12/20/1939 (3)s r. ■ rr�-�S OF THE I12EETING OP' TE� CITY COP�t2ISS�ON Decamber 20thY 1939. The Ci�� Coffinission of the City of Clearwater held a 5pecial L?eeting ai'ter adjournment of the meet�ng i7n which the resuZts of the T�Funicipal Eleetion were canvassed. The following members were present: E. B, Caslex, J'r., Mayor-Commissioner R. A, Dempsey Herbert Grice W. W. Peelex Aiavec3 by I�ir� Grice, seconded by rdr. Dem�sey and �ananimously carried that the rules Ue waived �nd Ordinance � 459: A1V ORDIPT_�1NCE CONSTRUII�?G THE T�t141 RETAIL FLORIST; PROVIDING �OR Tf� LICENSlvG :A��Tll REGUZATIOI� OF RETAIL S+�LING OF I'.LOVIERS, FU�P'+� SP�tAYS, SVREA�I`FiS, DL+'SIGNS, CORSAGES, POTTED PLANTS, AND CUTTSNG AIv'D BEDDING PLANTS; PROV1`DiNG TFl.�+ IJIATJNEF O�T+' DISYP�Y OF .SUC$ PRODUCTSi PF{E- SCRI�3ING LICENSF F��' AI�D PROHTBITING TRANSFER Or LICIl�iSE; RII'�'ALING AI�L LA41�S L�T CONFLICT fLREV1ITH; AND 1'ROV'1"DING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIB Of2DN.ANCE; DrCLARING THIS ORDIA�ANCE TO 3�; AN Il�R�tGENCY D�4EASURE; AND DISPIlVSING d'v'TTH `i'IHE s�EADITdG OF Tfi�S ORDIPI.ANC� ON TV�10 5�.�}'.'4RATE DAYS BX LTNPSi�,�OIIS VOTE OF Tf� COP:]I�4TSSI�N be passed on its second readin� by �itle onlqv iJloved L�y Mr. Demnsey, seconded bg Mr. Grice and , unanimously carried that the said Ordin;ance # 459 be passed on its third and i'inal reading, which wa� done after the Ordinance had been read aloud and in full. P:2r. r�. B. Thayer presen�ed a letter from the Shrin.er's Club o� Tampa reouesting permzssion to hold �. parade in Clearwater on VJednesdaf evening. The request was referred �o the City I.�anagere - 2.ove�. by rdr. Dex2psey, seconded by r.2r. Griee and , unanimously carried that the follov�ing Resolution be adoptedc' R�+SCLUTION E"�TENDING CONTRACT TITuIE ON CONTRACT N0. 6, S�WEFi �LT�dSTOnfS :41VD Iti'PROVEEyiENTS, I)OCKET ISO. FL�. 1I06-F, CLEAR- ti"TATER, FLORIDA, 39 DAYS, FROr,� DECII�4BER 22, 1939, �0 �p1ViTARY 30, 1940� , . "iTf�REAS, the construction of additionai sevrers by the Ebersbach Gonstruetion Gompany is bein� xequested, ancl Z"JHEREAS, extremel.y a8verse weather con@itions were encountered dux�ing the life of the contract Por aPproximatelp 60 days, t . v � ?f '' a� �l�l NOW TI3EREF'0}3E B� IT R�SDLVED by the Gity Go�nission oY the City oP Clearwater, Flori:da, as follows: Section I: That the Ebersbach Construction Company, Contrac�ors on Contract No. 6, Florida Sewer Extensions and Improvements, �'la. Docket No. 1106-F, Cleart�ratsr, Florida, be granted an ext�nsion of zime in the amount oi' 39 days, extending the �aid completion date from December 22, 1939, to Jantzary 30, 1940. �eotion 2: That F. Z. Hendrix, City Mana�ex, is hereby au�horized and direeted to grant said extension oi time for and on behali' o� the Gity Cor�aission. PASSED �3D ADOPT�,D by the City �ommi�sion o#' t�e Gity of Clearvaater, Florida, in Special I�Zeetin� assembled, this 20tk� day of December, A. D,, 1939. • I�ayor-C o?mni ss io�er ATT�ST: i y u ar an er 2�Ioved by iUir. Grice, seconded ��y i�.r. De�Pse�• and unanimously carried that the fo�lowing Resolution be adopted: RySOZIITIOI� �UTHORIZIIIG � COiQSTRIICTIOIJ OF �1DDITIOTdAL S�4��tS AND TF� C�IaTC�,I,41TI027 Or CONSTRIICTIOi1 OF ALTTHORIZID SE�AIERS ON GONTR4CT N0. 6, SE.'1.F'",tt �KTENSIONS �lD IIk�.'ROV�`;S�'..JI�iTS, DOC�T DTO. FLA. 1106-F, GL�9R�'�ATEft, FI�ORID�1, VJfIERE�S, it is deemed advi��ble to install addi�ionat servers ae follows: a. Cxrove St., Riyrtle to Praspect Avenue, & Prospect Ave. 168 ft. North a�.d 152 ft. South oi Grove Stree�> b> Zakeview Avenue, Greenwood to Seabo3rd Air T,ine R. R. c. �,fagnolia Way, Station No. 11 to Clea..r�ater 3ay. da Pdiandalay Ro�d, Stati�n No. 10 to Clearwater Bay. e« �firuce Avenue, 5tation No. 12, to Clearrvater Bay. Yf. Hobart Drive g, B�uce arid Hobart - h. Addition to trestles of Class "A" Contrete and �tl,, Beams. and to elimi�ate the construc�ion of sewers as �ollows:. i, Deduc�ion to �restles of piling and creosote timl�er. ` j. �e�uctian, 2v1yrtle Avenue, �homas to South. N0�"1 TN.EREFOR� By IT RE50T,VED by the City Gomuiission of the �i�y of Clearwater, Fioriaa, �s follows: v � Section l: That the EbexaUaah Constructien Cornpan�*� Contrac�toxs en Con�ract No. 6, Flarida Setvor �tensions . and Impr�vem.ents, k'ia. Docke:t No. 1106-F, Clearwater, Flor3�da, be authorized to exeaute such additions and deductions. Secti�n 2: That F. �. Iiendrix, City Nianager, is hereby autharized a�d directed to order these changes made by the Ebersbach �a�struction Company, for and on Uehalf of the Czty Gommission. PASSID AND ADOPmID by the City Commission of the City of �learwater, Florida, in Spe�ial Meeting assemoled this 20th day of Decemoer, A. D. 1939. RZayor-Commissioner AI'TEST: City Auditor and Clerk� There bei�g no further busi�ess, the meeting was a� Jotirned. �TTEST: . Cit� Auditor and. Clerk. I.Zayor-Commissioner � 0 l � J 'I � � r�� 9RpINANC�' N0r 459 AN ORDII,1TAl�TCL+' COp1S'1'l�IIING Tf..3�'� TIl�It2 RETr1IZ, FLORISTy PROVIDIIJG` FOIt TF� LIC�STNG AND R�,GULA,TION OF RETA7Z SELLING OF FL04VERS, FUNERA.L S"PRAYS, Wft�A.TI35, DESIGNS, CORSt�t';�5, POTTED PL�INTS, AND CUTTING AND BEDDIIdG PL.ANTS; PROVII3IIdG THE PdANNER 0�' DISPI�liY' JF' � SIJC$ PRODUCTS; PRESCRIBIATG LIC�TSE FE� AND PR�H7BITING TR�1I�]SFER OF LIC�TSE; REPEA.LING I�.LL ZAVVS .IN CO1+TE'I,ICT IiEREI"7ITH; AND PRbVIDI�TG A PEDTAI�ZiY �'OR VTOLATION OF THIS OP.DII3_9NGE; DECZARING THiS ORI�INANqE TO BE AN IIV[LE2GENCY irIEASUR�', Ai1D DISPENSING [�7TTH TN� READII�TG 0�' THIS OR�IIIAIdC� O�T TV�'Q S�.,F'.'ARATE D�YS EY IINANIh�OUS VOTE 0�' Ti3E CO2�fi1tISSIOPd. B� IT 4RDAII�TED B� '?'HE COPt�!lISSIOTd OF T� �TTY OF CLEARV�TATER: Section 1. 2t shall be unlawiul for any person., firm or co�rporation to engage in the business oi' a retail Plorist,-- as such term is horeinafter defined, within the Ca:ty oi Clbar- waterj Flarida, unless such person,•firm or corpor�tion shal]. • have iirst obtained. from tl� Czty a separate �ieense for each place or location whereat such busi�ess•is conducted. SeCtion 2. The term "Retail Florist", *Nherever the same shall be used herein, shall be construed to mean, and include, any person, firm or eorporation enga�ed in �he businpss ' of selling, at ret�il, flo�vers, P�era1 sprays, wreaths, designs, corsages, potted plants or b'edded plants; provided, however, tlzat such term shall not be construed to �ean, no include, nersons, fir�ns or corporations, selli�g any such products which sh�l]. ha=re Ueen produced by themselves and offered for sale as potted plants, annuals or cut flolvers, sold without container; box, or arranbed in any floral dzsign, at the place Where the sa�ne are aroaucza, to or through a regular merchantile store or place of business, ox at or upon ang municiPally owned publie market; nor shall '�lle same be r,onstrued to mean, or inclucle, persons, firnis or corporations sellin� only.dry bulbs, roots, tubers, corms, unnotted hardy Iperennials, deciduous plants, seedlings, evergreens, s�rubs, 1 vi,nes, fieegetable plants, or cereal ulants; nor shall t11e same be construed to mean the owner or opera•�or of �ny merchantile ' store h�ndlin�; floral pxoducts by arrangement v�ith the growEr thereof, Seetion 3. Every license herpunder sliall maintain ' a regularly e�tablislzed ratail flower s�ore or flower greenhouse, which shgZZ be adequatsly equipped with rePrigeratlon facil.ities, ; � consistin� of a minimum of 100 cubie feet of re�rig�ration, to � properly eare for cut flowers, an,d �he products in S�etion �, aui;horized to be sold hereundPr shal.l be o�fered fox sale at ' such store or greenhouse and not elsewhere. _ � � , � � _ __ _; .� � t >� . ORDTNANCE NOa 459 AN ORDTN.AIQCE CQNSTRUIPI� THG TEI?I�� RETATI, FLORIST; PROVTDING FOR Tf� LIQ�NSIldG AND REGULATION OF RETAIL SELLIIJG OF FZOYYERS, k'ITIVi�RAI, aPRAYS, iPIREt�TFTS, D�+SIGNS, GOEtSAGE5, POTTED PLAT_JTS, AND CUTTII�TG AND BIDDIIQG PLANTS; PROVIDING THE �:ANNER OF DISP7�LiY OF '{ SUCTi k''t2�DUCTS; PRESCRIB2nTG LIC}�,,TSE F�E A�7D P�?O�IBIT:CNG TRANSFER 0�' ZICENS�; RII'EAI�ING AI,L LA'A'S SN COPIFLICT I-LRE�;'ITH; AND PROUID:[NG A PENAI,TY FOR VIOLATION OF 2`HIS ORDIIJ9NCE; DECLARING � THTS ORDTNAAZCE TO BE AN Ei�`fII3GENGY PrIEASDFt�'; AND DISPEt�TSI�4TG i�'7�'PH T� REAI)IRTG OF 2'E3IS ORDTITAN�� 4Di Tt^;0 SEPA.F2A^1E DAYS BY Ut�TANI2A0U5 VOTL OP �'HE CO�:SitITSSxON. B� IT OI�D?1IP.TE�1 B� TF':E CO£�ti2iSSI0�T OF T� CI'3'Y OF` CLEARV'7ATr'�: Section 1. It shall be unlav�fuY for an,y person, firm or co�rparation to engage in. the business o� a retaii florist, — as such term is hereinafter defined, within the City of Clear- water, Florida, unless such person,•firm or corporation shall � have first obtai�:ed from t� Oity a separate license for eaeh place or location whereat sueh business.is conducted. SeCtio� 2, The term "Retail Florist", �Nn�rever the same shal'1 be used herein, shall be construed to mean, and includo, �ny person, firm or corporation engagad in the business ' of selling, at retail, flowers, YuneraT sprays, �rreaths, designs, corsages, potted plants or bedded pla.�ts; provided, howe�er, that suah terzre sha12 not be construed to �ean, no iac;�ude, �ersons, fi�ns or corPor�tians, selling any such produc�s which shall h�.ve been produced by themselves and oiiered for sa1.e as potted plants, annuals or cut flotvers, sold withou� container, box, or arrangecl in any floral desi�n, at the placs where the same are nruduczd, to or. through a regular merchan�ile store or plaee of business, or at or upon any^ municipally cvmed publie marlcet; nor sl�al]. �She sa�e be construed to mean, or include, persons, firms or carpara-t:ions selling only dry bulbs, roots, tubers, corms, unpotted hardy lperennials, deciduous �lants, seedlings, evergreens, shrubs, { vines, u�egetable plants, or cereal plants, nor shall the same be eons�rued to mean the ownzr or operator of any merchantile stora handlin� floral products by arrar�gsment with the �ro�ver thereof. Section 3. E4rery iicsnse hexeunder sliall maintain a regularly estab?ished retail fl.ower store or flowe.r greenhouse, � whiah shall be adequately equipped witli refrigzratio� facil.ities, ; consistin� of' a minimum of lOC cubic feet of re�rigeration, to � properly care for cut fl.owers, and the products in Seet?on 2, autl�orized to be sold hereunder shall �e of�ered for sate at such store or greenhouse and not elsewhere. i � �� r ` i. �f � � 9 ( ��. t E; k': l' �ia � � � r , , ��A Sec�Gion 4. No liaense sha7.1 ba issued i�ereunder exaepi; upon application therefor made in writing to the City, whioh agplication shall contain a stat�ment giving tha true �.ocation at which it is proposed �o carry on such re�afl floxis� buainess, together witli the name, a�e and p2ace of residence of the applicant, if an individual; tlie n�es and a�dresses ofi` the individual me�nbers, of a firm or co-�rartnership, and the principal pl.ace of busi�ess, of a coxp�ration; the statements , in such a�plication shall be sworn to by the perspn maleing the st�me. _ Section 5. Tha annual license fee fox each �lace of business authorized hereund$r shalI. be .�' 20,00. Section 6. No lieense authorized hereunder sk�alZ be txansferable nor shall business thereuncler be conductad excent at the place �or which the same 'is issued and by the person, firn or corporation to whom the same is issued, Sec',ion 7. 1"Fhoever shall violate any of tlze �rovi�ions ' o�' �his ordinance, shall, up�n convictiion thexefor, be punished by a fine not exceeding � 300,00, ox by imprisonment not exceeding sixty da;�s, or by both such fine an.d imprisonment. Section t3e 411 ordinances ard parts of ordinanees irz conflict with the nroTisa.ons of this ordinance are her. eby repealed. •'Section 9. In the ev�nt of any seetion, sub-sectian, sentenee, clause or phrase o� this ordinance sha11 be declared ox adju�iged ingalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall in n� manner affect the other sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases,of this ordinance, which shall be in fuli force and efPeet, as if the section, sub-sectipn, se�tence� clause or phrase so deelared or adjudged znvalia or u�xconstitutional was not originally � part thez�eo�', Secti9n 10. This ordYnan.ce i� hereby declared �o b6 an emergeney measure on tha �round of ur�ent public need for , the preservatian of peace, health, saiety and �ro�erty of the Gity cf C1earV�ater. " Section 11. ^1he readin� o� '�his ordinance an two sepaxate days is disnensed with by unanixnous vote of this co�mzs�ion. Section 12. This ordinance shal�. �take effect imm�diately upcn it's approval by the Cormnission. PASS�D Ai3D ADGPTx."'D THIS 20TH DAY Or DEC��ZBI'�, A. D. 1939. ��ayor- C on,.ni s s 3.oner IaTT; ST: Gi�G�r �u i or an er . �