08/07/1940a 0 s a r.zzr,trrL� or � r�<��zztG o� �r� ezz� co;�:Tss?ois The Citg Co:�mission of the City of �%leaxwater held a ipecial t�:eetin� in the City Fiall at 6:30 P. T:�. on August 7, 1940 in ansvrer to �he �'ol].o�vin� noties which �vas delivered to each Commissior_er: �ugus t 7 , 1940 I Tr. Clearw�zter, �'lorida� Dear Sir: A special mee�in� o� the Gity Commission will be held at the City �ia11, 'J7ednesday, August 7th. , at 5:30 p. ra, far the purpose of cor_siderin� the resi,gnat? on of l7. Z'i. Peeler. Yours very tru1�, F. L. Fendrix, HLFi:m�vf CST'I i,'L�TkG�3 The following mer.�bers were prefient: E. �. Casler, Jr., f�Iayor-Gommissioner EZ. t1. �e�pse� Herbert Grice �1, L1. l�eeler G•. R, Seavy �bsent: Tdone l:r, Peeler t�resented ris resi�n.a�ion i� the �ity Commission. i.2oved by I,ir. Dera�sey, seconderi by Y�?r. Seavy ancl unani:nously carried that the resi�nation be acceptecl. There being no rur�her business, the meeting v�as adjourned. / I,:ayor-C m?nission r ��test: �f/ �'r�i/�- C' �T _�uditor and Glerk 4 s� � �� Ea��aac�� coNs��cT�orr col:mAr7� 520 5to�rall. Office Buildin� Tampa, Florida Attgust 7, 19�0 TtIr.F. L. Hendrix ' Cit3r T.Ianager City of Clearivater Clesrwater, Floxid,a Re; �'roject No. 1106-F. �ear Sir: In ref9renee to the balance due to us by the Cit3T of �learwatsr for work done in connection with the above praject and in reference to which a contro4ex'sy has arisoi:, u�1is is to advise t11at this matter can be settled in this mannPr: By the City securing from PIYA thQ sum of ?�475?.48 and paying this to us in addition to tlie principal amotznt due under the contract, the above sum to be accepted in full of all amounts due to us by the City of Gle�rtvater, including any interest tvhich may �ave accrued before payment of the EL1�04P St]IR. In the event the City is u.nable �o obtaizi the sum of ��",47.57.48 irom PV1A, then the City to pay us ssch cash as pos�ible to pay and to deliver to us a siifzicisnt amount of revenue certificates to malte up the sum.of �4757.48, �ogether `vith t�e principal amount due �nder th� contrace t esclusive of interest, �vhich principal amount referred to herein is to tie pai�. i� ca:``°,. If the City carries thrnu�h with the above a�reer,�ent there will be ��o furtlier claim made b3= us for any pavin�. or any other claim vahich �ve taay have for work done in connection. vvith this project. The Cit3r ls �o proreed in reference to this matter as diligently as possible in an ei'fort to consumate this transaction at a very early date, Of course, the �ity is to understand that sn the event the above� agreement is not carried throu�;h or consummated v�ithin a reason- able tine, or in the event the City faiis or re�uses to accept or con.sunmate the above agreement, then and in that event this letter'will be considered as null and voicl and wi11 be further considered as having been V�ritten and accepted by the Cit y of Clearwater ��rithaut prejudice to any ri�;hts or claims v�hich v�e �ay have for work which we nay have in reference to this matter. Yours ver;� truly, EBERSBACN COP1S'I'RUCTI011 C0. By (si�;nature) S. B. BRINSON S,. B, Brinson (Ori�,inal letter has foTlowi;�g �otation a.nd signatures: ) OK Fi. Grice signature) R. �. Denpsey �si�n�ture) �. B,,C�gler Jr. (signature) Gea. R. Seavy (s��natuxe) e _ 0 r ", ,, I:.IPN'aES Oi Tf� b:�"�`PII�G Or mFii, CZTy COT,�,�Si0Y7 The c:it3r Commission oi' tk�e City oi' Clearv�ater held a Spocial i;Zeetin� in the Ci'�y Nal1 at 5•�0 o"clock P. LTo on Au�ust 13�r, 7,940. ^_Iotzca of the .r:eetin� had bc;en Zvaived by all Commiss?oners and the foll.owin� members vaere pre s en�t : �, B. Casler, Jr. , f':a;ror-Commi�sio�er R. A. Dempsey Herrert Grice �� R, Seavy ' �bsent • I7one :.Toved by �,`r. Grice, seconcled by :.'r. DeMpse�r and unanizaously carried that tihe exroiration o� �he term,s uP raenbers of the 3arber's �aninin� Board be as iollo�vs: J::ember ��piration of Ter� Dennis �ettayv, President J'aauary l, 1941 Ralph Shatv, SecY�etar;� J"anuar,y 1, 1942 Ben �ut�on • January 1, 1943 i7o recorLmendations tv�re m2c3e for anpoint�ent of a successor to �.r. Peeler's unexpired term c,n the City �ommission, There bein� no further business, �he nieetin� vlas adjourned. / j T:'a�or oruaiss��— Attest: r ity �uditor and���'� � m Is � 2� 0 .j 1 ,� . ... . . .. . '1 . .. .. . . �� � .. . . / Y z:.uztt��� oF � T� 1.�E���� �� ��� cz�� cor�d2?uszorz TY!e Ci�y Cornmission oi' the �it3r oi' C�,earwater held a Speoial Tweet3n� in the Ci�3� FTal1 at 11:30 r1, I:. on August 14th, 1940. SSotice of the T.Zeetin� had been waiveci by the :�ayor and all �ommissioners. The fullo�rin� :�embers vrere pr�sent: E. B. Gasler, Jr. , I:ayor-Gorr,missioner , R. A. Dempsep Herbert Grice G, R. ae�vy �bsent: ��or�e S:oved b� :;�r. Grice, seconded bv T:;r. Seavy and unanimousZy carried that;Zir. R. B. �;orton be apnointed to serve as City Coramissioner for tre remainder oY t�.e �err•1 of "..:r. �"i. 577. Peeler, tivho resir�ned i'ra�a the Cor,miss:ion. T.:oved bf T:`_r. rsrice, seconded bp i;.r. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the oi'rer by i:rs. Caroline �. Tilley os' �� 1,400.00 �ayable � 7DO.U0 cash and r 700.Q0 in one year ;^ri.th in�erest at six perce7:t on the u�paid balance, i'or purchase of T�ots 9& 10 BlocY 2 0� i'_a;nolia Park Subdivision, be accepted. The Gity ;'ana�er read a le�cLer Zroxn �ick �i_i�nerzean �vith reference �o estaLlishing a.n aviation txai�ina school and asked for a lease on the airport at a fixed rate of :? 1, 0? per year; ;.ir, Zi�unerttan assu�ing responsibilitp of keEpin� the field z�. a�ood condition. Zer. Zimmerraan �^ras requested to meei� ��rit� the Commission at a�tegul�r rTeetin� fox iurt�.ex discussion. There bei�� no further business, the meeting tivas ad,j ourne d . ='ay -Cd ' sio�er ntteSt: ,� / - i C/���, ��'�.� 'ty �uditor and Cler�~ _ _ _ . , _. ' _ .. . . ,_ .,_. .....�_�__�i