06/24/1940� � r .. . . . i rt . . . . . .. . .. . .. . , . . .. _ .. . . . .. . .... , , . . , , .. . . _ ',.. .,_.'�'l .� Lt "✓ i � i � . . � . � . � . . . . .�. � . . � � . . . . . . . � , . . � ' . l :JlINU!1'EB OF THE pdEETIRTG OP THE CTTY OOTvIrLI85I0N � � - The Clty Corn.miseion nP the Gity of Clearvrater held �, Specit�l IvIeeting in the City Hal1 �,t 8;C�0 o�clork on th� eve�ing of June 24th, 1��+0, vrith the iollowing membere preaent; � E. B. Casler, Jr., PQa,yor-Com�iesioner R, A. Dempsay Herbert Grice i G. R, Seavy , - ' Ab�ent,• �'�. W. peelar �� I�inutes of the previous maetir� rvere read a_nd approved. S•Rr. H, H. Daskin reque$ted that tne City turn over ta the Clearwa.ter Athletic Associati�n � 504.QQ of the � 1,00J.�J0 , previously eeked for conotructir�n of rrooden bleaohera on the ��� � nortn. eide of the footb�,ll field �,t Green Field; tne Associtttior_ to use � 2,0OO.�J� they norr have on hand in bui7.c�ing the bleachersa Tair. Haskin also aske�. the City i� treAt the material tivith the �--� ( gas t�;: and �a transport the material to tne' proper p],ace. He � � stated they r�oulri use local lab�r so far as possible in this �vork. Moved by Pyiro Gxice, seconded by �1qr. Seavy and unanimousl3T carried that Mr. Beskin's request 'be grar.ted. ;�Ir. John H�,r.na, representing th:e Demolays assed the Commisaion iY they Kould make a deea io then on Lot �+ �lack 3 of Av�ndale for the pur�ose o�' erecti:►g a club house. A�tsr di'�cussion the Oommission decided to �ive them �. leaee on this lot for �, period o� time and iiist�:ucte� the CitJ Attorney to draw such a lea:se that x*oul,d be acceptable to all co*�cerned. The City ISanager was ins��rucied to settle al.l delinquent � taxes and iinprover�ent Iiena outstana�n..� a�ainst any lots in � Breeze Iiill Subdivision far tre sum n� twent;�_; ive dollara per �.ot. The City Mana6er read the fo7.J.o�ving letter �rom Ra;ymond Lee, Cnr3,irman oi the Civi1 Service Bo�,rd: Jwle ll�h, 19�+0. ?�r. F. L. Her_drix City i!lanager, Cleartv�,ter, ' Florida. Dear I�Is. Hendrix: This is to u6.vise you that at_the r�quest of Police Chief Joe I,a Russe]:l the Civil Ser�1 ce 3oaxd on irI�.�r jlst, 1340, did g3vz a promotional exami�}ation to Ave�y iiouchard and Eddie Rodg�rs, Cless B Polzeeman. :�r. Houchard and Mr. Rodgers were successful ln pr�ss�ng �his ' e�aminatiarl a,nd are now elig�ible for tzPpointment to Urade ��A�� `' Policeman. '�his pxomotion, o� couree, is con�in�en�t on the , City Commiss3on raising ?Jtr. Houchard►s anc� PJir. Roa�ers salary to t}�e �cale paid Gr�,de '�A�� men> ! Truating that you wil.l act favorably on tb.ie �romouion, if possible, . 2 remairi, � - ; Ver.y txul.y youxs, � 0. RAYf;�OND LEE ; Ch�,�rm�n of the Bosrd . E � . . . . . . e o. rnr n rs M�. M16LIONLR R' A, O[MPSEY It-S� AEsi� . HENDERT GRICE W.�W. PEELER �� � - _ , �� � ���� �a r.��,� .wMissloH[ns. GEORGF R. SEAVY �`/ N'��LPI R �� l�il�1 F.. L HEN��NA% . `� . . �V4�. liv N��E(1. '� � � J. FRANK �HAMRICK � ITY�� TOft �A � � �LEAF�v'v`A'i�i.R, F;�ORII�A T^°^y°^ ^ ���E"°a FALI�H RICHTT PN � � � c1iY �w .O EV Ju�ee 24, 1940 i � Letters st�ting t3sat a special moe�3ng of t�ie City Qo�3ss3on vrould be hAld at eight ofclock at the City ffall, June 24, 1944 were delivered to the following: Time �eli�rered 1lfayar �. B. CasZer, Jrz � �...'�. �iajor George Sgavy l �?�1�� 1'3r. Herbert Grice ' , IyIr. R'� Ae Dempsey ��s %I / � r:�j . � I � �� � � . . . . . ��i,F_�_ Respectful.ly $ubmitted, � '� � �"'` ��� ,, '��� � � F���k�, �. �"�'� l���,t" 6 "" I,etters sent, Gev. Seavy Herbert Griae R. A. Dempsey � � (.h,l� . . . , :7u�� 2�� 1��0 � i;'fi�'oi' E, �•., C£i83.t-e�, 5?''.• �Ze�:rsraicery FTc*�ids Bear .'rtyttr Ca�1a?�, . T�ere rv311 bo a s�c�ez.�l �ee�i�; o�' thc� ' - niiy Ccr�rnisaio�a�s toni�� et o��.� os cioc� �.� �he Git;� F�11 far �rse ; ptt�pns.� a� ec��s�.d'er3n� us�9:ra�.shed • bz:sino�s anci su�Y± oiner i�.s3ness tha� " 3'L£1� COTl:O BQ�QZ'� '�;",`_�Q 3�"fBf3'�:�.i'1�* . - � "'?`csur;; ver� i;s°ti3.�y ' _ � T+'. L. �"e��� �`z?'��' L.�lYl�l�e�' r s ■ i , , ,� I�oved by i�r. Dempsey, seconded by IvIr. Seavy �,nd tul�uiimoualy carried that �Ir< Houohard and :�dr. Ro�Sers be proreoted to Grsd,e �iA° Policemar_ and their salsry be x��i�ed to G�a.de "A�� Polic�m.an. The City Manager gave a, ver3* favorable report on his trip to ;'�'ashin�ton with reference �o the aompletion of t11e Sanit�ry 8e�ver 3ystem. Moved by l�r. Gric,e, seconded by IvIr. Dempsey and ' `., ',, ,� unanimously carried that the following Resolution be adop�Gedi�s � `��. RES OLIITS OIJ' `� �� , 4YHF�iEAS the �ity of Clearwater recog�i�as ti�e fact that a n�tional emerger_cy exists and that i� may become nec�essary for some oP our you�g men ta acaept government ' employment in defenss of our nation and to preserve democracy; and WHF�E_9,S auy e�mployQe of the City of Clearwa�tar who acc�pta service for his country and for denrocracy ie ' entitled to �11 the honor an,3 pro�aetion �hat can be given him; � NOTN, T�REFORE, BE IT RESOZVED BY '�fiE CTTY COh�2ISSI0N OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATT��'t, FLORIAA: Z'hat whensver any emplo�ee of the City of Claarwate� Teaves the emplo� of the Gity ior the purposa of �ccepting service in dafense oP our nation or the preservation o� democracy, Said employee shall be re�employad by tile City upon the termination oP the natio:�al emergency; and it is hereby declared to be the pol3cy oi the City oP Clearwater that any such employee shall be re-employed in the same position, or a better position, and at�he same salary, or a better salary, when the national emergency is ended an�i re-empl�yment is requested by said emplayee:: This �esolution passed and adopted Y�y the City -0ommission of the City oi' �learwater, Fl,crida, this 24th day oP June, 1940. �G�'" ��l' � ---- l�� y� 6�—� I�Zayor-Commissioner Attest• � —/ I. . � V / � ��,�� C y Auditor and Cler�s�� �%"""'l . ' `� I �foved by i�r. Seavy, seconded by �Ir. Grice and unanimously carried that the following I�eaol.utior. be adopted' R`ESOLIITI ON Wf�RREA,S the City oY Clegrwater has been r'a�uested by the owners of all lots abutting the alley hereinafter described to vacate said alley; and V�REA.S it is the opinion of the City Commiission that said alley is not needed �'or use by the genera]. public oE the City of ClearWater, and serves no useful purposes; NOVd, TfIERg'ORE, �3E IT RESOLVEG BY THE CITY COMNfISSION 0_Tt' THE CITY OF GLEARWATERi FLORIDA, Tha� the slley rtlnni.ng through the eastern portion of Block Two (2)) of Wa1Z�ce's Addition, said all'ey running from the Atlantic Coast Line Rail Road right-of-way on the e�.st to the north and south alley on the west, and abutting Zots One (1), Two (2), Tl�xee (3), Eight (8), Nine (3), and Ten (10) i� sai� Block, be and thE same is hereby closed. This Resolution passad and adopte3 by the City CAmmission oP the Citg of Clearv��ater, Florida, at its meeting on tne 24th day oi June, A. D., 1940. / • n2ayos ommiss oner �ttest: y i � �' r/�"/ r /�,- f���JZ�/J C' y Auditor and Clerk� , There being no further business, the meeting was adjour.ned. � Mayox ' mmissio r Atteste � �i�G?�-�1/ .,� /�%�'y�-�j 'ty Auditor and Clerk I ; . . . . , ! � . . . i � .i F:ir. P�ul Johnsor_t represen�3�n� I.ixs. PTi�holsoxzy askod the Conm?.ssion i.f the� had r�ade aily c�eciaion �s �o pa�,�in�; T.;rs. i�:icholso� �r_y compensat;ion. After discus�ion, moved by P;r. Seav� , seconded b� �:Kr. Demnse� and tuzail3.n�ously carried that medical e�penses r_ot exceed•�ng $;� 75.00 ar�d tre sum oi' 4� 4�,.Q0 per manth for not riorA thar_ �hree months Ue paid. TY�,ere b�ing no iilrther bus�.nesR, the meetin� vras adjourned. 9c ir� P, agar-Co � sg on.er Attest; � 1� �. �Y��i� C� �iu i��ar �t ��Te�� 1 e � � ` � ' � � � n2INUTES OF Tfi� PrfEyTING OF TE� CITY COT��ISSION The City Commission oP the Cit;� of �learv�atez�, Florida, held a Special Called P.4eetin� in the City Hall at 12s00 o'ciock noon en Saturday J'une 29th, 1940, pursuan�t to the following notico which had been serued on th,;+ Mayor and each Commiesioner. � June 26, 1940a There wi11 be a special meeting of the City Commission , Saturday, J'une 29, at noon at the City Hall. Respectfully submitted F'. L. I�TDRIX Ci{;y r;tanager The followin� City Com.nissioners were present: . Ro A. Dempse� Herbe�t Grice G. R. Seavy Absent: �. B. Casler, Jr,, Pdayor-Coiemissioner W. lN. Peeler • Moved by IvIr, Dempsey, sec�nded by Mr. Seavy and carried that Pdr. Gri,ce serve as Acting �.Zayor 3uring th e absence of I�Zr. Caslera The City L+Iayager opened tenders on City o� Clearwater bonds. Aft,sr tabulating the tenders, �Toved by ��r� Dempse�, seconded by b7r. Seavy and un.animously carried that the following bonds be pui°chasedc � T�vo � 1,OOG.00 5eries t1 bonds numUered 2435 and 2436 at 61. from Union Trust Company as .9genus Por the 'Estate oP J'ose- phise_Leffier; �total cash,paici � 1,2200:00 by check � T137}. � ' Five � 1,000,C�0 Refunding 2�5s 1966 at 65 3/4 and interest from John IQuveen and Ccmpany; (total anount oi Bonds uttrchased ,� 3,287e 50, plus interest ?� 1..94, or a total of �p ;i�89.44 paid by check � 1139)� Twenty-three � 1,000.00 coupon �onds, Series A numberss I847/64 incl. 1123/�27 incl., and Registered Bonds Series B Numbers: 940-,�p 180.00� 1022 & 1023-� 50,00 each, Seri�es C Number 888-� 130.U0; m 731/735 incl.-� 50.-00 each; Total'amount Qf Bonds purchased: � 23,660 � 70. Cash paid ��,c 16,562a00 3y �heck � 11a0 to the Gas and Water Fund of the City of Clearwater. Coupon Bonds: Series A� 1128 C� � 1,000.00; Series A � 726/729 incl. �� i,000,00 eac�s-� 4,000.00; Reg3stered Bonds: �,Y Series B��09-� 65�00; Series C� 830-��'' 20.00; Series B# 19- � 20 & 21 C� � 50.00 eaeh-� 150.00; Coupox2 Bond Series �� 473-- � 300.00; Total amouni, of Bonds purchased: � 5,535,00 @ fi0, �ash paid �p 3,8.74. 5(� .b;� check � 1141 to the G$s ana wat�r Fu�a of the City of Clearwater. ,�� There being no further business the meeting adjourned ��� P�.�ayor-Commissioner , •,� �,/ ' ` � �,t�l�iq�v'n-�'�d/f Att/� ( � /