01/01/1940,' a�
� . . . . . .. .. . . . . � . . . . .... y .
. . . . . � . . � . .. � . � . . I � �? .� .
.�I:>NTES Oz� TFi�; T`�� �'Tr?r� �� T�I� CT��'' CO"�:'ISSIOiJ
. T.he �.i1:J Coramission oi' �;he Ci�:y of Gleaxwater rnEt in
the �3ity �.�.11 �t 8: 00 0' c1oc;, on the evenin� of J'anuary lst,, k
19�'t0 with tY�e follovrin� merlbers, present:
E. P. Casler, J'r., ,�a.y�r-CommiSsianer
R, Z. ?��ker
R. A.. Der,lnsey
kerbert firice
r�o ;`.. Peeler
Absent t iJO��
i,:inutes of the ttrro previous r,ieetin�s ti��ere rer�d and
The City �.ttorney read a renor�t fro_ra t�e Investi�ating
Gor�ittee confirmin� rualzfic�tions of is. Peeler. jt.oved by
2.:r. Denlpsey, seconded by i:2r. Bal�er the.t tre re�ort be accepted.
The vote on the motion U�as: A'�S: ::ir. Dem,ase�* �nd '?r. Baker,
�dAYs: �`ir. CTrice.
'Aoved by ��s. B^?cer, seconded by ?s. Derznse�r a.nd
' unanimoualy c.�.rried th�t the I.ori,h one-h<a1� oi' Lot 2�lock 2
• of J". A. sorra's Sub�livision be sold to �T. S. Cribbs for the
sura o�' ,;� 300.00 v.ith the grovisi��n that the rUadwav be left
open for t�.;o �ears [:nd th�t the City nave th€ ri�;ht to the
fill and th�t the terms be arranged betti�ee� the City?rana�er,
City Httorrtey �nd P`r. Cribbs.
P.,a3=or Casler delivered a farewell address to-.�ir. Baker
xvho responded ��tit�. 3 retireme�t speeeh.
There bein�; no farther business, the meetin� was
_iayor-C orimi s si oner
iTT�ST :
City �uditor •�nd Clerlc
• . � •
� . . � . . . _.. _.. . . ... . .. . .
��� �/�'
'The C3ty Coffinissi�n of the City of C1.earw�tor met on .
i3ids were receivecl on naliee uniforms. The French
the evening of J'anuary lst, �940 with the follo�ving members �r� �l��ners bid bein� the lowest. P.��ved by P4r. Peeler, !
seconded b3r •..;r. Gr.ice a�d unanimousl�r carried th�t th:e
�. R, Casler, Jr., Magor-Cormnisuioner
contract be aw�rdcd to The Frei�,cir Dry Cleaners.
F. A. Dempsey The City xttorney administered the oath of office
Herbert Grice
to C. E. �Iare as City Juclge.
W. l�V. Peeler Tl�ere bein� no fur�;h�;r business, tY�e neeting �ras
G. R. Seavy �,
- - - - - - - • ,..� a - o�.ni s �ner —
Absent: NONE .�ttest:
The oath of offioe was administered to �ha tw� newly r� �
. , (.�_��v./L.�� ' r
electsd Commissioners, �r. Herbert Grice and 1422r. George R. C�ty �uditor and Clerl��c,�,
Seavy, by the City Attorney.
Moved by b�r. Dembsey�, seconded by Mr. Peeler and
unanimously carried that F. L. Hendrix be reappoiated �s •
�itg I�2anager for the ensuing year at the. same si�iaryo
• Nloved by Mr, �rice, seconded �.y Mr. Dempsey and
una�ximously carried �snat J. F. Aamrick be resppointed
City Auditor and Clerk for the e�suing year at the same
- salary.
' Moved by L?r. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Grice and
unanimously carried that Ralph Richards be z:ea:opointed '
City Attorney ior the ensuing year at tk�e same salary,
� Ptioved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. SeavJ and
' carri�d that C. E. Ware be appointed City Judge at the
same salary as the former City Sudge. Mr. Griee voted "NO".
The City Manager presented �uel oil bids< The Cit�
Fuel Oil Company was low bidder, Moved bg Mr. �rice,
� seconded by rdr. Dempsey and un�nimously car-ried that the
City Fuel Oil Company be awarded ihe eontract.
The City r;ianager presented sea'led bids on automobile
insurance� and property damage from 13 Insurance Agencsies.
In order that the City Nanager might hve time to tab�tlate
the bids, official action wa5 dePerr�d until a Special
R�eetir.g to be held at 5:00 Pe NI. on January 2nd.
' �Sealed bids were rscei�ed on the �urchass of Lot 3
Block 1�f Magno?ia Park Subdivision. Maved by Mr. I'ea�ler,
seccz.ded by PPIIrr. Dempsey and uaanimously carried that the
Gity Attorney be authorized to tabulate the bids and determina
� the highest bid and report at the neat �'ommission Meeting.
F ^
' �
i �
� f .
�� �
. ;
. ,
( co�Y a� cqr�2�ACT )
Fuel Oil A�reement . �
AGR��,�T, made this 2nd day of January 1940 between
City P'uel flil & Coai Compan,y, SELI,ER, �nd 7.'he Gi�y of Clear.wate_�^,
rloriaa BVYEh'.
l. JELLER a�rees �o sell and BUYER a�rees to purchase
all tkte I'[TEL OTL required for use as i'uel �t Clsarw�ter Gas
Plant, Cleartvater, Florida during �he period fro� J'�nuary 1,
1940 to December 31, 19�0, sP.id fuel to be in aocord�nce
vrxth SELL"��F' t' S specifications , iTO, B-anlcer "C�� ,�ot under
73 aume .
� The requirements of the BUYER are esti�ated at
approximate?y �allon�
2. The price shall in na event exoeed .,�� 1.�5 ner Bpl.
of ,42 �a17.ons or more. If the established ta�k �r�a�an prices
of S�I,L�Ft are redu�ed in the territory in �vhieh the above
prer,tises are� loca �ed, BUYF..Et will be giv�n benefit oz such
� reduction. S'71�!en a delivery of less than __ gallons
is ordere� and received, there sliall be an additional c�arge
of cents per �allon.
�. It is �greed that �UirE'R r.�ill nay �ny �nd a.11 taxes,
levies, or other duties ir.�nosed by sny {roverns�ental �gency on
the product covered by this agr�eLnent during the contrac�
4. Fayr,ient shall be ;aa4e U f the tea�� of tLe :nonth
following pu-rchase and receigt of oil. S�'LZ�t reserves tLe
ri�,ht, howetier, to cease �o extend credit at �3n;� tir,ie, if
the fina�cial responsibility oz �U`I� becoraes unsatis_actory
to SELL�R.
5. SELLT+�? agrees to naT�e deliveries �,^rith reasonable
promuzness after receigt of order; suoject, hotaever, to
delays resulting from acts or occur�nces be;rond 5�.,^LL�?'S
6, SrLLER shall not be liable for any dnm�ge t�
BUi'T�t1S premises, unless such dar.ia�e is caused by ne�ligenae
of SELL�R in x��lsin�; delivery:
GITY CF' CI���°fR;;.�T�R
, (si�;�.ed.) F. L. IIendrix
City T:anager-- uyer-
CIi�'' FU�L 01.Z & CO;;I, G0.
(si�ned)_J. G. Pressly
Secxetary •
N�T�s Any Sneci�l r_rovisions must la� noted beloty or attached
to this contract in v�n•itin� an1 rs�ezxed to in dstai� belo�^�.
�pproved �s to form and correctness.
(si�;neci) Ii��:l�lt Iticl��ids
CXt;r _��ttorney.i
Thn Qity Co�nission of �he Gity of C1er�r�vt�ter held
a SpeciaZ I�:ee�in� in the Cit� H�11 at 5; 00 0' cicck on tl�e
afternoon e.f Janu�ry 2nd, 1940 vrith the follov�ing members
E. B. C�sler, Jr. , P.r�yor-Corar,�issioner
R. �'�. Dempsey
Herbert Grice
G. ��. Sesvy
Absent: �":�. ;'T. Peeler
The Git;� Attorney re�orted that t:�r. J. D. Fiaskin's
bid �n�as the best bid received for Lot 3 Block 1 of P2agnolia
Park Subdivision. r:Taved by i:,rb �empsey, seconc?ed by �?r.
Seavy and unanimously carrie�. th�t P:Zr. B� skin' s bid l�e
i?oved by i��Ir. Ctrice, seconded by �ir. Derspsey atid
un�ni�ously c�rried that the autor?o�ile.and property
dazaage irsurance be awarded to L. G. �hbett nrovided
tbat T.ir. xbbett agrees to write the C�mpe�sfition Insurance�
ii' :ti is cancelled or refused by other Companies.
:'_oved by ?�.ir. C�ice, secondecl by I;ir. Seavy and
unani�ouslyr c�:rried that k1r. Alfred I�nrshall's offer
of i� 1,245.05 in settleraent of, City taxes a�ainst Lots
in �3locks 38 E. 39 of It�a�;nolia Paxk �ubdivision be accepted.
"�oved by .:;r. Dem;:sey, seconded b� P:Tr. rrrice and
unanimously carried that a transfer of �p 4,000.00 from
the Gas and k'i�ter Fund to the General. Fund 'de approved.
Sames J"acksonTs offer of � 75.00 for City tax
certificates on Lots 2& 3 BlocY 2 of I,incolYs Place was
i`,Roved bf 3Ir. DempsF,y, seconded by T.Zr. Czrice and
unan:imousl� carried that the �followin�;Etesolution be
,, _..� _ .. _.. .. �� _ ..
_ ..
�"�EAS, it has come to the attention of the City
Commission th�.t the cemetery bein�; used for the ourial of
ne�roes in Cle�rva�ater is inadequate r�nd not we�.1 located
for the purpose; and
5'�EAS the City Go*�unission has been renuested to
provide ground for � suitable negro ceriletery and it is
the desire of the City Cor��nission to do so;
l. Th� t the following described property notiv ot^med
by the Cii,y of Clearw�� t�r, to-rvit:
}3eing lz acres �ore or less, yvhich is part
� of the west 25 acres of the S�"1� of t�e i�7E�
of Section 10, T�ap. 2y S., Range 15 E., us
shown on page 35, P'_a� Boo?t l2, of Pinellas
County, starting at m point 936' to t�.e �torth
from the center of the pavement at the junction
of Ced�r Street and Holt Street, to the P. 0. B.
TLence �y, to a point 208.17' thence r1. to a
point 208.17', thence �. to a point 208.17�
thence S. 208.17t al�n� �olt Street to P. 0. 3.
Thence to P. 0. B. �. �ide of Holt Straet, be.ing
a�oint 936' from the center of Cedar and F3olt
Streets, 117' East, thence 208.17' north, thence
west 120', thence south alonr Holt Street �08.17'
to P. 0. Ei. , being a Aart of CQLfiSTRv VI�tV 'FSTr�T�'S,
ancl beine a measured nlot only,
�� an;d the same is hereby set aside for use as a Ne�ro Cemetery,
and sha11 hence�orth be used for th�t purpose and for no
other purnose.
2. Thai; after the above described proverty has been
place�i in suitable con�;ition for use as a idenro Cemetiery,
no burials of negroes shall be perrsitted in Clear.vater
ot:�er than on the above described property.
T�is Resolution passed un21 ado�ted by the City
Cor.�rsission of the C:�ty of Clearv��ater, Florida at a meeting
held on wa:nua.ry 2nd, 19�0.
�i � �
x ����
T,.ayor 2"ommission r
Ci����� ����
ditor and Clerk.
T,:oved by Pir. frrice, seconded by ;Tr, Dempsey and
un�ni�ously carried that tlie folloU:in� Resalution be
�;� ;
� �:'HEREAS, Gas Revenue Certificate Number Four (4)
in the face amount of One Thousand Dollars ;� 1,000.00)
t��hich was issued by tlze City of Clearwater, Flbrzda on
the first day of December, 1935 and payable December
�'irst, 19�9 h�s matured and�has been redeenecl by the
City o�: ClearwatEr, and
�1jfiERE�S, Coupons I�umber �ight, duE 1)ecember flrst,
1939, in the amount oz t�r,�enty dollars (,�p 20. 00 ) each, frorr�
City of Cleaxwater Gas Revenue Certificates numbers four (4j
throu�h si�ty-seven (67) both numbers inelusive, and a3.xty-
eight (68) through seventy-nine (79) both numbe,rs inclusive,
and representing a total face value of one thous�nd five
hundsed t1�tPnty dollars (� 1,520.00) have matured anci have
been redeemed by the Gity- of Clearwater, and,
V�iERvC�S, it is deemed to l�e to the best interests of'
the City oi Clearwater that the said Certificate and the
said Coupons which have been redeemeda be cancelled as of
idOtrl, Ti�RrrOR�, By IT R��.:OT�V'�D by the City Commission
of the City of Clearwater, in Re�ular P,Seetin� assezabled,
that the City Auditor and Clerk i.s hereby authorized and
directed to cancel the said Gas ReTrenue Certificate PZumber
Four (4) +3nd the said Goupons mentidned above on the recorcts
oP the•City af Clearwater and to mutilate �th� Gertificate and
Cou�ons in such a manner as to ma�Le them null and void.
This Resolution passed and adoPter3 by t�e City
Commission oi the City of Clearwater, Fl��rida, at its meeting
on the 2nd da;� of J�nuary, A. D. 1940.
� ���
t:Ia;�or-C ommi s s �oner .
r TmE�I' :
' � .�����
CiUy kuditor and Clerk
(;.ote: Tna �bove *�entioned Certiiicate �.nd Cou�ons vJere p�.id
bJ Cit;� ehecY ;� 7128). �
There being no fur-ther businens, the meetin� w�s adjourned,
Attest: fZayor-Gommi�s onor��
' S�� �� ��`v�@�I�
C' y�uditor and Cleik j