02/26/1940e 0 . . . . . .. . � . . . .. . . . �i � . . . . . . � . . � ' �� � . . . . . . . . . , . h2IN'J�k;S OF' THE p,REETING OF fiHE CITY COIt31dISSION ' i The City Co�nnission of the City Conuni�sion of the City � ; oP Clearwater met in the City Hal1 at five otcloak on the ! afternoon oi �ebruary 26th, 1940 for a Ca,11ed Meeting of i which the Tdayor and each Commi�sioner had been notified by ' o F a copy of the i'ollowing letter; ` February 26, 1940. 1 n4r . City Commissioner Glearwater, Flae Dear r4r. There will be a ca].l meeting of the City Co�mnission on Pnonday at five P. IvI. at t�e City Flall for the purpose � of receiving grease and oi1 bids and also Por t]�e purpose of considering a request for the closin� oP the alleg in the rear of the Coaehman Building and such other business as may properlg come bePore the Co�nission.. Yours very truly, F. L. Nendri.x FLH:sp City r�anager . Trle follo�ving members v,jere presentt E. B. Casler, Jr., �Zayor-Go�t¢nissioner ; R. A. Dempsey t k%rbert Grice V1. W. Peeler G. R. Seavy The City L4anager presented the follovrin� bids on oil and grease: BID OF BI�ZL OII� COP,'LE'1�TY, Lpnch Bldg. , Jacksonville, Fla� STaND?�RD OIL CO�;?PAtdY PRODUCT S:�LL EG�UIVAL���'VT FRICE PErt GALL!�N Gapi�al Steam Gylinder Oil Shell �jlolco Oil '�7G �0.35 gallou �ssol,ube r�7otor Oil GoZden Shell r.2otar Oil *.37 " (A11 gradeJ) rdobil.oil Shell Penn P�otor Oil *, 64 �� ' (Al1 grades) Kyso TurL-ine 031 Shell Turbo 0i1 27 .50 " Pressure Gun Grease Shel1 Pressure Gun Lub. .06 lb. 1!'iotor Cup Grease Shell I4iotor Cup Grease .055 lb. Gear Cor�pound Shell Indus Lub.,#1 .D75 " Expee Comgaund (Hypoid) Shell Super Cer�r H�poid f E., �. .59 gaL n�5 Pdobilgrease (Univ.8ctN,B. ) Shell Universal �'oint G�ease .065 lb. f;olden Shell I�2otor Oil Cases 24/1 qt, cans �8.45 gal. Cases 4`5 qt. cans .43 " SE[1L CANS P:+IOTOR OIL Shell Penr� Motor Oi1 Cases 24f1 qt. cans 92 al. Cases 4/5 q�. cans � 70 �'re '� Price oi' o�l in bulk or returnable druma * The above prices are excl.usive of Federal Lubrica�in� Oil �Gaxes. d e . f• r ' BID OF ORANGE STATE OTT, �oI��ANY, 368 N'. E. 58th Terrace, IuIiami, �'lorid�. I,UBRTCATING OIL� Itoolmotar - 1009 Pennsvlvania Oi1 Drums 24/1-qt. or �k/5-9t. aans All Grades - S.�tiE-10 to 60 �Oo62 leas 4� �q.72 less 4� (Returnab].e arums) Tax - .58¢'Net �iax � .68¢ Net Citiss 5ervice A11 Grades - SAE-10 to 60 �0.46 less 4¢ �0,52 less 4� (Returnable Drums) Tax - .42¢ Net Tax -.48¢'Net Champion Oil All Grades - SAE-10 to 60 �"0.31 less 4¢ �0.39 less 4¢ (Returnable Drums) Tax -.27g" Net Tax -.35¢ Net Cities Service Ultimo 8team G linder Oil yp0�49 le�s 4¢ (Returnable Drums Tax -.45¢ Not - Cities Service Optimus Steam C,ylinder Oil �0.38 less 4� (Returnal�le rums T�x �.34¢ Net - LIIBFTCAN`.PS ' � Drwas CitiPs Service Trojan Lubricant - Ty�e P. , Pressure Gun GxPase �0.0637 per lb� Cities Service Troiaz�_ Lubricant -T,ype C. Ctzp GreasE .0637 per lb. Cities Service Gear Lubrieant SAE-8--90�-11J-140 .0637 per Ib. Cities Service H,ypoid Gear �ubricant SA�-9Q .10 per lb. Gities Service Tro'an Lubricant - T e A. Nos. 3 and 4 VJhee1 Bearing &�niversal Joints} ,09 pex lbo TID OF' TFiE TEKAS C(3It�ANY, Clear�vater, �lorida Havoline Motor Oil AlI Gracies 48�' per gal� H'ulk Taxaco 1�Zo�tor Oil All �rades 40¢' per gal. Bulk Texaco Thuban (gear) 100 lb. drurus All grades .072¢ Per pound Ghassis Lubricant (l00 lb. dxums) .07�¢ per pound P�Iarfak Grease (universalj 100 1b. drums All Grades .7.275¢ per pound Texaca Cup Grease �100 lb. drurss) All Grades �065¢ per pound Zyra Cylinder Oil. �S�eam Cyla.r_der Dil) 38¢ per gallon Regal Oil "C'� (Turbine 0i1) .477¢ pe� gallon Texaco Motor Oil (Sealed one quart cans) �92¢ per gallon Texaco �otor Oil•(Sealed five quart cans) ��3 ¢ per. gallon Havoline riotor Oil (Sealed one quart cans) 58z¢'par gallon Havoline P�iotor Oil (Seal ed five quart cans) .582¢ per gallon All o�.her greases not listed above at Sel?er's current �elling schedule ].ess a discount of 2� with the except�on of Marfak Grease tvhich carries a discount of 15�. 0 � BID OF THE STANI.IARD OiL COIv1PANY, Tacksonville, Florida. GRADE PRICE Kyso Turbine 0�1 Light) In bulk or 35¢' ga�.. CaPitol. Cylinder 031 ) returnable 37¢ �� �ssolube I�2otor Oil ) iron barrels �p¢ �� Kyso ?�totor Oil z� ¢ ,� Mobiloil ) Non-returnabl,e drums 612¢' �� Standard Pressure Gun Grease) Standard Motor Cup Grease ) whole drums .0638¢ 1b. Standar@ Gear Compound ) Standard �xpee Compound, whole drtuns 10� lb, Gg. I�iobilgrease �5 " whole drums 11¢ " BID �F TFI� GIILF OIL CORPORATION, Hurt Bldg„ Atlanta, Ga. Gulf Senate Cylinder Oi� A- 36¢ per gal. in 55 gal NRSD (1.) Gulfpride Motar O�ls 10,20,30,40,50,60 &�0 -67¢ per ga1. NRS17 �� ,r n �r ��.62¢ per ctn. of 24f1 qto litho cans Gulfpride I�iotor Oils � 3.75 per ctn. oP 4/5 qt. litho can� rt » n 3.85SG n n w lf5 gfll. " p8i1 (2.) Gulflu'�e Motor 0i1, 10,20,30,�0,50960 & 70 - 41¢ per ga1.- bulk or 55 gal. Ret. Steel Drtuns " " " �3.06 per ctn. of 24/1 qt. l.itho c�ns ti rr n 2.45 '� tr �t s1�5 qt,. �r et " " " 2.55 " 1/5 ga1. Litho pail (3.) Regent A2otor Oils 20,30,4U,50,60 & 70 - 38�' per gal.hulk or 55 gal. ret, steel drums Gulf Harmony Oil A- 34.2¢ per g a11on in 55 ga1. NRSD Gulf High Fressure Grease � 6y� per � in 400;� TdRSD ,�'te ;t rt �� _g2� n �� et 1007 NR;SD n rr tr rt �2. fl0 p�p �5� C3ri G�1�' Transmission Lubricant 90 & 140 - 6� per � in 400� NRSD n n fe rr ef fi-2SG �i �e �r 100� I�RSD �r n u 1e �t ,Sc,�2.00 per 25� C�tll Gu1f Hypoid Gear Lubricant 90 - 122¢ per � in 100� NRSD tt �r n rt �r y�"3. 50 per 25 r C521 GulPle� IIniversal J"oint Lubricant- 92¢ per � in 100� Iv�2SD �t „ n ,f �2.'75 per 25� can Gulflex FYheel Bearing Grease - 92� per � in 100'� NRSD �2,75 per 25� can. Tne above prices do not include Feder�l Exeise Tax of 4� per gallon on lubricating oil and 1/2¢ per pound on Zub'ricatizg greases w�iere applicable. 4Ve axe ofrering Gu1f Seziate Cylinder Oil A as a replacement f ar Capital Cylinder Oii, a�3 Gu1f Fiarmony 0i1 A as a replace- ment for Kyso Turbine Oil Light. BID OF STNCZPSR REFINIIJG COM.}?ANY, 573 P�est Peachtree Street, �tlanta, Georgia. Item Sinelair'Produet Price per Ga11on Bulk or Returna�le Drums RRotor Oi1 ) (1st:Opaline biotor Oil �0.37 )(2nd:UD/B Motor Oil SAE-20,30,40 ,32 ) f UL'/B �rlotor Oil SAE-F0,60,70 .34 Turbine Oi1 )(1st.Rubilene Oil Zight 3� }(2nd:Cor�nander Oil "B" �25 Stea� Cylinder Oil)(1st:Modoc Cylind�r Oil Dark ,37 )(2nd:�87 Heavy Duty Cylinder Oil .35 � � �� r � �id oi' Sinclair ,RePining Company !continued} � , . Price per�j�'ound in � , 400=LB , 100=I�B �( 2�=I� a �bls. Drums Pails � 3 Cup Grease ����Greaseup . 06 .055 .OS )(2nd (sa�ej Hig3i Press. Chassis ) (1st:Op�l,ine )(�ressure Sys. )(�r. ,06375 .06875- .-08375 )(2nd; (same) Gear Lut�x�icant ) (�.st:Opaline Gear ) (Lube�rtN+f � 1rgre , 05875 . 06375 . Q7875 )( Opaline Gear )(Lube"BX"�°CX« .09875 .10375 .11875 )(2nd: (same) Hypoicl Gear Grease )(1st:Extreme Duty )(Hypoid Grease ----- .10375' .11f375 )(2nd: �same) UniTrersal Grease )(1st:�Jpaline Uni- )(versal: Grease.09875 .10375 .11875 )�2nd: �same) In addition to the prices herein provided, Buyer shall pay Se11ex aunQunts equivalent to any taxes, duti es, charges and inspeeti.on fees, and any and al1 increases thexein �vhic�h are now or may hereal'ter be impased.....etc. � BZD OI' THE SEA.BOARD OI.L COTJLpAI1Y, �acksonville, Florida. Bulk or 1�c 5 Full ]./4 25;� Drum qt. c�ne Drui� D�um �ans Gal. �'�a1. Lp• Lb. LbW T�.olene P,�otor Oil .62 .71 Puro1 '� " .4Q ,50 /� 20Q Transmission Oil .�6 Hypoid I,ubricant .09 .10 ,.11.� Chassis Lubricant .Q95 .1�5 .I.� Una.versal Join� �rease .10 .13.5 �"iheel Dearirxg Gr. ease � 09 .1�0� 4Yater Pump Greaso ,185 .20 Guard3ari Steam. Gyl. Oi1 .3? " Tuxbine Oil (Light) .26 The above prica� are exclusive of all ta�ees, whi�Y� muat �e added where applicable, and oil, drums reaain the property of The Seaboard 0il Company, and must be �aturneda The City I�.Qanager was instructed to tabulate the Bids and raport back to the next Cammission A4eeting. I��oved by I�.�:r. Dempsey, saconded by n+Ir. Pealer t�nd unanimously carried �hat �the Gity Ia�anager be instructed to pux�hasa a truck for the Gas and Wa�er Department f'rom Ifennedy flnd Stric':land at a price of � G9 ���for aab and ahassis as quoted by tliem and credi� same to purchase contrac� on ba? ance of B1.ock 4 of Sarah 1�IcnIul,len's Sub-- division as per agreement. � � RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissi:on of the City of Clearwater, in meeting assembled this u6�Gh day cf Fe-aruary, A, D. 1940, that WHEREAS, Priox to the 2J_st day of Decamber, A. D, 1931, that the Heirs at Law of S, S. Coaclunan, deceased, to-wit. J'essie Candler Coachmsn, widow; Sess3e Candlar Coachman, daughter; S. C. Coacl�man, son, H. M, Coachman, son; J'amas Warren Coachman, son; Francis Lane Coacim�.an,, son; Bonnell Ponteau Coachman, son; andrHarriet Coachman Daniel= daughter; were the owners in fee of tiiat certain piee�e or parcel oi lanc3 situated and located in the Ci.ty of Clear�va'tsr, described as follows, to-�vit: The South Five j5} feet of Nor�h Twenty-six (26) ieet and Two (2) inches of Zot Three (3), Block Four (4j o� Goula and Ewin�'s Second Addition to Clearwater, Florida� v�hich said tract of larid, together wi.th the five foot strip to the Nort h thereof, had been io r many years prior to said date maintained by said heirs and, during his lifetime, by S. S, Coachman sa a private alley as an appurtenence and for service to that certain property in �the City oP Clearwayer generally lmown as the "Coachman Building"; AND V�FiER�AS, That prior to the 21st daq of December, A, D. 1931, the Donald Roebling Company, a corporation, was the owner in fee oi that csrtain strip or parcel of land in tize City of Clear�ru�ter,'-Pinellas County, Florida, described as follows, to-wit: The North Five (5) feet oP South 'Ptven�y-six (26) foet and Ten (10) inches of Lot Three (3j, B1oe� I'our (4) of Gould and Ewing's Second Addition tn Clearwater, Florida, which said s•trip or parcel af land had al�nrays been. ownecl and maintained bg said l�oebl.ing Compang and its predscessors in title as private la.nd; AIJD V�fTII?EAS, on the aforesaid date of DeCember 21, A. D. 1931, the aforesaid Heirs at I��.w oi S. So Coacn.man, dec�eased, and th e said Donald Roebling Company, a corporation, by their respective•deeds conveyed each of the aforesaid strips or parcels of land to the City of Clearwater for the purpose of eatablishing thereon a public al:ley running East and West between the Roebling and Coachman Properties, thare being at that time on said Roebling f ive Poot strip an ald, concrste, r `� ,.�.� .,. . _ . _.:..._.. .. �. _. .... , . . . �.. . �... . , . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .. .� .. .�. . . ...._ t . . - � � 0 building foundati.on running the l.ength thereof� and there be�ng at that time a por�tion of the paving briak of the former private alley Iooated on the five foot stri� �o the N�rth of the ebove described Coachman f.ive foot strip; AND 1'VHEREAS, the said City of Clearwater, in . consideratios� of t�ie aforesaid conveyanceS by the said Roebling Company and the said Coachman Heirs`, agreed to remove said f�un3ation tivall from the Roebling five fnot strip and rem ove the North five feet of tbe1 paving brick of said pxivate alley to the said xoebling five foo� strip thereby constituting and establishing `on the respective five foot strips conveyed by the said Coac�mans and said Roebling Company a paved alley which w�s to be henceforth ivaintained by the said City oi Clearwater as a public alley; AND WSER.EAS, since the date of said conveyanaes the said City of clearwater nas in nowise complied with its said agreement with the said Roebiing +'.omp�ny anci said Coachman Heirs 'by rem oving said foundation anii re-loeatin� and maintaining said proposecl public alley, and that by reason thereof the said respective trac�s stand today exactly as they were on the date of said respective conveyances and �the said Coachman �ive g�ot strip and the Pive foot strip lying to the North of same have continued to be maintained and us�d Por the most part as a private alley for the saruicing ofi the a�ore- said "C�achman Building"; A1VD i^IHEREAS, •the said Roebling Conpaily and the said Hei�s at Law of S. S. Coachman, deceased, have this d.ate made a shov�ing before this Commission that the y have an �pportun.ity of reLting, on a t�enty-f�.ve year lease, portions of their respective uroperties lyin� Soutli and Nor-th of the aforesaid respective five Poot stxi�s and that t�ie lessor intends to immediately bui.Id upon the portion� of said property to be so rentecl a new an� modern busineas structure that wi11 cost approximately �120,000 to �T60,000, that said building is to be of such architecture and construation as will be a great improvement and perpetuaz3 asset to the City of Clearwater and will add greatly to the convenience and benePit oi' the �eneral. public thereof; AND WHEREAS, it has been represented and. dPmonstrated to t�.is Cou�nission that sa:td lease agreement, and hence the building of the propos��d structure thereon, is �vholly dependent upon an oificial act oP this C�amission in abo].ish- ing and vacating as a public alley the respectivs five ioot �trips conveyed by the said Roebling Company and the said Heixs at Law of S. S. Coachman, deceased, to the City of Clearv✓atar on December 21, A. D. 1931; AND WHER�AS, it appFaring ta this Commission that there lies immediately to the East oP said Roebling and Coachman properties a fully dedicated and publicly main- tained fifteen Poot alley running Nor�th and South with oul;Tets on Park 8treet to the South and Clevel�nd Street to the North and that continuir.g Eastward Prom the East end of said respective five foot strips is a Pully dedicated and pubticly maintained public alley which affords ample ingress and e�ress to all �roperty owners and the general publie for the proper aervicing and ingress and egress to all other properties located in the City block in the City oP �learwater bound on the North bg Cleve�and Street, East 3y Garden Avenue, Soi��h by Park Street and West by Fort Harrison Avenue; AND WH�FA.S, the City Co�aission iinds that although the population oi' the City of Clearwater has during the past eight years increased more than twenty per cent, �nd although during said ti�e there have been extensive improvements and new buildings established in the residential sections oP said Gity, there has been only a very sligh� tendency toward improvement and modernization oP what might te terraed the business district of said City whieh would thereby keep pace with the increase of population rind d8�elopment of the resi�ential sections; 1 AND G'JhEREA.S, this Cor�ission bel.ieves and therefose finds it to be a fact taat it is to the best interest of the general populatian of the City of Clearwater that the sai.d proposed public alle� on the afaresaid respective Cnachman and Roebling five foot strips be vacated and atsolished and that the �itp of Clearwater re-convey to � saifl Roebling Company and sa:td Heirs at Law o� S. S. Coachman, deceased, the respective five foot strips previously couveyed by them to the �ity of Qlearwater for the establishment of a pub.lie alley so that said lease agreement might be consunmated by the said Heirs at Law of S. S. Coachman, deceased, and the said Roebling Compan3i and the said general public of the said City of Clear�vater might receive the general benefits which will naturally flow from the building o�'the proposed structure an the respactive properti_es arid the c�ntinued ma:i.ntainance thereof for the bene�'it oi the general publi:c by the proposed lessee. � NOW7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit3* Commission and the City of Clearwater, this 26th ,day of 2�'ebruary, A. D. 1940, that the aforesaid pr.oposed publio alley on the aforc- said Roebling and Coachman five foot strips be and the same is hereby abolished, vacated and set asid8 as a public alley of the �ity of Clearwater and is henceforth frpm this da+e declared to be the ?�rivate property of the grantees herein- ai'ter named. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVID �izat the proper oft'icers of the �ity of' �learwater are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the s�id Heirs at Law of S. S. Caachman, deceased, and the said Roabling Company its deed to the said res�ective Coachman five foot strip an.d Roebling five foot strip of lands hereinbefore described. The Poregoing Resolution was moved by Commissior�er Herbert Grice, secc�ded by Coimnissioner Gearge R. Seavy, and carried this 26th day of February, A. �. 19�0. / I�;IB�OI'— 6DID113910 6T Attest• / � S�� � r �.ty _4uditor and C�erk m s r e . ��� Mnved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempaey and, unanimously carried that a11. Citg taxes on the North � of the Northwest � oP the Southeast � oP Section 7-29�Z6 be canaelled i'or payment of � 24.44. Mr. C. E. Ware and Mr. Cyril Pogue representing the S. S. Coachman Estafe and Donald Aoebling presented a Resolution vacating a portion oP the ten foot alley in the rsar oP t�e Coachman Building. Mnssxs. Baskin, Jordan and Mc�neany oppased closing the alley as thi� wauld not leave ample roozn to 'sarvice the stores abutting this alley. Mr. J'ordan cited a Supreme Court ruling wh ich s�ated that no street or alley could be closed Por private use. After ennsiderable discussion, including a reques'G by �2r. Peeler that action be postponed until the negt Meeti�, movc,?, by N.1x, Grice, seconded by Mr. Seavy and carried that the Resolution be adopted. t�r. Feeler �roted "NC�". The City Manager brought to the a�tentior� oY �he Co�issioaers the necessity of codifying the Gity Grdinan�es and stated that Mr. C, E. Ware ha� agreed to da this work at an approximate cost oi three hundred dollars. Movecl by Mr. Dempsey, seconded t�y B'!r, Seavy and, unanimously carried that Mr. C. E. Ware bo instructed to go ahead �vith the work, prov�ided that the cost tr�11 not exceed three hundred dollars. Moved by YJIr. Seavyq seconded by Ddr. Denpsey and unanimously carried that all Cii.y owneri tax claims agai.nst :Lots 43 and 44 Black B of Hibiscus Gardens be assigne� to F. B. Cole, Jr. for payment of � 83.15. Moved by Pdr. PeelEr, seconded by Mr. Denpsey a�l L1ri8Il�ll10iL31y carxied that Lot 14 Block 11 01 C011Il�23r Cltlb Addition be turned over to Lotvell Thomas t,o be sold at au�tion. Proaeeds i'rom sale of this Lot are to be applied to tho Finnish Relief Fund. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. . �yor-C o�i ss ianer Attest; � 1l/ �,��-v',�i/ �'ity Aud� tar a�a 1� f � e . , a .. . � � , . . � . . . .. . . . . . � .. . . . . .. . . � ..� � . � -. . � � . . � . . . �. � ' . . . . .. . . . ... . . . �,' . . . . �. .. . ' ;� . � . . . � � � . . � . . . y� X . y � ' . . . � 1 N v }t . . . �. . � i 14�INUTES OF Tf� �4�TIZJG 0�' '1.'HE CI�Y' GOL9�4ISSION � The City Connnission of the City of �learwater held i a Special A�eeting at 12;00 o�clock noon on February 29th, � - 19�0. Official notice of the Meetin� was �,vaived by the � i Commissianers. ; Members present: � � �. B. Casler, Jx. , r�ayor�Coimnissioner � R, A. Dempsey � W. W. Peeler y G. R, Seavy � R ABSIIJT: Herbert Grice ' The City P;Zanager was 3nstructed to contact R. A?. Thompson with reference to building tl� Horseshoe GZub House in the City Park and iP arrangemznts are not sat�sfac�;ory to the City i+ianager, �e (City P�anager) ��ras instructed tc� build thz Club Aouse with City labor or any labor he can obtain. �'he City T,tan�ger presented a tabulation of oil bids. ' Tne Shell Oil Company having the lowest bid. R2oved by P,Sr. Peeler, aeconded by r;ir. Seavy and unanimously earried that i`<he contract be award The Shell Oil Compang. There being no further business, the meeting �aas adjourned, � � � ✓ i;ls3,or_ iss zane pttest: �./1���:ziri%G r�'l/l/�v��;/� �ity Auditor anc� Clerk � � , �