12/18/1939e e � _ � �� � � � ;�. MINUT�S OF TFiE MEETING OF THE CITY COPGMISSION The City Commission of the Cii:y oi Clearwater m�t 3n t.he City fIall at 8:00 o�clock on the evening of December 18th, 1939 with the �'ollowing members present: E. Ba Casler, sr., P.2ayor-Commissioner ' R. L. Baker R. A, bempsey NJ. W. Peeler Absent: Herbert Grice iJiinutes of the previous meetin� u�ere read and approved. The committee to investigate char�es against P7x. Casler read a report confirming L2r. Casler's qu�l.iPications and right,: to serve as Pl�ayor-Gommissioner. n2oved by D,�r, Peeler, seconded by Pdr. Baker and unanimously carried that the renort be accepted , and approved. P!Ioved by lYir. Baker, seconded by Io1r. Dempsey and unanimously carried that Ordinance # 459: AN ORDIN�NCE CONSTRLTING THE T�rt RETAIL FLORIST; PROVID2RIG FOR TF� LICENSIN� AND R�C�ULATION OF RETAZG SELI,ITJG OF E'T'�0�,'�tS, FUN�RAL ,SPRA:iS, �"JREATHS, DESIGIQS, CORS4GES, POTTT'D P�,�NTS, AI�]D QUTTING A1VD E3EDDING PI��NTS; t RO VIDI?QG TFiE r:�'�1V�7ER OF DISPL4Y OF uIIGH PRODUCTS'; PR�SCRLR�JG I,ICET�SE F�'E AND I'ROHIBITING TR9NSF�R OF LICII�TS:�; Rr"� F�AT,ING A�L LA;"1S IN �Oi7FLICT �IEREIi'ITH; AND PROVIDING A P�ALT'� FOR VIOLATION OF TH7:S ORDINAt�TCE; DECI,ARII`G THIS Of�DINANC� TO BE AN III�IERCr�NCY 2,rEASURE; AND DISPEIVSING Y,tITH TFi� RE.�DITdG 0_' THIS ORDINANCv ON 'P4V0 SII'ARATE DAY� BY U1VAN�v40IIS riOTE OF THE C014^��ISSION be-passed on its first reading, which was dnne azter the Ordinance had been read aloud in full. The City Attorney called attention to the confusion concerning the sale of Zot 3 Block 1 of i,Tagnolia P�rk. ir1r. J'. E. Satterfield, representing Pdr. Ben Sutton, stated that his client woul.d like to maice a bid on the lot and inquired as to whether rias ��oula be open or sealed. i�oved by �r. Dempsey, seconded by Prir. Baker and unanimously carried that all previous action of the Cit,y-�ozmnission in connection with the sale of this �.ot be rescinded and that sealed bids be called for with the City reser+ring the right to rejec+ anjs or aZl bids. The Gity rianager �resented bids for the purchase of chlorine gas. P;;oved uy P�4r. I�empsey, seconded by P,ir. Peeler and unanimously carried that the contract be awarded to the 4Yarner Ghemical' Compaily, Reeves and Elsinger Agen��, 416 m. ! Tampa Stre�t, Tampa, Rlorida. ' � - ,,, . � .- . '�� h�Ir. Casler requested, and was granted, perm�.ssinn to aonfer with �Ghe CitsT ni��ager and C3ty Auditox and Clerk for the puxpose of ap�ointing soraeone to xeplaoe P�Irs. John t�'1�l�.er v.r�:o c�nnot serve ss an Election Inspector. PtIr. I'laya Wallaoe �vas later anpointed to serve as an El�etion Inspeator. Zhe City 1it�nager was instructad to permi� iree use of gas and water by the n�orton P1ant Hospital until the end of the presen� fiscal year. There bein� no further business, the meetin� �vas adjourned. P..ayor-Cotmnissioner qttest: City Auditor, and Clerk � i •�. 1 y��° . � _ _ _ � _ _. . _ 4j V...-� ..�, E, B, Cp9CEq, Jp, � MAyON� COMMI6910NEq � � � � . � R, A. tlEMPeiCY q..: L. �.BFKER � � � �� . NENBERNNIR'loHeflsW W� PEELER I � � . . � �*�' ������� F. L.�HEN�AIX . . . . . . . . . GITY H N�OEq � . ' � J, FqqNK ��HAMR�CK �ITY uoiron exo e�enK - � I.' CLEAI-�WATER, PLORIDA fiALPHRfl(CHAftDSryO CDLLecTOR . . . . . . . CITY Ai'rORHEY� December 18th, 1939. T0 HOIJORA$LE E. B. CASLER, JR., IiriA.`iORtG`OP�ISSIONER< �n December 15'th yau appointed a committee campoaed oi r�a A. Dempsey, Cha,irman, Herber�G Grice, R. L, Baker, and W. F7. Peeler, to in�restigate the aZlega�iona contalned in a motion filed by J. E. Satterfield questioning the qualifi_ ' catiane nf E, B, Casler, Jr,', to oerve as lUia;�or> Co�amissioner of the City of �learrra�er, Your committee herewith su'�mits ita report and recommends that the said motion filed by J. E. Satterf ield be denied. Respeetfully submit'ted, �� `���—�- Cbair�an � oti, fv`"p� ;e�,Gn"������'�-� �i ��; �; - �"_ + , � .r