10/02/1939� _ `� I
a�zNv�rEs or � ra��rn�G �F � cz� cor�razss�oN•
The City Commissivn of the City of Clearrvater met at
the City H�l:. in. regular meeting assembled on the evening
c�f October 2nd, 1939 with the follovring members present;
E. B. Gasler, Jr., b�2ayar-Car�issioner
R, I.. Beker
R. A. Dsmpsey
Herbert Grice
W. W, Peeler
Absent: NONE ` �
' Miilutes of the previous meetings were read and
Mr, Albert Trussell addressed the Cormiission with r.eference
to allowing lar�e trucks to drive down For�c Harrison Avenus so
that they may b,e served at his filling station. He was assured
by the �ouunissioners thet the trucks would be allowed to tragel
by his station.
Mx. George Tornwall addresaed the Gommiseian concerning
. a donation to the High School Band. 3e suggested that the
City donate a�ity lot in the same manner in which �'ort
Myers �as dnnated a City lot to their band. The matter was
postponed Por further consideration.
' The City Manager read the fol.lowing letter:
To the Honorable City Commission
Glear�vater, Fla. �
' Gentlemen:
We, members oP t�e Clearwater Fire Department, -
requsst tha�t yot; agpoint Gordan Dicks as the third member
of 'the City of Clearwater FiremenTs Pe�sion Board,
Members o� the Clearwater Fire Dep't,
( signed ) L. B. 1�QARTIN , Chief.
Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded b� Mr. Baker and unanimously
carried ��hat Mr. Dicks be appointed. .
� , �Moved by Mr. Dempsey, aeconded by Mr, Baker and
unanimously carried that a transfer of � 4,000.00 from
the Gas and Water Fund to the Crenexal Fund on S�ptember .
30th be approved.
!�he City Manager presented a petition from two propert�
' owners on Cedar Street; asking that their propert� be inal.udad
in the Sev�;e�r Project. The City Eagineer stated that it
would aost approximately � 250�00 tC make these connections.
Moved by Mr: Deripsey, seeonded by Mr. Bakex and unanimously
aarried that �hP City �ngineer be instructed �o get an order
from the P. W. A. to includo this property in the Project.
Moved by �ilr. Dem��ey, seconded by Pdr. Baker and
unanimouslg aarried that the plat c�f City Park be accepted
and propexly eaeouted and filed Por record.
_ Moved by Mr. Peelers seconded by J'�'�� }�rslcer and
un�nimously carried that the County Commissioners be •
assured that the ri�ht-of way through W, H. Wolfe's
propert� Par the agtension of Missouri Avenue �11 be
secured, r����"ti J� ;��"z. �%Z� ,����
The City i�anager read a report ou Thomas Asbell,
who was �hot or� the night of February 5, 1939, by
Officer Tames Neal who fotuad Asbeil. attempting to �ob
the Fort.Harrison CaP9.
2�Roved by Mr. Baker, seaonded by Mr. Dempseg and
unanimously carried that the Pollowing Resolution be
BE IT RESOLVED by the C3ty Coffinissioners of the Gity
of Clearwater, Florida, in meeting assembled, that the
b2ayor-Com�nissioner be, and he hereby is, authorized to
enter into an agreement with the ATLANTIC COAST LINE
RA.SLROAD COIJ�ANY, and to sign same on behalf of said
� City, whereby the said Railroad Company �ives and grants
unto the said City t�e right and pri�gilege to lay and '
maintain, for 'the purpose of conducting water, a line of
2-inch galvanized iron pipe across.the right oP way a�id
- fi � under the tr�clss of the Railroad Company at Clearwater,
� Floridas at a po3.nt 83 feet southwardly, measured along
. �he cen�er line of the Railroad Qompany's znain track,
from mile post 134 (Yrom Sanford; as mare particularly _ `
described in said agreement, which agreement is dated
September 26, 193g.
PAjSSID AND ADOPTED by tha City Commission of the
j�rGity of Glearwater, Florida, this 2nd day of October, 1939�
Mayar- ssioner
C't Auditor an Clerk
. ,
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The C3ty A�torney presented a Rcasolution with
reference to:rightroP-way on the Kingston Propert�.
Moved by rdr. Dempsey, seconded by Nlr. Pee,ler and
unanimously carried that the Resolution be adopted
subject io approval o� the City Attorney.
Moved bp Mro Baker, s�conded byls4r. Peeler and
una'riimaualy carried that Zon.ing Ordinance # 452 be
pa3sad on its third and final xeading. It was decided
that the Zoi�ing Election be hel.d on the first Tuesday
in November.
There being no further business, the meetin�
was adjourned.
Mayor- issioner�—
r/If� ry.>?�.c�/��
C�tp AuditoT 8c Clerk.
WH�REAS tra�fio co:7gestion on the Clearwa�er Memorial
Causeway has ieada it necessasy and desirable that an
additional outlet for trafPio be provided at tho eaatern
entrance to the Causeway; and
WHIl3EAS �aid additional outlet can b�st be provided
bp extending Pierce Street in a northwesterly direaicion to
connect wiih the Causeway entrance; and
V�'HEEtEAS such extension of Fierce Street makea it;
necessary,for the City to abtain a right-af-wag �cross a
certain �ract o� land lying directlg north of Fierce Street
and known fis the Kingstoa Proporty, said land being owned
by Frank G. � Kingstan, Ethel. Myrtle Pimm, IvIabe� G. Kitchen,
and Allan Roy Kingston, hereinaPter xeferred to as the
Kingston Eieirs; and
ZNFIEREA,S the proposed right-of�vray has heretofore beeg
laid out by tha City Engi�ear and a plan submitted to the
Singston Heirs and appro;red by them; a�d
WHER�9.S the Kingston Heirs have agreed to convey qaid.
right-oP-way to the City in fee simple by warranty deed far
the sum of Two Thousand Dollars in ;ash, with the unde.r-
staading that no i�provement assessments shall be levied
against abut�hin,g groperty Por the cost oY paving or other
improvements to be plsced by the City on said right-of'-tivap;
WF�EA�S an expert appraisal made for the City by W. P.
Hunnicutt of St. Pstersburg indicates that said priae
represents the fair value of the ri�ht-of-tiva3► �to be conve�ed
to the City;
�.. Thai; the City Manager and �ity Auditor and Clerk be
and they are nereby authorized and directed to.draw the City°s
eheck for the sum oi 1'wo Thousand Dollars payable to the
Kingston Heirs, to be deli4e��d in re�;urn for a warranty deed
conveying to the City the right-of-way hereinabove described.
2. That no improvement assessments shall be levied
a�ainst the abutting property Por the cost o:� �th� paving
and sid.ewalk to �be ].aid by the City on tha said xight�of:�waye
. �. _. : ..._,. . :
3. T�at iP, in grading and opening the �igl�t-of-�uay
as a public street, the City Engineering Department Pinds
it nscessary to make a cut below the level oP abixtting
property, then the abutting praperty sha].l be progerly
supported, either by the erection oY a retaining wall or
otherwise; and the co�t of providin� such support shall
be borne 'by the Ci�ty and not assessed against abutting
4. That the pavement to be laia on the right-o�-
way shall hav� a:oncrete curo and gutter on each side
oP it, the �utter tr� be approgimately eighteen inches
wide and the curb approximately six inches high. The
Kin�ston Eeirs, or any subsequent owners o� the abutting
property, shall have the right to cut openings through
the curb, at their o�vn exnense, in order to provide turn-
outs for private drive-ways, roads or alleys leadin� 3nto
or out of the said right-o�-�vay.
This Resolution passed and adopted by the Citp
Commission of the City oP Clc;arwater, Florida, at its
regular meeting on the 2nd day of �etober, A. D, 1939.
�J�� ..�=r�P�i, —
�iaqor- mmission��
�ia�r/.lti ��� i'2 :�/j�
C��y Audit�r & Glerk
l '
,� �
TAIS AGREP�'�TT, Made and entered into this 26th day
of September, 1939 by and between the �.TLANTIC COAST LTNL�
RATLROAD C014�ANY, a oorporation oraat�d and organizad under
and by virtue o� the laws of the State of Virginia herein-
after ior convenience styled the Railr�ad Company, the first
part, and the City of Clearwater a muriicipal carporation under
the la�vs of �the State oi' �"lorida, the second partye
WITNESSETH. That the Railroad Company, for and in
consideration of the sum of' 0ne Dollar to it in hand paid
by the second party, the receipt whereoi is hereby acknow-
ledged, and the performance of the covenants hexeinaftsr
tontained on the part of �Ehe second paxty, does hereby
gice and grant unto the second party the right and privilege
to lap and maintain, for tae purpose of csonduoting wate;r, e
lina of �-ineh gaTvanized iron pipe aaross tha righ� of way
and under the �racks of the Railroad Campan� at Clearwater,
Florida, at a point e3 feet southwardly, measured along �he
cent,er line o� the Railroad GomFany's main track, from r�il�
post 134 (Prom Sanford); said line o£ pipe being at right
anglea with said cent�r line and being shown in red on the
blue print hereto attached and made a par$ hereof; said
pipe to be entirely under&round and appr�ximately 5 feet
below the �ase of rail oP said main track; the Railroad
Company's right o� way to be crossed by said pipe being
50 fee'� wide on each side of said center lina.
A�d the second party hereby covenants and agrees with
the Railroad Company in consideration�thereof, as Pollowss
(1) That the seeond party sha11 1ay and ma.inta:.n said
pipe in a manner satisfactory to the r,ngineer Maintienance of
Way oY the Railroad Company and so as not to interfere with
pipe ar ather structures now in place; and in the event that
the said pipe sha11 become in need v� repairs, the second
�artg aha13 repair same upon notice given by the safid
Engineer, a�.d upon the failure of the second party to make
such repairs, the RailroadlCompan.y may make all necessary
repairs, bu� at the cost of the second party, which saia
co�t the second party hereby agreea aud promises to pap
on demand.
� b�
(2) That the second party shall assume entire
responsioility for all damages caused in ang manner by
the sr�id pipe �o the property or emplayees oi the Rail-
road Co�upany or to any other person or property; snd that
the second party shall protect and save har,nlesa the Rai1-
road Company from any and �.a.i a��eg_ana ios9es: �au�ea
in ang manner from the said pipe, howe�er resulting.
(3) Th��t the seco*i�l party wi11 ai an� time, upon
thirtg daqs written not3ce given by the Railroad Compan�y, •
change end alter the location oP said pipe to conform to
any changes or improvements that may be made by the Rail-
road Company in its tracks or roadwag at said location.
It is expressly understood and agreed that no
assessment shall be made sgainst the RaiZro�.d Company to •
cover the cost (or any part thereoP) oP construction and/or
maintenance oP said pipe i�.cluding material, labor and eny
other �tem of expense incident thereto.
{4) That the second part will pay to the Railroad
Comp�ny, ou bills rendered by the Railroad Qompany, the �u11
amount of all cost a�.d e�pense which may be in.curred by the
Railroad Gompany in protecting its track or tracks by dri4ing
pilin� or by other means while said �aipE is being placed
It is understQod and agreed that this contract shall
no� be binding until it has been rati�i�d by proper ordinanc�
or resoiusion oP the City Commissioners of the second party,
a copy of whie'� �esolution ox ordinance is attached hereta
and made part of this agreement.
IN WITNESS G'VHER�OF� The t�ailroad Company has caused
this agreement to be signed in duplicate by its proper
officer; and the second party has caused the sar�e to be
signed by its Mayor, attested by its Clerk, and approved
and ra�tified by its City Commissioners in session at a
duly au�horized and called meeting of said body/and its �
Qorporate seal affixed on the day and year first abnve
by: {seal)
BY (signed) E. B. CASLER, JR,
r?ayor-Co�nis sioner
� Attes�:� � � ��
BX �signed) J'. FRArTIS HA]`�TC�
_ ,
ti ' ;rY
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�^' TY�e City Commission oP the City of' Clearwater met
"`'" at the City Hall on the afternoon oi October 4th, 1939,
� in Specia].h2eeting assembled, with the following merabers
E. B. Casler, J'r> , I�ayor-Comtuissioner
R. L. Baker
R. A. Dempsey
rfr. Ali'red `�1.I+arshall, Chairman oP the Zoning Board, �
discussecl the matter:oP zoning of building lines on beach
� front property and recommended that publicatior of Zoning
Ordinance � 452 be roostpaned until the Zoning Board can
examine it further.
h�oved by IiIr. Baker, seconded by L�r. Denpse� and
unanimously carrie�. that Z�ning Ordinance � 452 not be
published on Thursday, October 5th as prEviously arrang�d.
Moved by IvIr. 'Dempsey, seconded by i;2r. Ba_ker and
unani:nously carried that I�r. I�eo Butler's recommendation
be accepted and the follov,�.ng Resolution be adopted;
WF�ftEAS, the �bersbach Constructic,n Company is rsaking
every effort to com_plete the contract at the earliest possible
moment, and
N�EAS, the Appxoved Contract Documents signed by the
Ebersbach Cons�ruction Company, the City oP Cleart,vater, and
approved by the Public Vlorks Administration, �et forth a
enmpletion date of December Z2, and
WI�REEIS, the of�er received from the government on
Doeket No. Fla, 1106-F sets Porth that construction shall
, be completed by December Z, 1939,
NOW, THEREFOR�, BE TT RESOLO'ED by the City Commmission
of the City of Clearwater, Florida, as i'ollow�:
Section 1: That the conpletiom date on Contract No. 6,
� Florida Sewer Egtensions and Improvements, Fla. Doeket 11G6-F,
� IClearwater, Florida, be extended from December l, 1939, to
December 22, 1939.
1 . . �. . � . � . . � . . � . . . . . . .. �.
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Section 2; That F, L. Hendrix, C3ty Manager, is
hereby authorized and directed to grant said extension
oi timo for, and on behalf of, the City Commissione
PA,SSID ANJ) ADOPTED by the City Commission of the
City of Glearwaters Florida; this 4th day oP October, 1939.
i�Co�-.i /
�ayo - ormnissio r
_�/ (� ,��
Ci�% Audit�r an Clerk
There being no further business, the meeting was
� �
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___� `�°l�iZ�%L :C�„ ���e
C�ty Auditor and Clerk.
� �� �
T�e Zoni�g Board of the City og Clearwater met at
the City Hall on the afternoon of Ooto�er 4�h, 1939 with
the followin� meiabers presentt
A_. P. Marshall, Chairman
4"J. L. .Alley
W. G. Blair
L. S. Ruder
Moved by Mr. Alleg, seconded by Mr, Blair an.d
carried that the Zoning Board having found discrepancies
in the Zoning Ordinance, request the City Co�ission to
postpon� publishino same until they can exanine it Purthar
or else bE relieved of all responsibility for prov�sions
of the Ordinan�ceo
Th�re being no further business, the meeting was
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