06/10/1940 (2)� tha�G �vhen sucL- intez�rup�ion of aerviae h�1s been coir�c'ted, t2ie Company shali have tha ri�ht tn roaanneot its aervice to the circuits supplyin� tihe wa�er pum�in� stati,ons and gas p1�nt, and the Pr,unicipality will ir.�mediately rosiune �taking service from the Company. VI. I�G is iurther co�enanted and agreed thr�t �l�.e Company shall not be lieble for damage ox injur3T to persoa.s or propert�r arisin�;, -occurring oi resultisg in the recej,vin�f use or application af electric ener�;y ar operation of rnachinery or equi,�ment on the Piun3cipality's s3de of thc points of delivery (excapt as hereinafter provided �n the miscoizduct or ne�ligence on the part of the Company in the operation and maintenance oi averh,ead street li�hting system), and the �unicipality shall not be liable for�anage or injury to persons or property arising, o�curring or resulting in the construction, mair_tenance and operation oi the Conpan�'s lines and equipment on �he Companyps side of tue points of delivery; �n d the Company and the T:unicipality shall holcl and saVe each other harmless against such loss or damage sustained on their respeetive sides of the points of delivery. VII. It is i'Lrther covenanted and agreed that the 11�iunici- pality at any reasonable time, upon notice to the Co�nany, shall have the ri�ht in the presence of an of:ficer, agent or designated emp7_oyee ef the Company to read and checic the Qompany's meters and�b•r meteri�g equipment, should it so desire, anLL �hould there be' any disagreement as to the correctness of readings and/or accuraoy of said meters cr metering equipn�.ent, the parties here- to shall jointly test said meters, but it is hereby a�reed that the said meters and/or metering equirmen� shall. be considered ti+�ithin the -�er cent avera�e accuracy provided calibration is within two per centum (2 0) of accuracy. " Should the r�eters be beqond the said. ran�e of accuracy, an adjustment shal]. be made based on the average of the three months' consumption immed- iately priar to the period in queation, but no adjustment ghall extend over a periQd of more than three months. VIII. It is furthQr covenanted ana agreed that inasrnuch as the Co�:_�any owr_s the existing overhead st�eet Tighting system ancl equipment and the rlunicipality owns the existing ornamental post street lightin� system, the rate for energy hexein stipulated � - , � sha11 include the maintenance by the Company, at its cost and expense, of the said overhead street li�hting system and ' equ3.pment and repl.acement of larrm bul.bs in its ov� system and and in that of the Niunicipality, p.rovi3ed, however, that lamP buZbs mr�liciously and willful7.y broken by unknown persons shall be paid f or by the iSunicipality at coat pxice; and it is further understood and agreed �hat upog wra,;;ten request of the P�unicipality the Compan.y will maintain the ornamental �ost stree� l�.ghtin� system of the ZvT�unicipaiit� now existing, or such additions a s hereafter nay be installed by the r�Iunic3gality, on a basi3 of cost plus ten per cent (10;�), It is furthex a�reed that the 2�2�nicipality ressrves the righ� to speclfg the candle poiver of lamps to be used and to regulate the hours of burning of said street lighting systems, IX. Tt is further coven2.ntecl and agreed that upon season- able notice from the �.iunicipality, in writing, the Gompany s�ill transfer any lamp installation in the overhead street lighting syster� now existing or as hereafter may b� added, and instalZ tb.e sane in any other locati�n in the existing system, provided, however, that the T?unicinality tivill v,rithin �hirrt;y days aiter the corapletion of the transfer and re-install- ation of said lam.p or lamps, reimburse the Company for the actual cost, irtcludir� transfer and re-installation of poles, erossarms, wires and fi-stures. The Company further agrees that, upon written notice from the I.iunicipality, it ivill install additional lamp or lamps to existing qverhead street lighting system, providefl, hovaever, that it shall nnt be required to extend its lines, change its ci.rcuits or install any poles for the addition of any said i.amp or lamps. The Company, hotvever, agr'ees that uPon written request from the T;:unicipality Por additions to the overhead street lighting system re�uiring the extens�on 01,' its wires and/or i;he addition of poles, the Gompany, upon receipt of such notice, will make estimate of the cost so that the Compa��y and the i�funicipality may consider and agree upon the alloeation of said cost between tl�e Company and the 2�iunicipality; the Company, ho�rever, agrees in estiTnatino said cost to a11o�v 300 feet of circuit (conductors and i�sulators on1j�) without cost to the P'unicipality far each additional larsp installed, and any cost �'or addit;ional�oles paid for by the T'unicipality shFall be refunded to the Z�<<unicipality when such poles r�re used fox commarcial circuits. � � t � � � ��>• � � / �.... _ _ _ � � i � � It is further a�a eed tlzat the GanipanU 4vi11 usa all . reasqnable care and d�,li�enae to pr�vide tiie I.Iunicipality witli an unintexia::vted supply af elaotric enax�y Wlien i� is renuired by the Irunicipality, but it will not be responsible for interr�;�ted service vthich may occur frar.i time to tirue on accoun.t of dama�e to any port�ion of its r�acliinery ox equipment, and if service shall Ue defective or be in�Gerrupted or fail 'ny reason of acts of God, or by the acts o� persons or cixoumstan- ces over which the Co�pan;� has no control, or by any emeg�r- gencies in ti^�liich the Company may be compeli�a to act i;o prevent injuries to lifey person ar property, except upon �viilfull default of the Campany, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or d�Taage resulting th�refrom, but in the event the supply a� energy �hall be interrupted, the Gompany vaill exercise al1 reasonable diligence to remove the c�use of interruntion fro� v��hatever source and to resume the normal sunply of energy as quic�l.y as pc�sible. XI . Zt is further covenanted and agreed that the Company shall assume all liability for damage or personal injury catused by its negligence in cons'Gruction, oAeration and maintenance of said �verhead street lighting system, but the Company shall not be liable to any inhaUitant of the 2,�unici�ality or to any other person, firra or corporation, ior any claim, demand, loss or damage of whatsoever nature or c�aracter due to or arising out of any failure or interruption oP lighting service hereunder; that nothi��; ir_ this agreement expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or give to any inhabitant or citizen of the I,Funicipality or to any person, firm or corporation ather than tl�e parties hereto, any ri�ht, remedy or claim r�nder or by reason of this a�reement or any covenant, condition or stipulation hereof; and tY:at all covena.nts, �tipulations, pramises and a�reements in this agreement contained for or on behalf o� the Company sha'l1 be for �bhe _ benefit-.�f t;he narties::hereto. , "�, - -. � � �. •� 1 � . . � . � 1�IZ � .. , . . It is further agreed that if bp any lawful authority, F�deral, Stabe or P.4unicipal, there shall be imposed upon t}�e Company any KVIH generation, sales ta� rpr grass r�eve�ue ta�, in ad�iition ta those now in effect, which shall increase the Campany's cost ot servin� the I:;unicipalit� under this agree- ment„ the sai.d tax shall be added to the rate stipulated in Para�raph I2 hereunder, ln the event that the Compan� requires said ta� so imposed to be paid by its other customers served in the City of Clearwater, then thei:lunicipali�y agrees to assume and pay the said ta�; �vhich shal]_ be aa.a�a to the rate st'ipulated. In �he event the Company does not require the tax so imposed to be paid by its other customers served in the City of Glear�:�ater, and the T.Tunicipality is unwil�in� ta acaept such i�crease in rate caused b� such t� imposed, then the Plunicipality may rescind this con.tract and the Company shall give the �uniciPality not less than six �nonth's notice in rvriting before discontinuing the supply �f electric energy i,o the r:Iunicipality. It is �urther cavenanted and agreed {>hat �his agreement shall become effective as of the lst day of T._ay, 1940, and shall be in full force and efieet from the lst day of 2.�ay, 1940, to the 7th day oi ii�arch, 1946. TN �'!I�'23r�5S fi�REdF, the CSTY OF CL�t���T�, has caussd its name to be hereun�o subscribed by the City P;ianager o� said City, confirmed by the iv.ayor of said City ard attest.ed by the City Clerk on the day and year first above yvritten; and the iZOFiIDA POL`IEk C(?RPQRA^1TON has caused this agreement to be executed by its President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Secretas�T, the day and year first above written. GIZ`ir OF CLEAR;'�AT� H�: City h�anager Signed, sealed and deliver- ed in the presence of: �y: P�.ayor Commissioner ATTESTt City Clerk Approved as �to forrc and correctness City Attorney � � �� •, � �_ _ � � � � ,y,� '>> (% (signatures on A�reement with Flor��da Power Ooxpc�ration-- continued) Signed, sealed and �leliver= FLORIDA F0�1'E.R CORPORATION ed in the presence of: By President ATTEST: Secretary �IIBIT ng�� POPT�R SERVICE EI,ECTRIC S�RVICE TO CITY OF GLEARWATER Schec�ule or �?ain and R"�iscellaneous Power Situations, metered separat ;ly, and connected as of I,Zay 1, 1940. The' KLNH con- s-am�tion of this group shall be consoli�.ated and billea at � the Power Rate. 1. Main Power Iueter for Gas Plant and �'�ater Pumping Utations served i'rom masLer-metered power circuit. 2. t'later Pump - Gulf to Bap Blvd, ancl fiighland Ave. 3. Sewage Disposal Pump - �"ioodlawn and Cross Lane 4. " " " - Pinellas and P1ant St, 5. " " �t - Osceola at Tdicholson 6. '� �' t� - taIarshall and Bay 7. " " fP - Lantana Avea 8. „ �e tr _ i�fandalay Ave. 9. " " " - Drew and Carlouel /" 10. " " �' - 2Jlarshall Stre'et 11. Causeway Drawbridge Compensation for Line and Transf'orner Zosses: 10� will be added to the total h'�VH consumption of Items 2 to 11 ir_clusive. Additional Service: k'or situations, 'simi.iar to the abc�ve, not served from master-metered p�wer cireu�t, connected subsequent to ?�ay 1, 1940, and to be consolidated for billing purposes, 10;� will be ad�ied to total Ki,'7�I consumPtion of each situation to cc;�;.ppnsate for line and transformer los�us. EY>HIBI`JT f}gn L2GFiT�QG SEftVTC� ��CTRIC SERVICE TO CIT"� OF CI,7±A.R�`7kTER Schedule of Street Zightin� (Ovex�ead a�d Ornamental Post) and i�iscellaneou� Li�hting Situations, �etexed separsi�ely, connected as of r:;ay 'l, 19�0. The K'IJH cons�unption of this �ror,r� shall be consolid�ted and billecZ at t;he Street Li�ht- ing Rate. �. P'ain Street Lighting �:Ieter fox Overhead and Ornamental. Post' Li�hting Systems 2, Causev�ray PJhite 'fday 3o Cause:�va;� Bridge Lights 4. Seminole Street Pier 5. Traffic Signal - Sunset Poi�t Drive 6• " " - i�rew S�:. and NortY� Ft . Narri s on Ave. '1• " " - T;iand�lay Drive - Clearwater Beach =• " " - 4loodlaznm and South Ft. Harrison Ave. g• " 1° - Druid Road at South Ft. Harrison Ave. 1Q• " !' - Turner St, and South Ft, Harrison A�e. 11. " " - Haven St. and South Ft. H�rrison Ave. 12. 4Yhite pJay at S. A. L. R. Ra Depot � 13. Flood �ight ing - Brooklyn Fiela 14. Club House - " +� 15. Flood Lighting - Green Field 16. Club House - �r rr 17, Flood ZightinG - Colored Ball Park 18. Shuffleboard Court - Overbrook 19. " " - City Park 2�• " " - Seminole Street 21. Public LiUxary 22. Fire Station and J`ail 23. [�l, P. �, ti"Torkroom - Park S�reet 24. t,�unicipal Auditorium 25� �f �� - �it Lights 26. i�?unicipal Tennis Courts Z7, Gity Park - Conmunit;� HouSe 28. n n - V.I+',VJ> Bu1ldiTig 29. " " - New Bowlin� Court 30. Flood I,i�hts - Belmont 31. Fire Stat ion - Iliandal�zy Blvd. 32. Colorey Playground - I,fadison Ave, AdditYonal Services The K'rrE consumption of situations similar to the above (Citz,j' Hall and �hamber of Co:nmerce excepted), connected subsequent to LUiag 1, 1940, wi11 be consolidated and .billed at the Street Lighting Rate. s � �J , _ _ . ,. i f � , �. i i' � � 1 � STATE OF.FLORIDA j COIINTY OF PINELLAS) Personally �zppeared before me, the undexsi�ned authority, this _ of June, 1940, F. L. Hendrix, E. B. Casler, Jr, and J. Fxanl� Hamr.ick, �o me well known to be the Cit� D2anager, the ltiayor and the Clerk, respectively� of the City of �learwater, Florida, and aclaiowled�ed that they executed the fore{�aing instrument as such, for flnd on behalf o� �he said City of Clearwater, Florids, f,or i;he uses and puruoses �herein e:cpressed, and that tiley did so uncler and by virtue of authority lawfully conferred u�u�� them und�r the laws of the State of Florida; and that the seal annexed tiieret4 is the t�ue and genuine corporate seal of the City of Glearwater, Florida, ' ��1I7�IESS �y hand and official seal ti�e data aforesaid. ' ldatary Public l�.�y commission expires: 2�;ay 16, 1943 STATE OF FLOR'.1�A ) ) C OIJPd'!'�: OF PIIv �LZ�1S ) Persona7.'ly appeared before me, the undersigii�d author i ty , tlri s day o f J'une , 1940 , and , to me well icnown to be the Presidsnt and 9ecretary, respectivel�, of I'lor.ida Pow?r Corporation, who severally acknotvled�ed that they executed the fore�;oin� instrument as said oificers for and on behalf of said corpor- ation, for the purY�oses and uses t�erein expresseda and that they did so under and by virtue of autlzority l�v�fully con�erred upon them by said corporation; that the seal annexed thereto is the true and genuine corporate sea'1 of the corporation, and was affixed thereto by the Secretary, he being the proper custodian theraof. 4YITN'ySS niy hand and official seal the date aforesaid. T.Ry coramission e:�piresc C � '� J Zd�tary �ublic � ��, •�,� . 0 E A S E M E N T STATE OF FLORIDAt , COUNTY OF PINELLAS � THIS AGREEP/fENT, Made and entered into, in duplicate, this, the 1Oth day of J'une A.Da 19.40, by an.d between the WEST COAST FRUIT C01JII.'ANY, a corporation, party of the fii st part, and the CIT`.£ 0�' CLEAR�"IATER' a Municipal Corporation, of the County of Pinellas, Stats of Florida, party oP the second part; WI�`NESSETH� That the said party of the first part, for ,and in consideratian of the sum of Ten Dollars, (�10.00}, and other gooa ana valuable consider- ations, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby grant to said party of the second part, its suecessors and assigns, for a period of thirty (80) years, or until tne bonds and/or sewer revenue certificates issued by the �ity bi' Clear�r�ater to Finence the cost of' construction of said sanitary sewer systsm are retired, an easement ten (].0) feet wide and extend.ing diagonally across the property oi the party of the first part herein described for the operation and maintenance of a specifia sanitary se�ver , line novJ being constructed and owned by said party of ti� , second part, in and unon the hereinafter'described reaZ � � estate, with the fu11 and free ri�ht, liberty and authority to enter upon and to construct, repair, install and operate the said sanitary setiverage line owned by said partg of tl� � second part, and to maintain a��d repair the same'in and upon . ' the said strip of land, :,ein� ten (10) feet in width, situate in the City of Clearwater, County of Pinellas, and atate of ; ' \__, Flori.da, described as follows, to-tivit: ,� . � t ` , �.. . , , � � 0 � � Be�in at the center line of �oxt Harrison Avenue as it no�v exist:, thence East l49 feet �long the Nortl� line of Lot l of Guli View Subdivision, as recorded in Book 5, page 36 of the publio records of Pinellas County, Floridt�_� to the aenter of a 10 foot strip of land, thenae along the center of said s �rip, South 61. ]. feet, thence /to the right 3° 06' a distanae of 300�5 feet to ths North line of A Street, said po3.nt being 132 Pea� Erxst of the . . Center line o� Foxt Harl•ison Avenue, (as it now exists), along the North Line of A Street. IT IS FiEREBY STIPITLATED AND AGRE�D by and between the respe^tive parties -that in the event tne party oP the Pir^t part should, desire th� removal of the sanitary sewer line from the aforesaid prem3ses prior ta the ternination of this easement as hereinbePore �rovid- ed, then and in that event tiie sfiid sanitary sewer line shall be removed; provided, however, that the party of the first gart shall have �he right at his ov�m expense ' after �ifteen (15} d�y's notice to the party of the second part to remove the said sewer line to a dif�erent location on the property owned by the narty of the first part or to property ow�ned by the p�rty of the second part, to-v�it: strests or al].eys, or upon propsrty o�vned by other persons, arovided the party of the iirst part snall ac�uire an easement ten (10j i'eet wide and extending the entire distance and connect the same back to the present or then maintainad lines of the party of the second part; it being distinetly vnderstood and agreed between the respective parties hereto that in the event the party af the f irst bar��; shall desire to move the sevaer line from tlie easemerLt hereby granted to a new locati�n tha t th� respe�tive parties hereto shall agree on the new location, tne method arid manner oP �onstruction oP the same and the material used shall be oi aimilar kind and character to the ma.terial.s u�ed in the construction of the original sev�er system to be approved by. the party of the second part; and the pa rty of -Lhe i:irs� part shall Purnish to the par ty pf the second par� satisi'actory evidence that the pr.oposed n�w location oP the,said sewer 1 ine is either owned by the party oP the second part or that y�e p�rtv o� the first part has acquired an aasement equivalent and upon like terms as herein provided and hag i'ull right and lawrul authority to tra,zsYer the eassment right t� �he party of the second part for said sanitary sewer line in its new ■ location; or the perty oY the second part shall upon the ae��a o£ tne pariy of the Pirst part accompanying the demand v��ith a deposit oP�suPPicient monsy to cover the expense oP removing and relaying •the said sewer line irom points oP connection at this time over the new rou�e and to the other end of connection, an�l upon the party of the first p�•rt �urther supplying to the party of t�e second p�rt satisractory proof that he has secured all easement righ�ts nee3ed b y the party o.i the seconcl paxt Por the purbose of laying the said setiver line upon like terms and conditions as set Porth in this a�reement, that then an.d in that event the party of the second part w.', _l remove the said sewer 1,3n� upon the said firteen (15) dags' notice and upan �the completion of the undertakings on the �art of the �arty oP the Pirst part as contained in this paragraph. It is distinctly understooc? and agreed between the respective parties th?t upon the lapse oP thirtp (30) years from the date of this agreement, or upon the paymem� of tha bonds and/or se�ver revenue certiPicates, issued to finance the cost of the construction of said sani-�ar� sewer line the Gity agrees upon 180 days' notice, in rvriting, to remove said sanitary sewer line from the aPoresaid pre�ises. IT IS F[7ftTI�R �GR�ED between the respective parties that in the event the sanitarg sewer line shr�uld at an� time be abandoned or discontinued by the sai.i narty of the second p.art prior tq the time set forth herein for the termination of this easemen�t then and in that event all rights acquired by tile gart�* of the second part in and to the premises herein- before described shall cease and determine, It is hereby specifically agreed that no taps may be made off the sewer line within the premi3es owned by the gran'tor, except for the benefit of the land a�uttin� this sewer line that is now o�vned by the grantor. Said paxty of �he secozi�z part shell have the right of ingress and egress through said strip of land for the purpose oP repairinn, operating and maintainin� the aforesaid sanit�xy se�ver line otivned by said party o� the second part. e _ � Party of the first part hereby covenants with the said party of the second part that it is law#`ully seized in fee and is the owner of the real property above desoribed • and has full right and lawful authority to execute this agreement. IN_LrZ'�."�tESS' V,'HEREOF, the said paxtp of the first part has cause;d this easemer_t to be ��_c;cuted in its name and on its behalf by its President, attested by its Secretary, the day and year first above written. �NEST CDAST FRUIT COI�'IPANY BY 4TTEST• Secretary. SIGNED, SFALED AND DELIVERE� IN T� PR�S�tCE OF • �STAmE OF FLORIDA, . GOIINTY OF PINELLAS Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared > to me weii �,.own an.a l�own tn me to be the per son who executed the foregoing EaaemEnt, and he acknowledged before me tn.at he e�ecuted the same in his official capacity as President of', and Po r and on behalf of the S�',IEST COAST FRUIT COTVLPANY, a corporation, as the f'ree act and deed oY said Corporation, ior the uses and purp oses therein expressed. TN INITNESS V�R�OF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, this, the day of A.D.1940. No�tary Publi�y State of Florida at Zarge. ' My Comtnission Exp$resc � STATE OF FZORIllA } COUNTY OF PINEZI,AS ) �N�'N ALL i�2EN BY Tf�SE PkES�TS: That I, BEATRIG'� C. JTJDIffNS, for and in consideratj.on o� the sum of �1G.00, and other good and valuable cons3derations, in hand paid to me by Wrest Goast Fruit Company an� the City of Clearwater Flor.ida, receipt of �vhich is hereby acknowledged, being th2 owner and holder oP that certain mortgage d�ted December 31st 1937, filPd for record February 7th 1938, and reeorded in the public rec<ords of Pinellas �ounty, Florida, as Tnstrument �55448, said mortgage being in the principal siun of �1000.0� covering the �iroperty described in th� above and �oregc�ing easement, do hereby con�ent �nd agree to the ebecution a� the above �nd Poregoing easement, bearing date of the lOth day of June 1940, by snd between �i'est Coast Fruit Co�pany and the City of Clearwater, rlorida, a Municipal Co.rporation. I further consent to alI of the terms, provisions, and con- ditions as contained in,the above and ioregoi�g easement, anci hereby signifg my approval thereof and full authorize the execution of the same by V'lest Coast Fruit Compen;�; and I do further waive and relinquish ang right, title or interest in the r�al pronerty described in the easenent re- ferred to herein in so far as the same ma�y be a�feeted by the mortgage rshich I hold against said pr operty, providEd however, this waiver and agreement shall become null �nd void in the event said easement is ever abandoned or not used by the City of Clearwater, L�T yvI2'_VESS t�VFLFREOF, I have hereunto se�t my h�rid and aealy this the sra aa� of Julp A.7D. 1940. { si$ne a ) BE.9TRICE C ��Ns (;,�, � Signed, sealed and �elivered in the pxesence of: �Si�ned) Mildred E.Moore (Si�neclj Pau1 F.Randolph ii ;4 , ; I