10/16/1939if . . . . . � ... � � . , �.. �..�Q� �. MTNUT:r„S OF TF� �1fEETZNG OF THE CITY COT7MISSION The City Comr.niss��n of the City of C;.Ga_rw�ter met in regular meeting assembled a� the City �all on the evening of October 16th, 1939, witli the fo1lo�Aring members presantr E. B, Casler, �r. , Svlaycr-Commi.ssioner R. L. Baiter R. A. De�psef Herbert Grice Pl. ti9. Peeler Absent: None 2Qinutes oi' the previous meeting were read and approved. The Gity P?anager read a Resolutian Prom the Turner- Brandon Post � 7 of The American I,egio� requesting that the'City Gommission pass an Ordinance requiring all domestic servants to produce a hea7.th cert�Picate at the time of em.ployment, Tha City P.Zanager Presented an Ordinance re�uir.in� health cer�ificates for domestic employees. The Ordinarce was :referred to the City Attorney ax�d the Healtl� Insuector for revision. P�r. R.; �.'I. Thomnson presented a pxoposed lease of the Fis'h Plant to the Clearwater Yacht Club. �oved by ° Mr. Dempsey, seconded by a�ir. Grice and unanimously carried I that a ten year lease be granted tvith option of rener��al '� for an additic�nal five years. r1tr. Thompson expressed his appreciation of the cooperation of the Ca�ission, The City Itianager read: a letter from r:Ir. George A. 49il.son in which Mr. 4llilson rssigned fr�m the Zoning Board. a Noved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carried that the s�esignation be accepted. The City t:�fanager read a letter from r�4r. W. H. Wolfe with re�'arence to Driver's Zicense L'aw, and suggesting that the City Commission pass an Ordinan�e xequiring all persons ' ; drivin�; an automobile in Clearwater to liave a Driver's License. � The'City P.4anager read a letter from Doctor Guinand ? with reference to professionrzl services rendered Thomas f Asbell. 1lioved �by rJir. Peeler, seconded by I+�r. Dempsey and � carried that the matter be reierred t� the City At�torney � 1 for his consideration. � � � � t , . i _ � ' � 1 ... . . 1 .. - ., . - �.._ � � Mr. Zeo Butler presented the f�llawing: RL�SOLIITION BT� TF� CITY COh'l�11ISSION OF THE CTTY OF CLEARWATII3, FLORIDA, ACGEPTING Ca�TTRACT � 5, SEWERS EiCTIlVSIONS ANP I�'ROVII�,iEN'i'S, DOCKET N0. FLAe 1106-F. h2oved by Ntr. Grice, seconded by Mr, Bal�er �nd unanimously carried that the Resolution be adopt�d. Moved by Mr. Dempsep, seconded by n2r, �rice and . unanimously carried that the �ity Engineer be authari.zed to file two additional PWA Projeots, connecting pumping station with sewer line on Beach at a cost of � 3,500.00 and conetruction of a Compost Building at th� �isposaZ Plant at a cost of � 3,200.00 for a eovered bnilding 30 by 60 feet or �vith open roof �or � 1,600.00 Movad by NIr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously ea-rried that the �ollowing resol.u'�I.on be adopted: RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE TIME FOR CQP,�LETION OF DOCI{ET FLA. 11C��-£, CZEARWATER, FZORIDA, 60 DAYS FROi�I DLC�i1iSER l, 1939. The City P,ianager read a letter from the Zoning Board with reference �a ehanging Sections of the Zoning Ordinance0 Mr. Alfred Marshall addressed the Commission, expressing his appreciation oP the confidence shown by the Commission in allowing the Zoning Board to iill vacancies on the Zoning Board, but he pr�ferred that the City Cnmmission make the appointments. The City Nlanager presen�ed a propo;ial. Prom Pdr. S. V. Davidson agreeing to deed, the City certain lots in P1iag�olia Park to el.ear the delinquent taxes and assessments against cert�in other lots in 3�Iagnolia Park. ' 2'he City Manager reported the accident of Po].iceman George IvlcClamma� The City N.Iana�er read a letter from the Florida. League of Dtunicipalities requesting that the City take an advertisement in the Florida Municipal Reeord. �rl�ioved by Mr. Dempse�, seconded bg Mr. Baker and unanimously carried that the purchase aY l00 gas meters at a cost of � 8.25 ea.ch, be approved.� The City �enager reported that it had been brought to his a�tention by the Police Departme�t as �o the house numbering in the Country Club Addition, There seem to be quite a Yew duplications in numbers whieh are very coni'u�ing i�n locating certain numbers, anrl requested that � �� the house numberin� ordinance be eniorced. ,. �t ,�:y 3 _.� � - _ . _ ; _:.._:....� .. _ . , Residents on Clearwater Beach xequested that a voting booth be placed at the Beach Fire Station. Moved by Mr. Peelsr, sr.,c�nded by AiIr. Lempsey and unanimously carried that Ordinance # 453 AN ORDINANCE ASSFSSING AND IT/lPOSING ON ERIEEtY INSURANCE CdP.'fPANY, CORPORATION OR OTF�R INSUF30R NOVd �1GAG� IN OR CARRYING ON, THE BUSIP3ESS AF IP7SURII�IG PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS OFt DAMAGE BY FIRE OR TORNADO, AN EXCIS� TAX IN ADDITION TO ANY LIC�IVSE OR EXCISE TAX NOW LE?TI�, AP/lOiTT�'PIIQG TO ONE (,l%) PER CENi OF THE GROSS AL`�IOUIQT OE RECEIPT.S OF PRE�IIUMS FRO�I POLICY HOISIERS ON AI�L PRF�IUb+IS CO3�,ECTID B� FIRE ATJD TORNkDO INSU�tANCE POZICIES COV�RING PROPERTY tiVI�I'HIN THE GQRPORA'PE LII+.4IT$ OF TI� CITY OF CLEP.RWATER AND APPROPRIATING THE MONEYS DIl3IVED FROM SIICII T1�X TO THE FIR�lEN' S RELIEF AN3� PENSION FIIND be Fassed on its second reading by title only. P�Iove3 by IvIr< pempsey, seconded by h7r. Peeler and unanisouslp carried that all rules be waived and Or�inance � 453 be passed on its third and final reading. Bids were received on a pick-up truek. Fin�.l act�ion will be taken at a nieeting at ncon on Thursday, Octpber 19th, There baing no Purther business, the meeting was adjourned. ���� � �daj�gr �nission� ATTEST: � ���� � Gi�y Auditor & Cler� l�� ■ � � �' � ■ u RESOLUTION BY THE CITY GOIv�VlISSION OF THE CITY OF' CLEAR�^lATER, FLORIDA, ACC�"P1NG GONTEtACT � 5 S SEWERB E7C�IIvSIUNS #1ND In'Il�ROVEdSENTS, DOGKET N0. FLA. 11Q6-F� 4VIiEREAS, Remingtan-Rand, Ine, of Buffalo, Ne�v York have comglied wit� all t�.e requirgments of a contraot a�varded to them by the City of Cl.earwater on May 15', 1939, for Purnishing one Utility Billing IvIachine £or the sum oP � 1,000.00, NOM T£�R�FORE BE IT FtESOLVy'yD by the City Conmissior af the City of Clearwater, Florida, as fol]ows: Section lo That the said equipment furnished by Remington-Rand, Inc, be accepted by the Gity of Glearwatsr and the said company be reimbursed in the amount of � 1,000.00. Section 2: That F. L. Hendrix, vity RZanager, is hereby authorized to make this acceptance and to reimburs� the Remington-Rand Inc. in the sa�.d amount of � 1,000.00. PA,SSED AND A�JOPT� by the City Commission of the C'ity of Clearu�ater, Flarida, in meeting asse�bled this 16th day of 0etober, 1939. / :�- Idayor-Co 'ssioner�� AT'I'FST : ������ C' t�jr �.uditor and Clerk _ i ; � 13ESOLUTTON EXTENDING THE TIM� FOR CQ�'L�TION OF DOCK%T FLA. 1106-F, CLEAR4VA2TER, FLC�RIDA, 6D DAYS FROIJ! ?��vIIV1Br"�2 1, 1939� WHERFAS, the Ebersbach �ons�ruction �r�,,lpany, whic.h was awarded Contract No. 6, Docket i�o. Fla. 1106-F, is making everq ef'fort possible to complete their cantract at the earliest possible m�ment, ana WEEREAS, the said ec�npany has experienced eo�siderable delay due to unforseen iMclimate weather, and V`,tI�RREAS, the said company has agree� to install approximatelf 6400 feet oP additiona.7. sewers, and 1VF�REAS, the approved Contraet Documents si�ned by the Ebers�,ach Construction C�mpany, the City oi Clearvaater, and ,approved b,y the Public t�'lorks Administration set forth a complation date af December 22y and � VlHEREAS, the ofPer received•Yrom the Goverr.ment on Docket No. Fla. T106-F sets i'orth that constr•��.etion shall be completed by December l, I,939, and WFi�R.�AS, the J. B. McCrary Company, Inc. , who tivere successPul bidders on Contract Na. 2, Sewer �xtensions and Improvements, DocYet N�, F1aa 1106-r; vrill require addi�iona'1 ti.me to complete,, due to unioraeen inclimate weather and the rem.o�-al of a large l�ount of soil which was found to be unsatisfactory under the Digestor Tank and the main control building, NOW TF�REFORE B� IT RESOLDED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida as iollows: Section 1: That the completion date on Florida Seiver Extensions and Improvements, Fla, Docket 1106-F, Clearwater, Florida, be e�tended 60 days Prom Decemrer 1, 1939, to �anuary 28, 1940. Section 2: That F. Z. Hendrix, City �?anager, is hereby authorized and directed ta grant said exte�sion o�' time for and on behalf of the City Cemuiission. PASS�D AND .ADOPTED by the City Commission of the C�ity of �C1ear�uater, Florida, in meeting assembted this 16th day of Aetober, 1�339. , � Mayor-Co ss3oner ATTEST: 'r�fs�r✓1V !Jt�f�ti� ty Auditor and Clerk � {i - , : "+ L� � d� AN ORDII�Tt1DTCE ASSESSING I�N� IMPOSLNG ON EVERX IP?SURANCE COMPANY, CORPORATION OR OTHLF. INSUROR NOW IlVG4�L�D TN OR CA�2RYING ON, AR �"iTiO SHf�LL FIEREAP"1'ER E'�iIGAG� IN OR CARRY ON, THE �IISINESS OF INSUFtING PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAn'lAG� BY FIRE OR TORNADO, AN EKCISE T_9X IN ADATTION 7.'0 ANY LICENSE Ok? EXCISE T.4X N041 LEVIID, AMOUNTING TO ONE (1� ) PEE? Cr"'�• TT OF THE GROSS Ah'IOIINT OF RECEIPTS OI' PRII4'fIUMS P'ROP�I POLZCY HOLDERS ON ALL PRIl4IIUIt4S COLLECTID ON FIRE AND TORI�?ADO INSURANOE POLICIES COVERTNG PROPERTi'' 4'VITHIN T�IE C�RPORATE LIn4TT5 OF THE CITY OF CI.EAR49ATER �LND AP�'ROPRIATING THE 1440NEYS DII2IVED FROM SUCH TA7i TO THE FIRTSiREDi' S PENSION FUND. �'E' IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE GSTY OF CLEARWATA�?, FLORIDA• Section 1. There is hereby assess��a �nci imposed on every insurance com�any, corporation or other insurer now engaged in or carrying on, or who shall hereafter engage an or carry on, the business o� insuri.ng property against loss or damage by fire or tarnado, an. exci�e or li�ense tax amounting to one (ljo) per cent of the gross amount oP receipts of pz:emiums Prom policy holders ozn a,l premiums collected on �3re and tornado insurance policies eovering propertp within the car±orate limits of the City of Clearwater. Section 2. A11 money derived from the taxes imposed by this ordinance is hereby appropriated to the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund of �he City of Clearwater, which shall be admin:istered in accordance with thc� provi�ions af Ghag�er 19112, Laws of Florida, Acts o� i939, providing for the Creation and Administration of a Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund in certain Cities and Towns. Section 3. The license tax herein assessed and imposed shall be in addition to al1 other licen�e tages now levied by the City o� Clearwater, Seetion 4. The excise or license tax herein provided fbr shall be payable and collected in the �anner provided by Cahpter 19112, Laws of Florida, Acts af 1939, pxoviding for the Creation and Administration oY a Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund in certain Cities and �owns. Sec-cian 5. This Ordin�nce shall become eifective immediately upon its pa�sage and adoption by the City Gormnission c�P the City ef Clearwater. A Sec�tion 6. All ordinances ix� conflic� herewith are hereby repealed, �"� . �� � I�lia or- ' saio e� � ATTEST: ��y ���� � . C��y Auditor & C1erk � n � � i�� r.4II�tUT�S OF THE P�EETIrJG OF TT� CITY GOI�42SSION � The City Commission oP tk�e City oi' Clearwatex met 3'n the City Hall a:t 5:00 otclock on the �Pternoon oi' November 1st, 1939 fox a Special rfieeting with the following members �resent: E. B. Casler, J'r. , Ptayor-Co�tmissioner R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice Absent: R. L. Baker • Vl. ?^l, Peeler ��foved by i.ir, Grice, seconded by L?r. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the i"ollowing Resolution be ado�ted: R E S O Z II T 2 0 N Z'1HERft.�.AS the Junior Ghamber of Gommerce of the City or Clearvaater desires to erect, at its own expense, a elub house at Clearwater 3eaeh for the purpose of pro�ridin� enter- tainment facilities ior i,he younber wi�;ter ;risitors to Clearwater; and iT�fi�t�AS the J'ur�ior Chamber of Commerce has ro�uested the City to donate a building site for t�e erection o�' said club house; and L"�NER�AS it is the desire of the City Commissicn to ca-operate with the Junior Qhamber of Cornmerce and aid it in its work; �70,"1, TT.�2EFORE, be it resolved by the City Coimnission of the City of Cleaxwater, Florida, that the following described p.roperty novr owned by the Ci�y of Clearti+�ater ana located at Clearwater I3each, to-wit: Zot �'our ( 4} of CTTY T_'ARK SUBDIV'IS10iJ aceording tc the rsap recorded in Plat Book 23, page 37, public records of Pinellas County, Florida, snall be conveyed in fee simple to �he J'uniar Chamber of Commerce of the City af Claarwater; anci that a proper deed of conveyance sha11 be exeeuted by y, B. Casler, 3`r.., as T,2ayor-�Qr�missioner, J'. Frartk Hamricl; as City AudiLor and Clerk, �nd I'. I,, �Iendrix as City Trianager, eonveyin� said property to '" the J'unior Chamber �`of Co�merce. I ', �.. ' .. _ ___., _ _...-.. _ a . _ . _ _ .. ._ _:._ ._ _ �.__._ __ ... ::__ �..___ . ,. ..s+� . . . , .:. ...... .. .........-..,.... . - .. _.. ...,�..... ., .... .... . . . . . . . -t.. ....,__._:.... . .,... . . ..-:.�.... .. . .. ., ...._�--.... ,:,, .... . . . , . fA . . . . . . . . t . . �. ... . � . � . � . � � � . � . . . . � . � •� � This Resolution passed and o.clopted by the Ca.ty ,�, i Commission o�' the Gity of Clearvrater, Floricla, at its . me,etin� on the fixst day of TJove�aber, A. D. 1939. � �e%�iC�t> � T.�a* or�issio r .i - ��� City Tlanager ATTESTc ��/���jyy���/�.� / �fl% d.. ��/�✓ /� /:!/ J/(/✓.J� � . . G�=�` , A.�id�tor��and Glerk There bein� no further business, the meeting was adjourned. �--�',� - , r.�ay r-Commission r ATTLST: e '•,�; o��'c���'' /�f `��•���� Ci�y' 1�uds�or and Clerk � �i i I� . . ... . ;� . . I �