12/20/1939� . _ ��) . I42TNUTES OP` THE 2lt'-'r�E2'ING OP' TN_E CITY COft�JII5SI0N� < The City Cotnmission of �Ghe City o£ Clearwater met, as required by the City Charter, in the City Hall at 12:00 otclock noon on December. 20th, 1939 with the � ', follo�vin� members pxesen�: E. B. Casler, J'r. , 2�ayor—C��.i.ssioner R. A. DemtiseY Herbert Grice �"l. ti^T. Peeler Reports si�ned by the Cler� and Inspectors c�P tkie Election Board were received. 2.�oved by T1Ir. Dempse�, seconded by r:2r. Pe�ler and unanimouslf carri�d that the rePorts be accep��ed and approved and that the follo�ving Resolution be ado�pted: � � .. � t j y ' � . _ � � RESOLIITIO�V }M1'HEREAS, the City �o�nission of the City of Ci.earwater, Floi�ida, as required by law, has met r` � iz� special session at the City Hall in said City, at 12:00 o'clook noon on the 20th day of December, 1939, to canv�ss the roturns of thQ Genoral ItTunicipal , ElEction held in �a�d City on the 19tn day of Docemberf ('' 1939, and whereas the following number of votes were east; CANDIDATES FOR CITY COR'�•IISSION�t Votes cast T357 Votes mutilated Geor�e R. Seavy 788 Herbert Grice 77y Hugh Hayes 472 S. Z^l. Tillis 405 0. 7i. Pr�cFarland 162 SALARY FOR CI�' COI.'Il'dISSIOidL+'RS Votes cast 1295 Potes mutilated 38 FOR salary 491 :AGAINST salary 805, t"IFiE`t��2 OR NOT ORDINAYdC� I�L'�:�� 455 BEING AN -0RDI2JA.�TC�� EI�7TITL�D: '"AN O:tDIidANCE REGULATING AND RES�ICTING TgE �75� OF LANll AND TiiE LOCATIOPd AND T7SE OF BUILDING� A.VD S�RIICTUR�S IN TIiE CITY � OF CZFARt"lA_Ta'.Ft, .�I,ORTDA, CREA7.'ING DISTRIGTS OR ZQi�TE5 TfiI+�2EFOP, REGULATING THE IN^1"�TdSITY OI' IISE Oi� I�i�i�TD 1iFtE�S AND m� LOCATIdD? OF EUILDINGS AND STRUCZ`IIRES Z`I3F�k'ZFON, EST��LTSHI�TC,� �UILD1i1G I;II�TES, PROVID71��Ct �, TRET�OD �F' AT�;,?IPdIS'.I'RATIOAT, AND PROVlD- II�iG pEY�TALTI�+S 1�OR ^lr'� VIOLA^1I04d OF TI� TF�,IS OI' THIS ORDINANCE," SIiAI,L GO II��TO �'ECT: Votes cast 834 Votes rautilated 37 ` Votes FOR. Ordinance � 455 to � �o into effect 583 � Votes AGkINST Ordinance � 455 going into efPect 224 THEREFOR� B� IT RESOLVL+'D, that the City Gomnission oP the City of Clear��ater. in special s,ession assembled, that GEORGE R. S�4'OY and HERBEI�T G�IC� have been duly elected City Cammissior�ers, to serve 'for �erms of tv��o years each, from Jar.uary lst, 19�0. � F � , � � � 3T^1T�' UF PLO}3TD� GOiIt�TX OF PIN�LLL�S czm� oF c��wA�t Ple, the undersigned, Clerk and Ir_speetors of the General Election of the City oP Clearwater to be held on Aecember l9th, 1939, at which election t�n�o Commissioners � will be elected and a xeferendum wi11 be held on Cha�ter 19742, I,aws of Florida, Special Acts of 1939, and on Zoning Ordinance Ido.455 of the City of Glearwater, do hereby solemnly swear thnt Ure will well �nd faithfully perforn the duties of Clerk and Tnspectors at said Election.ss / .�- ,_' � ��Clerka� �`��r� � /Tuspector �� �� G Ins�o or In � or ��� Sworn to and subscribed bef�re me this the 19th day oz December, 1939, �� ,� Ncftary ubli orida ' [��'.� _ " �, 2.4y commission e�rpires � v , r � . . . � . . . . .�T. � .. . ... . . . . . . i . . . . . . . .. . . ' . . . . . . � . . � . . � � �� �A,SSED ANA ADO�TID by the City Commission of the Cit3* of Clearwater, this 20th day of December, �. D. Z939. � . I�ayor-� ssian,er ! Attestc s / i ���i5�a-.-�'c.s .//��-,�,��' Cit� Aia�itor and Clzrk There being no fusther businese, the meeting was adjourned. Iviayor-C ommi ssioner �lttest: City Auditor & Clerk r ! � ; ; 1 � 'i i i � .�._,—...._ xn.+--`�7_„'....._. . . . .ewn�ryMp�,,- .. � . .. .. . � . � . . / � � . . . � 1 �� � � . . 1` i STA'PE OF FLOftIDA COUNTY OF PINT�LAS CITY OF CI�nEi'.'TATT��'.2 ,"Je, the ��ndersi�ned Inspectors and Cleriz of the , Ger.iersl PBunicipal Election, City of Clear�v�ter, Florida, held on the 19th clay of Docenber, 1939, do hereby certify � , that we have conducted said elee�ti�n accordin� to law, and upan counting the bal.lots, find th� reQult of said � election to be as i'ollows: Total number of ballots cast ��'� --��--- Total number oi' ballots mutilated For Co�ieeioner, to serve f or term of two (2� � � ;7 �� Received g � votes � vV r _Received '� '7 Cy votes T� �" � Received �, —. ._ ��otes �'�✓�� �--, Reeeived �votes �� ' ' " �'���° P�c�,.� Receiaed � �r � v ;rotes � _ Tn the referendum o� Chapter 1974�, Lavrs o�' �'lorida, . SpEcial 4cts of 1939, vJhich Act amends Seoti�n 19 of the ChartEr of the City of ClearTivater to provide a salary of fi£ty dollars ner month for each Commissioner and a salary - of one hundred dollars per month i'or the T:iayor-Commissioner, the votes were: FOR TI� ACT (in fav�r a� salaryj �'� vetes AG.�l�TST TI� .1CT (opr�osin� salary) Rl�J votes and on Zoning Ordinance ,�455 the votes Fvere: FOR ORDL3�tCE ,,��455 ,.7 �.-? votes P_GkI?�TST_ ORDIhTAP10E �4F5 � �v`f� votes Given und�r our hands this 19th day af December, 193�. r le �spe� � ' ns etor �_�'-�— ' ; � O � � �,z�%��,�. , Inspectar`��"-� �% � � �, � �� � � � � � � � � � r a _ � .o ''� ,� n ���' _ . �. ` n �. AI,PHABE'?'ICAL T�IST OF PII3SONS yVHO I�'ILID FREI�iQJ,rpER ° S AF'FTD.AYZT AT ZONING ORDTNANCE �<TaECTION Ii'�i� DEGi3�'IB]�'t 19, i939, �Ave Abt�ett � . T,. %. Abernathy9 Z. F. Abx'amg, L. iY. Adamsi D, B. A�ama, Jane .�damss Mr�s. &Iazy P. Adolphus, Alive Ahlgrim, if. Ray Alezander, 0. N. Jx. Aa.exan�er, Hattie Pd. Aldriah, W. �`:11en, B1�n.ahe �J. Al].en, Gle�r1 T. Aileni, Z. L. Aliey, Graae B. A�.iey�, wm. z. ,A.nsleraon, birs. A. I,. Anderson, J. �l. Atkinson,,Agnsa Glare Atlsinso�., Jamas Jx�. Atren, J�hn Aadet, R, �. ngrt �aaon, Yvan �.. �aile�*9 nouglas . BaiZeg, Miriam Bailey� �. t"�q ��xer, zae z, Baker, R. �,� Bak�x, �s. R. T,.. B'arber, Almer J. . Baxber9 Maxian Inman Bs:rber, �. D. Bt3raaf Uue Barlowp A. �ierlaw,; Da W. IIarlaw, Newt Barnes, t�J. H. � ��arry, J'. A, Baskin, Hrs.. H. H. Bask3.n� d. D. Bassett, Cathar�!n.e , Ba�che2or, D. Oo &etchelor, �r�. D, 0. Baxters Joi�n BayZy� Plan�y� Beak, Geo. .D. Beesle�', Chas. Bennett, G, R. I3ennett, El].a FJtay � Bern��.} Josephine M, Bernarcl, William Eerrayy E. W, Borrag, Ruth Bigger, Li113.an Ble.ek, '�4. E. Black, �1rs: M�, E. B].�cskbuxn, �� Wr � � � . o a TMB�� (aontinued) �lair, Ma3ol Ha Blan.toll, d'. bi. Blantan, R. Ii. Blum, �ohn �. B1um, rHadelor� P'. Ho'bb31�t, Rita B. Bohnenati�agl, E. Bol.aex , Dx. H. W. Hoomer, U. C. Booth i I'xanlc J. �ooth e Harold H. Boot�.� �rirse �iarolci H. Bosworth.. �dwin D. Bosworth� �;lizabeth �d. Boswortb,, &irs. Eva Botelsr, Eqie C. Bote3.er, T. L. Bnuie, 8. 3. Bo�ters, A. Po Bowers, Il�rs. A. P. Hoyce t 1�3. R. Bo�ce A�rs, B�far�in R. Boyd, Douglas L. Bayd, Senie J'ohaaon BranCon, R. K. �TsBf�.elda H. C. Bra$Pield, Mrs. H. C. Br�Bf'ield, Herbert S. Brasfield, J'ames B�eeden, ?�. , A. �rook, L. B, Broak; T�ra. L. B. Bro�rn, �. ye Brovrn, P�rs� A. L. Bro�vn� xober� S. Bxown, Yirgin:3a M. Canpb�ll Brown, �1311iam Do�a,l�e Bxownson� iienristta Br�af Selms Huehanan, C. I.. Buell., P�iss Corinne Burns, Edwa�d J� 8utle�� F, A. Butler'; �'i�so F. A. Butler, I„ id. Butle�, Mrs..I,eo �. Butterfie7.d, A. Buttar�iel,dt L�ttie Bye:�s, M. i9a . rc�n Campboll, F. E'. Gampbe7.1., $. D. Oarapb�l]. y �Zar3r S. CamvbeLl, W. Ea Oard,. �'rank L. Car�, M�jean B. Carrier., C;erl P'. P. Jarrier, Isabel'Wo Car�er, J9 i3oward Carter:, �alph Oash, W. S. (3as7,�r, �. B.. �'x. Gagl.er, Grace H. 4s. � �u � � � � u . . � . a •_ . � a , �e� .. ,� nCK Gente;�, R. �. ' C8adw3ok, Hallie H. Chali'an�; �ary L. Chalfanti R.; G, C2�r1�s� C. K. Ghatbnoey, R. iir Chauna�y; S. Q. Chesnut, J'ohn Ches�ut, Stanley C. Clsrk, Edith Hti Clarkf Guy �'. Clark, Msrs,' CYtay CIBPks H. Ho Clark�on, S. P. Gl�rkson� DSrs. S. P, Cloninger, Raymond Goaahmen, S. �0 Coaohm�n, BRi�s. Sm C. Coaeh�an, E, H. coaahman, M. S, Cogbui;n, H. C. aole, F. B.. . Cole, �anrgr S, 4�ole� &Trs. He�.rg' S. Cole, I�drs. Bdaggie S.� ��:�, %���a""�`°� �Collier, Lsroy �omstoak, W. I.. Conley, Rtt"bg Jaakson Conleg, T. p. Gonstan�ine, H. H. COOk, Pd3.1G C'oaper, E.J. Cope, J.H. Cornett, A7.ice P9 Cornwell, A.T.: Cornwell, Holly Is2. Cotton, 1�im.F. Cotton, Pdrs iY.�', Ceg., �F�sse �. Cozad¢ M.0"Ella S. GrawYord, D,F. Cribbs, �Tra Evelyn t'V. Cribbs, J.:S. Gromartie, R.tl. Cromar�ie, Mrs R.G. Crowley; Ndrs Annie « �'ii'OS'l]:,ey j' .Cif.'�i1Tl.e:i Cb. "Crosr3:ey, x�Irs Charles G. Crowley, �,G,L� Groirrn � Y�. E. nDtt Da7.ton, E, T. Danielr O.Dc Darlings. Rosa B. Daughertg 'W, �Z. �'r, Da.vey, J'ahn R. Davey, O�.i�se E. nag3ason, �.v. Da.V2s' hiI's �7 `I�a Davis;, J".V1. Davis, Mrs J'.V7. de He�iou�ille, Eienry de Hedaugille, tairs• Henry Dolamate]^, T.Ia. Dempsey, E�.A. Benn3.a�, �,.�� T7annis, �lt�s' S.'�. Aeveneau, C.S� DiekexsoR, �1�,zabeth P. �iakerson, L.B. ` Di�skia} t��ary' H«' Diakie, �i'm.P;. . Diaus 3.Ze�ter - Dietr�.ah, Julius �i�.lard, �.l.i.'oe 77il.lardt A:N* Dillax�,, G;, E. " s�imm�.ttz Hebe Li�aa� Di.mnitt; L�rr'y 7�it�o�� � �G.Z� ' � � � Dobson� U.�'. . , Doee,cher� M.�".' DonneXl, P.osalyn K. Dre�, P�ann D�ew� 13.V',i�, ` " Dudlog� O.N. ' " B+:nba� ¢ Ash�B�' �. ` Uunb�x� G:.I,,., Duncs�� �ls�e Dupree; T,:B� ' Duxa:nd , A: J° o Duvoisin, T�ouis�a Dyer� E].izsl�s:th. �. Dyer�. Jp�:, , n� ss Eaker�, �'rYda Ecskhart�, Jahii �', �i�helberger•? Gear�e Ae Eicshel'bexgore't,�r's f�eo, Eldridge, E7.Za �11is�n, A,� Ei.woo�,' trrs carl. Erriakaon,, A.�t. Errickson�'Ethel H, Eube3i�y �i'.3'� ' ' � Eubanksb �2i�abeth Evaa�s� Geo�A'� fe�i+rt Fahri�n, Wil1, Fairiield � �'.H. Fais�i'ield; ii�.rriet�Ce td, Falaoner � hir$' Mary L�. Farmer, ,7�ia'�latte E.. Faust, Araballa k'onsa � Thomaa L. F�anzos9 Tom S. ��.Gh-�, �i3��be��� c. 3i`i.ok��G, 2'aul Firth# ii, I�isY�er, �. E. �oS�ui �'+L7: �''��Sa YeirB �7'.�27� Frank, H�nah I'ranls� �,. Frankling Hober� H. . ; , . , , a. :�,u��, ..��'..Q.�'.,� �'re�ma�s, E�a _F'T'E028,� �'YB��1.'GOP I�iedman, /'�s�s E�riad�, H.H. Frost� Geo.i1� Fsoat� �rs Geo. FrCsist� �T'rj'Vr �',,il�ls 9, it. F. buller� R.obert Funderburke, Bexnioe i�und�rburke, C.E. Fusssl��, G.O., �'usse]1� P�ary H. n�a Gaines� R�i. Gaxdenex� F.A. Gardener, M� a7.so �.o�vn as �i�s CoI� F.A. G�t�s, r.I. Geise]xaan, A.C, Geor�e,Henry A�A Ge�hardi �il3iam A: Gib`bs� Ro.f��. Glaze, �.�t�. GodPreyp•R��, Go�"t'igon; �Earion S,, GofPiga�.� 1�,Q, . ._ . GaPfigon, t�Srs E'�. �. Go�figon, �.0,, Goldsb�; Pgr� Barbar� Gaodman, Lotti�e K. .� �ordon; Alioe �,:Gordon, �'ohn �+ Gore, B�i � Jeen (�are, �'�hn I�,� Ga2a, t�7,,3�a (}rahsm, Psi�s " Flaret'ta D, Lr'Pfl2:1QIt1�, i�e�is GramZ3:ng� Fs'aZter Gramli.ng, �irs i�TaZ�e� - � . Greoa; Prnes� A� Green, R,E. t�reeny Reba , L. �reen.; R.T,e�li.e Green, Idrs Ysi].ma. Ii. Green; V��IS. ��ee�� Gertxude Greer, t�rant �. Gregory:, L,�'.�Tr� Griosr A].�.ne Ft. Grice, Herbert Grifi`�n; Hardy Gr3.i'2'int �Lloyd GTovesi ft.H. �s�und�*,; Herbert Guy, Z'. H, s �— { ,, ,_ , . n�+r H�1.� lvli'.�! �iv�. W*� . . .. . � . Ha11, Hwlsa Hail, Harr-iet 0� xa17., Vinsent C�. Hamilton� }3uz�nioe $�.�.'�'iOX1.y. �ij�i � . . Htimil'�on, Mrs J'.I'. kTsmilton, �homas �Iamlin., II.H� Tia.m�Ciak, �T.F. Hamri cls, PArs �`. F': Hancoak, Eihel �anson,,Mar� �9 Fie.x�ral7:, , sara H, �mrreyl, S,?d� �arri���on� �ira (7ora A:, Harr3:s, Euniae Harx3.s, ��rs H,J. Har�is, L.G. �arrie, �tra �,.G. Harris x t�..�,. Harris A YTaFau1 �avener, �I,R, Savsnex, T�Trs FY�R� I3ayden a .�''s1i�e,beth HayC�O?i, T� �'� Ea�res, C,Hu�i1 $a�'es, �has L» Hayes' S�rs �haa I,� �edgocoak, B4'��a geerdtp Ed�aerd �Q �@81'CZ'�'i' �Pa`'i �'r.Ti'.�♦ HendersanA A,C. Hend���an, Ger�rude g,� $on�ry�; L.Sd, Hendr� ; ��dra 5y�,via klenszey* J'.F3, iii�hficZd� 31tgh Hi�g$ield� �xs Hugh Hi1Z� G.T. Hi�.].�, �TrT� ii31Zs 0�4a(Q�:iVe) �i11 � �obe�; t :f�. �ilton, 'P.R. fiinn.ers p JoFu1 H* �olden, Tloe B. �ollend, Olgde S. H�lland, E�na Hol.ley`� Analie Pdae �o].A.oyg I�r� 1�Isrg �, fiolYings�vorth, d�rs Besaie Hollings�vorth, Z.S. Hollowap� �eor�e t'J. Hollow�y; Gug M.. fio].Zoway, I,i17�ie H. Iiomera �dit11 i�p ;AOIt1B� y L@W3.9 Hope� �,H, fIogkins � N� i�. Hopk�s, pJC'�s:.„I�,,:C�7� , �� - � , � � � , ,,- � , ,� , � � � �r � � � ''� I� . ,.. .. �