem�sey
Ferbert rrrice
=�. 3�. I�or�on
t'�. I�. �eavy
.ibsent: _':one
�ioved by ;;r. Grice, seconded by ::r. Seav�,r and
unan�.rlously carrie� t�;at tilie folloWi.n� Git;r of �le�rt•rater
bonds Y�a �urchased:
Fro,m; _r-ar v�lue Rate Cash paid
Benjar�in :2ubin � '', 2,000.00 68.5 ,� 1,370.00
3,000.00 69.0 2,070.00
R. S. �icl�son �:. Co. ✓ 6,000.00 69,95 4,13'7.00
T.. .�lfi'red ^:ark 3,000.00 69.73 2,091.90
Lauis itessel. / 1,000.00 69.5 695.00
J'ohn T�uveen 8c Co. ✓ 5,OOQ.00 69,5 3,475.00
5,0OO.�Q 63.?5 �s,487.50
Gas Rc 3"Jater �ept. f 10,800. 00 70.00 7, 560, 00
�`;� 35 r f30�. 0� .�{� 2a, 946. 4Q
��ecruec3 in'terast on above to :�u�ust �6, I940 $Q,2�,
Tot�l cash pr�id x� 2�,026..fi8�
P4oved Uy .;r. �ers�s�y, seconded by i:r. Beav,y ��d
un�ni;7ously carriec� �hat tl�e I�Yorth.47 i'e�t 1 incU. oi the
':�est 90 :feet oi Lo� 3 bloc.� 5 0� Gould Pa ���ain;;'s wirst
r�ddi�ion be sold �o �'� �, slclrid{;e for �� 1, 750.00.
i':oved by i'".r. CTrice, seco��ed i�y �:r. :�ori,on sj�d,
�n�nz�:rousl� c.^rried tiiat t�e i�l1n`�in� i,esoZutio_n be
�• F{�SOLIITIOiJ OF TIiL' CZ'I`Y' CO;.a:TSSzt�Td O,,T+' T'r.."'."., CITY
�I' .r".�L*'i�vrrlT.�� i+2,0Et'�,�� RE;",',I`i"t�STZ.G e'�'�1 :�DDT'PICt?�f-
:al, I,O.u� r�SdD GEdIiN`1' IiT `I'�??a �UI;: 0�+' i�4,757.4f3 FFtOi.`I
��.t'�`.t9.., FDE T'tz'I.,+' CO;:�LETT(3I3 OF FEiOJ'EG`2' id�. I.lOfi-F
, ,
_ .__.._....�.. . .._ , _..' � �_
� -�1
�iiH�' ��:�, the Lbcaxsbach Construction, Qor.�pan;� has
instslled addxtion�l n�veiY!ent under Cantr�,ct 6, rla.
110G-r , and
?','f�'R��.S, the Cit�r of Glearwster �loes not ht�ve
the �.ecessary �'uncis to reir.11�urse the saic� contr�ctor
for �his �^�or2c,
r.- --... . � . � . . . . .
I.:O''1 `�EILR�`_�1�� F3� IT P�aOLU�D bf t}�e Ci��T �o:�iisaion
�'�-- oi' tlie City q�' �leas�+rate7r, i+'lorida, in speci�il meetin�
asseribled th.�t the City oi Clear�^a,ater, Flor�d��, na�lce
ix�zediate a�plication i�o ti�e Public '.:orlts .�driinistr�tion
�'ax a l0::,1� �?nci r;ra�nt in t�2e �ount o#' w� 4, 757. .48 i'or 1%h e
corra'nletion oi ;.'.t'J.A. 1'roject k�o. �'lae 110u-Ti'.
FASS�n x'�T� �'�C�PT�D by t�.e Cit�r Co_n�.is yion o�' tha
Cit� b� Clearva�ter, :loric�a; this 2�th d�_Ly of .�u�,tist,
:i, ;J. 19A:0.
. � � . . _ . � ...rc . /
;:'ayor omr�issi ner
���G �
G' � �.uditor an C� erk
""�ve�T b;� '_=xa '�e�.zps�y; seconded by ,"r. T�orton and
un�n,iYlousl;� caxried that the ne:�t �e�u13r iieetzn�s be
;�os��oned. �'�"'`� � y,'/,
Thar� Ueins; no iurt��>r bus��es�, the .:eeti:n^; ��;=�s
�d j ouz•n�d.
..f3,'r"QI' O 'r1iSS]F0;19�
. at'teSt:
.!�/ .�7 sl'��
C' y .'�udztor �n�l Cle.r,c