08/15/1939s � r y. ! � L�" � , .. � � i � PdIN[TTE$ OF THL� M�ETING �F THE CT!FY CODlIIt2ISSI�N 3 � The Gity Cou�ission o3 the Citg oY Clearwater met in Speoial Mesting aseembled at the Cit�•?ia1T on the eveTling oY , Aug�st 15th, 19Z9 with the �ollowing members present: E. B. Caeler, Jr., Mayor-Ca�i.ssioner R. A, Dempsey Herhert Grioe �bseni: R. L. Bakar PT. W. Peeler The Yollowfnr� persons �vexe appoi�ted to serve on the Electrioal Board: Gu,y 0. Parker Plilliam J. Lester Sumner R. Lorve There being no i'urther bnsinesa, the meeting waa ad. j ourned. �r / t�ia�ror-Commis aioaer � Atteat: � � �;�'y�2��''�7 ' Gi�t,` Auditor and C1erk ; _ _ __ _.. .,.._.�:.:»..._..,_-�:_......�.. . ..._ . _. .. � _. __.n..,i � � � ' MIN[TTES OF THE M�E'PING OF THE CITY COMMISSI�JN � � The Oi�y Commiasion ef the Citg o� Clearwater met in ,. , � , regu3ar meetin� aesembled at the City HaZ� on the evenin,g o� ' Av.guat 21st, 1939, with the �ollc,wing members preaent: �� . .~�' L. B. Ce��ler, Jr. , I,3agor-Commisgioner -' � a R. L. Baker �, � � R. A. Dempe6g �' Herbort Grioe Absent: �I. P7. Peeler BQinutea o� �he previou� meeiing were read and approned. ' Ray E. G�een asked the Commi.seion Yor a donation o� � 100.40 to the local PTelfare Board so that the moet needy persone could be recerti�i�d and retuimed to the Reliet Rol3. Moved by Ntr. Griae, seconded by I�ir. Baker and una.nimously carried that the reqnest be granted. Mr. Ziglar addressed the Commiseion with re�er;ena� to lee.sing a strip e�� land 40 Yeet by 100 �eet noxth o� E�reringham's Pav�lion �or the uae as an opan air bowling alley. The Oo�mni.srsion was no$ in �avor of leasing the �' land for any purpose. � Mr. Brumby aske� permisaioa to sublease a portion a3 his property leased irom the City and v.sed as the Marine �• Ways to Mr. Stoutamire. Mr. Stautamire is to ereot a `} building on this property which will Qoat approzimat�l� � 1,000.00. Mo�ed b� Mr. Baker, second.ed by h2r. Grioe and unaaimonsly oarried that p ermission be granted witFi the stipulation that su�'�icient inauranae be carried to oaver the build�.n�. Movad by flR,r. Grice, seoonded by Mr, Dempsey and v.nanimonaly o�rried that the sa.m o� � 150.00 be loaned to the Ye�erans o� Foreign Plars �or the purpose o� de�rayin� �xpenae o� returning their Softball Tea�n to C].earwater. This loan is to be repaid as soon as possible. ARoved b� l�r. Dempsey, aeoonded �r Mr. Grioe and unanimously carried that a trans�er o� � 3,000.00 �rom the Gas and Water F�.ind to thd Gener�sl �ind 'oe appraved. Tha City Manager reported to the Commissioaers that he had/leased the store b�ilding owned by the ;ity on �iorth l Fort Harrison Avenue to Mr. Burnice Hamiltoa �o r� period oS , three years at � 4Q.A0 per month. , tdovzd '�y RSr. Gritse, seoonded �y lt7r. Dempsey ana unan�mou9i�• aarried that the lease be .. approved. . � . . . . � � . . . i . � � . � � � . . ,.. ` ! .. .. . ..�R .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .... . .� . . . . . . . .� . . . . . .�\ � ' � � . � �oQea b� mr. Grima, Seoonaea by n�c. �en�p�e� �na unanimously oarried that the rales be waive& and Zoning Ordinanae � 4b2 be pasaed on ita aeuond reading by title only. A Couuni.t•Cse oomp4sed o� the Ciiy .B.ttorney, R. 1�. Demp�ey and Leo Butler wsa appointed to eon�er with Captain I�owe to work out a lease on �Ir. Lowe'g progosed yacht basin. The �ollowing tax adjuatments were apprevsd: I,ot 6 Bioak J o� Lakeview Heights �or � 40.00, Lot 65 a� Glenwood for � 60.00, and that $ 50.00 be aoaepted �'or assignment o� taa sale oertifiaates an Lot 1 Biook ]. of 4ti. F. Hughey's � �1'!. �.�u�/ Subdivision; an@ sa�.e oi'' Lot 7 Bloak C o� Belleview Court to Mack Roberts �or � 55.00. There being no �urther businesa, the meetixig evas a�ijourned. , � r ayor omm ss o r Attest: F `9�� � 1/ � � 'Ql�'�9 i� ���sy'yl'G0%� � C��t� Auditor and Clerk. S � ' � � E I Y � � ! �_. � Y ' ��,. . . . � m 0 _ . , .> i� ,� .I � � � r� `I , , MINtJTES OF' T13E PlI'EETING OF THE CITY CO�,'AdIS�ION � The Cit� Coffini:.ssion oY the City of Clearwater met in ' regular meeting assembled at the City Hall on the evening oi Septsmber ll, 1939, with the following membera pre$ent: R. L. Bakr�r, Acting �Ifayor-Commissioner R. A. Dempsey W. W. Peeler Absent; E. B. Casler, Jr., I,Ifayor�Commissioner Herbert Gx�il9e � The Commi��ee composed o� the City Attornep, R. A. Dempsey an.d Leo Butler pres�nted a Zeass which �hey had drawn between Captain B. A. Lowe and the City of Clearwater, for lease of the Yacht Basin. Moved by bir. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and unanimously carried that the lease be executed. Moved bg l�llr> �eeler, seconded by 1�Ir. Dempsey and unanimously carrie�, that an ofPer oi' � 200.00 made by Mr. Wo E, Ricks for Lot 10 Bloek 23 of Magnolia Park be rejec�edo A petition requesting that the City 3nclude repairs to the sidewalks on Seminole Street from �Pine Avenue to Pennsylzania Avenus and on Pennsylvania 4venue Yrom Sem3.nole , Stree't to Plicholson Street 3.n a WPA Project, ivas presented and was referred to the City Manager. The �ity l�danager opened bids on machinery in the ,Fi�h Plant, The Bid of Dave Gordon & C�mgany guaranteeing the sum of � A,500�00 to be paid o�,or before �anuary 1st, 1940r being the highest and best bid was accepted, Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the resignation of Mro Fa C. Picker, a member of the Zoning Foard, be aceept�d. I4loved by Mr. Poeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carr3ed that the trarisfer of � 2,500.00 on August 30�h, from the Gas and Water �nd ta the General Fund be appr�ved. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and unani�.ously caz�r3ed that the reeammendatioa of h�r. H. It2o � Turnburke that the�fiscal year be changed �rom 112ay first � to July Pirst be aooepted. Authority was grantod allowing the budget to carry a praportianate overdraft to take care �, of the o�erating eapense of the �ity Por the egtra two months. t' �ill gasoline bids were rejeoted. i ', 4� ; . � . . . . - 3- .. °'r4h . ��. r. . . _.�.a... . . . . . � � . . � . . . , � , � , ...,� . . !� i: � � � � ,. r � A�ioved by I�ir. Peelsr, seconded by rdr. Dempsey and unanimously oarried that Mr. S. C. Coachman be appoin'ted to fill the facancy on the Park Soard. Moved by Ivtr. Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and unanimously carried that the following Resolution 'be adopted; RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissioners of the City of Glearwater, Florida in meoting assembled, that the Mayor- Go�issioner be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement with the ATLANTIC COAST I�INE RAILRQ.AD GOMPANY', and to �ign sam� on behalf of said City, whereby the said Railroad Compaay gives and grants uritn the said Gity the right and privilege to lay and maintain for the purpose o� city sewers, two lines of ca�t iron pi.pe across the right of way and underneath the main trsek of the Railroad Company in the City oi Clearwater, �lorida, as follows: (a} A li�e of 8 inch pipe at a pAint 2215 feet southeast- wardly, measurQd alon� the cer.ter line of said tracli, Prom mile post 135 (from S�ford); {bj A line oP & inch pipe at a point 370 Peet southeast- wardly, measured along said center line ir�om mile post 136 (from Sanford). As more particularly described in said agreement, dated J'uly 29th, 1939. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Conunission of'the City of C�earwater, Florida, in meeting assembled this 1Zth dag of S�ptember, 1939e �, � Mayor�CouIInissione Attest; % /� "1 Ciiiy Auditor and Clerk There being no further busin�ss, the m.eeting was adjou�ned. � Magor- issione �' 0 Attest: i L ����1 irfty Aud:.tnr and Cierk � ,...: . � . � � � ., ,�;_,..�..�...._.d ,�_..,._ ..j..�.._�.._.... � ..._,,._.._.._... ... .., _..._._ ..�.,...: ..... . ._ ........_ . . . . � .._a.---�_,i .... ..... .. .�..... _..... ... . . � �.._:.,-.-..._..__.J4-.- .:..._ ........ . ...... ., _.�_....._� LEAS� �S AGxEIIi�IE[�T made and entered into this llth dag of Beptember, 1939, by and betweeri CITY OF qLEARWATER, a municipal corporation existing under the laws oP the State o� Florida, hereinafter called the Lessor, and �3. A. I,OVJE, J. C. HF..[�TDEI;SON, 8nd I,ELA HE�TDERSON, hereinaPter called the Lessees, witnessath: That the Lessor, Por an.d in consideration oP the paymente provided to be made by t}�e Lgssees, and the covenants herein contained by the Lessee� to be kept and performed, and upon the terms and conditions an.d Por the purppses herein set Porth, does hereby lease and let to the Leasees the following described property located in Pine11a3 County, Florida, to-wits • Begin at Northeast corner oi tract oP land on Cauaeway Blvd. leased to Harry P. Talbot under date of August 7th, 1935; run thenee East along South Iine of the street whieh is described ae a line parallel to and 15 Peet South of the edge o� the pa�emont oP Causeway Blvd. 340 �eet Por point o� be�inning; thence Suuth 25 Peet; thence West 140 feet, thence South 200 feet; thence East 350 Peet; thence North 200 Peet; thence West 190; thence North 25 feet; thence 1�Ves� 2� fee�t ta point oP beginnix�g. �or a period of ten years from the Sirst day o� Januarg, 1940 Por the total rental of Three Thausand Dollars (� 3,000.00) payable at the rate oP � 25.00 par month, the first payment to be made o�,the first day of January, 1940, and subsequent payments to be made on the �irst day of each month thereafter. The terms and condit�ons of this lease and the mutual oovenants and obligations oP the parties hereto shaZl be as iallows: l,. Lessees agree that they will, at their own. expense, improve the lea3ed property in aceordance with certain plans and specifications heretofore pxepared by the Lzssees and accepted by the Lessor, which plans and specifications are by reference incorporated herein and made a part oY this agree�ent. These improvements include dredging operation.s tn deepen the water along the snore Pront adjacent to the leased property, erection oP a bulkhea�, iilling in of lend behind the bulkhead, and the ere:;tion of a large doek or pier, with a bui].ding thereon, and slips to provide dooking space Por small boats. The I�essees agree to spend not less than Forty-Five Hundred Dollars in making these improvements, and to submit to the I,essor receipted bills or other evidence showing that said amoun� of moneg has been expended by them. I,eessees �gree to eos�ence said improvements as soon as possible after the egecution of this leasa, and to complete. them �s soon as possible. If said improvements are not oompleted-on or bePore June lst, 1940, the Lessor shall thereupon have th e right to cancel this lease. 2. It is understood thet the main purpose in tue Lessees in leasing the above descxibed propertyand makin� improvemen.ts �hereon is to prov�de docki�eg space for small b�ats; anrl Zessees agree �hat thep will kzsp said docking space available Yor use by any boat oViner, subject to the paymen� of doak rentai:s charged by the Lessees, snd that they will not disoriminata against anp boat owner in �the matter of pro�ida.ng docking space. 3., LesRees agree thst during ti�e term of this lease they will keep the dooks, buildings, buYktieads, and o�her improve- ments on the leased property in a proper state of repaid, and will kaep saia improvements i.nsured against fire Par their full insurat�le value. Upon the expixation or cauotll- ation of this lease, either by lapse of time or othQr�ise, aZ1 improvements on the leased property shall become the property of th'r� Lessor. 4. I,sssor agrees �hat it will not levy, ,assess, colleot, orrattempt to collect �ny municipal. ad �alo�rum taaes on the leased property while this lease remains ia f.orceo I,e�sees agr�e that they will pay all State and County taxes that may be levied or assessed against the lease� property during the term of this lease, and �hat they will aot pex�it anp State or County taxes to beoome delinquent. 5. If at enp time during the term of this lease the City Coimni�sion o� the City o£ Clearwater shall determi.ne that the leased property is needed for muniaipal piarposes, then and thareupon the I,assor sha1.1 have the right to aancseZ this lease upon giving the Lessees sixty days notiae in writing. Delivery of suoh notiae to any one oF tha I.essees shall be sufYioient to bind sll of them. But in the evont that the Les�or ahall invake this olstise and cancel this lease before the egpiration oi its terui, then the �essor shall reimbursa the Lassees for the value o� the improve- ments'placed on the property by the Lessees, said value to be determined by receipted bills and other satisfa�tory evi3ence submitted by the Lessees showing the actual amount of mon�y expended by them in making said improvements. If this lease is canaelled by the Lessor on or befoxe Deoember 31st, 1�42, then Lessees shall be reimburyea Por the full vaZue of said improvements. It shall be considered that the value of tl2e irsprovements wiil depreaiate 10°� per vear co�encin� with the �'ear 1943; and if th�s lease i� canoelled on or after January lst, 1943, �he amount to be pa�.d tho Lessees as reimbursement shall be sub;je��t to a deduction or discoun� of 10% per pear Por each yea� or portion of � year that this loase remains in foroe after �anuary lst, 1943. 6. Lessees oovenant that any busi�ess or busines�ss carried on by them on the leased property will be conducted in such a m.�er as �ot to constitute a nu�?sa.�ae; and if the leased pr�opertg, or any business or businesses condueted thereon by the Lessees or anyone under thair authority° shall be declared to be a nuisanae by the Courts of the �tate of F]:orida, �h�n and in that event the Lessor sha1l have the right to cancel this lease. 7. In the event that the Less�es disire to erect a filling statio�. or install gasoline pumps an the leased proper�cy or any part thereol ior the pUrpose of selling gasoline or other petroleum products, i�t is specific�zlly agreed and understood that n� �uch filling statian will be ereeted or gasoline sold in violation of a.ny af the provisi�ns contained in a certain Iease entere� 3nto between the City oP Clear�n�ater and Tames Talbot on the seventh day of August, 1935. If any gasoline is sold b� the Lessees on. the ].eased propert�, 'then Lessees ahall p�y to the Zessor� a� �:aait�onal rental, the sum of one�half cenit per gaZlon for each gallon of gasoline sold. The Zessees sha11 furnish to the I,essor, on or �efore the lOth of each month, a sworn statement oi the amount of gasoline. sol.d during the preceding month, together with a oheck Por the amov.nt o� additional rental due computed on the said basis of one-half cent per gallon. 8. If, upon the expiration of the term of this lease, the Lessor is willing to re-lease the propertg hereinabove described to any private individual or corporatioa, then the Lessees shall be entitle3 to pr•eference in obtaining a nev� lease, pravided that thep make an ofier equal to or be�ter than axy other bona fide affer made by �n:y other private 3.nciiv'!dual or corporation. This provision shsll not be construe3 to require the Lessor to re-Tease tha property to anyone; and if en.y question arises �s to whether an�r oYfer submitted by the I,essees is equal �o or better than any other offer made by any other individual o� corporation, the deeision oP the City Comm3ssion,of tl� City of Clearwa�ex shall be Pinals � 9. The Lesse�s shall not assign th3s lease nor sub-Ze-t any part of t?�e leased premises without the written consent of the Zessor. But thiE progision shall nat prevent the Lessees fram renting boat-slips without the consent of the Lessor. 10. Lessees hereby eovenant that i� default ahall be made in �he payment of the rent as aforesaid, or if the Lessees shall vialate any oP the covenanta of this leese, and such dePault shall continue for thirty days or more, � then the Lessees shall become tenants at suffran.cse, hereby waiving all right of noti.ce, and the Lessor shall be entitled immediately to re-enter and re-take possession of the leased premises. `VT�T_�iF'SS our handg and seals at Clearwater, Florida, this llth da� of September, 1939. ATTEST: . � ,/.tyi1/%(� l�/�ir :� Gi��Auditor and C1erk. �. _. .r _ . ^� � � CITY OF CZEARPIATII2 by: Actin� Pdayor-Commissioner � � J