04/11/1940� rQINUTES OI' THE �,EETIT3G OF TI3E GITY' COI�RISSION The City Commission of the Gity of Clearv�ater met in the Cit� Hal1 at 2:00 o'clock on the afternoon of I�.pril llth, I9�0, for a Special h2eeting. Fach member had been z�.ot�.fied of the meeting by telephone and had waived service of writ'�en notice. The t`ol].ov:�i.ng members were present: �. �. Casler, Jr. , �:,ayor-Couunissioner R, A. Dempsey �ierbert Griee PJ. V1r Peeler G. R, Seavy ` Absent: NO2TE R�oved �y fiir. Grice, seconded by T2r. Seavy ancl unanimously carried.that the follo��ring ResolutioL be adapted: RESOT�i"iTION V�fi�FA.S the Seaboard Airline Railway Company has aYfered the sum of One Hundred Dollars (�1�J0. QO ) in Puli set�l.emen.t o� all sums due the Ci�y of Cl�arwater for taxes and 9;mprovem.ent liens against the f'ollowing described nroperty, to-z-;it: The South hal� (S�) of the Northwest Quarter ��"1� ) of the Southeast Quarter (SE� j of the IJor�thwes� Quarter (�"Jw ) of Section 11, Town- ship 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County, Florida. AZ1D �VxPR�S the said properi;y is no lo�ger tivithin the limits of the City of �learwater and it is tl�e opini.on of the City Commission that the said ofPer oi' settlemen� is ' fair, just and equitable. NOVJ, THEEtEFORE, BE IT RESOLVE�� BY THE CI"I`Y CO2�r��.iSSION QF THE CITY OF CLEARG'1ATEE?, FLORIDA, `Phat the Tax Collector of the City of Clear�vater be r�nd he is hereby authorized•and directed to accept from the Seaboard Airline RaiYway Company the suni oi One Hundrzd Dollars (�100.00) in cash, said sum to be accepted in full and complate settlement of all sums due the City of Cle�rwa�er for taxes and improvement assessments against the property hereinabove described. r � a ' ._ � . _ .. _ �. < . _ ...._�: . .._.__ ., ..._�. � � . , This Resolution passed and adopted by the Gity Comrttission c,f the City of Glearwater, Flara.da, at its meeting an the 11th day o#' April, A, D, 19�0. n7ayor-Co7nm ss oner — A'�test: c���r�1� �� nXP'� C' y Auditor an Clerk There being no further business, the meeting was ad jo�x��ed, I.Za3Tor-C ommi s s i oner Attest: / vIG ��._�� :� ty l�uditor and Clerk P . . . . . . . �. . . . � ■ s ; .-.: ) 4 " � .. � . .. . . .. .. . . � �� �. �-� � . . � . . . � ��Y .� . P�1IT?L`7�1.'ES OF' THE i�fI�ETII'3G 0�' �'�IE CITA COI�.'Il',iISSI0P1 The Cit-� Corznission o�' tYze ��ty oi Clear}vater met in the C3ty Fia;,l at 7; 30 a i �lock on the eveni�ag o£ Apz•�1 15tiI�, 1940 with t1?.e following inembers presen�; E< B, CasTer, Jr., ';ayor-Cflr.mmissi.oner R. A. Dempse� :�erbert Grice W. N/. Peeler �, R, Seavy r,�;'-'-utes of the �revious neeting v�ere read and anproved. A letter from a Committee of the Idusicians Protect�ve Association o�i'ering to fu.rnish a series o.i concertQ For. tne winter aeasoil oi' 1940-�-1 at �; S5e00 per rroek for one concer� or 4f 15Q.Q0 �aer ti�reel� for two concerts ior a season oi ten �veeks or more. IJo action tivas t�en. The Cit,� At�orney presented a lease on the :+orth one-3Za1f oi' the Fish Plant for �he Clear�cvai;er 3each P-ro�,ressive Assoc� a�ion. �'.��ved by �,:r. Grice, seconded i�� ir;r. Dempsey and una73mousl:; c-arriecl t'!zat the City qttornes be instructed to mal�e czr�aa:n chan�es and presen�' it �o •the Co�uii:�sion a� tho next xieeting. At a meeting of the C_ty Co•n�ission o� J�*�uary 22nd, this year, at the request of F•.ir. R. B. ZTorton, they a�reed to iizclude one hundrod dollars in �he 1940-4? Bud�et to be donated to the Pinellas �ou.nt� Sportsxnan� s Cltzb to help finance �he s�.lar;� of Caretakex� Asa Reese oi the FisYz �-Iatcllery�. At the request of the Club at this rseetin; the Co�.nission decided to ga� th�s amcalmt out ci tlie present 3ud�et ar_d r.ot to include it ir_ the 1940-1941 Btid;et. There bein; no further buainess, the �eefing ti°ras adjaurned. � , P.:au*or- o�nission r '�' Attest: ' y flu or an C_er��,� ; � � � hffI�IU^lES dR' TI�IF�+` PaP.s'Fs'TITdG OF THF' CITY CQT'II�4I"SIQPvT The Citv Comr±mission of t2ie Cit',� o�' Clearwttter held . a Srecial Prieeting in the �ity Ht�l.l at 2;00 o�clock an th.e afternoon of Apzil 18�h, 1940 v�dth the follo�vin� memberg presen�; E. B. Casler, Jr., r�ayor-(;o:n_*�issioner R. A. Demgse�* Herbert Grice � 4�J. ��J. Peeler G. R. Seavy The Cit�r Tr�faiia�er read: RESOI,UTTON OF TFi� CI'lY COP.'II�1I5SIQTl OF mIiE CI �'Y OF CLF�AR�VATER ADOPTIP�G A BIIDGET ASdD FI�iIPTCr TE� RAmE OF TAXA'PI02T. J.ioved by is4r. Peeler, seconded b;� f:�,r. 1�e�pse3r and unani�ou:,l� c�rried thau the Resolutior_ be adopted. The City I�Sanager reiad letters from �rie G1eai°�vate�^ N�vrs and the Olearurater Stu�., quoting �rices ��n publishinb the Delinqueni; T�� List. TToved b� I'[r. Demp.�e,y, seconded by 2,Zr. CTrice and unar_imotisl;, carried that publication be avrarded the Clear�rrate� Sun. 2.�n. L. S= Ruder., representing the Salvatior_ Arin� aske�l that the surn of i 1,000.00 be included irz this year.�s bud�et as their present fluids will not be sufficien.t to carry on tneir �rtork, and it will be necessary to close tY�e Salvation Arrug Shelter if ac�ditional �,i:nds aro not secured. T1�e; P�Iayor told ?x. Ruder that he �vill be r..oiified befbre final action . on the bud�et is t2ken. Z'l:e Cit� P.Zana�er prosented a petition si�necl by all progerty- ov�n.ers in Block 12 of i.7�z.m�nolia Park Subdivtsion, askin� the Co�is4ioners to have a11ey in the rear o.f Lots vaeatede i:tosrecl U� I,Zr. teelsr, seconcled by T;�.r. Se�.vy and unaniznousl� carrieci th�t the request be or•anted. The City 2d�na�er �resented bict� on coal and eolce. TJbon his reco�.mendation, inoved. b� 1:Ir. rrice, sec�i�ded b� 2;ir. Dempse� and unan3riousl;� ce:�ried that tho colte contract be a�varded to �BC Coal and CoYe Com�any ai; a price o.f � 4�75 per tcn f. o< b. carq at ovens, and th,at the coal contract be a�varded the Ell�horn Coel. Cor,poration at a price of 5t 2.05 ner ton �'or e�� coa.i �d °;� �,90 �er�ton far st�ve cqal, f, o. ��. the mi.nese There bein� no furti7er,btzsiness, the maetir_� wae adjo:arzlod. :A.tt e st : s�� � �� y Auditor and CIerY , �yor- omm ss oner - ; � , � 0 0 � , , -�°� � � RESOLL"?'IOTI QF' TIi� CITj� C011�i1ISST�I3 OF' Tli �` CITY pP CLE�.I�6'VATEI� ADdPTIT7C .A. R'f7�JGI;T A2'D :'IYTIdG TTi� P,ATi's' OF TA7+',l�TIOPi. WIiEREAS, �he Cit� Tdan.a�er oi' tkie C3.t� �f Clearv�ater, L'loric�a, has submittecl an eatima�e of the a�ount of money nece�sa:r� to carry on the City �oVarnment for i:he fisca:l year commencin� Jul� 1st, 1940, and. ending June 30th, 194�; and, ,"IIiEREAS, thc Cit� f,'o�;m,i�aion has, 3n meeting dul� assembled �xat�zned carefull�, considerecl, a�d a�iprov9cl the sam�; and . VVI3EREAS, the tax assesamen.t roll has been submitted to the City Coznnission b� the Equalization Board in correc� t'oT�1;� TF�REROI�, BL; IT ?i�SOLVED BY TPHE CI`i'i COT.�ri1:5SI0tT OF 1A�' CI't'Y OP CLEARGII�TER, FLOi'SDA, in regular meetin� assembleds F'irs�; �hat the :follo:r�in; schedule be aizd it is ]iereby e.do�afi�d, as the operat7 n� bvd�et for tY�e Cit� o� Clearwater for the fiscal year co:�-�aencing J'ul� ls+, 1940, Q�n:r7: ending June 30th, 19�k1; DEP qRTF�� T �1pPRQ PRI ATION Gener�l AdminiUtration Cit�' y i�;ana�er N 3, 800.00 Cit� rngineer 3,25�.00 Janitor Service ;;, Sup�lies 1 500,00 � Departrient o� Fir_ance ssessing 3,850�00 C�llec-L-in� 7, 000.-0� �30o1:1_ee�in� �; Disb. 3,000.00 AuCl.i-ti Y�,� _ li 300, 00 L_e�a�l and Sudicial A o�ney — 3,200.00 C�urts 9�50.00 Ad��P_ ti,�in� Delina . Tax :�oll ". VotAr,s List, RecorcLn; and Cod3.f�in� 2, 800.00 Public SafetF '�o7�ce`_�egar ment 2J, GQ0.00 �'ire Depart�ent 24,Q00.00 Traffic Indica�ors 2,000,00 Bridoe Tender 2,�00.00 Inspe,ction Services g. g . ec. 2,3C�0.00 S�n�tation 4,300.p0 Publie Service Gar a;e Co�`loction 11 500.00 Street Cleanin� 7,000,00 T�arb�r Fxpenss 600,00 Cenatery 2,4Q0.00 Librarg 7,500,00 Elactr��.c3ty (A17. Depr�rt:nents ) 14, 5Q0.00 Charity 3,500,00 Pu:�lioity . Sr. Char.�ber of Cor.nnerce 15,OOd.00 Jr. Char�ber of Co�ierce 1,000.00 Par1�s �. Recreation Par �s l0, 300.00 �ec. Parlts �, Prg. : 8,OOQ,00 A�.�ditor� u.,*a 1, 400. 00 3:Iaiiit e nano e � e�a3.r., I;�aiiit, �itv Bld�• 2,000.00 l;epa3r, r-iaint, City Streets 10, 500.00 Repair, T:7aint. Storm Se�vers 1,�5U0.00 I�epair, I:f�nt. Docl.ts :.: BridGes 1,000.�0 Insurance, A11 nepartments 5,700.00 PfPvr BuildinU Consi�ruction ��ppp�p� T�Yes, Cit�-o�med Pro�aerty ' 3, 500.00 ■ ; _, _ _ _ ._�_..Y.._.. .__--__ . � � 0 DEPARTI,2FI17.' �PPRa PfiI�1TTON 1`'ti. scellaneous �xcess o P.xcGlar;¢na Acciden� �.bove Insurance proteation �p 500.00 Red Cross Life Sat�ng 2pQ��p Civil Service 100.00 Other i',tisc .'F7xpense 1, 202. G1 �'otal of O�eraa;,in� Budget � 2Q5,18�.�]. SUPPLETr�PTTAL $UDGET; Contractu�l �a�entss I!7ort. �� Int. Charzber o� Corrnnerce �MortGa�e 1,120.Q0 i�leimn Jud:oement 4,197 . 39 �Y. P. A. Projects 9,500.00 TOTAL $UDGET.,,...... ..p 220,OOOa00 Secor_dt ThAt it is hereY��: detei•mined that a tax of ter_ mills upon a.11 pronert� tirit::in tlze City, not exer�pt frorn. taxation by laVr, shalT be necessary �o raise the said sums a�propriated for �per.ating purposes, and the ac31d ra�:e of milla�e is liereby assessed on alI rz�l and personal nroperty upon said ta� assessr,ient roll not e:tempted by lativ froi� +ax�tion. Third; mhat it is herebg determ-inad t?�at the followin� rates of s�illage shall be necessary to ra�se the necessary sums for debt service on the Cit��� outs��andin� bonded indebtedness, and said rates of �.illa;;e are hers'�y assessed. A��.inst the ��ronerty included in said tax assessment roll, as follotivs; Old Tera�itory. . . , , , . . . . . . . .17 mi.17.g rirst Fxtension ............. <16 mi11s Secon3 Extension.... ....., .15 mills BE IT PLt�'.I�i�R tZF�SOLVED that the fore;oin� schedules and t�a�c rates be �ublished in the ClearrraLer Sun and that the �it� Qo�rnniasi�n shall meet 3n the Cit� Hall oi' Clearwater at 7:30 P. E�, r�n the '�k� da:,r oi T.a,TMt 1940, for the purpose of i�.olciing a public heaz-�ng upon said ir_tended tax lev�f, an.d the City Auditor and Cl�ar� is hereb, required to publis.'-i a notica oi such public hearing, setting zorth the ti�e aizd place atEoresaid for izoldin�; such �eeting, t�gether with the proposeci budget and ta.x lev� as hereir_ set fori:h, and unless sufficient objections shall be m�.de ai; t?�.e ti�e and place s-tated in said notice, �aid bud�,et and tax levy shall s�Lancl for the fiscal �sar 1,940-�1. PASSL�'D �iiD AIJU11^ED B�' ^FL� CI`IX COP!14'�SSIO�T OF 7.'FL QITY OF CL�'�.R?',fATIIi, t�lis 28th day of 1�pril, A. D. 19�0. �ia�or-Gommissioner Attest• Cit; Audit�� and Gler ,1 � � � �