06/10/1940p s ■�� � , .� ;., ���- tiINUT�S OF �iE S,S�ET�iG OF 'i?L�E CI��' COi�`.iSSuI01V The City Conunission of the G�ty of Clearwa'ter met in the City Ha11 4t $;QO o�clock on ihe e�enin� of J'une 10, 1940� for a Special �:'feeti�g. The following members were presen�• :1A E. B. Casler, Jr, , r�aJor-Gonunissioner ' R A Den se . , p y HPrbert Grice G. R. Seavy �bsent: i^T, i°T, PeEler �llinutes af previous neetin�s ivere read and approved. T:r. J. S. Eubanks presented a petition si�ned by axsr�ers , of:_�aroperty abutting the a11ey runnin� east and ��res� Uetv�esn Zots 1-2-3-8-9 & 10 Il].ock 2 of ?�tirallace' addition to have the. alley vacated. �ction was deferred until a meeting to be �eld on P�ronday Jw�.e 17th. r«r. Young complained to the Co�urlissioners about ?�ir, Rushmore havin„ closed Bohenia Circle runni,no i'rom '�Idorado to the v�aters o� Clear�vater Beach. Action rvas deierred until � meetin� to be held on '�'onda� June 37th. The City �ttorney read a letter Troin Doctor Van �runt with reference to gett�.ng the National Guard stationed in Clearwater. The Gity Attorney was instructee� to get in touc� wi�h proper authorities with reference to same. Is:oved by 1?r. Dempsey, seconded bv r�r. Grice and unan.imously carried t�at Ordinan:ce i7umber 462 be passed on its �hird and iinal reaclinge Fuoved by i;s. Dempsey, seconded by �ir. G.rice and � unanimously carried approvin6 the nurchase of a±�07.106 car fror,i �enn.edz� and Stric?cl.and at a, cost of � 791.73. i.ioved b� i�. CYrice, seconded by P;r, Seavy and i , unani�ously carriecl th�t the purc.hase o�' two thousand fee� i - of six inch cast irozi pipe and iire hydrant fittings at a �i cost of �� 1,,800.00 be approv�d, I i�Iaved by Y:kr. Dempsey, seoonded by r�r, Grice an� carried �hat'. tl�e :Q�fer . oi ��� �D.�QO*'.,in se�tlement of all delinauent � t�xes �n Lots 5& 6 af Janie Daniel's Subdivision be . accepted, � T�ir. Sea 1 vy not voting. i i , . . � . . , � . . . . � . . . . . . . , . . .. ; �. . . . . � . .. � �. � _. . .. . , . . 'j . . � . , . � � � .. .. � �.. � � . � � . .. . ' �� . 1 ' f 1 0 � ' . . � .. . . . . � . � Q�. �:k . � � i.ovsd by I.Ix. Dempsey, seconded 'h�y L:r. Sea�r� and � unaniraously carried that� A RiSOT�UTIqT� A�3THORIZL3G tit; l�Gr�+�T„�',:.�1T �.:`j,'�'i�'L•'L'I T�L ^I�1"i' 0� CluriR�7.!`iT�9 FLORII?rL� .nT3D FLOF�II)t, PO��'I:i't CORI�OR�TIOP3, I�S L'.?c''sll?, R�R���,+"�„T.iiTlti�'S, :�UCCv�30Ru <sT�� A��,:�IGIrS I'0� T�+': 1'ITRCF�.;7� G�' �i!,C"�'RIG r d+1�GY �+'ROI.; _S,AID GbRPOr �'I'IOi; BY a«I7J �I2'Y QT+' �LE."vP.;`T�T-.�, P'LOI3ID�, F'OR Tr� k'IIRFJ:�� OF STR�.�'.�,T I,TG$22�a^T SERVIILy,:� (OVERF'�"�'�D :`��JD 0?2i�A:1�;�'l� POST), i:I�C�LL.�T7:0U3 I,zf`�HTI:7G i � ayR;IIC';S, "�tdD F0�2 ?.:UF?2C�:�, j„T.�T�2 ".'tT�tKS �� CAUS�'��A'Y i � DR�i17Bi�TDGr Ir7 TH� CI�'Y Oi CL.�ARrt4T�, FI�4RS�A be} adopted. s Tdr. Peeler te].e�raphed a"YES" vote on adoptioz� oP this i Resolution. T:'r. Se�vy re�istered a complaint about the trafi'ic ].i�ht operating at ;�,orth. �'ort Harxison 3�venue and Eldridge a^treet ana statecl that this light is �,ore of a nuisance tlifi� it does �aod, Paul Tohnson, repxesenting ?;:rs. .3icholson who bad �ro.�en her arm a-r:d vras clai�in� the C�;,;� had nile3 sane �ubbish next to t�e sidewal2� at the intersection of Pennsylvania f�uenue and �ones Strcet, ��e tivas tri�;�ed bv; this rubbish, causir��, her to breal� her arra. ?:r, 1 � f� Jo�^Fnson asked the Coranissioners to consiner PIrs. :?ichol- - son's condition and do vrhatever they �elt jus�fiablE in doin� as she had been unable to ivork since breakin� her arr2 and had no incom� �r�ra any other s�urce, T.`r. �eavy sua�;gested the :uattex be investigated and be tal�en un at the ne�ct re�ular meetin ;� o. ' There bein� no furth�r business, the r�eeti.ng was ` adjourned. � � r? ayor -Gi6�;�nis s i nn - r I�.�test: � 1G � r�i' . .i ��-,�,zJ- /-. �,•'�y �u:iii,or and lerk � w � ; _— : _ _ E � I � �CHECK�9ERVICE OESIRED�OTHENWI9C CNAROE� � ' I � MFSSAGE WILL BE SENT AT FUIL. R�TE ��Jry{ .� I IX�MGS . v � �FOREIGN � NUM!£A ' ! � -FULL RATE `` - � `� FULL RATE ' I e • I I � � �1 NQ �i0115 • � . pPY ltTfk`R � COE.itATE ,TELEGYAy ; ry1GHT LETfER URGEN7 > j ��` ' � : SENIAL OEFFItRED . � RESERV�TION NIGHT I:fTfER S''�1 ��f ilMEiILLD � (sT,WGnoTIMq ' i TOUR-RATE SMIP RAOIO. •1���0 . ... . y . . . . .. . ... . . :. � Pbrm 3 . � 7� Srnd th¢/oUoi+�Ingme.rsaye, su6/ect fo tNe Company'.r.rules,�.rcgulnNons anAratu.ret Jorfh !n tH fari�sand on Jife�wtth re�xiJofory�authoriNer � � �'�� � � �c� '��3g ��� i rnS9tc ��10 a-e1i�� LP9���� T�ip�ay`9 ;."isns:.�r��a�$ �.:V ��E:� q�� �a7. .G.C:fUl:�rAt3J$ {��iky3'_ C•.3i��3i';.n�Y� �V�:�i.J 3A:�'..>.�t��l.f3g.i+L'•h:t+4�.• `��' :L�.• i,f.'.�i v',p. ,Et• �:;J�`'>�� •�z"�� L;.����i�� �1: �'0Fl? G a o? £���''�i V� � ,I �$� a� ������:�"� - ---� . ��,� -. - . � �� � : Y€�a��;r�� � . � , -�- �----.•.-.,.�,. � . . __.. . _ _, r _ _.. _ , ��-""�„�R�.- � � ���� � �`�`.' -ti.� - � � .- � �� � ;� � i! Ci , � � � OR�JIi3i�;.iC� N0. 462 n1� Of{DLdAI�;CE 3�7.�:,E�DII7G ORDII3AT7C� ITO. 454 OF 7.'I3�' QITY OF GLE�R�";l-s.TER, I'LORID�, „+,_rTITLET� ".�I�J ORDIT7AIdC�+. PFiOVI�JIlVG �'OR AND F:iXL.'�� TH� At.iOUNT 0� CE1�`P41T�T OCCUPATTON_;I,, BL'SI1dESS �lt�1D �EiOF�.+;SSI�TdAL LTC'�7S�S FGR TI3E CITY OF CL3�k1Ft�`�AT�R, FLOI7.ID�, �1ND PROViDItJG 3 ��,;- 1-�I,TY FOR �A�.,UR� T(7 CO'�'LY 'PI3EftE!:'TTF.". H� IT ORD�If�7ED BY TFiE C'ITY COi;�dTSuIOPT Or TFiE CITX 0�' CLEAR- VTATT�?, FLORID�; . ' `i`hat Ordinance T7o. 454 of the City oi' Clearwater, �']_orida, ent;itled '!4N ORDII�INCE PROVID�TG F'OR AI7D FT�1NG TH{SE A�.�pUNT Dk' R� ��xTaa1 occtrnA�zorz�t, �Us��ss a� Pxo��sszor��, Zzc��sLs �oR TI� CI�I'Y OP CI�EAF"t�'7AT�R, T'LORIDrI, ?.IdD PROVTDZ��G � PF'NAI�TY rOR Ffi1ZTR'�' TO COt;�''LX TI�,'RE(",1ITH" be an,d the same is hereby amended hy> adding thereto �nd incorporatin� tn.erein the follov�ing urovisions, to-v��it: Sec. 1. �aeh person, iirm or corr�oration en�a�ed in the business oi'r�anufacturin� or selli�� lu����r, or building materials, �nd cv�ose lur;s.ber manuPactoT;� or lursb�r fard is . located outside oi' the �ity, and �rrho r.ta�es, or enFa�es in the business of r,ialcin� sales, solicitations of sa1e, and/or deliveries in thc City, and also every itinerant desler, trader, or seller ox lurzber, or bu�lding z�aterials, sellin�, trading in and/or solicitin� orders zor the sale o-r lu-sber or build.in�; materials t� a�her t�an licensed 'umUer dealers in t�e City shall pa3r an anrival occupa�ional license tax of �p 15Q.00; and e�ch a�ent, broit2r, solicitor or emnloyee o� suc� person, fir�, cor�aoration, se�.ler, tr��cter or seller vaha � sells, solicits or�iers and/or �a3>es deliveries oz lunber or buildin� r,iaterials to other thnn l�censed lusber de�lers' place of business sna11 pay an annual OCCLLI�a'�l0!?3Z license tax af � 150.00. . Sec. 2, fanv and nll ordina�ces ar �arts of ardi.n�nces reretofore nassed �nd in conzlict here;,vith are hereYay repeal�d in sa far as tnere is a conflict l�ere,-�;ith. aec. 3. Tl1is orcli��nce ie �ereh� decl�red an emer�;ency r�oasure necessary ior the iznn.edzate preservati�n of -neace, heal.th, prosperi�ty an.cl s�ie�y ancl sha7.l. ta:�e ef�'ect iir�Yned3:ately upo�z its p�ssa�;e. This 0rclir_�nce nassed :�n.d ado�ated b;7 the Gi�.y Cor.unission of �he �ity o�' G1e�stiv�ter, 1�lorida: �'a5sed on first readin�; I::�y 20th, 1.�40. P�ssed on seaoz�d re�din� ?:�y 20th, 19a0. Passecl on third res;lin� �'une lOth, 1940. At',te��',: f� �� � i�'��yo�-Cor�tis sioaer . ,�;, ,�,�,;,�,�� ��`' �,. . C,'�ry Audi�or Ec 1er�t � ■ , . . � � . . . . - .. . � � . . � u _... ,.,,:_.. ..,. . , _ c. ,.�;:,. �.., ......�-: . . . . _.�_ . - -• . � - . . . � . �� } . . . � . . � � ` � . .. . ., . • - , � : -- __ 1. � � I- � STANDARD TIM!•: INDICATED � - . ' �RECEIVE21'A'1��` � . . . . THIS. IS I1� Fl11.1. P�IE TF1EGFiAM. C�BLE• . . . ' � ' . / � GRAM OR RADIOGRAM UNLFSS OTHEAWISE �... IMDKAlFD BY iYMBOL IY T}1p PRE�MBLE . rtr �_.� } T{IEGqAy: OItIN.T}1E/iJUR�$'OF'THEM65AGE. ' - ` � / � i {-,� I t+ ' SYMB0t9�, �OESIGNATING :SEFIVICE� SEtECfm i �.. , .. ; f �r AflE OIffLINED INTNS.COMPAf/Y'S TAMfFa r r TELEPt IONE YOUR TElEGRAMS c17 0� �N NAkD AT EACH OFFICE AND OH FIIE WITN . � TO P75TALTELEGRAPH 4jy� RlT.ULATqiYI1UTHORITIF$. � �� 13X2.� 4 CO�LECT=i'D"� R I PLEY M ISS 10 755P� � r' �f ��, HENDR IX� � `. _ �.� � � '= � � -: �� ,� �'�i TY h�AN`AGERS CLE14RWATCR 'F1�� t I �' � ,. j�14Q JUFt' !i .FM (� �� �� �.. V t?TE YES= � ', :W �!' PEELERr, i� _ � , i� � I `�'' �I ;� ' , .. ' �.{ , , ..., . . . . . . � :.,., . � . . ._ . .-»'": ;.,.�.,_ . . __.,i'. . ..si � � ' . r p. ORDIi11�?dCy IJO. 462 riN O1�D7:1_`14tQCE ��t,'lEr;DItJG ORllIidA11GE I�O. 454 OF TI�,+' CI`1T�' OF CL�+.�r"�RG.iT,ER, FLORDr'i, �+JTIR?LED r'AN ORDI1JA2dC� PRQVIDIlVG 7+aR �iPID FL�I2dG'• TH,T'+_, �P.IOUrTT OF C�TA1N OCCUPATIOIJ,�I,, BUSItTESS At7D Pi30 +� SuT01�tAI� T,ICT,�TSZ+'S r^QR THF1 CITY OF CLr9Ft�,Y'ATER, �+'L013IDr1, AND PROVIDTAtG A P'�!;td- �L i'.i FOI2 FAIZURE TC7 CO �'LY TI�RE:':ITII" . �E IT ORAAIRTEU BY 'Z'F?� CITY COP;�,iiTSSTOFT Or `I'fTE CITY OF CLEAFi.- �rrATER� FLORIDA� ' That �rdinance TJo. 454 of the City of Clearwa�er, Florida, entitled "aI+T ORDII��TCE PROVDT�tG FOR ATJD FI�ING THE A;,�OTJrIT OF G�T�1�T OGCUPATTOTdAL, ]3USI1:J�'SS 2ND PROFESSIOYd`�, LIC�7S�S FOR TI�+' CITY OI' CLEARI'VAT�R� rLORID�,# uli� pROVIDIN!'.r _a. P+�N4.LTY' I+'OR F,9:TLUftE TO COr.'�LY TfiER�+�'4°,`ITH'� be and the same is hereby amended hy adding thereto and incorporatinr therein the f'ollov�ing provisions, to-Urit: Sec, l. �ach person, firm or cor�orztion engaged in the business of �anuiacturin� or sellin�; lu�ber, or buildin� rsaterials, and tFrhose lutnb6r manu£aetor�r or lu.rsber �ard is located outside of the City, ancl uvro xaakes, or eng��es in the business of laaking sGles, solicitations of sale, and/or d.eliveries in the Citf, and also every itinzr�nt �.e�ler, trader, or seller of lur�ber, or buildin� r3aterials, selling, tradin� in and/or solici�in� orders zor t,he sale oi lu:mber or buildin� materials to other than licensed iumber dealers in t�e City shall pay an annual occupational license tax of �.� 150.G0; and each age�t, broker, solicitor or erzployee o= such nerson, firrs, cornaration, seller, trader or seller who sells, solicits orders ancl/or �a;ces deliveries oz lutaber or building materials to otner than licensed lumher dealers' blace oi' business ssall pay an G.,nnual occunu.tio�a� licerye t� of ;� 150.00. . Sec. 2, �ny �nd �11 ordinances or parts of ordi�ances heret�rore nassed and in con#'lict here�vith are hereby repea�ed in so far as there is a confla.ct Lere�a:ith. Sec. 3. This oxdinr-.nce is hereb;T declared an emer�ency rseasure necess�ry for the i�mediate preservation oi neace, health, �rosperity and s�fety and shull i;a:ie effect inmediately upaii its �assa�e. Tlris 0rdinance nasse�l �nd adopted b,y the Gity Conmi:ssion of �l�e City oz Cle�:rtveter, I'loridat Passed on first readin�; i?Ay 20th, 19�0. Passed on second reading i:ay 20th, 1940. Passed on third readin� June 10�h, I940. t�ttest: � � P.".� yor-G ommis sioner a�. .� , i��''�' � �� ��--'�s • Cii�Y Aud�.tor �c lerlc _ 'V � F� � RESQLUmT�?ZT �UTIIORIZI2dCr .�.N' �GT�t;.^�'��iT1PdT B:aTt`?E?+�T `I� �I�'Y UF CI,E�R4"YATF.,Ii, FT�OFiTU,t�, AAID FLO�'iID�. P(1t'�"'+�' CQI3PORidj1'TON, 2TS LECYAI, R�RESFu7TATIVES, SLTCC�S;i013S l-iT?D �'�SSIC=NS, I'OR TFL PU�tCfiASF Ok' EI�CTFtIG I�11�2GY k'ROE^. S:�ID CORPOR�?TIOI�' BY a:�l�J CITX QF CI,EE'�Rl"lAT".raR, FLORIDII, FOR TfIP PURPOSE OF STfty+'3.�+'^1 LTCrI3TL�TG SER`TIGES ( QVI�I�F�AD .t"�.?�D ORNt�I:SF.�TTAL POST) , �".ISCFLI�L�Ny'JU� LIrIiTII�TC`v S�RVZC�S, �I�D FOR T'QA?IC11'.AL �"fATER �'JQRIiS .�1VD CAU�u�I�"7,�Y DR�PrE3RTllC,�E IN `Z'f� CITY OE' GL�Rt';.t'�T�2, FI,ORIDA. "JFIEFt�`AS, tlie City of Clear�v�.ter is authori�ed and empoticered by itis cllarter to provide for lig�.ting the stree�s, p�rks and �ublic pl�ces of the Citg, and by the Gener�l L��v for the inoor- poration and �overnment of cities �nd toti^ms to provide electria ener�y ior i�ts municip�l uses and for the uses of its residents, and �"��2EAS, it I?t�s been deemecl advisaUle U�r the Bo�rci of Dar.�*nissioners of the City of Clearvvater to ve for the interest and advar_tage of the inhabitants of the city to enter into a c�ntract ���ith Florida Power Corpor�tion zor the nurchase of electric energy for the pur�oses of street liguting services (overhead and ornament�l roost), miscellaneous li�;htin� services, and ior municiFal zvater Aumpiiig �lants, sewage dis�osal puniping st�tions, gas wor�.s �nd ;auseway drawbrid�e, frozn said corporatio� by said City of u�ear��rater, Florida; and ;��tEAS, the representatives of Florida Power Cornoration ar_d the of?icials of the Gity of Clearw�ter have agreed ugon the terms �nd cond�tiions of the contract; i30t':, T�REFORE, 13E Ii T+SOi,V.Z'+D 13Y TiIP�� GTTY COT:i�'�II��.'SIOTP.,�'RS OF T� CI'�Y OF CLE.�tI`vtiTT'u:., �'LORIDri: SyC1I0:; l. Tnat the City oi Cle�r�tater, T'lori�, hereby agrees to mave and enter irto a contract tivita rlorida �.'olver Corporati on, its 1e�al representatives,, suecessors 3nd assigns, to buy 3n.d puxchase electric pn�r�er�„rand energy required by the City oi Gleartf�ater for its stxeet lighting ser-rices (overhead R and Ornasaental post), �niscellaneous lighting services, and for mu.nicipal vaater pumpir� nlants, se�va�e disposal pumping stations, oas works and caasetivay drawbrid�e in the Citg of C1earU�ater, for a period effective ��a3� lst, 1940, ancl Pnding I�axch 7th, 194�. / Section 2. That the City P�anager of the City of Qlearwater,� Florida, and the Clerk oi the City of Cle�rtivater, E'lorida, are hsreby authorized, empo�vered and directed to �ccept, approve, confirm and execute under their hands and the seal of the t�2unic- ipality that certain con.tract her.einbefore mentione�. in. Section b I'essed and r�dopted by the City Cor�ission of the City of Clearwater, i�lo�icla, on the lOth c�ay of Jt;ne, 1940, littostt ' �'/'`�I ��/ �E�`��� J tIay�r- orimiss oner ✓.U,// "�l.r�2rd�L''/� � 'ty Audito� an d Glerk AGREE�rI�N2 THIS AGREEVIIIQT, DRade and e�.tered into this � day oi' J'une, 1940, by and between the CITY' OF CZEP.�2IYAT�R, a municipal corporation within the State of Florida, hereinaiter ealled the 'Tfiunicipality," and FLORiDA PO�VER CORPpRATIOiJ, a corporation organized and existing under the laws oP the State of Florida, hereinafter called the r�Company�+; WITNESSETH; That in c�nsideration of the sum of One Dollar {,�� 1.00) paid by each of the parties hereto to the other, the receipt of w�ich is hereby acknowledged, and in Purther consideration of' the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained to be Periormed by the parties hereto, it is mutually covenan�ed and agreed; I, That the Company binds itself, its legal represent- atives, successors and assigns, to �urnish and to sell to the �Runicipality, and the i:�urlicipality hereby binds itself to buy of Florida Power Corporatio�, its legal representatives, successors and assigns, all of the electric energy required by the Itiunicipality, except for xesalP and as hereinazter provifled, for the aperation of its tivat�r pumping plants, gas works, sewage disposal pumping stations, causeway drawbridge, for stree� lighting systems (overhead and ornamental post) and for lighti.ng service to all miscellaneous situations now connected '(with the exception o� the city hall) and Por similFir situa�io�s �hat hereaftsr may be added, and no� to generate such energy itself, except as hereinafter proviaed for the supply of emergency service, or purchase it elsewhere, except as and when the Company is unable to furnish it or refuses without legal excuse to do so. II. In consideration of the above agreement, the Munie- ipality, during the period oi this agreement, binds iiself to pay to the fom�any mont�.ly for al1 electric energy used and consumed at the following rates, to-wit: F�r Power Service: To tvater pumping plants, gas worlss, sewage disposal pumping stations and causeway drawbridge: Rate per ?�onth: 3� per K4UH for first 2,500 RV'lii 2¢ per KWH for next 7,500 K4VH 1¢ per K4YH for excess over �0,000 T�4VH For situations not �erved �rom mas�er�metered 2300-voI't power circuit, l0o sha11 be added i;o the K'NH consumption to campensate for line i�nd transformer losses. The KWH consumption of a11 �?�wer situations, per list attacYied, �vil]. be consolidat�d and billed at the power rate, _V "v' = a � � Fox Straet Li�hting and AZiscellaneous Servicast �'or street lighting systems (overheacl and or��nr�mental post) and. lighting �o miscellaneous situations now oonnected, exaept oity hall: Rate �er 1Sonth• 3¢ per k"NtH for first 10,000 iilNii 22� per K6NH �or next 10,000 Ki"7H 2� per K4JFi for next 10,Q00 K4VI3' , 1�¢ per K4'VH :for next 10,000 ILWH lc,i per KVdH for excess over 40,000 FSWH The KUYH consumption of all miscellaneous lighting sexvices (except city hall), as per attached list, will be consolid- ated and billed at the street lighting rate. 1'�here services to miscellaneous lighting situa�ir�ns can be consolidated� the P.iunicipality shall talte the ne�essary steps to provide auch consolidatzans to eliminate separate metering. Fuel Clause• The above rates shall be incre�sed �.0003 (three- tenths of one mill) per KU'�H for eaeh 10¢ incxease in oil cost pPr barrel above One Dollar and Five Cents (y� 1.05) per bariel� f.o.b. Port Tampa, zzT. It is agreed that the eleetric energy supglied under �his agreement sha�.l be delivered as foll.owso For Service to V�ater Pumping Plants and Gas Works (Served from 2300-vol� mas-cer-metered circuit): Sexvice supplied at 2300 vol�s and delivered at junction pola located on S12ap1e Street, one span west of Alden Avenue, and measured by metpring equi�ment furnislled and installed`by the Company on pole located adjacent to gas plant e,ngine room. For service to GJatsr Pumping Plants {not served from master- metered circuit), Sewage Disposal Pu�.ping Stations and Cause- wa.y Drawbrid�e: Service delivered at each lor,ation and measured at 230 voltst �phase� The T.Tunicipality shall furnisll and mainl;ain the necessary stepdown transformers ar�d provide meter connection at each lacation. For Street I,i�htinp S.ystems (e�cept Clearwater Beach} 9t bus bar of Compan.y's substati�on. Service clelivered and measurea at approximately 2300 volts, 3-phase. For Clearwater Beach (Street Lighting) _At Island end of causeway. Service del3vered and measured at approxim�tely 2300 volts, 3ingle phase. For ZTiscellan�ous Situations (per schedule attaclied): Service delivered and metered at each location, sin�le phase, 115 or 115/230 volts. The Company will furnish and install the necessary meters adjaceiit to each location, the registration of which meters sb.all constitute the basis of computation of bills for energy consumption. rt � F rr 4 � � � � . ... � ✓ ".: . . IV. Bills for electric energy shal.l be rendered monirly by the Company and sha11 be due and payabl� within ten days Prom date rendered; and it is further stipulated that tiie Campany shall have the right tc diseontinue the delivery oi electric energy to the Tiunicipality under this agreement in the event the tiunicipalitg shall i'ail to p�y � S� ��u� horsunder fram the 2:Iunicipallty to the Conp�y� as k�erein �rovided, or in the event �heT,2unicipalitf otherwise violates this agreement, provided the Company shall give the r:Tunicinal- ity at least sixty days' written notice of its intentiou to discontinue delivery of e].ectrie energy and the reason there- for, and th� �;^�icipality sha7.1 hsve such Aeriod in which to pay tha sum due or make good such violation.. V. I�asmuch as the P:_unicipality ha� installed a boiler in oonnection with its incinerator plazt Por the disposal of rubbish and garba�e, and has installed a si,eara dr.iven gex�exat- ing unit for the utilization of such steara as ma� be produced by the said incinerator boiler, it is hereby unclerstood and . agreed that the ;.;uriicip�ilit;� shall have the right and privile�e of connei;ting its tivires iror� its generator, throu�h suit�ble �rotective equipraent to be janpr��ed b;� the Con.�an;� and v�ith synchronizin� equipne�t, aI1 �o be furnished by-r the :'u�icipal- it3*, vaith the iiicomin� e],ectric service 4upplierl by tY�e Corspany to the ��s �1�nt 3nd tYater uurznin� stati�ns for the puraoae oi �er�ittin�, �he ::unic,paLty to o�aerai.e its benerator ir_ �aral,lel �;ij,;� t}�e �or.zpany+s systen, and to utilize �n. the rullest e;;.tent such energg as raay be eenerated froi� the steam supnlied bv the inci�er�to.r boi�.er as incidant ta the oper�tion of the a.Yicinera;or. `,'he I.�";ui2�.ciralits= a�rees that it �,i11 operabe its �,enzr�tor at pro��er e�eziatron ana that i.t tivill no� use steaia fro�u the '6oilers of �he �as �lsnt i'or the opexat- �.on of saicl ste� en�;ino unless the 3or�pany, i'ar any cause, is unable to su�?nly t�.e rec�uiremer_ta o�' the T:un.icinality. The Co�rany has installed disconnecting svaitches at or near its ineter thrau�h which service is su�»lisd to the T�u.nicipalit�,y �or w�ter �um�ing and �as �1�ant usa�e �o �hat these switches �ay be o�ened in tlie etr�nt t�e Compat�.y is unable to supply �ne:��y- t�a the l.�unicip�lity for tir-ater puranin�, wh_ich �vi1.;1 per�it tlie I;:u�ici�ali'cy� �o suppty its �vater rumpin� stations frozn its steaui driven �enerator; i� beir� u:�derstood and a�;reed, ho�tiever, . � . . . . � 3 .. �