M�'�+'� �p' `I'H3�' ME�+."iING OF iHE CTTY COMIvITSSION
The City Cammiss�.on of the City oY Cleaxwater met in
the City Hall at 7:30 o�elock on the evening oY May 6th, 1940, -
with th6 following members present;
E. n. Gasler9 Jr., Mayor-Comnissior�er
R. A. Aem�sey
IIerbert Grice
W. 1N. Peeler'
G. 13. Seavy
Absentf NOI�TE r
Minutes o�' the previous meeting were read and a�proved.
Mr. 2�i. A, Smith presented a getition sig�ed by a number
oP citizens oP Clesxwater protesting the increase in taxatio�i.
Mr, H. H. Baskin asked if the Commi�sion had made any
changes in the proposed Hudget. The Mayor stated that he hzd
sent letters to var3ous oitizens and asked them to meet with
the Go�ission and express thoir views. 3dr. Dempsey asked
what suggestion Mr. B�sl;in had for reducing taxes, I�Sr, Baskin
suggested that a portion o� ltiT. P, A. Frojects �� cut grom the
Budget and that the City�s portion of Pavin� and Sidewalks be ,
assaseed against the ab:atting property.
Mr. F. J'. Booth, representing the Real.tor's Association,
assured the Commissioa that they want to cooperate with the
Commission in every w�y possible i;o keep the iz�crease in
millage d���n, and made several suggestions.
Mr. M. R. Boyce stated that if it is necessarq to raise
additional Punds for operation, then the millage should he
increased and suggested i;hat if the Budget is to be reduced,
a portion oP the allatment to the Chamber of CammereP be taken
Mr. W. H. Vlolfe addressed the Commission and objected
to the City includin� in ths Budget � 3,50�J.00 to pay taxes,
� 4,500.00 for improvements on Mandalay Road and � 1,500.0.0
for tivhita way. He suggested that addit�onal funds be r�ised
bq s�Gheatre tax, a garbage collection tax and an increase af
oecupational license taxes. •
Mr. Hal T. I�iorrison stated that the cities oP Atlanta
and R'fiami have a garbage collection tax of � 3.00 per year,
I�Ir. IvM. B. Thayer addr,essed tho Commission as a bu4i�sss
m;�n and stated that the is always reedy an� willing t� pay tages
when money is available, but tha� the anticipatod increase in '
taxes has caused a co�sidesable loss in busiz�ess to him. �e
also suggested that additional funds be raised from an increase
in ocoupational license taxes.
I�� `
_. . �
� a r1
Mr. Gr;iae suggested that a aommittee of no� more than
five oitizens be aalled in to go over the �ud�et with the
Commissioners and malce suggestions and ehanges.
The Me,c.�ror said tb:at if satisfaa•bos'y +iv�th all.
Commiss3onexs, definite action on adoptin� the �.940-�1 -�
Budget be postponed until a1n�,Acljourneci I�Seeting �u bo
l��ix, ��`�� 1.
held at 7: 30 P. 1vi. on �hur�&ay, May� ,�th.
Mr. E. H. Coachman addressad tha Commiss3.on with
reference to receiving a noti�e Prom the City Attorney,
oonoerning tearing do�vn the remaining tivalls of the burneci
building in the xear of the Post Office. �i� statvd that
he had several o:ffers on 'chis place and he was unwilling
to have the walls torn do�m at present, as the� can. be
uaed in constructing anothe� building there.
l�iss 3aker, represent3.ng the Salvation Arm�, appeared
before the Commission �md insisted that, iP p�ssible, to
haQe � 1,000.00 added to the Budget for th�n. The Mayor
iaformed Miss Bake_:° that this will be considered bePore
final adoption oY the Budget.
l�dr. Vernon Kelly asked ior permission for parking
space �to be used �or taxi-cabs on the corneT oP Cleveland
Street and Garden Avenue. This was reP.erred to ths City
b2an �er,
Mr. �'. t'V. Register complained to the Commissio�ers
about smok�, cinders ete. from the Gas P1ant and Incinerat�r.
The City Manager inPormed'i�ir. Register that he is making
arrangements i'or a smoke-eating dsnice.
112oved by �r. Dempsey, secanded by hSr, Grice and
unanimously caxried that a transPer of � S,OOO.00; Prom
the Gas anci Wat�r Fund to the General Fund be approved,
Movad by b2r. Dempsey, seconded by Itir. Grice and
unanimously carried that the sale of part of Zot 23 af
Padgett's Estate Subdivision be sold to Dr. 1Vtoreland �o�r ��, P� �,�
q� o, o o � oo. �c �.--.L ��-1 /, �- Y` 3��"� ,l�� �
the sum oi' � �9.
I�Ioved by hir, Grice, seconde�: by ivlr. Dempsey and unauimously
carried that a Resolution be adopted with refe�ence to sewer
line under the S. A. L. Railway.
.y.Q �
The City Commission of the C�,ty of Clearwater met in
the City Hall et 7:30 on tho evening oP May 13th, 1940, Por
an Adjourned Meeting �r�om May 6th, 1940. The foZlowing
inembers wera prasent:
E. B. Casler, J'r., hia,yor-�ommissioner
9i. A. Dempsey
Herbe�t Grice
W. W. Peeler
G. R. Seat�y
Absent• NONE
Mr. Thomas Rami.lton sta�ed that he undexstood a
number of ci�izens wera opposed tc the � 3.00 automobile
license and had heard several persons say they would lea�e
�. the Gity if this tax is imgosad. f�e suggested that the .
City "cut expenses to the bone'� rather than put on the
� AutD, Gas and Elect�icity II2eter charges.
� Tha hiayor sxplained to P3r. Hamilton that for several
� years the City has spen� considerat�ly more than had been
budgeted and this is �rhat the Commission is �trying to gat
away from.
ltiir. GarrEt McKeraan said that on a number of occasiana
he had the pleaswre of boosting Clearwater and ei�sd an
instance in which he had done this. He Pelt that impasing
tliese ex�Gra tages would tend to discourage investment in
Cle�wvater propez�ty and drive people avvag.
Nrm M. R. Boyce suggasted that the City place a ta�
on all signs erected in Clearwater.
Mr. Wil.liam H. Sacabs suggested a one cent tax on
tk►eatsrs, soPt-ba11, foot-ball and boxing bout tic2cets.
Thc� Mayor and City Attorney explained that the .
increase �.n milla�e wa� nat to wipe out a de�icit of
� 40,000.00 as �reviously reparted and said tl-�e City wQulcl
wipe thi:� out with bonds on hand and the Gommission wished
1 to avoid a de�io3:t in the future whiah might afPec� �he
Refunding Plan:
R4r. C. �,. Ware stated that he has 48 meters an;d has
m€�de a stu3y af the situation. Se thought the metsx charge
'_, and automobile tag 3s the mos� deiinite way to olear the
situation, The problem oP t�is Co�nission is to Pigure the
mo9t equitable wau to distribute this burden and he is more �
than g1a8 to carry his share oP' the eapense,
� , __? _._
niaved by I�r. Dempsey, seaonded b,y Itir. S'eavy� and
unanimously oarried that the 194Q-41 Budget amounting to
� 206,-000.00 be adopted.
n4oved by Mr. Peelex, seconded by n�7r. Gz ice and
unan3mously oarried that the to�tal operating millags on
the 1940 Tax Aoll be placed at five (5) mill.s and Debt
Serviae of fifteen (15) mills in the Secon,d Addition;
si�teen (16) mills Debt Service in the E'irst Addition
and seventeen (17) mills Debt Service in the`Old Territory.
Moved by PBr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Grice and
unani�ousl.y carried that the City I�ana�er. be instructed
to ask for sealea bids on the sale of th� Old Fire Station,
with the right to acaept or reject any and sll bids.
Moned by Mr. Grice, seconded by ��Ir. 5eavy and
unanimously carried that the following Resoluti on be adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
TiJHEREA,S tha City of Clearwater has been requested by
tne owners of all lots in Block 13 of Magnolia Park Subdivision
to vacate an alley runn3r.g es�t and west through said rloclt; and
V1f�REA,S it is the o�inior of the City ComYnissinn that said
alley is not needed for usa by the general pubZic of the City oP
Cleartiti�ater, and serves no useful purp�se;
OF T� CITY OF CLEAR6YAT�, FLORIDA, That the alley running
through Blnek 13 of Magnolia Park Subdivisi�n from �he AtTantic
Coast Line Railway �racks on the west to �he Seaboar�l Air Line
Railway on the e�zst be and the same is hereby c�losed; and all
rights heretofore ac'quired or now'held by the Gity of Clearwater
in or to sai�i a11ey be and the same are hereby released to tha ..
seversl ov�ners of the lots abutting said alley.
This Resolution p�.ssed and adopted by the City Comm.ission
of'the City of Clearwater, Florida, at its meeting on the 13th
day oP rd�:y, A. D. 1940.
�14�-e,GbC�r� ` '
hiayor-C onmi s.��ioner
�' - �,-��1-
ty Auditor an Clerk
IJioved by :�'Ix� Grice, seconded by T�r. Seavy and
unanimoualv carried that the following Resolution be
WI�REAS the City of Clearwater desires to lay
certain �ines of sewer pipe under the tracks and on the
right-of-c:ay oi Seaboard Air Line Railwey Company; aud
4VIi�REAS the Receivers of the Seaboard Air Line
Railway Company ha�re agreed to enter into a written a�reement
with the City oY Clearwatex, dated IJtay 13th, 1940„ providing
for the installation of said sewer lines;
proper City oPficials be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to �xecute �he 3aid agreement with Legh R.
Povreli, Jr., �nd Henry W. Anderson as Receivers oi' Seaboard
Air Line Railv�a� Couipany covering the installation of seven
(7) lines of 8 inch cast iron sswer pi�es arossing under
the tracks oi' the said Railway Company, a3 followa:
(1) In Lake pvenue, and crossing under the West Coast
Fruit Company's spur, at a point 641 feet, more or
I.ess, fro� its switch poi�t connectioz with the
main track.
(2) In� Woodlawn, or Thomas Street, and crossing the
Receivers' Zargo spur, at a point 3,179 feet, more
or Zess, sou�th of' the main 13ne switeh poin� connect-
ion o� said spur.
{3} In "D" Street, at the Receivers' 1�4i1e Post 875, plus
4,917 feet, more ar less.
{4) In Pinellas Street, at the Receivers' Mile Post 875,
plus 3,�.63 feet, mora or less.
(5) In Park S�reet, at the Receivers' Mile Post 874, plus
3,649 Peet, more or 1ess.
(6) In zasip Mar� Street, at the Receivers' Idtile Post 873,
rolus 2a112 Yeet, more or less.
(7y In Ptalnetto Strest, at the Receivers' Pfile Post 872,
plus 4,957 feet, mo_re or l�ss.
A line of 15 inch east iro� sewex pipe, crossing under
ti�e Receivers' track and property in Cleveland Street,
at their hrIile Post 874,'plus 3,373 Peet, more or lessa
Z'HIS RESOLUTION passed and adopted by the City
Commission of the �itp of C�,earwater, Florida, at its meeting-
on the 13th day of�Mag, A. D. 1940,
,% � �" �.,..�
May�or-Commiss ner
� �/ ���r
C Auditor & C erk
There being no further business, tha meeting was
� �
Attest: • Mayor- ommissioner —'
� ����,f
Ci . Auditor and IIlerk
, ;_: :�
Gener�l. Administration
, 11. City I��Ianager � 3,$Of�.00
12. City I:nginaer 3,250.00
13. Janitor Service & Supplies 1,300.OQ
� Pepartment of Finanae
21. Ass'essing 3,850.00
22. Go].leating 7,000.00 ;
23. Bookkeeping Rc Disb. 3,q00,�00
24. �.uditing 1,800.00
Le�al an3 Judicial,
31. Attorney 3,200.00
32. Courts 980,00
33, Advertising Delinq. Tax Roll & Voters List, '
Recording and Codifying 2,800.00 �
Public Safety
41. �lice Dapartment Z8,800.OQ
42. Fire Department 22,500,00
43. TraPfic Indicators 2,000.00
45. Bridge Tender 2,200.00
Ins ection Servioes
51. ldg. P1gb.TElec. 2„200000
52. Sanitation 4,3U0.00
Public Servics
61. Garbage ollection 10,900.00
62. Street Cleaning 7,000.00
63. 13arbor Exg�ense 600.00
64. Cemetery 2,400.00
65� Zibrary 7,500.00
66. Electricity (All Departments) 13,504.00
67. Charity 4,300.00
71. S�. Chamber oP Corrmierce 13,000.00 �
72. �r. Chamber oP Ca�erce 1�000;00
Christmas Lights 500.D0
Parks & Res;reation
81. Park:'"� 10,300.00
82. Rec. :�arks & Prg. 7,OQ0.00
83. Auditorium 1,400.00
84. Dal Ora Groves -
�ttaintenance '
91. �epair, Maint. City Bldg� 2,d00.003
92. Repair, b4aint. City Stree�a 10,500.00
93. Repair, 2Jlaint. Storm Sewers 1,500.00
94. Mc�tnt. Repair, Docks & Bridges 1,000.00
95. Insivanee (�ill Departments) �9700.00
�iscellaneous -
Exaess oP McCZamma gceident above Insuranoe
protect;ion 500e00
Red Cross Life Sa�ing 200.-0d �
Civi1 Service 100.00 I
` Other Misc. Expense 1,700,00 i
Total. oP Opareting Budget 195,380.00
Contractua3. Pa ents
�Rortg. & nt. Chamber oP Commerce N;tg. 1,120.00
Total O�erating & �ontractural Budget 196,50D.00
' ThT.P.A. Pro i ects 9, 500.00
TOTAL BUDG�T � 206,000.00
• .
Mayor-Commi si�
. �.
� ��,
C' y Attorney
, , ,
: "�
�. � . _-`