05/20/1940, � � ��' 1t42NTTTES OF TF3E niEETI1TG OF' TfiE CITY COi�idISSION The City Commission oi' the City oP Clearwater met in the City Hall at 7c30 on the avening of May 20th, 1940 wit� the PoZlowino members present: ��" i2. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice tiv. W. Peeler G. R. Seavy Absent: E. B. Casler, Jr., Mayor-Commissioner i�dovea. by Mr. Seavy, seconded by �3r. Dempsey aad un�nimouslp carrisd that 25ir. Grice serve as Ac�ing Mayor- Commissioner in the absence oP Mr. Casler. hiinutes of the previous meeting were read, Moved bp Mr. Seavy, seconded by I�r. Peeler and unanir�ously carrisd that the minutes be adopted as read. . Sealed bids on the sale oP North 2 oi Lot 4 Block 2 of Gould & Ewiug's First Addition, lalo�vn as the Old Fire �tation, were opened by the City TvIanager. Mr. R. E. I�artin's bid oi' �&,051.00 being the highest bid. Moved by Pdr. Peeler, seconded by I�2r. Sesvy and un,animously carri,ed that t�r. �artin's bid be aecepted and the property be sold to hime The Citp P�Sanager stated that there was � 25,A00.00 in the 8in�ing Fund and suggested ths�t the Gity call for � 25,000.00 o� City af Clearwater Bonds as per the RePunding Plan.. PJloved by Mr. Seavy, seconded by Tdr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the City Manager be instructed to call for this aiuount of Bonds, The City rdan�ger presented �he Florida Power,Carporatio� lighting contract. Moved by h7r. Seavy, secon8ed by 3ir. Dempsey and unanimously carried tha� action be deferred wztil a�u1I Commission is present. . The City I�anager presented a h�solution thanking the Honorable Fred P. Cone, Governor of the Sti�ate of Florida and +, ll�essrs. Arthur Ha1e and J. H. Dowlizig of the State Road Depart- ' ment for the valuable cooperation and help rend�red by them to the City of �learwater�in repairing the dangerous condition , that existed in the fi'!1 leading to the bridge over Stevenson Creek. Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Itiir, Seavp and unani.mously carried that the Resolution be adopte�. The City Attorney presen�ed Ordina�ce Number 462, `.. amending Ordinance Number 454 fixing rate oP License of Lumber Dealers opexating in the City of �learwa�sr. Moved by Mr. Demp�ey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and un�nimously carr�ed ' that the Ordinance be passed on its first rea�ing. Movsd by .:_ 1 �! � � ' Il�, ,`� ;. � � y;I k� w Mr, Peeler, seconded by A�Is�. Dempsey and unan3mously oarried that the Ordinance be passed on its second reading� by title only. 16ioved, by l�dr. Dempsey, seconde� by Mr� Peeler =and unamimously carried that the of,fer of �" 300.00 fram Po1hiZ�. 8c Simmons pe accepted in se�leu� n f, all taxes and improvement ,��.z .lo� ! �- �. /�/r/ 2 / liens through and including the year 1939.� PJioved by Mr. Feeler, seconded by Mr. Seavy and unr�nimously carried tliat the motion be amended tc read: "if aceepted within sixty days from this date." There being'no furtlier busine�s, the meeting was ad jou-rned. r � � ���� s�i�i..,,� �� Acting h'tayor-Commissioner Attest: � � G. % �..'�3 ��� � Auditor and lerk RESOI,UTION W��eLS the City of Clearwater v,ras recently confronted with an emergency in that the �ill I;eadix�g to the bridge over Stephen- _ son's CreeK had become in a condi�ion that would soon be dangerou e. for the carrying of automobile traffic; and 1'�'HER'�AS the City of Cl�arwater requested the State Road Departmen�t to take prompt ste�s to remedy said dangerous condit� ion; and 47E�R�45 the State Road Department gave full cooperation to the City of Clearwater and tiromptly took the steps requested by the City; NOWl, ',['f;��FOR�', BE IT RESOLVED BY � CITY CO�,gQISSION 4F � TF� CITY OF CL�AR��lATER, F�,ORIDA, That tne City of Clearwater does herebg express its sineere thanks to Honorable Fred P. Cone, Governor of the State of F';.orida, and to PJir, Arthur Hals and Mro J`. H. Dowling or the Stata Road Department, for the valuable coopera�tion a.nd ;.elp rendered by them to the City of Clearwater in this emergency. BE IT FURTfi��t RESOLV�D That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Governor Cone, to24r. Hale and to Mr. Dc�wling. This Resolution passed and adopted by the City o� Clear- water, P'lorida, this 20th day of i.4ay, A. D. 1940: Attest; ���� ' , Acting ?.iayor-�ommissioner `���j � Y �uditar and ' erk 4 "' � � , � b e , . . . � . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. r�/� . . . IJIITIT?TES OF THE �4EETIlQG OF THE CITY CUL'2,�TSSION Tho City Commissi�n of the Ci�Ly Commission of the City of C?earwater met in tYre Cii;y Hall at seven thirty �'clock on the Evening of iViay 27�h 1940 Sor a Galled r,�eetin� of wh;:wh the hic�yor and each Comraissioner had been notiried by a a�py ef the following letter: May 27, 19a0 Niayor E,E.Casler, �Tr. Clearwater, Fla. Dear r.4r.Casler: I There Svill be a call�d rneeting at s�ven thirty F�rt�, r.2onday, i�iay 27 £or Lhe purpose of considering the fin�l acceptance of the entire Sewa�e Disposal Project and such other business as may properly come befcre said meeting. Yours very truly, F.L.Fendrix City ?��Ianager. iQay 27 , 1940 Special mEeting cal�ed for 7:30 P.I�i. P�Ionda�, i,iay 27, at t�:e City Hall for the �urpose of considerin; the final acceptanee of the entire Sewage Dispos�I Projact. Delivered to the zolZoiving Commissioners: Time oi' Deliver,y n2ayor �.B.Casler, Jro 9:30 A.I�. Itiir. Herbert Grice g; �p A,t„ 2:iajor George Seavy 9:45 A.Pi. �4r. R.A.Dempsey 9:35 A.ri. 1'.?ra jN.t^l.Peeler IO: F2 A,.�.i. Respectfully subnitted,' A.D.Finch. ' City P2anager presented Resolution aecept3ng Contraat No.2 Sewer extension & improvement Document No,�Ia 1I06-F Also Resolution acceptin� Contract No.3 Pumping Station under pocket No.Fla. 1106-F, Sewers Egtension & Improvements 1�l.so accepting Contract No,,4 Force A4ains, under poc2cet No. F'1a.1106-F Sewers Extensions and Im�rovements. A1so Resoltition accepting Contract Vo>6 Sewer Extensions and Improvements, Docket No.Flao, 1I06-F. Also Resolution accepting the Sewers Extensions �c Impr,ovements under poeket Fla. 1106-F. NIoved by PaIr Grica and secon.ded by Mr.Dempsey, and unanimously carried the Resolutiar�sbe adopted. r:Ioved by 2�:r. DempseyT seconded by T:�r. SeatTy and unanimousl� carried that a trans�er of � 10,000.00�irom the Gas & VTater Departnlent to the General Fund cn P�IaJ 23rd be approvea:.' Moved by lt3r. Dempsey, secondeci by ;:Zre Sesvy and unani:mous`ly carried that the followin� Resolution be adopted: , - • � � � � � _ RESOLUTTON OF THE CI�l'Y COItR�lITSSION OI' TT3E CT'PY OF CLEl,RtNATER RFQUESTl"NG :1N 4l�DITI0iJ�2, LOt'1N ' AND GR9I�TT IN THE SUR�I OF y� 25,OOO�ROiJI I'. 1"7. �.. FOR THE COr<U.'LETION OF PROJECT NO.�`C10�-I'. t�EAS, P. �'7. A. Froject No. 1106-F has beon completed rasulting in an overrun, and �VF�REAS, the City of C1ear�vater is �vithout funds to pay said overrun and is unable to obtain the same. 1V0�"T TL�2EFORE BE IT R�SOLVED 13Y THL+' CIT`i COP.:���ISSTON of the City of Clesrwater, I'lorlda, in re;ular meetin� assembled tha�t the City oz Clearwater, Florida, muitie immediate applicat- ion to tlie Pnblic ['lorks ��.dministration for a loan and grant in the amount of y� 25,000 for the completion of P. 4V. �. Project Ivo. 1106-F. p�SS� �TD riDOPT�D by tl?e City Com�ission of t11e City oi' Clear�vater, ��loridr�, this 27th day of ?Pay, _�.. D. 1940. P.ayor-Commis nex id.ttest: � . t� ���ryvx-eylf q,i y l�uditor �nd Cl�rk �l � _ , . _ . ,. _.. _. _.. __� � �il RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COtl�i/tISSION OF THE CITY' OF CLE�R�'�ATER, FLORIDA ACCEPTING COYdTRACT #2, SEVJERS E�- • TEriSIONS AND Il';II'ROV�,�1+1TS, DOCE�T NO.FLA. 1106-F. �'Ii�REAS, the J.B.P1IcCrary Company, Inc. of Atlanta, Geor ia, has complied with all the requirements of the contract �2 awarded to them by the City of Clearviater, �'lor� da, i'or doing the necessary conetructian work on Sewers extensions and improvements under pocket Fla. 1106-�. NOGV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV��'+D by the City Connnission of the City of Glearwater, Florida, as follows: Section l: That �he work done and the equipment Purnished by the J.B.1VSeCrary Compan;yT, Inc. be acceptecl b'y the City oP Clearwater, and the said Company be reimbursed immediately upon receint of funds Yrom the Public �°dorks Administration. Section 2: That F.L.Hendrix, Cit,y bianager, is hereby authorized o ma�e t is acceptance and to reimburse the said company. STATE OF IZOFiIDA COUNTY OF PIDTELLAS I, J'.Frank gamrick, the dizly elected, acting and qualified City �iuditor and Clerk, DO Fir�tr"�Y CERTIE'Y that the foregoing is a true accurate and compared copy of a resolution, entitlgd "Resoluti�n by the City Co�ission of the City oY �learrrater, Florida, Acceptin� Contract m2, Sewers Extensions and Improve- ments, Docket No.I'la. 1106-F" duly adopted by the City Commi3sion on the 2Qth day of May 1940, at a regular meeting, and that said Resolution has been duly recorded in the minute book for 1940. Ga.ven under my hand and seal the � day �f ��� 19�0 F � - � ,f����� � RESOLUTION BY 'I'FiE CITY COP,��++IISSION �F THE CITY 0�' CLEA.RVTATER, �LOE2IDA ACCEPTING GONZRACT �;i, PIIIw'IPING STATIQNS, Lfi]DER DOCI'�T NO,r'LA. 1106-F SE:1'ERS EKT�2dSI0idS ADID 1Td- PRCV�4.�"D,1TS. VI�REAS, the J'.P,Clarkson Compang oF �learwater Florida, has com�lied wit� alZ the re�uirements of Contract �3 awarded to them by the City of Clearwat�r, Florida,for doing the necessary c.onstsuction vaork on pumping stations under pocket Fla. 1106-F sewers extensions and improvements, N01,V THFf2EFOR� B� IT RE50LVED by the City Commissio�. oi' the City of ClearwatEr, Florida, as follows; Section la That the �vork done and the equipment furnished by the T.P.Clarkson Company �e accepted by the City of Clearwater, and thE said company be reimbursed immediately upon receipt of funds from the Public Vdorks Administration. Section 2: That F,L.Hendris, City Manager, is hereby authorized to make this acceptance and to reimburse the said corspany. STATE OF k'LORIllA COUNTY OF PIN�LT,AS I, J.�r.ank Hamrick, the duly elected, zcting an.d quali�ied Gity Auditior and Clerk, DO HER�Y CERTI�Y that the foregoing i� a true accurate ftnci compared copy of a resolution, entitl ed, '�Resolution by the Oity Coimnission of the Ci�y of Glearwat�r, FZoricia Accept- ing Contract �3, Pumping Stations, Under pocitet No.F1a.1106-r Sewers Extensions and Im�rovements" duly adopted by the City Com- mission on the 20th day of hIay,19�0, fi� a regular meeting, and tl�at said Resolution �Rs been duly recorded in the ma.nute book for 1940e Given under my hand and Seal the �,� day of 1940. , ' � � * � � t u RESOLUTION BY TFiE GITY COP.�4I5SION OF THE CITY OF CLEAR4'JATER, FLORIDA ACC�F.'TING CONTRACT T4 FORC� RZAINS, UNDER DOCKET NO.FLA.1106-F, SEl4'ERS EXTk'NSTONS AND Ih�ROVEPlIENTS. �'�RE9S, the Boyce Company of Clearwater, Floxida, has complied �vYth all the requirements of Contract m4 awarded to them by the City of Clearwater, Florida, for doing tl�e necessary construction work on force mains under pocket Fla� 1106-F, ae�vers extensions and improvements, I�TO<'t mHEREFORE BE IT RE50ZVID by t;:l� City Commission oP the City of Clearv:ater, Florida, as followst Sectio�x l; That the work done and the equtpment furnishQd by the Boyce Company be accepted by the City of �l.�arv:�ater, and the said company be reimbursed immediately upon receipt of funds from the Public P�orks Administration. Section 2: That r.L.Hendrix, City Mana�er, is hereby authorized to make this acceptance and to reimburse the said company. STATE OF FLORIDA C 0 t?NTY OF PINELL A,S I, J.Frank Hamrick, the duly elected, acting and qualified City Auditor and Clerk, DO HEREBY CF�tTIFY that the foregoin� is a true, accurate and compared copy of a resolution, entitled, "Resolution by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, Accept- int Contract �4, Farce :��ains, IInder pocket No.Fla.1106-F Setvers Extensions and Improvements", duly adopted by the City Commission on the 20th day of hIay, 19�0,, at a re�ular meeting, and th�at said R�solution has been duly recorded in the minu�e book for 1940« Given under my uand and Seal the � day of _/���� 1940. � . RESOLUTIQN BY THE CT'i'Y CUr�tIISSTON OF THE CITY OF CLE2.Rl�°;ATER, FLORIDA - ACCEPTIPIG COiiTRACT �6, SEVVER EY- 'I'�TSIONS �7D IMPROV.�I�1TS, DOCI�T NO. FLA. 11D6-F. WF�REAS, The Ebersbach Construction Company of Tampa, Flar�da, has complied �titith all the requirements of Contract j�6 ativarded to them by the Ci�y o� Clearwater, Florida, for doing the necessary construetion work cn sevders extensions and improvements under pocket Fla< 1106-�. NO�I Tf�REFORE B�' IT RESOI,VED' by the City Commission of the City of�Clearv��ater, Florida, as Pollov!s: Seetion l: That the work done and the equipment furnished by Lhe Ebersbach Construction comgany be acceroted by the City of Clear�rater, anu the said company be .reimbursed immediately upon receipt o� funds from the Public V�Iorks Administrat;ion. 8ection 2: ThFxt F.Z.�Iendrix, City I�hanager, is hereby authorized to make this accentance and to reimburse the said company. STATE UF IZOFiIDA CQTTNTY OF PIN�LI�S I, J'.I+ranl� fIamri:ek, the duly elected, acting ancl qu�lified City Auditor and ClerY, DO HERLBY CERTI�Y that the f oregoin� is a trua, accurate and compared copy of a resolution, entitled "Resolution b;� the City Commission �f-the City oi Clearwater, rlorida, Accepting Contract TF6, Sewer Extensions and Tmprovements, Docket No. �'la, 1106-F", duly adopted by the City Coramission on the 20th day of n2af, 1940, at a xe�;ular meeting, and that said Resolution has been duly recorded in the minute Y�oolc tor 1940. Given under my hand and Seal the �� day of • 19�0. __1�� • � � REaOLUTION nY TI� CITY COrl�dISSION OF TEi� GITY OF CLEAR��ATER, I�,ORIDA ACCEI'TTNG THE SL+'�1ERS EXT�'NSTONS � AND I?VII.'ROVEGZENTS UI�TDER DOCKET FLI�. 1J�06-�'. V�REAS, L.Plf.Butler, Desi�ning and Supervising �gineer, has reported to this Commission that: The J.B.2dcCr.sry Company, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia, the J.P.Clarl;son Company, oP Clearwater, Florida, The Boyce Company �i Clear�vater, Florida, Remington-Ra�d Inc. of BuYfalo, New York, complied v�ith all the requirenents of the several contracts awarded to them by the Cit;� of tlearwater, Florida for doing the necessary construction work under pocket Fla. 1106-�'. N0�'d TFLREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cammission of the t�ity of Clearv�:ater, Floxida, as follav�s: Section l: That the work done and ihe equipment furnished b�* the several companies enumerated above be ac�epted by tl�e City of Clearwater, and the said companies be reimbursed i�nediately upon receipt oP funds from the Public �"lorks Aaministration. Section 2t That F.I,.Hendrix, City Manager, is hereby author�zed to make this acceptance and to reimburse the said conpanies. ------------------------ S l�ATE OF F'LOt�IDA . COUN'P`r OF FLORIDA I, J'.Frank Hamrick, the duly elected, acting and qualified City Auditor and Clerk, DO H�EBF CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true, accurate and compared copy of a resolution, entitled "Resolution by the City Cou�ission of the City of Clesrwater; Florida, Accepting the Sewers Extensions and Improvemen ts Under pocket , Fla. 1106-F", duly adopted by the City Gommission an the 20th day oi Iv�ag, 1940, at a regular me�ting, and that said Resolution has been duly recorded in the minute book �or 1940.. Given under my hand and Seal the �` day of ,� 1940 ____� � � There being no further business, Pdeeti� adjourned< G�+� i P�Ia,yor-Commis ianer. Attest: � , � � . �,�,c C�tYAuditor & erk. ``Yy-=""'J ��