02/05/1940y ■ � r . � . . . . . � . . � .. - � ��� .. . 1 MTl`3II'�LS OF TI� P,T�,+T22�G OF '!'EE CITY CQi.�:�.?ISSIOId Tha City Co�nission o�' the Citf of Clearwater met i?�, the City Hall at 7:30 on the evening of February 5th, 1940, v��ith the �oll.ov�ing members preaent: E. B, Casler, J'r. , S:ayor-Coramissioner Fd. A. Dempsey Herbert Grica �`1. Z'J. Peeler G. R. Seavy �b s ent ; idONE P�inutes oF the t�revious m�eting were xead and a'pnroved. I.Ts. R. I,. Rod�ers, representing tre Sal?ration �y, stated that the esti�ate ior this District ����s anpro�;imateZy � 3,000.00 and �,ave a xeport of expenditures for last yzar, u�hich showed a deficit o� � 700.00, and as?ted the Cit� Cor�mission for a donation. ".:iss �aker steted that otiving to the free�e and increased unemploy:�ent it �F�i11 be necessary, if possible, to �et extra assistance. 2,ir. _4lfred i:�4arshall suggested that the City a�id an extra mill to next yearts Uudget ior relie�'. t'.r. Robert �J. ;'IYtter, representing �he Clearwater Beach Prooressive Association, read a lett�r aslcing for certain tliin�s to be included in next yearis bud�et. I+r. B. E. Ri� stated that the �each at tliis time is in a depl�rable condition due to the dead fish and rot-te� { oranges tivhich have driited to tlie edge of the tivater an:d also ' dead seav.�eEd and othei debris Khich h�.ve aceu.�ulated due to the hi.�!i �.vinds ior the »ast fet�a d�ys. I�e also said tha'c these trin�s cause an extre�el-r bad adar and asl�ed` the � Co:.unissioners if ii ��ould be noasibl� to �ut a cre?,� af rlen on the BeacP� to clean up ancl take care of this condition becatzse t�e Beaeh is losin� thoizsands of dollar� this season i on aecount oi t.iis condition. ;:r. Rix �v�s sssured by the � ! City ..ana�er th�t � cre�u af r�e:� tivould be put to �vor� y irar,�ecii;ztaly and �;ei; this candition cleared u�n. ? i i'�ved by i.r. De;�nse5*, seconded by �.r. =rice �id :j u�i3nimousl� �carried tl:at tra.nsfe�s of funds amounti�g � / to .,�� �,OQ0,00 on J'anuar� 18th and �� b,000.00 on J'auuary � 30th frors t.he :as and 1'Tater �'und �o the C�enexal �'und be � � �a��+ro4ed, ,� - ;y -� _ . . . � � � � � . � _ - ..1 � . � � . . . .. � � �. _ . � � . . � . � � � � � . � � : . � . . . � . � . � . . � . . � . . . . . . . . � . � . � �. . . .. . . . � w, . . . . . . . � - . . � � � " . . . . � .. . .�:�y -..._..�_,..._ ��_wa..��.a....,. �._.,.�......_�... x�_. ,. -� ...�. � . . ... . ... . � � . . . . . . � . ��"1 .. ..... .:....�.+� ._...., . . . . . . . . �-� .... � ,I_. .. .. � . . �:� , .. . . . . . . . . .. . �._..... `. le:,., . � s � � ?Soved. U� T,"r. Griae, senanderl l�y !".s•. Secvy azld unanitnously c�xxa.ed thai; Ordxnance _Surnber �61: :4id ORDLva.,TC^� A;,�t�I:�G� 0$llTidn;.�tCL i'UP:,."�`",�'�i 439 0� Tii.� CT'i'S' �r CL11r'�f2Z��T13t E"i�TTTL.�D; "�u^3 OW�riT_=,!":C;�' �T�li3LIaIiITFG k I'L'T�T.�IG UTIL�Ti F�R THL CITi aF CLEr^,R1'1riT:�,R, �ZORIDtl, T�, 7+� n - r�.,•-;s• c��r.rrr'*�* � � � COi'v:ii,aTL:G t,r y i.i�`liv"IJ.r.t�i �.r,oe��G"_; .��`u-lyt,. ts�`.i ��Qjr' :•�I�T:�i�CL 1-,c ,� ALT� ���s^�d�;iI�I;� 1�iJD I3�Lr1�"�:.�_�„�Ti.i T:it:�0� ; ySt�LI�=�1.:vG r1t;D FI20T3IU�:�G �y`�'^3 �'uv`D G_:iiliG'3�� rOT;. '1'F� UaE .c;:I� FI�I�i'ILI3G�� OF LTSy �?I+ SUCEi UTIZI�r; FROVTt7T:aG E�'C� '"�'I::e: CCT,Z,u(:1i0�� ��:� ;7I:.a.i USI'_"�'CT' GF SUC73 Cu.i,iG�;ci; ��ni�Ii3« I� UZ�::�U`l, ':i'0 T� QI. t;�Fi tiiULIi .�"�":iis;.i '„�1�iCt;T I':i'�:�=::tT G`r i�L CT��'.G:�S nT_:D i+E ;.i TF�2'7�FOR; :i3TD F'RI�VID- III�s n Pi�:riL`I"i' I+�OR :i;I� �rTOL?_iIi7I�; '�':..m,�..F'�?UI', �r be p3ssed on its first rsadin�; by title only. T"oved b;r iTr, Fee� er, secor_ded bf I;r. �emnsey 3nd unana.mdusly ca1•ried tha� the �lules be ,�aaived anc. Ordin�ce TTus�,ber 4Ei� Ue passerl on its second readin� ?�sr t:tle only. �rtoved by .:"_r. Demnse�, secanded by "_"r. Grice and i,�naninlously carried th�t the rules be �urttier �raived aud Ordir_ance �� 461 be passed an its third and fi�r�l reading. " __: �;ioved bSr Tr1ro S�avy, saconded by Y�Ir. Grice and unanimouslg carried tha�L Ordinanae r�u*aber 460: "p.Id ORDIZ.�iT•:CE REGULATING POLITICAL SP�ECH'�S NIELDE II�T COi�NECTION ti�IITH TIiE USE OP $OUZTD-mRLTCILS 013 0`i'FlER ELECTRICAL SOUND �li.7PLIFYT_�iG DE�CES, Ar1D PR£SCRIBI1vG PETTALTIFS FOP THE VIOLATIOri THEREO�" be �assed or_ its i'irst readir� bg ti�le anlg. f�4oced b� PZr. Dempsey, 'seconded by S,ir. Peeler and unan.imousl� carried that the rules be waived and Ordinance ��}60 be passed or_ its second readino by title onl�. Pdoved b�r L•Zr. Grice, seconded b�r 1'.�r. �empsev an� ur_ar_�niously carried that the rules be i�irther i�raivad and Ordinance �;' 460 be passed on ita third and final read3ng. P:ioved bu ?,gr. Dempse„ seconded b�* �,ir. Grice and vs�.animousl�= carried tha� the follov�rin� Resollztion be adopted: R�SOZL�'I.'IOAT AUTFIORIZIIIG TH� SALE OF' ADDITIONAL SE;�ER BOIVD� TQ COVER OVERRU'IdS,�02i COIISTRUCT:LOiv BT�DC�ET OF AUTfiORIZED SEVJERS At1D IPZPROjIEY�iiTS �N SE4�TER �YT.ET.TSl'OT�TS AIdD I�:�PROV�'P..�'!':TS PROJFCl, IY3C3��T P30. FLA. 1106-F, CLEARti'JA1ER, F'LORIDA. I:oved b�r Iy.� . Peeler, seconded by 1'�r. Dempsey and unanimouslg carried that the fo11o1vin� Resolution � '� � � be adopted: RESOZt7TI0N T0 ff�IORKS PROGRESS AD�dINZgTFt.4TIdN REQUESTT23G THE OP�IING OF CIT'�4°r2D�' $TREET IIV�ROV�E[�iIT PEtOJECT AND DESTGNATING FOLTR'I'Ii ITr"'�.aRS FOR TtdpROVIl�/IIlVT. Movad bg Mr. Peeler, seconded bg h'ir. Seavy and unanimou�ly carried that the City Manager and Citg Attorney be givea the authority to take necessary lega7. r�ation to have the remaining walls oP the old building ttorth of the Post Offioe building torn down, Moved bq Mr. Dempse�, seconded by Mr. Peeler and uttanimously carried that the delinquent taxes amaunting to � 27.3.20 on property described aat• West 42Q Feet of East 922 fest of Lot 2 Block 3 of' Wallace Addition be settled for � 75.00. Moved by Mr, Grice, seconded by Mr. Seavy and unanimously carried that delinquent taxes ar�owa.tiag to $� 103.52 on Lot ll Block 24 oP Niagnolia Park be settled tor � 50.00. Moved by 14ir. Peeler, secon�:ed by hira Grice and unanimously carried that a11 d�ligquent Gity„ State and CoLnty tax certificates against Lots 7, 8, 17 & 18 of Bloek D in Highland Groves Subdivision be assigned to William H. Va].entine ior � 1�1.50. Moved by 14ir. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Griae and unanimously carried that all impr�vement liens and Oi�g tax certificates against: Be�in 420 feet South af Northeabt corner oP NfN� of NE�, run W. 134 Pt., �, 75 ft., E, 134 Pt., N. 75 ft. to POB ia Sectian 21-29-15 be cancelled for the sum of � 250.00. Moved by Bir, Grice, seconded by Mr, Dempsey and unanimous'ly carried that delinquent city taxes on Lots 10-11 & 16 in Block 13 of �Iagnolia Park Subdi�rision be asaigned to J. D. Baakin for � 203.06. Moved by L2r. Dempsey, seconsied by �4r. Peeler and unaninously carried that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOZIITION v3�'IT R�S�LVr,D BY `I'HE CITY COIvIl`,22SSION OF T�' CITY OF CLEAR6VAT:�R, FLORIDA: That from and aPter the pas:sage of this Resolu� iony the Mun3c<ipal Auditoriiun shall be managed, controlled and supervised by the Public Recreation Board of the Cit y of Clearwater. The Superintendent oP F'ublic Reareation shell ., ., . , ,__ t � . r act As manl�ger o�' �he A�uzici �al Audi�orium �n�3 shall •provide a.xid enfoi ce rules and ragulai;ions for tre use thereof, subject to the approval of thb Public Recreation BoRrd. This Resolution passed and �clopted b,y the City Commi.ssion of the City of C1ez�rwater, Plorida, a� its meet_ra� on tho 5th day of February, A. D. 1940. �» � � �,ia�or-Comm3.ssio er Attest: � .��r C' y Auditor "and ler ; ) 7 ,� - - _a , '- ��� RESOLUTI0�1 AUTHORIZIN(� THE SALE OF ADDTTIONAL SEWEi� BOIUDS T0 COVER OVERRUNS ON GQNSTFtUCTION BUDGET OF AUTHORIZED $EWERS AND IMPROVEMENTS ON $ECJER EXTEN�ION� AND IMPROVE� MENTS PROJECT, DOCKET N0. FLA. • 1106_�', Clearvrater, Florida. VVHEfiEAB 3t has appeared the.t there will no� be auPiicient iur�cis available to cover constructi�n costs oP authorized sewera in the 5ewer F.xtenaiona and Improvemente project, Docket No.FIa. 1106-F Clearwater, Flarida, and WHEREAS �he City ie in poeeeasion of ad�itional sewer Revenue Certifica,t�s as enumerated below: SEjYER REV:�NUE GERTIFICATEB (DATE� OCT 1,193a) Number Due Amount bwned By 2 Oct 1,1940 1000.00 Unissued 18 1940 106�J. 00 �+ 191+1+ 1000.00 u 2�' '945 1000e00 �� 30 1946 1000.00 n 3� 1947 Z000.oa ,� �18 1957 l000.eo �� �55 �967 1000.0o u �56 1967 1000.00 �� �57 1968 1000.00 �� �58 1968 100t� . OQ �� �59 1968 l0oG.00 �� 260 1968 1000.op �� 261 1968 1�00.00 �� 262 1968 1000.00 �� 26� Z968 l000.:oo - �� � 265 1968 1000,00 �� 266 1968 1000.00 �� 267 1s�3 ' i:0o0.oa �� 208 19�8 1000.00 �a 269 1968 1000.00 �� �70 1968 10oC1. 00 �� 271 1968 �000.00 '� 1968 1000.00 �� 272 1Q68 3.000.00 u 2�,000.eo NO« THEHE�'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the C3ty Commiesion oi the Ciiy of Clearwater, Florida, ae follows: Seation 1: That F.L.Nendrix, Ciiy Manager, ie heraby author- ized ar,d �iirected to diapose of the neceasary amount of these bonda to cover any and all dePicits in t�e Sewer Exiensions ' and Improv�menta proJect, Docket NoeFla. 1106_F C�e�rwater, F'lorida. Thie Rssolution paseed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of C1�arw�ter, Flarida, at� i.ts meeting on the 5th da,y of February A.D. 1940. ''�� � � _Commias ner Atteat: ', � LsL� . City Auditor and Clerk ; 11 � r i i � ■ RESOLUTION TO �iJORt�S P�tOGRESS ADPIITI�TISTIt11']:'T0�1 REaUGST?�3G TIiE OPIIVII��C OF CITY1YtDE STPPET TP,iPROVEB:iENT PRQ JECT AND DESIGNATINC� I'OURTH ITE2,iS FQR I�SPI30 V.F'P.4Ex�T , 1�"1FIFREAS, the T`dorks Pro�ress Administr�tion has approved t�'V. i'. A. State Project r 52-30810, Coun�y Serial �' 52-7-A-7.98, providin� for gradin�, pavin�, repatring, uv� clenin�, dra3.nir.g, beautii�ing, and otlzer- wise improving various streets throughout the City of Glearwater, and Wi�REAS, it was stipulatecl in t11e pro�ect that no �rork would be done on any street excapt on resolution by the Citv Conmiission Approved by the Area and State W. P. A. offices, and 4ry1I�REAS, it is the desire of the Cit;; Conmiission to be�in vrorl� immediately� on this pro ject, I30��, TH���RE, BE IT RESOL�7FD that worl� be coimnencea. on the �ollo�,ring streets: IT�� bFSCRIPTIpT� VIORIi TO SE DC'r1E 1. Scranton Avenue, from Be1le�ir Reclaim drair�a�e Street to Thomas StreQt - ditch, install new 12" T. C. Pipe for St_neet orossings, and 10'' f'or drive- ways, and building head�valls. Total length: 1400 L. F. 2, Tille� Avenue, from 3elleair Reclaim draina;e Street to Tho�as Street ditch, install nPw 12" T, C. Pipe for street arossings, and 10" for dri ✓e- vrays, and buildir� headwalls. Total len�th: 1400 L. F. 3. Prospecia Avenue; from Belleair Street to Thomas Street Reclaix� drainage ditch, install new 12" T. C. pipe for street crossings, and 10" for dr•ive- �r�ays, and buildinb heacl�r�alls. Total length; 1400 I�. F. 4. E�rrin� Avenue, frors Be1l.eair S-treat to TY-iorna.s Street. Reclaim draina�e ditch, install nevr 12" T. C. pi�e for street crossings, and 10" for drive- ways, and building heaclwalls. Total lc�ngth: 14Q0 L. �'"s 5. Tiogo Avenue, from Belleair Street to Thomas Street. °R�clainiclrainage ditch, install nevr 1?�� T. C. pipe for street crossinge, anci l0n for dxive- rvays, and buildin� heaclwalla. To�al len�;th; i�oo z. F', t � � 1-� �, iTIlVI DEBCRIl?TION �"�ORT�' TO B_r+, DOPTE 6. ',Yashin��ton Avenue, Reclaa.m, draina�� ditch, install from Belleair Street new 12" T. C. Pipe for street to Thomas Street crossin�s, and 10" for driveways, and building headvralls. Total length; 1�00 lineal �'eet, 7. YQadison Avenue, from Reclaim drainage ditch, inst�ll Belleair Street to new 12" T, C, Pipe f.or street Thomas Street crossings and 10" for driveways, and buildin� hoadwal].a. Total lengthx 1400 lineal feet. 8. P�ich�.gan Avenue, iiaclaim drainage ditch, ins�tall from Bell,eair Street nezN 1.2'+ Ta C, pi�ie for street to Thomas Street crossin�;s, and 10'� for drivewaysp s• and buildin� headVralls. Tota]. 1en�thr 1400 lineal i`eet. 9. Greenwood Avenue, Reclaimin� �lrai�age ditches, fxom Lakeview A�renuE installing ne�v 12"T.C. Pipe for to Bell.eair Street street crossings and 10« yor drive- ways, and buildi,n�, headwalls. Toisal length:: 3800 lineal feet. 10. Belleair Road, fror�. Reelainin� draina�e ditches,install I;.yrtle Avenue, to new 12"T.C. Pipe ior street crass- Fort Harrison Avenue ings, and 10" for drivel^rays, and buiZding headtva�:ls. Tata1 leizgtii: 700 lineal feet. �11. j'7ashington pti-enue, Reclaiming draina�e ditch, install from ClevEland Street nevr 1?"T.C. Pipe for street cross- to Chestnut (on ings, and 10" for drivev�ays, Total Chestnut tp Green- length; 2400 li:neal feet. �vo�d Avenue ) 12. Betity Zane, from � Grubbing, grading, filling, set Dre�v Street to curbing, lime-rock base, pri_me Fark Street asphalt, shell t��pin�, seal. Tatal len�thc 1250 lineal feet. 13. rfiyrtle l�,venue, froia Grubbin�, h�ulin�, trinmin; palns, Gleveland Straet to grading fi�:e, removing t�ash, Belleair Roa.d spri�ging� Total length 10,000�.F. 1•4. Greenwood '�venue, Grubbin�, haulin�, trimr�ing palms from C1e�eland Street gradin� fine, removin� trash,spr�.g- to Belleair Road �ing. Total length: 10,Q00 L. F. 15. �?o*,��ard Street, irom Gradi�Zg and laying religrL*nent o� 5T IIyrtle Avenue to sZabs hauled in place, and �routed Green�aood Avenue in. (slabs iro� Del Oro Groves;. Total lengtY�, 1500 �. �'. .lf�. Pi�rce Street and itebuild Fierce �31vd. fron Cl�veland .��ieree Blvd. ,�'ro� Street to Pierce and evtend Pierce Cleveland 8treet ta S�tr�et iror? Osceols �'��renue to Fierce Osce�la nvexiue Blvd, Surflace entire length tivith 6'� c�irn�:cted linerocl: base and ap�,1y shell and asohalt sttr�:act treatmen�. . Total length: 1055 linea� ieet. 17. T1�oz��.s atre�t, from heclair�in; draina�e ditch, inst�ll S. ;�;jrtle __venue to ne��r l�"T,C, ii�e i`or street cross- ;iissouri �ve:�ue in�s, �nd 10" for dri�e�vat�s, Total len��h: 2403 lineal ieet. TLi� n�solution nassad and �ciapted bg t�e Citv Commission o#' t:�e Cit;; af �lear�•-�.ter in rei,ulnr �eetinE assa�vled this 5th clay of rebruar,n, x. �, 1940. / �. ! 2 `a;�ror =� or.,rais s1 oner :it�ast: ���-�1�/,,✓��,��,,� � ty :�uclitor �nd uler'u � � � , ; b _ ORDIiV'AI�TCE, NUTd1I3ER �k61 AN ORDTNAI�TC� Llt:.'rL�]1JIPZG ORDIIJAYTCE NTfI;I$I;R 439 OF T�'iE CT`J'Y OF' GLEAR��J�LTER ENTITLEn; "'�11V ORDIP,AI�TCB EST�T3LISIIIIvTG A PIIBLZC tfTILTTY FOR Ti� CI'.P�.L OL' CLEA�t'V�TERj PLORIDA, CONSISTII�TG OF !1 SAiTTTARY Sk��J�RAGE S:.TSTF�+,T 1lS 1`10�N IN �X'4 IST�tCE AT:D ALZ EXT�TtSIOTrS AND R�PLAC�T�ILNTS TH�RIL'OF: �STAHLISfiIIJG AND PROVIDI2IG RAT�S AND CiiARGES FO R TIiE USE AND PRIVIL�CE OF USE OF SUCH '0'I'IZITY; PROVIDIi1G F'OR 1^HF COLLECTION ATJP DISPOSITIaN C�F SIICH GHARGES; 2,'fAItIIdG IT UIZAV'Jl�'CTI, TO TAP OR USF SUCIi SYSTL+T�I 4YITHOUT P.F1i'i.P�IT 0�' �1LL CHARG�3 AND FEES �'NEHEL'OR; AT;li PROZTIDI2TG A PEIJAL'I'k I�OP ANY VTOLATION THEREOF." BE IT QRDAII�'ED B'� THE CITiT COi��,I�SSION OF TAF CITY OF CL•EA,RcJATER, k'LORID4: That Section 7 oi' Ordinance rlumber 439 of i;he City af Clear��lter shall be and it is horeia� �iencled to read as follovrs: Sectlon 7. All sums of �one3T heretoiore or here- aiter depo�itel ivith the G��y to �uarantee payment of �,�ater bi17.s �a;� also be applied on pa�*�nen�t of se�ver service char;es< Pa�sed an� ado�tad b�* the Gitiy Coirmiission of' the Gity of Clearr7ater, Florida; First reacling Pebruar� 5th, 1940 Second reF-�i:in? Februarg 5i-1�., 1940 Third readi�� Feor�ary 5th, 1940. � , T�Saycm -Co�inissi er y Ai;te st; �cj�.-' . � � G .-r.r� i-, u s.• or an .era ' � � � i - ORDINAt10E NUrABER #60 AN ORDINANQE REGULATINC, POLITICAL BPEECIiEB MAD� IId CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF SOUND- � TRUCKS OR OTHER ELEGTRIDAL SOUND AMPLIFYIPdC# DEVICE3, AND PRE3CRIBIHG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THE�tEOF. WHERrAB the practice of ma,king political apeeches with the use of' eound-trucks or other electrical voice amplifying devicee has greatly increased in recent years; and WHEREAS the delivery oi speechee in this ma.nner in the business districts and residentlal dietricts of the city has annoy- ed many of our citizens, interfered with the buaineee life of �he city, and caused many complainta; and �'JHERFJSS it ie the deaire of the City of Clearvrat8r to pra- vide poliiical candiciatea with a place at vrhich they can make apeechee with sound amplifying devicee and be heard by a11 vrha wish to hear them; NQIN TFfEREFOREp HE IT ORDAINED Bi' THE CITY COI�hII33ZON Ob' THE CITY OF CLEAR47ATER, F'LQRIDA: Seation 1. Politica.l speeche� made �vith the use oi sound� trucks or othei� electrical voice amplifying devicea may here�Pter be ma,de on City owned �rater front property at the foot of Cl.eveland Street, in the area ly1n� Uetween C1evel�nd Street and thQ Municipal Auditorium. Seation 2. N� political speeches, delivered in connection with the use oi eound-trucks or other eleetrical aound anplifying devicos, sha11 hereafter be made in the City oi Clearwatex excex�t at the location hereinabove designatefi. Section 3. This Ordinance shall not apply to any political apeeahes made within a building, nor to any speeches made anywhere without the use oi sound-trucks or other electrica7. voice ampllfy= ing deviceso Seotion �+. An,y person who violates any o� the proviaions of i.n.is Ordinance ahall, upon aonvictian thereoi in the Municipal Court of the City af Clearvtater, be punished Uy a�ine not exce�d� ing One Hur,area �o�.iara (�¢1.00.00), or b;� imprieonment not exc��ed_ ing ten (10) da;�s, or by both such iine and imprisonment. � P�ssed. on �irst resding Feb 5th 19�+0 Paseed on second reading Feb 5�h 194C? Passed on third reading _ Feb 5�h 1940 � � Mayor,. ummis�i er. Attest: � . C. ��r�� ,jCi.ty Auditor and Clerk � // Th�re being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. At�est: �i �' , �� . :'a �-�'�'�—.�':�'f:�•r��,� Z�i,�yTuc13 or and�le�I` i ayor- iss on . � ,