09/25/1939_ � _ , '�. �� � MINUTES OF THE RREETING OF TAE CITY CflI�1P1I:LS8I0N The City Commission of the City of Clearwa�ter net in '�` regular meeting assem:bled at the City Hall on the evening � of September 25th, 1939, witih the follow3.ng m�mbers present: E. B. Cc�sler, Sro, Mayor-Commissioner R. L. Baker R. A, Dempsep W. W. Peel�r • Absents Herbert Grice Minut�s of the two previous meetings were rsad and approvedo The City Mana�er preaented gaeol3ne bids, The Orange State Motor Campang's bid oY � 0.1493 per gallon net for entire period oY bid being thz lowest and was accsepted, The City �4anager read a letter Yrom Mr. Alfred Marshall, with rePerence to removal o� curb on �rause _ property. �oved by Phr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanim,ously carried that the Gii.y Attoxney instr uc� the Citg Engineer not to move tha curb on this pr,opertg. Tack and Warren presented a cheek for $ 500000 in se�G�lement caf all City t�es end improvement Iiens on Lots 1 through 18 inrlusive and 16 through 23 inclusive in B1ock 4 of Aiken4s Subdi.vision �through and includi ng tages Por 1938 and on the North'57.6 Yeet oP Lots 1 through 8 inclusive in Block 4 of Magnolia Park through and including taaes for 1939. Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Nlr. Baker and unanimausly carried that the offer be accepted. The City Man�ger presented a lettex Prom Mr. J. P. Da�idson with reference to egahenging the City certaia lots in Magnolia Park for the release of taxas aad � improcement liens on csrtain other lots in RRagnolia Park. The ofYer was referred to the Tax Committee.. Moved by Mr. Peelor, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that Ordinance ��53: AN ORDINANCE ASB�'SSING AND IMPOSING ON EVERY INStTRANCE COMPANY, CORPORATTON, OR 0`if�R INSUROR NOW,�NGAGED IN OR CARRYING r ON� OR WHO SfiALL �EREAi'TER ENGAGE aT OR CARRY QN, �THE � BUSINESS OF INSLk2ING PROPERTY AGAINST I�OSS OR DADdAGE BY F'IRE O1`t TORNADO, AN EKCISE TAX 2N ADDITTON TO ANY LICENSE ti _. .._..w _ . � __ _ . . __ _._ � _ . _. . . _ _ _ . _ _ � _ _ `_ .. ._ _..., �._��.� :._ ��._ � � � � � `� OR �CZSE TAX NOW I,EVIED AMOUNTING TO ONE PII2Cfl�IT OI� THE GROSS AMOIINT OF RECEIPTS OF PRP�ILIt�S FROM POLICY HOLDERS ON ALL PRE2IQIUMS COI�LECTZD ON FIRE AND TOFtNADa INS[TRANOE POLICIES COVERING PROPEl�'I'Y WITHTN THE CORPORATE y2MITS Og THE CTTY OF CLEARWATEF� 1�.ND APPROPRIATING '�'HE MONIES I?�RIVED FROM SUCFi TA% TO TFlE RIEtT'•Is2EDT' S RELIEF' AND PENSICN FUND be passed on its fi.rst reading: Fire Chief Luke Martin stated that al1 Clesrwater Firemen were 3n favor of the Ordinance. The City I�ax�ager brought to the attention of the Commission that the Citg I,icensa Ordinance will have to be gone over and revised for the �oming License Year. The Mayor suggested that a Sppcial Meeting be helcT Thazrsdag aiternaon at two otclock for this purpoae. Mpved by NIr. Dempsey, seeonded by Idir. Baker and unanimously oarried that the iollowing Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION TO WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION REQIIESTING THE OPENTNG Ok' CITY'V1IDE STRE�T IINPROVIIJfENT PRO�"ECT AND DESIGNATIrIG THIRD IT�dS FOR INIPROVr'�VfENT. WHEE�EAS, the Works Progress Administration has approved W. P. A. State Project ,� 52-30810, Countg Serial ,�52-7-A-198, providing Yor grading, paving- re--paving, t widening, draining, beautiPying and otherwise improving various street� throughou� the City oP Clearwater, and P]HF�2EAS, it was stipulated in the pro ject that no work would be done nn any project except on resolution by the City Couneil approved by the Area and State Wm Po A. APficas, �nd WHERrAS, it is the desire of the City Gouncil td begin work immedia�Gely on this projeot, � NOW, THERF�'ORE, S� IT RESOLVED that work be co�xended ' on the follo�nring streets: Item Description Work vo be done 1. C1ear anci grub streets as gallows: Tuskawil.la, i'rom the A. C. L. line, east 600°. On "Aft Street, Prom the Glear, grub, and fi1.1 A, C. L, spur line, 750' east. and grade to level, and Park Zane, from "A" Street, ta Tus- ditoh drain. kawi.11a Street, parallelling the { A. C. Z. spur line, a distance oP 450'a 2, Remove.bricic, clean, ' `.. widen road-be�:, to 60', Repair and relag brick pavement regrade, lime-rock base C1eve�and Street Pram Garden Ave. 5" thick. Replace brick to :viyrtle At�enue. and cement �ntire sur- Yaae. Total length:820' i. i f Item Description V'7orY, to be done 3. Cit?�wide street tri.mmin�, grading, Trimming, edging, and general beautifying o� City grading and general Streets., be'autiiying streets and gutters and streets as listed; Orange A�renue, Druid Road, Bay Avenue, Oak A�ensae, JePi'ords Stree�, Zotus Path, Magnolia Avenue, Jaemine Wap, Ft. Harrispn, Avenue, Total len�th 59,000 lineal Yeet9 PASSID AND ADOPTED by the City Commi.asion af the City oP Clearwater, I'l�arida, this 25th day of Septemb�r, ,1939. � � � Mayor�C missioner ATTEST• � �.r/lv .-y�vl�/�f C',�y Auditor and Clerk 'Phere being no �urther business, the:meeting �vas adjourned. i Mayor ssio� ATTEST: - �������..�,���-�� Ci�y Auditor and Clerk . 1 1 ; �Z �v MINUT'�S OF THE MEETING OF THE CTTY CONIMISSION The City Coumiission of the City oi Clearwater met in a Speeial Meeting at the Citg Hall at two o'clock on 1-,he afternoon o� Septembe� 28th, 1s39 with the Yollowing members present: E. B. Cas].er, Jr., Mayor-Commissioner R. Z. Baker R: A. Dempsey Herbert Grica W. VJ. �=eeler Moved by Mr. Dempseg, seeondad by Mr. Grice and unanimously eerr3ed that the portion. of C�.earwater Beach on north side of Causeway Boulevard pl.atted as Lot 6, of ' City�Park Sub, be dedicated for park purposes, ef'Pective when Mr. John S. Tayl�r, J'r. r3eeds to the City a thir�y Yoot st�rip on south �ide of his property Por street purposas. Nlcsve� by Mr. Griae, seconded by Mr. Peeler and unanimous3.y carried th�t Ziaense Ordi�ance � 454 be passed on its first reading., Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Heaipsey �n.d unan�.mously oarried that the :ules be waived and ths Ordin,9nce bs passed �n its second read�eng b;� title only; AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIriTG FQR AND FI�ING TH� AMOUNT OF , CERTAIN OCCIIPATIONAL, BUSZNESS AND PROFESSIONAL I,ICEDiSES FOR THE CITY OF CLEAR��IATEEt, FI,ORIDA, AND PRUVTDING A I'ENALTY rOR FAILIIRE TO COMPZY TfiER�WITH. Mo�ed bg Mr. Peeler, seeonded by Mro Dempsey and unanimously carried that the rules be v�aived and Ordinance � 454 be gassed on its third and final reading. There being no %urther business, the meeting was adjourned. ��� t� ` b2ayox- 2issione _ ATT�a°I' • ,/ . � r � � , ; � . . C;i����. ���n��` C�y Auditor and Clerb �, �F � � � � � ,_ _ 1' __ � � aAttot SPECIpL ELECTI(k�3 CITY OF CLEARWATER� FLORIDFI SEPTEMBER 27th� 1938 Shall tl�e City of Glear«�ater, Floricla, issue Se�t*er Revenue Certiflcates in tl�e Ag�regate priucipol ainount of �i272,0�0.OQ daied 0'etober 3, 2�J38, in the denomir.aiion of $4,OOO,dO eacI�, bearin; interest �,t the rate Uf four per centum (�r%) per annuin payahle semi-annually on Octt�ber 2 and Api•il 1 of eacl� year, maturing serially in the amount of: $ 2,000.00 on October 1 in each of t�ie years 2940 to 7.944, inclusive; 4,000.00 on October i in each of the' years 1J42 to 49�3, incIusii�e; 6,OOOAO ozi October 1 in each of the yeui�s 194� to 19�x7, inciusive; 7,000.00 �n October 4 in each of the years 4948 to 4951, inclusive; 8,OOO.QD on October 2 in eacl� of the years 4�J52 to ��J54, inclusive; 9,000.00 on October 1 in the year 1955; 20,000.00 on October � in ihe year L95�; 14,000.00 on October 1 in the year 1957; 42,000.00 on October 1 in each of iF�e years 4�J5S to 4959. in.lusive; 43,000.00 on October 4 in each of tlie years 49�0 to 1�J61, inclusive,- 1�,000.00 on-0ctober 4 in each of the years 49G2 to i�J54, inelusive; 45,O�G.00 on Ociober 4 in eacl� of the years 2965 to 1�J66, inclusive; 46,000.00 on October 4 in each of the years 4�J�7 to 4968, inclusive; for the purpose of aiaing in Financin� the cost of construction of a Sanitary Se�vertige System. Such Sewer Ii,evenue Certificates to be payable solely from and secured by a pledge of the gross income and re�enue of f,he Sanitary Se.verage S3=stem aFter pro- vision for the payment of all operating costs o£ such System. � For Sewer Revenue Certificates; � I Ag¢inst Sevver Revenue Certifieates. DIIi,ECTIOIYS T0 VG'�EIi,B: IF you are in Favor of the City issuing tue Sewer 13evenue Certi- ficates place an ``X" mttrk in the space to the left of ihe words "For Sewer Revenue Certificates." If you are not in favor of tke City issuing the Sewer Revenue Certificates place a,n "X" mark in the space to the left of the words ``Against Sewer R.evenue Certificates." �