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The Ciiy Go�nission oP the City oY Claarwater held
,� a Special Meeting in the City Hall at 12:00 nonn on Jv.].y
18th, 19�0. Notice of the Meetin� hafl been waived by the
Mayor and ell Commissioners. The following members were
E. B, Casler, Jr., Mayor-Commissioner
R. A. Dempsey
Herbert Grice
W. W, Peeler
G, R. Seavy
Absent: None
` ��Ir• S. �. Simmons, reprssenting t�e Gulf Oil Corporatio�,
presented an Agreement botween the City of �learwR�ter and the
Gulf Oil Corparation. A3oved bq Mr. Peeler, seconded by Il�r. .
Seavy and unanimousl� carried that the Agreement be eatered
into and adopted Uy the City.
There being no further business, the mzeting was
�ayor�� issione/�
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WHERE.4S the Gulf Oil Gorporation is the owner oP �ro-
perty located at the northwest interseution of Cleveland
Street and Osneola Auenue in the City of Cl�rarwater, Florida,
and has heretofore sacured a permit from the City of C1eax�-
water to orset a gasoline filli?1g station on sa3d proparty;
and .
1"JFIEk?EA5 two ornamen�al concrete pillars o�vned 'ny the
City of Clearwater are now located :in the parkway on either
side of Cleveland S�reet just west of Oscseola Avenue; and
WHERF.I�,S the pillar on the north side of Cleveland Street
is now located in such a positaon that it interferns with the
said plans of the Gulf Oil Gorporation to exect a filling
station, and it,� removal is desired l�y said cor*�oration; and
4VHEREAS the City oP Clearwater is wiliing to permit
the removal of said viT�.ars providing that they are both
removed in aceordance with the conditions hereinaiter stated
and repaaced•with new s'teel pil�ars,
NOW, THERErORE, This kgreement is here�y entered into
by and between the Gu1P Qi1 Corporation, hereinafter r�ferred
to as the Corporation, and the �its of �learwater, Florida,
hsreinaPter referred to as the City, as follows:
The Corporatic+n shall convey �o the City the Pollowing
described property, to-�rrit:
The �ast Pifteen Peet (15') of L,ot Three
(3) of Edward Mill's Subdivision, aceording
to the map nr �lat tY�ereof' as recorded in
PZat Book 9, page 36, of the public record.s
of Pinellas County, F].orida.
The fifteen foot strip above described will be used by the
City �or the purpose of widening Osceola Avanue along a
�ull length of one hundred �welve feet �112�) owned by the
Corporation. No Pin.ancial remuneration shall be Faid by
tho City to the Cor�oration for said conveyance.
In the w:i.dening oP Osceola Avenue as above stated, the
Corporati�n sha11 at its expense move the curb, gutttr� and
side�valk fifteen Peet (15') west of its present location,
and shall at its expense instal3 one or more concrete ramps
to provide access ta the filling station. The City shall.
at its expense pave the �iYteen Poot (1.5') strip to be
canveyed to the City as above provided.
•, ,
The present pillars are to be demolished and completely
removed; in lieu thereoP two new steel co�umns or monuments,
oP approximately the same height of the present pillars,
shall be installed an eithex side oP Cleveland S�treet adjacent
to the intersection oi' O�ceola Avenue. The Corporation shall
pay all e�enses in connection with the remowal of the preseat
pillars and the ereetion of the new steel columns. The columns
shall be erected in accordance with plans and specific�tions
now on �ile �rith the Gity Building Inspeator, the wbr2� of
ereating said solumns to be done under the supervision of
the City PRanager and the Building Inspector. The column on
the north side oY Clsveland Street will be placed in the
pedes�rian sa�ety zone as shown by the plans for the new
filling station to be erected by the Corporation, and the
other column shall be placed directiy across Cleveland S�reet
in a corresponding positiono The electric cables shall be
removed �rom the present columns wnen they are demolished,
and shall be placed in the interior of the netv steel columns.
The Corporation agrees that it will keep both of the
new steel col�mns properlp paiated at its own expense a.t
al.l timss, this obligation to eontinue as long as the said
�illing station at the north�vest corner oP Cleveland Street
and Osceola Avenue is operated by the Gulf Oil Carporation
or its agents, successors or assigns.
It is understood that the plans heretofore submitted
by the Corporat3on and approved by the Cxtg will have to be
amended and changed in some partieulars to take into eonsa.dsr-
ation the K*idening of Osceola Avenue as hereinabove provided.
The Gity agrees that the Corporation shall hav� the right to
make any changes in or amendments to its plans that are or
may become necessary because of the widening of Osceola Avenue.
IN WI'.I't�7ESS ��fiER.�OF the parties hereto have caused their
hands and seals to be sst'this day o� '=�� 1940.
Signed, �ealed and GIILF OIL CORPORATION
delivered in presence
.. _ _ _ . __. , . t . . .
(Agreem�nt with Gu1f 0il Corporation, oont�:nued�
Gity ARanager
Signed, sealed and '
delivered in �resence
Mayor Commias oner
City Auditor and lerk
Approved as to form and correctness:
ity Attorney.
_ _ �,
S.".II�?UT�S QF `�� 2:1E�'t'IITG 0^ TH: CI�'Y C(7L�i� :ION
The City Commisaion o� the Ci.ty p�' C1�Ar�vater nlet in
Re�,ular 5ess�on in the City Hall a� 8:OQ otclock on the
eveninc; af' �`�u�;ust 5th, 1940 v.ith tl2s follov�ing xaer�bers present:
�. B, Casler, Sr,, .T."�yor-Cor�isazoner
�?. A. I�umpsey
2ler�ert urice
i'�. 1'q. �eel�x
G. t�. Seavy
I�b s en� : Idone
i:inute� of the previous �eetin� tiaere rEad and a�proved.
A let�er �xo� weor�e F. Gillespie tend�;ri�g his resi;gnatian
from the �uilair_g Contractnr's lsaminin�, �oard �•aas read. T�.'oved
by i:�r. Dem�ssy, seccnded by i.r. �e�vy and unaniiaously carried
that the reai�natio� be aceentec3.
A le��er iro� �a::�r Sc Ulrer ��ith refer�nce io per4onal
ta�ces o� the �'�est �aast `r�o�el, was read. nfter d�.sc;ussion
the Corimission dacided noi to make anf reduetions in perso�al
PIoved by I.r, Uem�sey, secon�led by fii�, Seavy and unanimously
earried �hat i:r. �d, a. �'�hi,tsoas ofier of �� 325.00 in full settle
men� of all Ci�y� taxes and impxovexaent liens a�ainst T�ots 9& 10
'Slec'� 1? and I,ots `15 &c 16 B7,oc'_z G oi Hillcres �,� 2 be eccepted,
'�here bein� no �'urt�ier business the meeti�� i^�as a,djour�.ed,
� �
,..,�ayor-Coi�.is�� n�r .
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C ��uditor ana lerk
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The Gity Conimission of tho �it� of �lear���at��r held a
Special i�ee�in� in the City Hall at 11:00 a9clock A, ;;;. on
Au�ust Ftl�, 1940 t�ith the folla�,ving ?nembera present:
E. B. Gasler, J'r, , :.Tayor-zo�nzsszoner
:R• x. Uempsey
Herber� Grice
G. k, aeavy
Absent; N. vd. Feeler
�7otice of the meeting v�as Uraived by all Gorn.n.issioners
The purpose of the �eeting �svas to consic�er n:,r. �eeZer's
�esi�;nation from �,he City �om?:iission, but sine� I'r, �eeler
was not prevent and had not submitted the resigna�tion in
tvri�ing, the �eeti�g tivas adjourred until 5:30 in the afternoon
of �he same day. Q �
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C' " 4uditor and �Clerk